In 1992, Davao Doctors College (DDC) offered the Radiologic Technology ... demands of medical imaging personnel in its base hospital, Davao Doctors ...
INTRODUCTION Radiologic Technology (RT) is one of the dynamic professions today. Radiologic Technology involves the use of radiation to diagnose and treat illnesses. Its technology is constantly evolving which requires regular update of imaging processes and protocols. This is also true in radiologic technology education which helps prepare students in the field of medical imaging. In the Philippines, Republic Act 8981 or Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) implements professional licensing for graduates of Bachelor of Radiologic Technology. The Board of Radiologic Technology and X-ray Technology or Republic Act 7431 is the agency which monitors the performance of universities and ensures the global competency to uplift the performance of the radiologic technologists. In 1992, Davao Doctors College (DDC) offered the Radiologic Technology program to answer the demands of medical imaging personnel in its base hospital, Davao Doctors Hospital. The program covers training in Basic X-ray Radiography, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mammography, Bone Densitometry, Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy, Interventional Radiology, and other emergent fields. The Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology (BSRT) Program of Davao Doctors College is a four-year baccalaureate program that complies with the requirements of the Commission of Higher Education of the Philippines as prescribed in CMO 18, series of 2006 (Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Radiologic Technology Education). Higher education institutions are presently giving emphasis to their graduates’ licensure examination performance (Tarun, Gerardo & Bartolome, 2014). One of the standards that measure the success of an institution is manifested on the performance of the graduates in the licensure examination (Pacheco & Allaga, 2013). Davao Doctors College has been recognized by the Professional Regulatory Commission as one of the Top Performing RT School in the Philippines. In June 2013, the school got a passing percentage of 100% but did not qualify for the board examination ranking because it did not pass the required number of examinees. In June 2014, the school was ranked as the Number One Top
2 Performing Radiologic Technology School with the passing percentage of 97.50%. Meanwhile, in July 9, 2015 and July 15, 2016, the school landed the Number Two Top Performing Radiologic Technology School with the passing percentage of 82.61% and 81.82%, respectively. Though the school has consistently been recognized as one of the top performing RT schools in the Philippines in terms of board exam ratings, a study has not been made to predict or assess the performance of its graduates. According to Rabanal (2016), higher education institutions should continue to seek professional development strategies for the improvement of teaching competence and professional preparation. In an academic setting, it is the responsibility and accountability of the educators to ensure the success of its graduates (Neri, 2008). Thus, the results of this study will be used for the enhancement of the teaching and learning process of the radiologic technology education. This study aims to enable predictions of licensure examination performance of the graduates from 1996 to 2016. By doing so, it will help appraise the curricular offerings and come up with the plans that will equip the students with the best possible trainings suited to maximize their contributions to the society. The academic predictors used in the study are entrance exam results, Weight Point Average (WPA) of the professional subjects, clinical education grades, and the licensure exam results. The study will employ a descriptive, ex post facto research method or causal comparative methods which utilize documentary analysis. Statistical techniques that will be employed are frequency, percentage, weighted mean, Pearson r and Multiple Regression Analysis. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of the study is to determine the academic predictors of licensure examination for Radiologic Technology graduates in Davao Doctors College. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents by the following characteristics? 1.1 Entrance Exam Result 1.1.1
Intelligence Quotient Test (IQ) Test
Emotional Quotient (EQ) Test
Personality Test
1.2 Weight Point Average (WPA) of Professional Subjects 1.2.1
Image Production and Evaluation
3 1.2.2
Radiographic Positioning and Radiologic Procedures
Physics in Diagnostic Imaging
Patient Care and Management
Radiologic Sciences
1.3 Clinical Education Grade 1.4 Teachers’ Qualification 1.4.1
Number of years in clinical practice
Number of years in teaching experience
Educational Attainment
Annual Appraisal
2. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ demographic profile and the RT licensure examination in terms of the following: 2.1 Entrance Exam Result 2.2 Weight Point Average (WPA) of Professional Subjects 2.3 Clinical Education Grades 2.4 Teachers’ Qualification
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study is anchored on the concept of Academic Self-Efficacy. According to Bandura, academic self-efficacy refers to a person's belief that they can effectively achieve an assigned level of a scholarly undertaking or accomplish a particular academic goal (Sharma & Nasa, 2014). Academic selfefficacy is associated with students’ performance, cognitive engagement, analytical thinking, academic commitment, perseverance, susceptibility to negative emotions and achievement.
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Figure 1 presents the schematic paradigm of the study. The diagram shows the relationships between the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the expected outcomes of the study.
4 The independent variable includes the performance of the graduates in entrance examination, professional subjects, clinical performance and mock board examination results. The dependent variable includes the performance of the graduates in the licensure examination for Radiologic Technologists.
Independent Variable
Performance in the following areas: Entrance Exam Result WPA of Professional Subjects Clinical Duties RESEARH DESIGN Teachers’ Qualification
Dependent Variable
1. Performance in the Licensure Examination for Radiologic Technologists
The study will employ the ex post facto research method or causal comparative method to analyze documents pertaining to the academic performance and the licensure examination ratings of the RT graduates from 2011-2016. Correlational method will be used in finding the degree of relationship of the graduates’ performance in their entrance exam results, performance in professional subjects and clinical internship and mock board exam results. The method will be treated as the foundational structure for prediction. Predictions through the use of correlational techniques are based on the assumption that at least some of the factors that lead to the behavior to be predicted are present and measurable at the same time the predictions are made.
SETTING The study will take place in Davao Doctors College. This locale is chosen since the respondents will be the graduates of this institution. PARTICIPANTS The participants of the study are the graduates of Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology in Davao Doctors College who took the Radiologic Technology Licensure Examination from the period 2013 to 2016. MEASURES
5 The documentary analysis technique will be used as the main tool in gathering the required data in this study. Data on the academic performance of the graduates will be obtained from the Office of the Registrar; while mock board exam results will be obtained from the review centers. PROCEDURE With regards to the Radiologic Technology results, the data will be acquired from the master list of examinees with their corresponding performance rating in the Program Chair’s office certified by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). The statistical tools that will be used are frequency, percentage and General Weighted Average (GWA). Furthermore, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used to determine the strength or magnitude of the relationship between two variables, and Multiple Regression Analysis will be used in determining the predictors of board exam performance of the graduates.
REFERENCES CHED Memorandum Order No. 18 series (2006) Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Radiologic Technology Education. Retrieved July 10, 2017 from Pachejo, S. and Allaga, W. (2013). Academic Predictors of the Licensure Examination for Teachers’ Performance of the Rizal Technological University Teacher Education Graduates. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology. India. Rabanal, G. (2016). Academic Achievement and LET Performance of the Bachelor of Elementary Education Graduates, University of Northern Philippines. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 6. Sharma, H. and Nasa, G. (2014). Academic Self-Efficacy: A Reliable Predictor of Educational Performances. European Centre for Research Training and Development. UK. Vol.2, pp. 57-64. Tarun, I., Gerardo, B., and Bartolome, T. (2014). Generating Licensure Examination Performance Models Using PART and Jrip Classifiers: A Data Mining Application in Education. International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering., Vol. 3, No. 3.