Abingdon Press Spring & Summer 2016 Catalog - Church Publishing

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newcomers, with a host of discussion resources that help readers to dig deep. .... conclude each chapter, engaging reade

Spring & Summer 2016

Environment  The Episcopal Church 

A Faith for the Future  Church's Teachings for a Changing World: Volume 3  JESSE A. ZINK   l l

Interactive, accompanied by online materials.  Author is a popular blogger and scholar who has traveled the world listening to Anglicans talk about God. 

The New Church’s Teaching series has been one of the most recognizable and  useful sets of books in the Episcopal Church. With the launch of the Church’s Teachings for a Changing World series, visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to write a new set of books, grounded and thoughtful  enough for seminarians and leaders, concise and accessible enough for newcomers, with a host of discussion resources that help readers to dig deep. This third volume introduces Episcopal theology with the question "Can you capture the good news of Jesus Christ in a tweet?" Author Jesse Zink thinks so: “You are loved with a love unlike anything else—now, go show that love to others. #grace." Oceans of meaning lie under each word, and his new book welcomes readers into those depths. 

9780819232595   $14.00 Paperback 5 x 7 112 pages January 2016 Religion / Christianity

Each chapter takes a different aspect of Christian faith—God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Creation and Humanity, Baptism, Church, Eucharist, Mission, and the Hope of the World to Come—and links history and tradition with real world experience.   JESSE ZINK is a priest of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts and director of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide in Cambridge, England. A former missionary in South Africa, he is the author of two previous books on theology, mission, and the global church (Grace at the Garbage Dump and Backpacking through the Anglican Communion). Follow his work and thoughts at www.jessezink.com.

Related Reading  The Episcopal Way 

The Episcopal Story 

Church’s Teachings for a Changing World Series: Volume 1 

Church's Teachings for a Changing World Series: Volume 2 

In this foundational text for the Church's Teachings for a  Changing World, Law and  Spellers explore shifts in  American life and the opportunities and challenges each presents to the church today. With passion, creativity, and wisdom, the authors call for a return to Episcopal basics and insist that faithfully engaging a changing world might be the most truly Anglican practice of all. 

Seminary dean and popular blogger Tom Ferguson traces the history of Christianity, from the first followers of Jesus to the present, with a special focus on the birth of the Anglican Communion and the development of The Episcopal Church. Join and explore how we got here and where we might just be going. 


9780819229601  $14.00 Paperback




9780819232212 $14.00  Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 

The Episcopal Church 

Church Meets World  Church's Teachings for a Changing World: Volume 4  WINNIE VARGHESE   Next generation of classic Episcopal Teaching Series.  Accessible for newcomers and adults; content for church leaders and seminarians.  l Interactive, accompanied by online materials.  l Topics and approach relevent to today's issues.  l l

The New Church’s Teaching series has been one of the most recognizable and  useful sets of books in the Episcopal Church. With the launch of the Church’s Teachings for a Changing World series, visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to revitalize the series with fresh voices and style, making it grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians and leaders, yet concise and clear enough for newcomers. 

9780819232717 $14.00 Paperback 5 x 7 112 pages June 2016 Religion / Christianity 

A leading thinker and vibrant presence at the intersection of church and world, Winnie Varghese explores the “what”, “how”, and “why” of Episcopal engagement with contemporary social issues. Like the master of the household in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 13:52) who “brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old,” Varghese leads readers to discover theological resources from generations past and how they help to guide our action around thorny issues like racial justice, gender and sexuality, economic disparity, definitions of “family,” the environment, and much more.   Winnie Varghese serves as Priest and Director of Community Outreach at historic Trinity Episcopal Church Wall Street in New York. She is a popular blogger on Huffington Post and gained respect for her work as rector of St. Mark's in the Bowery, a diverse, progressive church in New York. She is the chair of the board of The Episcopal Service Corps and leads social action efforts at the national and local levels. She has also served on The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church and as voting secretary of General Convention. 

Related Reading  Welcome to the Episcopal Church 

People of the Way 

An Introduction to Its History, Faith, and Worship 

Renewing Episcopal Identity 



An introduction to the Episcopal Church's history, structure, and beliefs. The perfect book for  adult newcomers and adult  education classes. 

Addresses the church-wide conversation on Anglican identity and mission: who are we and why are we here? Includes discussion questions for use in small group studies or individual study. 

9780819218209  $16.00 Paperback


9780819220905 $18.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Spirituality 

Falling into Grace  Exploring Our Inner Life with God  JOHN NEWTON   A focus on the Christian spiritual life from the perspective of grace, not works.  l Popular new and emerging author.  l Study guide included for personal or small group reflection.  l

Jesus was quite clear that we must lose our life before we find it. This book gives a hopeful and realistic look at what losing our life entails, articulating how “growth” in the Christian life is not our ascent to God but the process by which our eyes are opened to the beauty God has already given to us. It is a book about descending into God, and into our own inner depths, about the deep waters of the Christian faith. “Put out into the deep and let your nets down for a catch.” (Luke 5:4)  We live in a world that values productivity and success, and we vainly imagine that God expects us to be spiritually productive and successful, too. It doesn’t  matter how much we talk about grace, our conversation is often narrowly focused on what we need to do for God—so much so that we often block the work God longs to do in us. This book does not articulate God’s work as a process by which we become spiritually strong, but rather as the process by which we embrace our weakness as the place where we most fully experience God’s perfect strength (2 Corinthians 12:9).  

9780819232618   $18.00 Paperback 6 x 9 160 pages April 2016 Religion / Spirituality

John Newton is a native Texan and an Episcopal priest. He holds degrees from the University of Texas at Austin and Virginia Theological Seminary. The author of New Clothes: Putting on Christ and Finding Ourselves (Morehouse, 2014), John is passionate about Christian formation and enjoys a ministry of preaching and teaching throughout the Diocese of Texas. 

Related Reading  New Clothes 

Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy Participant's Workbook  Richard Rohr on the Legacy of  St.Francis 

Putting on Christ and Finding Ourselves  JOHN NEWTON 


A fresh, new voice in the  Episcopal Church addresses  traditionally un-Episcopal  questions that Episcopalians (and  Christians in general) are asking today. Includes questions for reflection and study by  individuals and groups. 

A 5-to-10-week study for adults and young adults with appealing video format that prompts engagement and response. Richard Rohr explores five topics central to Franciscan theology and practice: Atonement Theory, Eco-Spirituality, The Christ who Existed before Christianity, Orthopraxy vs. Verbal Orthodoxy (Living Like Jesus), Mysticism over Moralism. 

9780819229038  $20.00  Paperback



9781606741405  $12.95  Paperback 

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Gospel Memories  The Future Can Rewrite Our Past  JAKE OWENSBY   A "new" (2012) bishop in the Episcopal Church offers hope that healing  and all things are possible.  l A reflective and prayerful education and formation resource for adults.  l

While there is truth in the idea that our past shapes our future, the gospel is all about the counter-intuitive promise that God is shaping us right now toward  God's vision of who we will become. It is not our past that makes us into the image of God; God's redeeming love does that. In God, who we are not yet is shaping who we become.  Appealing to anyone drawn to a deeper understanding of their own story and a richer sense of God’s transforming presence, this book will have special resonance for people at turning points in their lives. Career changes, loss of a  loved one, graduation, illness, divorce, birth of a child, entering middle or later years: Life is filled with turning points at which we feel compelled to tell our story in a new and different way. Each chapter focuses on a gospel passage, leading to a reflection on a significant point in the author's life which  uncovers deeper and more personal meaning in the biblical text. Questions conclude each chapter, engaging readers to look at their own lives—good and bad—and find God, experiencing the joy, surprise, and healing of God's future  rewriting the past.  

9780819232656 $14.00 Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 144 pages February 2016 Religion / Spirituality

Jake Owensby was consecrated as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Western Louisiana in 2012, after serving as dean of St. Mark's Cathedral in Shreveport. Raised among the working poor in the rural South, he went on to earn a PhD in philosophy from Emory University and taught at Jacksonville University before entering the School of Theology at Sewanee. He has served in the dioceses of Florida, Alabama, and Missouri. The author of Connecting the  Dots: A Hope­Inspired Life (self-published in 2013), he blogs at  PelicanAnglican.blogspot.com and lives in Alexandria, Louisiana. 

Related Reading  Discerning Life Transitions 

Unearthing My Religion 

Listening Together in Spiritual Direction 

Real Talk about Real Faith 



This book helps people examine both the outward and the inward dimensions of major life  changes, a growing reality for  most Americans, as related to job  loss/change, family circumstances, and other factors. 

A brief, engaging read with plenty  of spiritual application. Each chapter includes a parable, reallife stories, and suggestions for life practice. Perfect for newcomers or for engaging nonChristian communities. Study questions included. 

9780819224071  $24.00  Paperback


9780819228871  $14.00  Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Youth Devotional 

Cross Words  A Devotional for Youth  DUANA CISNEY  

Foreword by Jenifer Gamber l Daily devotional for youth from a mainline, liturgical perspective.  l Approachable language and space for their own reflections. 

Youth (and their parents, mentors, and leaders) are continually seeking a devotional from a mainline Christian perspective that honors them. Different than many youth devotionals, which use punitive language and the context of purity, Cross Words is a devotional for students that is engaging and realistic about their brokenness alongside God’s redeeming grace and forgiveness. It will help them walk through the daily blessings and challenges of life, offering opportunities to consider how their faith might be strengthened through those experiences.  Each week offers a brief reflection followed by a question to ponder, Scripture, prayer, or quote to use as a daily touchstone in the coming days, set in a format with open space for their own writing and drawing. Using approachable wording that doesn’t require them to learn a new language in order to understand the reflection will appeal to today's teens. Meeting young people where they are on their journey, it can be used for personal devotion or in educational settings, youth meetings, confirmation classes, mission trips, pilgrimages, retreats, coffee shops, or with families around the supper table.  

9780819232458   $20.00 Paperback 5 x 7 384 pages April 2016 Religion / Devotional

With over eleven years experience at both church and diocesan levels, Duana continually seeks to serve youth in new ways. She received her Advance Certification in Youth Ministry at the Seminary of the Southwest. As a teenager, she faced some tough challenges and regrets not having had a safe church family to walk alongside her. She wants our teens today to know that they will make mistakes and that God will be there for them no matter what. She feels it is important for students to know they aren’t perfect, but they are made in the image of God and that alone is wonderful. She lives in Greensboro, NC, with her husband and three teenage children.

Related Reading 

9780819227645  $16.00 Paperback


Call on Me 

Marked for Mission 

A Prayer Book for Young People 

Youth in Action 



Call on Me belongs on the  bookshelf of every youth, parent, youth minister, and clergy of the  Church. It is a rich resource for  personal devotion, corporate worship, and formation purposes. Praying does shape believing. This book will be instrumental in deepening the faith of all those who use it. ­The Rt. Rev. Brian Prior, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota 

This book offers reflections and prayers to help young people do just that­to live out their faith at home, church, community, and beyond. It specifically addresses Episcopal identity for emerging adults, ages 15­25. 


9780819229366 $16.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Love Feast  Together at the Table   MARTHA JOHNSON BOURLAKAS  l l l

Vulnerable, honest, funny.  Written for women and men of faith.  Tackles head­on the difficulties and joys of family life, especially with a  special needs child. 

With autism diagnoses rising, more and more parents find the challenges of caring for an autistic child added to the everyday strains and stresses—and joys—of family life. In a deeply personal, honest, humorous set of essays, Martha Johnson Bourlakas grapples with life—life as a person of faith, life as a wife and mother, life as a clergy spouse (her husband is bishop of Southwestern Virginia), life as the parent of a developmentally disabled young adult, life as one unable to maintain pretense. Reading these essays is like sitting down over coffee with a good friend to commiserate and laugh with someone who understands.   Martha Johnson Bourlakas has a Master's in Education from Vanderbilt and an MFA in Creative Non­fiction from Spalding University, Louisville, Kentucky. She writes about life with a special needs child, authentic hospitality in faith communities, and the joy of sugar. She is the author of a women's spirituality curriculum called One Good Word and leads One Good Word groups and retreats for women seeking spiritual connection. She resides in Southwestern Virginia with her bishop husband, three daughters, two dogs, and one cat. 

9780819232137   $16.00 Paperback 5 x 7 176 pages February 2016 Religion / Spirituality

Related Reading  The Sewing Room 

Keeping the Feast 

Uncommon Reflections on Life, Love and Work 

Metaphors for the Meal  MILTON BRASHER­CUNNINGHAM 


9780819217233  $18.00 Paperback

Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, one of the first women to be ordained in the Episcopal Church, brings a sense of the holy to life's daily dilemmas and nighttime ruminations. Her eloquent essays  point to the serendipity, joys, and  quirks that make life interesting. A lovely book...honest, funny, sad...  impossible to put down. ­Madeleine  L'Engle 


Foreword by Sara Miles

This is a book about what nourishes us: food, faith, family, and friends, and how all of those elements are essential ingredients of Communion­in fact how every meal of our lives holds an invitation to the Sacred Meal. 9780819227898 $16.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Preaching 

Talking God  Preaching to Contemporary Congregations  ALBERT R. CUTIÉ   l l

Well­known, media­savvy author.  Designed to address "digital contexts". 

Today’s church has a digital dilemma: We live in an age where “new media” is  inescapable, yet many still perceive these new forms of communication as either an unmanageable challenge or at odds with the mission of the church. Clergy and lay leaders alike can be at a loss as to what methodologies, practices, and adjustments are necessary to engage today’s congregations. How can we effectively meet the challenges of our present context? 

9780819232694 $16.00 Paperback    5 x 7 128 pages April 2016 Religion / Christian Ministry

In Talking God, Fr. Cutié, whose wide following spans both traditional and new media, starts where preaching the gospel has always started, with a preacher and an audience, and examines the challenges digital communications pose to all involved in the craft of preaching, including the way contemporary audiences receive and listen to the message preached. Is the 21st century church responding to this evolution by seeking to understand the present­day "listening context" and the often overwhelming "media culture" in which it is called to preach? Must preachers and teachers of the Word of God evolve in style and practice to continue being effective communicators of the gospel? Has the world changing around us changed our methodology or even our message?   Albert R. Cutié (known as "Padre Alberto") is the first member of the clergy to conduct a daily "Talk Show" broadcast to a national and international audience. Ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1995, Father Albert joined the Episcopal Church in 2009 and now serves as Rector of St. Benedict's Church, Plantation, Florida (Diocese of Southeast Florida), where he lives with his wife, Ruhama, and their three children. He is the author of Real Life, Real Love (Ama  de Verdad, Vive de Verdad), a self­help book which became a bestseller in Spanish, and Dilemma. He received his Doctor of Ministry in Preaching degree from the University of the South, Sewanee. His website is PadreAlberto.com. 

Related Reading  Crazy Christians 

The Digital Cathedral 

A Call to Follow Jesus 

Networked Ministry in a Wireless World 



Foreword by Elizabeth Dresher

Foreword by Katharine Jefferts Schori.

9780819228857  $18.00 Paperback


We need some Christians who are as crazy as the Lord. Crazy enough to love like Jesus, to give like Jesus, to forgive like Jesus, to do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God­like Jesus. ­from Bishop Curry's "Crazy Christians" address to the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Indianapolis.


Author Keith Anderson provides both practical and theological perspectives on using media appropriately and pastorally.

9780819229953 $28.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 

Social Justice 

In Defense of All God’s Children  The Life and Ministry of Bishop Christopher Senyonjo   CHRISTOPHER SENYONJO   Foreword by Serene Jones.  l Well-known LGBTQ advocate, both in Uganda and internationally. 

Nothing in the background of Bishop Christopher Senyonjo would have predicted that, late in life, he would become an international spokesperson for the rights of LGBTQ people in his native Uganda and around the world. Raised traditionally, he was a failed medical student turned teacher before the tragic death of his first wife, shortly after their marriage, set him on the path that led to ordination as priest and, later, as bishop. 

9780819232434 $16.00 Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 128 pages May 2016 Religion / Christian Life

It was only after his retirement as bishop and his establishment of a counseling practice that his current role began to emerge, as news of his empathy for clients who were members of the Ugandan LGBTQ community began to spread through word-of-mouth, and that same concern impelled him  to speak out against Uganda’s draconian policies toward LGBTQ people. In the years since, he has risked his life for justice and inclusion and become a leading advocate for the place of gay and lesbian Christians in the life of the Anglican Communion, especially in Uganda. At 83, his memoirs tell a fascinating story.   Christopher Senyonjo was born and raised in Uganda. A graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York and Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, he has worked for the inclusion of gay and lesbian Christians within the Anglican Church of Uganda and throughout the Anglican Communion. He is also a prominent character in God Loves Uganda and Call Me Kuchu, films that depict the life of LGBTQ people in Uganda. Serene Jones is the 16th President of the historic Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York.

Related Reading  In the Eye of the Storm 

Black Battle, White Knight 

Swept to the Center by God 

The Authorized Biography of Malcolm Boyd 


9781596270886  $25.00 Hardback


Foreword by Desmond Tutu

Foreword by Desmond Tutu

In this wonderful and wise book, the message of Christianity becomes shockingly real and  amazingly  positive yet truly challenging. Bishop Robinson is so articulately simple because he so clearly embodies his own message. ­ Judith  Light, actress

A  fascinating  profile  of  one  of the most  colorful,  controversial, and celebrated  religious  figures of  our  time,  Malcolm  Boydbest-selling author,  civil  rights activist,  gay cleric,  and  spiritual director.


9781596272262 $30.00 Hardback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Spirituality 

Sparrow  A Journey of Grace and Miracles While Battling ALS  JENNIFER R. DURANT, MATTHEW P. DURANT  

Remarkable story of a woman whose call to serve God carried through change, illness, and death.  l Taps into current interest in ALS, taking it beyond the ice-bucket challenge.  l

Jennifer R. Durant, busy career woman, wife, and mom of two, made a drastic Career 2.0 change. In the lexicon of ministry, God called her to be an Episcopal priest, and Jennifer answered. Several years later, in the final weeks  of seminary, Durant's world changed dramatically again, when the persistent weakness in one of her hands was diagnosed as ALS (aka Lou Gehrig's disease).  In Sparrow, completed with her husband, Matthew, Durant recounts her battle and brings the reader with her on her spiritual journey through her priesthood and ministry which, despite her illness, continued to her death—with the aid of a speech box, she preached her final sermon on the Sunday before her death. 

9780819232472 $16.00 Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 144 pages January 2016 Religion / Spirituality 

Durant leads readers forward through the confusion of our caffeine-fueled and  perpetually exhausted world to discover, as she did, a renewing sense of Godgiven purpose and sacred light which even the darkest of circumstances cannot extinguish, a place where even in silence, God is present, whispering through us.  An inspiration to any who suffer from a debilitating disease (or know someone  who does) and those who provide pastoral care to others. It is a story of God's redemption and new life.   Jennifer R. Durant was an Episcopal priest, serving as the Associate Rector at Church of Our Saviour in Charlottesville, Virginia at the time of her death in February 2015. In 2011, she graduated with an MDiv from Virginia Theological Seminary, relocated her family to where God called them, and received an ALS  diagnosis. She juggled full-time family, ministry, and disease with her husband, two teenagers, two cats, and a black lab in Charlottesville. 

Related Reading  Beginning Again 

Days of Grace 

Benedictine Wisdom for Living with Illness 

Meditation and Practices for Living with Illness 



Foreword by Phyllis Tickle

Discover how to use St. Benedict's  concepts of stability, obedience, and conversion to live spiritually even in the midst of illness. 

9780819219657  $16.00 Paperback



9780819223647 $12.00 Paperback

This book presents a collection of 30 meditations, each followed by a reflection, a short prayer, and a suggested spiritual practice. When living with chronic, terminal, or progressive illness, discovering a way to pray can be quite a challenge. These 30 meditations provide a welcome means with practices inspired by the psalms. 

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 

Pastoral Care 

Do This, Remembering Me  The Spiritual Care of Those with Alzheimer's and Dementia  COLETTE BACHAND-WOOD  

Foreword by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton l Five million+ in the U.S. live with Alzheimer's, 5.5 million caregivers l

provide 17.7 billion hours' unpaid care (2013).  Key resource of practical tools/real-life applications for spiritual and physical dementia care. 

“What do I do to help?” Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, almost everyone knows someone with some form of dementia, yet few know how to answer that question, and very little material exists on providing spiritual care to adults with dementia-related diseases. Even seminaries rarely provide training or clinical pastoral education in this field. 

9780819232519 $14.00 Paperback 5 x 7 128 pages March 2016 Religion / Christian Life

This book is an answer. It provides a hands-on manual that will give clergy, spiritual care providers, and family members an understanding of the ongoing  spiritual needs of individuals with dementia, as well as practical tools such as how to create a religious service in a memory care unit and how one might plan a nursing home visit. Accessibly written, with real life applications and sample services for a variety of settings. More than just useful, the book inspires with shared stories that are tender, sad, funny—and sometimes all three at once, encouraging readers to develop spiritual care ministries for people with memory loss in congregations, homes, nursing facilities, or other communities—a ministry that will only gain in importance in the coming decade, as Baby Boomers age and the number of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia skyrockets.   Colette Bachand-Wood, whose father died of complications related to dementia, is a graduate of Episcopal Divinity School and spent seven years of research and work with Alzheimer's and other dementia-related disease patients. She currently serves as rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Whitman, Massachusetts, and is also chaplain at the Village at Propietor's Green in Marshfield, a senior living facility with a memory care unit. BachandWood also runs a monthly caregiver support group and previously worked as a hospice chaplain, where she received special training in Alzheimer care. She lives in Scituate with her husband, two daughters, and mother. 

Related Reading  The Lay Pastoral Worker's  HospitalHandbook  Tending the Spiritual Needs  ofPatients 

Pastoral Care to the Aged  A Handbook for Visitors 



Here is a practical guide to the art of hospital visitation for  trained lay workers, written by a hospital chaplain with over 20 years' experience. 

Here, in handy pocket- or pursesized format, is a nuts-and-bolts guide to visiting the elderly, in a variety of settings, to offer pastoral care and spiritual comfort. 

9780819221902  $16.00 Paperback


9780819222138 $12.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Faith Formation Pilgrim: A Course for the Christian Journey

STEPHEN COTTRELL, STEVEN CROFT, PAULA GOODER, ROBERT ATWELL, AND SHARON ELY PEARSON paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 72 pages each/leader guide 96 pages | Leader Guide Foreword by Michael B. Curry March 2016 Pilgrim is a teaching and discipleship resource that helps inquirers and new Christians explore what it means to travel through life with Christ. A Christian course for the 21st century, Pilgrim offers an approach of participation, not persuasion. Following the practice of the ancient disciplines of biblical reflection and prayer with quotes from the Christian tradition throughout the ages, Pilgrim assumes little or no knowledge of the Christian faith. Individuals or small groups on the journey of discipleship in the Episcopal tradition can use Pilgrim at any point. There are many different aspects to helping people learn about the Christian faith. We have taken as our starting point Jesus’ summary of the commandments. We are called to offer our lives to God through loving God with all our mind, soul, strength, and heart, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Learning about Christian faith and growing in Christian faith is about more than what we believe. It’s also about the ways in which we pray and develop our relationship with God, about the way we live our lives and about living in God’s vision for the Church and for the world. There are two stages of material in Pilgrim. There are four short Pilgrim books (each comprising a course of six sessions) in the “Follow” Stage designed for those who are enquirers and very new to the faith. Then there are four books (again, each comprising a six-session course) in the Grow stage designed for those who want to go further and learn more. Pilgrim is made up of two parts, each with four courses contained in four booklets: Follow: Do you turn to Christ? Releasing in March 2016 1.

Turning to Christ


The Lord's Prayer


The Commandments


The Beatitudes

Grow: Will you continue in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship? Releasing October 2016 5.

The Creeds


The Eucharist


The Bible


Church & Kingdom

Each course offers six sessions that combine a simple prayer, reflection on a biblical selection using lectio divina, an article by a modern writer, and reflection questions. The short courses in the four Follow stage books can be approached in any order. Together, we believe they offer a balanced introduction to the Christian life and journey. Our hope and prayer is that Pilgrim will help to introduce people to the Christian Way and also equip them to live their whole lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. It will help inquirers and those new to the Christian faith as well as those who are new to The Episcopal Church or Episcopalians who wish to refresh and renew their learning commitment to Christ. The aim of the Grow stage is to help people to learn the essentials for a life of discipleship. A disciple is to be called to live in a rhythm of being with Jesus in community and to be sent to live out the Christian faith in the whole of his or her life. Disciples need the support of other Christians and to be part of a community. We need opportunities to reflect and pray together and to explore the riches of our faith. The Grow stage supports that process both for new Christians and for those who have been Christians for many years. Some groups who use the Grow material will be moving on from the Follow stage of Pilgrim. Some will be specially convened just for this stage.


CHURCH PUBLISHING INCORPORATED 800.251.3320 ChurchPublishing.org

Faith Formation Component descriptions: Leader Guide The Pilgrim Leader Guide has lots of helpful material for those who are leading any Pilgrim group. A single guide covers all eight booklets and gives an overview of the program as well as a process of how to lead a group of youth or adults in discussing the material. This is an essential tool for anyone who wishes to offer any portion of Pilgrim in a small group, whether in church, school, or home. Course 1: Turning to Christ: What do Christians believe? This is the question explored as the questions that are asked at Holy Baptism are discussed. We begin by looking at whom Jesus was; why did people want to spend time with him so long ago and why do we promise to turn to Christ and follow him today? This is followed by learning what Christians believe about God, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Baptismal Covenant. Course 2: The Lord’s Prayer: How do Christians know and worship God? Explore the Lord’s Prayer in these sessions as a gateway to the Christian gospel, as a guide to our own prayers, and as a way of deepening our relationship with God. Here is a way of seeing God and the world and yourself which is profound and revolutionary and good news. Course 3: The Commandments: Following Jesus is about the way we behave as well as what we believe. So how should Christians behave and how should we live? This part of Pilgrim explores that question through one of the core texts of the Christian faith: the Commandments. We look in Session 1 at the two commandments Jesus uses to summarize the whole of the Old Testament law: the call to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. In Sessions 2-6, we explore the Ten Commandments themselves. Course 4: The Beatitudes: A short but profoundly beautiful and influential collection of s yings by Jesus. They sum up his teaching about what it means to live as a child of God’s kingdom. The authors of this course believe that following Jesus requires us to engage with this important text, so that it is restored to a central place in the life of the Church. We believe that the Beatitudes, and trying to live them out, is one of the best ways of loving God with all your heart and understanding the Christian vision for the world. Course 5: The Creeds: In Session 1, we look at what it means to say: "I believe" and "We believe" and at the role the creeds play in strengthening our relationship with God. Session 2 explores what it means to understand God as Trinity: one God in three persons. Sessions 3 and 4 take us deeper in our understanding of Jesus and look at the way Christ is fully God and fully human and at the great work of redemption on the cross. Session 5 explores the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and Session 6 at what we believe about the Church. Course 6: The Eucharist: Offers six sessions that reveal the reasons why the Eucharist is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of Christian worship. Course 7: The Bible: What is it, how was it given to us, and how should we read it? These six sessions combine simple prayer, Bible reflection in the lectio divina style, an article by a modern writer, and time for questions and reflection Course 8: Church & Kingdom: The importance of prayer, living out our faith, celebrating Sabbath, and reflecting generosi y is explored. We look at how faith in the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit shapes and changes all our relationships. Available March 10, 2016 Follow: Do you turn to Christ? Turning to Christ 9780898699388 The Lord's Prayer 9780898699401 The Commandments 9780898699425 The Beatitudes 9780898699449 Leader Guide 9780898699364

$9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $12.95

CHURCH PUBLISHING INCORPORATED 800.251.3320 ChurchPublishing.org



Hospitable Planet

Faith, Action, and Climate Change STEPHEN A. JUROVICS  

Foreword by Matthew Sleeth Environmental scholar, spouse of a rabbi, author has strong grounding in Hebrew Scripture.  l Approaches environmental issues from both scientific and faith perspectives.  l Addresses a growing concern for earth among people of faith.  l

“What can I do about the environment? What has God said about the environment?” Most books about climate change only address one of these questions. Those from a religious perspective do not address what individuals can do to help society transition from fossil fuels, other than changing personal behavior. Readers know instinctively that will not suffice, and so are left feeling the situation is hopeless. In contrast, books that primarily address  environmental issues fail to reach people motivated more by faith than science, leaving out many who could constitute the tipping point for full American engagement on the issue.  9780819232533 $16.00 Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 128 pages March 2016 Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection

Borrowing an approach from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s leadership, which brought together both secular and religious arguments for ending segregation, this book addresses physical evidence of climate change while demonstrating through biblical teachings the religious imperative for preserving our inherited world. The compelling biblical case for creation care is grounded in environmental teachings Jesus knew, primarily in the Hebrew Scriptures. Topics addressed include air pollution, treatment of the land, preserving biological diversity, and treatment of animals, and each is connected to contemporary issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, care of the needy, the extinction of species, and factory farming.   Stephen A. Jurovics holds BS and MS degrees from Columbia University and a PhD in Engineering from the University of Southern California. He has had about 20 technical papers published over the years and given numerous presentations at professional conferences. Aspects of climate change mitigation have been the focus of his engineering work for more than two decades. He and his wife, Rabbi Raachel Jurovics, live in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

Related Reading  Simpler Living, Compassionate Life 

How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Christian?  A Pocket Guide to Shrinking Your Ecological Footprint 

A Christian Perspective  MICHAEL SCHUT 


A collection of essays on  simplifying life from a Christian perspective. A study guide is  included to use in a group or individually. 

9780819223692  $28.00 Paperback



9781596270985 $10.00 Paperback

Split into eight easy-to-read sections: water, energy, transport, waste, biodiversity, wellbeing, lifestyle, and Sabbath, it contains hundreds of practical ideas to help you, your church, and your community to make a real difference to the environment. 

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Stewardshift  An Economia for Congregational Change  BOB SITZE   l l l

A truly new approach to a very old problem.  Wide-ranging, thoughtful, challenging.  Experienced author of six books, regular blogger at "The Lutheran". 

The collective groan that greets stewardship campaigns in most churches can be quelled. This book offers theoretical and practical propositions by which lay and clergy leaders can ensure the sustainability of stewardship ministries to help their congregations flourish. Bob Sitze invites stewardship leaders into a broader conversation of how shifted biblical and secular stewardship concepts, practice, and identity can be incorporated into a congregation's life and help bring about lasting change. 

9780819231918 $24.00 Paperback 6 x 9 240 pages January 2016 Religion / Christian Life

The book has two sections: Part 1, Scriptural Stewardshifts, reinterprets familiar biblical passages on stewardship, introduces new ones, and helps congregations expand their use of the Bible in their life and stewardship work. Part 2, Secular Stewardshifts, examines the resources that are available to congregations from the "continuing revelation" that is occurring in the secular world, including brain science, financial planning, philanthropy, community organizing, and other areas. The book is written in a friendly style, with reflection questions, so-what moments, and engaging sidebars.   Bob Sitze is a former ELCA staff member in the ministries of hunger education, Christian education, stewardship education, and family life. An experienced ecclesiological observer, Sitze has more than 40 years of experience as a congregational leader and denominational executive. He is the author of (Not) Trying Too Hard, Your Brain Goes to Church, Starting Simple, It's (Not) Too Late, and Simple Enough. He is a leading proponent of assetbased approaches to congregational development. A graduate of Concordia University, Seward, with an MS in Education, Radio/Television, and Communications from Indiana University, Bloomington, he lives in the greater  Chicago area. 

Related Reading  Fearless Church Fundraising 

Deeper Simplicity, Broader Generosity  Images of Financial Wholeness 

The Practical and Spiritual Approach to Stewardship 

9780819228635  $26.00 Paperback



In this rich resource-part  handbook, part workbook, part spiritual guidebook-consultant Charles LaFond combines roadtested strategies and sample campaign documents with a spiritual director's sensitivity. The result is an irresistible, userfriendly text that promises to  transform your ministry's fundraising and its spiritual life. 

The use of stories is the perfect way  for those who don't love numbers to become engaged in finding answers to solve their financial challenges. Each chapter brings a new insight. The Reverend Rod Sewell, Educational Specialist, The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church 


9780819231956 $16.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Religion & Culture 

Spiritual Friendship after Religion  Walking with People while the Rules Are Changing  JOSEPH STEWART-SICKING  

Foreword by Diana Butler Bass l Innovative approach to re-engaging those who have distanced

themselves from church.  Updated overview of fields of religion, psychology, and pastoral practice.  l Companion to Christianity After Religion by Diana Butler Bass.  l

9780819232496 $24.00 Paperback 6 x 9 208 pages March 2016 Religion / Christian Life

Hardly a day goes by without some poll or news story documenting the changing relationship between the general population and religion, often accompanied by predictions of doom. The rise of the "nones" and the "dones"  leaves many adrift in a world with multiple complex challenges. Providers of "spiritual friendship"—pastors, spiritual directors, pastoral counselors, concerned Christians—will need to change their approach as those with whom they interact distance themselves from the church. How should we talk with the "nones" and the "dones" about their spiritual lives? How can we be with them in their struggles when they are suspicious of our motives?  These are questions providers of spiritual friendship face every day. This book offers answers that can help them look at their work in new ways. Stewart-Sicking presents an innovative approach to spiritual friendship, addressing major challenges of modern life and significant challenges in the lives of individuals, as well as making accessible scholarship on the subject that is difficult for practitioners to access.   Joseph A. Stewart-Sicking is an Episcopal priest and Associate Professor of Pastoral Counseling at Loyala University Maryland, where he directs the PhD program. His research explores the impact of modernity and postmodernity on spiritual formation, the emotional health and vocational satisfaction of clergy, and the relationship between spiritual direction and psychology. He was  the associate project director for the Project of Congregations of Intentional Practice at Virginia Theological Seminary, directed by Diana Butler Bass. He coedited with her From Nomads to Pilgrims: Stories from Practicing Congregations  and wrote the study guide for Christianity for the Rest of Us. He lives in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Related Reading  Noticing the Divine 

Tweet If You Heart Jesus 

An Introduction to Interfaith Spiritual Guidance 

Practicing Church in the Digital Reformation 

Highly recommended for anyone  seeking spiritual guidance for  himself or herself, as well as for prospective and practicing pastors, chaplains, and spiritual counselors. The Midwest Book Review 

A timely resource dealing with communication, leadership, and community formation in the age of digital social media. 


9780819222381  $24.00 Paperback




9780819224231 $20.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 

Spiritual Direction 

Using the Bible in Spiritual Direction  LIZ HOARE  

Foreword by Daniel L. Prechtel l An ancient tradition, spiritual direction is more popular than ever.  l Experienced spiritual director shares methods and history of the Bible

in direction.  

Spiritual direction is increasingly popular among Christians of all mainstream traditions, with demand for directors outstripping supply in many places. And although the Bible is central to the practice of spiritual direction, very little has been published on how best to use it in this form of ministry.  Experienced spiritual director Liz Hoare explores the central role the Bible has played in Christian experience, in order to discourage poor, shallow, or rigid use of the Bible, which can lead to damage and inhibit spiritual growth. 

9780819232571 $24.00 Paperback    5.5 x 8.5 160 pages January 2016 Religion / Christian Education

According to Hoare, the goal of spiritual direction is not a personal improvement plan but a people who are being shaped into the likeness of Christ, for the flourishing of the church as a whole. Using different methods of praying with the Bible and drawing on historical traditions of Christian spirituality, as well as current literature and practice, this book offers a rich, stimulating, and thoroughly biblical resource for all those who give and receive  spiritual direction.   Liz Hoare is Tutor for Spiritual Formation at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and has been giving and receiving spiritual direction for over 25 years. She is the author of Spirituality and Remembering (Grove Books 1996), What is Celtic Christianity? (Grove Books 2008), Nurturing the Spirit of a Child (Grove Books 2009), and the chapter on Anglican Spirituality in The Blackwell Companion to Anglicanism (Wiley-Blackwell 2013). She was one of the first women priests to be ordained in the Church of England in 1994. 

Related Reading  Spiritual Direction in Context 

Candlelight  Illuminating the Art of  SpiritualDirection 


9780819222091  $24.00 Paperback

Essays drawn from Presence, the journal of Spiritual Directors  International, examine spiritual direction in different social  contexts: in the workplace, with the aging, in hospitals, with women's groups, with youth, with the homeless, and with those in mourning. 



9780819222978 $28.00 Paperback

Susan Phillips doesn't just talk about spiritual direction, she allows us to see her engaged in this ministry, providing a much needed glimpse inside the spiritual direction room, inside the lives of real directees, inside the mind and heart of a gifted spiritual director. Elizabeth Liebert, Professor of Spiritual Life, San Francisco Theological Seminary 

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Missiology 

Augustine’s Relic  Lessons from the Oldest Book in England  KIRK SMITH   Written by an active bishop, who is also a medievalist and a natural story­teller.  l Brings the medieval and the modern together.  l

Spending time with the St Augustine’s Gospels, believed to be the oldest non­ archeological object in Great Britain, Smith uses this great volume as a starting point for a contemporary conversation on communication, unity, and continuity.  How does the church find that connection with its past, its present, and its future? How do we share the Good News using today's media, and how do we learn more about that process by considering vellum and quills? A wonderful story­teller, Smith moves seamlessly between the medieval world and the modern.  

9780819232267 $18.00 Paperback    5 x 7 184 pages March 2016 Religion / Christian Ministry

Kirk Smith was elected Bishop of Arizona in 2003 and lives in Phoenix. He has served parishes in Connecticut and California. With an undergraduate degree in history, Smith earned a PhD in medieval church history from Cornell University. He studied for holy orders at Berkeley Seminary at Yale before being ordained a priest in 1980 through the auspices of his home diocese of Arizona. He is an author and editor of Bishops on the Border: Pastoral Responses  to Immigration. 

Related Reading  A Generous Community 

Ancient Faith, Future Mission 

Being the Church in a New Missionary Age 

Fresh Expressions in the Sacramental Tradition 

With the experience of a bishop and the insight of a deep learner,  Doyle points the way to the future  with a vision for how we can learn,  serve, and communicate with each other. 

In this timely and practical book, pioneers, leaders, and theologians from the US and the UK share their stories and offer reflections for building a future­ focused, mission­shaped church that is deeply rooted in sacramental traditions. 


9780819232304  $16.00 Paperback




9781596271241 $22.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Transformed Lives  Making Sense of Atonement Today  CYNTHIA S. W. CRYSDALE   For people whose eyes glaze over when questions of salvation/redemption/atonement come up.  l Written by a theologian, but with a lay audience in mind.  l

Even theologians have had different ideas about the theology of atonement; how are the rest of supposed to understand it? This book is a good place to start.  Crysdale, whose background in both psychology and theology gives her a unique perspective, presents an overview of the history of the theology of atonement, addressing clearly the difficulties around this concept, and bringing us with her to a contemporary understanding. 

9781596272682 $16.00 Paperback 6 x 9 128 pages June 2016 Religion / Christianity 

The book is written in everyday language and concludes with an appendix: "Case Studies in Transformation: A Series of Stories of People Whose Lives Have Been Transformed Through Life in Christ and Christ’s Community of Beloveds."   Cynthia S. W. Crysdale is Professor of Christian Ethics and Theology at the School of Theology, University of the South, Sewanee. She has a BA in psychology from York University in Toronto, Canada, and an MA and PhD from  St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto. She taught for 18 years at the Catholic University of America, in Washington, DC, before moving to Sewanee, and is the author of several books and articles exploring the topic of atonement. 

Related Reading  Welcome to the Christian Faith 

Embracing a Life of Meaning  Kathleen Norris on Discovering What Matters 



A systematic introduction to  Christianity for newcomers needs to begin with a discussion of faith itself, which this book does. It then moves on to a discussion of such Christian basics as God,  Trinity, Church, sin, atonement, prayer, and Christian living.  9780819227430  $16.00 Paperback


9781606741139  $12.95 Paperback

In this participant's workbook study, the award-winning poet, writer, and author provides a unique viewpoint of "what matters  most." Session titles include: Belief Matters, The Bible Matters, Community Matters, Place Matters, and We Matter. Embracing a Life of Meaning DVD  also available: ISBN 846863018888, $39.95 

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


Environment  Liturgy 

Praying Shapes Believing  A Theological Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer, Revised Edition   LEONEL L. MITCHELL, RUTH A. MEYERS   Revised anniversary edition and next entry in the Weil Series in Liturgics.  l Well-known book; well-respected authors.  l Timely, as The Episcopal Church considers the shape that prayer book revision may take.  l

2015 marks the 30th anniversary of Lee Mitchell’s great standard work on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. As his student, protégée, and colleague, Ruth Meyers takes this classic work and updates it for the Church in its current era and for the future.   Leonel L. Mitchell (1930-2012), one of the scholars responsible for The Episcopal Church's 1979 Book of Common Prayer, was an Episcopal priest and Professor of Liturgics at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary.  9781596272729 $40.00 Paperback   5.5 x 8.5 432 pages May 2016 Religion / Christian Theology

Ruth A. Meyers is Dean of Academic Affairs and Hodges-Haynes Professor of Liturgics at Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, California. She served as chair of The Episcopal Church's Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music through the conclusion of the 2012-2015 triennium and teaches throughout the Anglican Communion. 

Related Reading  Liturgical Sense 

Liturgical Spirituality 

The Logic of Rite 

Anglican Reflections on the Church's  Prayer 



Louis Weil looks back on his work  shaping the liturgical life of the Episcopal Church through his  involvement with the  development of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer-and looks forward to the future of the church and its  liturgical life.  9781596272439  $18.00 Paperback



Liturgical Spirituality is a collection of Anglican reflections on the spirituality of the liturgy, inviting readers into the Church's patterns of prayer, seasons of the year, and sacramental action. 

9781596272545 $28.00 Paperback

800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 

Spanish Lectionary

Revised Common Lectionary, Spanish Lectern Edition

• Attractive hardcover binding with foil stamping, 2 ribbon markers, and a lay-flat binding.

The complete readings for the Revised Common Lectionary Years A, B, and C as authorized by the 2006 General Convention of The Episcopal Church, together with readings for the major Holy Days of the church year, in the Good News translation. This handsome, well-made cloth edition with smyth-sewn pages, two ribbon markers, 16 point type, and a lay-flat binding is ideal for use in a pulpit or lectern. The Revised Common Lectionary in Spanish uses the Good News translation, often used by Spanish-speaking congregations.

Print 9780898699463 $75.00 eBook 9780898699470 $60.00 Hardcover 8.5 x 11 784 pages Available February 2016

The Revised Common Lectionary in Spanish is intentionally designed for use beyond The Episcopal Church and includes notations of lessons (where they differ) for the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), the United Methodist Church, and the Presbyterian Church in the USA.

The Gospels, Spanish

Revised Common Lectionary Edition • Handsome design and durable binding with gold stamping; can also be used without an additional cover, carried in procession.

• Large 16 point type provides an easy-to-read page design. The gospel readings for all Sundays in Years A, B, and C according to the Revised Common Lectionary, together with the gospels for all major Holy Days, in the Good News translation. Bound in cloth with gold stamping, ribbon marker, smyth-sewn pages, and gilded edges, this book has been designed for ceremonial use in the Eucharist.

Print 9780898699500 $60.00 eBook 9780898699517 $48.00 Hardcover 8.5 x 11 240 pages Available March 2016

The Gospel Book is intentionally designed for use beyond The Episcopal Church and includes notations of lessons (where they differ) for the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), the United Methodist Church, and the Presbyterian Church in the USA.


800.251.3320  ChurchPublishing.org 


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Faith Rules

An Episcopal Manual



• Modeled on Michael Pollan’s best-selling Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual • This easy-to-use guide can be used as a confirmation resource, in a new member class, or adult study groups. 9780819232977 $14.95 paperback 5x7 160 pages February 2016

Ian S. Markham, Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary, introduces both the Christian faith and The Episcopal Church to the seeker and Episcopal laity in this indispensable manual. Each page in Faith Rules is Episcopal wisdom set in concise, straightforward language for anyone in the 21st century. IAN S. MARKHAM is dean and president of Virginia Theological Seminary.  He holds degrees from London, Cambridge, and Exeter Universities, all in the United Kingdom, and has taught Christian theology and ethics in the UK and in the US. A prolific writer, Markham has authored or edited 14 books. SAMANTHA R. E. GOTTLICH is a postulant for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and a Masters of Divinity student at Virginia Theological Seminary.