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Date: August 08, 03:50PM Society: agu-fm12 Name: Elisa Piispa Amount Paid: $30.00 Transaction #: 185740 Credit Card Type: Visa Credit Card Number: xxxxxxxxxxxx6704

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CONTROL ID: 1484960 TITLE: Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity as Recorded by Mafic Dykes of the ~1.98 Ga Bundelkhand Swarm and ~0.75 Ga Malani Igneous Suite from Northern India AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Elisa J Piispa1, Aleksey V Smirnov1, Manoj K Pandit2 INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Techological University, Houghton, MI, United States. 2. Department of Geology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. ABSTRACT BODY: Determining the long-term behavior and configuration of the Precambrian geomagnetic field is crucial for understanding the origin and nature of Earth’s early geodynamo. However, our knowledge about strength and morphology of the Precambrian geomagnetic field is extremely limited due to paucity of

8/8/2012 4:16 PM

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reliable data on the ancient field strength (paleointensity). Information correlating the strength and characteristics of Earth’s ancient geomagnetic field can be gained by measuring the paleodirectional and paleointensity properties of Precambrian rocks. We investigated two Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms from the Indian subcontinent: the extensive NW-SE trending 1979±8 Ma (U-Pb) dyke swarm in the Bundelkhand craton and the N-S trending Malani mafic dyke swarm, the latter representing the third and final phase of magmatism in the Malani Igneous Suite. Malani rhyolites have been precisely dated at 771±2 to 751±3 Ma (U – Pb zircon ages). The Malani mafic dykes have been correlated with the ~750 Ma dolerite dykes of Seychelles based on geological and geochemical criteria. The mafic dykes of both studied swarms are vertical to sub-vertical and show little or no evidence of alteration. Detailed paleomagnetic studies, using both thermal and alternating field demagnetization, revealed the presence of stable dual-polarity magnetic component for both dyke swarms. The primary nature of the magnetization is supported by positive baked contact tests. Typically, the characteristic magnetization is single component with narrow unblocking temperature spectra between ~500°C and 550-570°C, with remanence carried by small PSD magnetite or low-Ti titanomagnetite. Absolute paleointensities of these dyke swarms were obtained by two different heating based methods: multiple specimen domain-state corrected (MSP-DSC) and Thellier double heating method with alternating infield-zerofield (IZ) and zerofield-infield (ZI) steps. The multiple sample protocol incorporated checks for alteration, additivity and reciprocity during heating. The magnetic stability of samples was checked using thermomagnetic curves and by monitoring the magnetic susceptibility changes through the paleointensity experiments. Magnetization measurements before and after low temperature demagnetization (LTD) in liquid nitrogen allowed comparison of the effectiveness of the LTD treatment with other experimental domain state corrections. We will discuss implications of our results for the Precambrian geomagnetic field evolution. KEYWORDS: [1521] GEOMAGNETISM AND PALEOMAGNETISM / Paleointensity. (No Image Selected) (No Table Selected) SPONSOR NAME: Elisa Piispa Additional Details

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