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May 21, 2013 - Red Cross is a leading Australian not for ... executive role with Australian Red Cross as. Head of .....
Head of International Program

Position Brief May 2013

About the role Head of International Program 

Develop and drive a new culture and strategy

Be part of the world’s largest humanitarian Movement

Facilitate better outcomes for vulnerable people and communities internationally, with a focus on Asia and the Pacific region

Red Cross is a leading Australian not for profit working with the most vulnerable people and communities. An exciting opportunity has come up for a senior executive role with Australian Red Cross as Head of International Program. The International Program (IP) plays a critical role in delivering the outcomes of Australian Red Cross ‘International Strategy 2009-2015’, one of our seven strategic priority areas. IP currently has around 71 Melbourne-based staff and 39 based off-shore, and an annual budget of around $40M.

In addition, Red Cross is also one of three core partners who deliver AusAID’s Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) program through which we have mobilised 139 volunteers in 12 countries over the last two years. The outcomes of a recent internal review and the development of the new International Strategy in 2014, provide a unique and exciting platform for a positive and energetic leader to build a new culture and direction for Australian Red Cross’ international operations. We are therefore, looking for a senior leader with the following attributes to lead the Program into a new future: 

High level knowledge of the international aid and development field and the global humanitarian environment with field experience desirable but not essential.

High level experience in leading and managing a similar size organisation/ department – people, finance, resources and risks, interface with governance and stakeholder engagement

High level change management leadership in a complex environment

Superior interpersonal, collaboration, innovation and stakeholder management skills

With a focus on Asia and the Pacific, our activities include: 

Disaster management and international emergency response including shelter

Capacity building / organisational development – working with national societies to enhance their capacity to respond to community needs

Health promotion and education such as community based health and first aid, HIV and aids, water and sanitation

Support and deployment of delegates and volunteers across the world in a range technical areas

Position description Head of International Program Position Title Head of International Program


International Program


Direct/Indirect Reports

Direct: 8

Date Revised

21 May 2013

Melbourne, Australia

Reports to

Director of Services and International Operations


Approx $40m per annum

Indirect: approx 100 (Melbourne and off-shore)

 Position Summary Australian Red Cross is committed to working with the most vulnerable people in the most disadvantaged places primarily in the Asia Pacific region, to help them achieve healthier, safer, more protected and sustainable lives for themselves and their children. The Head of International Program is a senior executive role with a direct reporting line to the Director of Services and International Operations. The position will have strategic and operational leadership responsibility for Australian Red Cross’ international operations including thought leadership, people management, stakeholder engagement, risk and financial management. The Head of International Program will be a member of the National Leadership Team (NLT) led by the CEO. The position will work closely with the Head of Australian Services, Head of Community Programs and Head of Strategic Operations – collaborating to ensure that Australian Red Cross domestic and international programs and services are effective and impactful. With a focus on Asia and the Pacific, Australian Red Cross international activities include: 

Disaster management and international emergency response including shelter

Capacity building / organisational development – working with National Societies to enhance their capacity to respond to community needs

Health promotion and education such as community based health and first aid, HIV and aids, water and sanitation

Support and deployment of delegates and volunteers across the world in a range technical areas and development programs

Extensive international and national travel will be necessary.

 Position Responsibilities Key Responsibilities Leadership 

To provide strategic, program and quality leadership across International Program including development programs; international emergencies; delegates and volunteer deployment and return support; program quality and effectiveness; international humanitarian blood projects; and policy and advocacy.

To role model the standards of behaviour expected of National Leadership Team members, consistent with the Red Cross Leadership Charter and ‘Code of Conduct’.

To positively demonstrate leadership in building ‘One Red Cross’ inclusive of staff, volunteers, members and clients.

Strategic and operational planning 

To drive Australian Red Cross international strategic and program response to current and emerging humanitarian needs.

To facilitate and develop organisation wide performance and evaluation and impact frameworks for related programs and projects.

To actively contribute to the strategic, business and operational planning processes for the whole organisation.

Collaboration and innovation 

To demonstrate, promote and build collaboration and innovation within the International Program as well as other areas across the organisation.

To build and maintain a safe and open culture where staff, delegates and volunteers are supported to actively engage in constructive debate and discussion.

People management – staff, volunteers and members 

To provide leadership with the implementation of the organisation wide workforce engagement and retention action plan.

To ensure the development and implementation of a range of initiatives which build the internal capacity of Australian Red Cross people across areas such as sustainable programming, community development, gender inclusion, and the ‘Ways of Working’.

To lead, support and develop the capacity of direct reports by creating an environment that maximises their strengths and full potential.

To help support and drive volunteer and member engagement in Australian Red Cross strategies, activities and programs.

Financial and risk management 

To actively assist in the development of organisation wide strategies to increase funding for programs and services.

To comply fully with budget, financial management objectives, policy and procedures, and delegations.

To actively monitor risk, ensuring compliance with governance policy and response to all funding and audit requirements.

To ensure that financial accountability and transparency are operationalised across the Program and management team.

Stakeholder engagement 

To build and sustain strategic and purposeful relationships with AusAID (Australian Government aid agency) and peak bodies such as Australian Council for Development (ACFID).

To build and sustain strategic and operational relationships with the Movement including: Federation, ICRC, and partner national societies.

To actively contribute to and support the Federation’s Movement coordination role, particularly in the Asia and Pacific regions.

Other responsibilities 

As directed by the DOSIO and CEO, undertake a range of projects and/or responsibilities designed to strengthen program and services efficiency and/or effectiveness including strong partnerships with support (corporate) functions.

 Position Selection Criteria Technical Competencies 

Extensive knowledge and experience in international aid and development, including field experience.

Extensive experience operating in the global humanitarian context including experience with multilaterals such as Red Cross/ Red Crescent Movement; UN agencies; and International NGOs (Oxfam, Amnesty, World Vision etc).

Extensive experience in leading and managing a similar size department and/or organisation.

Demonstrated capacity to achieve positive outcomes through working with implementing partners - Red Cross/ Red Crescent national societies; and local NGOs.

Extensive and proven leadership and communication skills including experience in public presentations and media liaison.

Qualifications/Licenses 

Relevant tertiary qualifications, skills and/or experience in aid and development and/or humanitarian sector.

Behavioural Capabilities ACHIEVE | Change, Adapt and Innovate | Improves processes or programs through demonstrating flexibility and innovation: Uses a systematic, collaborative approach to devise and apply change initiatives | Clearly articulates organisational wide change initiatives | Roles models and embodies effective change behaviours | Identifies and addresses risks to change initiatives | anticipates and plans organisational development to improve performance | Actively challenges popular thinking to explore opportunities

ACHIEVE | Drive Results | Takes responsibility for achieving results and maintains effective work behaviours under pressure: Accepts and tackles challenging goals and potential opportunities for Red Cross | Takes multiple actions against resistance or obstacles to ensure achievement of results | Demonstrates confidence to lead discussion and debate in appropriate forums | Utilises governance and accountability frameworks to drive results LEAD | Being Strategic | Identifies optimum strategic responses in a changing environment Communicates a clear vision of the future | Develops organisational strategy in line with the organisational vision and mission | Revises organisational strategy in light of changing circumstances | Encourages other people to think about the organisation’s long-term potential COLLABORATE | Engage and Influence others | Demonstrates appropriate engaging and influencing skills aligned with Red Cross objectives: Cultivates and maintains extensive formal and informal networks | Positions the organisation positively within the community and professional networks | Fosters long term relationships to gain resources and support for vulnerable people | Builds strategic alliances and partnerships to drive outcomes | Utilises complex influencing strategies COLLABORATE | Share Information and Communicate Effectively | Shares information consistently and transparently: Communicates clear, consistent and transparent messages to the organisation | Drives organisation-wide processes that ensure effective sharing of information | Provides opportunities and forums to seek ideas from internal and external sources | Plans communication strategies that demonstrate understanding of others’ needs | Promotes and defends ideas on behalf of other individuals, teams and the organisation | Effectively manages own emotions communicating with others

 General Conditions 

All Red Cross staff and volunteers are required to:

Adhere to the seven fundamental principles of Red Cross:

Humanity | Impartiality | Neutrality | Independence | Voluntary Service | Unity | Universality

Act at all times in accordance with the Code of Conduct

Comply with the Work Health and Safety management system

Undertake a police check prior to commencement and every three years thereafter

Support a child safe organisation by undertaking screening for suitability to work with children, youth and vulnerable people and to comply with relevant state/territory legislative requirements

Assist the organisation on occasion, in times of national, state or local emergencies or major disasters

National leadership team (NLT) Chief Executive Officer Robert Tickner

Director IHL, Strategy, Planning and Research Helen Durham

Head of International Program Vacant

Director of Services and International Operations Michael Raper

Head of Australian Services Noel Clement

National Director Marketing Fundraising and Communications Jennifer Gibb

Chief Financial Officer Sandhya Chakravarty

Executive Directors * Di Jay, NSW | Toni Aslett, VIC| Ian Burke, TAS | Kevin Keeffe, QLD | Joan Hughes, ACT | Steve Joske, CSC, WA | Sandra Cannon, NT | Helen Connolly, SA *Executive Directors report to Director of Services and International Operations regarding Services and to the CEO on all other matters.

Director Human Resources Chris Steinfort

Chief Information Officer Peter Day

Head of Community Programs Kerry McGrath

Director Commercial Operations John Wills

About Red Cross Australian Red Cross Australian Red Cross is part of the world’s largest humanitarian organisation. With over 100 million volunteers worldwide and 60,000 members and volunteers in Australia, we reach people and places like nobody else. Our work in Australia and internationally is focussed on improving lives and reducing vulnerability. We are independent of government and have no political, religious or cultural affiliation. Our vision is to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Australia and internationally by mobilising the power of humanity. Our mission is to be a leading humanitarian organisation in Australia, improving the lives of vulnerable people through programs delivered and promotion of humanitarian laws and values. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement includes the International Federation, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, such as Australian Red Cross, in 186 countries.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies The Federation facilitates and promotes all humanitarian activities carried out by its member National Societies and works to strengthen their capacities. It directs and coordinates international assistance of the Movement to victims of disasters, to refugees and in health emergencies.

International Committee of the Red Cross Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Geneva Conventions and the Movement. The ICRC is an impartial, neutral and independent organisation that directs and coordinates the Movement’s international activities in armed conflicts and other situations of violence. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering through promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service The Blood Service plays a central role in the health system of Australia, and is funded entirely by the governments of Australia. The Blood Service is a division of Australian Red Cross, and subscribes fully to the seven Fundamental Principles. Australian Red Cross provides the vital social and professional umbrella under which the Blood Service can carry out its important work with a clear mandate and consistent identity.

Working as one – strategy 2015 Strategy 2015 commenced in July 2010 and provides a clear plan for Red Cross work over the next 5 years, describing who we are, how we work and how we help. It brings together:  Vision and mission  Fundamental principles  Priority areas  Cross cutting themes  Ways of working  Enabling goals

Fundamental principles In all we do our staff, volunteers and members are guided by the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Humanity The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, co-operation and lasting peace amongst all people. Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. Independence The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. Voluntary Service It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. Unity

There can be only one Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Universality The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

Priority areas Our work with the most vulnerable people and communities in Australia and internationally is focused around seven priority areas. 1. Strengthening national emergency preparedness, response and recovery 2. Increasing international aid and development 3. Championing international humanitarian law 4. Addressing the impact of migration 5. Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 6. Overcoming social exclusion by providing bridges back into the community 7. Tackling entrenched locational disadvantage

Cross cutting themes Our work in the seven priority areas is underpinned by a commitment to tackle four significant global issues of the 21st century and implement strategies to address each of these:  Climate change  Youth engagement  Cultural diversity  Gender

Ways of working How we work is as important as what we do. Our work is informed at all times by our Ways of Working: 1. Apply our Fundamental Principles 2. Working as auxiliary to public authorities in the humanitarian field 3. Building on strengths 4. Prevention through early intervention 5. Working in partnership 6. Negotiating a role with communities 7. Avoiding duplication 8. Acting on evidence 9. Advocating for change 10. Mobilising volunteers 11. Embracing diversity

Enabling goals Our enabling goals and outcomes define how Australian Red Cross will organise itself to successfully deliver on our seven Priority Areas and remain strong and sustainable. They apply to both programs and support areas and are designed to foster greater alignment and integration across the whole organisation, working as one. 

  

Engage, partner and influence to promote humanitarian values and prevent and reduce vulnerability Work together to engage, value and enable our people Be effective and accountable in all that we do Build a sustainable organisation consistent with our Fundamental Principles Build a sustainable organisation consistent with our Fundamental Principles

Red Cross people and supporters Members Volunteers Aid workers Staff Donors Supporters

Programs and services Australian Services International program

Support functions Human Resources Finance and Corporate Services Marketing, Communications and Media Strategy, Planning and Research Information Technology Legal and Risk Governance

Income generation Fundraising Commercial Operations Investments Government Funding / Strategic Growth

Other information and useful links Submitting your application Applications should include a cover letter highlighting relevant skills and experience together with a current resume.

Useful links About International Program http://www.redcross.org.au/international -programs.aspx Working as one – strategy 2015 http://www.redcross.org.au/strategy2015.aspx

To submit your application visit www.redcross.org.au/careers.aspx and keyword search job reference number 492670 and apply online.

Policy positions http://www.redcross.org.au/policies.aspx

Application enquiries: Janice Murphy, Recruitment Manager on 03 8327 6932

Ways of working http://www.redcross.org.au/ways-ofworking.aspx

Closing date: Sunday 30 June 2013

Initial enquiries For enquiries please contact: Hang Vo, Head of Strategic Operations, Services and International Operations on 03 9345 1859

Selection process Short listing of applications will occur shortly after closing date. Panel interviews will be conducted with short listed applicants in mid-July 2013.

Interstate and overseas applicants Travel expenses will be reimbursed to short listed applicants attending interview from interstate upon provision of receipts (return economy airfare, taxi to and from airport). Overseas interviews will be conducted via video conferencing/ Skype. Overseas travel will only be reimbursed for the preferred candidate.

Relocation assistance Relocation reimbursement and assistance may be provided to the successful applicant if relocation is required.

Code of conduct http://www.redcross.org.au/code-ofconduct.aspx Client Service Charter http://www.redcross.org.au/clientservics-charter.aspx Annual reports 2011 / 2012 http://redcross.org.au/annualreport_2012 / National Leadership Team http://www.redcross.org.au/nationalleadership-team.aspx Services and programs http://www.redcross.org.au/how-wehelp.aspx Maxxia – salary packaging http://www.maxxia.com.au/employersbusiness/your-industry/charity