ABSTRACT - International Journal of Physiotherapy

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Jan 31, 2014 - severe shoulder complaints after axillary lymph node dissection even with postoperative ... breast tissue, axillary dissection and pectoralis.
Int J Physiother. Vol 1(4), 170-177, October (2014)

ISSN: 2348 - 8336


Y. Lokapavani S. Ragava krishna 3 K. Madhavi 2

ABSTRACT Background: Modified radical mastectomy is a frequent surgery employed as a therapeutic procedure in patients with breast carcinoma with involvement of axillary lymph nodes. Many patients suffer from severe shoulder complaints after axillary lymph node dissection even with postoperative rehabilitation. Pre-operative exercise and education are recommended to reduce the incidence of breast cancer related upper limb dysfunction; it will shorten the recovery time. The objectives of the study are to determine the influence of pre-operative physiotherapy on shoulder ROM using goniometer in subjects with modified radical mastectomy and to determine the influence of pre-operative physiotherapy on functional activities using shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI) in subjects with modified radical mastectomy. Methods: 30 Subjects of adult women included in the study who met the inclusion criteria, divided into 2 groups. Experimental Group received preoperative physical therapy education and exercises 1-2 weeks before surgery and routine physical therapy protocol after surgery. Control Group received standard education brochure preoperatively and routine physical therapy post operatively. Measurements included shoulder ROM and functional evaluation using goniometer and SPADI. Measurements were taken at baseline i.e., pre operatively, post operatively at 4 th day after removal of drains, and 1month after surgery. Results: All measures were significantly reduced after surgery, but most recovered after 1month of surgery and attained functional level in experimental Group. Conclusion: This study provides experimental evidence that preoperative education and exercise influence the postoperative shoulder ROM and functional activities after modified radical mastectomy. Key words: Modified Radical mastectomy, Pre-op physiotherapy education and exercise, ALND, upper limb dysfunction, SPADI (Shoulder pain and disability index) Received 26th July 2014, revised 30th July 2014, accepted 10th August 2014

DOI: 10.15621/ijphy/2014/v1i4/54556



Y. Lokapavani


Lecturer, College of Physiotherapy, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. 3 Principal, College of Physiotherapy, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Int J Physiother 2014; 1(4)

MPT Post Graduate Student, College of Physiotherapy, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. e-Mail: [email protected]

Page | 170

INTRODUCTION Breast cancer is one of the common malignant disease affecting women and it is the second most common cause of death from cancer in women. Approximately 60,000 cases of breast cancer diagnosed annually. According to WHO – 3% of rate increasing annually from 1980-2010., global burden rises to 14.1 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer deaths in 2012.1, 2In India 90,659 cases estimated in 2010 by ICMR. Mammary gland is the most important structure present in the pectoral region. It is a modified sweat gland, situated in the superficial fascia of the pectoral region. Deeply it is related to the pectoralis major. Lymph from the breast drains into axillary lymph nodes, internal mammary nodes, supraclavicular nodes. 3, 4Uncontrolled growth of cells in breast tissue can cause breast cancer. Etiology is exactly not known, but inherited changes in two genes that make a woman susceptible to breast cancer – the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene.5 when breast cancer spreads, it usually spreads to axillary nodes. Risk factors include age, gender, family history, dense breast tissue, using hormonal therapy after menopause, usage of birth control pills, non-breast feeding women and alcohol intake. An increase in breast cancer incidence due to various modifiable risk factors was noted, especially in women over 40 years of age. 6, 7The stage of the breast cancer (TNM) is based upon the size of the tumor in the breast (T), status of lymph nodes (N), and metastatic spread to distant sites (M).8 Modified Radical mastectomy is a frequent surgery employed as a therapeutic procedure in patients with breast carcinoma with involvement of axillary lymph nodes. In this procedure excision of all the breast tissue, axillary dissection and pectoralis minor muscle. Survival rates have increased as Medical treatment for breast cancer has advanced, but leave survivors with complications which include reduced shoulder ROM (inability to raise arm overhead), inability to sleep on surgery side and all these limit Functional activities. In Subjects following RM with ALND 73% of women reported decreased shoulder range of motion, pain, lymphedema, limitations in functional activities.9 Upper limb (UL) dysfunction is frequently reported squeal of early stage breast cancer treatment.10 Physiotherapy has been proven to be effective and could play an important role in the post-operative treatment of patients with shoulder/arm complaints following breast cancer surgery.11 Furthermore, Box et al.12concluded in their RCT

Int J Physiother 2014; 1(4)

that a postoperative physiotherapeutic protocol is effective in facilitating and maintaining the recovery of shoulder movement. The early versus delayed effects (long term benefits) of these treatments have been reported in a few longitudinal studies.13 Pre-operative exercise and education are recommended to reduce the incidence of BCrelated UL dysfunction14, but till now the number of patients referred for pre - operative physical therapy exercises are very small. Very few studies that tracked on preoperative physical therapy education and exercise on shoulder function in patients with MRM. A pre-operative exercise reduces the rehabilitation period by early regaining of ROM and also reduces the development of secondary complications. The times invest before surgery, will shorten the recovery time. Preoperative education focus on post-operative presentation and exercise helps in maintaining and improving the shoulder ROM and strength. The main purpose of the study is to determine the influence of preoperative physical therapy education and exercise on post-operative shoulder ROM & functional activities in subjects who have undergone modified radical mastectomy with ALND. METHODS A sample of 30 female subjects was selected by means of simple random sampling method. All subjects were screened for inclusion and exclusion criteria, after finding their suitability they signed an informed consent and divided into 2 groups experimental and control group.For all patients measurements were taken preoperatively, postoperatively i.e., at4th or 5th day when the drain is