sequent reports (Hanson & Robertson 1992, Kudryat- cruise HX165 of the RV 'Alpha .... 1985, Simon & Azam 1989) CIS modi- fied for micro-centrifugation by ...
Vol. 131: 287-300.1996
Published February 8
Abundance and production of bacteria and viruses in the Bering and Chukchi Seas Grieg F. Steward*,David C. Smith, Farooq Azam Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0202, USA
ABSTRACT: The distribution, abundance, and production of viruses and bactena were investigated during an August to September 1992 cruise aboard the RV 'Alpha Helix' in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Viruses were abundant in seawater samples at all stations (10' to 10'' I-') and exceeded the bacteria concentration by an order of magnitude on average. Virus-like particles and bacteria were also observed in the pore water of a s e d ~ m e nsample t at 27 and 2.1 X 10' l.', respectively. The concentrations of viruses and bacteria in pelagic samples were correlated (r = 0.83, n = 43). In a detailed depth profile from the deepest and northernmost station (72' N), bacteria and viruses displayed subsurface maxima in the upper 100 m. Below 100 m, the concentrations declined, but were detectable even in the deepestcollected samples (402 m). Integrated bacterial biomass estimates were similar to results from a previous study in this area, but bacterial production measurements ranging from 0.3 to 0.45 g C m-2 d-' were an order of magnitude higher Production rates of bacterial viruses (also known as bacteriophages or simply phages) measured by radiolabeling ranged from 0.5 to 4.2 X lO%iruses I-' d-l, which are similar to previous estimates for temperate coastal waters. The production measurements ind~cated turnover times ranging from 0.4 to 17 d for bacteria and maximum estimates of 1.2 to 15 d for bacterial viruses. Viral mortality of bactena was estimated from the frequency of visibly infected cells (FVIC) and flagellate grazing was calculated from flagellate and bacterial abundances together with a n assumed flagellate clearance rate. Overall, estimated viral lysis was roughly comparable to estimated grazing by flagellates as a source of bacterial mortality. Averaged over the water column, viral mortality of bacteria in the Chukchi Sea was estimated to be 23% of the bacterial production at 2 southern stations and approximately 10% at 2 northern stations. FVIC was correlated with bacterial production (r = 0.75, n = 18) and specific growth rate (r = 0.74, n = 18), but not with bacterial abundance (r = 0.22, n = 27). These data suggest viruses to be a ubiquitous and dynamic feature a n d a significant source of bacterial mortality in Arct~cmarine microbial communities. The implications of bacterial and viral production for C and N cycling in the Chukchi Sea are discussed
KEY WORDS: Microbiology. Ecology. Arctic. Bacteriophage . Bacterial mortality
INTRODUCTION Some of the highest rates of primary production in the world ocean have been measured in the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas (Sambrotto et al. 1984) and the intense productivity supports abundant populations of benthic invertebrates, seabirds, and marine mammals (Hood & Calder 1981). The physical, chemical, and biological bases of this unusually productive area have been investigated in a number of
0 Inter-Research 1996 Resale of full article not permitted
multidisciplinary research programs (e.g. Nagel 1992, McRoy 1993). The results suggest the region to have far-reaching biogeochemical importance a s a sink for atmospheric CO2 (Walsh 1989) and a source of fixed carbon to the Arctic Ocean basins (Walsh et al. 1989). Highest productivity in the Chukchi Sea occurs within modified Bering Shelf Water which we will refer to as BSAW after Grebmeier & McRoy (1989),since it is a mixture of central Bering Shelf and eastern Anadyr Current Waters. To the east lies the much less productive Alaskan Coastal Water (ACW), which is distinguished by lower salinity and higher surface temperature due to inputs from rivers throughout the summer
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 131. 287-300, 1996
(Coachman et a1 1975) In ~nicrobiologicalstudies of mortality, and dlscuss the impact of bacteria and this regron, Andersen (1988) found that the signifiviruses on carbon and nitrogen cycling in relation to cdnce of the microbial loop in respiration and N remthe reported varlabil~tyof primary productivity of the incralizt~tion varied with location. In general, the study area. microbial loop was estimated to process a ldrge fraction (70 to 80'K) of primary productivity in the less MATERIALS AND METHODS productive ACW which is dominated by pico- a n d nanophytoplankton, but only a small fraction (5%)in Sample collection. Samples were collected during the highly productive, diatom-dominated BSAW. Subsequent reports (Hanson & Robertson 1992, Kudryatcruise HX165 of the RV 'Alpha Helix' from 18 August sev et al. 1992) indicate higher rates of bacterial proto 14 September 1992. Sample sites a r e presented in duction, suggesting that the role of bacteria in this Fig. 1. Seawater samples for depth profiles and/or rate measurements were collected with 10 1 Niskin bottles region may be greater than previously thought. mounted on a CTD rosette. Additional transect samThe fate ol bacterial production was not explicitly examined in any of these studies, but data from temples were collected from the uncontaminated seawater supply while underway (inlet at approximately 8 m perate waters indicate that viral mortality of bacteria depth). A sediment core was collected with a 0.0133 m2 can sometimes b e high (Proctor & Fuhrman 1990, Steward et al. 199213, Weinbauer et al. 1993) a n d Haps corer (Kanneworff & Nicolaisen 1973) a n d a pore should thus compete with protozoan grazing to affect water sample extracted from the core using a wholethe transfer of carbon and nitrogen through the core squeezer (Brandes & Devol 1995) which was food web (Fuhrman 1992, Murray & Eldridge 1994). based on the design of Bender et al. (1987). the contribution of viruses to bacterial mortality is significant in polar pelagic food webs has not been studied. The dynam.ics of bacteria and viruses in A r c t ~ csea ice has recently been reported 7~ on (Maranger et al. 1994), but data on pelagic viruses in Arctic waters scant, consisting of a single virus count from d e e p in the Barents Sea (Bergh et al. 1989) a n d 3 counts in the upper few meters underlying Arctic sea ice (Maranger et al. 1994). Somewhat more data have been presented for Antarctic waters and consist of a transect a n d some depth profiles of viral a n d bacterial abundance obtained during crossings of the Drake Passage (Smith et al. 1992). In all of these --cases viral abundances were relatively low ($10" I-'). Reports on the inhibition of marine bacteria by low temperature and substra te concentrations (e.g. Pomeroy et al. 1991) suggest that the low temperatures of polar waters may inhibit the production of bacteria, and secondarily, of bacterial viruses. Adjacent areas of very high and low productivity in the Chukchi Sea provide a n opportunity to examine variability in the ecology of viruses in cold Arctic Igoo 165" 175" 170" waters. In this report, w e present data on F L l ~ The study area, with location of different station types showing: depth the distribution, abundance and producprofiles (numbwed squares], single surface samples collected w ~ t hNiskin viruses in tiOn of bacteria ?Ind bottles (numbered circles),a n d transect samples collected from the uncontathe Bering and Chukchi Seas, estimate minated seawater supply - - . (filled circles). The sediment pore water sample the contribution of viruses to bacter~al was collected at Stn 3 1
St13warcl cl '11.: Abuntlance a n d protluct~onof bdrteri~l inc cl v ~ r u s e s
Enumeration of microorganisms. Samples were preserved with 2%)glutaraldehyde (v:v, final concentration) and stored in polypropylene tubes (15 or 50 m1 capacity) at 4°C until thny could be processed ashore. Storage time varied from 9 to 37 d . The microorganisms in 10 m1 subsamples were pelleted directly onto electron mrcroscope grlds as described in Cochlan et al. (1993) except. that centrifugation was decreased to 2 h (sufficient to pellet particles of 60 S or larger). Grids were stained for 20 s i n 0.5':A uranyl acetate f o l l o w ~ dby 3 sequential 10 s rinses in Milli-Q"' watel- Excc!ss water was wicked away with bibulous paper (Whatman 3hlM or equivalent) and the grids allowed to alr dry. Grids were examined in a Hitachi H-500 transmission electron microscope (TEM) at a n accelerating voltage of 100 kV. Each grid was examined at several different magnif~cationsto count the various classes of microorganisms. Magnifications used were 31x for diatoms, lOOOx for flagellates, 3000 to 10 000 X for bacteria. a n d 50 000 X for viruses. For diatoms, the count was determined by scanning the entire grid. For all others, 50 to 100 view fields were counted. For flagellates and bacteria, no attempt was made to discriminate between nutritiona.1 modes; all nanoflagellates a n d bacteria were assumed to be heterotrophic. Although thecae of choanoflagellates were observed in many samples, thcy were too few to quantify reliably and are not included in this report. Frequency of infected cells. On the s~lniegrids that were used for enumerating microorg~nisms.500 bacteria per sample were examined by TEM at 30000 to 50000x magnification and scored as infected if they contained 3 or more intracellular virus-like particles. Intracellular virus-like particles were identified as darker staining spots having regular shape (circular to icosahedral in profile), all of the same size within any particular cell, and contained within the boundary of the cell c:nvelope as viewed In profile. Virus-llke particles can be distinguished from mineral inclusions (such as magnetite) due 10 thct electron opacity of the latter which renders them evenly black. When the scoring of a cell was uncertain, judgement was based on a photograph of the ci,ll which provided higher resolution than the phosphorescent viewlny screen. The frequency of visibly infected cells (FVIC) was converted to a frequency of infected cells (FIC) using the average (5.42) of the high (7.14) and low (3.7) conversion factors presented in Proctor et al. (1993) A conversion factor is needed to account for ~nfectedbacteria which do not yet contain mature virus particles and thus would not be scored as visibly infected. A range for the FIC estimate was obtained by calculating an extreme high value as the FVIC upper 95% confidence interval (Cl) multiplied by the high conversion [actor ilnd an extreme low value as the FVIC lower 95% Cl multiplied by the low conversion faclor.
Bacterial production. Bactcrl~llsecondary productlon was determined by 'l-l-Ieucine incorporation (Kirchman et al. 1985, Simon & Azam 1989) CIS modified for micro-centrifugation by Smith & Azam (1992). Bacterial carbon production was converted to cell production assumlng 20 fg C cell ' (Lee & Fuhl-man 1987) Bacterial virus production. Production rates of bacterial viruses (bacteriophages or phages) were eslimated from '1-I-thymidine ('H-TclR) incorporation into bacteriophage D N A using a conversion fdclor of 2 X 10" viruses (mol TdR incorporated)-' (Stewd1.d et al. 1992a). Errors in production rales al-e taken as the 95% C1 for the slope of the rate regression line. An dlternative approach to estimating bacteriophage production was also employed. In this method, production was calculated by multiplying tocjethel- FIC and bacterial. production for each sample to estimate rate of cell lysis. Multiplying by a n assumed burst size of 50 then yielded a n estimate of bacteriophage production. The burst size used is the average estimated by Heldal & Bratbak (1991) and similar to the average bul-st size of 51 observed for rod-shaped cells (the nuniel-ically dominant morphotype) by Weinbauer & Peduzzi (1994). The range of the bacteriophage production estimate was rdlculated as the minimum and maximum obtainable rates when combining the extremes of the ranges for the FIC and bacterial productlon va1u.e~ used in the calculation (burst size was assumed constant) The ranges for FIC estimates were calculated as described above and the ranges for individual bacterial productlon estimates were taken as the mean 2 the standard deviation of triplicate incubations. Flagellate grazing. Grazing rates 01 nanoflayellates were estimated as the product of bacterial concentration, flagellate concentration and a n assumed clearance rate of 10 nl h ' flagellate ' (Fenchel 1982, Andersen & Fenchel 1985).This clearance rate was chosen to facilitate compar~sonwith the data of Andel-sen (1.988) from the same study area. Grazing rales were expressed in terms of carbon by assuming 20 fg C bacterium-' (Lee & Fuhrnian 1987) The upper and lower limlts for grazing rate in a sample were calcultlted from the upper and lower 95'% Cl of the flagcllate concentrations. Bacterial mortality. The fraction of bacterial productlon lysed by viruses was estimated by multiplying the mean FIC by 2 . The factor of 2 1s used to express mortality as a percentage of production and assumes (1) a steady state in hacterial abundance as \veil as lysis and reinfection, and (2) that phaye latent period equals bacterial generation time (Proctor & Fuhrman 1990) The possible range of viral mortality in each sample was calculaled using the extreme high and low estimates of FIC tor lhat sample (see above). For compari-
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 131. 287-300, 1996
son, bacterial mortality was also derived from radiolabeling estimates of viral production by assuming a burst size of 50. In this approach, viral production divided by burst size yielded an estimate of the rate of cell lysis which was then expressed as a percentage of bacterial cell production. The percent bacterial mortality due to grazing was calculated as the grazing rate divided by the bacterial production rate. The range for mortality due to flagellate ingestion was calculated from the range of each estimate of grazing rate (see above).
Abundance and distribution of microorganisms Bacterial and viral abundance in the surface water (upper 10 m) from 2 transects (first and second halves of the cruise) are plotted as a function of latitude for all 26 stations in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in Fig. 2. Bacteria varied from 0.21 to 2.1 X l o g 1-' and viruses from 2.5 to 36 X l o g 1-l. Although there was considerable variability, bacterial abundance tended to decrease with increasing latitude and this trend was more pronounced in the southbound transect. Viruses
0 .. .. o....:0 .. .
o Southbound
displayed no obvious trend with latitude, but viral abundances were higher in the southbound relative to the northbound transect. In a sample of pore water squeezed from the upper 1 cm of a sediment core, bacteria and viruses were present at 2.1 and 27 X 10q I-', respectively. For 3 of the stations in the Chukchi Sea we present depth profiles of temperature, salinity, in situ fluorescence, the abundances of bacteria, viruses, flagellates and diatoms, the FVIC and bacterial production in Fig. 3. Diatoms and flagellates displayed similar patterns of depth distribution with peaks below the mixed layer. The major peaks in diatom counts corresponded to fluorescence peaks measured by the In situ fluorometer. The fluorometer was not calibrated so these data could not be converted to chlorophyll concentrations. Bacteria and viruses were most abundant below the mixed layer, with both displaying sub-surface maxima at 100 m in the 2 deeper profiles (Stns l 7 and 32; Fig. 3). In the deepest profile (Stn 32), bacteria and viruses show a steep decline with depth into waters of Atlantic Ocean origin below 120 m (Coachman & Aagaard 1974), reaching minima of 0.067 X 10"acteria at 195 m and l )as frequently as flagellate grazing (ratio llates,autolysis, loss from the water column by dttachinent to sinking particles, etc ) It is also possible that we have undelest~matedv ~ r a lmortality (as d ~ s c u s s e dabove) and/or flagellate yrazlng However, the percent mortality of bacterla accounted for by vlruses and flagellates in all of the deeper watel samples (200 to 402 m) and some surface samples was suggesting the importance part~cularlysmall (50%). Our results and the results of others (Weinbauer et al. 1993) indicate that viral mortality of bacteria is higher in more eutrophic waters (around 20 to 50%), but is relatively slight (perhaps 10%) in oligotrophic conditions where viruses would have the greatest potential impact. Thus, our results combined with the model results of Murray & Eldridge (1994) imply that bacterial viruses might be expected to have little effect on zooplankton production under most circumstances. However, simple quantitative estimates of viral lysis of bacteria and its effect on carbon supply to higher trophic levels may misrepresent the significance of bacteria and bacterial viruses in biogeochemical cycling. Even in areas such as the northern Chukchi Sea, where integrated viral mortality averaged only 10%, bacterial viruses are still likely to be critical components of the food web. Unlike protozoa, viruses are generally species-speciflc (Ackermann & DuBow 1987, Berrsheim 1993).Therefore, even when total viral mortality of bacteria is low, viruses could be devastating individual bacterial populations (e.g Bratbak et al. 1990) and thereby causing species succession and possibly maintaining species diversity as speculated by Fuhrman (1992). Bacterial viruses may also shape the biochemical potential of the microbial community through genetic transfer among bactena. Viruses could enhance genetic transfer directly, via transduction, or indirectly by contributing to the dissolved DNA pool, thus increasing the likelihood of natural transformation. Both processes have been shown to occur in aquatic environments (Saye et al. 1990, Frischer et al. 1994). The genes of bacterial viruses themselves may prove important determinants of bacterial phenotype through phage conversion. For example, it is known that some
bacterial toxins, somatic antigens, and enzymes are actually coded by viral genes (Barksdale & Arden 1974). To what extent viruses mediate species succession, the maintenance of bacterial diversity, genetic exchange, and conversion in natural seawater communities remains an important quest~onto be answered. However, our data from the Chukchi Sea imply that viral infection of pelagic bacteria is ubiquitous. Therefore, detailed investigation of these processes is critical to a complete understanding of the microbial ecology and biogeochemical dynamics of the Arctic marine ecosystem.
Acknowledgements. We thank A. Devol for the opportunity to participate in the cruise a n d for use of the squeeze core apparatus, J. Grebmeier and L. Cooper for providing a sediment core, S. Hartz and J. Smithhlssler for assistance in sample collection and CTD data, and M. Flanagan for assistance in the preparation of Fig. 1. Thanks to M. Weinbauer and J. Fuhrman for discussion and provision of unpublished data, and to J. T Hollibaugh and 2 anonymous reviewers for suggestions to improve the manuscript. This research is in partial fulf~llmentof the requirements towards obtaining a PhD by G.F.S. This work was supported by NSF grants DPP91-l3919 and OCE92-19864 to F.A. and NSF DPP91-14414 to J . T. Hollibaugh. Ship time was supported by NSF grant DPP-114287 to A. Devol.
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This article was presented by J . Fuhrman (Senior Ed~torial Advisor), Los Angeles, California, USA
Manuscript first received: May 19, 1995 Revised version accepted. September 28, 1995