Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children Theory, Assessment, and Intervention SECOND EDITION Michael C. Seto This second edition of Michael Seto’s authoritative book summarizes and integrates advances in the scientific understanding of pedophilia and sexual offending against children. Seto provides a thorough yet accessible synthesis of current research, identifying the psychological and biological underpinnings of pedophilia. He translates this research into practical recommendations for clinical evaluation, risk assessment, and intervention. New to this edition are an increased emphasis on prevention efforts with at-risk individuals, and a clearer distinction between pedophilia and other forms of paraphilia---primarily hebephilia. 2019 · Hardcover · 336 pages
List: $74.95 | APA Member/Affiliate: $56.21 Item #: 4317491 | ISBN: 978-1-4338-2926-0
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael C. Seto, PhD, received his doctorate in psychology in 1997 from Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. He is a registered clinical forensic psychologist and a forensic research director with the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. He also has adjunct professorship appointments in psychology and/or psychiatry at four accredited universities: the University of Toronto, Ryerson University, Carleton University, and the University of Ottawa. Dr. Seto has published extensively on pedophilia, child pornography, sexual offending, violence risk assessment, and offenders with mental disorders; he regularly presents at scientific meetings and professional workshops on these topics.
CONTENTS Preface Introduction Chapter 1. Defining Pedophilia Chapter 2. Assessment Chapter 3. Different Approaches to Studying Pedophilia Chapter 4. Explaining Sexual Offending Against Children Chapter 5. Etiology of Pedophilia Chapter 6. Incest Chapter 7. Risk Assessment Chapter 8. Treatment Chapter 9. Prevention Afterword References Index About the Author
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