ACA Stud Book Vol.7 1916 - TONKINESE CATS

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Date of birth, March 28, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Bess, Calif. SIRE, Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352 ...

Stud = Book American Cat Association

Stud = Book of the

American Cat Association Chicago =========== Volume VII

Published by



Copyright 1916 BY

The American Cat Association (INC.)

Scanned and edited by Paul G. Russell, August, 2001. Original typographical errors have been retained and are displayed in red; Comments and notations by Paul G. Russell are displayed in red and italicized.. Original Volume Size 7.5" H x 5.5" Wide.








Chicago, Ill.

3821 Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Ill. TREASURER

DR. H. C. SNYDER Chicago, Ill.



Chicago, Ill.

Elizabeth, N. J.



Brighton, Mass.

Grimsby, Ont.


M R S . H. E L L S W O R T H K I N G

Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill.


M R S . A. R . K R E L L W I T Z

Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill.



Chicago, Ill.

San Francisco, Calif.



Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill.



Chicago, Ill.

Kansas City, Mo.

MRS. J. N. SMITH Detro it, M ic h.

R ULES OF R EGISTRY FOR V OL. VII ——–——— Cats may be registered in the Stud-Book of the American Cat Association when they conform to the following requirements: Rule 1. When sire and dam have been registered in this Stud-Book in the section where the cat belongs. Rule 2. When sire and dam have been registered in the Beresford Cat Club Stud-Book as of the breed to which the cat belongs. Rule 3. When cat has been registered in the Stud-Book of the National Cat Club of England or in the Cat Club Register, or in the Governing Council of the Cat fancy, as of the breed to which the cat belongs. Rule 4. When cat shows three top crosses of sires of one breed registered in the Stud-Book of the American Cat Association, or in the Beresford Cat Club Stud-Book, or in the Stud-Book of the National Cat Club of England, or in the Cat Club Register, or in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, on satisfactory evidence of that fact. Rule 5. When cat of any of the breeds recognized by the American Cat Association has been bred in Persia, Turkey, Japan, Mexico, the Isle of Man, or Abyssinia, on satisfactory evidence of that fact. Rule 6. When cat of any of the breeds recognized by the American Cat Association has been imported from European countries, on satisfactory evidence that it is of pure blood of its breed. A cat imported in utero may be registered under Rule 6. Rule 7. When long-haired Persian (or Angora) cat, bred in the New England States, or of direct descent in pure blood from such stock, has won a prize in the regular classification at a show held under the rules of the American Cat Association. Rule 8. When cat shall have won a championship at a show held under the rules of the American Cat Association.



WHITE—MALE. Blue-Eyed Baby Doll 2247 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, Mrs. J. F. Brendel, Galena, Ill. Owner, Mrs. C. O. Schaffer, Memphis, Tenn. S IRE , Katzenheim Snow King 624. D AM , Katzenheim Flossie 622.

Patty Boy 2248 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May, 1909. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Edgar Cutler, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Turpaz 556. D AM , Leibling 1233.


W HITE —M ALE My Dearest 2256 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Patty Boy 2248. D AM , My Sweetheart 2107. Snowflake Baby Muggins 2270 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 28, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. H. J. Walker. Argentine, Kan. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, San Antonio, Texas. S IRE , Ch. King Zar 1668. D AM , Liebling II 1235. The White King 2275 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs, E. H. Rhodes, Ithaca, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Columbine Cayuga Chief 1608. D AM , Bonneta 2747. Billy Blane 2277 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 13, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, M. H. Hobman, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bizzy Izzy 1236. D AM , Beautsy 2099.

W HITE —M ALE Bruno Bizzy 2278 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 30, 1912. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, M. H. Hobman, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Owner, Mrs. Langrill, Winnipeg, Manitoba. S IRE , Bizzy Izzy 1236. D AM , Beautsy 2099.

Bud Brown 2279 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, M. H. Hobman, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Owner, Mrs. R. W. Brown, Winnipeg, Manitoba. S IRE , Bizzy Izzy 1236. D AM , Beautsy 2099.

Snowflake Texas Billie 2295 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 28, 1913. Color of eyes, Odd. Breeder, Mrs. H. J. Walker, Argentine, Kan. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, San Antonio, Texas. S IRE , Ch. King Zar 1668. D AM , Liebling II 1235.

Sirleo 2301 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, February 14, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Whittman, Delano, Minn. Owner, Mrs. G. B. Hepp, Denver, Colo.




S IRE , Chrysanthemum Crown Prince 1108. D AM , Baby Dear, by Bonnie Blue 849 out of Thielen Fluffy. Thielen Fluffy, by Royal Oak Bonnie Eddie (780) out of Babe. Royal Oak Bonnie Eddie (780), by Brushwood Paris (188). Brushwood Paris (188). (For extended pedigree see 4). Mizpah 2316 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 21, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. E. B. Keen, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Bindor, Columbia City, Ind. S IRE , Swastika Sunburst V. 1630. D AM , Swastika Czarina Gwynne 189. Sir Donald Slocum 2343 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 1, 1912. Color of eyes, Gol den. Breeder, Miss Belle Patton, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sir Slocum 1745. D AM , Lady Betty St. Dennis 1753. Endymogne 2358 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 28, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Bess, Calif. S IRE , Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352. D AM , Bessie R 1739.



Achmet 2373 (Rule 2).

Date of birth, April 29, 1910. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. H. C. McFarland, Washington, D. C. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Columbia Patrick (856). (For extended pedigree see 77). D AM , Duchess of Gwynne (831), by Lord Gwynne (126) out of Duchess of Argyle (735). Lord Gwynne (126). (For extended pedigree see 2). Duchess of Argyle (735), by Royal II out of Juliette. Royal II, by Royal out of Madge Norton. Juliette, by Dewey out of Pansy. Pansy, by Nicodemus out of La Bella.

King Klinko Mallory 2380 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 5, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. H. J. Walker, Argentine, Kan. Owner, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas Cit y, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King Zar 1668. D AM , Queen Juliette 1667. Lord Elgin 2382 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mr. George F. Daniels, Elgin, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Sir Friar 336. D AM , Genita Gwynne 1392.


W HITE —M ALE Sir Mignon 2396 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 16, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Martha Salfisberg, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Geneva Silver King 2395. D AM , Sylvia Snow, by Asia Minor (798) out of White Lad y 464. Asia Minor (798), by Light of Asia (449) out of White Lilac (431). White Lilac (431), by Pharaoh out of White Violet.

Aurora Kim Laddie 2397 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October, 1912. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Bean, Naperville, Ill. Owner, Mrs. O. H. Gaylord, Missouri. S IRE , Sir Mignon 2396. D AM , Beachwood Beauty 984.

Leland of Stanford 2403 (Rule 9).

Date of birth, April, 1910. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Hubbard, Hall's Valley, Calif. Owner, Mrs. H. J. Nims, San Jose, Calif. S IRE , Prince Edward of York, by Windsor Laddie out of Princess Victoria 618. Windsor Laddie. (For extended pedigree see 727).



D AM , Alba, by Windsor Laddie out of Camponia. Windsor Laddie. (For extended pedigree see 727). Camponia, by Cherub (819) out of Windsor Queen Alexandra 1184. Windsor Queen Alexandra 1184, by Teddie S out of Moken. Teddie S. (For extended pedigree see 1184). Cherub, by Omar out of Pansy. Omar, by Royal Norton out of Madge. Royal Norton. (For extended pedigree se e 1). Pansy, by Don Quixotte out of Nunna.

Rustim 2421 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 6, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Mrs. J. B. van Ess, San Diego, Calif. S IRE , Sir Mignon 2396. D AM , Beechwood Beauty 984.

Sir White Fox 2428 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, September 16, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. B. M. Davis, Ravenswood, Ill. Owner, Mrs. John M. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Ch. Sir Friar 336. D AM , Fairy Rambler, by Sunburst II 777 out of Lady Evelyn. Lady Evelyn, by Ch. Sir Friar 336 out of Mabo.


W HITE —M ALE White Valentine 2454 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, February 14, 1911. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Whittman, Delano, Minn. Owner, Mrs. Ines Wells, Farina, Ill. S IRE , Chrysanthemum Crown Prince 1108. D AM , Baby Dear, by Bonnie Blue 849 out of Theilen Fluffy. Theilen Fluffy, by Royal Oak Bonnie Eddie (780) out of Babe. Royal Oak Bonnie Eddie (780), by Brushwood Paris (188). Brushwood Paris (188). (For extended pedigree see 4).

Coeta Azzah 2455 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Inez Wells, Farina, Ill. Owner, Mrs. F. R. Benson, Elgin, Ill. S IRE , White Valentine 2454. D AM , Queen Meg 1808.

Capitol City The White Don 2478 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 19, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. Christy Yates, Port Norris, N. J. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Kilravock Whiffenpuff Jr. 2563. D AM , Chrysanthemum White Daisy 2290.



Cumberland Friar 2495 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 10, 1912 Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. George C. Yates, Port Norris, N. J. Owner, Mrs. H. A. Baer, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. Sir Friar 336. D AM , Chrysanthemum White Daisy 2290.

Ned 2498 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, 1906. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mr. Beebe, Danbury, Conn. Owner, Mrs. F. Y. Mather, Greenwich, Conn. S IRE , White Tassell 808. D AM , Lady Carolyn 2497.

Sir Snow Slocum 2507 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 14, 1912. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. C. Justeson, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Belle Patton, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Slocum 1745 D AM , Lady Belle, by Brushwood Blue Boy 2506 out of Tama. Tama, by Brushwood Persimmon (993) out of Lady GIadys. Brushwood Persimmon (993), by Ch. Persimmon out of Bubbles. Ch. Persimmon, by Billie out of Flirt.


W HITE —M ALE Avenel Royal Pearl 2510 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, March 29, 1907. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. George Cairns, Mansfield, O. Owner, Cora E. Dykema, Columbus, O. S IRE , Ti Ki Pearl (957), by Prince of Pearls (684) out o f Sweetbriar Fairy Pearl 332. D AM , Coventry Rozalia 765. Avenel Richmond 2513 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, November 4, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, not given. Owner, Cora E. Dykema, Columbus, O. S IRE , Richmond I 2046. D AM , Fairy Rambler, by Sunburst II 777 out of Lady Evelyn. Lady Evelyn, by Sir Friar 336 out of Mabo. Fairmount Laddie 2516 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Elma A. Burns, Hyde Park, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Smarty III 1538. D AM , Fairmount Bessie Lee 2065. Fairmount Quiz 2517 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 2, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Charlotte Wallace, Wolfeboro, N. H. Owner, Mrs. Elma A. Burns, Hyde Park, Mass. S IRE , Fairmount Laddie 2516. D AM , Lassie Blue 737.



Lovett 2544 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 27, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. A. Lovett, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. Owner, Mrs. H. O. McKelvey, Butler, Pa. S IRE , Spike 1816. D AM , Princess Lovetta 1697.

King of the Snow 2550 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 26, 1914. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. McMahon, Kansas City, Kan. Owner, Mrs. Edith Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King Zar 1668. D AM , Walpurga 1410.

King Caruso 2556 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 3, 1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. O. Wells, Farina, Ill. Owners, Mrs. Dolph Babcock and Mrs. Ingle Emery, Edgerton, Wis. S IRE , White Valentine 2454. D AM , Queen Meg 1808.

Kilravock Don Leone 2562 (Rules 1 and 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Bl ue. Breeder, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Breeder.



S IRE , Ch. Sousa 152. D AM , Kilravock Magnolia II 1498 out of Kilravock Magnolia. Kilravock Magnolia, by White Hussar 886 out of Wendellita (339). Wendellita, by Lockehaven Lord Gwynne (126) out of Wendellita II (135). (For extended pedigree see 2). Lockehaven Lord Gwynne (126). (For extended pedigree see 2).

Kilravock Whiffenpuff Jr. 2563 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 25, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Kilravock Whiffenpuff 1714. D AM , Kilravock Donna Carrolla, by Kilravock Don Leone 2562 out of Purrita. Purrita, by General Knox 917 out of Lady Knox.

Sir Snow Bird 2565 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 2, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Martha Salfisberg, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Milton Baldridge, St. Charles, Ill. S IRE , Silver King 931. D AM , Sylvia Snow, by Asia Minor (798) out of White Lady 464. Asia Minor (798), by Light of Asia (449) out of W hite Lilac (431). White Lilac (431), by Pharoah out of White Violet.



Sir Knight 2567 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, October 31, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Kerr, McComb, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Little Monk [4561], by Ch. White Monk 246 out of Bon Bon. Bon Bon, by Omar Khayyam out of White Fluff. D AM , Mistress Fluff 2042.

Sir Thomas B 2573 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May, 1911. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. J. D. Benedict, Muskogee, Okla. S IRE , Bizzy Izzy 1236. D AM , Princess Marguerite 2109.

Emperor Buntie 2579 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. C. B. Holcombe, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Rhododendron D'Ollone 1204. D AM , Empress Heartsease 2097.

Blossom Lucien 2580 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 17, 1908. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. F. Y. Mather, Greenwich, Conn. Owner, Mrs. T. B. Blossom, Greenwich, Conn.



S IRE , Ned 2498. D AM , Lady Malvin, by Ned 2498 out of Queen May. Queen May, by Lindenhurst Black Knight (738) out of Princess of India 330. Lindenhurst Black Knight (738), by Helas out of Topsy. Helas, by Dingley out of Moxie. Topsy, by Madder out of Frisby. Dingley, by Luro out of Elaine. King Magnet 2606 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 26, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Sarah F. Torrey, South Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , White Magnet 1082. D AM , Lady Blue Eyes 2607. Kokua 2636 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 8, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , King White 1926. D AM , Mi Lady Bell 2108. Preacher Boy 2644 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 21, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. A. Morris, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Miss Hester C. Reed, Macleod, Alberta, Canada. S IRE , Mut Milln, by Ch. Silver Dollar 1070 out of Lady Owlett. Lady Owlett, by Bruce out of Rosemary. D AM , Swei Angen, by Hollie White Mascot 1374 out of Lady Betty 1763.



My Butterfly II 2656 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 6, 1916. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Albert E. Butler, Evanston, Ill. Owner, Mrs, Lena F. Archer, Moline, Ill. S IRE , Chrysanthemum My Butterfly I 1786. D AM , Chrysanthemum Baby Blue, by Sir Friar 336 out of Chrysanthemum Paree. Chrysanthemum Paree, by Brushwood Paris (188) out of Fluffy. Brushwood Paris (188). (For extended pedigree see 4).

Tuxton King 2657 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 2, 1914. Color of eyes, Hazel. Breeder, Mrs. Edith Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, Fremont, Neb. S IRE , Cumberland Friar 2495. D AM , Abolena Snow 2102.

Prince Friar 2675 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 1, 1913, Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Sarah F. Touey, South Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Alice Leonardson, Canastoto, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Eastern Beauty 34. D AM , Diana II 1094.


W HITE —M ALE Peter 2703 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, November 10, 1912. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Barr Persian Cattery, Toledo, O. Owner, Mrs. F. J. Cornell, Binghampton, N. Y. S IRE , Teddy Bear 1123. D AM , Butterfly 945. Max Marion 2713 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 10, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Miss Dorothy Marion, Hannibal, Mo. S IRE , Kokua 2636. D AM , Ruby 2653. Camarada 2715 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Monahan, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352. D AM , Empress Josephine 2583. Leone Giovanni 2733 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Mr. W. T. Barr, West Toledo, O. S IRE , Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352. D AM , Purritta 2716.

W HITE —M ALE Johnny Luck 2742 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Jeannette Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, E. O. Shaw, Belfast, Me. S IRE , Heather Laddie 1408. D AM , Daisy Elliott 2730. Cassell 2773 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 18, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. E. H. Crowson, Oakland, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352. D AM , Dolly H 1992. Tipperary Elliott 2782 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 13, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. M. Jeannette Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Fairmount Cavalierie White Tassell 2067. D AM , Daisy Elliott 2730. Prince Clark 2783 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 23, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. M. Jeannette Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Fairmount Laddie 2516. D AM , Gretchen Elliott 2741.



W HITE —M ALE Lord Nod Klinko 2789 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 8, 1913. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas Ci ty, Mo. Owner, Miss Bertha Pardee, Baldwin, Kan. S IRE , King Klinko 2109. D AM , Princess Marguerite 2109.

White Paddy 2795 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 29, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Edith Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Blue Paddy 2725. D AM , Peg of the Snow 2551.

Kinko Jon Blue-eyes 2799 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, May 26, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. W. F. Elliott, Winthrop, Mass. Owner, Dr. Mary E. Jones, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Oberon [N. C. C. 1498]. D AM , Gretchen Elliott 2741.



WHITE—FEMALE Rose of Minley 2251 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 4, 1910. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Master B. Currie, London, England. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Romulus of Kensington, by Edelwold of Kensington out of Piquant Pearl II. Piquant Pearl II. (For extended pedigree see 1109). D AM , Pearl Seaqueen, by Ch. King of Pearls out of Sudbury Belle.

Bessie Blanche 2280 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 13, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. J. G. Hobman, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bizzy Izzy 1236. D AM , Beautsy 2099.

Bettie Bizzy 2281 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 30, 1913. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, Mrs. J. G. Hobman, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bizzy Izzy 1236. D AM , Beautsy 2099.


W HITE —F EMALE Chrysanthemum White Daisy 2290 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, given two years. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. Christy Yates, Port Norris, N. J. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sunburst II 777. D AM , Chrysanthemum Queen of the May 1109. Swastika The One 2317 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 29, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. P. Robinson, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. E. B. Keen, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , The Only One 1875. D AM , Fluffy Girl 1620. Princess Bobie 2327 (Rule 1)

Date of birth, May 27, 1913. Color of eyes, Odd. Breeder, Mrs. G. A. Forgey, Memphis, Tenn. Owner, Mrs. A. N. Cage, Clarksdale, Miss. S IRE , Snow Friar 1519. D AM , Butterfly 945. Princess Emma 2372 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June, 1909. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. L. G. Hopkins, Bath, Me. Owner, Mrs, Dyrie, Los Angeles, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Sir Friar 336. D AM , Ch. White Aigrette 649.



Beautiful Blue-Eyed Doll 2383 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 3, 1912. Color of eyes, Bl ue. Breeder, Mrs. lva M. Skone, Minneapolis, Minn. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Friar Ruff 1504. D AM , Blue-Eyed Beauty 1725.

Lady Oberon of Cumberland 2375 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, April 12, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. Christy Yates, Port Norris, N. J. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Oberon [1498], by Ch. White Knight out of Edelweiss of Kensington. Edelweiss of Kensington, by Ch. White Friar [3003] out of Ch. Crystal (154). Ch. Crystal (154). (For extended pedigree see 245). D AM , Chrysanthemum White Daisy 2290.

Phoebe Snow Slocum 2411 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 3, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. M. J. Carnot, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Belle Patton, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Saint Dennis Slocum 1749. D AM , Princess Cleo 2127.


W HITE —F EMALE Gatilla 2427 (Rule 1).

Date of Birth, April 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Miss Avis Cresswell, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Mrs. J. B. van Ess, San Diego, Calif. S IRE , Major Blues 2085. D AM , Popoki 2337. Lady Phillis 2435 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Howard D. Alton, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. F. Raymond Benson, Elgin, Ill. S IRE , Sunburst V 1630. D AM , Kathrina Gwynne 368. White Rose 2444 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, November 12, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. R. Johnson, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. E. Samuelson, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , White Chieftain 1746. D AM , White Violet 1756. Lady Washington 2465 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 20, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. H. G. Wirts, Detroit, Mich. Owner, Mrs. Charles Evans, Flint, Mich. S IRE , Sunny Jim White 2233. D AM , Sweet Lilly 2231.



Christina 2471 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, April 12, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. G. Christy Yates, Port Norris, N. J. Owner, Mrs. H. T. Beckmann, Lima, O. S IRE , Oberon [1498], by Ch. White Knight out of Edelweiss of Kensington. Edelweiss of Kensington, by Ch. White Friar [3008] out of Ch. Crystal (154). Ch. Crystal (154). (For extended pedigree see 245). D AM , Chrysanthemum White Daisy 2290.

Lady Carolyn 2497 (Rule 2).

Date of birth, 1906. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mr. Beebe, Danbury, Conn. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Handsome Boy (499), by Jungfrau Eiger (469) out of Nydia. Jungfrau Eiger (469). (For extended pedigree see 176). Nydia, by Brushwood Paris (188) out of Guinvere (189). Brushwood Paris (188). (For extended pedigree see 4). Guinvere (189), by Lord Gwynne (126) out of Lady Mertice. Lord Gwynne (126). (For extended ped igree see 2). D AM , Nancy Blue Beard (108), by Elton out of Rosalys II (133). Elton, by Lord Elton. Rosalys II (133). (For extended pedigree see 6).


W HITE —F EMALE Betty Snow 2508 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 1, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Martha Salfisberg, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sir Snow Slocum 2507. D AM , Sylvia Snow, by Asia Minor (798) out of White Lady 464. Asia Minor (798), by Light of Asia (449) out of White Lilac (431). White Lilac (431), by Pharaoh out of White Violet.

Avenel Lady Oberon 2511 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, July 7, 1910. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, Miss Florence Howland, Conway, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Cora E. Dykema, Columbus, O. S IRE , Oberon [1498], by Ch. White Knight out of Edelweiss of Kensington. Edelweiss of Kensington, by Ch. White Friar [3008] out of Ch. Crystal (154). Ch. Crystal (154). (For extended pedigree see 245). D AM , Lady Betty 11789.

Avenel Fairy Pearl 2512 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Cora E. Dykema, Columbus, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Avenel Royal Pearl 2510. D AM , Avenel Lady Oberon 2511.

W HITE —F EMALE Woodland Cherub 2523 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 29, 1914. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Gardner L. Conley, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ingomar 2071. D AM , Braeburn Butterfly 2299. Blossom Valeska Suratt 2527 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, not given. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Blossom, Minneapolis, Minn. S IRE , not given. D AM , not given. Capitol City Blue-Eyed White Rose 2533 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 19, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. Christy Yates, Port Norris, N. J. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Kilravock Whiffenpuff 1714. D AM , Chrysanthemum White Daisy 2290. Aurora Queen Louise 2540 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. A. Melville Smail, Oak Park, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Sir Mignon 2396. D AM , Brushwood Beauty 984.



W HITE —F EMALE Queenie Wendella 2545 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 2 , 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. G. A. Lovett, Mt. Lebanon, Penn. Owner, Mrs. John S. Flannery, Pittsburg, Penn. S IRE , Brushwood Spike 1816. D AM , Princess Lovetta 1697.

Peg of the Snow 2551 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 12, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Edith Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Cumberland Friar 2495. D AM , Abolena Snow 2102.

Princess of the Harem 2566 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Odd. Breeder, Mrs. Martha Salfisberg, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Charles Rehm, St. Charles, Ill. S IRE , Sir Snow Slocum 2507. D AM , Sylvia Snow, by Asia Minor (798) out of White Lady 464. Asia Minor (798), by Light of Asia (449) out of White Lilac (431). White Lilac (431), by Pharaoh out of White Violet.

W HITE —F EMALE Tango of New Castle 2571 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 29, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. George Reis Brown, New Castle, Pa. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kilravock Don Leone 2562. D AM , Bunny Hug of New Castle 2227. Empress Josephine 2583 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 11, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. H. E. Branschied, Alameda, Calif. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. S IRE , Don Giovanni Napoleon 1709. D AM , Yan Cee 2772. Empress Lily Bell 2687 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 9, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. C. B. Holcombe, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs, Alex. Whyte, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. S IRE , Emperor Sylvanus 2072. D AM , Empress Heartsease 2097. Princess Beauty 2601 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 27, 1913. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. G. A. Forgey, Memphis, Tenn. Owner, C. O. Shaffer, Memphis, Tenn. S IRE , Snow Friar 1519. D AM , Butterfly 945.



W HITE —F EMALE Fairy Lillian 2603 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 3, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. R. E. Stout, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Ingomar 2071. D AM , Daisy Gwynne 1763. Albion Babe 2604 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 16, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. R. E. Stout, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Albion 1319. D AM , Colleen II, by Albion out of Colleen. Albion, by Sir Friar 336 out of Elizabeth II. Colleen, by Ch. White Monk 246 out of Elaine of Kensington. Ollie Belle 2605 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 29, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. R. E. Stout, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Cayuga Laddie 422. D AM , Fairy Lillian 2603. Lady Blue Eyes 2607 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, January 23, 1909. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Sarah F. Torrey, South Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Eastern Beauty 34. D AM , Lamoka 246.

W HITE —F EMALE Patsy 2622 (Rule 2).

Date of birth, April 1, 1908. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. J. F. Wilson, Belfast, Me. Owner, Mrs. O. E. Shaw, Belfast, Me. S IRE , Whitefield (938), by Snowball out of Pearl. D AM , Patience (799), bv Tom Howes out of Dillie. Lady Tennis 2625 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 12, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. Edith Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. S. K. Evans, Oklahoma City, Okla. S IRE , Cumberland Friar 2495. D AM , Abolena Snow 2102. Lady Cupid 2627 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 24, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. H. T. Beckman, Lima, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ingomar 2071. D AM , Christiana 2471. Pierrette 2630 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 19, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Troughton, Duncans, British Columbia. Owner, Mrs. Margaret Lougden, Vancouver, British Colu mbia. S IRE , Ch. Silver King 931. D AM , Pamtzie 2009.



W HITE —F EMALE Empress Forget Me Not 2645 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. C. B. Holcombe, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Miss Hester C. Reed, Macleod, Alberta, Canada. S IRE , Emperor Jupiter 2096. D AM , Empress Judy 2095.

Ruby 2653 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 22, 1912. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , My Dearest 2256. D AM , Princess Patta, by Wayne Donald (792) out of Lady Dods. Wayne Donald (792), by Wan out of Dot. Lady Dods, by Turpaz 556 out of Lady Helen Tintagel 554.

Queen Dodo 2654 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July, 1912. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Letcher, Fort Scott, Kan. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Mister Bill 1618. D AM , Princess Bebe, by Petruchio 1251 out of Lady Helen Tintagel 554.



Baby Mine 2674 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 31, 1913. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Sarah F. Torrey, South Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Alice Leonardson, Canastota, N. Y. S IRE , King Shasta 2051. D AM , Snowette 953. Babette White 2698 (Rules 1 and 3).

Date of birth, June 28, 1914. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. David Lundie, Denver, Colo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sir Knight 2567. D AM , Dimpsie, by Maple Valley Roman Friar 2073 Babekin. Babekin, by Johnny Friar out of Meths. Queen May Bells 2701 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 4, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Charles Boro, Stockton, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Lonny Boy 2701. D AM , Princess Delaware 2680. Miss Billie 2704 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 11, 1915. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. W. A. Crandall, Binghamton, N. Y. Owner, Miss Anna P. Williams, Binghamton, N. Y.

out of



S IRE , Peter 2703. D AM , Brownie Binghamton [4683], by Texas out of Lady Jane Grey 1011. Texas, by Sam Boy out of Lady Avenel.

Rain Bow 2711 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352. D AM , Billie Burke 1740.

Mendell Law 2712 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 2, 1913. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Dr. Mary E. Jones, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Kilravock Don Giovanni 1352. D AM , Rain Bow 2711.

Purritta 2716 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, 1908. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Miss Carroll Macy, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. S IRE , General Knox 917. D AM , Lady Knox, by Snow Ball out of Fluffy.



Tootsey 2727 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 3, 1914. color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Charles Gunn, Lansing, Mich. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Church, Richmond, Calif. S IRE , Sunny Vale [4747], by Oakland orange Pri nce 2086 out of Silvia. D AM , Princess Beatrice, by Mareus out of Beauty 961. Daisy Elliott 2730 (Rule 3)

Date of birth, April 5, 1909. Color of eyes, Blue -green. Breeder, Mrs. M. Jeannette Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Smarty II 740. D AM , Pinksey. Gretchen Elliott 2741 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 22, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. W. F. Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Heather Laddie 1408. D AM , Daisy Elliott 2730. Irma 2758 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 29, 1913. Color of eyes, Odd. Breeder, Mrs. B. M. Davis, Ravenswood, Ill. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Friar 336. D AM , Lovey Mary, by Richmond 2046 out of Fairy Rambler. Fairy Rambler, by Sunburst II 777 out of Lady Evelyn.


W HITE —F EMALE Woodland Nalagoo 2759 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 19, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sir Knight 2567. D AM , Irma 2758.

Yan Cee 2772 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, June 22, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. O. C. Hyde, Lincoln, Calif. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Branscheid, Alameda, Calif. S IRE , Gay Hussar, by Ch. Sir Friar 336 out of White Aigrette 649. D AM , Delores, by Lord Whitlock out of Edna May. Lord Whitlock, by Fial out of Kitty Prossen. Edna May, by Buster Brown out of Nordica.

Lady Jeannette 2775 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 23, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. M. Jeannette Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Ida F. Peirce, Winthrop Center, Mass. S IRE , Fairmount Laddie 2516. D AM , Daisy Elliott 2730.

B LACK —M ALE Dona Isidora 2784 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 23, 1915. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Mrs. M. Jeannette Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Fairmount Laddie 2516. D AM , Daisy Elliott 2730.

Klenkos Snow Queen 2778 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, 1912. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Patty Boy 2248. D AM , My Sweetheart 2107. ——————

BLACK—MALE Lord Decco of Byron 2242 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, P. G. Snyder, Swathmore, Pa. Owner, George W. Orth, Harrisburg, Pa. S IRE , Black Byron 2031. D AM , Black Mandy 2036.



B LACK —M ALE Erebus II 2312 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 8, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ernest A. Bigelow, New York, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Erebus 1311. D AM , Cigaretta, by Watership Caesar II out of Dinah Shadd 854. Watership Caesar II, by Watership Caesar (C.C.R.) Watership Caesar (C.C.R.) (For extended pedigree see 770).

Echo Kewrastus 2323 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Lucy Norris Fitzgerald, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Kewlocke 12. D AM , Echo Midnight 2122.

Bibbity Bubbles 2339 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 9, 1913. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Edith Davis, Fruitvale, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Prentiss Maslin, Sacramento, Calif. S IRE , Black Jack Boy 1579. D AM , Laura 2090.

B LACK —M ALE El Toso 2349 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. C. Dempsey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Sadie MacDonald, Fremont, Neb. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Queen Ebonie 2245.

Coo-Bett 2367 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Sidney Newman, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Grace M. Cramer, St. Charles, Ill. S IRE , Du Betto Cutbart 1771. D AM , Connie 1421.

Natty Bell of Ki Ora 2388 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 8, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss Fisher. Owner, Minnie Reigner, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Menalowan Rahman 947. D AM , Mona of Ki Ora 2143.

Teddy R 2406 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 10, 1910. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. F. W. Elliott, Winthrop Center, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill.




S IRE , Buddie 852. D AM , Fluffie, by Captain Creamo 2405 out of Coonie. Coonie, by Ch. Hawthorn (677). Ch. Hawthorn (677), by Black Thorn 251 out of Lady Maud Jennings (155). Lady Maud Jennings (155), by Ch. The Beadle (125) out of Bijou. Ch. The Beadle (125). (For extended pedigree see 6). Aurora Sonny Boy 2407 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 6, 1912. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Black Jack Boy 1579. D AM , Glory B, by Teddy R 2406 out of Daphne D 1225. Jerry of Keewaydin 2424 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 4, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Charles T. Haines, Vinemouth, Pa. S IRE , Teddy R 2406. D AM , Daphne D 1225. Aurora Ariel 2466 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 3, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Tellisson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Miss Patsy, by Aurora Admiral 1633 out of Daphne D 1225.



O Kuro San 2468 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 31, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Florence Dyer, Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Langley Porter, San Francisco, Calif. S IRE , Boy Beautiful 2442. D AM , Bonnie Jacquette 2467.

Gay Vettette 2509 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 20, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Emma Bomberger, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Vettena, by Aurora Topaz 1670 out of Gavettena. Gavettena, by Hamish (C.C.R.) out of Tortie Gavetta. Hamish (C. C. R.) (For extended pedigree see 282).

Little Bear 2543 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 26, 1911. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, Rochester, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. John Needham, Rochester, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Erebus 1311. D AM , Sunflower Smoke, by Cyrus The Great 995 out of Cyrita 996.


B LACK —M ALE Parsona Smoky Mokes 2553 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, May 2, 1904. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. D. E. Parsons, Cleveland, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , The Gentleman (324), by Prince Rupert (144) out of Martha (145). Prince Rupert (144), by Rex out of Fanny. Martha (145), by King Max (107) out of Olive. Olive, by Duke out of Beauty. D AM , Happy Day 2460.

Spook 2591 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Jessemine L. Fox, Vermilion, S. D. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bozarris 1247. D AM , Lady Black, by Black Thorn 251 out of Ann. Ann, by Longwood Bunch (240) out of Lady Bunch.

Sandusky of California 2633 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 6, 1915. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Renner, Richmond, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Edith A. Wellge, Fairfax, Calif. S IRE , Blue Boy of Thorpe 1785. D AM , Ch. Donna of Avonlea 1674.



Prince Ahmed 2641 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 31, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Florence Dyer, Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Hewitt, Grimsby, Ont. S IRE , Boy Beautiful 2442. D AM , Bonnie Jacquette 2467. Rahman Jr. 2642 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 19, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Myres, Stratford, Ontario. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Hewitt, Grimsby, Ontario. S IRE , Menalowan Rahman 947. D AM , O'Jmio (sic) San, by Menalowan Rahman 947 out of Queen Puff. Queen Puff, by King Jet 780 out of Frit zie Fresh 845. Raven Knight 2664 (Rule 1)

Date of birth, February 17, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Sawyer, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Flossie 1704. Lord Salisbury 2666 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 4, 1913. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Florence Salisbury, Cresco, Iowa. S IRE , Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Torty Gavettena 1578.


B LACK —F EMALE Joe Joe 2682 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Clarke, Beloit, Wis. Owner, Mrs. B. A. Martin, Mineral, Ill. S IRE , Sir Snow Slocum 2507. D AM , Ina C 2670.

Earle of Dundee 2708 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. C. C. Dempsey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Queen Ebonie 2245. ——————


Black Jane 2239 (Rule 1).

Date of Birth, April 22, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. L. Clayton, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Grace Davis Lynch, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , General Black Beauty 2019. D AM , Yankee Girl 2018.

B LACK —F EMALE Lovey 2240 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 29, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel A. Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, GIadys Hyde, Columbus, O. S IRE , The Huxter Boy 1197. D AM , Country Girl 1278. Queen Ebonie 2245 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 14, 1912. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Dempsey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Darkness 1418. D AM , Tulie 1474. Dora Thorn 2246 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 19, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. C. Dempsey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. C. O. Shaffer, Memphis, Tenn. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Queen Ebonie 2245. Sally of Salina 2346 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 3, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, Churchville, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude E. Taylor, Syracuse, N. Y. S IRE , Darkness 1418. D AM , Waverly Glory 1164.



B LACK —F EMALE Lady Marie 2355 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Dr. Mary C. Cornell, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. P. E. Rose, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Woodlawn Othello 1733. D AM , Queen Wilhelmina of Deer Isle 1585. Princess Erebeua 2446 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 20, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. William Hood, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Frank Fritsch, San Francisco, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Erebus 1311. D AM , Lady Diana Claire 2236. Aurora Glory B 2453 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Teddy R 2406. D AM , Daphne D 1225. Lamoka 2461 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, May 13, 1903. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Dr. E. K. Neel, Urbana, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Sarah F. Torrey, South Weymouth, Mass. S IRE , The Gentleman (324), by Prince Rupert (144) out of Martha (145). Prince Rupert (144), by Rex out of Fanny. Martha (145), by King Max (107) out of Olive. Olive, by Duke out of Beauty. D AM , Happy Day 2460.



Bonnie Jacquette 2467 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, February 18, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Sarah F. Torrey, South Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Florence E. Dyer, South Weymouth, Mass. S IRE , Blue Carlo Jacquette (1023). (For exten ded pedigree see 704). D AM , Lamoka 2461.

Aurora Lady Bird 2594 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, August, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. O. H. Barrass, Tonica, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Grace Cramer, St. Charles, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Englewood Bela 146. D AM , Poppy, by Bozzaris 1274 out of Melrose Martha. Melrose Martha, by Melrose Tikatit (841) out of Thorn Rose 910. Melrose Tikatit (841), by King Menelik III (290) out of Sweet Lalla Rookh. Sweet Lalla Rookh. (For extended pedigree see 335).

Fashion Plate 2615 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 8, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. C. Camp, Mukitteo, Wash. Owner, Sergeant Bitterman, Ft. Bayard, New Mexico. S IRE , Kenwood Fashion 2058. D AM , Blue Lorna Doone 2129.


B LACK —F EMALE The Temptress 2650 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. Leonard, Newton Highlands, Mass. Owner, Mr. Francis Parker, Boston, Mass. S IRE , The Backwell Jest 1642. D AM , Kewb Willow 1840.

Princess Delaware 2680 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 18, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. R. Sawyer, Stockton, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Charles Boro, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Bluecoat Delaware 261. D AM , Windsor Sweetheart 1185.

Phillis of Riga 2689 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 5, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, Churchville, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ridgeway Boy Blue 1873. D AM , Waverly Glory 1164.

Melrose Zeresch 2709 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 15, 1909. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. O. H. Barrass, Tonica, Ill. Owner, Mrs. M. M. Mitchell, Chicago, Ill.



S IRE , Peer Gynt 412. D AM , Poppy, by Bozzaris 1274 out of Melrose Martha. Melrose Martha, by Melrose Tikatit (841) out of Thorn Rose 910. Melrose Tikatit (841), by King Menelik III out of Swee t Lalla Rookh. Sweet Lalla Rookh. (For extended pedigree see 335). Yucato 2710 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. C. C. Dempsey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Irene McLeod. S IRE , Earl of Dundee 2708. D AM , Melrose Zeresch 2709. Cameo of Avonlea 2723 (Rule 9).

Date of birth, September 20, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Louise Bryant Trullinger, Portland, Ore. Owner, Mrs. Frank D. Clark, Medford, Ore. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Dixie Girl of Ki-Ora, by Menalowan Rahman 947 out of Mona of Ki-Ora 2143. Faith 2786 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 20, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. H. T. McCoun, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Owner, Miss Edith E. Wickham, Battle Creek, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Erebus 1311. D AM , Ruth, by Cyrus The Great 995 out of Carmen II. Carmen II, by Azure Shiraz 973 out of Blue Comet 1283.


B LUE —M ALE BLUE—MALE Neila Billi III 2243 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March, 1911. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs Jack Gordon, Thalheim, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Neila Billi II 1293. D AM , Winsome Lassie 1294. Bungalow Meteor 2257 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 8, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. C. W. Chapin, Forrestburg, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Turks Cap of Hyver 1635. D AM , Blue Comet 1283. Haroldson 2289 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. L. Norton, Cazenovia, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sir Harold of Isleworth 1640. D AM , Hebe 1032. Blue Eclipse 2300 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, May 5, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Hon. Todsal, Darlington, England. Owner, Mrs. R. P. McCoun, New York, N. Y.



S IRE , Billy Button, by Ch. Neila Billi of Thorpe out of Ch. Regina of Emberton. Ch. Neila Billi of Thorpe, by Ch. Orange Blossom of Thorpe 114 out of Barrymore Periwinkle. D AM , Blue Comet 1283.

Prince Gritzko 2304 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 28, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Remington, Mount Vernon, N. H. Owner, Mrs. F. B. Davis, Brattleboro, Vt. S IRE , Proud Felix 1623. D AM , Remcroft Blue Belle 1320.

Bungalow Blue Aster 2345 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 25, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. C. W. Chapin, Forrestburg, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Blue Eclipse 2300. D AM , Cottage Maid 1497.

Thotmes of Thebes 2361 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, June 18, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. M. Hughes, N. Shrewsbury, Calif. Owner, Mrs. James L. Mead, Pasadena, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Lord Monkton, by Blue San Toy 51 out of Blue Iris. D AM , Princess Kittie, by Oakfield Bob out of Haisy. Haisy, by William I out of Nettle.


B LUE —M ALE Ptolemy of Thebes 2363 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Mead, Pasadena, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Thotmes of Thebes 2361. D AM , Jeanne of Thebes 2362. Minnequa Barbe Blue 2408 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 24, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Evans, Independence, Kans. Owner, Mrs. Geo. Harrington, Pueblo, Colo. S IRE , Zafra 1586. D AM , Blue Mouse 1228. Roderick of Manor Farm 2430 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Durston, (sic -- city/state not listed) Owner, Mrs. M. J. Huggins, Pierrepont Manor, N. Y. S IRE , King Blue Jay 1152. D AM , Blue Tessie 2429. Minnequa Blue Jacket 2441 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George Herrington, Pueblo, Colo. Owner, Mrs. H. S. Burger, Timpas, Colo. S IRE , Minnequa Barbe Blue 2408. D AM , Minnequa Navajo 1172.

B LUE —M ALE Auburn Blue Pads 2450 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 8, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Frank M. Tompkins, Washington, D. C. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Pan II 1113. D AM , Looyah III 2138. Maui Boy 2452 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 8, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. David B. Castle, Alameda, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Sir Ko Ko 1994. D AM , Arbutus Victoria 1995. Thotmes II 2457 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 14, 1914. Color of eyes, A mber. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Mead, Pasadena, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Della M. Foster, Los Angeles, Calif. S IRE , Thotmes of Thebes 2361. D AM , Jeanne of Thebes 2362. Queen Thai 2458 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 3, 1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. J. L. Mead, Pasadena, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Della M. Foster, Los Angeles, Calif. S IRE , Thotmes of Thebes 2361. D AM , Jeanne of Thebes 2362.



B LUE —M ALE Blue Don 2469 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 21, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. Dietschy, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Mrs. McMurphy, (sic) S IRE , Neila Billi II 1293. D AM , Egeria 2166. General Grant 2473 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 26, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. C. W. Sands, South Seekonk, Mass. Owner, Miss May Butterworth, P rovidence, R. I. S IRE , Sir David 1650. D AM , Lady Pussy Willow 1541. Brushwood Blue Boy 2506 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. J. U. Houseman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Kew Laddie (567). (For extended pedigree see 12). D AM , Brushwood Blue Lady 1165. Ispaham 2586 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 12, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Charles R. Castlen. S IRE , Ch. Sir Ko Ko 1994. D AM , Arbutus Victoria 1995.

B LUE —M ALE Danilo 2671 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, February 28, 1911. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. A. Spence, London, England. Owner, Emma Leigh, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Imp. Cyco, by Cyrus out of Roseland's Pop sie. D AM , Imp. Poppy. Wawayanda Starlight 2676 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. R. P. McCoun, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Clara N. Bailey, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Azure Shiraz 973. D AM , Blue Comet 1283. Blue Paddy 2725 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, March 17, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Clara N. Bailey, Brooklyn, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Stanwood, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Wawayanda Starlight 2676. D AM , Little Miss Muffet, by Bob Evans out of Rag Baby. Rag Baby, by Bob Evans out of Dainty Duds. The Running Cup of Revelstoke 2754 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Howard D. Ebey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Turks Cap of Hyver 1635. D AM , Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke 2751.



B LUE —F EMALE Merry Mack 2790 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 19, 1910. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. Mary Remington, Amherst, N. H. Owner, Mrs. C. F. Kelly, Haverhill, Mass. S IRE , Scotland Yet 395. D AM , Remcroft Blue Belle 1320. —————— BLUE—FEMALE Bungalow Podgette 2258 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 8, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. C. W. Chapin, Forrestburg, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Turks Cap of Hyver 1635. D AM , Blue Comet 1283.

Valaise of Revelstoke 2757 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, March 16, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Howard D. Ebey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , The King's Own of Revelstoke 1868. D AM , Madrigal of Revelstoke, by Ch. Remus of Highgate out of Sylvia. Ch. Remus of Highgate, by Ch. Sir Archie II of Arrandale out of Sprite of Highgate. Sylvia, by Dorando out of Fundenhall Iris.



Jeanne of Thebes 2362 (Rule 3)

Date of birth, April 16, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeders, N. & S. Binns, Hollins Lodge, Winwick, England. Owner, Mrs. James L. Mead, Pasadena, Calif. S IRE , Prince San, by Crown Prince Martin out of Santora. Crown Prince Martin, by Gervase of Thorpe out of Ninevah. Santora, by Yorkshire Tyke out of Belle of Ulster. D AM , Santora, by Yorkshire Tyke out of Belle of Ulster. Belle of Ulster, by Tasso out of Ulster Blue Bella.

Blue Tessie 2429 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. M. Mumford, Syracuse, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Darston, Fayetteville, N. Y. S IRE , Sir Morgan 786. D AM , Bluecoat Winona 608.

Lady Martha Washington 2445 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 25, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Perry, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Miss Gladys Coates, San Francisco, Calif. S IRE , Blue Mooney 2042. D AM , Martha Washington 2169.


B LUE —F EMALE Lady Teazle Claire 2447 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 21, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. William Hood, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Blue Mooney 2042. D AM , Bonnie Lassie 1708. Blue Nydia 2470 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 15, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. Dietschy, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Blue Don 2469. D AM , Egeria 2166. Blue Ruffles 2476 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 17, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. M. Dietschy, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Miss Vera Schmitz, Fresno, Calif. S IRE , San Toy II 2167. D AM , Blue Nydia 2470. Moufflou 2494 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. John B. Lee, Norman, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Sir Ko Ko 1994. D AM , Blue Bell Hiller 2001.

B LUE —F EMALE Princess Victoria II 2501 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 3, 1910. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. M. E. Donley, Saginaw, Mich. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Stanwood, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Scotland Yet 395. D AM , Catalpa Osiria 619. Blue Donnie 2536 (Rule 1)

Date of birth, May 17, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. M. Dietschy, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Mrs. H. Englehart, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , San Toy II 2167. D AM , Blue Nydia 2470. Randolph Bonnie Girl 2582 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 16, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Frances I. Douglass, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Darkness 1418. D AM , Phyllis Randolph 2036. Keuka Princess Nejmy 2590 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 23, 1912. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Remmington, Mt. Vernon, N. H. Owner, Dr. Mary E. Jones, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Erebus 1311. D AM , Remcroft Yetta 2059.



B LUE —F EMALE Westover Phylleda 2609 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 27, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss J. Yard, Sandwich, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Paul Janney, Medford, Ore. S IRE , Siegfried 1424. D AM , Shawne Princess, by Ch. Azure Shiraz 973 out of Shawne Periwinkle. Shawne Periwinkle, by Saratoga Johnnie Fawe II 48 out of Shawne Prudence.

Engles Gonda 2643 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 8, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. A. W. Evans, Independence, Kans. Owner, Mrs. O. G. Caton, Independence, Kans. S IRE , Zapa 1586. D AM , Alice A 611.

Lady Blue Belle Morgan 2665 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, 1907 or 1908. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Unknown, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Kate Morgan, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Unknown. D AM , Unknown. (Pedigree burned).

B LUE —F EMALE Mukilteo Mary Jane 2690 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 29, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. G. Hiller Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Camp, Mukilteo, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Sir Ko Ko 1994. D AM , Arbutus Victoria 1996. Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke 2 751 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March, 1911. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel M. Seymore, Menlo Park, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Howard D. Ebey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Neila Billi II 1293. D AM , Winsome Blue Lassie 1294. Cheridahl of Revelstoke 2752 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Howard D. Ebey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Turks Cap of Hyver 1635. D AM , Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke 2751. Azalea of Revelstoke 2753 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Howard D. Ebey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Turks Cap of Hyver 1635. D AM , Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke 2751.



S ILVER —M ALE Rosemary of Revelstoke 2755 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Howard D. Ebey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Turks Cap of Hyver 1635. D AM , Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke 2751. ——————

SILVER—MALE. Prince Feramorz 2244 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 7, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Miss Anna Rasdale, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Silver King 931. D AM , Varda 2080.

Silver Fox of Puss-in-Boots 2282 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. B. Mull, Bothell, Wash. Owner, Mrs. R. A. Poole, North Yakima, Wash. S IRE , Westover Flying Fox 1173. D AM , June Dollar of Puss-in-Boots 2264.



Al Tarek IV 2303 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, May 26, 1911. Color of eyes, Blue -Green. Breeder, Mrs Oliver L. Dosch, Elizabeth, N. J. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Al Tarek (657). (For extended pedigree see 24). D AM , Allaire 1664. Al Tarecho 2325 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 23, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Lucy Morris Fitzgerald, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Alex. 2075. D AM , Valeria, by St. Valentine (861) out of Princess Aline 312. St. Valentine (861). (For extended pedigree see 506). Prince Argentine 2329 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. George Lynas, Logansport, Ind. Owner, Miss Mary Cagney, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Rob Roy II of Arrandale 1062. D AM , Pudgie 2328. The Viking 2341 (Formerly Brushwood Dunder). (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Miss Carroll Macy, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , King Winter 227. D AM , Mlle. Genée 2267.


S ILVER —M ALE Geneva Silver King 2395 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October, 1910. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs, Fred Dolph, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Osca Bowgren, Geneva, Ill. S IRE , Buddie 850. D AM , Pert, by Silver Don 172 out of Frona 169. Miramar Silver Stubbs 2412 (Rule 1).

Date of Birth, April 30, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Rooney, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Miss Marina Flint, Santa Barbara, Calif. S IRE , Sir Patrick 2079. D AM , Bianca 2078. Butiboi 2419 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 1, 1908. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. C. E. Ashmun, Brooklyn, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Annette Hathaway, Chillicothe, O. S IRE , Shah-in-Shah 811. D AM , Butibe 813. Butiboi II 2420 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, January 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Hathaway, Chillicothe, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Butiboi 2419. D AM , Fluffy Ruffles II, by Shah-in-Shah 811 out of Wanda 666.



Kilmington Rikki Tikki Tavi 2479 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 30, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mabel E. Selwyn, Santa Barbara, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Miramar Silver Stubbs 2412. D AM , Kilmington Muffie 2417. Silver King Fluff 2483 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 12, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Kate Shirly, Ocean Beach, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Florence B. Hall, San Diego, Calif. S IRE , Fulmer Silver Dilri 1127. D AM , Erma Girl 1353. Aurora Silver Dai 2487 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 28, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. George B. Brayton, Brighton, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. S IRE , Don Dai 1652. D AM , The Quakeress 1549. Aldermoor Ajax of Riverview 2499 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 30, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Charles C. Miller, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Mary L. Garner, South Bend, Ind. S IRE , Prince Argentine 2329. D AM , Aldermoor Madonna, by Don Dai 1652 out of The Quakeress 1549.


S ILVER —M ALE Brushwood Winter Wonder 2569 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Gardner L. Conley, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , The Viking 2341. D AM , Braeburn Butterfly 2299. Lord Arrandale 2574 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 30, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder. Mrs. Charles C. Miller, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Prince Argentine 2329. D AM , Aldermoor Madonna, by Don Dai 1652 out of The Quakeress 1549. Silver Pet 2589 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 20, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Emma Green, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Mrs. Frank Hibben Stout, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Silverfoam 2588. D AM , Silverheels 1539. Al Taro 2602 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Albert Bessemer, Hastings, Mich. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Estes, Van Wert, O. S IRE , Al Tatt 939. D AM , Sister Grey 1573.

S ILVER —M ALE Bobby 2616 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. H. Ellsworth King, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , South Shore Sally 2626.

Sir Roger 2617 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 2, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Dr. Shaffer, St. Louis, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Joseph Richmond, Florence, Mass. S IRE , Bobby 2616. D AM , Juliet, by Al Tarek II 576 out of Martha Fluff 1028.

Prince I of Roycrest 2623 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, R. W. Crockett, Macon. Ga. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Dixie 559.

Prince II of Roycrest 2624 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, R. W. Crockett, Macon, Ga. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116.




D AM , Undine, by Sir Walter Scott out of Silver Sprite (876). Silver Sprite (876), by Bittern Silver Chieftain (618) out of Fairy. Bittern Silver Chieftain (618). (For extended pedigree see 19). Fairy. (For extended pedigree see 915).

Lord Babs 2649 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, D. Leech & L. Hanson, St. Agathe DesMont, Quebec. Owner, D. Leech. S IRE , Lord Denorevie 1796. D AM , Lady Roonday 1800.

Mercury 2661 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 1, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Aurora Silver Dai 2487. D AM , Silver Psyche 2333.

Silver Phantom II 2677 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 30, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Paul Janney, Medford, Ore. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Monahan, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Westover Flying Fox 1173. D AM , Westover Silver Peach 1114.



Lord Phantom I 2678 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 9, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. E. C. Monahan, Stockton, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Charles Boro, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Silver Phantom II 2677. D AM , Monita, by Bismark 466 out of Baby Rose. Baby Rose, by Beauty Boy 1186 out of Peaches.

Lord Tiggery 2681 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 9, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. E. C. Monahan, Stockton, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Charles Boro, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Silver Phantom II 2677. D AM , Monita, by Bismark 466 out of Baby Rose. Baby Rose, by Beauty Boy 1186 out of Peaches.

Buddha 2686 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, Mrs. Staley, Freeport, Ill. Owner, Joseph Rosa, Freeport, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Silver Zara, by Tintagel (862) out of Silver Floss 186. Tintagel, (862) by Ch. Lord Southampton [1690] out of Silver Spangle. Ch. Lord Southampton [1690]. (For extended pedigree see 19). Silver Spangle. (For extended pedigree see 106).


S ILVER —M ALE Wahoo Punch 2696 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, March 14, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, Mrs. O. E. Gilbert and Mrs. Griffiths, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Mytle, by Democracy out of Silver Patience. Democracy, by Jack Frost (794) out of Shadow Chimes. Shadow Chimes. (For extended pedigree see 174). D AM , Silver Patience, by Al Tiko out of Silver Topsy. Al Tiko, by Al Tarek (657) out of Kee Kee Vita 338. Silver Topsy, by Abdul Zaplin II 384 out of Silver Lady. Al Tarek (657). (For extended pedigree see 24). The Nobleman 2717 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October, 1907. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Dakatt, Ypsilanti, Mich. Owner, Mrs. C. S. McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Jock of Maxwelton 447. D AM , Donna, by Ariel 105 out of Mother Bunch. Mother Bunch, by Navarre Prince Hamlet (756) out of Pansy. Navarre Prince Hamlet (756), by Victor out of Lady Clare. Excel Silver Laddie 2743 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 28, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. Needham, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Excel Foxy 2528. D AM , Wahoo Lolita 2529.



Lord Beresford II 2787 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 14, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. E. Malloy, Omaha, Neb. Owner, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Montezuma 2321. D AM , Lady Kit Ky, by Al Tarek II 576 out of Grace Darling 2541. Silver Baron 2793 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 14, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. L. Norton, Cazenovia, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Jessie F. Humphreville, Watertown, Mass. S IRE , Fairmont Zal 2064. D AM , Lady Evelyn 2377. ——————

SILVER—FEMALE Electra 2253 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, October 24, 1912. Color of eyes, Green Breeder, Mrs. Amy Adlane, Southampton, England. Owner, Mrs. D. B. Wiswell, Newton, Mass. S IRE , Aldermoor Don II, by Aldermoor Don out of Dolre. Aldermoor Don, by Otto Kim out of Silver Muffy. Dolre, by Silver Phantom out of Marietta. D AM , Venus II, by Silver Dandy out of Sally. Silver Dandy, by Roy's Laddie out of Little Michn. Sally, by Otto III out of Marie.


S ILVER —F EMALE Delos 2254 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 9, 1913. Color of eyes, not given Breeder, Mrs. D. B. Wiswell, Newton, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Don Dai 1652. D AM , Silverra 1651. Peg O' My Heart 2255 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 28, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. George B. Brayton, Brighton, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Don Dai 1652. D AM , The Quakeress 1549. Cindy of Silverholm 2273 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 29, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. L. Clayton Andrews, Minneapolis, Minn. Owner, Mrs. E. G. Wetzel, Little Rock, Ark. S IRE , Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke 1376. D AM , Mayblossom of Silverholm 1625. Lady Lexie of Riverview 2274 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 17, 1913. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, Mrs. A. E. Larson, Minneapolis, Minn. Owner, Mrs. M. L. Garner, South Bend, Ind. S IRE , Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke 1376. D AM , Queen Midgy 1606.



Regal Sunia 2294 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, March, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Lea, England. Owner, Mrs. A. Tillinghast Freedley, Pomfret, Conn. S IRE , Eric of the Heads, by Eric Brighteyes out of Wylde Green Lily. Eric Brighteyes, bv Silver Milord out of Edwina. Wylde Green Lily, by Silver Lily Boy out of Josephene. D AM , Coy II, by Otto Boy II out of Missie 494.

Brae Burn Butterfly 2299 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, February 7, 1909. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. H. Stealy, Freeport, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Gardner L. Conley, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Silver Zara, by Tintagel (862) out of Silver Floss 186. Tintagel (862). (For extended pedigree see 106).

Silver Girlie 2326 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago. Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , Martha Fluff 1028.


S ILVER —F EMALE Pudgie 2328 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May, 1909. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Mary Cagney, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Martha Fluff 1028. Silver Trinket 2330 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 14, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. N. A. Westmark, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. D. Ascough, Hartford, Conn. S IRE , Prince Argentine 2329. D AM , Silver Belle 1460. Mona Vana 2381 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. C. Y. Boardman, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Freida Marie Grending, Colfax, Ill. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , Grace Darling 2541. Silver Psyche 2333 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 18, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Adolphus Clark, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Adele Pierce, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , Queen Victoria, by Lord Beresford 1116 out of Miss Frisby 1433.



Echo Bud 2338 (Rule 1)

Date of birth, July 25, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Lucy Morris Fitzgerald, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Alex 2075. D AM , Snowette 953. Holden Silver Light 2340 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Gardner L. Conley, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , Silver Butterfly, by Lord Beresford 1116 out of Silver Zara. Silver Zara, by Tintagel (862) out of Silver Floss 186. Tintagel (862). (For extended pedigree see 106). Miramar Silvia 2414 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, 1911. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. J. R. Fithian, Carpinteria, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Argent Laddie (803). (For extended pedigree see 172). D AM , Silver Belle 1460. Brushwood Dimity 2422 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Gardner L. Conley, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , The Viking 2341. D AM , Brae Burn Butterfly 2299.


S ILVER —F EMALE Miss Nuisance 2449 (Rule 4)

Date of birth, May 13, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. G. P. Mallorie, Flat Rock, N. C. Owner, Mrs. Frank W. Tompkins, Washington, D. C. S IRE , Sir Patrick 2079. D AM , Briar Rose, by Argent Royal 1251 out of Bianca 2078. Silver Nez 2474 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 3, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. A. M. Stilly, Carthage, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Melba, by Scotland Yet 395 out of Daphne's Daughter 237. Grace Darling 2541 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. H. Ellsworth King, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Helen D. Luther, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , South Shore Sally 2626. Donna Dee 2542 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Mabel Dimond, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Montezuma 2321. D AM , Aurora Bopeep 2538.



Pitti Sing of Meadowview 2568 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 8, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, H. V. Ogden, Michigan City, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Billie Boy Blue 2176. D AM , Meadowview Pale Face 2198.

Holden Silver Fairy 2575 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 13, 1916. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Prince Argentine 2329. D AM , Holden Silver Light 2340.

South Shore Sally 2626 (Rules 3 and 2).

Date of birth, May 26, 1909. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. T. P. Mallorie, Flat Rock, N. C. Owner, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Walter Scott, by Rob Roy of Arrandale out of The Abbess of Bromholm. The Abbess of Bromholm, by Ch. Lord Southampto n [1690] out of New Forest Fairy. Ch. Lord Southampton [1690]. (For extended pedigree see 19). D AM , Silver Sprite (876), by Bitterne Silver Chieftain (618) out of Fairy. Fairy. (For extended pedigree see 915).


S ILVER —F EMALE Brushwood Winter Butterfly 2628 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Gardner L. Conley, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , The Viking 2341. D AM , Brae Burn Butterfly 2299.

Dorothy Anne 2634 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, R. W. Crockett, Macon, Ga. Owner, Mrs. M. S. Railey, Mt. Hermon, Calif. S IRE , Prince II of Roycrest 2624. D AM , Fairy II of Roycrest, by Prince I of Roycrest 2623 out of Fairy I of Roycrest. Fairy I of Roycrest, by Sir Christy 1221 out of Pert. Pert, by Silver Don 172 out of Fiona 169.

Lady Victoria 2647 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, D. Leech & L. Hanson, St. Agathe, Des Monts, Quebec. Owner, Breeders. S IRE , Lord Dinorwie 1796. D AM , Lady Schultz 1799.



Lady Patricia 2648 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, D. Leech & L. Hanson, St. Agathe, Des Monts, Quebec. Owners, Breeders. S IRE , Lord Dinorwie 1796. D AM , Lady Schultz 1799.

San Dawn 2651 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 3, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Arthur H. Churchill, Mountclair, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Frank Hibben Stout, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Sandolphon 1416. D AM , Dawn O' Day, by Zero 1574 out of The Spring Maid. The Spring Maid, by Ch. King Winter 277 out of Purrita.

Lady Idylene 2655 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 3, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, D. Leech & L. Hanson, St. Agathe, Des Monts, Quebec. Owners, Breeders. S IRE , Lord Dinorwie 1796. D AM , Lady Rhonday 1800.


S ILVER —F EMALE Baby Bubbles 2662 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Aurora Silver Dai 2487. D AM , Aurora Bopeep 2538. Lady Phantomine 2679 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 9, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. E. C. Monahan, Stockton, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Charles Boro, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Silver Phantom II 2677. D AM , Monita, by Bismark 446 out of Baby Rose. Baby Rose, by Beauty Boy 1186 out of Peaches. McGregor's Victoria 2683 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 18, 1911. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. A. J. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Frank P. Gregory, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Miss Frisby 1702. McGregor's Mussette 2684 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 12, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. A. J. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mr. Frank P. Gregory, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , McGregor's Victoria 2683.

S ILVER —F EMALE Lady Perfection 2688 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. W. Church, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Prince Argentine 2329. D AM , Silver Floss II 2687. Silver Mouse 2691 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 21, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. S. I,. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Anderson Fulk, South Bend, Ind. S IRE , Wahoo Punch 2696. D AM , Holden Silver Light 2340. Lady Mussette 2694 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 9, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. David J. Owens, Pittsburg, Pa. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Beechwood Ard Tarim 1080. D AM , Silver Nile 1806. Lady Norma 2695 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 30, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Miss Olive A. Moore, Hamburg, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. David J. Owens, Pittsburg, Pa. S IRE , Saorgia 943. D AM , Ma Chere 1544.



S ILVER —F EMALE Holden Silver Lassie 2697 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 26, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Wahoo Punch 2696. D AM , Holden Silver Light 2340. Lady Phylis 2705 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, D. Leech & L. Hanson, St. Agathe, Des Monts, Quebec. Owner, Master Phillip Davis Meyer, Montreal, Quebec. S IRE , Lord Dinorwie 1796. D AM , Lady Schultz 1799. Theetus 2718 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 1, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Charles McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Romeo Silverfoam 2588. D AM , Silverheels 1539. Little Jewel of Keewaydin 2726 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 31, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Charles T. Haines, Vinemont, Pa. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Don Otto 1638. D AM , Jewel of Keewaydin 2401.

S ILVER —F EMALE Princess Donna 2731 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 10, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Kate Shirly, Ocean Beach, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Florence B. Hall, San Diego, Calif. S IRE , Silver King Fluff 2483. D AM , Erma Girl 1353. Princess Sylvia 2740 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Winola J. Cooper, Battle Creek, Mich. Owner, Mrs. William Henry Frey, Sand Lake, Mich. S IRE , Don Otto 1638. D AM , Little Miss Majesty 2181. Peep O' Dawn 2764 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 3, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Arthur H. Churchill, Mountclair, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Frank Hibben Stout, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sandolphon 1416. D AM , Dawn O' Day, by Zero 1574 out of The Spring Maid. The Spring Maid, by Ch. King Winter 277 out of Purrita. Peggy I 2765 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. C. Y. Boardman, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Frank Brust, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , Grace Darling 2541.



S ILVER —F EMALE Ma Cherie of Carlisle 2767 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, February 25, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Hathaway, Chillicothe, O. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Kerr, Mechanicsville, Ia. S IRE , Al Tarek III 1665. D AM , Fluffy Ruffles II, by Shah in Shah 811 out of Wanda 666.

Bunny Dai 2768 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 1, 1915. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Kerr, Mechanicsville, Ia. S IRE , Aurora Silver Dai 2487. D AM , Silver Psyche 2333.

Wonder Girl 2792 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 3, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Helen M. Hayes, Roslindale, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Argent Silverhair 1527. D AM , Mandalay Mistress, by Don Otto 1638 out of Tessie 2163.

S HADED S ILVER —M ALE SHADED SILVER—MALE Broncho Billy 2249 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 20, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, H. V. Ogden, Michigan City, Ind. Owner, Mrs. S. M. Boisot, Michigan City, Ind. S IRE , Billie Boy Blue 2176. D AM , Meadowview Pale Face 2198.

Honey Man of Fur Baby Home 2259 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, July 16, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. C. M. LeValley , Portland, Ore. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Lord Lorin (881), by Silver Flash 91 out of Daphne. Daphne, by Iver Surprise (C. C. R.) out of Lavender. Iver Surprise, by Prince Cassim out of Gris ette. Lavender, by Silver Laddie out of Peggoty. D AM , Westover Lady Jane 1614.

Troll King 2310 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Robin E. Dunbar, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. S IRE , Al Tarek II 576. D AM , Silver Peeress 1222.



S HADED S ILVER —M ALE Montezuma 2321 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 20, 1910. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Ethel M. Maltby, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Lord Beresford 1116. D AM , Martha Fluff 1028.

Galax 2332 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, 1908. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. T. P. Mallorie, Flat Rock, N. C. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sir Walter Scott, by Rob Roy of Arrandale out of The Abbess of Bromholm. The Abbess of Bromholm, by Ch. Lord Southampton [1690] out of New Forest Fairy. Ch. Lord Southampton [1690]. (For extended pedigree see 19). D AM , Ch. Kee Kee Vita 338.

Lord Lorin II 2400 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, March 18, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. C. M. LeValley, Portland, Ore. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Lord Lorin (881), by Silver Flash 91 out of Daphne. Daphne, by Iver Surprise (C. C. R.) out of Lavender. Iver Surprise, by Prince Cassim out of Grisette. Lavender, by Silver Laddie out of Peggoty. D AM , Westover Lady Jane 1614.



Miramar Robin Adair 2413 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. R. Fithian, Carpinteria, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Argent Laddie (803), by Silver Flash 91 out of Lady Vere de Vere [3143]. Lady Vere de Vere [3143). (For extended pedigree see 172). D AM , Silver Belle 1462.

Beauty Buster 2431 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 4, 1913. Color of eyes, Gray. Breeder, Mrs. F. L. Ashton, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. C. D. Dunann, Oakl and, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Silver Dollar 1070. D AM , Lady Toots 2091.

Silver Marma Duke 2572 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. A. Gorham, Los Angeles, Calif. Owner, Mrs. T. T. Smith, Los Angeles, Calif. S IRE , Fulmer Silver Dilre 1127. D AM , Sister Beatrice 2148.


S HADED S ILVER —M ALE Silverfoam 2588 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 20, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Miss Helen Christensen, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Mrs. Charles McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Romeo Silver Sunbeam 864. D AM , Grisette 1248. Brushwood Narcissus 2599 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, December, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Grace Luther, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , South Shore Narcissus 1927. D AM , Grace Darling 2541. Silver Bob 2658 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 20, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Miss Helen Christensen, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Romeo Silver Sunbeam 864. D AM , Grisette 1248. San Dawn Prince Charming 2660 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 28, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Hibben Stout, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Silver Bob 2658. D AM , Silverheels 1539.

S HADED S ILVER —F EMALE Roy Winter of Claremont 2706 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 16, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. H. F. Eckert, Oakland, Calif. Owner, Albert Morrison, San Francisco, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont 1561. D AM , Genée Winter 2268.

Phantom Fox of Avonlea 2722 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 5, 1912. Color of eyes, Greenish-Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Frank D. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Westover Flying Fox 1173. D AM , Vaiti Avonlea 1672. ——————

SHADED SILVER—FEMALE Sylvia of Fauntleroy 2250 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 20, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Elizabeth Aiken, East Sound, Wash. Owner, Miss L. W. Burns, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Silver Dollar 1070. D AM , Dixie 559.



S HADED S ILVER —F EMALE Jane Dollar of Puss-in-Boots 2264 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August, 1910. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. B. Mull, Bothell, Wash. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Silver Dollar 1070. D AM , Columbine Silver Cloud 948. Mile. Genée 2267 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June, 1910. 'Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Alfred Jackson, Rochester, N. Y. Owner, Miss Carroll Macy, Ash Point, Me. S IRE , Silver Flash 91. D AM , Queen Irene 676. Ch. Genée Winter 2268 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 19, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Miss Carroll Macy, Ash Point, Me. Owner, Mrs. H. F. Eckert, Oakland, Calif. S IRE , Ch. King Winter 277. D AM , Mlle. Genée 2267. Echo Leita 2324 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 25, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. George B. Brayton, Brighton, Mass. Owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Heather Laddie 1408. D AM , The Quakeress 1549.



Jewel of Keewaydin 2401 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 26, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Charlotte Brown, Quincy, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Charles T. Haines, Vinemouth, Pa. S IRE , Don Otto 1638. D AM , Silveretta 2175.

Silver Muff 2402 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 27, 1910. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. L. H. Stafford, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Elizabeth Wetter, Evanston, Ill. S IRE , Count Robert of Paris 1760. D AM , Pretty Girl, by Argent Laddie (803) out of Managing Mamma. Argent Laddie (803), by Silver Flash 91 out of Lady Vere de Vere [3143]. Lady Vere de Vere [3143]. (For extended pedigree see 172). Managing Mamma, by Light of Asia (449) out of Pussy Willow. Light of Asia (449). (Imp. from Asia).

La Patera Mimi 2415 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. R. Fithian, Carpinteria, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Sherman Stowe, Goleta, Calif.



S IRE , Argent Laddie (803), by Silver Flash 91 out of Lady Vere de Vere [3143]. Lady Vere de Vere [3143]. (For extended pedigree see 172). D AM , Silver Belle 1460.

La Fariminti Florodora 2416 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 20, 1912. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. J. R. Fithian, Carpinteria, Calif. Owner, Miss Marina Flint, Santa Barbara, Calif. S IRE , Miramar Robin Adair 2413. D AM , Miramar Silvia 2414.

Kilmington Muffie 2417 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. J. R. Fithian, Carpinteria, Calif. Owner, Miss M. E. Selwyn, Santa Barbara, Calif. S IRE , Miramar Robin Adair 2413. D AM , Miramar Silvia 2414.

Silver Mine 2425 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April, 1908. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. W. A. Spaulding, Milo, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Tintagel (862). (For extended pedigree see 106). D AM , Flossey, by Toga 616 out of Kilravock Kittie. Kilravock Kittie, by Perso Selah 642 out of Lady Mars.

S HADED S ILVER —F EMALE Crowned Queen 2426 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. W. A. Spaulding, Milo, Mich . Owner, Miss E. Appleby, Kalamazoo, Mich. S IRE , Silver Dictator 2204. D AM , Silver Mine 2425. Claremont Duchess 2472 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 16, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. H. F. Eckert, Oakland, Calif. Owner, Mrs. A. Newton, San Rafael, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont 1561. D AM , Ch. Genée Winter 2268. Princess Spangle of Riverview 2492 (Rule 1)

Date of Birth, April 7, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Mary L. Garner, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke 1376. D AM , Lady Lexie of Riverview 2274. Lady Sami of Riverview 2493 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 7, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Mary L. Garner, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke 1376. D AM , Lady Lexie of Riverview 2274.



S HADED S ILVER —F EMALE Lassavera 2496 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. T. P. Mallorie, Flat Rock, N. C. Owner, Miss Alma F. Leith, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Galax 2332. D AM , Sylvia of Fauntleroy 2250.

Wahoo Lolita 2529 (Rule 3)

Date of birth, July 30, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeders, Mrs. O. E. Gilbert and Mrs. Griffiths, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. J. Needham, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ganymede 1726. D AM , Silver Patience, by Al Tiko out of Silver Topsy. Al Tiko, by Al Tarek (657) out of Ch. Kee Kee Vita 338. Silver Topsy, by Abdul Zaplin II 394 out of Silver Lady. Al Tarek (657). (For extended pedigree see 24).

Aurora Bopeep 2538 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Troll King 2310. D AM , Sylvia Tempelman, by Rob Roy III out of Lady Tempelman. Rob Roy III. (For extended pedigree see 915). Lady Tempelman, by Buddie 850 out of Pert. Pert, by Silver Don 172 out of Fiona 169.



Lady Silverbelle 2658 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 13, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. N. A. Westmark, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Hans A. Abt, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Edwards 1441. D AM , Queen Caroline, by Prince Silverwing 478 out of Tootsie 479. Silver Janet 2576 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 41 1914. color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Barr Persian Cattery, Toledo, O. Owner, Miss Esther Ellis, Columbus, O. S IRE , Teddy Bear 1123. D AM , Tabby Girl 1724. Laila 2618 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Roberta W. Winter, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Al Tarek IV 2303. D AM , Chula 2206. Mirza 2619 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 22, 1914. Color of eyes , Green. Breeder, Roberta W. Winter, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Al Tarek IV 2303. D AM , Chula 2206.


S HADED S ILVER —F EMALE Kitayim 2620 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Roberta W. Winter, San Diego, Calif. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Al Tarek IV 2303. D AM , Chula 2206. Brushwood Baby Narcissus 2629 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, December, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Grace Luther, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. Eames Colburn, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , South Shore Narcissus 1927. D AM , Grace Darling 2541. Quaker Doll 2634 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 15, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Hathaway. Chillicothe, O. Owner, Mrs. Charles E. Holmes, Columbus, O. S IRE , Butiboi II 2420. D AM , Muzette 698. Silver Kee Veeta 2659 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 28, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Hibben Stout, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Mrs. Leona Marnett, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Silver Bob 2658. D AM , Silverheels 1539.



Silver Floss II 2687 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 26, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mr. Joseph Rosa, Freeport, Ill. Owner, Mrs. F. W. Church, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Buddha 2686. D AM , Phoebe Snow, by Tintagel (862) out of Silver Sprite (876). Tintagel (862). (For extended pedigree see 106). Silver Sprite (876), by Bitterne Silver Chieftain (618) out of Fairy. Fairy. (For extended pedigree see 915).

Lady Geraldine 2702 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 20, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Miss Marina Flint, Santa Barbara, Calif. Owner, Miss Marion K. McAllaster, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Miramar Silver Stubs 2412. D AM , La Fariminti Florodora 2416.

Princess Juliette 2720 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 19, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. G. A. Gilson, Battle Creek, Mich. Owner, Mrs. F. C. Dunn, Lansing, Mich. S IRE , Romeo Ard Pat 315. D AM , Queen Silverheels 2721.


S ILVER T ABBY —M ALE Queen Silverheels 2721 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 15, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. W. A. Spaulding, Milo, Mich. Owner, Mrs. George A. Gilson, Battle Creek, Mich. S IRE , Romeo Silver Sunbeam 864. D AM , Silver Mine 2425. ——————

SILVER TABBY—MALE Lord Dotie 2265 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 11, 1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. A. E. Larson, Minneapolis, Minn. Owner, Mr. James Duff, Portland, Ore. S IRE , Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke 1376. D AM , Midgy 1606.

San Tarek 2348 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 2, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Allston, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Herbert C. Sumner, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Al Tarecho 2325. D AM , Echo Bud 2338.



Tasso 2475 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Gwendlyn F. Cornell, Buffalo, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. A. M. Sully, Carthage, Mo. S IRE , Toddington 1229. D AM , Jacqueminot 1230.

Excel Foxy 2528 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. B. Mull, Bothel, Wash. Owner, Mrs. J. Needham, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Westover Flying Fox 1173. D AM , Puss-in-Boots June Dollar, by Ch. Silver Dollar 1070 out of Columbine Silver Cloud 948.

Blazes 2738 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 6, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. F. Jarret, Los Angeles, Calif. Owner, Mrs. H. O. Davis, Los Angeles, Calif. S IRE , Lion Heart, by Mareus out of Lady Mareus. Mareus, by California Paris (947) out of Maizee Sunshine (946). California Paris (947), by Brushwood Paris (188). Maizee Sunshine (946), by Brushwood Torrington Red Knight (1012) out of Lady Bunch. Brushwood Paris (188). (For extended pedigree see 14).



Brushwood Torrington Red Knight (1012). (For extended pedigree see 14). Lady Bunch, by Longwood Bunch (240) out of Brushwood Mimi 102. Lady Mareus, by Robin Adair out of Jewell (512). Jewell, by Imp. Buster out of Sweetheart II. Sweetheart II, by Nilo out of Sweetheart. D AM , Partricia, by Monsieur Bobs out of Jingles. Monsieur Bobs, by Arlington John Bull (465) out of Dingley Belle (464). Arlington John Bull (465), by Lord Hampton out of Ziska II. Lord Hampton, by Silver Mist out of P riscilla. Silver Mist, by Silver Lambkin out of Judy. Priscilla, by Lord Silverhair out of Betsy. Ziska II, by Darius III out of Ziska. Darius III, by Darius out of Nina. Dingley Belle (464), by Abdul Hamet of Dingley 42 out of True Love of Dingley. True Love of Dingley, by Ch. Felix out of Sunshine. Ch. Felix, by Topso of Dingley out of Lady Pink.

Peterkin Paul 2770 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, July, 1910. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. C. A. Babb, Revere, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Sunland's Johnnie 32. D AM , Gray Girlie, by Saxa 350 out of Lady Winifort. Lady Winifort, by Whychwood out of Lady Brooks.



SILVER TABBY—FEMALE Beauty of Bromholm 2311 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 28, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. David W. Brown, Columbus, O. S IRE , Rob Roy III of Bromholm. (For extended pedigree see 915). D AM , Lady Betty, by Buddie 850 out of Lassie. Lassie, by Ch. Silver Don 172 out of Nifty.

Holly Dainty Delight 2390 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 4, 1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeders, Holly Persian Kennels, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. P. G. Holley, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Silver Dollar 1070. D AM , Ailsie Hemelhaber Seikeis 1736.

Westmoreland Biji 2451 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, June 24, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Frank M. Tompkins, Washington, D. C. Owner, Mrs. Henry L. West, Washington, D. C. S IRE , Auburn Blue Pads, by Pan II 1113 out of Looyah III 2138. D AM , Miss Nuisance 2449.


SMOKE —M ALE Bonnie B 2750 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, May 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. A. F. Hancock, Anderson, Ind. Owner, Mrs. C. O. Robinson, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Chang. D AM , Dicklin Kitten. ——————

SMOKE—MALE Powhattan Chief 2252 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. W. Baldwin, Sioux City, Ia. Owner, Mrs. J. F. Wilder, Sacramento, Calif. S IRE , Faust II 1276. D AM , La Vada, by Faust II 1276 out of Queen Mab of the Faeries 1579.

Cheechako 2305 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. A. Melville Smail, Oak Park, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Josephine Feidler, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Peer of the Realm 946. D AM , Siwash 2171.



Potlach 2306 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. A. Melville Smail, Oak Park, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Josephine Feidler, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Peer of the Realm 946. D AM , Siwash 2171. Skookum 2307 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. A. Melville Smail, Oak Park, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Josephine Feidler, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Peer of the Realm 946. D AM , Siwash 2171. Totem 2308 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 5, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. A. Melville Smail, Oak Park, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Josephine Feidler, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Peer of the Realm 946. D AM , Siwash 2171. Meerschaum 2314 (Rule 4),

Date of birth, March 31, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ernest A. Bigelow, New York, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Cyrus The Great 995. D AM , Cigaretta, by Watership Caesar's Cassius 770 out of Dinah Shadd 854.


SMOKE —M ALE Cigaro 2315 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, September 4, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ernest A. Bigelow, New York, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Cyrus The Great 995. D AM , Cigaretta, by Watership Caesar's Cassius 770 out of Dinah Shadd 854. Cinders 2320 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 22, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. White, Des Moines, Ia. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kew Two 2318. D AM , Tassa Nipper 2185. Du Comator 2433 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 13, 11913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Robin E. Dunbar, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Du Betto Cuthbarth 1771. D AM , Silver Peeress 1222. Misko 2480 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 17, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. W. Baldwin, Sioux City, Ia. Owner, Mrs. H. Englehart, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Faust II 1276. D AM , Queen Mab of the Faeries 1597.



Prince Erus 2482 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 25, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Perry, San Francisco, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Frank Fritsch, San Francisco, Calif. S IRE , Blue Mooney 2042. D AM , Martha Washington 2169.

Smoaky Oaks 2539 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 1, 1913. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Annette Horton, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Mrs. H. G. Hood, Montgomery, Ill. S IRE , Troll King 2310. D AM , Silvia Templeton, by Sir Walter Scott out of Lady Templeton. Sir Walter Scott. (For extended pedigree see 915). Lady Templeton, by Buddie 850 out of Pert. Pert, by Silver Don 172 out of Fiona 169.

Sir Cloudy 2613 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. W. Baldwin, Sioux City, Ia. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, O. S IRE , Faust II 1276. D AM , Peggy, by Faust II 1276 out of Queen Mab of the Faeries 1597.


SMOKE —M ALE Rajah The Smoke 2673 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 23, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. W. Baldwin, Sioux City, Ia. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Faust II 1276. D AM , La Vada, by Faust II 1276 out of Queen Mab of the Faeries 1597.

Sir Delhi 2719 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 3, 1911. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. C. S. McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , The Nobleman 2717. D AM , Theetus 2718.

Cou d'Argento 2766 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 13, 1914. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Frank Stegman, Kalamazoo, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Du Betto Cutbarth 1771. D AM , Tasso Babe, by Jack 1680 out of Dusky Maid. Dusky Maid, by Simmonds 1894 out of Fluffy Ruff.



SMOKE—FEMALE. Jesta 2296 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. L. Norton, Cazenovia, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , The Backwell Jest 1642. D AM , Notleymere June 2151.

Minette 2313 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 31, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Ernest A. Bigelow, New York, N. Y. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Cyrus The Great 995. D AM , Cigaretta, by Watership Caesar's Cassius 770 Dinah Shadd 854.

Kew Dusty Girl 2322 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 12, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Matthew French, Haverhill, Mass. Owner, Mrs. George W. Fuller, Salem, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Kewlocke 12. D AM , Notleymere June 2151.

out of


SMOKE —F EMALE Aurora Dusky Dot 2351 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 5, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Peer of the Realm 946. D AM , Coonie 1421.

Ch. Miss Peter Henry of Castlethorpe 2432 (Rules 1 and 3).

Date of birth, April 20, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Whiting, England. Owner, Mrs. Robin E. Dunbar, South Bend, Ind. S IRE , Ch. Peter of Castlethorpe 1860. D AM , Angela of Castlethorpe by Kew Brushwoo d Boy 51 out of Josephine Castlethorpe.

Du Dinah 2434 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 7, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Robin E. Dunbar, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , The King's Own of Revelstoke 2756. D AM , Silver Peeress 1222.



Du Henrietta 2448 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 10, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Robin E. Dunbar, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Mrs. H. Englehart, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Du Betto Cutbarth 1771. D AM , Ch. Miss Peter Henry of Castlethorpe 2432.

Capitol City Du-Betsy 2532 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 13, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Robin E. Dunbar, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Du Betto Cutbarth 1771. D AM , Silver Peeress 1222.

Ch. Tinkerbell 2598 (Rule 6).

Date of birth, August 6, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange, Breeder, Mrs. A. Warshaur, Bath, England. Owner, Mrs. Charles C. Miller, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Squire Bluecap, by Bluecap of Thorpe out of Pussey of Malleie. Bluecap of Thorpe, by Ch. Neili (sic) Billi of Thorpe out of Swallowcliffe Dolly of Thorpe. Pussey Malleie, by Sussex Blue Boy out of Zu. D AM , Venetian Molly, by Albion Jack out of Mistress Mappy. Albion Jack, by Albion Earwig out of Martha. Mistress Mappy, by Albion Jack out of Lady Smith.


SMOKE —F EMALE Babetta 2693 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 28, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George B. Brayton, Brighton, Mass. Owner, Mrs. David J. Owens, Pittsburg, Pa. S IRE , Lord Jeffrey 1843. D AM , The Temptress 2650. Dorritt 2739 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 21, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. W. Baldwin, Sioux City, Ia. Owner, Mrs. H. Englehart, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Rajah The Smoke 2673. D AM , Marguerite, by Bozarris 1274 out of Lady Black. Lady Black, by Black Thorn 251 out of Gem. Kew Shadow 2791 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 16, 1911. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. Matthew French, Haverhill, Mass. Owner, Mrs. C. T. Kelly, Haverhill, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Kewlocke 12. D AM , Notleymere Juno 2151. Kenka Jon La Fuma Gattina 2798 (Rule 1)

Date of Birth, April 25, 1914. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, W. M. Leonard, Newton Highlands, Mass. Owner, Dr. Mary E. Jones, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Lord Jeffrey 1843. D AM , Cynthia 1842.



ORANGE—MALE. Bob Cutter 2283 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 24,1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. C. M. Crossly, Concord, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Alderwood Dandy 2024. D AM , Alderwood Sanchs 2025.

Major Warwick 2302 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 10, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ida C. M. Waarech, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Gilson, Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Orange Jack 391. D AM , Lady Warwick 1367.

Kew Two 2318 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 3, 1909. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. M. Scott, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. E. B. Keen, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Gailardi 1138. D AM , Queenie Rudolph, by Prince Rudolph III 2384 out of Heather Betsey Bobbitt 1528.


ORANGE—M ALE Billie Bryan 2344 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Samuel Smith, Reddick, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Princess Louise 1996.

Ko Ko 2359 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 30, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. D. Cooper, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Buster Bright (880), by Ch. Madison Kew Laddie (565) out of Lady Isabelle Torrington (566). Ch. Madison Kew Laddie (565). (For extended pedigree see 12). Lady Isabelle Torrington (566). (For extended pedigr ee see 30). D AM , Miss Muffit, by King Goldmar 637 out of Lady Peggy 1115.

Some Pumpkins 2360 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. J. H. Stamwood, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. L. A. Cory, Muskogee, Okla. S IRE , Ko Ko 2359. D AM , Miss Muffit, by King Goldmar 637 out of Lady Peggy 1115.

O RANGE —M ALE King Dow Dow 2376 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 2, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Matilda Silks 2061. Prince Rudolph III 2384 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 9, 1907. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. Beuerle, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. G. F. Brown, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , General Jacqueminot 301. D AM , Kneidl Flora-Dora 127. Romulus Red Flyer 2393 (Rule 9).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Elizabeth Pyne, Milford, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Walter L. MacCammon, Auburndale, Mass. S IRE , Bonnie Boy Admiral 1471. D AM , Sun Fairy. Boy Beautiful II 2442 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Mary M. Lincoln, Montello, Mass. Owner, Mrs. C. W. Chase, New Bedford, Mass. S IRE , Lord Byron of Devon 129. D AM , Punjat 2140.



ORANGE—M ALE Prince Sunshine of Cymbeline 2481 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 30, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. E. A. Kent, Portland, Ore. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Prince Amber 2004. D AM , Geneva Guinea 475. Chandos Prince Bullet 2560 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 25, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs, K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Torrington Garboldishm (sic) Bullet of Gertsdale 2484. D AM , Viva Vivian 1775. Seljuk 2570 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 21, 1913. Color of eyes, A mber. Breeder, Mrs. W. L. Pearson, Houston, Tex. Owner, Mrs. Rosamond L. Gatchell, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Romaldkirk Vice Admiral 1290. D AM , California Poppy 1768. Golden Du Peko 2614 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 15, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. A. Keller, North Baltimore, O. Owner, Mrs. V. L. Hart, Clyde, O. S IRE , Ko Ko 2359. D AM , Tarzane 1857.



Bobby's Peter Pan 2638 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. D. Cooper, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Miss Barbara Abel, St. Louis, Mo. S IRE , King Goldmar 637. D AM , Lady Peggy 1115. Flying Fox of the Fox Valley 2640 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. D. Cooper, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Stanwood, Kansas, City, Mo. S IRE , Cooper's Billiken 2639. D AM , Peggy Elliott, by Bobby's Peter Pan 2638 out of Lady Peggy 1115. Soleil d'Or 2699 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 16, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. Owner, Mrs. F. C. Dunn, Lansing, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Kintaro 1464. D AM , Echo Bess 2597. Orange Monk 2744 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 3, 1909. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Mrs. C. S. McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich. S IRE , Kuropatkin of Romeo 179. D AM , Theodolinda of Marigold 1141.


ORANGE—F EMALE Klinko's Red Sunbeam 2777 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Buster Bright Kuhlman 2269. D AM , Red Juliette, by Patty Boy 2248 out of Princess Margarette 2109.

Chandos Karyll 2780 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 14, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. F. C. Dunn, Lansing, Mich. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Kintaro 1464. D AM , Echo Bess 2597.


ORANGE—FEMALE. Princess Polly Pepper 2271 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 19, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Forward, Jackson, Mich. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. S IRE , High Monk 1312. D AM , Middon Gold, by Teddy Bear 1123 out of Misty 696.

O RANGE —F EMALE Princess Olga 2335 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 16, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Dora Young, Warren, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Samuel Smith, Reddick, Ill. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Romeo Juliet 2022. Saxet Vesta 2353 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. W. L. Pearson, Houston, Tex. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Hewitt, Grimsby, Ontario. S IRE , Star of Marigold 861. D AM , Saxet Twinkle 2103. Ffernworth Tan Gerene 2368 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 18, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Orange Jack 391. D AM , Jewel 2000. Fluffy Hale 2370 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 23, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. L. Curtis, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Dr. S. H. Swain, Decatur, Ill. S IRE , Copper Knight 1282. D AM , Polka Dot 2369.



ORANGE—F EMALE Jeweluette 2438 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. L. Clarence Ball, South Bend, Ind. S IRE , Orange Jack 391. D AM , Jewel 2000. Orange Jolly-Yet 2456 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 18, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Joe Peters, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Orange Jack 391. D AM , Jewel 2000. Jonquil 2477 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 20, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Josephine Nye, South Weymouth, Mass. Owner, Mrs. C. F. Wetherell, Dorchester, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Romaldkirk Vice-Admiral 1290. D AM , Fluffy, by Ch. Lord Kew Tangerine 336 out of Prudence. Prudence, by Ch. Lord Kew Tangerine 336 out of Grizella. Sunkist Jolly Warwick 2514 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, December 4, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Joe Peters, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Major Warwick 2302. D AM , Jewel 2000.



Lady Ffernworth Warwick 2546 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, December 4, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Major Warwick 2302. D AM , Jewel 2000. Sunset Glow 2549 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. P. Dessar. Owner, Miss J. A. Whitney, Port Huron, Mich. S IRE , Red Admiral 997. D AM , Robina, by Ch. Robin (407) out of Maida. Ch. Robin (407). (For extended pedigree see 183). Maida, by Oyama 2548 out of Milot. Belle 2578 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, December 4, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Aldrich, Rock Island, Ill. S IRE , Major Warwick 2302. D AM , Jewel 2000. Paprika 2635 (Rule 7).

Date of birth, September, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. R. H. Robinson, Middleboro, Mass. Owner, Mrs. G. E. Ferris, Poplar Ridge, N. Y.



S IRE , Beauty, by Hobo out of Patricia. Hobo, by Pretty Boy out of Sweetheart. Patricia, by Count out of Countess. D AM , Sunbeam, by Yellow Boy out of Sunrise. Sunbeam, by Sunflower out of Brownie. Sunrise, by King Edward VII out of Fluffy.

Kewlina 2667 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, April 3, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder. Mrs. Shannon D. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Peterson, Moline, Ill. S IRE , Buster Bright (880). (For extended pedigree see 113). D AM , Catalina 456.

Julianne 2685 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 30, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. T. J. Nelson, Spring Lake, Mich. Owner, Mrs. D. S. Hillis, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Teddy Nelson 1522. D AM , Juliet 656.

Bonnie Nee's Suzanne 2707 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 8, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Josephine Fleu, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. A. Schelly Millikin, Columbus, O. S IRE , General Jack 976. D AM , Bonnie Nee, by Yankee Boy 2020 out of Bruno's Billy Burke 2272.

O RANGE T ABBY —M ALE Golden Dot 2735 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 8, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Dr. S. H. Swain, Decatur, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Caliph Cairo 1778. D AM , Fluffy Hale 2370.

Klinko's Red Juliette 2776 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 3, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Patty Boy 2248. D AM , Princess Margarette 2109.



King Osiris of California 2238 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Edith M. Davis, Fruitvale, Calif. S IRE , Red Ruff II 859. D AM , Foo Foo 1495.



ORANGE TABBY—M ALE Kew Sunlocks 2261 (Rule 2).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. S. E. Folsom, Revere, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Madison Kew Laddie (565). (For extended pedigree see 12). D AM , Golden Flash (696), by Ch. Robin (407) out of Beauty. Ch. Robin (407). (For extended pedigree see 183). Beauty. (For extended pedigree see 509.)

Red Raven 2262 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 25, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, Milford, Mass. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Hopkins, Bath, N. Y. S IRE , Bonnie Boy Admiral 1471. D AM , Sun Fairy, by Kew Sunlocks 2261 out of Sweet Briar. Sweet Briar, by Prince Victor (611) out of Victorette. Prince Victor (611), by Victor (156) out of Aunt Jemima (472). Aunt Jemima (472), by Eiger (469) out of Heartsease (475). Heartsease (475), by Lord Gwynne (126). (For extended pedigree see 2).

Buster Bright Kulhman 2269 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 2, 1910. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Miss Margarete Clinkenbeard, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Kulhman, Tulsa, Okl a. S IRE , Patty Boy 2248. D AM , Princess Margarette 2109.



Ruby Lion 2287 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, May, 1913. Breeder, Mrs. F. L. Norton, Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Hampstead Red Lion. D AM , Romaldkirk Ruby, by Romaldkirk Master at Kitty Puss.

Color of eyes, Orange. Cazenovia, N. Y.

Romaldkirk Master at Arms. Arms, by Hector McDonald out of

Red Stripes 2334 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 2, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Samuel Smith, Reddick, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Lady Spalding 1996. Resurrection 2364 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 15, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Dr. Mary E. Jones, Boston, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Autumn Girl 2285. Leo Leontine 2379 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 25, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Tulie 1474.


ORANGE TABBY—M ALE King Heather Rouge 2385 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, October 3, 1909. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. C. M. Scott, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. George Grunnett, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Gailardi 1138. D AM , Queenie Rudolph, by Prince Rudolph III 2384 Heather Betsey Bobbitt 1528. King William 2391 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, January 21, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. D. W. Brown, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Fredelia J. Vancich, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Patkin 1712. D AM , Yellow Girl 2023. Prince Saigar 2392 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 15, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. S. G. Smith, Herscher, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Lady Spalding 1996. Golden Boy 2409 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 24, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Eleanor Rockwell Kent, Brookline, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Ch. Golden Girl 1214.

out of

O RANGE T ABBY —M ALE Red Pepper 2410 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 24, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Eleanor Rockwell Kent, Brookline, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Ch. Golden Girl 1214.

Napoleon Jack 2418 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 12, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Charles E. Moufort, Roseville, O. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Autumn Girl 2285.

Capitol City Golden Girl 2423 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 2, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Phillis Sanborn, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Shiek Ilderim 1097. D AM , Dorothy May 113.

Romaldkirk Red Man 2443 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 30, 1911. Color of eyes, Brown. Breeder, H. C. Stobart, England. Owner, M. E. Johnson, Brookline, Mass.




S IRE , Romaldkirk Orange Boy, by Romaldkirk Vice -Admiral 1290 out of Red Til. D AM , Kathleen, by Romaldkirk Ring Dove 1639 out of Romald kirk Bushy Bride. Romaldkirk Bushy Bride, by Romaldkirk Jackal out of Romaldkirk Penelope.

Omarecho 2459 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 6, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Edward F. Kelley, Jr., Fair field, Conn. Owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Scotland Yet 395. D AM , Orange Kittero, by Ch. Robin (407) out of Abby Carrington. Ch. Robin (407). (For extended pedigree see 183). Abby Carrington, by Orange Buster Brown 934 out of Lady Mary Fitzpatrick.

Ilderim Ben Hur 2504 (Rule 1),

Date of birth, May 22, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Anna Wales Sanborn, Sioux City, Ia. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ilderim Day 1426. D AM , Ilderim Sue 2502.



Sir Holton of Ffernworth 2547 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 6, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Miss Jessie E. Farnsworth, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Ffernworth Tan Gerene 2368.

Oyama 2548 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. C. Tompkins, Black Hall, Conn. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Saratoga Johnnie Fawe II 48. D AM , Colonial Girl, by Ch. Saratoga Osiris (915) out of Princess Goldie (937). Ch. Saratoga Osiris (915). (For extended pedigree see 153). Princess Goldie (937), by Ch. Robin (407) out of Lady Bobs. Ch. Robin (407). (For extended pedigree see 183). Lady Bobs, by King Tabs II out of Beauty. (For extended pedigree see 509).

Gertsdale's Captain 2555 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 7, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Delia Harley, McLean, Ill. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Hinschliffe, Lisbon, O. S IRE , King Leo 2554. D AM , Goldie, by Prince Rudolph III 2384 out of Heather Betsey Bobbitt 1528.


ORANGE TABBY—M ALE Sunset Flash 2600 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, July 22, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeders, Misses Champion, Stapleton, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. George T. Street, Poland, O. S IRE , Red Admiral 997. D AM , Sunset Ruby, by Ch. Kintaro 1464 out of Goldie Queenie. Goldie Queenie, by Pompeii out of Lady Betty. Torrington Rufus II 2608 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, March 23, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Dorothy Champion, Staten Island, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Paul Janney, Medford, Ore. S IRE , Red Admiral 997. D AM , Maida, by Oyama 2548 out of Melah. Melah, by Mymosa out of Flossie. Coopers Billiken 2639 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. D. Cooper, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ko Ko 2359. D AM , Miss Muffit, by King Goldmar 637 out of Lady Peggy 1115. Marquis de Champlain 2646 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. H. W. Phillis, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Suzanne 1459.



Julius Caesar 2663 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , King Amber of Joliet. D AM , Copper Maid. King Kew 2668 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 3, 1915. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Florence Salisbury, Cres co, Iowa. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Lord Salisbury 2666. D AM , Kewlina 2667. Saxet Lone Star 2692 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 14, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. R. B. Everett, Houston, Tex. Owner, Mrs. W. L. Pearson,. Houston, Tex. S IRE , Star of Marigold 861. D AM , Saxet Gaiety, by Yankee Doodle of Texas 1836 out of Saxet Twinkle 2103. Lord Lockinvar 2736 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 13, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. F. Wetherell, Dorchester, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bonnie Boy Admiral 1471. D AM , Jonquil 2477.


ORANGE TABBY—M ALE General Ginger 2746 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 13, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. McNeely, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Alexander. D AM , Sue, by Buff out of Freckles. Eric The Red 2749 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 29, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Jennie Bigham, East Chicago, Ind. Owner, Mrs. C. O. Robinson, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Mock Orange, by Captain Buffalo 1993 out of Lady Snapdragon 1747. D AM , Adoré 2748. Buckeye Laddy 2760 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 28, 1915. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. George T. Street, Poland, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Titian Laddy 1893. D AM , Buckeye Queen Amarilla 1862. Tacemos 2761 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 15, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs, E. Edwards, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Kawon the First 1577. D AM , Tulie 1474.

O RANGE T ABBY —F EMALE Jolly Ladd 2762 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June, 1915. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Jolly Yet 2241.

Thaleb Splendor 2774 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 27, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Amy Allen Miller, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Preston Polhemus, Economy, Ind. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Queen Aimée 2530.


ORANGE TABBY—FEMALE Jolly Yet 2241 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 5, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Joliet 1632.



ORANGE TABBY—F EMALE Jammu 2260 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 14, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Dr. H. C. Snyder, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Grace Davis Lynch, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Major Warwick 2302. D AM , Copper Belle 1611. Rosemma 2263 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 8, 1911. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs, Charlotte M. Spalding, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Copper Knight 1282. D AM , Lady Togo 682. South Shore Nancy 2266 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 26, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Charlotte M. Spalding, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Copper Knight 1282. D AM , Lady Togo 682. Autumn Girl 2285 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 9, 1911. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel A. Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, Dr. Mary E. Jones, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Yankee Boy 2020. D AM , Matilda Silks 2061.



Imp. Regal Ruby 2286 (Rules 3 and 1).

Date of birth, April 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mr. Gedding, England. Owner, Mrs. F. L. Norton, Cazenovia, N. Y. S IRE , Romaldkirk Master-at-Arms, by Hector McDonald out of Kitty Puss. D AM , Topsy 2088. Nepac Gold Ore 2292 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 21, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Nepac Kennels, St. Louis, Mo. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Brown, Columbus, O. S IRE , Ch. Romaldkirk Vice Admiral 1290. D AM , Nepac Belle of Tepee Land 2172. Princess Lareue 2336 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 9, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Samuel G. Smith, Reddick, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Lady Spalding 1996. Aurora Miss Teddy 2352 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, July 20, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Webster. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Susette, by Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633 out of Joliet 1632.


ORANGE TABBY—F EMALE Saxet Bezanna 2354 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. W. L. Pearson, Houston, Texas. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Star of Marigold 861. D AM , Bonny Brownie 937. Merry Sunshine 2356 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, January 27, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. W. Scott, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mr. R. Waddell, Vancouver Island, Victoria, B. C. S IRE , Red Ruff II 859. D AM , Princess Buffins 1677. Honey Girlie 2366 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 4, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Vichenor, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Grace M. Cramer, Saint Charles, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Princess Hyra 2216. Lady Evyline 2377 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. John S. Crickard, Delaware, O. S IRE , Red Ruff II 859. D AM , South Shore Nancy 2266.

O RANGE T ABBY —F EMALE Topinetta 2378 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 13, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Copper Knight 1282. D AM , Viva Vivian 1775. Countess Virginia 2381 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 29, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Red Ruff II 859. D AM , South Shore Nancy 2266. Heather Lassie 2387 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, January 21, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George Grummett, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Heather Betsey Bobbitt 1528. Aurora Bright Eyes 2398 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 15, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. B. A. Martin, Mineral, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Joliet 1632.



ORANGE TABBY—F EMALE Aurora Golden Jolly 2463 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 3, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Telluson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Miss Patsy, by Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633 out of Daphne D. 1225. Aurora Butterfly 2464 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Joe Peters, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Orange Jolly Yet 2456. Mistress Tangerine 2485 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, October 5, 1913. Co lor of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. D. B. Wiswell, Newton, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Lord Kew Tangerine 336. D AM , Jonquil 2477. Egnaro 2522 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 14, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. lda Waarich, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mr. Charles Callahan, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Major Warwick 2302. D AM , Copper Belle 1611.

O RANGE T ABBY —F EMALE Torrington Marmalade 2524 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Paul Janney, Midford, Ore. S IRE , Leo Leontine 2379. D AM , Viva Vivian 1775. Marigold of Tepee Land 2525 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 21, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. D. W. Brown, Columbus, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Jack 976. D AM , Nepac Belle of Tepee Land 2172. Princess De Talleyrand 2526 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 21, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. D. W. Brown, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. C. Favorite, Atlantic City, N. J. S IRE , General Jack 976. D AM , Nepac Belle of Tepee Land 2172. Duchess Virginia 2552 (Rule 9).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. H. W. Phillis, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. L. D. Hall, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Orange Bud 1833. D AM , Fluff.



ORANGE TABBY—F EMALE Chandos Ragna 2561 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 24, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Leo Leontine 2379. D AM , Viva Vivian 1775. Jeweluette II 2581 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, September 10, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. Clarence Ball, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Preston Polhemus, Economy, Ind. S IRE , Hoosier 1310. D AM , Jeweluette 2438. Lady Gwenn 2595 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 5, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Amy C. Miller, Aurora, Ill. Owner, J. A. Whitney, Port Huron, Mich. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Queen Aimée 2530. Snoozle Ums 2596 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, July 23, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Nullicent Betram, Lakewood, N. J. Owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Romaldkirk Vice Admiral 1290. D AM , Lady Kew, by Ch. Lord Kew Tangerine 366 out of Lady Torrington. Lady Torrington, by Torrington Fawe out of Beulah.

O RANGE T ABBY —F EMALE Sunflower Lou 2627 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, June 16, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. M. Mowbray, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Robert C. Christy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Titian Knight 2026. D AM , Brownie, by Padeshaw 1831 out of Beauty. Beauty, by Hamish (C. C. R.) out of Sunshine. Hamish. (For extended pedigree see 28 2). Lady Majestic 2637 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 14, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Samuel G. Smith, Herscher, Ill. Owner, Mrs. C. G. Landes, Columbus, O. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Romeo Juliet 2022. Jolly Susanne 2669 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 1, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Joliet 1632. Countess Dandelion 2734 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 12, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mr. W. G. Barr, West Toledo, O. Owner, Dr. S. H. Swain, Decatur, Ill. S IRE , Teddy Bear 1123. D AM , Kleinie 1889.



ORANGE TABBY—F EMALE Merry Maiden 2737 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 13, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. F. Wetherell, Dorchester, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bonnie Boy Admiral 1471. D AM , Jonquil 2477. Jolly Lass 2763 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 19, 1915. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Jolly Yet 2241. Red Head 2785 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder Mrs. Dora Young, Warren, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Majestic 1624. D AM , Romeo Juliet 2022. Aurora Wildfire 2796 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 25, 1915. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Clara Kimball, Oswego, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Martha Salfisberg, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , King Heather Rouge 2385. D AM , Red Wing Kim 1589.




Imp. Swinton Daffodil 2288 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, May 13, 1907. Color of eyes, Orange.. Breeder, Mrs. F. Helmer, England. Owner, Mrs. F. L. Norton, Cazenovia, N. Y. S IRE , Ruckholt Algy, by Blue San Toy 61 out of Longmoor Myrtle. D AM , Wildon Witch, by Romoldkirk (sic) Jackal out of Wildon Winsome.

Heather Boy 2394 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, July 9, 1906. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. George Grummett, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Hamish, (C. C. R.) (For extended pedigree see 282). D AM , Little Miss Cue 787.

Captain Cremo 2405 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, Spring 1909. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Silver Don 172. D AM , Nifty 215.


CREAM—M ALE . Imp. Torrington Garboldisham Bullet of Gertsdale 2484 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 19, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Blanche Cook, Bideford, Devon, England. Owner, W. C. Gerst, Alton, Iowa. S IRE , Ch. Torrington Garboldisham Bullet 2481. D AM , Torrington Peggy, by Ch. Sir Archie II of Arrandale out of Torrington Hummingbird. Torrington Hummingbird, by Torrington Rufus out of Avonvich Pitti-Sing. Ch. Sir Archie II of Arrandale, by Archie of Arrandale out of Lassie of Arrandale.

Chandos Bullet 2559 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 25, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Torrington Garboldisham Bullet of Gertsdale 2484. D AM , Viva Vivian 1775.

Cream De Mint 2732 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 5, 1914. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mr. W. G. Barr, West Toledo, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Teddy Bear 1123. D AM , Milady Betty 1125.



CREAM—FEMALE Imp. Nepac Navajo 2342 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, August, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, M. Hall, England. Owner, Nepac Kennels, St. Louis, Mo. S IRE , Ch. Towerwood Pharoah, by Moccassin out of Queen of Hearts. Moccassin, by Goliath II 138 out of Little Binks. Queen of Hearts, by Durham Hero out of Hazelner Durham. D AM , Towerwood Minoose, by Mehitahl of the Durhams. Mehitahl of the Durhams, by The Kings Own out of Josephine of the Durhams.

Peggy Annett 2436 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 13, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Emmons, Milwaukee, Wis. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Hess, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Admiral Chicago 1296. D AM , Carmencita 1616.

Hoosier Wink'em 2437 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, January 29, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. L. Clarence Ball, South Bend, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Hoosier 1310. D AM , Little Miss Muffit 1587.


CREAM—F EMALE Spice Pink 2462 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 5, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Susanne Grant, N. Cambridge, Mass. Owner, Florence Dyer, South Weymouth, Mass. S IRE , Red Admiral 997. D AM , Kew Gloria 1413.

Queen Aimée 2530 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 20, 1912. Colo r of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Margaret Newman, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Amy Allen Miller, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Aurora Admiral 1633. D AM , Jewel 2000.

Kew Lassie II of Pinehurst 2584 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 9, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, Milford, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Lord Kew Tangerine 366. D AM , Autumn Lady 2050.

B ROWN T ABBY —M ALE BROWN TABBY—MALE. Aurora Bruno 2298 (Rule 1)

Date of birth, May, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Daphne D 1225.

Karl Heinrick 2347 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. J. F. Sullivan, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Mona Lichtner, Columbus, O. S IRE , General Jack 976. D AM , Brushwood Hercula 309.

Larich Bhan Cinders 2357 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 14, 1914. Color of eyes, Amber. Breeder, Mrs. Dora Adams, Seattle, Wash. Owner, R. Waddell, Vancover Island, B. C. S IRE , Prince Ivan 2146. D AM , Dee Dee 1318.



BROWN TABBY—M ALE Stanhope Magnificat 2404 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, March 10, 1913. Color of eyes, Brown. Breeder, W. H. Powell, Tilehurst, England. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. S IRE , Ch. Stanhope Invincible, by Persimmons II out of Malorie Molly. D AM , Stanhope Brown Duchess.

Lord Thunder 2439 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, May 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Dr. H. C. Snyder, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Millie Deickman, Vandalia, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Hawthorn (677), by Black Thorn 251 out of Lady Maude Jennings (155). Lady Maude Jennings (155), by Ch. The Beadle (125) out of Bijou. Ch. The Beadle. (For extended pedigree see 6). D AM , Madam X 1584.

Brown Jerah 2490 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 6, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George M. Fisk, Auburndale, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Princess Betty 1508.

B ROWN T ABBY —M ALE Colonial Lad 2500 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 28, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George Fisher, Auburndale, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Muriel Grawburg, Flint, Mich. S IRE , Colonial Robin 1391. D AM , Brayfort Lass 2488. Ilderim Abeyan 2505 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 11, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Shannon D. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Anna Walles Sanborn, Sioux City, Ia. S IRE , Brayfort Viceroy 1406. D AM , Ch. Shireen 1077. Fairmount Bruno Kid 2520 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 26, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Elma A. Burns, Hyde Park, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Lady Brunetta 2518. Kewpie 2534 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 20, 1913. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. Minnie Cox Gallager, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Frank E. Brandt, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Red Ruff II 859. D AM , Petite Suzanne 2531.



BROWN TABBY—M ALE King Leo 2554 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 1, 1911. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Delia Harley, McLean, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Samuel G. Smith, Herscher, Ill. S IRE , Red Ruff II 859. D AM , Zaida, by Personna Smoky Mokes 2553 out of Personna Zaida. Personna Zaida, by Ti Ki Pearl (957) out of Personna Betty Bobbit. Ti Ki Pearl (957), by Prince of Pearls (684) out of Sweetbriar Fairy Pearl 332.

Rod 2557 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 10, 1910. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. L. H. Stafford, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Madison Jerome 413. D AM , Lorna Doone 1759.

Romeof 2584 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Harriet Freeman, Detroit, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Tiger 2179. D AM , Gypsy Catherine, by Bismark 466 out of Princess Patricia 1010.



Gipsy R. 2585 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, May 4, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. L. Freeman, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Tiger 2179. D AM , Gipsy Katharine, by Woolvering (sic) Bismarck 860 out of Princess Patricia. Princess Patricia, by The White Sirdar out of Maude Adams. Persimmon III 2610 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 15, 1904. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Shannon D. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. V. K. Froula, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Tawney Boy 705. D AM , Vashti 1076. Simson Mt. Vernon 2612 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 1, 1914. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. V. K. Froula, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Persimmon III 2610. D AM , Audrie Minnehaha 2611. Buster Morehouse 2621 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 6, 1914. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. H. A. Baer, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Carlos Morehouse, Fremont, Neb. S IRE , Tiger 2179. D AM , Cheyenne, by Tawney Boy 705 out of Galatia 1075.


BROWN TABBY—F EMALE BROWN TABBY—FEMALE Das Deutcher Madchen 2237 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 25, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Edith M. Davis, Fruitvale, Calif. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Brown Duchess 2021.

Bruno's Billie Burke 2272 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 24, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Princess Polly Pepper 2271.

Pollyanna 2276 (Rule 1).

Date of Birth, April 18, 1913. Color of eyes, Brown. Breeder, Mrs, W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Princess Polly Pepper 2271.

B ROWN T ABBY —F EMALE Minnequa Tsianina 2291 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 14, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. George Harrington, Pueblo, Colo. Owner, Miss L. C. Joseph, Pueblo, Colo. S IRE , Minnequa Moki 1170. D AM , Minnequa Navajo 1172. Aurora Doll Baby 2350 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 29, 1913. Color of eyes, Copp er. Breeder, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Daphne D 1225. Queen Bonnie 2374 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 17, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Fanny B. Spurgeon, Columbus, O. S IRE , Yankee Boy 2020. D AM , Bruno's Billie Burke 2272. Princess Julianna 2440 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 25, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Edward T. Nichols, Columbus, O. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Brown Duchess 2021.



BROWN TABBY—F EMALE Imp. Happy Day 2460 (Rule 6).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, not given. Breeder, not given. Owner, Mr. C. H. Jones, Elmira, N. Y. S IRE , not given. D AM , not given. Brayfort Lass 2488 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George M. Fiske, Auburndale, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Colonial Robin 1391 D AM , Kew Owlet 1201. Bonnie Brunetta 2489 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 6, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George M. Fiske, Auburndale, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Princess Betty 1508. Brown Belle 2491 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 26, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. George M. Fiske, Auburndale, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Belinda B. 2728.

B ROWN T ABBY —F EMALE Ilderim Sue 2502 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 2, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Edith Prouty, Humbolt, Iowa. Owner, Mrs. Anna Wales Sanborn, Sioux City, Iowa. S IRE , Sheik Ilderim 1097. D AM , Dorothy May 113. Ilderim Zetra 2503 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 11, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Shannon D. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Anna Wales Sanborn, Sioux City, Iowa . S IRE , Brayfort Viceroy 1406. D AM , Ch. Shireen 1077. Fairmount Brownie Queen 2515 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 29, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Elma A. Burns, Hyde Park, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Brown Duchess 2021. Lady Brunetta 2518 (Rule 6).

Date of birth, March 6, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, William Dean, England. Owner, Mrs. Ethel Clahane, Columbus, O. S IRE , Padisham Jack. D AM , Brownie.



BROWN TABBY—F EMALE Fairmount Lady Bruno 2519 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 26, 1913. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Elma A. Burns, Hyde Park, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Lady Brunetta 2518. Colonial Queen Mab 2521 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 26, 1914. Color of eyes, O range. Breeder, Mrs. Elma A. Burns, Hyde Park, Mass. Owner, Mrs. George M. Fiske, Auburndale, Mass. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Lady Brunetta 2518. Petite Suzanne 2531 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, August 16, 1908. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Louis H. Stafford, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Wilson L. Gallager, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Brushwood Persimmons (993), by Ch. Persimmons out of Bubbles. D AM , Emmy Lou 1071. Bruno's Dione Joy 2535 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Foster Grey, Dorchester, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Dioné Exerine 2189.

B ROWN T ABBY —F EMALE Capitol City's Miss Brunetta 2564 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 25, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Ethel Clahane, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. John W. Payler, Columbus, O. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Brown Duchess 2021. Ilderim Lady Wessington 2592 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, March 21, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Jennie Edmunds, Wessington Sprin gs, S. D. Owner, Mrs. Anna Wales Sanborn, Sioux City, Iowa. S IRE , Ilderim Doy 1426. D AM , Buttons, by Sheik Ilderim 1097 out of Dinah. Dinah, by Spook 2591 out of Priscilla. Audrie Minnehaha 2611 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 29, 1909. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. Louise Spink Janney, Medford, Ore. Owner, Mrs. V. K. Froula, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Toddington 1229. D AM , Westover Amaryl 1036. Princess Bonnie 2652 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 17, 1913. Color of eyes, Brown. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. Fanny B. Spurgeon, Columbus, O. S IRE , Yankee Boy 2020. D AM , Bruno's Billie Burke 2272.



BROWN TABBY—F EMALE Briar of Avonlea 2724 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 30, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Frank D. Clark, Medford, Ore. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Phantom Fox of Avonlea 2722. D AM , Vaite of Avonlea 1672. Belinda B. 2728 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 22, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. GIadys Hyde, Columbus, O. Owner, Mrs. G. H. Hartwell, Somerville, Mass. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Lovey 2240. Brown Prize 2729 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 28, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. G. H. Hartwell, Somerville, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Belinda B. 2728. Bonita 2747 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 13, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. O. Robinson, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , General Ginger 2746. D AM , Furrine 2797.

B ROWN T ABBY —F EMALE Adoré 2748 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, April 15, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. O. Robinson, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Jennie Bigham, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , General Ginger 2746. D AM , Furrine, by Lazarre out of Bettine 980. Lady Imogene 2769 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 10, 1914. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. Neiberg, Columbus, O. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Bruno's Best Boy 1689. D AM , Bruno's Billie Burke 2272. Lady Babb 2771 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August, 1905. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. C. A. Babb, Revere, Mass. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Saxe 350. D AM , Betty II 349. Ilderim Eileen 2794 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 11, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, not given. Owner, Mrs. Anna Wales Sanborn, Sioux City, Iowa. S IRE , Brayfort Viceroy 1406. D AM , Ch. Shireen 1077.




Date of birth, March 30, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. H. C. Pickett, Minneapolis, Minn. Owner, Mrs. Annie Richardson, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Delphinium Egyptus 1355. D AM , Delphinium Queen Ann 1553. Nepac Besse 2293 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 19, 1913. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Nepac Kennels, St. Louis, Mo. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Tuli 1474. Lady Rainbow 2309 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, April 5, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Elizabeth A. Pyne, Milford, Mass. Owner, Catherine B. Welsh, York, Pa. S IRE , Bonnie Boy Admiral 1471. D AM , Sun Fairy, by Kew Sunlocks 2261 out of Sweet Briar. Sweet Briar, by Prince Victor (611) out of Victorette. Prince Victor (611), by Victor (156) out of Aunt Jemima (472). Aunt Jemima (472), by Eiger (469) out of Heartsease (475). Heartsease (475), by Lord Gwynne (126). Lord Gwynne (126). (For extended pedigree see 2 ).



Nipper Two 2319 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 22, 1912. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. W. H. White, Des Moines, Iowa. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Kew Two 2318. D AM , Tessa Nipper 2185.

Popoki 2337 (Rules 2 and 1).

Date of birth, September 16, 1909. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Edith M. Yoder, Los Angeles, Calif. Owner, Avis Creswell, San Diego, Calif. S IRE , Ch. Buster Bright (880). (For extended pedigree see 113.) D AM , Queen Thi 1088.

Susan Ann 2365 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 26, 1911. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. H. W. Phillis, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Ella Griffin, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Red Ruff 101. D AM , Suzanne 1459.

Thermopolae 2399 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, 1909. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. F. A. Tinkham, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Paylor, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Black Bill 795.



D AM , Ginger, by Torrington Red Knight (1012) out II. Torrington Red Knight (1012). (For extended 14). Buttercup II, by Brushwood Prince Rudolph II Buttercup 742. Brushwood Prince Rudolph II (209), by Prince of Brushwood Caprice (207).

of Buttercup pedigree see (209) out of Rudolph out

Smutt 2577 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 17, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. F. Betz, Sacramento, Calif. Owner, Mrs. L. E. Sutton, Sacramento, Calif. S IRE , Honey Boy 2015. D AM , Dainty Diana of Fruitvale 2016. Ilderim Hinda 2593 (Rule 4).

Date of birth, not given. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Anna Wales Sanborn, Sioux City, Iowa. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ilderim Ben Hur 2504. D AM , Diana, by Sheik Ilderim 1097 out of Dinah. Dinah, by Spook 2591 out of Priscilla. Peggy Jap 2632 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, July 4, 1914. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. Edward Stock, Rudolph, O. Owner, Miss Corynne Snyder, Columbus, O. S IRE , Teddy Bear 1123. D AM , Tabby Girl 1724.



Kewpie Kat 2714 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, June 15, 1915. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Hazel Cornwell, Oak Park, Ill. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Tuli 1474.

Lady Bee II 2745 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, April 22, 1911. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. C. S. McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Orange Monk 2744. D AM , Lady Bee 1322.

Lady Blackfoot 2779 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, May 8, 1914. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Fairchild, Los Angeles, Calif. Owner, Mrs. D. W. Souther, White Salmon, Wash. S IRE , Apache Red Ruff, by King out of Goldie. King, by Red Ruff II 859 out of Zaida II. Goldie, by Imp. Prince Rudolph. D AM , Peggie Fairchild, by Orange Jack 391 out of Lady Van Vork. Lady Van Vork, by Dandelion II 658.


TORTOISESHELL—F EMALE Lady Flossy 2781 (Rule 9).

Date of birth, June 28, 1912. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. Sanderson. Owner, Mrs. A. L. Sawyer, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Billy Taft 1468. D AM , Black Betty, by Orange Boy out of Chinchilla. Orange Boy, by Prince of Orange out of Pansy. Chinchilla, by Royal Blue out of Daffodill.

Ch. Chandos Calanthe 2788 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, February 16, 1914. Color of eye s, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Kawon The First 1577. D AM , Tuli 1474.

Furrine 2797 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, May 10, 1901. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. S. Conklin, Lowry, V a. Owner, Miss Bertha Langston. S IRE , Lazarre 848. D AM , Bettine 980.


Date of birth, September 14, 1913. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Miss Mary Kast, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Jickey II 827. D AM , Leibling Amie II 1744. —————— MIXED COLORS WITHOUT WHITE—MALE. Lonny Boy 2700 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 28, 1912. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. R. Sawyer, Stockton, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Charles Boro, Stockton, Calif. S IRE , Bluecoat Delaware 261. D AM , Windsor Sweetheart 1185. —————— MIXED COLORS WITHOUT WHITE—FEMALE. Bonaventure 2371 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, August 9, 1912. Color of eyes, Golden. Breeder, Dr. Dockham, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Minnie Regnier, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Swastika Tikytwo 911. D AM , Silver Girl 2037.




Date of birth, May 26, 1910. Color of eyes, Orange. Breeder, Mrs. J. J. Nowak, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. M. L. Curtiss, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Swastika Tikytwo 911. D AM , Daffodil Nowak 1292. Bibbity Bubbles 2539 (Rule 1).

Date of birth, March 9, 1913. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Edith M. Davis, Fruitvale, Calif. Owner, Mrs. Prentiss Maslin, Sacramento, Calif. S IRE , Black Jack Boy 1579. D AM , Laura 2090. Echo Bess 2597 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, May 12, 1912. Color of eyes, Copper. Breeder, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Brookline, Mass. Owner, Mrs. F. C. Dunn, Lansing, Mich. S IRE , Romaldkirk Red Man 2443. D AM , Sukie, by Ch. Kintaro 1464 out of Puff Ball. Puff Ball, by Orange Aide out of Orange Girl. Ina C 2670 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, 1910. Color of eyes, Yellow. Breeder, Mrs. Clark, Beloit, Wis. Owner, Mrs. Martha Salfisberg, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Trixie (Imp.) D AM , Mamie B.


SIAMESE—MALE. Chang II 2297 (Rule 3).

Date of birth, October 15, 1912. Color of eyes, Blue. Breeder, Dr. J. S. Niven, London, Ont. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude E. Taylor, Syracuse, N. Y. S IRE , Chang of Yardly, by D'awana out of Meggee. Meggee, by Mattoo out of Amphitrite. D'awana, by Ch. Kew King of Siam out of Eaiburry Dona. D AM , Miamuma of Yardley, by Wee Winkles out of Susan. Susan, by Siamese Princling out of Dinah. —————— SILVER TABBY—FEMALE. Ch. Romeo Silver Butterfly 2389 (Rule 8).

Date of birth, April 20, 1910. Color of eyes, Green. Breeder, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, Mich. Owner, Breeder. S IRE , Ch. Silver Stripes 424. D AM , Ch. Sweet Alice, by Thomas out of Silvia.


PRIZES WON BY CATS REGISTERED IN VOLUME VII. ——————— DAS DEUTCHER MADCHEN 2237 1st Novice, Oakland, 1914. 1st Open, San Francisco, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Sacramento, 1914. 1st Open and Win ners, Oakland, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Oakland, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1916. KING OSIRIS OF CALIFORNIA 2238. 1st Open and Winners, Oakland, 1914. 2nd Open, Oakland, 1916. JOLLY YET 2241. 1st Open, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1914. 2nd Open, Aurora, 1915. 2 nd Open, Chicago, 1916. NEILA BILLI III 2243. 1st Open and Winners, Oakland, 1914. Winners, San Francisco, 1914.

1st Open and

PRINCE FERAMORZ 2247. 2nd Novice, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1916. POWHATTAN CHIEF 2252. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1914. PEG O' MY HEART 2255. 1st Novice, Boston, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1915. 2nd Open, Boston, 1916. BUNGALOW PODGETTE 2258. 1st Open and Winners, Bosto n, 1915.



JAMMU 2260. 1st Novice, Columbus, 1915. 1st Open, Columbus, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toronto, 1915. 1st Open, Chicago, 1915. GENEE WINTER 2268. 1st Novice and Winners, Oakland, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Sacramento, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, San Fran cisco, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Oakland, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1916. SNOWFLAKE BABY MUGGINS 2270. 2nd Novice, San Antonio, 1916. POLLYANNA 2276. 1st Kitten and Winners, Chicago, 1915. AUTUMN GIRL 2285. 1st Novice, Providence, 1913. RUBY LION 2287. 1st Kitten, Washington, 1913. 1st Novice, Washington, 1913. 1st Open and Winners, Washington, 1913. CHANG II 2297. 1st and Winners, Washin gton, 1913. AURORA BRUNO 2298. 1st Novice, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open, Aurora, 1914. BRAE BURN BUTTERFLY 2299. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1914. 1st Open and Win ners, Chicago, 1916. MONTEZUMA 2321. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1913. 2nd Open, Chica go, 1914. Open, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open, Chicago, 1916.




PUDGIE 2328. 1st Novice and Winners, Chicago, 1914. cago, 1915.

1st Open, Chi -

PRINCE ARGENTINE 2329. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1915. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1916. BIBBITY BUBBLES 2339. 1st, Sacramento, 1914. HOLDEN SILVER LIGHT 2340. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1915. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1916. THE VIKING 2341. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Chi cago, 1916. AURORA DOLL BABY 2350. 1st Novice, Aurora, 1914. 1st Ope n, Aurora, 1914. AURORA DUSKY DOT 2351. 1st Open and Winners, Aurora, 1914. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1914. SAXET BEZANNA 2354. 1st Novice, Kansas City, 1914. 1st and Winners, Kansas City, 1914. FFERNWORTH TAN GERENE 2368. 1st Kitten, Chicago, 1914. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1914. Open, Chicago, 1914. POLKA DOT 2369. 1st Open, Chicago, 1913.




QUEEN BONNIE 2374. 1st Open, Chicago, 1915. BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYED DOLL 2383. 1st Novice and Winners, 1914. 1st Open, Columbus, 1915. KING HEATHER ROUGE 2385. 1st Novice, South Bend, 1915. HEATHER LASSIE 2387. 1st Novice and Winners, Aurora, 1914. ROMEO SILVER BUTTERFLY 2389. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1912. 1st Open and Win ners, Washington, 1913. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1913 . 1st Open, Chicago, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1915. 1st Open, Kansas City, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916. ROMULUS RED FLYER 2393. 1st Open and Winners, Providence, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1916. AURORA BRIGHT EYES 2398. 1st Kitten, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open, Kansas City, 1916. LELAND OF STANFORD 2403. 2nd Open, Sacramento, 1914. 1st Open, San Francisco, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1915 . STANHOPE MAGNIFICAT 2404. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1915. AURORA SONNY BOY 2407. 1st Novice, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Toronto, 1915.


RECORD OF PRIZE WINNINGS MIRAMAR SILVIA 2414. 1st Open, San Francisco, 1914 .

MISS PETER HENRY OF CASTLETHORPE 2432. 1st Open, South Bend, 1915. 1st Open, Columbus, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toronto, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915. HOOSIER WINK'EM 2437. 1st Novice and Open, South Bend, 1915. cago, 1915.

1st Ope n, Chi -

ROMALDKIRK RED MAN 2443. 1st Kitten, Boston, 1912. 2nd Open, Boston, 1915. Open, Boston, 1916.


PRINCESS EREBENA 2446. 1st Kitten, San Francisco, 1914. MISS NUISANCE 2449. 1st Washington, 1914. AURORA BLUE PADS 2450. 1st Novice, Washington, 1913. ORANGE JOLLY YET 2456. 1st Kitten, Aurora, 1914. 1st Novice, Aurora, 1914. 2nd Open, South Bend, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Aurora, 1915. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1916. THOTMAS II 2457. 1st Kitten, San Francisco , 1914. AURORA GOLDEN JOLLY 2463. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1915.



AURORA BUTTERFLY 2464. 1st Kitten, South Bend, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Aurora, 1915. O KURO SAN 2468. 1st Novice, Providence, 1914. 1st Open, Providence, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1916. CLAREMONT DUCHESS 2472. 1st Novice, San Francisco, 1914. GENERAL GRANT 2473. 2nd Open, P rovidence, 1913. TASSO 2475. 1st Open, Chicago, 1913. 1st Open and Winners, Kansas City, 1915. PRINCE ERUS 2482. 1st Novice, San Francisco, 1914. 2nd Open, San Francisco, 1914. 2nd Open, San Francisco, 1915. MISTRESS TANGERENE 2485. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1915. AURORA SILVER DAI 2487. 1st Novice, South Bend, 1915. BONNIE BRUNETTE 2489. 1st Novice, Boston, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Boston, 1916. BROWN JERAH 2490. 2nd Novice, Boston, 1915.


RECORD OF PRIZE WINNINGS BROWN BELLE 2491. 1st Kitten, Boston, 1915.

ALDERMOOR AJAX OF RIVERVIEW 2499. 1st Kitten, South Bend, 1915. 2nd Open, Grand Rapids, 1916. COLONIAL LAD 2500. 2nd Kitten, South Bend, 1915. BETTY SNOW 2508. 1st Kitten, Aurora, 1914. 2nd Open, Columbus, 1915. Open and Winners, Aurora, 1915.


GAY VETTETTE 2509. 1st Kitten, Aurora, 1914. 1st Kitten, Chicago, 1914. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1915. SUNKIST JOLLY WARWICK 2514. 1st Novice, South Bend, 1915. FAIRMOUNT BROWNIE QUEEN 2515. 1st Novice, Providence, 1914. FAIRMOUNT LADDIE 2516. 1st Novice, Boston, 1915. FAIRMOUNT QUIZ 2517. 1st Kitten, Boston, 1915. FAIRMOUNT BRUNO KID 2520. 1st Kitten, Providence, 1914. 2nd Kitten, Boston, 1915. EGNARO 2522. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1914.



WOODLAND CHERUB 2523. 1st Kitten, South Bend, 1915. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1915. TORRINGTON MARMALADE 2524. 1st Kitten, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1916. PRINCESS DE TALLEYRAND 2526. 2nd Kitten, South Bend, 1915. 2nd Novice, Aurora, 1915. BLOSSOM VALESKA SURATT 2527. 2nd Open, Kansas City, 1915. WAHOO LOLITA 2529. 1st Novice, Seattle, 1916. QUEEN AIMEE 2530. 1st Novi ce, Aurora, 1914. AURORA QUEEN LOUISE 2540. 1st, Novice, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Aurora, 1914. LITTLE BEAR 2543. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1915. ners, Seattle, 1916.

1st Open and Win -

SIR HOLTON OF FFERNWORTH 2547. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1915. 1st Open and Win ners, Chicago, 1916, KING OF THE SNOW 2550. 1st Open and Winners, Aurora, 1915. 1st Open and Win ners, Kansas City, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1916.


RECORD OF PRIZE WINNINGS PEG OF THE SNOW 2551. 1st Open and Wi nners, Kansas City, 1915.

CHANDOS RAGNA 2561. 2nd Novice, Toledo, 1915. 1st Novice and Winners, Chi cago, 1916. KILRAVOCK WHIFFENPUFF JR. 2563. 1st Kitten, Chicago, 1914. 1st Novice, Aurora, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Aurora, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915. SIR KNIGHT 2567. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1915. 1st Novice, South Bend, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1916. SNOOZLE UMS 2593. 1st Kitten, Boston, 1912. TORRINGTON RUFUS II 2608. 1st Kitten, San Francisco, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1915. SANDUSKY OF CALIFORNIA 2633. 1st Kitten, San Francisco, 1915. 2nd Novice, San Fran cisco, 1915. FLYING FOX OF THE FOX 2640. 2nd Open, Aurora, 1915. PRINCE AHMED 2641. 2nd Open, Toronto, 1915. DOROTHY ANNE 2643. 2nd Open, Oakland, 1914,



LADY VICTORIA 2647. 1st Kitten, Toronto, 1915. 1st Novice, Toronto, 1915. Open and Winners, Toronto, 1915.


THE TEMPTRESS 2650. 1st Open a nd Winners, Boston, 1916. QUEEN DODO 2654. 1st Open, Kansas City, 1915. MY BUTTERFLY II 2656. 2nd Novice, Chicago, 1916. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1916. MERCURY 2661. 1st Kitten, Aurora, 1915. 1st Kitten, Toledo, 1915. Kitten, Chicago, 1916.


KILRAVOCK DON LEONE II 2562. 1st and Winners, Boston, 1916. RAVEN KNIGHT 2664. 1st Novice, Aurora, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. 1st Open and Wi nners, South Bend, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1916. KEWLINA 2667. 1st Open, Aurora, 1914. DANILO 2671. 1st Open, Aurora, 1914. SILVER PHANTOM II 2677. 1st Novice, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1915.



MCGREGOR'S VICTORIA 2683. 1st Novice, San Antonio, 1916. 1st Open, San Antonio, 1916. LADY PERFECTION 2688. 2nd Novice, Chicago, 1915. SAXET LONE STAR 2692. 1st Open, Grand Rapids, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. LADY MUSETTE 2694. 2nd Novice, Toledo, 1915. SOLEIL D'OR 2699. 1st Novice, Toledo, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. ROY WINTER OF CLAREMONT 2706. 1st Open and Winners, Oakland, 1916. PRINCESS JULIETTE 2720. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915. BRIAR OF AVONLEA 2724. 1st Kitten and Winners, San Francisco, 1914. 1st Kitten, Sacramento, 1914. 1st Novice, Seattle, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1915. 2nd Open, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1916. BLUE PADDY 2725. 2nd Open, Kansas City, 1915. CREAM DR MINT 2732. 1st Novice, Toledo, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915. 1st Open, Chicago, 1916.



EXCEL SILVER LADDIE 2743. 1st Novice, Seattle, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Seattle, 1916. THE RUNNING CUP OF REVELSTOKE 2754. 1st Novice, Lansing, 1916. 2nd Open, Lansing, 1916. Open, Grand Rapids, 1916.


ROSEMARY OF REVELSTOKE 2755. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. VALAISE OF REVELSTOKE 2757. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1915. 1st Open, Chicago, 1915. 1st Open, South Bend, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916. JOLLY LADD 2762. 1st Kitten, Toledo, 1915. 1st Novice, Toledo, 1915. JOLLY LASS 2763. 1st Kitten, Toledo, 1915. 1st Novice, Toledo, 1915. Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915.


PEEP O'DAWN 2764. 1st Kitten, Chicago, 1916. 1st Novice, Chicago, 1916. 1st Open, Chicago, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. PEGGY I 2765. 1st Open, Aurora, 1914. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1914. Open, Chicago, 1915. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1916.


COU D'ARGENTO 2766. 2nd Kitten, South Bend, 1914. 1st Novice, South Bend, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1915. 2nd Open, South Bend, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916.


RECORD OF PRIZE WINNINGS LADY IMOGENE 2769. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915.

CASSELL 2773. 1st Kitten, Oakland, 1914. 2nd Novice, Oakland, 1914. 1st Novice, Oakland, 1914, 1st Open, Oakland, 1914. 1st Open, Sacramento, 1914. 2nd Open, Sacramento, 1914. 1st Open and Winners, San Francisco, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Oakland, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, San Jose, 1916. LADY JEANNETTE 2775. 2nd Novice, Boston, 1916. FAITH 2786. 1st Novice, Toledo, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 3915. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1916. LORD BERESFORD II 2787. 2nd Novice, Chicago, 1916. 2nd Open, Chicago, 1916. CHANDOS CALANTHE 2788. 1st Novice Toledo, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Toledo, 1915. 1st Open and Winners, Lansing, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, South Bend, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Kansas City, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Chicago, 1916. 1st Open and Winners, Grand Rapids, 1916. WONDER GIRL 2792. 1st Novice, Boston, 1916. WHITE PADDY 2795. 1st Open and Winners, Kansas City, 1915. AURORA WILDFIRE 2 796. 1st Kitten, Chicago, 1915.

CATTERY NAMES ———— AK-SAR-BEN ---------------------------------------- Mrs. J. J. Guyon HAMPTON CATTERY -------------------------- Miss Ellen V. Celty BARBE BLEUE CATTERY --------------------- Mrs. Eva T. Harris


CHAMPIONSHIP MEDALS ———— Chand os C a lanth e. S n owba ll.

M rs . K. E. St ac ey, Chi ca go, Ill.

Mrs. George Bolt on , Grim sb y, Ont.

Ti tian Deli ght .

Mrs. F. E. Hewi tt, Grim sb y, On t.

O Sian ara San.

M rs. Langley P ort er, San Franci sc o, CaI.


WHITE—MALE. N u mb e r

Blue Eyed Doll Baby ........................................................ 2247 Patty Boy .......................................................................... 2248 My Dearest ....................................................................... 2256 Snowflake Baby Muggins ................................................. 2270 The White King ................................................................ 2275 Billy Blane ........................................................................ 2277 Bruno Bizzy ...................................................................... 2278 Bud Brown ........................................................................ 2279 Snowflake Texas Billie ..................................................... 2295 Sirleo ................................................................................ 2301 Mizpah .............................................................................. 2316 Sir Donald Slocum ............................................................ 2343 Endymogne ....................................................................... 2358 Achmet ............................................................................. 2373 King Klinko Mallory ........................................................ 2380 Lord Elgin ......................................................................... 2382 Sir Mignon ........................................................................ 2396 Aurora Kim Laddie ........................................................... 2397 Leland of Stanford ............................................................ 2403 Rustim ............................................................................... 2421 Sir White Fox .................................................................... 2428 White Valentine ................................................................ 2454 Coeta Azzah ...................................................................... 2455 Capitol City The White Don ............................................. 2478 Cumberland Friar .............................................................. 2495 Ned ................................................................................... 2498 Sir Snow Slocum .............................................................. 2507 Avenel Royal Pearl ............................................................ 2510

Pa ge

5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14


183 N u mb e r

Avenel Richmond ............................................................. 2513 Fairmont Laddie ............................................................... 2516 Fairmont Quiz .................................................................. 2517 Lovette .............................................................................. 2544 King of the Snow .............................................................. 2550 King Caruso ...................................................................... 2556 Kilravock Don Leone ....................................................... 2562 Kilravock Whiffenpuff Jr ................................................. 2563 Sir Snow Bird ................................................................... 2565 Sir Knight ......................................................................... 2567 Sir Thomas B .................................................................... 2573 Emperor Buntie ................................................................ 2579 Blossom Lucien ................................................................ 2580 King Magnet ..................................................................... 2606 Kokua ............................................................................... 2636 Preacher Boy .................................................................... 2644 My Butterfly II ................................................................. 2656 Tuxton King ..................................................................... 2657 Prince Friar ....................................................................... 2675 Peter ................................................................................. 2703 Max Marion ...................................................................... 2713 Camarada .......................................................................... 2715 Kilravock Leone Giovanni, .............................................. 2733 Johnny Luck ..................................................................... 2742 Cassell .............................................................................. 2773 Tipperary Elliott ............................................................... 2782 Prince Clark ...................................................................... 2783 Lord Nod Klinko .............................................................. 2789 White Paddy ..................................................................... 2795 Klinko John Blue-eyes ..................................................... 2799

Pa ge

14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22

WHITE-FEMALE Rose of Minley ................................................................. 2251 Bessie Blanche ................................................................. 2280 Bettie Bizzy ...................................................................... 2281

23 23 23


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Chrysanthemum White Daisy ........................................... 2290 Swastika The One ............................................................. 2317 Princess Bobie .................................................................. 2327 Princess Emma .................................................................. 2372 Lady Oberon of Cumberland ............................................ 2375 Beautiful Blue-Eyed Doll ................................................. 2383 Phoebe Snow Slocum ....................................................... 2411 Gatilla ............................................................................... 2427 Lady Phillis ....................................................................... 2435 White Rose ....................................................................... 2444 Lady Washington .............................................................. 2465 Christina ........................................................................... 2471 Lady Carolyn .................................................................... 2497 Betty Snow ....................................................................... 2508 Avenel Lady Oberon ......................................................... 2511 Avenel Fairy Pearl ............................................................ 2512 Woodland Cherub ............................................................. 2523 Blossom Valeska Suratt .................................................... 2527 Capitol City Blue-Eyed White Rose ................................. 2533 Aurora Queen Louise ........................................................ 2540 Queenie Wendella ............................................................. 2545 Peg of the Snow ................................................................ 2551 Princess of the Harem ....................................................... 2566 Tango of Newcastle .......................................................... 2571 Empress Josephine ............................................................ 2583 Empress Lily Bell ............................................................. 2587 Princess Beauty ................................................................. 2601 Fairy Lillian ...................................................................... 2603 Albion Babe ...................................................................... 2604 Ollie Belle ......................................................................... 2605 Lady Blue Eyes ................................................................. 2607 Patsy ................................................................................. 2622 Lady Tennis ...................................................................... 2625 Lady Cupid ....................................................................... 2627 Pierrette ............................................................................. 2630 Empress Forget Me Not .................................................... 2645

Pa ge

24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34


185 N u mb e r

Ruby ................................................................................. 2653 Queen Dodo ...................................................................... 2654 Baby Mine ........................................................................ 2674 Babette White ................................................................... 2698 Queen May Bells .............................................................. 2701 Miss Billie ........................................................................ 2704 Rain Bow .......................................................................... 2711 Mendell Law .................................................................... 2712 Purritta .............................................................................. 2716 Tootsey ............................................................................. 2727 Daisy Elliott ...................................................................... 2730 Gretchen Elliott ................................................................ 2741 Irma .................................................................................. 2758 Woodland Nalagoo ........................................................... 2759 Yan Cee ............................................................................ 2772 Lady Jeannette .................................................................. 2775 Klenkos Snow Queen ....................................................... 2778 Dona Isidora ..................................................................... 2784

Pa ge

34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39

BLACK-MALE Lord Decco of Byron ........................................................ 2242 Erebus II ........................................................................... 2312 Echo Kewrastus ................................................................ 2323 El Toso ............................................................................. 2349 Coo-Bett ........................................................................... 2367 Natty Bell of Ki Ora ......................................................... 2388 Teddy R ............................................................................ 2406 Aurora Sonny Boy ............................................................ 2407 Jerry of Keewaydin ........................................................... 2424 Aurora Ariel ..................................................................... 2466 O Kuro San ....................................................................... 2468 Gay Vettette ...................................................................... 2509 Little Bear ......................................................................... 2543 Parsona Smoky Mokes ..................................................... 2553 Spook ............................................................................... 2591

39 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Sandusky of California ..................................................... 2633 Prince Ahmed ................................................................... 2641 Rahman Jr ......................................................................... 2642 Raven Knight .................................................................... 2664 Lord Salisbury .................................................................. 2666 Joe Joe .............................................................................. 2682 Earle of Dundee ................................................................ 2708

Pa ge

44 45 45 45 45 46 46

BLACK-FEMALE Black Jane ......................................................................... 2239 Lovey ................................................................................ 2240 Queen Ebonie ................................................................... 2245 Dora Thorn ....................................................................... 2246 Sally of Salina ................................................................... 2346 Lady Marie ....................................................................... 2355 Princess Erebeua ............................................................... 2446 Aurora Glory B ................................................................. 2453 Lamoka ............................................................................. 2461 Bonnie Jacquette ............................................................... 2467 Aurora Lady Bird .............................................................. 2594 Fashion Plate ..................................................................... 2615 The Temptress .................................................................. 2650 Princess Delaware ............................................................. 2680 Phillis of Riga ................................................................... 2689 Melrose Zeresch ................................................................ 2709 Yucato ............................................................................... 2710 Cameo of Avonlea ............................................................ 2723 Faith .................................................................................. 2786

46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 51 51 51

BLUE-MALE Neila Billi III .................................................................... 2243 Bungalow Meteor ............................................................. 2257 Haroldson ......................................................................... 2289 Blue Eclipse ...................................................................... 2300 Prince Gritzko ................................................................... 2304 Bungalow Blue Aster ........................................................ 2345

52 52 52 52 53 53


187 N u mb e r

Thotmes of Thebes ........................................................... 2361 Ptolemy of Thebes ............................................................ 2363 Minnequa Barbe Blue ....................................................... 2408 Roderick of Manor Farm .................................................. 2430 Minnequa Blue Jacket ...................................................... 2441 Auburn Blue Pads ............................................................. 2450 Maui Boy .......................................................................... 2452 Thotmas II ........................................................................ 2457 Queen Thai ....................................................................... 2458 Blue Don .......................................................................... 2469 General Grant ................................................................... 2473 Brushwood Blue Boy ....................................................... 2506 Ispaham ............................................................................ 2586 Danilo ............................................................................... 2671 Wanayanda Starlight ........................................................ 2676 Blue Paddy ....................................................................... 2725 The Running Cup of Revelstoke ....................................... 2754 Merry Mack ...................................................................... 2790

Pa ge

53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 58

BLUE—FEMALE Bungalow Podgette ........................................................... 2258 Jeanne of Thebes .............................................................. 2362 Blue Tessie ....................................................................... 2429 Lady Martha Washington ................................................. 2445 Lady Teazle Claire ........................................................... 2447 Blue Nydia ........................................................................ 2470 Blue Ruffles ...................................................................... 2476 Moufflou .......................................................................... 2494 Princess Victoria II ........................................................... 2501 Blue Donnie ...................................................................... 2536 Randolph Bonnie Girl ....................................................... 2582 Kenka Princess Nejmy ..................................................... 2590 Westover Phylleda ............................................................ 2609 Engles Gonda ................................................................... 2643 Lady Blue Belle Morgan .................................................. 2665 Mukilter Mary Jane .......................................................... 2690

58 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 63


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke .......................................... 2751 Cheridahl of Revelstoke .................................................... 2752 Azalea of Revelstoke ........................................................ 2753 Rosemary of Revelstoke ................................................... 2755 Valaise of Revelstoke ....................................................... 2757

Pa ge

63 63 63 64 58

SILVER-MALE Prince Feramorz ................................................................ 2244 Silver Fox of Puss-in-Boots .............................................. 2282 AI Tarek IV ...................................................................... 2303 AI Tarecho ........................................................................ 2325 Prince Argentine ............................................................... 2329 The Viking ........................................................................ 2341 Geneva Silver King ........................................................... 2395 Miramar Silver Stubbs ...................................................... 2412 Butiboi .............................................................................. 2419 Butiboi II .......................................................................... 2420 Kilmington Rikki Tikki Tavi ............................................ 2479 Silver King Fluff ............................................................... 2483 Aurora Silver Dai .............................................................. 2487 Aldermoor Ajax of Riverview .......................................... 2499 Brushwood Winter Wonder .............................................. 2569 Lord Arrandale .................................................................. 2574 Silver Pet .......................................................................... 2589 AI Taro ............................................................................. 2602 Bobby ............................................................................... 2616 Sir Roger ........................................................................... 2617 Prince I of Roycrest .......................................................... 2623 Prince II of Roycrest ......................................................... 2624 Lord Babs ......................................................................... 2649 Mercury ............................................................................ 2661 Silver Phantom II .............................................................. 2677 Lord Phantom I ................................................................. 2678 Lord Tiggery ..................................................................... 2681 Buddha ............................................................................... 2686

64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 71


189 N u mb e r

Wahoo Punch ................................................................... 2696 The Nobleman .................................................................. 2717 Excel Silver Laddie .......................................................... 2743 Lord Beresford II .............................................................. 2787 Silver Baron ...................................................................... 2793

Pa ge

72 72 72 73 73

SILVER—FEMALE Electra .............................................................................. 2253 Delos ................................................................................ 2254 Peg O' My Heart ............................................................... 2255 Cindy of Silverholm ......................................................... 2273 Lady Lexie of Riverview .................................................. 2274 Regal Sunia ...................................................................... 2294 Brae Burn Butterfly .......................................................... 2299 Silver Girlie ...................................................................... 2326 Pudgie ............................................................................... 2328 Silver Trinket .................................................................... 2330 Mona Vana ....................................................................... 2331 Silver Psyche .................................................................... 2333 Echo Bud .......................................................................... 2338 Holden Silver Light .......................................................... 2340 Miramar Silvia .................................................................. 2414 Brushwood Dimity ........................................................... 2422 Miss Nuisance .................................................................. 2449 Silver Nez ......................................................................... 2474 Grace Darling ................................................................... 2541 Dorma Dee ....................................................................... 2542 Pitti Sing of Meadowview ................................................ 2568 Holden Silver Fairy .......................................................... 2575 South Shore Sally ............................................................. 2626 Brushwood Winter Butterfly ............................................. 2628 Dorothy Anne ................................................................... 2634 Lady Victoria .................................................................... 2647 Lady Patricia .................................................................... 2648 San Dawn ......................................................................... 2651 Lady Idylene ..................................................................... 2655

73 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Baby Bubbles .................................................................... 2662 Lady Phantomine .............................................................. 2679 McGregor's Victoria ......................................................... 2683 McGregor's Mussette ........................................................ 2684 Lady Perfection ................................................................. 2688 Silver Mouse ..................................................................... 2691 Lady Mussette ................................................................... 2694 Lady Norma ...................................................................... 2695 Holden Silver Lassie ......................................................... 2697 Lady Phylis ....................................................................... 2705 Theetus ............................................................................. 2718 Little Jewel of Keewaydin ................................................ 2726 Princess Donna ................................................................. 2731 Princess Sylvia .................................................................. 2740 Peep O' Dawn ................................................................... 2764 Peggy I .............................................................................. 2765 Ma Chérie (sic -- no accent on studbook p. 86) of Carlisle ......... 2767 Bunny Dai ......................................................................... 2768 Wonder Girl ...................................................................... 2792

Pa ge

82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

SHADED SILVER—MALE Broncho Billy ................................................................... 2249 Honey Man of Fur Baby Home ......................................... 2259 Troll King ......................................................................... 2310 Montezuma ....................................................................... 2321 Galax ................................................................................ 2332 Lord Lorin II ..................................................................... 2400 Miramar Robin Adair ........................................................ 2413 Beauty Buster ................................................................... 2431 Silver Marma Duke ........................................................... 2572 Silverfoam ........................................................................ 2588 Brushwood Narcissus ....................................................... 2599 Silver Bob ......................................................................... 2658 San Dawn Prince Charming .............................................. 2660 Roy Winter of Claremont .................................................. 2706 Phantom Fox of Avonlea .................................................. 2722

87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91




Sylvia of Fauntleroy ......................................................... 2250 Jane Dollar of Puss-in-Boots ............................................ 2264 Mlle. Genée ...................................................................... 2267 Genée Winter .................................................................... 2268 Echo Leita ........................................................................ 2324 Jewel of Keewaydin ......................................................... 2401 Silver Muff ....................................................................... 2402 La Patera Mimi ................................................................. 2415 La Fariminti Florodora ..................................................... 2416 Kilmington Muffie ........................................................... 2417 Silver Mine ....................................................................... 2425 Crowned Queen ................................................................ 2426 Claremont Duchess ........................................................... 2472 Princess Spangle of Riverview ......................................... 2492 Lady Sami of Riverview ................................................... 2493 Lassavera .......................................................................... 2496 Wahoo Lolita .................................................................... 2529 Aurora Bopeep ................................................................. 2538 Lady Silverbelle ............................................................... 2558 Silver Janet ....................................................................... 2576 Laila ................................................................................. 2618 Mirza ................................................................................ 2619 Kitayim ............................................................................. 2620 Brushwood Baby Narcissus .............................................. 2629 Quaker Doll ...................................................................... 2634 Silver Kee Veeta ............................................................... 2659 Silver Floss II ................................................................... 2687 Lady Geraldine ................................................................. 2702 Princess Juliette ................................................................ 2720 Queen Silverheels ............................................................. 2721

Pa ge

91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 100

SILVER TABBY-MALE. Lord Dotie ........................................................................ 2265 San Tarek .......................................................................... 2348

100 100


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Tasso ................................................................................. 2475 Excel Foxy ........................................................................ 2528 Blazes ............................................................................... 2738 Peterkin Paul ..................................................................... 2770

Pa ge

101 101 101 102

SILVER TABBY-FEMALE Beauty of Bromholm ........................................................ 2311 Holly Dainty Delight ........................................................ 2390 Westmoreland Biji ............................................................ 2451 Bonny B ............................................................................ 2750

103 103 103 104

SMOKE-MALE Powhattan Chief ................................................................ 2252 Cheechako ........................................................................ 2305 Potlach .............................................................................. 2306 Skookum ........................................................................... 2307 Totem ................................................................................ 2308 Meerschaum ...................................................................... 2314 Cigaro ............................................................................... 2315 Cinders .............................................................................. 2320 Du Comator ...................................................................... 2433 Misko ................................................................................ 2480 Prince Erus ........................................................................ 2482 Smoaky Oaks .................................................................... 2539 Sir Cloudy ......................................................................... 2613 Rajah the Smoke ............................................................... 2673 Sir Delhi ............................................................................ 2719 Con d'Argento ................................................................... 2766

104 104 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 108 108 108

SMOKE-FEMALE Jesta . ................................................................................ 2296 Minette .............................................................................. 2313 Kew Dusty Girl ................................................................. 2322 Aurora Dusky Dot ............................................................. 2351

109 109 109 110


193 N u mb e r

Miss Peter Henry of Castlethorpe ..................................... 2432 Du Dinah .......................................................................... 2434 Du Henrietta ..................................................................... 2448 Capitol City Du-Betsy ...................................................... 2532 Tinkerbell ......................................................................... 2598 Babetta .............................................................................. 2693 Dorritt ............................................................................... 2739 Kew Shadow .................................................................... 2791 Keuka Jou La Fuma Gattina ............................................. 2798

Pa ge

110 110 111 111 111 112 112 112 112

ORANGE-MALE Bob Cutter ........................................................................ 2283 Major Warwick ................................................................. 2302 Kew Two .......................................................................... 2318 Billie Bryan ...................................................................... 2344 Ko Ko ............................................................................... 2359 Some Pumpkins ................................................................ 2360 King Dow Dow ................................................................ 2376 Prince Rudolph III ............................................................ 2384 Romulus Red Flyer ........................................................... 2393 Boy Beautiful II ................................................................ 2442 Prince Sunshine of Cymbeline .......................................... 2481 Chandos Prince Bullet ...................................................... 2560 Seljuk ............................................................................... 2570 Golden Du Peko ............................................................... 2614 Bobby's Peter Pan ............................................................. 2638 Flying Fox of the Fox Valley ............................................ 2640 Soleil d'Or ......................................................................... 2699 Orange Monk .................................................................... 2744 Klinko's Red Sunbeam ..................................................... 2777 Chandos Karyll ................................................................. 2780

113 113 113 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 116 116 116 116 117 117 117 117 118 118

ORANGE-FEMALE Princess Polly Pepper ....................................................... 2271 Princess Olga .................................................................... 2335 Saxet Vesta ....................................................................... 2353

118 119 119


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Ffernworth Tan Gerene ..................................................... 2368 Fluffy Hale ........................................................................ 2370 Jeweluette ......................................................................... 2438 Orange Jolly-Yet ............................................................... 2456 Jonquil .............................................................................. 2477 Sunkist Jolly Warwick ...................................................... 2514 Lady Ffernworth Warwick ................................................ 2546 Sunset Glow ...................................................................... 2549 Belle .................................................................................. 2578 Paprika .............................................................................. 2635 Kewlina ............................................................................. 2667 Julianne ............................................................................. 2685 Bonnie Nee's Suzanne ....................................................... 2707 Golden Dot ....................................................................... 2735 Klinko's Red Juliette ......................................................... 2776

Pa ge

119 119 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 123 123

ORANGE TABBY-MALE King Osiris of California .................................................. 2238 Kew Sunlocks ................................................................... 2261 Red Raven ........................................................................ 2262 Buster Bright Kulhman ..................................................... 2269 Ruby Lion ......................................................................... 2287 Red Stripes ........................................................................ 2334 Resurrection ...................................................................... 2364 Leo Leontine ..................................................................... 2379 King Heather Rouge ......................................................... 2385 King William .................................................................... 2391 Prince Saigar ..................................................................... 2392 Golden Boy ....................................................................... 2409 Red Pepper ........................................................................ 2410 Napoleon Jack ................................................................... 2418 Capitol City Golden Girl ................................................... 2423 Romaldkirk Red Man ........................................................ 2443 Omarecho ......................................................................... 2459 Ilderim Ben Hur ................................................................ 2504 Sir Holton of Ffernworth .................................................. 2547

123 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 126 126 126 126 127 127 127 127 128 128 129


195 N u mb e r

Oyama .............................................................................. 2548 Gertsdale's Captain ........................................................... 2555 Sunset Flash ...................................................................... 2600 Torrington Rufus II ........................................................... 2608 Coopers Billiken ............................................................... 2639 Marquis de Champlain ..................................................... 2646 Julius Caesar ..................................................................... 2663 King Kew ......................................................................... 2668 Saxet Lone Star ................................................................ 2692 Lord Lockinvar ................................................................. 2736 General Ginger ................................................................. 2746 Eric the Red ...................................................................... 2749 Buckeye Laddy ................................................................. 2760 Tacemos ........................................................................... 2761 Jolly Ladd ......................................................................... 2762 Thaleb Splendor ............................................................... 2774

Pa ge

129 129 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 132 132 132 132 133 133

ORANGE TABBY-FEMALE Jolly Yet ........................................................................... 2241 Jammu .............................................................................. 2260 Rosemma .......................................................................... 2263 South Shore Nancy ........................................................... 2266 Autumn Girl ..................................................................... 2285 Regal Ruby ....................................................................... 2286 Nepac Gold Ore ................................................................ 2292 Princess Lareue ................................................................. 2336 Aurora Miss Teddy ........................................................... 2352 Saxet Bezanna .................................................................. 2354 Merry Sunshine ................................................................ 2356 Honey Girlie ..................................................................... 2366 Lady Evyline .................................................................... 2377 Topinetta .......................................................................... 2378 Countess Virginia ............................................................. 2381 Heather Lassie .................................................................. 2387 Aurora Bright Eyes ........................................................... 2398 Aurora Golden Jolly .......................................................... 2463

133 134 134 134 134 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 138


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Aurora Butterfly ................................................................ 2464 Mistress Tangerine ............................................................ 2485 Egnaro ............................................................................... 2522 Torrington Marmalade ...................................................... 2524 Marigold of Tepee Land ................................................... 2525 Princess De Talleyrand ..................................................... 2526 Duchess Virginia .............................................................. 2552 Chandos Ragna ................................................................. 2561 Jeweluette II ...................................................................... 2581 Lady Gwenn ..................................................................... 2595 Snoozle Ums ..................................................................... 2596 Sunflower Lou .................................................................. 2627 Lady Majestic ................................................................... 2637 Jolly Susanne .................................................................... 2669 Countess Dandelion .......................................................... 2734 Merry Maiden ................................................................... 2737 Jolly Lass .......................................................................... 2763 Red Head, ......................................................................... 2785 Aurora Wildfire ................................................................ 2796

Pa ge

138 138 138 139 139 139 139 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142

CREAM-MALE Swinton Daffodil .............................................................. 2288 Heather Boy ...................................................................... 2394 Captain Cremo .................................................................. 2405 Torrington Garboldisham Bullet of Gertsdale ................... 2484 Chandos Bullet ................................................................. 2559 Cream De Mint ................................................................. 2732

143 143 143 144 144 144

CREAM-FEMALE Nepac Navajo ................................................................... 2342 Peggy Annett .................................................................... 2436 Hoosier Wink'em .............................................................. 2437 Spice Pink ......................................................................... 2462 Queen Aimée .................................................................... 2530 Kew Lassie II of Pinehurst ................................................ 2584

145 145 145 146 146 146




Aurora Bruno .................................................................... 2298 Karl Heinrick .................................................................... 2347 Larich Bhan Cinders ......................................................... 2357 Stanhope Magnificat ......................................................... 2404 Lord Thunder .................................................................... 2439 Brown Jerah ...................................................................... 2490 Colonial Lad ..................................................................... 2500 Ilderim Abeyan ................................................................. 2505 Fairmount Bruno Kid ....................................................... 2520 Kewpie ............................................................................. 2534 King Leo ........................................................................... 2554 Rod ................................................................................... 2557 Romeof ............................................................................. 2584 Gipsy R ............................................................................. 2585 Persimmon III ................................................................... 2610 Simson Mt. Vernon .......................................................... 2612 Buster Morehouse ............................................................. 2621

Pa ge

147 147 147 148 148 148 149 149 149 149 150 150 150 151 151 151 151

BROWN TABBY-FEMALE Das Deutcher Madchen .................................................... 2237 Bruno's Billie Burke ......................................................... 2272 Pollyanna .......................................................................... 2276 Minnequa Tsianina ........................................................... 2291 Aurora Doll Baby ............................................................. 2350 Queen Bonnie ................................................................... 2374 Princess Julianna .............................................................. 2440 Happy Day ........................................................................ 2460 Brayfort Lass .................................................................... 2488 Bonnie Brunetta ................................................................ 2489 Brown Belle ...................................................................... 2491 Ilderim Sue ....................................................................... 2502 Ilderim Zetra ..................................................................... 2503 Fairmount Brownie Queen ............................................... 2515

152 152 152 153 153 153 153 154 154 154 154 155 155 155


C OLOR I NDEX N u mb e r

Lady Brunetta ................................................................... 2518 Fairmount Lady Bruno ...................................................... 2519 Colonial Queen Mab ......................................................... 2521 Petite Suzanne ................................................................... 2531 Bruno's Dione Joy ............................................................. 2535 Capitol City's Miss Brunetta ............................................. 2564 Ilderim Lady Wessington .................................................. 2592 Audrie Minnehaha ............................................................ 2611 Princess Bonnie ................................................................ 2652 Briar of Avonlea ............................................................... 2724 Belinda B .......................................................................... 2728 Brown Prize ...................................................................... 2729 Bonita ............................................................................... 2747 Adore ................................................................................ 2748 Lady Imogene ................................................................... 2769 Lady Babb ........................................................................ 2771 Ilderim Eileen ................................................................... 2794

Pa ge

155 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 158 158 158 158 159 159 159 159

TORTOISESHELL-FEMALE Topsy Turvy ..................................................................... 2284 Nepac Besse ...................................................................... 2293 Lady Rainbow ................................................................... 2309 Nipper Two ....................................................................... 2319 Popoki ............................................................................... 2337 Susan Ann ......................................................................... 2365 Thermopolae ..................................................................... 2399 Smutt ................................................................................ Z577 Ilderim Hinda .................................................................... 2593 Peggy Jap .......................................................................... 2632 Kewpie Kat ....................................................................... 2714 Lady Bee II ....................................................................... 2745 Lady Blackfoot ................................................................. 2779 Lady Flossy ....................................................................... 2781 Chandos Calanthe ............................................................. 2788 Furrine .............................................................................. 2797

160 160 160 161 161 161 161 162 162 162 163 163 163 164 164 164




Pa ge

Leibling Amie III .............................................................. 2486


MIXED COLORS WITHOUT WHITE-MALE Lonny Boy ........................................................................ 2700


MIXED COLORS WITHOUT WHITE-FEMALE Bonaventure ..................................................................... 2371


MIXED COLORS WITH WHITE-FEMALE Polka Dot .......................................................................... 2369 Bibbity Bubbles ................................................................ 2539 Echo Bess ......................................................................... 2597 Ina C ................................................................................. 2670

166 166 166 166

———–—–——— SHORT HAIR

SIAMESE-MALE Chang II ............................................................................ 2297


SILVER TABBY-FEMALE Romeo Silver Butterfly ..................................................... 2389



Achmet ............................................................................. 2373 Adore ................................................................................ 2748 AI Tarecho ........................................................................ 2325 AI Tarek IV ...................................................................... 2303 AI Taro ............................................................................. 2602 Albion Babe ...................................................................... 2604 Aldermoor Ajax of Riverview .......................................... 2499 Auburn Blue Pads ............................................................. 2450 Audrie Minnehaha ............................................................ 2611 Aurora Ariel ...................................................................... 2466 Aurora Bopeep .................................................................. 2538 Aurora Bright Eyes ........................................................... 2398 Aurora Bruno .................................................................... 2298 Aurora Butterfly ................................................................ 2464 Aurora Doll Baby ............................................................. 2350 Aurora Dusky Dot ............................................................. 2351 Aurora Glory B ................................................................. 2453 Aurora Golden Jolly........................................................... 2463 Aurora Kim Laddie ........................................................... 2397 Aurora Lady Bird .............................................................. 2594 Aurora Miss Teddy ........................................................... 2352 Aurora Queen Louise ........................................................ 2540 Aurora Silver Dai .............................................................. 2487 Aurora Sonny Boy ............................................................ 2407 Aurora Wildfire ................................................................ 2796 Autumn Girl ...................................................................... 2285 Avenel Fairy Pearl ............................................................ 2512 Avenel Lady Oberon ......................................................... 2511 Avenel Richmond ............................................................. 2513 Avenel Royal Pearl ............................................................ 2510 Azalea of Revelstoke ........................................................ 2753

Pa ge

9 159 65 65 68 32 67 55 157 42 96 137 147 138 153 110 48 138 10 49 135 29 67 42 142 134 28 28 14 14 63


201 N u mb e r

Babetta .............................................................................. 2693 Babette White ................................................................... 2698 Baby Bubbles ................................................................... 2662 Baby Mine ........................................................................ 2674 Beautiful Blue-Eyed Doll ................................................. 2383 Beauty Buster ................................................................... 2431 Beauty of Bromholm ........................................................ 2311 Belinda B .......................................................................... 2728 Belle ................................................................................. 2578 Bessie Blanche ................................................................. 2280 Bettie Bizzy ...................................................................... 2281 Betty Snow ....................................................................... 2508 Bibbity Bubbles ................................................................ 2539 Billie Bryan ...................................................................... 2344 Billy Blane ........................................................................ 2277 Black Jane ........................................................................ 2239 Blazes ............................................................................... 2738 Blossom Lucien ................................................................ 2580 Blossom Valeska Suratt .................................................... 2527 Blue Don .......................................................................... 2469 Blue Donnie ...................................................................... 2536 Blue Eclipse ...................................................................... 2300 Blue Eyed Doll Baby ........................................................ 2247 Blue Nydia ........................................................................ 2470 Blue Paddy ....................................................................... 2725 Blue Ruffles ...................................................................... 2476 Blue Tessie ....................................................................... 2429 Bob Cutter ........................................................................ 2283 Bobby ............................................................................... 2616 Bobby's Peter Pan ............................................................. 2638 Bonaventure ..................................................................... 2371 Bonita ............................................................................... 2747 Bonnie Brunetta ................................................................ 2489 Bonnie Jacquette ............................................................... 2467 Bonnie Nee's Suzanne ...................................................... 2707 Bonny B ........................................................................... 2750

Pa ge

112 35 82 35 25 89 103 158 121 23 23 28 166 114 6 46 101 17 29 56 61 52 5 60 57 60 59 113 69 117 165 158 154 49 122 104



Pa ge

Boy Beautiful II ................................................................ 2442 Brae Burn Butterfly .......................................................... 2299 Brayfort Lass .................................................................... 2488 Briar of Avonlea ............................................................... 2724 Broncho Billy ................................................................... 2249 Brown Belle ...................................................................... 2491 Brown Jerah ...................................................................... 2490 Brown Prize ...................................................................... 2729 Bruno Bizzy ...................................................................... 2278 Bruno's Billie Burke ......................................................... 2272 Bruno's Dione Joy ............................................................. 2535 Brushwood Baby Narcissus .............................................. 2629 Brushwood Blue Boy ........................................................ 2506 Brushwood Dimity ............................................................ 2422 Brushwood Narcissus ....................................................... 2599 Brushwood Winter Butterfly.............................................. 2628 Brushwood Winter Wonder .............................................. 2569 Buckeye Laddy ................................................................. 2760 Bud Brown ........................................................................ 2279 Buddha ............................................................................... 2686 Bungalow Blue Aster ........................................................ 2345 Bungalow Meteor ............................................................. 2257 Bungalow Podgette ........................................................... 2258 Bunny Dai ......................................................................... 2768 Buster Bright Kulhman ..................................................... 2269 Buster Morehouse ............................................................. 2621 Butiboi .............................................................................. 2419 Butiboi II .......................................................................... 2420

115 75 154 158 87 154 148 158 7 152 156 98 56 77 90 80 68 132 7 71 53 52 58 86 124 151 66 66

Camarada .......................................................................... 2715 Cameo of Avonlea ............................................................ 2723 Capitol City Blue-Eyed White Rose ................................. 2533 Capitol City Du-Betsy ...................................................... 2532 Capitol City Golden Girl ................................................... 2423 Capitol City's Miss Brunetta ............................................. 2564 Capitol City The White Don ............................................. 2478

20 51 29 111 127 157 12


203 N u mb e r

Pa ge

Captain Cremo .................................................................. 2405 Cassell .............................................................................. 2773 Chandos Bullet ................................................................. 2559 Chandos Calanthe ............................................................. 2788 Chandos Karyll ................................................................. 2780 Chandos Prince Bullet ...................................................... 2560 Chandos Ragna ................................................................. 2561 Chang II ............................................................................ 2297 Cheechako ........................................................................ 2305 Cheridahl of Revelstoke ................................................... 2752 Christina ........................................................................... 2471 Chrysanthemum White Daisy ........................................... 2290 Cigaro ............................................................................... 2315 Cinders ............................................................................. 2320 Cindy of Silverholm ......................................................... 2273 Claremont Duchess ........................................................... 2472 Coeta Azzah ..................................................................... 2455 Colonial Lad ..................................................................... 2500 Colonial Queen Mab ......................................................... 2521 Con d'Argento .................................................................. 2766 Coo-Bett ........................................................................... 2367 Coopers Billiken ............................................................... 2639 Countess Dandelion .......................................................... 2734 Countess Virginia ............................................................. 2381 Cream De Mint ................................................................. 2732 Crowned Queen ................................................................ 2426 Cumberland Friar ............................................................. 2495

143 21 144 164 118 116 140 167 104 63 27 24 106 106 74 95 12 149 156 108 41 130 141 137 144 95 13

Daisy Elliott ...................................................................... 2730 Danilo ............................................................................... 2671 Das Deutcher Madchen .................................................... 2237 Delos ................................................................................ 2254 Dona Isidora ..................................................................... 2784 Dora Thorn ....................................................................... 2246 Dorma Dee ....................................................................... 2542 Dorothy Anne ................................................................... 2634

37 57 152 74 39 47 78 80



Pa ge

Dorritt ............................................................................... 2739 Du Comator ...................................................................... 2433 Du Dinah .......................................................................... 2434 Du Henrietta ..................................................................... 2448 Duchess Virginia .............................................................. 2552 Earle of Dundee ................................................................ 2708 Echo Bess ......................................................................... 2597 Echo Bud .......................................................................... 2338 Echo Kewrastus ................................................................ 2323 Echo Leita ......................................................................... 2324 Egnaro ............................................................................... 2522 El Toso .............................................................................. 2349 Electra ............................................................................... 2253 Emperor Buntie ................................................................. 2579 Empress Forget Me Not .................................................... 2645 Empress Josephine ............................................................ 2583 Empress Lily Bell ............................................................. 2587 Endymogne ....................................................................... 2358 Engles Gonda .................................................................... 2643 Erebus II ........................................................................... 2312 Eric the Red ...................................................................... 2749 Excel Foxy ........................................................................ 2528 Excel Silver Laddie ........................................................... 2743

112 106 110 111 139 46 166 77 40 92 138 41 73 17 34 31 31 8 62 40 132 101 72

Fairmont Laddie ................................................................ 2516 Fairmont Quiz ................................................................... 2517 Fairmount Brownie Queen ................................................ 2515 Fairmount Bruno Kid ........................................................ 2520 Fairmount Lady Bruno ...................................................... 2519 Fairy Lillian ...................................................................... 2603 Faith .................................................................................. 2786 Fashion Plate ..................................................................... 2615 Ffernworth Tan Gerene ..................................................... 2368 Fluffy Hale ........................................................................ 2370 Flying Fox of the Fox Valley ............................................ 2640 Furrine .............................................................................. 2797

14 14 155 149 156 32 51 49 119 119 117 164


205 N u mb e r

Pa ge

Galax ................................................................................ 2332 Gatilla ............................................................................... 2427 Gay Vettette ...................................................................... 2509 Genée Winter .................................................................... 2268 General Ginger ................................................................. 2746 General Grant ................................................................... 2473 Geneva Silver King .......................................................... 2395 Gertsdale's Captain ........................................................... 2555 Gipsy R ............................................................................. 2585 Golden Boy ...................................................................... 2409 Golden Dot ....................................................................... 2735 Golden Du Peko ............................................................... 2614 Grace Darling ................................................................... 2541 Gretchen Elliott ................................................................ 2741 Happy Day ........................................................................ 2460 Haroldson ......................................................................... 2289 Heather Boy ...................................................................... 2394 Heather Lassie .................................................................. 2387 Holden Silver Fairy .......................................................... 2575 Holden Silver Lassie ......................................................... 2697 Holden Silver Light .......................................................... 2340 Holly Dainty Delight ........................................................ 2390 Honey Girlie ..................................................................... 2366 Honey Man of Fur Baby Home ........................................ 2259 Hoosier Wink'em .............................................................. 2437

88 26 43 92 132 56 66 129 151 126 123 116 78 37 154 52 143 137 79 84 77 103 136 87 145

Ilderim Abeyan ................................................................. 2505 Ilderim Ben Hur ................................................................ 2504 Ilderim Eileen ................................................................... 2794 Ilderim Hinda ................................................................... 2593 Ilderim Lady Wessington ................................................. 2592 Ilderim Sue ....................................................................... 2502 Ilderim Zetra ..................................................................... 2503 Ina C ................................................................................. 2670 Irma .................................................................................. 2758 Ispaham ............................................................................ 2586

149 128 159 162 157 155 155 166 37 56



Pa ge

Jammu ............................................................................... 2260 Jane Dollar of Puss-in-Boots ............................................. 2264 Jeanne of Thebes ............................................................... 2362 Jerry of Keewaydin ........................................................... 2424 Jesta . ................................................................................ 2296 Jewel of Keewaydin .......................................................... 2401 Jeweluette ......................................................................... 2438 Jeweluette II ...................................................................... 2581 Joe Joe .............................................................................. 2682 Johnny Luck ..................................................................... 2742 Jolly Ladd ......................................................................... 2762 Jolly Lass .......................................................................... 2763 Jolly Susanne .................................................................... 2669 Jolly Yet ............................................................................ 2241 Jonquil .............................................................................. 2477 Julianne ............................................................................. 2685 Julius Caesar ..................................................................... 2663

134 92 59 42 109 93 120 140 46 21 133 142 141 133 120 122 131

Karl Heinrick .................................................................... 2347 Kenka Princess Nejmy ...................................................... 2590 Keuka Jou La Fuma Gattina .............................................. 2798 Kew Dusty Girl ................................................................. 2322 Kew Lassie II of Pinehurst ................................................ 2584 Kew Shadow ..................................................................... 2791 Kew Sunlocks ................................................................... 2261 Kew Two .......................................................................... 2318 Kewlina ............................................................................. 2667 Kewpie .............................................................................. 2534 Kewpie Kat ....................................................................... 2714 Kilmington Muffie ............................................................ 2417 Kilmington Rikki Tikki Tavi ............................................ 2479 Kilravock Don Leone ........................................................ 2562 Kilravock Leone Giovanni, ............................................... 2733 Kilravock Whiffenpuff Jr .................................................. 2563 King Caruso ...................................................................... 2556 King Dow Dow ................................................................. 2376

147 61 112 109 146 112 124 113 122 149 163 94 67 15 20 16 15 115


207 N u mb e r

Pa ge

King Heather Rouge ......................................................... 2385 King Kew ......................................................................... 2668 King Klinko Mallory ........................................................ 2380 King Leo ........................................................................... 2554 King Magnet ..................................................................... 2606 King of the Snow .............................................................. 2550 King Osiris of California .................................................. 2238 King William .................................................................... 2391 Kitayim ............................................................................. 2620 Klenkos Snow Queen ....................................................... 2778 Klinko John Blue-eyes ..................................................... 2799 Klinko's Red Juliette ......................................................... 2776 Klinko's Red Sunbeam ..................................................... 2777 Ko Ko ............................................................................... 2359 Kokua ............................................................................... 2636

126 131 9 150 18 15 123 126 98 39 22 123 118 114 18

Lady Babb ........................................................................ 2771 Lady Bee II ....................................................................... 2745 Lady Blackfoot ................................................................. 2779 Lady Blue Belle Morgan .................................................. 2665 Lady Blue Eyes ................................................................ 2607 Lady Brunetta ................................................................... 2518 Lady Carolyn .................................................................... 2497 Lady Cupid ....................................................................... 2627 Lady Evyline .................................................................... 2377 Lady Ffernworth Warwick ............................................... 2546 Lady Flossy ...................................................................... 2781 Lady Geraldine ................................................................. 2702 Lady Gwenn ..................................................................... 2595 Lady Idylene ..................................................................... 2655 Lady Imogene ................................................................... 2769 Lady Jeannette .................................................................. 2775 Lady Lexie of Riverview .................................................. 2274 Lady Majestic ................................................................... 2637 Lady Marie ....................................................................... 2355 Lady Martha Washington ................................................. 2445

159 163 163 62 32 155 27 33 136 121 164 99 140 81 159 38 74 141 48 59



Lady Mussette ................................................................... 2694 Lady Norma ...................................................................... 2695 Lady Oberon of Cumberland ............................................ 2375 Lady Patricia ..................................................................... 2648 Lady Perfection ................................................................. 2688 Lady Phantomine .............................................................. 2679 Lady Phillis ....................................................................... 2435 Lady Phylis ....................................................................... 2705 Lady Rainbow ................................................................... 2309 Lady Sami of Riverview ................................................... 2493 Lady Silverbelle ................................................................ 2558 Lady Teazle Claire ............................................................ 2447 Lady Tennis ...................................................................... 2625 Lady Victoria .................................................................... 2647 Lady Washington .............................................................. 2465 La Fariminti Florodora ...................................................... 2416 Laila .................................................................................. 2618 Lamoka ............................................................................. 2461 La Patera Mimi ................................................................. 2415 Larich Bhan Cinders ......................................................... 2357 Lassavera .......................................................................... 2496 Leibling Amie III .............................................................. 2486 Leland of Stanford ............................................................ 2403 Leo Leontine ..................................................................... 2379 Little Bear ......................................................................... 2543 Little Jewel of Keewaydin ................................................ 2726 Lonny Boy ........................................................................ 2700 Lord Arrandale .................................................................. 2574 Lord Babs ......................................................................... 2649 Lord Beresford II .............................................................. 2787 Lord Decco of Byron ........................................................ 2242 Lord Dotie ........................................................................ 2265 Lord Elgin ......................................................................... 2382 Lord Lockinvar ................................................................. 2736 Lord Lorin II ..................................................................... 2400 Lord Nod Klinko ............................................................... 2789

Pa ge

83 83 25 81 83 82 26 84 160 95 97 60 33 80 26 94 97 48 93 147 96 165 10 125 43 84 165 68 70 73 39 100 9 131 88 22


209 N u mb e r

Pa ge

Lord Phantom I ................................................................. 2678 Lord Salisbury .................................................................. 2666 Lord Thunder .................................................................... 2439 Lord Tiggery .................................................................... 2681 Lovette .............................................................................. 2544 Lovey ............................................................................... 2240

71 45 148 71 15 47

Ma Chérie (sic -- no accent on studbook p. 86) of Carlisle ......... 2767 Major Warwick ................................................................. 2302 Marigold of Tepee Land ................................................... 2525 Marquis de Champlain ..................................................... 2646 Maui Boy .......................................................................... 2452 Max Marion ...................................................................... 2713 McGregor's Mussette ........................................................ 2684 McGregor's Victoria ......................................................... 2683 Meerschaum ..................................................................... 2314 Melrose Zeresch ............................................................... 2709 Mendell Law .................................................................... 2712 Mercury ............................................................................ 2661 Merry Mack ...................................................................... 2790 Merry Maiden ................................................................... 2737 Merry Sunshine ................................................................ 2356 Minette ............................................................................. 2313 Minnequa Barbe Blue ....................................................... 2408 Minnequa Blue Jacket ...................................................... 2441 Minnequa Tsianina ........................................................... 2291 Miramar Robin Adair ....................................................... 2413 Miramar Silver Stubbs ...................................................... 2412 Miramar Silvia .................................................................. 2414 Mirza ................................................................................ 2619 Misko ............................................................................... 2480 Miss Billie ........................................................................ 2704 Miss Nuisance .................................................................. 2449 Miss Peter Henry of Castlethorpe ..................................... 2432 Mistress Tangerine ........................................................... 2485 Mizpah .............................................................................. 2316

86 113 139 130 55 20 82 82 105 50 36 70 58 142 136 109 54 54 153 89 66 77 97 106 35 78 110 138 8



Pa ge

Mlle. Genée ...................................................................... 2267 Mona Vana ....................................................................... 2331 Montezuma ....................................................................... 2321 Moufflou ........................................................................... 2494 Mukilter Mary Jane ........................................................... 2690 My Butterfly II .................................................................. 2656 My Dearest ....................................................................... 2256

92 76 88 60 63 19 6

Napoleon Jack ................................................................... 2418 Natty Bell of Ki Ora .......................................................... 2388 Ned ................................................................................... 2498 Neila Billi III .................................................................... 2243 Nepac Besse ...................................................................... 2293 Nepac Gold Ore ................................................................ 2292 Nepac Navajo ................................................................... 2342 Nipper Two ....................................................................... 2319

127 41 13 52 160 135 145 161

O Kuro San ....................................................................... 2468 Ollie Belle ......................................................................... 2605 Omarecho ......................................................................... 2459 Orange Jolly-Yet ............................................................... 2456 Orange Monk .................................................................... 2744 Oyama ............................................................................... 2548

43 32 128 120 117 129

Paprika .............................................................................. 2635 Parsona Smoky Mokes ...................................................... 2553 Patsy ................................................................................. 2622 Patty Boy .......................................................................... 2248 Peep O' Dawn ................................................................... 2764 Peg O' My Heart ............................................................... 2255 Peg of the Snow ................................................................ 2551 Peggy Annett .................................................................... 2436 Peggy I .............................................................................. 2765 Peggy Jap .......................................................................... 2632 Persimmon III ................................................................... 2610 Peter .................................................................................. 2703

121 44 33 5 85 74 30 145 85 162 151 20


211 N u mb e r

Peterkin Paul .................................................................... 2770 Petite Suzanne .................................................................. 2531 Phantom Fox of Avonlea .................................................. 2722 Phillis of Riga ................................................................... 2689 Phoebe Snow Slocum ....................................................... 2411 Pierrette ............................................................................ 2630 Pitti Sing of Meadowview ................................................ 2568 Polka Dot .......................................................................... 2369 Pollyanna .......................................................................... 2276 Popoki .............................................................................. 2337 Potlach .............................................................................. 2306 Powhattan Chief ............................................................... 2252 Preacher Boy .................................................................... 2644 Prince Ahmed ................................................................... 2641 Prince Argentine ............................................................... 2329 Prince Clark ...................................................................... 2783 Prince Erus ....................................................................... 2482 Prince Feramorz ............................................................... 2244 Prince Friar ....................................................................... 2675 Prince Gritzko .................................................................. 2304 Prince I of Roycrest .......................................................... 2623 Prince II of Roycrest ......................................................... 2624 Prince Rudolph III ............................................................ 2384 Prince Saigar .................................................................... 2392 Prince Sunshine of Cymbeline .......................................... 2481 Princess Beauty ................................................................ 2601 Princess Bobie .................................................................. 2327 Princess Bonnie ................................................................ 2652 Princess De Talleyrand ..................................................... 2526 Princess Delaware ............................................................ 2680 Princess Donna ................................................................. 2731 Princess Emma ................................................................. 2372 Princess Erebeua ............................................................... 2446 Princess Julianna .............................................................. 2440 Princess Juliette ................................................................ 2720 Princess Lareue ................................................................. 2336

Pa ge

102 156 91 50 25 33 79 166 152 161 105 104 18 45 65 21 107 64 19 53 69 69 115 126 116 31 24 157 139 50 85 24 48 153 99 135



Pa ge

Princess of the Harem ....................................................... 2566 Princess Olga .................................................................... 2335 Princess Polly Pepper ........................................................ 2271 Princess Spangle of Riverview ......................................... 2492 Princess Sylvia .................................................................. 2740 Princess Victoria II ........................................................... 2501 Ptolemy of Thebes ............................................................ 2363 Pudgie ............................................................................... 2328 Purritta .............................................................................. 2716

30 119 118 95 85 61 54 76 36

Quaker Doll ...................................................................... 2634 Queen Aimée .................................................................... 2530 Queen Bonnie ................................................................... 2374 Queen Dodo ...................................................................... 2654 Queen Ebonie ................................................................... 2245 Queenie Wendella ............................................................. 2545 Queen May Bells .............................................................. 2701 Queen Silverheels ............................................................. 2721 Queen Thai ....................................................................... 2458

98 146 153 34 47 30 35 100 55

Rahman Jr ......................................................................... 2642 Rain Bow .......................................................................... 2711 Rajah the Smoke ............................................................... 2673 Randolph Bonnie Girl ....................................................... 2582 Raven Knight .................................................................... 2664 Red Head, ......................................................................... 2785 Red Pepper ........................................................................ 2410 Red Stripes ........................................................................ 2334 Red Raven ........................................................................ 2262 Regal Ruby ....................................................................... 2286 Regal Sunia ....................................................................... 2294 Resurrection ...................................................................... 2364 Rod ................................................................................... 2557 Roderick of Manor Farm .................................................. 2430 Romaldkirk Red Man ........................................................ 2443 Romeof ............................................................................. 2584

45 36 108 61 45 142 127 125 124 135 75 125 150 54 127 150


213 N u mb e r

Pa ge

Romeo Silver Butterfly ..................................................... 2389 Romulus Red Flyer ........................................................... 2393 Rose of Minley ................................................................. 2251 Rosemary of Revelstoke ................................................... 2755 Rosemma .......................................................................... 2263 Roy Winter of Claremont ................................................. 2706 Ruby ................................................................................. 2653 Ruby Lion ......................................................................... 2287 Rustim .............................................................................. 2421

167 115 23 64 134 91 34 125 11

Sally of Salina .................................................................. 2346 San Dawn ......................................................................... 2651 San Dawn Prince Charming ............................................. 2660 Sandusky of California ..................................................... 2633 San Tarek .......................................................................... 2348 Saxet Bezanna .................................................................. 2354 Saxet Lone Star ................................................................ 2692 Saxet Vesta ....................................................................... 2353 Seljuk ............................................................................... 2570 Silver Baron ...................................................................... 2793 Silver Bob ......................................................................... 2658 Silverfoam ........................................................................ 2588 Silver Floss II ................................................................... 2687 Silver Fox of Puss-in-Boots .............................................. 2282 Silver Girlie ...................................................................... 2326 Silver Janet ....................................................................... 2576 Silver Kee Veeta ............................................................... 2659 Silver King Fluff .............................................................. 2483 Silver Marma Duke .......................................................... 2572 Silver Mine ....................................................................... 2425 Silver Mouse .................................................................... 2691 Silver Muff ....................................................................... 2402 Silver Nez ......................................................................... 2474 Silver Pet .......................................................................... 2589 Silver Phantom II .............................................................. 2677 Silver Psyche .................................................................... 2333

47 81 90 44 100 136 131 119 116 73 90 90 99 64 75 97 98 67 89 94 83 93 78 68 70 76



Silver Trinket .................................................................... 2330 Simson Mt. Vernon ........................................................... 2612 Sir Cloudy ......................................................................... 2613 Sir Delhi ............................................................................ 2719 Sir Donald Slocum ............................................................ 2343 Sir Holton of Ffernworth .................................................. 2547 Sir Knight ......................................................................... 2567 Sir Mignon ........................................................................ 2396 Sir Roger ........................................................................... 2617 Sir Snow Bird ................................................................... 2565 Sir Snow Slocum .............................................................. 2507 Sir Thomas B .................................................................... 2573 Sir White Fox .................................................................... 2428 Sirleo ................................................................................ 2301 Skookum ........................................................................... 2307 Smoaky Oaks .................................................................... 2539 Smutt ................................................................................ Z577 Snoozle Ums ..................................................................... 2596 Snowflake Baby Muggins ................................................. 2270 Snowflake Texas Billie ..................................................... 2295 Soleil d'Or ......................................................................... 2699 Some Pumpkins ................................................................ 2360 South Shore Nancy ........................................................... 2266 South Shore Sally ............................................................. 2626 Spice Pink ......................................................................... 2462 Spook ................................................................................ 2591 Stanhope Magnificat ......................................................... 2404 Sunflower Lou .................................................................. 2627 Sunkist Jolly Warwick ...................................................... 2514 Sunset Flash ...................................................................... 2600 Sunset Glow ...................................................................... 2549 Susan Ann ......................................................................... 2365 Swastika The One ............................................................. 2317 Sweet Lavender of Revelstoke .......................................... 2751 Swinton Daffodil .............................................................. 2288 Sylvia of Fauntleroy .......................................................... 2250

Pa ge

76 151 107 108 8 129 17 10 69 16 13 17 11 7 105 107 162 140 6 7 117 114 134 79 146 44 148 141 120 130 121 161 24 63 143 91


215 N u mb e r

Pa ge

Tacemos ........................................................................... 2761 Tango of Newcastle .......................................................... 2571 Tasso ................................................................................ 2475 Teddy R ............................................................................ 2406 Thaleb Splendor ............................................................... 2774 The Nobleman .................................................................. 2717 The Running Cup of Revelstoke ....................................... 2754 The Temptress .................................................................. 2650 The Viking ........................................................................ 2341 The White King ................................................................ 2275 Theetus ............................................................................. 2718 Thermopolae ..................................................................... 2399 Thotmas II ........................................................................ 2457 Thotmes of Thebes ........................................................... 2361 Tinkerbell ......................................................................... 2598 Tipperary Elliott ............................................................... 2782 Tootsey ............................................................................. 2727 Topinetta .......................................................................... 2378 Topsy Turvy ..................................................................... 2284 Torrington Garboldisham Bullet of Gertsdale .................. 2484 Torrington Marmalade ...................................................... 2524 Torrington Rufus II ........................................................... 2608 Totem ............................................................................... 2308 Troll King ......................................................................... 2310 Tuxton King ..................................................................... 2657

132 31 101 41 133 72 57 50 65 6 84 161 55 53 111 21 37 137 160 144 139 130 105 87 19

Valaise of Revelstoke ....................................................... 2757


Wahoo Lolita .................................................................... 2529 Wahoo Punch ................................................................... 2696 Wanayanda Starlight ........................................................ 2676 Westmoreland Biji ............................................................ 2451 Westover Phylleda ............................................................ 2609 White Paddy ..................................................................... 2795 White Rose ....................................................................... 2444 White Valentine ................................................................ 2454

96 72 57 103 62 22 26 12



Pa ge

Wonder Girl ...................................................................... 2792 Woodland Cherub ............................................................. 2523 Woodland Nalagoo ........................................................... 2759

86 29 38

Yan Cee ............................................................................ 2772 Yucato ............................................................................... 2710

38 51







—— Number in Parenthesis ( ) = Beresford Cat Club Stud-Book numbers. Number in Brackets [ ] = National Cat Club Stud-Book of England numbers. C. C. R. = The Cat Club Register of England. Imp. = Imported. Ch. = Champion.