Desain Produk Industri FTSP – ITS. Counsellor Lecturer : Rahmatsyam Lakoro S.
sn, MT. Abstrak. There so many artis or writer (a graffiti artist who generally ...
: Erik Maradona
Student Reg. Number
: 3403 100 016
: Desain Produk Industri FTSP – ITS
Counsellor Lecturer
: Rahmatsyam Lakoro, MT
Abstrak There so many artis or writer (a graffiti artist who generally concentrates on letters,tags,styles of graffiti) in our country, with their works could create a graffiti scene in their own place. They have made all wall around cities became colourfull and recontsruct graffiti into culture and art that belongs to Indonesia. Most of us just passed it away and didn’t pay any attention about it, worst things is we dint’t give a damm and try to forgot about it. That’s why it’s important for us to give support even attention to graffiti scene and the artist,. As a one of major city in Indonesia which have graffiti scene in it, graffiti become a culture that grow along the developing of a city. Flourecent colour on the wall around the city has being decoration, and
graffiti give us a little
entertainment. Surabaya a city where graffiti extense with a good attitude , no vandalism in it shows us that Surabaya as a 3rd graffiti scene, could inspired other cities to create a good graffiti scene for national scene which grow and along the cities and support the developing.. Creating an artwork with different style and media, turn Surabaya graffiti into off the wall media, from street into art gallery, some walls change into street art gallery, distro and mall became a art space for street art exebition.. Aerosol spray paint, Brush and Roll are the tools, colourfull piece, character, wild styles are the unique identity. Graffiti artwork now easy to acces by every body it because of the develop of technology and western culture are spereading in east. This book presenting that graffiti is an art which have soul, spirit,creativity and special scene form to wide audience, it shows the different.
During this Surabaya Graffiti Scene book created it try to documenting local pop culture, this is about graffiti artwork (and other work in the future). The methode that use is to try to make possisitioning this visual book as a appreciation and supported media for the graffiti artist specially in Indonesia.. Visual appearance will be combined with “Surabaya Graffiti Character” as the early concept and reference for visual style for layout, illustration, and photographic.. Instead of that this Half Decade Surabaya graffiti Scene book made of, the aim to be one of the communication media for Indonesian developing artwork. This book present A to Z during a decade of Surabaya Graffiti scene and as a result book formatted with graffiti character, which is became a unique selling point for a people to read this book.
Kata Kunci: Book, Graffiti, Surabaya