Dari data laporan klinik KB tingkat Sumatera Utara pada bulan mei terdapat 771
akseptor, bulan juli terdapat 588 akseptor, bulan agustus terdapat 300 akseptorĀ ...
ABSTRAK Di Indonesia, program pembangunan nasional Keluarga Berencana (KB) mempunyai arti yang sangat penting dalam upaya mewujudkan manusia Indonesia sejahtera. Namun penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pada akseptor masih mengalami banyak kendala, seperti efektivitas alat kontrasepsi yang kurang baik dan kurangnya informasi tentang penggunaan alat kontrasepsi menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi. Dari data laporan klinik KB tingkat Sumatera Utara pada bulan mei terdapat 771 akseptor, bulan juli terdapat 588 akseptor, bulan agustus terdapat 300 akseptor, bulan September terdapat 123 akseptor, bulan oktober terdapat 617 akseptor, bulan nopember terdapat 551 akseptor yang berubah metode alat kontrasepsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi pada akseptor KB di Desa Cempa Kecamatan Hinai tahun 2010. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh akseptor KB yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Cempa, sampel adalah semua akseptor KB yang bertempat tinggal di dusun 6 dan 7 yang berjumlah 97 Akseptor. Dusun terpilih ditentukan secara purposif dengan pertimbangan dusun yang memiliki cakupan akseptor KB terbesar dan memenuhi sampel minimal. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Dari hasil penelitian, prevalens rate perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi sebesar 34%. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada dua variabel yang mempunyai hubungan asosiasi yang bermakna yaitu ketersediaan pelayanan KB (p=0,000), dan ketercapaian tempat pelayanan KB (p=0,004) dengan perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi dan tidak ada hubungan asosiasi antara umur (p=0,677), umur menikah (p=0,153), pendidikan (p=0,481), pekerjaan (p=0,274), jumlah anak (p=0,060), pengetahuan (p=0,846), persepsi terhadap nilai anak (p=0,212), dan keterjangkauan biaya pelayanan KB (p=1,000) dengan perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi. Hasil analisis multivariate diperoleh faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi adalah ketersediaan pelayanan KB dengan persamaan regresi logistic y = 1,486 + 1,815X.. Perlu ditingkatkan penyuluhan tentang efektivitas setiap jenis alat kontrasepsi di Desa Cempa supaya setiap akseptor dapat memilih alat kontrasepsinya dengan pilihan yang rasional. Kata kunci : perubahan metode alat kontrasepsi, cross sectional
Universitas Sumatera Utara
ABSTRACT In Indonesia, the national development program of Family Planning (KB) has a particular significance in the human effort to realize a prosperous Indonesia. However, the use of contraceptives in the acceptor still has many obstacles, such as the effectiveness of contraceptives is not good and lack of information about the use of contraception leads to changes in methods of contraception. From the data reports the level of family planning clinics of North Sumatra in May there were 771 acceptors, in July there were 588 acceptors, in August there were 300 acceptors, in September there were 123 acceptors, in October there were 617 acceptors, in November there were 551 acceptors who changed methods of contraceptive devices. This study aims to analyze the changes in contraceptive methods in family planning acceptors in the Village District Cempa Hinai 2010. This was a cross sectional analytic design. The population in this study are all family planning acceptors who reside in the village of Cempa, samples are all family planning acceptors who reside in the hamlet of 6 and 7, which amounted to 97 Acceptors. Hamlet determined purposively selected with consideration of the hamlet that has the largest coverage of family planning acceptors and meet minimum sample. Statistical analysis was performed by univariate analysis, bivariate and multivariate. From the results of the study, the prevalence rate of change of contraceptive method by 34%. The result of bivariate analysis shows that there are two variables that have a significant association relationship is the availability of family planning services (p = 0.000), and the achievement of family planning services (p = 0.004) with changes in contraceptive method and there is no association relationship between age (p = 0.677) , age of marriage (p = 0,153), education (p = 0.481), occupation (p = 0.274), number of children (p = 0.060), knowledge (p = 0.846), perception of the value of children (p = 0.212), and affordability family planning service costs (p = 1.000) with changes in methods of contraception. Results obtained by multivariate analysis the dominant factor associated with changes in contraceptive method is the availability of family planning services with logistic regression equation y = 1.486 + 1.815 X. Needs to be improved education about the effectiveness of each type of contraceptives in the village so that every acceptor Cempa can choose acontraceptive with a rational choice. Keywords: changes in contraceptive methods, cross-sectional
Universitas Sumatera Utara