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What: Art classes for children ages 5 and up will enjoy art projects ranging from self- ... fishing, and more – all wi
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About the SocialSanford Camp Guide To submit a camp or summer program for inclusion in the guide, send all details to [email protected].

21 Century Program for Teens What: Rising 10-12 graders can participate in activities at Boys & Girls Clubs of Sanford/Lee County ranging from college tours and STEM activities to swimming and field trips. When: Throughout the summer. Cost: Free. How: Call 919-776-3525 for more information or to ask about vacancies. SocialSanford’s Guide To Summer Camps

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Acting Camps at the Temple Theatre What: Rising kindergarteners through 2nd graders can participate in weekly theatre camps. Older youth can participate in the Summer Youth Conservatory. Camps end with a performance. When: Rising Stars camps for younger children run June-August. There are two Conservatory sessions. Conservatory performance dates will July 1-3 and August 12-14. Cost: Price ranges from $100 per week to $350 per session. There are discounts for multiple weeks. How: Get details and registration information at www.templeshows.com. Hover over “Education” and select “Summer Programs.”

Art Camp at Aberdeen Bead Company What: Children in grades K-8 (rising) can participate in jewelry making, fiber arts, painting, and more. There is a metalsmithing camp for kids in grades 6-12. When: Camps run weekly starting in late June from 10a to 4p. Cost: Price varies by the camp but most are either $35/day or $160/week. How: Call the shop at 910-944-1212 to register.

Art Camp at ArtStudio What: Children ages 5 to 18 will learn art techniques appropriate for their ages. When: Camps run 1 hour per week starting July 6. Classes for older students will last 1.5 hours. Cost: The cost is $25 per class for four classes ($100 total). Supplies are included. How: To register, contact Lisa Mathis at 919-770-1534 or [email protected].

Art Camp at The Painted Petal What: Art classes for children ages 5 and up will enjoy art projects ranging from selfportraits to painted river rocks. When: Camp will be June 20-22 from 9a to 11a. Cost: The cost is $35/per child per day or $90 for all three days. How: Register at www.thepaintedpetal.com or call 919-718-9284.

Art Camp at the Stevens Center (Spencer’s Art Camp) What: Spencer Reece will lead children ages 8-12 in exploring different art forms, such as painting, drawing, and sculpture at the Stevens Center. When: Sessions will run every Tuesday in July from 9a to 11a. You can attend one or all. Cost: Each day is $20, which includes all materials. SocialSanford’s Guide To Summer Camps

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How: To register, call the Stevens Center at 919-776-4048 or stop by the center at 1576 Kelly Drive.

Baseball Camp at Broadway Optimists’ Park What: Children ages 5-15 can improve their baseball skills with coaches Harry Chubbs Jr. and Brad McDougald. When: The camp will run June 20-22 from 9a-12:30p. Cost: Early bird registration is $40/camper and $35 per sibling. After June 17, registration will be $50/camper and $45 per sibling. How: Contact Harry Chubbs Jr. at [email protected] to register.

Basketball Camp at Boys & Girls Clubs What: Children ages 6-18 can participate in a 4-week skills camp with Back 2 Basics that includes passing, dribbling, shooting, and footwork. When: Camps will run June 13-July 16. Times and days vary depending on age of camper. Cost: The cost is $40 per camper for all 4 weeks. How: To register, call Coach Donna Taylor at 919-478-9212 or send an email to [email protected].

Basketball Camp for Boys at Lee County High School What: Boys ages 6-14 will learn foundational skills and techniques from Athletic Director Reggie Peace. When: The camp will June 13-16 from 9a to 12p. Cost: The price is $35 before June 1 or $45 after. How: Download a camp application from www.yellowjacketboosters.com.

Basketball Camp for Girls at Lee County High School What: Girls ages 6-14 will learn foundational skills and techniques from Head Basketball Coach Gabriel Reynolds in Packard Gym. When: The camp will June 13-16 from 9a to 12p. Cost: The price is $50. How: Download a camp application from www.yellowjacketboosters.com.

Basketball Camp at Southern Lee High School What: Girls and boys will get basketball instruction from Akeem Richmond (NBA) and Antoinette Reese (WNBA).

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When: The camp will run June 27-29 from 8a-12:30p at Southern Lee. There will be a tournament on the last day. Cost: The price is $75 for all three days or $35/day. How: For more information or to register, contact Coach Gaston Collins at 919-718-2400 x 2125.

Basketball Shooting Camp at Boys & Girls Clubs What: Children in grades 6+ can work on footwork, shooting off dribble, creating space for a shot, and shooting technique. When: The camp will be on the following Sundays: May 22, June 5, and June 12 from 5p to 7p. Cost: The price is $20 per session. How: To register, show up at any of the sessions or message the camp via their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Back2Basics2.

CCCC Youth Enrichment Series What: Children ages K+ will experiment with crafts, cooking, art, music, and crime solving on a community college campus. There will also be football, basketball, and cheerleading camps. When: Camps begin in early June. Cost: Camp costs vary according to location and topic. How: To view camp descriptions, go to www.cccc.edu/yes. Call 919-718-7500 to register.

Children’s Bible Day Camp What: Children ages 3+ will play, go on field trips, and participate in service projects at this camp held by First Presbyterian Church. When: July 11-1 from 9a to 1p. Cost: $25, which includes lunch. How: Call Pastor Ron Stoker at 919-428-0530 to register.

Cub Scout Day Camp What: Boys in grades 1-5 (rising) will participate in science activities, crafts, archery, fishing, and more – all with a hero theme – at the Lee County Wildlife Club. When: June 20-23 from 9a to 4p and June 24 from 9a to 1p. Registration closes June 10. Cost: $85, which includes all supplies and a camp tee shirt. How: Visit www.ocscouts.org and select “Day Camps” or contact Mary Griffin at 919-2582587 or [email protected].

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Dance Camps at Dancers Workshop What: Children in elementary school can participate in a variety of camps with a dance theme. There is also a cheerleading camp. When: The first camp begins June 13. Cost: Price varies by the camp. How: Call 919-774-6228 or send an email to [email protected].

Eternal Athletics Sports Camp at Lee Christian School What: Children in grades 5-12 (rising) can participate in a full slate of sports camps, including soccer, tennis, basketball, and baseball. Bible study will be included. When: Camps will run Mondays through Fridays from June 13 through August 12. Cost: The cost is $100 per week. How: To register, go to www.leechristianschool.org. Click on “Information” and select “LCS Summer Camps.”

First Baptist Church’s Kids of the Kingdom What: Children ages k-6 (rising) can enjoy a different theme each week, along with crafts, field trips, and swimming. When: Camps will run each week of summer from 7:30a to 5:30p. Cost: The cost is $120 per week and a $20 deposit per week is required at registration. How: Pick up a registration form in the church’s Family Life Center or call 919-776-6137.

Football & Cheer Camp at O.T. Sloan Park What: Children ages 5-14 will learn skills and fundamentals from current and past college, semi-pro, and NFL athletes with the Brick City Crusaders. When: The camp will be Saturday, May 14 from 9a to 1p. Cost: The camp is free. How: To register, contact Coach William West at 910-728-9535 or Coach Lamont Piggie at 919-935-4594.

Football & Cheer Camp at Southern Lee High School What: Children ages 5-12 can learn skills and techniques with Lee County Pop Warner/ Sanford Sting. Children do need to be registered in the program. When: The camp will be Saturday, June 25 from 9a to 12p. Cost: This is a free camp. Children will receive a t-shirt and door prizes. How: To register, send an email to [email protected].

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Golf Camp at the Sanford Municipal Golf Course What: Children ages 9-14 will learn golf etiquette and fundamentals at the Sanford Municipal Golf Course. Campers will participate in a tournament on the last day. When: Camp runs from July 18-22 (8:30am-12:30pm). Cost: $75, which includes snacks and lunch. How: To download an application, go to www.sanfordnc.net/golf/golf.htm and click on “Community Connection.” You can also call 919-775-8320.

Horseback Riding Camp at Marsh Stables What: Children ages 5 and up can learn to interact safely with animals, the basics of horse grooming, and more. There are camps for advanced riders and families, too. When: Camps begin in July and run through August. These camps fill up quickly, so you must book them immediately. Cost: The cost is $150 per week. You must pay a $60 non-refundable deposit to hold a space. How: Contact Linda Pate at 919-478-1537 or 919-774-4747. You can mail registration and payment to 1719 Phillips Drive, Sanford, NC 27330.

Horseback Riding Camp at Salem View Farm What: Children ages 6-12 will learn the basics of horseback riding. Themes include Western Riding, English Riding, and Health and Care. When: Camps are offered July 18-22 and August 15-19 from 9a to 1p. Cost: The cost is $250/week or $65/day. How: To register, call 336-734-3754. Sessions fill quickly.

Jordan Lake Boating Camp What: Children ages 7 to 14 will learn boating skills on kayaks and stand-up paddleboards. Each day has a different adventure theme. When: The first session begins on June 13 and run 9am to 4:30pm with options for early drop off and pick up. Cost: The cost is $379 per session, which includes an organic snack. There are multi-week and sibling discounts as well as an early bird discount. How: Go to www.jordanlakeboatingcamp.com for details and to register.

Kindermusik with Real Great Music, LLC What: Children from newborn to age 7 can explore music and instruments. When: There are camps for all age groups. Camps start in late June and run through July. Cost: Price varies by the camp. SocialSanford’s Guide To Summer Camps

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How: To register, visit realgreatmusic.com. Hover over Kindermusik and choose “Summer 2016,” or call 919-721-6738.

Lee Christian School’s Little Falcons What: General interest camps for children in grades K5-4 (rising). When: Camp runs all summer from 9am to 3pm. Early and late hours are available. Cost: Price is $110/week and includes lunch and snacks. There is a $90 registration fee. Early bird discounts are available. How: Go to www.leechristianschool.org for details or call 919-708-5115.

Lee County 4H STEM Camps What: A variety of cooking, arts, and agriculture camps all focused on the role of science in our everyday lives. Camp sizes are limited. When: The first camp begins on June 13 and registration closes June 1. Camps range from three to five days and are usually three hours long. Cost: The cost of each camp is determined by the activities involved. Cost ranges from $10 to $15. How: Go to lee.ces.ncsu.edu and click on “4H Youth Development” and scroll down to “2016 Summer Fun Program.” Registration begins May 9.

Lee County Gymnastics What: Recreational gymnastics classes for children of all ages. When: Classes will be held throughout the summer at various times during the day and evening. Cost: Price ranges from $29 to $64 for the summer session, depending on the child’s age. How: Registration is May 26-27 (3-6pm) at 221 Commercial Court. Call 919-774-6445 for more information.

Lee County YMCA What: Full-day camps for children in elementary and middle school. Each week will have a different theme. Camp is held at BT Bullock Elementary. When: Camps begin June 13 and run through August 26. Earliest drop off is 7am and latest pick up is 6pm. Cost: Members pay $112; non-members pay $123. Rates are per week. Financial assistance is available. How: To view camp details, go to ymcatriangle.com/programs-and-services/camps. You can also stop by the YMCA on Spring Lane.

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Montessori Summer at Independence Montessori What: Children ages 2-6th grade can enjoy a Montessori-inspired summer of fun. When: The program runs June 27-August 19 from 7a to 6p. Cost: There is a $50 enrollment fee. How: Call 910-252-9805 for pricing or go to www.independencemontessori.com.

Preschool Prodigy What: Children ages 2-5 can enjoy 2, 3, or 5 days of preschool instruction through play. When: The program runs all summer. Cost: Contact for details. How: Call/text 919-353-7310 or email [email protected] for information.

Reading Program at the Lee County Library What: Children ages toddler through 5th grade can participate in activities and win prizes for reading. When: The program runs all summer. View program here. Cost: Free. How: Stop by the library to register. For more information, call Delisa Williams at 919-7184665 x 5484 or Sheneeta Thomas at x 5485..

San Lee Park What: Campers explore nature and the world around them. Each week has a different nature-related theme. (Note: Camps are already full, but you can be added to the waitlist.) When: Camps run June 20 through August 12. Half-day (7:30am-noon) is available for children age 4-6. The full-day (7:30am-5:30pm) option is for kids ages 7-12. Cost: Half day costs $60 and full day costs $100. How: Contact Jaime at [email protected] or 919-776-6221 x 8 for all information.

Sewing Camps at Find X Designs What: Sewing and fiber arts camps for children ages 8-15. When: There will be half-day camps on Tuesday mornings or Thursday afternoons. Cost: The cost is $550 for a sewing machine, sewing book, and instruction. The cost is $250 if the child already has a sewing machine. How: For a detailed description, go to www.findx designs.com or call 919-774-4700.

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Soccer Camp at Lee Christian School What: Children ages 7-15 will get skills development such as footwork, speed, conditioning, and more with Elite Soccer Academy. (Full details are not available yet.) When: Camp will run for three days in June. Cost: The cost is $100 per week. How: To register, go to www.sanfordelitesoccer.com.

Softball Camp at Broadway Optimist Park What: Campers will receive foundational instruction from Harry Chubbs Jr. and Jessie McDougald. When: June 13-15, 9a-12p. Cost: $40/camper and $35/sibling through June 10. After June 10, the cost is $50/camper and $45/sibling. How: Contact Harry Chubbs Jr. at [email protected] to register.

Stevens Center What: Art, fitness, and basketball camps for children ages 3+. Some camps are one day per week and others are week-long. Camp sizes are unlimited. When: Camps begin in late June and run through July. Cost: The cost of each camp varies from $20/week to $130/month. How: View a schedule of camps at www.stevenscenter.org and click on “Services,” or register in person at the center on Kelly Drive.

Swim Camp with Sanford Aquatic Club What: Children ages 4-13 can learn basic strokes and foundational techniques in three-day sessions. When: There are sessions in June, July, and August. Cost: Each session costs $60 per swimmer. How: Contact Coach Ashley Long at [email protected] for all details.

Swim Classes with Lee County Parks & Rec What: People of all ages (6 months and older) can learn to swim. When: There are five sessions throughout the summer. There are multiple options for time, including morning and evening classes. Cost: The cost is $30 for county residents. How: Registration is May 26-27 (3-6pm) at the LCPR office on Tramway Road. Call 919775-2107 x4207 for more information. SocialSanford’s Guide To Summer Camps

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Volleyball Camp at Lee County High School What: Children ages 5-14 will receive instruction in the fundamentals and techniques of volleyball. When: Camp will run June 13-16 from 12:30p to 3:30p. Cost: The price is $80/camper. How: To register, call Coach Cindy Kelly at 919-353-9887.

Yoga Monkeys at Tree of Life What: Children ages 4-10 can learn foundational yoga techniques along with body awareness, healthy snack ideas, and more. When: Camp runs June 27-July 2 from 8am to 12pm. Campers can attend the full week or a couple days. Cost: The full week is $150/camper and $120/sibling. How: Call the studio at 910-366-3664. Learn more about the camp on Tree of Life’s Facebook page. Select the “Events” tab.

Other Summer Fun There are plenty of opportunities for your family to stay busy during the summer months. Outside of camps, consider these options: 

The Central Carolina Jaycees will offer a movie night on June 3 in Depot Park on behalf of Downtown Sanford, Inc. Check their page for full details.

Frank Theatre’s free summer movies for kids will start on June 14 and run through August 4 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 10a.

Omni Cinemas 8 in Fayetteville will host kids’ movies every week from June 14 through August 25. The price is $1 per child. See schedule and deals here.

Head out to Depot Park on Thursday evenings for Function at the Junction starting in June, a free night of music sponsored by Downtown Sanford, Inc.

Sign your children up for guitar lessons hosted at Buchanan's Music. Contact the store at 919-775-2422 for details.

Children ages 5+ can take private piano or violin lessons for $10 per session. Contact Judy Spivey at [email protected] for more information.

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