Academic Writing Style Guide - NMIT Library

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Academic Skills Style Guide

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NMIT Library February 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide Contents Introduction.................................................................................................. 3 1. Writing skills ............................................................................................. 4 1a. Developing a plan.................................................................................... 4 1b. Formatting an academic paper ................................................................ 6 2. Essay writing ............................................................................................. 7 3. Report writing ........................................................................................... 9 4. Resume writing ....................................................................................... 14 5. Writing a tender ...................................................................................... 16 9. Reflective/Research Journals .................................................................. 17 6. Plagiarism and attribution of work .......................................................... 21 7. Referencing (Harvard) ............................................................................. 23 8. Oral presentations .................................................................................. 29 10. Glossary of terms .................................................................................. 35 11. Further information sources.................................................................. 37 Academic writing ........................................................................................ 37 Oral presentations…………………………………………………………………………………….38 Microsoft Powerpoint……………………………………………………………………………….39 Referencing................................................................................................. 39 Resume writing ........................................................................................... 39 Study Skills resources .................................................................................. 40 Tender writing ............................................................................................ 40 12. Bibliography.......................................................................................... 41

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Academic Skills Style Guide Introduction This Academic Skills Style Guide has been prepared for use by Higher Education students enrolled at NMIT, and aims to assist students with writing a variety of documents including reports, essays and reflective journals. In addition, this document also includes guidelines on referencing and plagiarism, the delivery of oral presentations, and the preparation of tenders documents and resumes. Additional sources of information on all these subject areas are available at NMIT campus libraries or by visiting the library website Should individual or group help be required with the preparation of written work, NMIT’s Study Skills advisors are available to assist. Please telephone 9269 1372 to speak to a Study Skills advisor.

Library NMIT Information Services February 2013

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Academic Skills Style Guide 1. Writing skills General guidelines Academic papers, regardless of whether they are reports or essays, require careful planning to ensure that all aspects of the task are included. NMIT has developed a standard approach to assist students with preparing written documents. The guidelines below also ensure that all papers submitted (regardless of Faculty) follow identical formats.

1a. Developing a plan Developing a plan or draft is the most efficient way of preparing to write a paper. A plan can be used as a framework to guide yourself in making sure you answer all parts of the question. It will also help you limit what you need to research. It is sometimes useful to go back over and change your draft as you find additional or supplementary information. General guidelines are as follows: •

Understand what is being asked of you – read the assignment carefully; clarify any words you don’t understand; read the assessment criteria. It is critical that you are clear about what is being asked of you or you may submit an assignment which is irrelevant and may be penalised accordingly. Section 10 – Glossary of terms (p.34) will help with the definitions of common directive words used in assignments

Consider the word limit advised by the lecturer. You may need to narrow the scope of the paper to prevent exceeding the word allowance

Do preliminary reading. Conduct some background research on the subject; consider some main headings and sub-headings. This will not only help with structuring your assignment, but it will also provide information to support any arguments or comments that you make.

Prepare a rough draft. Think about the introduction; make some notes under each heading and sub-heading; consider the conclusion. A rough draft will help you scope out the document and will assist with the logical ordering of information

Read thoroughly. Take notes as you expand your reading; take careful note of references (books, websites, journal articles) that you have used – these will be needed for the bibliography, and having to backtrack later will cost you time Page 4 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

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Write the first draft, including the introduction, body of the work and conclusion. The first draft helps you sort out your thoughts.

Edit the draft – check the structure and flow of the paper; check spelling and grammar; ensure all assessment criteria are met; ensure all resources consulted are included in the bibliography. The bibliography includes all items used to research and write your paper and demonstrates to your teacher the breadth of resources consulted. Finalise and check format (see Formatting an academic paper, p.6)

Submit the assignment – remember to include the cover sheet

Remember to keep referring back to the topic to ensure you are answering what is being asked of you. Also take careful note of the due date of the assignment.

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Academic Skills Style Guide 1b. Formatting an academic paper To assist lecturers with reading and marking papers, use the following criteria when formatting your work to ensure that there are appropriate margins for assessors to record comments, and that line spacing and font size make the document readable.

Line spacing

1.5 or double

Spacing between paragraphs Font type

Double ENTER to create a clear space between paragraphs

Font size

Use 11 or 12 point

Margins: left and right

2.5 – 3.0 cm Ensure margins on all four sides are adequate for an assessor to comment and edit


Print on one side of the paper only

Page numbers

Number pages in order and staple together in the top left hand corner

Page header

Put your name, student number and date on each page

Assignment cover sheet

Attach to the front of the assignment; this must always be included to show who you are and so marks are accurately recorded

Plastic sleeves

Do not place the assignment in plastic sleeves

Use a clear font, such as Arial or Times New Roman

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Academic Skills Style Guide 2. Essay writing In addition to preparing a draft and following the correct formatting (as discussed above), essays often require more detailed planning due to the depth of the research required. Consider the following guidelines as you plan, research and write your essay:

Be clear about the central idea of the essay •

• •

Examine your topic. Look at the keywords. What are you being asked to write about? Write a sentence that encapsulates your topic. A carefully thought out topic sentence will serve two important functions: first, it will provide you, the author, the means to stay focused on your objective. It's a lot easier to write if you know what you are going to write about! Second, a clearly stated topic sentence will provide readers with the tools they need to clearly understand what you have to say. Have you been asked to discuss, examine, compare, analyse or some other process? Make sure you know the difference. (See Section 10 - Glossary of terms on page 34 for definitions of directive words) Brainstorm all your ideas or use a mind-map to clarify to your thoughts

Outline your essay into introductory, body and summary paragraphs. • • • • • • • • •

Using the above ideas, prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas in relation to the topic. Write down what you know, and what you need to find out. Research your topic (research doesn’t have to stop when you begin writing your essay Write your topic statement. This is the one sentence statement that summarises what you are saying in your essay. Write the body of the essay Each paragraph should begin with a key sentence which represents your main idea and finish with a sentence that summarises that idea. There should be at least two examples or facts in the body of each paragraph to support the central idea. Write the sub-points. Remember to support your argument with evidence or logical reasons. A strong reason logically supports your point, is specific and states the idea clearly. Elaborate on the subpoints with further description or explanation or discussion. Use quotes of ideas from key resources to support your argument. Do not apologize for what you are saying. An essay can involve taking a position; just make sure you include enough supporting material to show that you have researched your topic to support this position.

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Write the introduction. Now you've written the main part (body) of your essay you know what to say in the opening section. Use a few sentences explaining your topic in general terms, then gradually become more specific, until you reach your argument or central idea. Write the conclusion. Now you've written the rest of your essay you know what to say in summary. The conclusion is usually three or four strong sentences summing up your points or providing a final perspective on your topic. Review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly) or briefly describe your feelings about the topic. Add the finishing touches, checking flow, word and sentence order, and spelling and don't forget your bibliography (see p.24).

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Academic Skills Style Guide 3. Report writing In addition to the General Guidelines (p.4) and Formatting an Academic Paper (p.6), reports typically require more precise information (ie. data, statistics, methodology, etc) and, as such, have a different formula for composition. The following guidelines will provide additional information for submitting a professional report.

What is a report? A structured, written document directed to interested readers in response to some specific purpose, aim or request. This can often be an issue or problem, for which a solution needs to be found.

Characteristics of an effective report An effective report is:  Appropriate to its purpose and audience  Accurate – use current data  Logical  Well organised with clear section headings  Factually based – use authoritative sources of information (eg. articles from peerreviewed journals) and be particularly careful when using or quoting information found on the internet. Authoritative websites include those owned by government departments, educational institutions and professional associations. Be wary of websites such as Wikipedia, as anyone can add or alter information on these sites. The format of a report Most reports are modelled on the following structure:         

Title page Table of contents Abstract / Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Discussion (includes discussion and evidence) Conclusions Recommendations Bibliography

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Academic Skills Style Guide Stage one: Planning the report

Step 1: Define the purpose • • •

Read the requirement carefully Identify keywords Make sure you know what’s really being asked

Step 2: Define the audience  Determine your audience’s level of understanding; what is their current knowledge?  Determine what your audience needs to know

Step 3: Establish parameters  Determine the scope and level of detail required  Determine the length of the report and what can be covered in that length

Step 4: Gather information  Make sure the information you gather is relevant, up-to-date and factually correct  Make sure that you copy facts and figures correctly

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Academic Skills Style Guide Stage two: Writing the report Step 1: Write the body Write the introduction  The introduction puts the discussion in context, explains why the report is necessary and gives background information on the subject matter  It also provides supportive information including the aim, scope and limitations Write the discussion  The discussion is the main body of the report  Information is arranged in the discussion using headings and subheadings. Bullet points are also acceptable, and may make it easier for assessors to read  The discussion describes, analyses, interprets and evaluates the procedures, data, findings, relationships, visual material, methodology and results in the report  The material should be presented in an order that leads logically to conclusions and recommendations  In writing the discussion, you should:  Write at an appropriate level  Organise material logically  Use clear, concise language  Give concrete examples Write the conclusion  Conclusions are drawn from evidence, analysis, interpretation and evaluation presented in the discussion  No new material can be introduced in the conclusion  The conclusion should follow logically from the discussion  The conclusion section should contain:  Summary  Key points or main findings Write the recommendation • The recommendation section (not all reports give recommendations) should present possible actions to be taken based on the conclusion. The conclusion is what was found; the recommendation is what should be done about it.

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Academic Skills Style Guide Step 2: Write the abstract / executive summary  The abstract is also known as the executive summary or synopsis  It is a concise summary of the essential elements of the report, from the introduction through to the recommendations  The abstract should be:  Independent; able to be read on its own  Comprehensive; covering all the main points  Clear and concise  Brief; 10 – 15% of the length of the report  Written in full sentences and paragraphs  The abstract should include a summary of:  Purpose  Scope  Achievements  Main points  Conclusions  Recommendations  The pages of the abstract are usually numbered with lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc)  Many readers look at the abstract to find out whether to read the report Step 3: Write the supplementary material Write the title page  The title page identifies the report with the following information:  Title  Author’s name, position and qualifications  Authority for report  Place of origin  Date

Write the Table of Contents  The Table of Contents includes:  Section titles and major headings listed in order of appearance  Page locations (standard page numbering begins with the Introduction)

Write the Bibliography and Reference List  The bibliography lists all items you used to research and write your report  The reference lists contains only those items you have cited or referred to in your report. Items in the reference list will also appear in the bibliography  Use the referencing system recommended by your department Page 12 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide Stage three: Report checklist • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Have I fulfilled the purpose of the report? Is the report written at a level appropriate to its audience? Does the report contain the correct facts? Is the report comprehensive? Is all the included information relevant? Is the layout and presentation appropriate? Is the style clear, concise and professional? Does the abstract provide an accurate summary of the report? Does the introduction adequately introduce the discussion? Is the discussion organised logically? Does the conclusions section interpret, analyse and evaluate? Are the recommendations reasonable? Does the Table of Contents correspond with the actual contents? Are the page numbers correct? Have I acknowledged all sources of information through correct referencing? Have I checked spelling, grammar and punctuation? Have I carefully proof-read the final draft?

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Academic Skills Style Guide 4. Resume writing A resume (also known as a CV or curriculum vitae) is a summary of your skills, experience and education, and also provides information on how your skills may potentially meet the requirements of a job. As potential employers may receive hundreds of resumes, it is important that your resume makes a good first impression and contains relevant information in a succinct format. It is said that potential employers can assess whether the applicant is suitable for the job (and worth interviewing) in the first 45 seconds of reading the resume. First impressions are vital, and the more organised your resume is, the better. What to include in your resume •

Personal details: your full name and contact details, including address, telephone (including mobile) and email address

Education and training: starting with your most recent studies, make sure that you include all training that’s relevant to the job for which you’re applying

Employment history: begin with your most recent work history and work backwards chronologically. Include your responsibilities, tasks and achievements. Your employment history doesn’t have to be exhaustive, but it should include all employment experiences relevant to the job

Skills: include a brief list of all your skills, such as communication, teamwork and time management

Referees: provide a list of people (usually two or three) who can support your application by discussing your values as an employee. Include details such as their name, occupation, company details and contact information. If you have limited employment experience (for example, if you’re still studying), ask a teacher to be a referee. Ensure that you ask permission before nominating people as referees.

Optional extras: you may like to include your ‘career objective’ in your resume, to give potential employers an idea of your long-term career goals

Be honest!: if you lie to your prospective employer about your abilities and experience, remember that you may be asked to perform those skills at some point during your job.

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Academic Skills Style Guide Checklist Prior to sending your resume, take some time to check the following: •

Proofreading – take extra care to check spelling, grammatical errors etc.

Tailoring – make sure that your resume highlights how well-suited you are to the job for which you’re applying

Presentation – your resume should be well laid out, and in a font type and size that is easy to read (eg. Arial, 10 or 12 point).

Tailoring your resume It is likely that you will apply for different types of jobs, and your resume will need to be tailored or adapted accordingly, to highlight your different strengths and experiences. In the case of resumes, one size doesn’t fit all. Customising your resume can take time, but it is definitely worth the effort. The following steps will give you an idea of how to do this: •

Make sure that you change the position and company to which you are applying. It sounds simple, but such an oversight can rule you out of the race before it’s even begun.

Take a close look at exactly what the employer is looking for in a candidate, and what the job entails. Rearrange your resume to highlight your experiences and training most relevant to meeting those requirements.

Explain how each of your training and past employment experiences and duties are relevant to the position for which you’re applying. Emphasize the information that is relevant to that particular job.

Use the same vocabulary as the employer is using in the advertisement or position description; ie. identify the keywords and vocabulary and include these in your application.

You may like to highlight the best or most relevant parts of your training and experience by adding a ‘qualification summary’ at the top of your resume. Place this directly below your name and contact details but above the body of your resume. This positioning ensures that recruiters will actually see your strengths.

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Academic Skills Style Guide 5. Writing a tender A tender is a formal written proposal for completing a specific job as is requested by another company. In essence, a company that needs goods or services supplied to them requests a tender so that interested people (or companies) can place their tender in order to win the job. Details to include when submitting a tender Depending on the type of job being tendered, the requesting company may provide information such as details of the job itself and specific requirements; terms and conditions to be met by both the company and successful tender applicant; target date for completion of the job; and any potential safety issues. Read all the information carefully to ensure that your response is accurate and relevant. It is also imperative that you pay particular attention to the submission deadline. When applying for a tender, include the following details: •

Begin with a summary of how you will meet key specifications and conditions listed. Respond to each specification and condition.

List your qualifications and experiences to justify why you are the right person for the job. List any previous bids awarded. You may need to tailor your resume to highlight specific training and/or experience relevant to the tender (see Tailoring your resume, p.15)

Focus on the criteria that is important to the customer; ie. timely completion, price, quality of work. Assure the customer that you can successfully meet these criteria.

Describe how you plan to manage the job, including scheduling and completion deadlines.

Explain how you would be able to add value to the job if it was awarded to you

Answer the questions honestly and specifically address their requirements. This demonstrates that you understand their needs. Be realistic in what you can deliver but also highlight the benefits you offer.

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Academic Skills Style Guide

Checklist Prior to submitting your tender, carefully check the document for the following: •

Ensure that the tender is comprehensive and addresses all terms of the specifications and conditions listed in the tender.

Include a cover letter and provide a listing of the contents of your document

The tender should look professional. It should be laid out clearly and spelling and grammar should be double-checked. Use a clear font that is easy to read (for example, Arial, 10 or 12 point).

Ensure that the tender is submitted by the due date.

9. Reflective/Research Journals 9a. What is a reflective/research journal? A reflective journal (which may also be known as a research journal) is used to record your thoughts, notes, personal comments, observations etc about your work. It not only assists in developing your critical and analytical thinking skills, but it also identifies how different aspects of your work interconnect. A journal can record: • • • •

where your inspiration comes from how you make use of your ideas to develop your work your awareness of the cultural context (setting) in which you work o this context includes: other artists’ work and their ideas; the ideas of critics and theorists; social, political, aesthetic and ideological contexts a description, reflection, analysis and actions resulting from your experience

The journal could include: • • • • •

research notes personal comments on your own work notes/images from museum or gallery visits quotes extracts from lectures, tutorials, books, journals Page 17 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

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photos/sketches poems

A reflective journal can be in print or electronic format (eg. blog or online public journal) (What is a reflective journal 2010)

9b. Why use a reflective/research journal? These journals allow students to think critically about their learning and development while undertaking an assignment, subject or program. Reflective journals are often assessed as a component of a major work, and their inclusion allows students to contemplate their perspective and opinion of the subject, as well as to reflect upon their progress. Students can also use reflective journals to examine the application of research practices and evaluate resources, and be able to better manage and organise the project at different stages of its evolution. Teachers may use reflective journals to consider the efforts made in researching widely and in refining their writing and working styles.

9c. Ways of keeping a reflective/research journal Like any journal, it’s best to contribute to reflective journals on a regular basis. An ideal aim is to contribute at least weekly, or more often depending on when thoughts or ideas arise that you wish to note. Even short entries are valuable and should be added. Reflective journals do not need to be structured or formatted in any particular way. Note: While freedom of expression is encouraged, typed entries are preferred to ensure that the journals are legible to the assessor. It is important to remember that these journals are not a description of your project or course, but an analysis of your own strategy and the information and sources being used. There is no restriction on what to include; a good reflective journal will encompass a range of ideas, opinions and responses. Basic headings in a reflective/research journal should include: • • • •

The date Part of assignment you are working on Short relevant descriptions Major findings or issues

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Broader areas to cover may include: • • • • • • •

Any questions you may have about the topic or assignment Points that you may have found especially interesting in the readings and wish to follow up on Any major themes arising from the practice or research Any aspects of the project that may relate to your own personal or work experience Research methods used and resources consulted, and how useful (or not) they were Observations or comments from classmates or teachers about the topic Goals and objectives of the project, for instance, whether you would like to become proficient or knowledgeable in a particular area

9d. Advantages There are many advantages in undertaking reflective writing when completing assignments or courses. As well as improving the assessment, many longer-term benefits are gained from the process. Reflective/research journals allow students to: • • • • •

Think critically about the direction of their project and consider possible alternative approaches Consider their own and others’ learning styles, and possibly incorporate new methods gleaned from others into their own work Examine their responses to, and the use of, information and sources gathered Note any useful practices or methods used and adopt them for the remainder of the project/course (and into the long-term) Develop a systematic approach to the management and completion of the assignment or course by outlining major themes, tasks, priorities and deadlines Develop a broad view of the subject area and its main experts and commentators Page 19 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

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Improve skills in information literacy, such as being able to identify websites that are accurate, authoritative and current Enhance practices of information retrieval, for instance, understanding which databases are most relevant and useful for the subject area

It is important that regular contributions are made to journals and not simply at the end of a subject or topic. Regular entries will more clearly illustrate the various processes and directions taken during the study of the subject, and this will be evident to the teacher. When used correctly, a journal can be an invaluable tool to enhance self-learning and personal growth, and may assist in identifying opportunities for personal improvement.

9e. Guidelines for online public journals and blogs As mentioned in section 9a, online public journals and blogs are another forum for communicating to others about your work and to exchange ideas. While these electronic discussion forums may be informal, discussion and posts must always remain respectful and inoffensive. Below are some tips for contributing to online discussions: • • •

Use links within your post – link to other blogs or websites that contain relevant information or even link to past posts to strengthen your argument or opinion Include images – visual posts, when relevant, may add depth to, and help illustrate, your discussion Respond to blog comments – respond to others’ discussion threads and originate your own discussion. Not all comments need a response but a simple acknowledgement of those reading your blog may be sufficient. This will also show that you are interested in what others are saying Post regularly – this will keep visitors coming back to your blog and maintaining interest

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Academic Skills Style Guide 6. Plagiarism and attribution of work What is plagiarism? To plagiarise means to use the words or ideas of another person in a way that represents them as being your own original work. If you do not give any indication that the work is that of another person then the reader or listener will assume that you’re claiming it to be your own work.

How can plagiarism be avoided? All students have the responsibility to adhere to the highest standards of integrity in the preparation and submission of work for assessment. Students submitting work for assessment must fully acknowledge all sources of information or support used in the preparation of the work. All students are required to reference sources of information used in the preparation and completion of work; this practice is called attribution. At NMIT, the Harvard system is used for referencing work. The principles of integrity apply to any kind of work submitted for assessment, including text-based work, music, choreography, visual presentations, art works, and designs. As part of NMIT’s educational support services, Faculty Librarians are available to assist students to avoid plagiarism through sound referencing practices and use of text-matching software where available.

Why are plagiarism and attribution important?  The author of words and/or creator of ideas deserves, as a matter of fairness, to be acknowledged for his or her work. It takes time and hard work to complete their work and it is dishonest for another person to come along and steal that work by saying it is their work.  If you use the work of others as your own you are also cheating yourself. In the Australian academic system the emphasis is on researching other people’s work to set up a foundation and then building on that foundation with your own work. The process of doing this is where the learning lies. By avoiding this work you miss the learning involved.  It is not fair to classmates if you get a good assessment based on the work of others while they struggle to ensure that it is their own work that is assessed. Page 21 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

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 Professionals in the area of study are concerned to ensure that what people write can be seen as their own work so that the area can be advanced. You will come across journals in which people publish their work. Most academic journals have referees who look at the work to ensure that it is up to the standards expected. These are called refereed journals. Plagiarism causes work to be unreliable and threatens proper development of knowledge.  The study that you undertake is towards a qualification that should equip you to work in a particular field. If a student has cheated his or her way through to completion it is highly likely that they will not be competent to work in the area. Clients, workers, industry and/or the profession will be worse off if this happens.  NMIT makes assessments that are accepted throughout Australia. If a student has cheated to gain that assessment, the reputation of NMIT is threatened and the national system of recognition is weakened.  To clarify your responsibility as a student, read the NMIT document Higher Education Academic Integrity Policy. A copy of the policy is available on the student portal under the Higher Ed tab. TurnItIn NMIT subscribes to a software program called TurnItIn, which can assist with identifying potential plagiarism in your work and may also help with highlighting deficiencies in attribution. TurnItIn, which is available to all higher education students, text-matches written documents to a database of thousands of documents from Australian and international educational institutions. Your lecturers may recommend that you upload your written work to TurnItIn prior to submitting it, to ensure that your work is largely original in content. TurnItIn is available on the Higher Education student portal, via the Higher Ed tab at the top of the screen. For more information about TurnItIn, or to access the software, simply click on the tab and follow the instructions Information about the Higher Education Academic Integrity Policy is also available from this screen.

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Academic Skills Style Guide 7. Referencing (Harvard) What is referencing? Referencing is a system used to identify and acknowledge the ownership or source of words, information or ideas that you have used in your assignment. The Harvard system is one of the most common techniques for referencing. You must reference in your assignment when you: • • • •

Quote another person's words exactly Copy tables, figures or diagrams Paraphrase by putting someone else's ideas into your own words Summarise by providing a short description of someone else's ideas

You need to acknowledge sources both within the text of your paper (in-text referencing) and at the end of your paper in a reference list and/or bibliography.

Why reference? Referencing is essential to: •

Avoid plagiarism. You must acknowledge any ideas or information you have used from other writers. If you do not, you are giving the impression that another person's words or ideas are your own. This is called plagiarism. Plagiarism can attract heavy penalties. Verify the information you are using. Using other people's ideas and information will help you to validate the arguments and / or statements you are making in your assignment. Follow up on information. Readers of your assignment may wish to follow up on the subject you are writing about by consulting some of the sources you used to research your assignment.

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Academic Skills Style Guide Harvard referencing examples Books Publication details can be found on the back of the book’s title page or in the library catalogue. The details required, in order, are: • • • • • •

Name of author(s), editor(s), compiler(s) or organisation responsible Year of publication Title (in italics with minimal capitalisation) Edition (if other than first, edition abbreviated to edn) Publisher Place of publication

The order of the information is as follows:

Surname (comma) Initial (space) year of publication (comma) Title in italics (comma) edition (comma) publisher (comma) place of publication (fullstop) Examples: Luey, B 2010, Handbook for academic authors, 5th edn, Cambridge University Press, New York. Dinsmore, P & Cabanis-Brewin, J (eds) 2011, The AMA handbook of project management, 3rd edn, American Management Association, New York. Society of Illustrators 2010, 51st Annual of American Illustrators, Collins Design, New York. CCH Australia 2011, Australian master tax guide 2011, 48th edn, CCH Australia, Sydney.

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Academic Skills Style Guide Article

Publication details can be found on the journal cover or on the pages of the article The details required, in order, are: • • • • • • •

Name of author(s) of the article Year of publication Title of article (in single quotation marks and minimal capitalization) Title of periodical (italicised) Volume number Issue number Page number(s)

The order of the information is as follows:

Surname (comma) initial (space) year of publication (comma) (quotation mark) Title of article (quotation mark) (comma) journal title in italics (comma) volume number (comma) issue number (comma) pagination (fullstop) Example: Mills, J 2004, ‘Working in music: becoming a performer-teacher’, Music education research, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 245-261.

For more information about referencing, including examples, refer to the Harvard Referencing Guide. This can be found on the library website under the heading ‘Referencing guides’. A guide for APA referencing is also available.

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Academic Skills Style Guide Multimedia

Publication details can be found on the outer case or on the library catalogue. Multimedia includes CD-ROMs, videos, DVDs, films, television and radio programs. The details required, in order, are: • • • • •

Title (italicised) Date recorded Format (for example CD-ROM, video recording, DVD, television program etc) Publisher Place of recording

Example: How will this help me get a job? 2011, DVD, Video Education Australasia, Bendigo, Vic.

Electronic resources – articles and webpages

Publication details can be found on the webpage or on the first page of the journal article (if from an electronic journal). Electronic resources may include electronic journals from both databases or the Internet, and other web resources. The details required are the same as for print resources plus: • •

The date you viewed the information The web address (or URL) or the name of the database from which the information was retrieved.

Examples: Australian Society of Authors 2011, Royalties: a small success, ASA, accessed 18th October 2011, Okeda, D 2011, ‘Working conditions of animators: the real face of the Japanese animation industry’, Creative industries journal, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 261-271, accessed 18th October 2011, retrieved from Business Source Complete. Page 26 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide 7a. In-text referencing In-text referencing is used to acknowledge where someone else's words, thoughts or ideas have been used in your work. In-text referencing can refer to either direct quotations or paraphrases. For paraphrasing, you need two pieces of information: the author(s) surname and the date of publication. Example: Figures should be simple for maximum impact (Smyth, 2010). If there are more than 3 authors, list only the first mentioned author followed by 'et al.' which means 'and others'. Example: The state of Melbourne’s public transport infrastructure is dismal (Rix et al. 2010) If there is no identifiable author, use the title of the work instead. The title should be italicised. Example: Moran allows 2 months for the design and prototyping of a new product (Manufacturing and the product cycle: a case study of Moran furniture 2006) For direct quotes, paraphrasing or summaries you also require page number(s). In addition, direct quotes require quotation marks to be placed at the beginning and end of the passage. Example: ‘Figure captions should be as concise as possible’ (Smyth 2011, p. 90). Author names may be integrated into the text of your assignment, followed by the year of publication in parentheses. Example: Foster (2009) maintains that the main advantage of a figure is its visual impact. The full details of each reference are given at the end of your assignment in the reference list and/or bibliography.

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Academic Skills Style Guide 7b. Reference list and Bibliography The words 'bibliography' and 'reference list' are often used interchangeably, however they are different. • •

A reference list contains only the details of items you have referenced in your assignment. A bibliography includes all items you used to research and write your assignment even if they are not directly referenced in your paper.

Both bibliographies and reference lists are placed at the end of your work and arranged alphabetically by author, or where no author is given, by title. The most important rule in referencing is to be consistent. It is important you consult with your teacher to determine whether a reference list or bibliography is required.

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Academic Skills Style Guide 8. Oral presentations The fear of public speaking is often regarded by people as their number one fear; the fear of dying is rated number seven! The origin of this figure is unknown, but it is commonly accepted that many people have some fear or anxiety when speaking in front of an audience. People can experience many nervous symptoms, including sweaty palms, accelerated heart rate, memory loss and even difficulty in breathing. Mark Twain is quoted to have said “There are two types of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars” (Laskowski 1996). While it is perfectly normal to be nervous about presenting, this level of anxiety can be greatly reduced by well-prepared material, repeated rehearsal of the presentation, and knowledge of the equipment and software to be used. The following guidelines will help you to deliver a professional presentation, with confidence. 8a. Know your audience • • •

Who are the participants? What do you want the audience to understand? Consider the background of audience members (ie. subject knowledge, experience) and decide how best to deliver the information. Use the appropriate terminology and level of language for your audience Your audience should influence the style and formality of your presentation; ie. if presenting to fellow students, a more informal style of presentation may be permitted. If you are presenting to an industry or professional group, it is better to have a more formal presentation. The type of audience should also determine your choice of clothing and personal appearance

8b. Format of your presentation The format for oral presentations is not dissimilar to that of writing an essay. •

Introduction • Capture your audience’s attention by beginning with a question, funny story or anything that will gain their attention. Note: the use of humour is dependent on the type of presentation you are delivering, your audience and your confidence in using humour. If you’re unsure about the appropriateness of humour, leave it out. • Introduce the topic of your presentation. For example, “I’m going to talk about…” or “This morning I want to explain….” • Present an outline of your talk. For example, “I will concentrate on the following points. First of all…..Then….This will lead to…..And finally…”.

Body • Present your main points in logical order • Use information, examples or data to support each point • Pause at the end of each point to allow your audience time to grasp the information Page 29 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide • • •

Make it absolutely clear when you move to another point. For example, “The next point is that…”, “Of course, we must not forget that….” Use language appropriate to the audience; avoid slang or colloquial language

Conclusion • Use phrases such as ‘to sum up’ or ‘finally’ to refocus your audience to the last few minutes of the presentation, and to provide a clear summary of all the points you have covered • Make it obvious that you have finished your presentation • You may want to finish your presentation with an interesting remark or an appropriate punch line • Any questions? Allow time for questions and discussion from the audience. This interaction between you and your colleagues will help to reinforce your topic, and will engage members of the audience. Prepare discussion questions, if appropriate, to illustrate the points you are making

8c. Use of visual aids and media When using PowerPoint or other presentation software, follow these steps: • • • • • • • • • •

Use a title slide. Make sure all slides are labelled and dated. Use appropriate headings in a logical sequence. Make sure your presentation addresses all the assessable components. Slides should be simple and uncluttered; have no more than 3-5 dot points Use white or pale background and dark text or the reverse. Think about font size – at least 20 point (Arial or Helvetica in bold). Headings should be in a larger font size. Use graphics, tables or pictures (for example) to highlight points. If you are not confident or familiar with more advanced features of PowerPoint (eg. animation, sliding text, moving images) do not use them. They will add to your nervousness and overuse can be distracting to your audience.

Points to remember • • • • •

Always have a backup of your presentation on another disc or USB. Have a backup plan, for example, you lose power or your file will not open Be prepare to present with just you as the visual aid Ensure the screen-saver is turned off or it may turn on while you’re speaking and make you nervous or flustered Make sure email notifications are turned off

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Academic Skills Style Guide 8d. Handouts Handouts may be relevant to reinforce important points raised during your talk, as well as providing further sources of information should your audience wish to pursue the topic further. While handouts may be useful, remember that the preparation of these may require extra work for you. Consider the best time to give out your handouts: • Before – your audience may stop paying attention to you and read the handout instead. They could read ahead and stop listening to you. Providing the handout before can be useful if you expect your audience to take notes • During – you can distribute handouts during the presentation, but this can be timeconsuming and may interrupt the flow of what you are delivering, which runs the risk of confusing your audience • After - this is less disruptive, but remember to advise your audience at the beginning so they are aware if they need to make detailed notes. Consider leaving the handouts by the door for people to collect as they leave. 8e. Delivering your presentation The key to delivering a professional performance on the day is practice. Organise your information into a logical structure with the key points written on cue cards or a single A4 sheet. Rehearse the entire presentation until you feel confident that you know the material well and are happy with the way it sounds. Rehearsing will allow you to reduce the number of times you use words like "um," "ah," and "you know” which make a speaker sound hesitant and unprepared. You can also edit your content as you practise to be sure you make your most important points in the time allotted. • • • • • •

Rehearse your talk a number of times out loud to yourself using a stopwatch or timer so that you know it fits comfortably in the time allowed. Practise delivering your talk to a friend or family member and ask for their feedback. Try practising in front of a mirror – this will allow you to monitor your body language. Do not rush your speech; speak slowly and clearly. This will allow your audience to absorb the information. It is important that you know the content of your topic well and have understood your research, so that you don’t fall victim to reading the entire presentation from your notes or cards. Remember that when you know your talk well, you will deliver it well – and you may even enjoy the experience!

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Academic Skills Style Guide 8f. Room and equipment set up • •

• • • • • • •

When possible, arrive early so that you have time to set up the equipment and open your presentation. You are less likely to become nervous and flustered during your delivery if you are prepared prior to your audience arriving. Have the name and contact number of the technical support person in case something goes wrong with the equipment. Be prepared to present just with your notes if necessary. Make a joke if the equipment fails – “Oh well, they say you never can trust technology!” Then move on. Take note of the layout of the room, and arrange furniture to suit both your presentation and the audience Ensure that the set up of the room allows all members of your audience to clearly see the screen and/or other visual displays If using visual aids, for example, posters, allow plenty of time to set them up. If using a laptop try to elevate it so that you change screens easily without bending too much. Try to avoid checking the image that appears on the screen every time you change slides – it can be very distracting to your audience. Do not make transparencies from typewritten documents Talk to the audience, not the screen, when using the data show

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Academic Skills Style Guide 8g. Body Language and personal presentation When presenting in front of a group of people, it is important to consider how you look and the way you use your body to communicate. Humans are very good at picking up non-verbal signals or messages from each other through gestures, posture, the way we use our hands when we speak and especially through eye contact. Think about the following points when you are rehearsing your talk: •

Is this a formal or informal presentation? Will you be presenting to a small group of classmates or to a larger unknown audience? You should dress appropriately for the audience, be well groomed and avoid distracting clothes or jewellery.

Think about your method of presentation; if you will be standing at a lectern to deliver your talk, you could use arm and hand gestures to illustrate a point and make your talk more lively and interesting. You might like to use a hand held pointer if your presentation involves explaining charts and graphs with PowerPoint.

When you are delivering the presentation, it is very important to make eye contact with the audience. Avoid constantly looking down at your notes. A good method is to sweep your eyes across the audience from left to right, and then settle them on one person or group for a period of time while you are making a point. Then when you move on to your next point or slide, focus on someone on the other side of the room. This will encourage your audience to feel engaged and involved in what you are saying.

If you don’t know what to do with your hands, try holding a pen or whiteboard marker in your hand while you speak.

Avoid placing your hands in your pockets – it looks sloppy and unprofessional.

Use your voice effectively for the size of the room and practise with a microphone if necessary. You need to speak loudly enough so that the audience at the back of the room can hear you clearly. Use some pauses throughout your talk, especially after making important points, so that the audience can absorb what has just been said.

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Academic Skills Style Guide 8h. Dealing with nerves Most people feel nervous about the thought of presenting in public. Remember that you are not alone! If you have prepared and practised well, then you have every reason to be confident. Follow these tips on the day of your presentation to calm any nerves: • •

• • • • •

Take a few deep breaths to relax – exhale slowly. Say to yourself: “I am relaxed and confident”. Try to greet and make some small talk with the people who arrive first – this will loosen your voice and calm your nerves. This technique also helps you recognize that the audience is actually “on your side” – they want you to deliver a good presentation as much as you do. Smile at your audience and say something like: “Good morning everyone, today I am going to talk to you about…” Take a glass of water to sip from before or during your presentation – take care to place it on a table away from your notes. Speak slowly and clearly and enjoy what you have to share with the audience. Smile and be enthusiastic; this will relax both you and the audience Slow down! Force yourself to take a breath at the end of each sentence until you feel more comfortable

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Academic Skills Style Guide 10. Glossary of terms Prior to researching or writing an essay or report, it is imperative that you understand what is being asked of you. The following directive words describe how you should approach a topic: Analyse - this requires an answer that takes apart an idea, concept or statement in order to consider the elements it comprises. Answers of this type should be very methodical and logically organised. Argue - an argument means to make clear or prove. You must have a particular point of view and provide an answer to the question using evidence. Assess - this involves a judgment about an idea or subject. You may need to state whether the idea or subject being discussed is valuable or relevant after acknowledging points for and, against it. Your judgment should be influenced by other authors' views as well as your own opinion of the merits of an idea or subject. Compare - this requires an answer that sets items side by side and shows their similarities and differences. A balanced (fair, objective) answer is expected. Contrast - this requires an answer that points out only the differences between two or more topics. Criticise – to pass a judgement based on assessment of both good points and limitations Define – to give to the exact meaning or definition Describe - this requires you to describe the attributes or characteristics of a subject. Diacletic – identifying with both sides of an argument to support an academic paper Discuss - this requires an answer which explains an item or concept, and then gives details about it with supporting information, examples, points for and against, and explanations for the facts put forward from various points of view. This can be one of the most difficult types of essay question. Evaluate – to study and assess an argument or proposition and make a judgement after looking at the advantages and disadvantages

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Academic Skills Style Guide Examine – to investigate or research the topic Explain – to make the meaning clear, looking in particular and reasons, causes and effects Illustrate / Demonstrate - this requires an answer that consists mainly of examples to demonstrate or prove the subject of the question. It is often accompanied with further instructions. Interpret - very similar to the task word Explain. An interpretation involves explaining what the subject means. In an essay of this type, you should examine the key components of a topic or idea and give an overall judgment or evaluation of it. Investigate - search, study and carefully survey all areas of the subject. Justify - this requires an answer that gives only the reasons for a position or argument. Note, however, that the proposition to be argued may be a negative one. Remember, it should convince the reader about your point of view. Mind map – a diagram used to represent ideas and words linked to, and arranged around, a central key word or idea. The use of a mind map can be useful to encourage a brainstorming approach to planning a report or essay Outline – to summarise the main ideas supported by secondary evidence Prove – to convince your reader using logical arguments Review – to go over or summarise, looking at important areas and criticising where necessary Summarise – to give a brief account of the main points, leaving out detail and example

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Academic Skills Style Guide 11. Further information sources The following resources may assist you with academic writing, preparing resumes, tenders and oral presentations. The books and DVDs listed below are just a selection of resources available in the NMIT Library network. The websites provide more detailed information on the relevant subjects.

Academic writing Cite/write 2013, Queensland University of Technology, accessed 14th February 2013, Deane, M 2010, Academic research, writing and referencing, Pearson Education, New York. Essay or report? 20aa, Monash University, accessed 14th February 2013, Glaser, J 2010, Understanding style: practical ways to improve your writing, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, New York. Hood, S 2010, Appraising research: evaluation in academic writing, Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Luey, B 2010, Handbook for academic authors, 5th edn, Cambridge University Press, New York. Report writing FAQs 2013, University of New South Wales, accessed 14th February 2013, Soles, D 2009, The essentials of academic writing, 2nd edn, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Australia. Sowton, C 2012, 50 steps to improve your academic writing: a study book, Garnet Publications, Reading, Mass. Summers, J & Smith, B 2010, Communication skills handbook, 3rd edn, Wiley, Milton, Qld. Turabian, K 2010, Student’s guide to writing college papers, 4th edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Page 37 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide Veit, R & Gould, C 2009, Writing, reading and research, 8th edn, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Boston, MA. Wallwork, A 2011, English for writing research papers, Springer, New York. Writing skills 2010, Curtin University of Technology, accessed 14th February 2013,

Oral Presentations Angle, D 2007, Presentations: how to give good presentations, accessed 14th February 2013, Brown, M 2003, Making presentations happen: a simple and effective guide to speaking with confidence and power, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW. Leigh, R & Blackmur, A 2004, Great public speaking: an audience in the palm of your hand [digital video disc], Video Education Australasia, Bendigo, Vic. Monash University 2013, A guide to oral presentations, accessed 14th February 2013, 2009, 90 minutes to killer presentation skills [digital video disc], 2nd edn,, Chester Springs, Pa. RMIT University Study and Learning Centre 2011, Oral presentations, accessed 14th February 2013, tions.pdf Templeton, M 2010, Public speaking and presentation demystified, McGraw-Hill, New York. Weinschenk, S 2012, 100 things every presenter needs to know about people, New Riders, Berkeley, CA.

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Academic Skills Style Guide Microsoft Powerpoint Curran, M 2008, How to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 [DVD], Video Education Australasia, Bendigo, Vic. Hawking, P 2011, The 2010 stable: an introduction to Microsoft Office 2010, Pearson Australia. Muir, N 2007, Microsoft Officeplain & simple, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington. Murray, K 2010, Microsoft Office 2010 plain and simple, Microsoft Press. Wempen, F 2007, PowerPoint 2007 bible, Wiley, Indianapolis, IN.

Referencing Deane, M 2010, Academic research, writing and referencing, Pearson Education, New York. Neville, C 2010, The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism, 2nd edn, Open University Press, Maidenhead. Nolan, J 2011, Understanding plagiarism and its consequences, [DVD], VEA, Bendigo, Vic. Pears, R 2010, Cite them right: the essential referencing guide, 8th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, London. Referencing 2011, NMIT Library, accessed 14th February 2013,

Resume writing Breitenmoser, K & Preston, L 2008, Job application: looking good on paper [DVD], Video Education Australasia, Bendigo, Vic. Brown, L 2007, Resume writing made easy: a practical guide to resume preparation and job search, 8th edn, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Collins, C & Harding, B 2006, Powerful resumes, [DVD], Video Education Australasia, Bendigo, Vic. How to write a resume 2031, Youth Central, accessed 14th February 2013, esume Page 39 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide Lurie, K 2011, Before you apply: resumes, portfolios, and your online persona [DVD], Films Media Group, New York. Madero, F 2004, The resume guide: how to write a winning resume, New Holland, Frenchs Forest, NSW. Mills, C 2009, You’re hired! CVs: how to write a brilliant CV, Trotman, Richmond, Vic. Seidman, E 2011, How to tailor your resume to specific jobs, eHow, accessed 18th October 2011, Weddle, P 2013 Optimize your resume if you want to get the job, CareerCast, accessed 14th February 2013,

Study Skills resources Study skills resources 2013, Learning Skills and Assessment Unit, NMIT, accessed 14th February 2013,

Tender writing Lewis, H 2007, Bids, tenders and proposals: winning business through best practice, 2nd edn, Kogan Page, London. Soorjoo, M 2012, Here’s the pitch: how to pitch your business to anyone, get funded and win clients, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ. Victor, A 2008, ‘How to write a winning tender’, Ezine articles, accessed 14th February 2013, Victor, A 2008, ‘How to write a tender proposal’, Ezine articles, accessed 14th February 2013,

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Academic Skills Style Guide 12. Bibliography Atkins, M 2005, Finding your voice: ten steps to successful public speaking, Lothian, South Melbourne. Barrass, R 2006, Speaking for yourself: a guide for students, Routledge, Abingdon [England]. Bonetti, R 2001, Don’t freak out, speak out: public speaking with confidence, Words & Music, The Gap, Qld. Cite/write 2013, Queensland University of Technology, accessed 14th February 2013, ELSSA Centre UTS 2011, Reflective journal, UTS, accessed 18th October 2011, How to write a resume 2011, Youth Central, accessed 18th October 2011, esume Judd, N 2011, How to write a reflective journal, E-How, accessed 14th February 2013, Klems, B 2012, The do’s and don’ts of writing a blog,, accessed 21st January 2013 Laskowski, L 1996, Overcoming speaking anxiety in meetings & presentations, LJL Seminars, accessed 14th February 2013, Learning Centre UNSW 2010, Reflective writing, UNSW, accessed 14th February 2013, Presentation tips for public speaking 2009, A Research Guide for Students, accessed 14th February 2013, Referencing 2011, NMIT Library, accessed 14th February 2013, Seidman, E 2011, How to tailor your resume to specific jobs, eHow, viewed 14th February 2013, Students’ guide to assessment 2009, Health & Community Studies Department, NMIT, Preston, Vic. Study guide, Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs, University of Melbourne, Hawthorn, Vic. Page 41 of 42 Information_Services Academic Skills Style Guide.docx Library February 18th 2013

Academic Skills Style Guide Study skills resources 2013, Learning Skills and Assessment Unit, NMIT, accessed 14th February 2013, Tips for a great oral presentation 2009, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development , accessed 18th October 2011, for a great oral presentation.doc. Victor, A 2008, ‘How to write a winning tender’, Ezine articles, accessed 14th February 2013, Victor, A 2008, ‘How to write a tender proposal’, Ezine articles, accessed 14th February 2013, What is a reflective journal 2010, University of Southampton, accessed 18th October 2011, edusupport/ldc/docs/New%2520reflective%2520journal.doc+what+is+a+reflective+journal &cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au.

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