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ACCTMIS 4500 – Auditing and Assurance Services. Autumn 2013 ... conduct. A systematic approach will be taken with the primary emphasis on understanding.
ACCTMIS 4500 – Auditing and Assurance Services Autumn 2013 Instructor: Karen L. deLaubenfels, CPA, CFE Office: Email:

052 Fisher Hall [email protected]

Office Phone:


Office Hours: 10:15 – 11:15 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or by appointment. Section Time Room 0010-LEC(4219) 9:10 a.m. – 10:05 a.m. Schoenbaum Hall 0215 0010-LEC(4218) 1:50 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Schoenbaum Hall 0305 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Catalog Description: Basic concepts and standards of auditing; audit procedures and working papers, internal and external audit reports; professional responsibilities of auditors. Prerequisites: 3201 (523) and BusMHR 2291 (BusAdm 499.01), or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 627. High-Level Objectives: The high level objectives of the course are (1) to introduce the basic concepts underlying an audit of financial statements and an audit of internal control over financial reporting and (2) how to apply those concepts to each type of audit. The first part of the course will focus on the demand and supply of such services and on understanding the three concepts that underlie the audit process: materiality, audit risk, and evidence. The second part of the course focuses on applying those concepts to the revenue and purchasing processes and completing the audit. The last part of the course covers audit reporting and professional conduct. A systematic approach will be taken with the primary emphasis on understanding why and how audits are performed. Detailed Learning Objectives: Each chapter in the textbook contains detailed learning objectives for the relevant material. RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: Messier, W. F., Jr., S. Glover and D. Prawitt. Auditing and Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach. Eighth Edition. New York: IrwinMcGraw-Hill, Inc., 2012. (Either the soft cover (ISBN 978-0-07765161-9) or hard cover (ISBN 978-007-752015-1) are acceptable.) Note: Do not buy the seventh edition or the international student edition. Daily reading of The Wall Street Journal or similar publication (or website).

ACCTMIS 4500 – Autumn 2013


CARMEN ( Discussion areas will be available to ask questions and get feedback. The syllabus, cases, articles and other items will be posted in Carmen’s “Content” section. Check Carmen’s calendar and announcements daily for developments and changes, since the assignment sheet given at the beginning of the course is tentative. All written assignments except exams should be submitted using the Carmen dropbox by the date/time on the assignment sheet. TEXTBOOK WEB SITE: The textbook’s web site ( contains a number of additional instructional resources that will be useful in successfully completing this course. Materials contained at the web site include:     

Information about registering for Connect Accounting, McGraw-Hill’s online homework management system, which contains all multiple choice questions and selected problems from the text. Multiple-choice tests – Students are to take the multiple-choice test for each chapter (not to be turned in). Materials related to the EarthWear Clothiers case and its auditors. PowerPoint Slides. Access to Kaplan CPA simulations.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS AND WORK OUTSIDE CLASS: Students are expected to complete all the multiple-choice questions and assigned homework problems prior to class. I reserve the right to collect homework if I feel students are not coming to class prepared. The University and College expectation is that students spend two hours outside of class for every hour spent in class. Since this course meets 3 hours per week, you should expect to spend 6 hours per week outside of class on course-related work. CLASS SCHEDULE AND ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES: See tentative schedule in Carmen’s “Content” section IMPORTANT DATES: September 2 – Labor Day (no class) November 11 – Veteran’s Day (no class). November 27-29 – Thanksgiving Break (no class). December 2 – Last Day of Class. December 5 – Final Exam (1:50 p.m. class) December 11 – Final Exam (9:10 a.m. class)

ACCTMIS 4500 – Autumn 2013


COURSE ETIQUETTE I am imposing what I consider to be good class etiquette. 1. All cell phones are to be put away and turned off during class. 2. If you use a computer during class, it must be used for viewing PowerPoint slides and taking notes only. ATTENDANCE AND COURSE GRADING: 1. Students are expected to be in attendance for each class, and therefore, each examination. Students are responsible for everything said in class; if you must miss class, be sure to check with a fellow student to obtain information. 2. There will be 10 quizzes with your two lowest quiz scores dropped. No make-up quizzes will be administered. If you must miss a quiz, it will be a dropped quiz. 3. There will be 4 articles to read, with several questions to answer in writing. 4. If a student has an acceptable excuse for missing an examination (death in the family, provable illness, etc.), the student is responsible for informing the instructor and obtaining permission to miss the examination before the examination takes place unless impracticable due to sudden illness. A make-up exam must be scheduled within two weeks of the original exam date; otherwise, a grade of zero will be assigned. The dates and times for the assignments and exams are shown on the tentative schedule. The point distribution for all assignments is as follows: Quizzes (10, drop lowest 2 = 8 @ 30 points each) Articles (4 @ 20 points each) Cases (4 @ 30 points each) Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Final Examination Total

240 80 120 130 130 300 1,000

Your grade in ACCTMIS 4500 will be based on your performance as reflected in the percentage of total points earned, based on the standard OSU grading scale: 930 to 1,000 points 900 to less than 930 points 870 to less than 900 points 830 to less than 870 points 800 to less than 830 points 770 to less than 800 points 730 to less than 770 points 700 to less than 730 points 670 to less than 700 points 600 to less than 670 points Less than 600 points

ACCTMIS 4500 – Autumn 2013



DISABILITY ASSISTANCE: Students with disabilities that have been certified by the Office for Disability Services will be appropriately accommodated, and should inform the instructor as soon as possible of their needs. The Office for Disability Services is located in 150 Pomerene Hall, 1760 Neil Avenue; telephone (614) 292-3307 and VRS (614) 429-1334; webpage ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT POLICY: It is the responsibility of the Committee on Academic Misconduct to investigate or establish procedures for the investigation of all reported cases of student academic misconduct. The term academic misconduct includes all forms of student academic misconduct wherever committed; illustrated by, but not limited to, cases of plagiarism and dishonest practices in connection with examinations. Instructors shall report all instances of alleged academic misconduct to the committee. For additional information, see the Code of Student Conduct: csc.asp .

ACCTMIS 4500 – Autumn 2013