Abstract. The density, seasonality, habitat utilisation and foraging ecology of birds in mangals (mangrove forests) at a site on the upper reaches of Darwin ...
Wildlife Research, 1996,23,443-74
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves of Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory
R. A. Noske Science Faculty, Northern Territory University, PO Box 40146, Casuarina, NT 081 1, Australia.
Abstract The density, seasonality, habitat utilisation and foraging ecology of birds in mangals (mangrove forests) at a site on the upper reaches of Darwin Harbour were investigated by transect censusing and colour-banding over three years. Despite having only 10 species of plants, the site supported 17 confirmed and five probable breeding resident species of birds, and was visited by 30 more. From variable-width transect censuses, the mean density of birds on a 4-ha plot was estimated to be 25 ha-', fairly consistent with densities obtained from territory mapping of colour-banded birds. Nearly 70% of the individuals belonged to just four species: two mangal-dependent species, the red-headed honeyeater, Myzomela erythrocephala, and the yellow white-eye, Zosterops lutea, and two more generalised species, the large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, and the brown honeyeater, Lichmera indistincta. Only the red-headed honeyeater showed significant seasonal variation in abundance, with highest numbers during the late dry season after breeding. This coincided with the period of greatest food (nectar) availability in the mangal, due to flowering Bruguiera exaristata. Lowest numbers of the red-headed honeyeater (and the brown honeyeater) occurred in the late wet season when nectar was scarce in the mangal but abundant in paperbarks, Melaleuca cajuputi, fringing the mangal. Several resident species held permanent territories, while others apparently shifted landward during the wet season, possibly due to the wetter conditions created by freshwater runoff and high spring tides. Many species showed strong associations with particular mangal zones. Large-billed gerygones, grey whistlers, Pachycephala simplex, shining flycatchers, Myiagra alecto, and mangrove fantails, Rhipidura phasiana, were associated with the Rhizophora zone at the wetter (more frequently inundated) end of the plot; mangrove robins, Eopsaltria pulverulenta, and mangrove gerygones, Gerygone laevigaster, were encountered most in the Ceriops zone; and green-backed gerygones, Gerygone chloronata, strongly favoured the dry landward edge. Four foraging guilds were evident among 13 of the most abundant species, the largest of which was the insectivorous foliage-foraging guild. Species in this group partitioned resources by differential selection of mangrove species, heights and foraging techniques. The tiny (6.4 g) mangrove gerygone was the most specialised species, spending 80% of its time on Avicennia marina. Contrary to the literature, breeding of mangal-dwelling birds peaked during the dry season. The ecology, evolution and biogeography of mangrove-endemic birds is reviewed in the light of this study and recent information from Western Australia.
Introduction North-western Australia supports more mangrove-endemic bird species than does any other region in the world. Found on coasts throughout the tropics, mangroves are thought t o have originated in northern or western Australia (Mepham 1983), and they exhibit their greatest diversity in the South-east Asian-Australian region (Tomlinson 1986). In Peninsular Malaysia, where the diversity of mangroves is comparable to that in Australia, seven bird species are restricted t o mangals (mangrove communities), although three of these extend into inland forests elsewhere in South-east Asia (Nisbet 1968; Wells 1985; Noske 1995). T h e floristically
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poor mangals of Africa and South America each have only one bird species exclusive to this habitat (Cawkell 1964; Haverschmidt 1965; Ffrench 1966; Field 1968; Altenburg and Spanje 1989). Australia, however, has 14 species that are virtually confined to mangals, and at least six other species that depend on mangals in parts of their range (Ford 1982; Schodde et al. 1982). Apart from Indonesia, Australia has the largest remaining area of mangal in the Indo-Pacific region (Saenger et al. 1983). These tracts are significant because they are largely unexploited by humans, in contrast to the situation in the rest of Asia and the Pacific (e.g. Budimen et al. 1987; Soepadmo 1987). Galloway (1982) estimated that the total area of mangal in Australia was 11000 km2, of which about 40% occurred in Queensland and a further 35% (4120 km2) in the Northern Territory. More recently, however, the area of mangal in the Northern Territory was estimated to be 1440 km2 (Wilson et al. 1990). Stratigraphic and palynological evidence indicates that mangal was much more extensive in north-western Australia during the Pleistocene than today (Chappell and Grindrod 1985; Woodroffe et al. 1985a, 1985b, 1992; Clark and Guppy 1988). In terms of their floristics, the richest mangals in Australia are those of northern Queensland (Lear and Turner 1977; Bunt et al. 1982; Wells 1982, 1983), yet fewer mangal-endemic bird species occur there than in north-western Australia (Ford 1982; Schodde et al. 1982). Given the interest that mangals have attracted from biologists in the last two decades, our understanding of their vertebrate fauna is surprisingly poor (Hutchings and Recher 1982; Milward 1982; Hutchings 1987). The literature on Australian mangal-dwelling birds is mainly concerned with their distribution, evolution and taxonomy (Ford 1982, 1983; Schodde et al. 1982; Johnstone 1990). Johnstone (1990) listed birds in 8 3 blocks of mangal between Cambridge Gulf and Shark Bay in Western Australia. Schodde et al. (1982) and Johnstone (1990) made general observations of the feeding behaviour, diet and habitat preferences of mangal-endemic birds, but there have been no quantitative studies of their abundance and foraging ecology. The present study concerns the ecology of a bird community in mangals near Darwin, Northern Territory. The principal objectives of the study were to determine (1) the density, relative abundance and seasonality of all bird species inhabiting the mangal; (2) their spatial use of this habitat; and (3) their feeding ecology. These objectives were achieved by monthly bird censuses and spot-mapping of individually marked birds, observations of foraging behaviour and monitoring of floral (nectar) and insect food resources. It was assumed that the diet of each species was similar to that of its conspecifics in Western Australia (data in Johnstone 1990). The results of the studies of flowering phenology and insect abundance are summarised here, and will be detailed elsewhere.
Methods Study Site
In June 1985, a study site was established adjacent to Palmerston Sewage Ponds (12"30rS, 130°57'E), 13 km east-south-east of Darwin Post Office, in mangals fringing Myrmidon Creek. This creek flows into the East Arm of Darwin Harbour near its junction with Elizabeth River (Fig. 1). This area was chosen because of its pristine condition, relative inaccessibility to the general public, and numerous abandoned survey lines cutting east-west through the mangal, providing easy access from the landward edge. The climate of the region is characterised by uniformly high temperatures and a highly seasonal rainfall. Some 90% of the rainfall (mean annual rainfall c. 1700 mm) falls during the wet season from November to April, while the dry season (May-October) is virtually rain-free. Darwin Harbour is macrotidal: the maximum range is 7.8 m; mean spring range is 5.5 m and mean neap range is 1.9 m (Danvin Tide Tables, 1988-90). Vegetation at the site exhibited the zonation typical of mangals in northern Australia (Lear and Turner 1977; Semenuik et al. 1978; Davie 1985; Semenuik 1985; Wightman 1989) and that described for Creek 'H', only 4.5 km south of the study site (Woodroffe 1985).From the seaward or tidal river edge progressing inland, these zones were (i) a Sonneratia zone, represented by a narrow strip of Sonneratia alba fringing Myrmidon Creek; (ii) a zone dominated by Rhizophora stylosa, with distinctive stilt roots, occumng along all tidal channels; (iii) a relatively narrow zone dominated by Bruguiera exaristata; (iv) a wide zone
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
Fig. 1.
Location of study site, in relation to Darwin and Palmerston. Stippled areas are mangals.
dominated by Ceriops australis, forming a virtual monoculture bisected by bare sandy saltflats into an inner Ceriops zone and an outer (often taller) Ceriops zone; and (v) a narrow zone dominated by Lumnitzera racemosa, marking the landward edge of the mangal (Fig. 2). The mangal was patchily fringed by paperbarks (Melaleuca leucadendra and M. cajuputi) and surrounded by savanna woodland dominated by Pandanus spiralis, Planchonia careya, Hakea arborescens, Terminalia grandiflora and Cochlospermum fraseri, with a well-developed grass layer. The site contained many previously cut survey lines (1-1.5 m wide) extending west from the mangal-savanna boundary at 50-m intervals. A rectangular plot spanning four of these east-west lines was chosen for transect censuses and mist-netting. It included Rhizophora, Bruguiera and Ceriops zones (Fig. 2). The western edge of the plot was situated about 350 m from Myrmidon Creek, and the eastern edge 100-200 m from the mangal-savanna boundary. Five north-south lines were established, crossing the transects at 50-m intervals, to produce a grid of twelve 50 m X 50 m squares. The plot encompassed an area of 3 ha (200 m long X 150 m wide), but the censusing area extended 25 m south and north of the first and last transects, respectively, to make a total of 4 ha. The intersections of the lines were marked with flagging tape of two colours in unique combinations for mapping the locations of marked birds. The vegetation of the plot was quantified by identifying and recording approximate heights of all plants (>1 m high) counted within a belt 10 X 0.5 m wide at alternate 10-m intervals along one or both sides of each of the four cut transect lines.
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Study plot
Fig. 2. Mangrove zonation at study site, showing gridded plot, and its relationship to mangal-savanna boundary and Myrmidon Creek.
Netting and colour-banding of birds were conducted to enable recognition and mapping of individuals seen during censuses and other walks, and to provide additional locational and morphometrical data on each species. Mist-netting was conducted once a month on average from January 1986 to February 1990, and was usually restricted to mornings when tides did not exceed 3 m. Mist-net sites were numbered and, during the study period, nets were rotated over the four transects to ensure coverage of the plot. After 1990, nets were placed in locations outside the plot as well as inside, to maximise capture rates of one species (the red-
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
headed honeyeater). On each occasion, 4-6 nets were operated for 2-5 h, checked every 30 min to minimise the risks of dehydration and predation to captured birds. All captured birds were banded with a numbered metal band (supplied by the former Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service) on the left leg, and two coloured celluloid bands on the right leg. Censusing and Spot-mapping Once each month from August 1987 to July 1990, I counted birds seen or heard while walking slowly at 0.4 km h-' along each of the four 200-m east-west transect lines in sequence. Censuses were conducted only in the early morning between 0700 and 0900 hours, during fine weather, and were not undertaken during high tides because of the risk of predation of the author by crocodiles. As the habitat distribution and foraging behaviour of some bird species possibly vary with tidal state, my avoidance of high tides may have introduced some bias, but this was probably minimal since most high neap tides only affected the Rhizophora zone, whilst the Ceriops zone on the plot was affected for less than 2 h per day during maximum spring tides. The location of each encountered bird was recorded by estimating its perpendicular distance up to 25 m (north or south) from the transect line, and distance from the nearest 50-m grid marker. These locations were subsequently transcribed onto maps for determination of territories. Where possible, sex and colourband combination were also noted. As the transect lines were only 50 m apart, they were treated as a single transect 800 m long. In counting birds along closely spaced transects, care was taken to avoid multiple counting of individuals or groups, by noting the size of group and direction of travel on maps, and identifying any colour-banded members. Locations that appeared to refer to previously detected individuals or groups were ignored in data analyses. This problem is largely negated by the analysis, described below, in which data from beyond the first 5-m band were usually excluded. The difficulty of seeing birds in the mangal beyond 3 m from the transect line precluded a 'sight only' approach. Similarly, alternating the route of the walk was precluded because of rising tides affecting one end of the plot. Transect census data were analysed by the variable-width procedure to compensate for variability in detectability of birds over different transect widths, as most species showed a consistent decline in detection over increasing distances from the transect line. This contradicts the assumption of equal detectability over the entire transect area inherent in the fixed-width density procedure. For simplicity, I used the technique outlined by Balph et al. (1977), in which, for each species in each census, densities are calculated separately for strips of increasing width (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 m; total areas 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4 ha), and the strip with the highest density used for that census. This approach seemed justified given that transect methods invariably underestimate true densities (e.g. Emlen 1971; Eberhardt 1978; Franzreb 1981; Hilden 1981; Bell and Fenier 1985; Ford et al. 1985), especially in dense habitats such as mangal. Transect density estimates were checked against densities determined for colour-banded species inhabiting the plot. To examine seasonal variation in abundance, density estimates were grouped into six bimonthly periods and analysed by oneway ANOVA, after data were transformed to loglo ( x +I). Locational data were analysed to determine whether bird species had preferences for particular mangrove species or zones. Such data came from two sources: observations during censuses and other walks; and the locations of mist-nets where birds were caught. For observational data, a colour transparency map, showing the boundaries of the three mangal zones represented in the (4 ha) plot, was superimposed on bird-species maps so that each locational record could be assigned to a zone or zones. Where a bird location fell on the boundary between two zones, each zone would score 0.5 for that record. Records involving more than one bird were, except where indicated, treated as single records. Preferences for particular zones were investigated with chi-square tests by comparing the distribution of records between the three zones with the total area (in m2) of each zone on the plot, calculated from the vegetation map by means of a planimeter. Yates' correction factor was applied to 2 X 2 contingency tables. As sampling outside the plot was opportunistic and uneven, it was not valid to calculate expected values based on the area of zones so such data are used only in interspecific comparisons. Data on mist-net locations of each species were initially assigned to each of the five mangal zones (Rhizophora, Bruguiera, inner Ceriops, outer Ceriops, Lumnitzera) sampled up to February 1994, and compared with expectations based on the total net-hours devoted to each zone (number of nets X hours of operation) by means of chi-square tests. Except where mentioned in the text, scientific names of birds are given in the Appendix. Foraging Observations Foraging observations of the four most abundant species were restricted to the site, but, for other species, observations were made at several sites around Darwin Harbour, to minimise the possibility of site
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bias. For each foraging bird encountered, the following four niche dimensions were recorded: foraging site (leaf, branch, flower, ground), foraging height, foraging technique, and plant species used. Foraging techniques were categorised as follows: glean (attempting to obtain stationary prey while perched), snatch (acquiring stationary prey during short flight from perch), hover (hovering beside stationary food source), hawk (chasing flying prey), drill (repeatedly pecking at one location) or probe (inserting bill into cavity of flower or branch). No two observations were made consecutively; if an individual was observed more than once, observations were separated by at least 30 min. For each species, niche breadth was calculated with the Shannon-Wiener index of diversity (Krebs 1989):
where pi is the proportion of foraging manoeuvres in each of n categories per niche dimension (substratum, height, technique, plant species). These values were standardised for interspecific comparisons by means of the Evenness measure (Krebs 1989):
,, is equivalent to log, (n). where H' , For each pair of species for each measured niche dimension, overlap was calculated with the Percentage Overlap formula (Krebs 1989): P. = [ 8 (minimum pp pik)l x 100 lk where P is the percentage overlap between species j and k, and p, is the proportion of observations in each category of each niche dimension (substratum, height, technique, plant species). As the foraging dimensions were not independent, overlaps for the four niche dimensions were averaged. Average overlap values for each pair of species were used to construct a dendrogram to delineate guilds of species that resembled each other in foraging behaviour, by the method of Cody (1974). Differences between species in foraging behaviour were examined with chi-square tests, Yates' correction factor being applied to all 2 X 2 comparisons. Statistical comparisons between species were mainly restricted to pairs of congeners. Nesting data were collected opportunistically. Birds of Australian mangals are known to eat nectar, insects, spiders, crustaceans, fish and molluscs (Johnstone 1990). To assess the temporal and spatial variation in availability of these resources, insect and floral resources at the study site were regularly monitored over at least one full year. Monitoring of the crustacean, molluscan and fish fauna was outside the scope of this study. Flying insects were sampled with stationary Malaise and window interception traps at three locations, representing three mangrove zones, from May 1990 to February 1993. Stationary arthropods were sampled by bagging foliage clipped from branches of each of the five major mangrove species once a month from October 1989 to April 1991. Data relating to insect availability will be presented elsewhere. The availability of nectar resources was assessed by monitoring the flowering phenology of all mangrove species that had flowers visited regularly by birds, viz. R. stylosa, B. exaristata, C. australis and L. racemosa. For each of these species, 12-20 individual plants were tagged and the following recorded each month for each tree: (i) the proportion of shoots (n = 20-50) with buds or flowers; and (ii) the stages (buds, fresh or old flowers) of all flowers counted within 12 views through 10X binoculars at a distance of 10 m, four from each of three height strata (upper, middle and lower). Except for L. racemosa, the tagged plants were spread over the entire length of two or more transects to avoid bias asssociated with particular edaphic or tidal conditions. As the paperbark M. cajuputi on the mangal edge was found to be an important nectar source for mangaldwelling birds at times, 15 individuals of this species were tagged and monitored as above.
Results Vegetation and Flowering Phenology Eight species of plants, all obligate mangroves (sensu Tomlinson 1986), occurred on the plot, while another two mangroves (L. racemosa, Excoecaria ovalis) were confined to the landward edge, east of the plot. Transect 1 exhibited fairly typical zonation from east t o west, from the landward C. australis zone with an increasing amount of B. exaristata, t o the twice-
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
daily inundated Rhizophora zone with co-dominant Bruguiera pawijlora (Fig. 3; Table 1). The eastern (drier) end of Transect 2 was dominated by short (2-5 m) R. stylosa, with some B. exaristata, surrounding a shallow channel just south and parallel to the transect line; further west, where the creek widened considerably, R. stylosa (mixed with B. pamiflora) reached heights of 13 m. This was the only transect with virtually no C. australis. Transects 3 and 4, however, were dominated by C. australis, which were taller on the latter transect (mean heights 2.9 and 3.5 m, respectively) (Table 1). B. exaristata reached its tallest also at the western end of Transect 4, near the mouth of another tidal channel. Other species confined to the wet, western end of the plot were Aegiceras corniculatus (2-3 m tall) and the prostrate Camptostemon schultzii (1-2 m), although the latter was absent from quadrats. Avicennia marina was scattered thinly throughout the plot, often as large trees (up to 10 m) adjacent to tidal channels. Aegialitis annulata formed a sparse ground cover to 0.5 m at the eastern end of Transects 1 and 2. Avicennia marina formed a thin band around the bare sandy saltflats, which occupied large areas landward of Transects 2 and 3, and south of Transect 1. Further inland, C. australis occurred as a monoculture until the mangal-savanna boundary, where L. racemosa formed a dense, narrow (10-20 m wide) fringe (Fig. 2). This broad Ceriops zone was subdivided into inner (wetter) and outer (drier) zones, west and east of the saltflats, respectively, for describing bird locations. Apart from its occurrence on all transect lines within the plot, B. exaristata occurred in a small monospecific stand at the inland end of Transect 4, marginally overlapping the north-eastern comer of the plot. The major mangrove species flowered at discrete, predictable times of the year at the study site. R. stylosa and L. racemosa flowered during the wet season, mainly from December to February, while B. exaristata flowered during the dry season, from May to October (Fig. 4). West r
+ East
Horizontal distance (rn)
Ceriops australis
Rhizophora sfylosa
Bruguiera exaristata
9 B. pawillora
Transect no.
Avicennia n,arina
9 Aegiceras corniculalurn
Vegetation of study plot, showing relative abundance of mangroves along the four east-west transects. The northernmost transect is at the top of diagram; distances between transects (50 m) are not to scale.
Fig. 3.
Rhizophora stylosa
Bruguiera parviflora
Aegiceras corniculatus Bruguiera exaristata
Ceriops australis Avicennia marina
Relative abundance, height and density of plants on the Palmerston mangal plot
Relative abundance (%) and mean height (m; in parentheses)
Table 1.
Plant density (m-2)
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
g L. racemosa
W C. australis 6. exaristata
Fig. 4. Flowering phenology of four major mangrove species, and Melaleuca cajuputi, at the study site. M. cajuputi is on the seasonally inundated landward edge of the mangal.
C. australis flowered mostly from October to December, plants from the landward (drier) end of the gradient starting and finishing later than those from the inner mangal (R. A. Noske, P. Donaldson and M. Bezuijen, unpublished data). On the landward edge of the mangal, M. leucadendra flowered profusely but briefly during February, while M. cajuputi flowered from March to May, when freshwater runoff from the hinterland peaked, and flowering of mangroves was least (Fig. 4). Flying insects were trapped throughout the year, but fluctuated both within and between years (R. A. Noske, P. Donaldson and M. Bezuijen, unpublished data). There was no consistent seasonality in insect numbers or biomass. All three zones sampled (Rhizophora, Bruguieral Ceriops and Lumnitzeral Melaleuca) produced similar total numbers and biomass of insects, but there were differences in taxonomic composition of insects. The highest numbers of stationary invertebrates were found in A. marina, and the lowest in R. stylosa. Again, the abundance of invertebrates fluctuated, but seasonal variation was inconsistent between mangrove species. Bird Species Richness, Density and Relative Abundance Excluding migratory waders, herons and aerial insectivores (martins and swifts), 5 4 species of birds were recorded in mangal at the study site within 200 m of the plot. However, only 3 1 species (including the aerial rainbow bee-eater, which foraged within the mangal) were recorded on 10 or more occasions (Table 2). Less-frequently recorded species included several mangal-specialists (e.g. the mangrove golden whistler and white-breasted whistler), as well as many visitors to the landward edge from the adjoining savanna (e.g. little friarbirds and doublebarred finches; see Appendix). The granivorous peaceful and bar-shouldered doves were recorded in the mangal on almost every visit, and both species nested within the mangal, but as their food occurred outside this habitat they made frequent excursions to the adjoining savanna. Of the 3 1 most-frequently recorded species (a10 records), 17 were known to breed on the site and another five species probably bred closer to the river edge (Table 2). Among the remaining eight species, several were distinctly seasonal (see below). In all, 36 bird species were recorded on the 4-ha plot during censuses. By summing the mean densities for each species, the total density of birds on the plot was estimated to be 24.8 ha-' (Table 2). In comparisons of bimonthly samples there was no significant seasonal variation in the density of all species combined (log-transformed, F5,30= 0.751, P > 0.5), but mean density (+ s.d.) was lowest in the late wet season (March-April, 20.7 A 4.98 ha-'), and highest in the late dry season (September-October, 28.6 + 4.36 ha-').
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Table 2.
Density, seasonality and breeding status of most-frequently recorded birds at Palmerston mangal site n, number of times encountered on censuses (max. 36); N, number of months recorded at site (max. 54)
Species n
Plot (4 ha) Density (birds ha-') Mean s.e.
Site (8 ha) N
Red-headed honeyeaterA Yellow white-eyeA Large-billed gerygoneA Brown honeyeaterA Mangrove robinB Mangrove gerygoneA Grey whistlerB Shining flycatcherA Bar-shouldered doveA Peaceful doveA Black butcherbirdA Silver-crowned friarbirdA Lemon-bellied flycatcheF Northern fantailA Sacred kingfisher Green-backed gerygoneA Leaden flycatcher Helmeted friarbirdA Varied triller Broad-billed flycatcheF White-bellied cuckoo-shrike Cicadabird Little kingfisherC Dusky honeyeater Mangrove fantailC Little bronze-cuckooA Little shrike-thrushc Rainbow bee-eater White ibis Chesnut railA Rufous whistler Other species (7) censused Total ANestsrecorded on or close to plot.
B~uveniles seen on plot.
C ~ n o wto n breed in Darwin mangals.
Over three-quarters (77%) of the birds counted belonged to just five species; in order of decreasing abundance, these were the red-headed honeyeater, the yellow white-eye, the largebilled gerygone, the brown honeyeater and the mangrove robin. Mist-netting statistics showed consistent trends (Table 3). Up until February 1990, 379 individuals of 28 species (516 captures) were netted on the plot, of which the above five species comprised 81%. Although fewer yellow white-eyes and more red-headed honeyeaters were caught than expected according to estimated densities, the combined relative abundance of these two species was about the same (42% and 45% of all birds from censuses and mist-netting respectively). The density of chestnut rails was obviously underestimated because they were never encountered on the plot during censuses, which were conducted at low tides. In fact, this species was often heard on the plot at other times, and even nested within it during the study (Table 2).
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
Seasonality of Individual Species There was considerable variability over the year in densities on the plot for most species, but only the red-headed honeyeater showed significant seasonal variation between bimonthly periods (F5,30= 7.01, P < 0.001). The mean density of this species on the plot was significantly lower in March-April than in each of the other bimonthly periods except January-February (Fig. 5 a ) (Tukey test, P < 0.05). Peak mean densities occurred from July to November, (a) Red-headed honeyeater
(b) Brown honeyeater
(c) Yellow white-eye
2 Jan.
Estimated densities of (a) the red-headed honeyeater, ( b ) the brown honeyeater, and (c) the yellow white-eye over the year. Values are means with standard errors.
Fig. 5.
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Table 3. Trapping statistics and masses of birds mist-netted on the Palmerston mangal plot Banding data from February 1986 to February 1990, plot only. Mass data to February 1993, from Palmerston unless otherwise stated; includes birds caught outside the plot; nr, not recorded Species
No. banded
(% of all
Mass (g) Mean
species) Red-headed honeyeater Large-billed gerygone Yellow white-eye Brown honeyeater Mangrove robin Grey whistler Shining flycatcher Sacred kingfisher Mangrove gerygone Green-backed gerygone Broad-billed flycatcher Leaden flycatcher Mangrove fantail Azure kingfisher Little shrike-thrush Little kingfisher Dusky honeyeater Helmeted friarbirdA Black butcherbirdB Lemon-bellied flycatcher Little bronze-cuckooc White-bellied cuckoo-shrike Northern fantail Silver-crowned friarbird Others (4 spp.) Total A ~ a l(1974) l (populations from the Kimberley and/or the Northern Temtory only included. B ~ a l(1974) l and Noske (unpublished data). C~ohnstone(1990).
coinciding with the breeding season and dispersal of young (see below). The brown honeyeater showed a similar but more gradual seasonal trend, with highest mean densities during the midto-late dry season (Fig. 5b), but differences were not significant ( F = 2.28, P > 0.05). The mean density of yellow white-eyes peaked in the early wet-season months of November and December (Fig. 5c). The sacred kingfisher was significantly more abundant in the dry season than in the wet (F1,34= 4.81, P < 0.05), whereas the reverse was true for the black butcherbird, although this difference was not significant (F1,34= 3.53, P > 0.05). The large-billed gerygone, mangrove robin and mangrove gerygone showed no consistent seasonal pattern of abundance, suggesting year-round residence (see below). Of the 25 records of cicadabirds, 22 (88%) fell between October and April, suggesting regular movement out of the mangal in the dry season. The mangrove fantail and the little shrike-thrush were also recorded most frequently in the wet season. By contrast, the dusky honeyeater, the leaden flycatcher and the rufous whistler were predominantly dry-season visitors to the site (Table 2). None of these species is considered migratory in the Northern Territory (Crawford 1972; Storr 1977), but records from the Darwin region since 1990 suggest
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
movement of the last two species inland during the wet season (R. A. Noske and N. M. McCrie, unpublished data). Three of the four records of the mangrove golden whistler were of immature birds in the wet-season months of February and March.
Territory Mapping Each year, adult red-headed honeyeaters held territories in flowering B. exaristata for much of the dry season, while during the wet they moved locally between other nectar sources. Several colour-banded males occupied a core area year-round, except during the period of food shortage from March to May, when they established small feeding territories in M. cajuputi on the landward edge of the mangals, up to 500 m from their core areas. In the small patch of B. exaristata (0.3 ha) just outside the study plot, 7-10 colour-banded pairs occupied territories in flowering trees during the dry seasons of 1988-90, giving densities of about 47-66 birds ha-'. These values exclude unbanded non-breeders and young birds, which at times were as numerous as the residents (R. A. Noske and M. Bezuijen, unpublished data). Even higher densities of red-headed honeyeaters were recorded in flowering M. cajuputi during the late wet season each year. Despite the low recapture rate compared with other common residents (Table 3), unbanded birds comprised 61, 53 and 31% of the birds sighted on the plot during all censuses in 1987, 1988 and 1989, respectively (n = 46, 64, 52), indicating that a large proportion of the population on the plot had been banded by the end of the study period, although new individuals were still entering. Unlike the solitary or paired red-headed honeyeaters, yellow white-eyes frequently occurred in tight flocks of six or more birds, which moved rapidly through the plot. These birds were typically unbanded, suggesting they were vagile non-breeders. Fourteen colour-banded individuals, including five breeding pairs, were recorded repeatedly on the plot and just beyond it, over at least two years, but home ranges appeared to overlap. Assuming that the four 'unpaired' birds had unbanded partners, an average density of 5 birds ha-' (Table 2), including subadults, seems reasonable. Sightings of unbanded birds on the plot during censuses dropped from 71% in 1987 to 36% in 1988 and 15% in 1989-90 ( n = 14, 28, 20, respectively), but members of flocks were rarely seen sufficiently well for identification. Territorial interactions and mapping suggest that the large-billed gerygone holds year-round territories. In 1988, at least six colour-banded pairs were known to inhabit the plot. However, banding statistics (Table 3) and the sighting rate of unbanded birds, which increased from 41% in 1988 to 64% and 76% in 1989 and 1990, respectively (n = 54, 25, 21), suggest that mortality was high and/or that many non-territorial birds were present. Few colour-banded brown honeyeaters were permanent residents on the plot, although four individuals were sighted repeatedly over 2- or 3-month periods. The recapture rate for this species was the lowest of the seven most abundant species (Table 3). As did red-headed honeyeaters, brown honeyeaters moved to flowering B, exaristata and Melaleuca spp. as they became available, but in much smaller numbers. T w o groups of colour-banded mangrove robins, each comprising three adults, held permanent territories within the plot, while most of the territory of a third pair was outside the plot. Thus, the plot usually contained 5-7 banded adults, and one or more juveniles at times. The density estimate of this species from transect censuses (Table 2) was slightly exaggerated as it predicts 8.5 individuals on the plot. This overestimation may be due to groups of robins splitting up, resulting in double-counting of individuals. Despite a moderate recapture rate for grey whistlers (Table 3), over half of the sightings of this species were of unbanded birds, suggesting high mortality andlor large, overlapping home ranges. Two colour-banded pairs of mangrove gerygones were regularly sighted on the south-eastern periphery of the plot, mainly on the edge of saltflats. Similarly, one colour-banded pair of shining flycatchers was seen over much of the plot, although other unbanded individuals were occasionally seen. For the latter three species, estimates of 2.8, 3.7 and 2.4 birds, respectively, over the 4-ha plot (derived from densities in Table 2) appear valid.
R. A. Noske
Zonation of Birds The mapped locations of sighted and mist-netted birds of the common species suggested associations with particular mangrove zones. Red-headed honeyeaters were encountered and mist-netted in the Bruguiera zone more often than expected, according both to the area of zones within the plot and to netting time allocated to each zone ( X 2 = 150.6 and 87.2, respectively, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001 for both) (Tables 4, 5). From sightings over the entire site, significant differences in zonation were found between each bimonthly period (Fig. 6), except between the early (November-December) and mid (January-February) wet-season periods ( X 2 = 7.79,
Use (%) of mangal zones by most-abundant bird species, according to observations within the Palmerston plot Bold value, most-frequently used zone; total plot area = 40287 m2. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; n.s., not significant Table 4.
Species Rhizophora
Zone Bruguiera
Red-headed honeyeater Yellow white-eye Large-billed gerygone Brown honeyeater Mangrove robin Grey whistler Mangrove gerygone Shining flycatcher Sacred kingfisher Black butcherbird Area of plot (%)
Table 5. Location (%) of birds captured in mist-nets according to zones Zones: 1, Rhizophora; 2, Bruguiera; 3, inner Ceriops; 4, outer Ceriops; 5, LumnitzeralMelaleuca. Bold values are most-frequently used zones. **, P < 0.01; ***, < 0.001; n.s., not significant; n.a., not applicable
Species 1 Red-headed honeyeater Brown honeyeater Yellow white-eye Large-billed gerygone Mangrove robin Grey whistler Shining flycatcher Sacred kingfisher Mangrove gerygone Dusky honeyeater Broad-billed flycatcher Mangrove fantail Northern fantail Little kingfisher
Zones 3
n 4
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
d.f. = 3, P > 0.05). The Rhizophora zone was favoured over this period, with moderate use of L. racemosa (in the Melaleuca zone) in December and January (Fig. 6). During the late wet (March-April), the landward edge was most important, because of the attraction of flowering Melaleuca spp. The Bruguiera zone was favoured for most of the dry season owing to the long flowering season of B. exaristata, but in October and November the Ceriops zone became important owing to flowering of C. australis. The brown honeyeater was mist-netted in all five zones, but disproportionately in the outer Ceriops (Table 5) mainly because of large numbers exploiting C. australis in OctoberNovember. Within the plot, it was seen most in the Bruguiera zone (Table 4), but over the entire site, this preference was manifested only in the dry season (Table 6), when B, exaristata flowered. During the wet season this species, like the red-headed honeyeater, increased use of the Lumnitzera zone (Table 6). Within the plot, yellow white-eyes were encountered most often in the Rhizophora zone (Table 4), but over the entire site there was significant seasonal variation in zones used (Table 6). This species was mist-netted more often than expected in the Lumnitzera zone (Table 3,mostly in the wet season (Table 6), when L. racemosa and adjacent Melaleuca spp. flowered. The large-billed gerygone was encountered most in the Rhizophora zone in both seasons (Tables 4, 6), and was disproportionately mist-netted in this zone (Table 5). Mangrove robins were encountered more than expected in the Bruguiera zone (Table 4), yet were mist-netted disproportionately in the inner Ceriops zone (Table 5). In sightings, both the grey whistler and the shining flycatcher showed significant preferences for the Rhizophora zone (Table 4), although neither showed significant zonation according to locations of mist-netted birds (Table 5). Mangrove gerygones favoured the Ceriops zone within the plot, but too few were caught to test for differences in capture locations. The sacred kingfisher and black butcherbird did not show any significant zonation (Tables 4,5). The green-backed gerygone and mangrove gerygone differed significantly in their locations ( X 2 = 44.61, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001), the former showing a distinct preference for the landward edge of the mangal, including the Lumnitzera zone (Fig. 7a). The mangrove fantail was more strongly tied to the Rhizophora zone than was the northern fantail ( X 2 = 7.23, P < 0.01) (Fig. 7b).
Seasonal variation in use of zones by red-headed honeyeaters. n: January-February, 75; March-April, 91; May-June, 134; July-August, 128; September-October, 99; November- December, 103. Of 15 chi-square pairwise comparisons of the six periods, 13 were significantlydifferent at the P < 0.001 level, one at P < 0.01, and the remaining one was non-significant (see text). The Melaleuca zone includes Lumnitzera racemosa. Fig. 6 .
R. A. Noske
Table 6.
Seasonal variation in use of mangal zones (%) from observational data over the entire site
Zones: 1, Rhizophora; 2, Bruguiera; 3, inner Ceriops; 4, outer Ceriops; 5, LumnitzeralMelaleuca. Bold values indicate zones in which significant seasonal increase in use occurred. ***, P c 0.001; n.s., not significant Season
Zones 1
38.5 44.4
26.4 17.1
28.3 19.2
161 213 374
127 144 27 1
171 108 279
Yellow white-eye Dry Wet Total
3.7 4.2
3.1 15.0
Large-billed gerygone Dry Wet Total
58.3 53.3
22.8 33.1
16.5 11.5
Dry Wet Total
19.0 19.4
36.3 18.5
22.5 7.4
0.8 2.1
1.6 0
Brown honeyeater
A ~ o n e4s and 5 combined for chi-square analysis.
2.9 3.7
19.3 50.9
BZones4 and 5 ignored for analysis.
Foraging Ecology Cluster analysis of foraging behaviour of 13 of the most regularly encountered species at the Palmerston site (Fig. 8) suggests a fairly simple community of one large foliage-foraging guild and three small ones, foraging mainly (1) on the ground (two species of robin-flycatchers); (2) in the air (two species of fantails); or (3) on flowers (two species of honeyeaters). The redheaded honeyeater and the brown honeyeater showed the greatest similarity in overall foraging behaviour. The two ground-foragers were the heaviest of the 13 species (both >18 g). The foliage-foraging guild divided into two groups, the smaller one (lower cluster in Fig. 8) comprising the two Myiagra flycatchers and the large-billed gerygone, species that tended to use R. stylosa and snatching techniques (unlike the species in the other group), and levels higher than did those in the other, larger group. Both groups contained small, fine-billed gerygones, and larger, more robust-billed whistlerlflycatchers. The tiny mangrove gerygone was the most specialised of the species examined, especially in its selection of plant species (Table 7). This species used A. marina significantly more than did the similar-sized green-backed gerygone (x2 = 52.11, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001), while the latter foraged more often on L. racemosa and C. australis (x2 = 25.51 and 6-34, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001 and 0.05, respectively) (Fig. 9b). These differences reflected differential use of zones by these two species (Fig. 7a), as A. marina was most abundant around the saltflats within the Ceriops zone. The slightly larger-bodied (Table 3) large-billed gerygone snatched prey significantly more than did the mangrove gerygone (X2= 4.88, d.f. =1, P < 0.05) (Table 8) and foraged more in R. stylosa than did either the mangrove or green-backed gerygones (X2 = 57.34 and 38.68, respectively, d.f. = 1, both P < 0.001) (Fig. 9b). The yellow white-eye was a generalised forager (Table 7), actively gleaning arthropods from leaves and twigs (Tables 8, 9), and probing flowers of most mangrove species (viz. R. stylosa, B. exaristata, C. australis, L, racemosa, Av. marina, Ae. corniculatus), as well as M. cajuputi, presumably for nectar. It was also observed eating seeds and pulp from wild passionfruit, Passijlora foetida, growing on the edge of mangals (Noske, personal observation). The largest of the foliage-searchers, the grey whistler, was also a generalised forager, but foraged more often on bark than did other foliage-foragers (Table 9).
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
Mangrove gerygone
0 Green-backed gerygone
Northernfantail Mangrove fantall
Differential use of mangal zones by (a) mangrove and green-backed gerygones (n = 79 and 50, respectively); and (b) northern and mangrove fantails (n = 27 and 17, respectively). Fig. 7.
The morphologically near-identical broad-billed and leaden flycatchers were among the most generalised foragers of the species examined (Table 7). The broad-billed flycatcher spent more time at lower levels ( 0.05). The red-headed honeyeater clearly bred in the mid-to-late dry season, during the flowering season of B. exaristata. The brown honeyeater also bred during the early and mid dry
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
Table 10.
Use (%) of foraging heights by mangal-inhabiting birds - --
Height (m) 0-1.0
n 4.1-8.0
Red-headed honeyeater Brown honeyeater Yellow white-eye Large-billed gerygone Mangrove gerygone Green-backed gerygone Grey whistler Shining flycatcher Mangrove robin Northern fantail Mangrove fantail Broad-billed flycatcher Leaden flycatcher
Table 11. Breeding records of mangal-inhabiting birds in Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory Values are estimated egg dates derived from nests or interpolated from building or fledgling records Species Red-headed honeyeater Large-billed gerygone Yellow white-eye Green-backed gerygone Mangrove gerygone Brown honeyeater Mangrove robinA Chestnut railB Peaceful dove Helmeted friarbird Grey whistlerAC Silver-crowned friarbird Black butcherbirdA Shining flycatcher Bar-shouldered dove Broad-billed flycatcherAC Northern fantail Little bronze-cuckooA No of breeding records No. of species breeding
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 2 1 -
1 1 2 -
3 2
2 1 -
1 2
1 1
2 1 10 7
1 -
8 6
7 4
1 5 1 1 -
1 8 4
6 3 2 4 2 1 7 1 1 3 3 1 - - 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 I 12 1 - 2 1 - 1 1 1 3 4 9 2 1 1 8 1 4 6 1 1 I 5 I 1 4 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 3 I 3 I 1 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 10 18 9 13 14 10 2 6 115 6 8 7 6 7 7 2 3 1 7
based on fledgling or building dates (otherwise based on nests). A ~ gdates g B ~ Franklin . and T. Barnes, personal communication and observations.
C ~ a tfrom a Rix (1970). season, while most nests of friarbirds were in the late dry (although data are few). T h e generalised yellow white-eye showed n o obvious seasonality in breeding. Large-billed gerygones also bred over the year, with a distinct peak in the late dry season, in contrast to the mangrove and green-backed gerygones, which bred mostly in the late wet and early dry seasons, respectively. Although nests of the mangrove robin were never found, most young birds were found in the wet season.
R. A. Noske
Table 12. Distribution of mangal-dependentbird taxa in Australia, and habitat of closest relatives Partly adapted from Ford (1982) and Schodde et al. (1982). WA, Western Australia; NT, Northern Temtory; NE Qld, North-east Queensland; NSW, New South Wales. Taxonomy follows Christidis and Boles (1994). Status: E, species (e, subspecies) endemic to mangals in at least part of range. Mangaldependence: A, virtually confined to mangal; B, found in a variety of closed habitats, including mangal; AIB, mangal is the principal habitat. Habitat of closest relative: R, rainforest; S, sclerophyll forest; W, woodland; if closest relative not identified, then main habitat of species (if not mangal)
Mangal-dependence over range WA
Great-billed heron Striated heron Chestnut rail Collared kingfisher Mangrove robin Kimberley flycatcher White-breasted whistler Mangrove golden whistler Little shrike-thrush Broad-billed flycatcher Shining flycatcher Mangrove fantail Rufous fantail Dusky gerygone Large-billed gerygone Mangrove gerygone Yellow white-eye Red-headed honeyeater Mangrove honeyeater Varied honeyeater Helmeted friarbird Black butcherbird
B A A A -
A A -
Origin or closest relative
Habitat of closest relative
Sundas Sundas E. plumbeiventris? Sundas E. australis? E. jlavigaster P. rufiventris P. pectoralis M. rubecula? R. fuliginosa
Sundas G. rnagnirostris -
G.fusca Sundas M. adolphinae L. virescens L. virescens Sundas -
Discussion Avian Community
The avifauna of the mangals was surprisingly rich given its depauperate flora. Over 50 species of birds (excluding waders and aerial species) were encountered at the site, which supported only 10 species -of plants. All 11 mangal-dependent species of the region (Table 12) were recorded during the study period, although only half of these were encountered regularly. Of the less-frequently recorded mangal-dependent species, five (the great-billed heron, the striated heron, the chestnut rail, the collared kingfisher and the mangrove fantail) are apparently commonest in, or restricted to, the seaward edge or margins of tidal rivers, while two others (the white-breasted whistler and the mangrove golden whistler) are generally scarce in Darwin Harbour (see below). Although the majority of birds was breeding residents, several species (e.g. the cicadabird and the leaden flycatcher) appear to be seasonal visitors to mangals from other habitats, while others may move within mangals. In terms of species, the mangal avifauna is dominated by insectivores mostly less than 10 g in mass (Table 3), which may be related to the year-round availability of aerial insects such as mosquitos, as well as foliage-dwelling arthropods (R. A. Noske, P. Donaldson and M. Bezuijen,
Abundance, Zonation and Foraging Ecology of Birds in Mangroves
unpublished data). In contrast to monsoon rainforests, mangals in the Darwin region lack frugivores, doubtless owing to the lack of edible fruits among mangroves (Tomlinson 1986), except where the mangrove mistletoes Amyema spp, or Diospyros maritima occur (personal observation). Apart from the ground-feeding doves that nest and roost in mangals, granivores are also conspicuously absent. Raptors are rare, although I have recorded grey goshawks hunting in mangal several times (see also Johnstone 1890), and mist-netted them on the study plot. Black butcherbirds are known predators of fish (especially mudskippers) and crabs, as well as insects (Johnstone 1990), but may also take bird nestlings. Specialised trunk- or bark-foragers are virtually absent from Australian mangals, in stark contrast to mangals of South-east Asia, where woodpeckers are a conspicuous and important element of the avifauna (e.g. Nisbet 1968; Noske 1995). This is despite the fact that the mangrove trees upon which woodpeckers forage, and doubtless many of their prey items (e.g. ants), are the same species as those in Australia. The nectarivore guild is depauperate compared with that in surrounding savannas where up to seven species of honeyeaters and two species of lorikeets often co-occur (personal observation; D. Franklin, unpublished data). This is probably due to the lack of plant species with large nectariferous flowers in mangals, the major exceptions being large-flowered 6ruguiera and Sonneralia species (Toa~iinsuiiai iil. 1979, lioske 19933. The vary siiid: size of the red-headed honeyeater (7.5 g), apparently the smallest honeyeater in Australia, may .well be related to the tiny size of, and minute amounts of nectar in, flowers of most mangroves (e.g. C.australis, R. stylosa, L. racemosa, A, corniculatus) (R. A. Noske and T. Schultz, unpublished data). However, lorikeets and several species of honeyeaters typical of savanna visit the flowers of the river-fringing S. alba (personal observation). More nectarivores are probably supported where there are Bruguiera species (e.g. B, gymnorhiza) with flowers larger than those of B, exaristata. In Peninsular Malaysia, up to four species of sunbirds were observed feeding concurrently on a few individuals of the large-flowered Bruguiera sexangula (Noske 1993, 1995). In eastern Australia, the red-headed honeyeater is replaced by the larger varied honeyeater, Lichenostomus versicolor, or mangrove honeyeater, L. fasciogularis (Table 12), but both of these species appear to be more insectivorous than the former (Hall 1974). Primack and Tomlinson (1978) reported honeyeaters feeding on a sugary secretion from terminal stipules of R. stylosa in northern Queensland; however, this was not observed in the present study.
Densities and Seasonality Contrary to some of the literature (e.g. MacNae 1968; Hutchings and Recher 1982), the density of birds in mangals is moderately high (see also Woinarski et al. 1988). The estimates of total bird density on the Palmerston plot (24 ha-') are probably reasonably accurate. Although the densities of some species (viz. the yellow white-eye, the mangrove robin) were marginally overestimated according to mapping of marked individuals, rarer species (e.g. the chestnut rail, the broad-billed flycatcher) were probably under-estimated. These estimates are twice those reported by Woinarski et al. (1988) for subcoastal mangal on the Howard Peninsula (only about 20 km north-east of the Palmerston site), where mean density of non-aerial birds in April-May was 12-13 ha-' (v. 20.7 ha-' for Palmerston for March-April). These values are not entirely comparable, however, as Woinarski et al. (1988) used quadrats for censusing rather than transects. Arnold (1983) found that stationary observers at the centre of 1-ha plots recorded significantly lower numbers of most species than did observers walking transects. In addition, neither B. exaristata nor M. cajuputi occurred in the mangal plots of Woinarski et al. (1988), and flowering of these species was the major factor contributing to the rise in density of nectarivores (which accounted for nearly a third of all birds) over this period at Palmerston. With conservative fixed-width transect censuses, total bird density at three mangal sites with similar mangrove diversity in Peninsular Malaysia ranged from 15 to 26 ha-' (Noske 1995). Seasonal variation in the abundance of red-headed honeyeaters on the plot can be readily attributed to local movements, related to available nectar sources, and to its breeding biology. Minimum densities on the plot occurred in March-April, when flowering within mangals had
R. A. Noske
virtually ceased, while on the landward edge Melaleuca spp. flowered profusely. The peak abundances of the species during the mid dry and early wet seasons coincide with the production of young and the flowering season of C. australis, which provides an extensively distributed nectar source for dispersing young. Low densities in January-February suggest high juvenile mortality andlor movement out of the mangal to savanna-woodland nectar sources (e.g. Amyema spp., Grevillea decurrens, Melaleuca virid~jlora).The seasonal pattern of abundance of brown honeyeaters is similar, except that this species relies less on R. stylosa, so proportionately more probably move out of the mangal during the wet season. That the pattern of abundance of yellow white-eyes is dissimilar to that of the two honeyeater species suggests that nectar sources are not as limiting for this species. Most records of the little shrike-thrush, the mangrove fantail, the lemon-bellied flycatcher and the mangrove golden whistler at the site were in the late wet season, when landward areas were often shallowly inundated with freshwater runoff from the hinterland. Such conditions may make landward zones temporarily favourable to specialists of the river or seaward edge, enabling those species to broaden or shift their home ranges. Without documenting evidence, Schodde et al. (1982) claimed that many mangal-dependent species breed in the wet season, with a hiatus during late November-January, 'when there are spring tides'. Data presented here suggest, on the contrary, that breeding in mangals of Darwin Harbour peaks in the dry season. Although nesting is least common during the early wet, maximum spring tides (>7 m) in this region are most frequent in February-March and OctoberNovember, when one such tide occurs once every two days, on average (Darwin Tide Tables, 1988-90). Yet such tides inundate higher ground for short periods only, and are matched by equally impressive low tides (