Academic Year 2012/2013 -

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Undergraduate Courses of the Universities in Sri Lanka, Academic Year 2012/ 2013”. Gaining admission to a University is a major step in your life. The degree ...


Abbreviations Chairperson’s Message Introduction Places available for Admission

1 3 4 PART ONE

Admissions Policy Minimum requirements for Admission Distribution of the total number of places proposed for University Admission Determination of Districts of Candidates Competition for Admission Ineligibility for Admission / Continuation as internal students once being admitted Subject Streams and courses of study Subject pre-requisites for courses of study Arts Stream Arts Arts (SP) Arts (SAB) Communication Studies Peace & Conflict Resolution Islamic Studies Arabic Language Music/Dance/Art & Design/Drama & Theatre/ Visual & Technological Arts/Visual Arts

6 6 8 12 12 13 14 15

15 16 17 17 17 17 18 18

Commerce Stream Management Public Management (Special) Estate Management & Valuation Commerce Management Studies (TV) Business Information Systems (Special)

19 19 19 19 21 21

Biological Science Stream Medicine Dental Surgery Veterinary Science Agricultural Technology & Management Agriculture Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Technology Ayurveda / Unani / Siddha Biological Science Applied Sciences (Biological Science) Health Promotion

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION


Page Nursing Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences Radiography Physiotherapy Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Fisheries & Marine Sciences Environmental Conservation & Management Animal Science & Fisheries Food Production & Technology Management Agricultural Resource Management & Technology Agric Business Management Green Technology

24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27

Physical Science Stream Engineering Engineering (EM) Engineering (TM) Physical Science Computer Science Information & Communication Technology Applied Sciences (Physical Science) Transport & Logistics Management Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance Statistics & Operations Research Computing & Information Systems

28 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 31

Information Technology (IT) Management & Information Technology (MIT) Quantity Surveying Surveying Science Town & Country Planning Architecture Design (Architecture) Fashion Design & Product Development Landscape Architecture Law Facilities Management Computation & Management Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) Science & Technology Computer Science & Technology Entrepreneurship & Management Animal Science Export Agriculture Tea Technology & Value Addition Industrial Information Technology Mineral Resources & Technology Aquatic Resources Technology Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Physical Education

32 32 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION


Page 41 41 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 45 46 47 48 49 51 53 53 53

Sports Science & Management Speech & Hearing Sciences Information Technology & Management Tourism & Hospitality Management Information Systems Course Preferences Format for Change the order of Course Preference (Speciman) Application Procedure Assignment of Students to Universities Filling of Vacancies Postponement of Admission Transfer of Students Appeals Specimen form for Inter University Transfers Specimen form for Appeals Objections Addresses for Correspondence Programme of developing the leadership abilities and positive thinking

PART TWO Special Admission Blind and Differently Abled Candidates Students who have Excelled in Fields other than Studies Enlisted Personnel of Armed Forces, Police Service & Special Task Force Sri Lankans who have studied abroad and foreign students Admission of Teachers Additional Intake Application for admission under special provisions Application for admission of Blind / Differently abled candidates

54 54 55 56 56 57 59 61

PART THREE Instructions to fill the Application form for Admission Codes assigned for each course of study Codes assigned for each University / Campus / Institute Available courses in Universities / Campuses / Institutes Additional Information G.C.E. (O/L) requirements Requirement to pass the Aptitude Test

63 69 70 70 71 69

PART FOUR Annex 1 - Particulars of Courses of Study Annex 2 - Subject Index Annex 3 - Addresses of Universities & Institutes offering undergraduate courses Annex 4 - Minimum “Z” score for selection to various courses of study in respect of each district based on 2011 G.C.E. (A/L) results for the Academic Year 2011/2012

75 108 112


Application form for University Admission





University Grants Commission



University of Colombo



University of Peradeniya



University of Sri Jayewardenepura



University of Kelaniya



University of Moratuwa



University of Jaffna



University of Ruhuna



Eastern University, Sri Lanka



South Eastern University of Sri Lanka



Rajarata University of Sri Lanka



Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka



Wayamba University of Sri Lanka



Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka



University of the Visual & Performing Arts



The Open University of Sri Lanka



Institute of Indigenous Medicine



Gampaha Wickramaarachchi Ayurveda Institute



University of Colombo School of Computing



Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies



Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts



It is with a great sense of responsibility that I issue this message to the book titled “Admission to Undergraduate Courses of the Universities in Sri Lanka, Academic Year 2012/2013”. Gaining admission to a University is a major step in your life. The degree programmes in universities will not only provide knowledge in a wide range of subjects but will also inculcate academic qualities, competency & life skills that would enable self guidance in future career. This publication assist you to select subjects, degree program that you would like to acquire in the University. It provides detailed information on universities, rules & regulations & policies pertaining to university admission & minimum qualifications required for university admission & subjects prerequisites to certain courses of study. I am sure that you would find this publication useful and informative and that the information provided would help you make informed decisions about the course you eventually pursue. I would strongly advice you to read the contents very carefully so that essential information pertaining to a particular course is acquired by you. Admission to universities is still within the policy of “free education” and is extremely competitive. Out of 59,030 students who applied for university admission based on the 2011 G.C.E. (A/L) Examination, only 28,908 students were selected (48.9%). However, with your knowledge and talent, there is no limit for your achievements. I wish you every success in your university education and hope that qualifications obtained from the University would lead to a fruitful career that you would enjoy. I would kindly request you to be respectful for the free education that still exists in the country & act in an responsible manner to sustain it. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank the officers and staff of the Admissions Department and the other officers of the UGC who tirelessly contributed to produce this Handbook.

Prof. Kshanika Hirimburegama Chairperson University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka



Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts UJA

Vavuniya Campus Trincomalee Campus













The university system in Sri Lanka operates within the framework laid down in the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 as amended. The selection of students for admission to undergraduate courses in the universities is a task assigned to the University Grants Commission (UGC) under the said Act. The UGC carries out this task in consultation with the Universities /Campuses /Institutes.


The UGC selects students for admission to undergraduate courses in the following Higher Educational Institutions / Campuses / Higher Educational Institutes [fourteen (14) National Universities, three (3) Campuses and five (05) Institutes] which have been set up under the Universities Act; University of Colombo University of Peradeniya University of Sri Jayewardenepura University of Kelaniya University of Moratuwa University of Jaffna University of Ruhuna Eastern University, Sri Lanka South Eastern University of Sri Lanka Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka University of the Visual & Performing Arts Sripalee Campus Trincomalee Campus Vavuniya Campus Institute of Indigenous Medicine Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute University of Colombo School of Computing Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts, University of Jaffna


The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) established under the Universities Act offers courses of study using distance-learning methodologies. Information regarding admission requirements of the courses of study offered by the OUSL should be obtained from the Registrar, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.


Admission of students to courses offered by the following institutions is made by the respective Universities / Institutes under the guidance of the UGC. Those seeking admission to courses offered by them should apply to the institution concerned when applications are invited. Institute of Human Resource Advancement (IHRA), University of Colombo Institute of Technology, University of Moratuwa


This Handbook describes the selection procedure for undergraduate courses in the fourteen universities, three Campuses and the five Institutes specified in paragraph 1.2 above. The rules and regulations laid down herein are subject to revision in terms of any decisions made by the Government / University Grants Commission. Any clarification relating to interpretation of the rules and statements made in this Handbook is the responsibility of the UGC and the decision of the UGC relating to such interpretation thereon shall be final.






The following approximate numbers are proposed for admission to each course of study for the Academic Year 2012/2013;                                          

Medicine Dental Surgery Veterinary Science Agricultural Technology & Management Agriculture Agricultural Resource Management & Technology Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Technology Biological Science Ayurveda


1220 80 100 200 530 150 110 95 1255 270

Unani Siddha Medicine Applied Sciences (Biological Science) Health Promotion Engineering Engineering (EM) Engineering (TM) Architecture Design (Architecture) Fashion Design & Product Development Computer Science Information Technology Management & Information Technology Information & Communication Technology Information Systems Town & Country Planning Physical Science Quantity Surveying Surveying Science Applied Sciences (Physical Science) Management Public Management (Special) Communication Studies Estate Management & Valuation Management Studies (TV) Commerce Arts (including Additional Intake) Arts (SP) Arts (SAB) Law Peace & Conflict Resolution Nursing


50 70 185 50 1470 50 50 55 50 40 260 200 50 150 80 50 1805 100 60 385 3525 75 50 60 150 530 5025 150 200 350 35 205



                                           

Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences Radiography Physiotherapy Environmental Conservation & Management Facilities Management Transport & Logistics Management Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance Statistics & Operations Research Computation & Management Fisheries & Marine Sciences Islamic Studies Arabic Language Science & Technology Computer Science & Technology Entrepreneurship & Management Animal Science Export Agriculture Music Dance Art & Design Drama & Theatre Visual Arts Visual & Technological Arts Tea Technology & Value Addition Industrial Information Technology Mineral Resources & Technology Business Information Systems (Special) Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) Computing & Information Systems Physical Education Sports Science & Management Speech and Hearing Sciences Animal Science & Fisheries Aquatic Resources Technology Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Food Production and Technology Management Information Technology & Management Tourism & Hospitality Management Agric Business Management Green Technology Landscape Architecture

Total Proposed Intake for 2012 A/L Examination




105 100 35 60 50 50 50 60 90 50 50 60 200 150 55 55 55 55 55 375 334 30 86 100 50 55 55 55 50 90 80 50 80 50 50 55 55 55 60 100 100 50 50 50 23125





Admission of students to Universities in Sri Lanka is being done on the basis of an admission policy laid down from time to time by the University Grants Commission with the concurrence of the Government.


The following admission policy will apply in respect of the Academic Year 2012/2013 for admission to Universities. 3.2.1

The University Grants Commission shall treat the candidates of the new syllabus and the old syllabus at the G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination held in 2012 as two distinct populations for the purpose of university admission. Selection of students to universities will be determined on the basis of rank order on average Z-Scores obtained by candidates of both syllabi at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in 2012 released by the Commissioner General of Examinations, subject to following conditions.



The composite average of students admitted to universities through their first and second attempts during the five year period from year 2006 to 2010 for each degree programme on an all island merit and district merit from each district will be used for selection of students who sat for the new syllabus.


The composite average of students admitted to universities through their third attempt during the five year period from year 2006 to 2010 for each degree programme on an all island merit and district merit from each district will be used for selection of students who sat for the old syllabus.

Minimum Requirements for Admission: Candidates who are pronounced eligible by the Commissioner General of Examinations should have obtained; (a) at least ‘S’ Grades; in all three approved subjects; and (b) a minimum mark of 30% for the Common General Paper NOTE Candidates who are pronounced ineligible by the Commissioner General of Examinations due to not satisfying (b) above are also allowed to apply for university admission only if they have already satisfied at previous attempt / attempts or would satisfy at any future attempt the said requirement within the three attempts allowed to sit the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination for the purpose of university admission.


Admission Criteria In the case of Arts courses [i.e. Arts, Arts (SP), Arts (SAB), Communication Studies, Peace & Conflict Resolution, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language] admission will be made on an all island merit basis subject to the condition that the total number admitted from a given district will not be below the total number admitted from that district in the academic year 1993/94 or 2002/2003, whichever is greater.


UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Admission to all courses other than the courses stated in above will be made on a dual criteria, namely:

 

All Island Merit Merit on District basis

Under All Island Merit criteria: (i)

Up to 40% of the available places will be filled in order of Z - Scores ranked on an all island basis, as per Section 3.2.1 of the above.

Under District Merit Criteria: (i)

Up to 55% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the 25 administrative districts in proportion to the total population, that is, on the ratio of the population of the district concerned to the total population of the country.


A special allocation up to 5% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the under-mentioned 16 educationally disadvantaged districts in proportion to the population, that is, on the ratio of the population of each such district to the total population of the 16 districts; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Nuwara Eliya Hambantota Jaffna Kilinochchi Mannar Mullaitivu

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Vavuniya Trincomalee Batticaloa Ampara Puttalam Anuradhapura

13. 14. 15. 16.

Polonnaruwa Badulla Monaragala Ratnapura

The number of places allocated on the district merit quota given in (i) and (ii) above will be filled in order of Z - Scores ranked on the district basis, as per Section 3.2.1 of the above. NOTE 1 In selecting students for a given course of study, it will be ensured that the quota allocated to any district under (i) and (ii) above will not be below the quota in the academic year 1993/94 or 2002/2003, whichever is greater. NOTE 2 It should be noted that the actual numbers selected could vary from the proposed figures mentioned in the paragraph 2.1 above, because of practical problems encountered in allocating students to Universities and other unavoidable factors. The approximate distribution of the above numbers among different universities is given in Table 01.


A limited number of students will also be admitted on special grounds as specified in Paragraph 19 (a), (b1), (b2), (c), (d1), (d2), (e) and Paragraph 20 in PART TWO of this Handbook, subject to the conditions set out therein.



Table 01

Distribution of the total number of places proposed for university admission for the Academic Year 2012/2013

University of Colombo Course of Study




Biological Science


Physical Science








Molecular Biology & Biochemistry


Industrial Statistics & Mathematical


Finance Physiotherapy Total

30 1955

University of Peradeniya Course of Study




Dental Surgery


Veterinary Science


Agricultural Technology & Management


Food Science & Technology


Animal Science & Fisheries


Biological Science




Physical Science








Statistics & Operations Research


Computation & Management






Medical Laboratory Sciences








University of Sri Jayewardenepura Course of Study Medicine Biological Science Nursing Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences Food Science & Technology Physical Science Management Public Management (Special) Estate Management & Valuation Commerce Arts Business Information Systems (Special) Sports Science & Management Total University of Kelaniya Course of Study Medicine Biological Science Physical Science Management & Information Technology Management Commerce Arts Peace & Conflict Resolution Environmental Conservation & Management Speech and Hearing Sciences Total University of Moratuwa Course of Study Engineering Engineering ( EM) Engineering (TM) Information Technology Architecture Design (Architecture) Fashion Design & Product Development Town & Country Planning Quantity Surveying Facilities Management Transport & Logistics Management Information Technology & Management Landscape Architecture Total


No. 150 260 25 25 25 40 260 910 75 60 125 625 50 30 2660

No. 160 165 245 50 350 165 750 35 50 50 2020

No. 680 50 50 200 55 50 40 50 100 50 50 100 50 1525


South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

University of Jaffna Course of Study


Course of Study




Biological Science








Physical Science

150 120

Biological Science



Physical Science







Islamic Studies


Arabic Language








Management and Information

Siddha Medicine


Technology (SEUSL)

Computer Science







Medical Laboratory Sciences




University of Ruhuna


90 1350

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Course of Study




Surveying Science




Course of Study


Food Science & Technology




Applied Sciences (Bio. Sc.)


Agricultural Resource Management &


Applied Sciences (Phy. Sc.)


Arts (SAB)



Biological Science


Computing & Information Systems




Physical Education


Physical Science


Sports Science & Management




Tourism & Hospitality Management





Fisheries & Marine Sciences




Medical Laboratary Sciences




Computer Science


Agric Business Management


Green Technology


Total Eastern University, Sri Lanka Course of Study Medicine Agriculture Biological Science Physical Science Management Commerce Arts Nursing Total


No. 60 120 150 150 100 100 400 30 1110


Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Course of Study Medicine Agriculture Management Arts Applied Sciences (Bio. Sc.) Applied Sciences (Phy. Sc.) Health Promotion Information & Communication Technology Tourism & Hospitality Management Total


No 180 130 325 300 85 85 50 75 40 1270


Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Course of Study




Food Science & Nutrition




Applied Sciences (Phy. Sc.)


Food Production and Technology Management Total

Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka Course of Study Science & Technology Computer Science & Technology Entrepreneurship & Management Animal Science Export Agriculture Tea Technology & Value Addition Industrial Information Technology Mineral Resources & Technology Aquatic Resources Technology Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Total

Vavuniya Campus Course of Study Management Studies (TV) Applied Sciences (Bio. Sc.) Applied Sciences (Phy. Sc.) Information & Communication Technology Total

75 275

Institute of Indigenous Medicine Course of Study Ayurveda Unani Total

No 150 50 200

No. 100 50 50

60 840

No. 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute Course of Study No Ayurveda 120 Total 120 University of Colombo School of Computing Course of Study Computer Science Information Systems Total

No. 160 80 240

55 605

University of the Visual & Performing Arts Course of Study No. Music 200 Dance 214 Drama & Theatre 36 Visual Arts 100 Total 550

Sripalee Campus Course of Study Performing Arts Mass Media Total

No. 75 75 150

Trincomalee Campus Course of Study Management Studies (TV) Communication Studies Siddha Medicine Total

No. 50 50 20 120

Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies Course of Study No. Music 80 Dance 50 Drama & Theatre 50 Visual & Technological Arts 50 Total 230

Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts Course of Study Music Dance Art & Design Total

No. 95 70 30 195

Additional Intake Course of Study Arts Total

No 650 650

- 10 -


Distribution of Students in 2012 A/L (Academic Year 2012/2013) for Medicine, Engineering, Management & Arts

Table 02


Year of A/L Exam

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Academic Year

1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2002/2003 (A) 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012

No. sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Exam

144,573 148,883 136,728 141,161 142,336 147,853 169,679 214,189 218,441 210,141 247,755 199,937 204,030 201,686 198,183 207,436 205,249 233,609 239,744







No. No. No. No. No. No. satisfying Applied selected selected selected selected minimum for As % of As % of As % of requirements University (1) (2) (3) for Admission Admission 59,292 21,799 9,460 6.5 15.9 43.3 56,740 19,021 9,787 6.6 17.2 51.4 70,379 26,011 11,200 8.2 15.9 43.0 71,846 26,970 11,658 8.3 16.2 43.2 73,570 26,829 11,901 8.4 16.2 44.3 73,422 27,049 11,821 8.0 16.1 43.7 73,561 24,461 12,040 7.0 16.3 49.2 91,676 37,122 12,132 5.7 13.2 32.6 98,432 35,852 12,654 5.8 13.0 35.2 92,252 25,704 13,036 6.2 14.1 50.7 93,353 30,193 14,260 5.8 15.3 47.2 108,357 34,002 14,850 7.4 13.8 43.6 118,770 35,684 17,287 8.5 14.6 48.4 119,955 36,465 17,248 8.6 14.4 47.3 121,421 38,603 20,069 10.1 16.5 51.9 130,236 46,010 20,270 9.7 15.5 44.0 125,284 47,613 21,547 10.5 17.2 45.3 142,516 54,124 22,016 9.4 15.5 40.7 141,411 59,030 28,908 12.0 20.4 48.9

- 11 -





For purpose of university admission, the district of a candidate will be determined as follows:The district of any candidate (whether school or private) will be the district of location of school/ schools in which the candidate was enrolled (on the basis of school records) for the highest number of days during the three-year period ending on the last day of the month immediately preceding the month in which he/she sat the G.C.E (A/L) Examination to qualify for admission even in case of having a proof of residence in another district for a period more than the days he/ she was enrolled in a school specified above. Provided however, the district of a candidate who has been enrolled in a school/schools for a period of less than one year during the three - year period stipulated above will be determined on the basis of the location of school/schools in which he/she had been enrolled, permanent place of residence of the candidate and other evidence as decided by the UGC.


In the case of a candidate who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as a school candidate, the Head of the school concerned should certify, on the basis of school records, the accuracy of the information provided by the candidate. Every candidate, who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as a private candidate, should send the following documents along with his/her application for admission, his/ her 1. Original of the School Leaving Certificate or Original of the Pupil’s Record Sheet 2. Original of the Extracts of Electoral Register obtained from District Elections Office (Year 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) 3. Original of the Grama Niladhari Certificate (Counter Signed by the Divisional Secretary with his official frank)

IMPORTANT The heads of schools should take special care to ensure that the candidates provide correct information. Provision of incorrect information by any candidate will be considered as serious and will be liable for appropriate action including criminal action, rejection of application or cancellation of registration at any time during the period of studentship at the University and will not qualify for the award of a degree. It may be noted that in recent years there have been several cases of students whose admission/registration was cancelled on detection that they had submitted false information on school attendance and residence.




Admission to universities is extremely competitive and the mere fact that an applicant has satisfied the minimum requirements and the pre-requisites is no guarantee that he/she will be admitted. In recent years the numbers ranging from 118,000 – 142,000 have obtained the minimum requirements for admission to universities, but the actual number admitted has been only about 17,000 – 22,000. The number selected as a proportion of the number sat the Advanced Level Examination has been only about 10% and as a proportion of the number satisfying minimum requirements for admission has been around 16% (Table 02).


The minimum Z - scores required for admission to different courses from each district, which is called the ‘Cut-Off-Point’ (COP) for the Academic Year 2011/2012 i.e. last year is given in the annex 4 of the part 4. It is important to note that the Cut-Off-Point may vary from year to year depending on factors such as performance of students, number of places available in the University etc. and the Cut-Off-Points for the Academic Year 2012/2013 will depend on such factors.

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The following categories of students do not qualify for seeking admission as internal students of a University/ Campus / Higher Educational Institute:(a) Students who have sat the G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination on more than three (3) occasions. (b) Students who were / are registered (See note1) as internal students for courses of study in any Institution listed under paragraphs 1.2 & 1.4 of this Handbook. (c) Students who were / are registered for first degree courses at the Open University of Sri Lanka. (d) Students who were / are registered as internal students to follow a first degree course in a University / Institute established under any other Act of Parliament (other than the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 as amended) in Sri Lanka. (e) Students who were / are registered in a College of Education / Teacher Training College as internal students. (f) Students who were / are registered as full time students to follow a course of study of 3 year duration or above leading to a Higher National Diploma (HND) at an Institute which comes under the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) or National Diploma in Engineering Sciences (NDES) at the Technical Training Institute (TTI) of the National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA), subject to provisions made in paragraph 6.2 below. (g) Students who have been selected for foreign scholarships channelled through the Ministry of Higher Education to study courses at first-degree level. (h) Students who have already obtained a first degree or a relevant qualification from authorities specified under 6.1 [(b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g)] above. (i) Students who make false declarations and produce forged documents for University Admission.


A student who is already registered for a particular course of study at a Higher Educational Institution mentioned in section 6.1 (f) above could apply for admission to follow a course of study in any Higher Educational Institution set up under the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 as amended on the basis of the results of a G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in a later year, only if he/she had withdrawn his/her registration within a period of 60 days from the last date for registration. Candidates who have not withdrawn their registration within the stipulated period of time given by the respective Institution will not be eligible for admission as they come under 6.1 (f) above. The 60 day concession stated herein will not be given to candidates who will get selected to fill a vacancy to the Higher Educational Institutions mentioned in section 6.1 (f) above.

Note1: Once a student forwards an application to the respective Higher Educational Institution / Campus / Institute for registration after paying the registration fee to the relevant Higher Educational Institution upon receiving a letter from the respective Higher Educational Institution or otherwise, he/she is deemed to be a registered student.

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Subjects available at the G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination are classified into four (4) main streams as follows:(1) Arts Stream (2) Commerce Stream (3) Biological Science Stream (4) Physical Science Stream


The courses of study available in the universities corresponding to each of the above streams (subject to fulfilling subject prerequisites stated in paragraph 8 below) are as follows: -

Subject Stream

Courses of Study at University Arts / Arts (SP) / Arts (SAB) / Peace & Conflict Resolution / Law /Management Studies (TV)/ Architecture / Communication Studies / Design (Architecture) /Fashion Design & Product Development / Quantity Surveying / Information Technology / Town & Country Planning / Information & Communication Technology / Computation & Management / Islamic Studies / Arabic Language / Entrepreneurship & Management / Industrial Information Technology /Music / Dance / Art & Design / Drama & Theatre / Visual & Technological Arts / Visual Arts / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management/ Information Technology & Management/ Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Information Systems / Landscape Architecture


Commerce Management / Public Management (Special) / Estate Management & Valuation / Commerce / Management Studies (TV) / Law /Arts (SAB) / Quantity Surveying / Architecture / Design (Architecture)/ Fashion Design & Product Development / Information Technology / Town & Country Planning / Peace & Conflict Resolution / Information & Communication Technology / Facilities Management / Computation & Management / Entrepreneurship & Management / Industrial Information Technology/Business Information Systems (Special) / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management/ Information Technology & Management/ Tourism & Hospitality Management / Information Systems / Landscape Architecture

Biological Science

Medicine / Dental Surgery / Veterinary Science / Agricultural Technology & Management / Agriculture / Food Science & Nutrition / Food Science & Technology / Ayurveda / Unani / Siddha Medicine / Biological Science / Applied Sciences (Bio. Sc.) / Health Promotion / Nursing / Pharmacy / Medical Laboratory Sciences / Radiography/ Physiotherapy / Molecular Biology & Biochemistry / Fisheries & Marine Sciences / Environmental Conservation & Management / Law / Management Studies (TV) / Architecture / Design (Architecture) / Fashion Design & Product Development / Information Technology / Management & Information Technology / Town & Country Planning / Peace & Conflict Resolution / Information & Communication Technology / Science & Technology / Computer Science & Technology / Entrepreneurship & Management / Animal Science / Export Agriculture / Tea Technology & Value Addition / Industrial Information Technology / Mineral Resources & Technology / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Animal Science & Fisheries / Aquatic Resources Technology / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management / Palm and Latex Technology and Value Addition / Food Production and Technology Management/ Information Technology & Management/ Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Agric Business Management/ Green Technology/ Agricultural Resource Management & Technology / Information Systems / Landscape Architecture

Physical Science

Engineering / Engineering (EM) / Engineering (TM) / Physical Science / Computer Science / Applied Sciences (Phy. Sc.) / Architecture / Design (Architecture) / Fashion Design & Product Development / Quantity Surveying / Surveying Science / Information Technology / Management & Information Technology / Physiotherapy / Management Studies (TV) / Law / Town & Country Planning / Peace & Conflict Resolution / Information & Communication Technology / Transport & Logistics Management / Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance / Statistics & Operations Research / Facilities Management / Science & Technology / Computer Science & Technology / Entrepreneurship & Management / Computation & Management /Tea Technology & Value Addition / Industrial Information Technology / Mineral Resources & Technology / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Computing & Information Systems / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management / Palm and Latex Technology and Value Addition/ Information Technology & Management/ Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Information Systems / Landscape Architecture





Available only at the Sripalee Campus of the University of Colombo Available at the Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, & Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna

- 14 -




Earth Resources Engineering Textile & Clothing Technology Available only at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Available only at the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION


SUBJECT PRE-REQUISITES FOR COURSES OF STUDY In addition to the minimum requirements for admission stated in paragraph 3.2.2 above, candidates have to fulfil certain subject prerequisites at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination in order to qualify for admission to a particular course of study. Particulars regarding these requirements are given below;



8.1.1 Arts (Proposed total Intake - 5025) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Arts, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in three subjects listed below, subject to the following conditions; (i) Candidates should have offered at least one subject (they may if they wish select two or all three subjects) from Social Sciences / Applied Social Studies, provided that; no candidate should have offered the related Civilization when he/she has offered a religion classified under “Religions & Civilizations” as a subject. However, one subject can be offered from the Technological Subjects with the other two subjects from Social Sciences / Applied Social Studies. (ii) The requirement given in (i) above does not apply to candidates who have offered; (a) either three “National Languages” (Sinhala, English and Tamil) or a combination of National and Classical Languages which includes at least one National Language (e.g. Sinhala, Pali and Sanskrit or English, Greek and Latin). However, no candidate should have offered three Classical Languages. (b) two languages with the third subject from either Social Sciences / Applied Social Studies, Religions/Civilizations or Aesthetic Studies.

Subjects available in the Arts Stream Social Sciences / Applied Social Studies: Economics Accounting / Business Statistics Geography Elements of Political Science History Logic & Scientific Method Home Economics Agricultural Science / Mathematics / Combined Mathematics Communication & Media Studies Any one of the six Technological subjects Information & Communication Technology

Technological Subjects: Civil Technology Mechanical Technology Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology Food Technology Agro Technology Bio-Resource Technology Religions and Civilizations: Buddhism / Buddhist Civilization Hinduism / Hindu Civilization Christianity / Christian Civilization Islam /Islamic Civilization Greek & Roman Civilization

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Aesthetic Studies: Art


(a) Sinhala (b) Bharata

Drama & Theatre (a) Sinhala (b) Tamil (c) English

Music (a) Oriental (b) Carnatic (c) Western

Languages: Foreign Languages: Chinese French Malay Persian

German Russian

Hindi Urdu


Classical Languages: Arabic Pali




National Languages: English Sinhala


8.1.2 Arts (SP) (Proposed Intake - 150) The University of Colombo (Sripalee Campus) offers the following degree programs which are of four years’ duration. B.A. Special Degree in Performing Arts B.A. Special Degree in Mass Media In addition to the minimum requirements for admission stipulated in paragraph 3.2.2 of this Handbook, an applicant should have; (a) offered three subjects given in paragraph 8.1.1 above, provided that a candidate has not offered; more than two languages more than one of the religions & civilizations more than one Technological subjects more than one of the following subjects ; Accounting Economics

Business Statistics

and (b) a pass in English at the G.C.E (O/L) Examination. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Arts (SP). and (c) a pass in the Aptitude Test conducted by the Sripalee Campus of the University of Colombo. The Sripalee Campus of the University of Colombo will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the Aptitude Test. The Aptitude Test may consist of either an Interview, Practical test or a written test or of all three components with the approval of the Campus Board. Candidates may contact the Senior Assistant Registrar of the Sripalee Campus at Horana for further particulars.

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8.1.3 Arts (SAB) (Proposed Intake - 200) Candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission in Arts and Commerce Streams are eligible to seek admission to follow a four year / three year course in Arts (SAB) leading to following degrees’ at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka; (a) Bachelor of Arts (General) (b) Bachelor of Arts (Special) The subjects, Economics, Statistics, Geography, Sociology, Political Science, Sinhala, English, Japanese, Hindi, Chinese and German are available to study as major subjects. However, when selecting students it will be ensured that 50% of the intake will be from the students in Arts Stream and other 50% of the intake will be from the students in the Commerce Stream. 8.1.4 Communication Studies (Proposed Intake - 50) Candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission with at least a credit (C) pass in Sinhala/Tamil/English at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination are eligible to seek admission to follow a three year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Communication) Degree at the Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University. In addition, the candidates should have obtained at least a credit pass (C) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. The University will offer two Degree Programs i.e. B.A. (Communication Studies) and B.A. (Languages) for which students will be selected by the Faculty concerned in accordance with a criterion determined by the Faculty, depending on the maximum number of students that can be accommodated for each program. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate for English along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Communication Studies.

8.1.5 Peace & Conflict Resolution (Proposed Intake - 35) Candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission having offered any three subjects available at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination are eligible to seek admission to follow a three year course leading to a Degree in Bachelor of Arts at the University of Kelaniya. The medium of instruction is strictly English only.

8.1.6 Islamic Studies (Proposed Intake - 200) In order to be eligible for B.A. degree programme in Islamic Studies offered by the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka candidates should have obtained at least a ‘S’ Grade in Islam or Islamic Civilization & at least “S” Grades in any other two subjects available at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination.

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8.1.7 Arabic Language (Proposed Intake - 150) In order to be eligible for B.A. degree programme in Arabic Language offered by the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka candidates should have obtained at least a ‘S’ Grade in Arabic Language and at least “S” Grades for any other two subjects available at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination.

8.1.8 Music / Dance / Art & Design / Drama & Theatre / Visual & Technological Arts / Visual Arts (Proposed Intake: Music - 375; Dance - 334; Art & Design - 30; Drama & Theatre - 86; Visual & Technological Arts - 50; Visual Arts - 100) In order to be eligible for admission to follow courses of study in Music, Dance, Art & Design, Drama & Theatre, Visual & Technological Arts and Visual Arts a candidate should have obtained at least a credit (C) pass for the subject he / she wishes to follow i.e. Music, Dance , Art, Drama & Theatre and at least ‘S’ Grades for any other two subjects available at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. The following four year degree programmes are available at the following Universities for those who gain admission for courses of study in Music, Dance, Art & Design, Drama & Theatre, Visual & Technological Arts, Visual Arts. Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts – University of Jaffna Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art & Design) Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies – Eastern University, Sri Lanka Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual & Technological Arts) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama & Theatre) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) University of the Visual & Performing Arts Bachelor of Visual Arts (Special) Bachelor of Performing Arts - Music (Special) Bachelor of Performing Arts - Dance & Drama (Special) In addition, candidates who are seeking admission to University of the Visual & Performing Arts and Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts should have passed the Aptitude Test, which will be conducted by the University concerned. The medium of instruction is strictly Tamil only for Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts and Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies and the medium of instruction is strictly Sinhala only for the University of the Visual & Performing Arts. Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the aptitude test and candidates may contact the Registrar of the respective university for further particulars. The University of the Visual & Performing Arts will publish a press notice calling for applications for the practical test and candidates may contact the Registrar of the respective university for further particulars. NOTE Candidates who have offered subjects in the Arts Stream at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination may note that they could also seek admission to courses in Law / Architecture / Design (Architecture) / Fashion Design & Product Development / Management Studies (TV) / Quantity Surveying / Information Technology / Town & Country Planning / Information & Communication Technology / Computation & Management / Entrepreneurship & Management / Industrial Information Technology / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management / Information Technology & Management / Tourism & Hospitality Management / Information Systems / Landscape Architecture provided that they have fulfilled the entry requirements for those courses of study.

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8.2.1 Management / Public Management (Special)/ Estate Management & Valuation / Commerce (Proposed Intake: Management - 3525; Public Management (Special) – 75; Estate Management & Valuation – 60; Commerce - 530) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Management, Public Management(Special), Estate Management & Valuation and Commerce, a candidate should have offered; (i) Business Studies; Economics and Accounting or (ii)

At least two subjects from the subjects given in (i) above; and the third subject from the following; Agricultural Science Geography German Combined Mathematics Elements of Political Science English Logic & Scientific Method French Information & Communication Technology

Business Statistics History Physics

Candidates should note that some degree programs such as Accountancy and Finance require that students offer Accounting as a subject at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination. The following four-year degree programs are available at the Universities for those who gain admission to follow a course in Management or Commerce; University of Colombo: B.B.A. (Special) B.B.A. (Finance) Special B.B.A. (Human Resource Management) Special B.B.A. (Marketing) Special B.B.A. (Accounting) Special B.B.A. (Business Economics) Special B.B.A. (International Business) Special B.B.A. (Management and Organizational Studies) Special University of Sri Jayewardenepura : B.Sc. (Business Administration) Special B.Sc. (Public Management) Special B.Com. (Special) B.Sc. (Estate Management & Valuation) Special B.Sc. (Accounting) Special B.Sc. (Marketing Management) Special B.Sc. (Human Resource Management) Special B.Sc. (Business Economics) Special B.Sc. (Finance) Special B.Sc. (Business Infomation Systems) Special B.Sc. (Operations and Technology Management) Special B.Sc. (Entrepreneurship) Special

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University of Kelaniya : B.B.M. (Human Resource) Special B.B.M. (Accountancy) Special B.B.M. (Marketing) Special B.B.M. (Finanace) Special B.Com. (Special) B.Com. (Business Technology) Special B.Com. (Entrepreneurship) Special University of Jaffna : B.B.A. (Accounting Special) B.B.A. (Financial Management Special) B.B.A. (Human Resource Management Special) B.B.A. (Marketing Special) B.Com. (Special) University of Ruhuna B.B.A. in Human Resources Management (Special) B.B.A. in Accounting & Finance (Special) B.B.A. in Marketing Management (Special) B.B.A. in Entrepreneurship (Special) Eastern University, Sri Lanka B.B.A. in Marketing Management (Special) B.B.A. in Human Resource Management (Special) B.Com in Enterprise Development (Special) B.Com in Accounting and Finance (Special) South Eastern University of Sri Lanka B.Business Administration B.Com. (Special) Rajarata University of Sri Lanka B.Sc. (Accountancy & Finance) Special B.Sc. (Business Management) Special B.Sc. (Tourism and Hospitality Management) Special B.Sc. (Business Information Technology) Special Wayamba University of Sri Lanka B.Sc. (Accountancy & Business Finance) Special B.Sc. (Banking & Business Finance) Special B.Sc. (Business Management) Special B.Sc. (Insurance & Valuation) Special Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka B.Sc. (Business Management) Special B.Sc. (Financial Management) Special B.Sc. (Marketing Management) Special B.Sc. (Tourism Management) Special B.Sc. (Eco Business Management) Special B.Sc. (Banking & Insurance) Special University of Peradeniya B.B.A. in Financial Management (Special) B.B.A. in Human Resource Management (Special) B.B.A. in Marketing Management (Special) B.B.A. in Operations Management (Special)

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8.2.2 Management Studies (TV) (Proposed Intake - 150) Candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission in any of the subject streams i.e. Arts, Commerce, Biological Science or Physical Science are eligible to seek admission to follow a degree course in Management Studies (TV) at one of the following Universities. However, when selecting students it will be ensured that at least 60% of the intake to the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and at least 40% of the intake to the Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University will be from the students in the Commerce Stream. Students admitted to a three year degree programme may proceed to the fourth year if they so desire and satisfy the requirements of the University. In the fourth year students are required to offer extra modules of courses relevant to the areas of specialization as determined by the Faculty/Senate of the University. Degree programs offered by these Universities are as follows; Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka B.Sc. (Accounting & Financial Management) B.Sc. (Marketing Management) B.Sc. (Human Resources Management) B.Sc. (Information Management)

Vavuniya Campus of University of Jaffna B.B.M. (Business Management) B.B.M. (Accountancy & Finance) Special B.B.M. (Marketing Management) Special B.B.M. (Business Economics) Special 8.2.3 Business Information Systems (Special) (BIS) (Proposed Intake - BIS - 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a four year special degree programme leading to B.Sc. Business Information Systems (Special) offered by the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the University of Sri-Jayewardenepura, candidates should have qualified for university admission with three subjects from the following four subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. Accounting Economics Business Studies Business Statistics NOTE Candidates are selected by the UGC for admission to a degree programme in Management, Public Management (Special), Estate Management & Valuation, Management Studies (TV) or to a degree programme in Commerce. The relevant Faculty of the University to which the student has been admitted will make selection for a particular field of specialization within Management, Commerce and Management Studies (TV) on a criterion determined by them. Candidates who have offered the subjects in the Commerce Stream at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination may note that they could also seek admission to the courses of study in Law / Arts (SAB) / Quantity Surveying / Information Technology / Architecture/ Design (Architecture) /Fashion Design & Product Development / Town & Country Planning / Peace & Conflict Resolution / Information & Communication Technology / Facilities Management / Computation & Management / Entrepreneurship & Management / Industrial Information Technology / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management / Information Technology & Management / Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Information Systems / Landscape Architecture provided that they have fulfilled the entry requirements for those courses of study.

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8.3.1 Medicine / Dental Surgery / Veterinary Science (Proposed Intake: Medicine - 1220; Dental Surgery - 80; Veterinary Science - 100) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Medicine / Dental Surgery/ Veterinary Science, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in each of the three subjects listed below; Biology Chemistry Physics 8.3.2 Agricultural Technology & Management (Proposed Intake – 200) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Agricultural Technology & Management a candidate should have offered one of the following combinations of subjects and obtained at least “S” Grades in the three subjects offered. (i) (ii) (iii)

Chemistry; Physics; and Biology Chemistry; Physics or Mathematics; Biology or Agricultural Science Chemistry; Biology; Agricultural Science or Mathematics

The University of Peradeniya offers a 4-year degree course leading to B. Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management. 8.3.3 Agriculture (Proposed Intake - 530)

In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Agriculture, a candidate should have offered one of the following combinations of subjects and obtained at least “S” Grades in the three subjects offered. (i) Chemistry; Physics; and Biology (ii) Chemistry; Physics or Mathematics; Biology or Agricultural Science (iii) Chemistry; Biology; Agricultural Science or Mathematics The four-year courses leading to B.Sc. (Agriculture) are offered by the following Universities; Eastern University, Sri Lanka University of Jaffna Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Wayamba University of Sri Lanka 8.3.4 Food Science & Nutrition (Proposed Intake - 110) The admission requirements for this four-year programme leading to a Bachelor of Science in Food Science & Nutrition Special Degree offered by the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka are the same as for Agriculture. (See Paragraph 8.3.3) Fields of specialization available are; Food Science & Technology Applied Nutrition

8.3.5 Food Science & Technology (Proposed Intake – 95) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Food Science & Technology, a candidate should have passed in Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

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The duration of the course of study is of 4 years and on successful completion the University of Peradeniya will award a B.Sc. (Food Science & Technology) Degree, the University of SriJayewardenepura will award a Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Technology) Degree while Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka will award a B.Sc. Special Degree in Food Science & Technology. 8.3.6 Ayurveda /Unani /Siddha (Proposed Intake – Ayurveda – 270; Unani – 50; Siddha - 70 ) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Ayurveda/Unani/Siddha; a candidate should have passed in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The course of study in Ayurveda leading to a Degree in Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S) is available at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine of the University of Colombo and Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute of the University of Kelaniya. The course of study in Unani leading to a Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S.) is available only at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine of the University of Colombo. The course of study in Siddha Medicine leading to a Degree in Bachelor of Siddha Medicine & Surgery (B.S.M.S) is available at University of Jaffna and Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. The medium of instruction is English for the course of study in Ayurveda at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine of the University of Colombo and Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute of the University of Kelaniya. The medium of instruction for the course of study in Unani is English at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine. The medium of instruction for the course of study in Siddha Medicine is English at theTrincomalee Campus whereas the medium of instruction for the same is Tamil at the University of Jaffna. Duration of the courses of study in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha is of six years, which includes 05 academic years and 01-year (final) internship. 8.3.7 Biological Science (Proposed Intake - 1255)

In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Biological Science, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in Biology, Chemistry and in one of the following subjects; Agricultural Science Higher Mathematics Mathematics 8.3.8

Combined Mathematics Physics

Applied Sciences (Biological Science) (Proposed Intake - 185) The admission requirements are the same as for Biological Science (see paragraph 8.3.7). The following degree programmes are available at the following Universities; Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) Special Degree in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management - Duration: 4 years B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) General Degree in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management - Duration: 3 years

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka B.Sc. (General) Degree in Applied Sciences - Duration: Three years B.Sc. Degree in Applied Sciences - Duration: Four years B.Sc. (Joint Major) Degree in Applied Sciences - Duration: Four years B.Sc. (Special) Degree in Applied Biology - Duration: Four years

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University of Jaffna (Vavuniya Campus) B.Sc. (Environmental Science) 3 years B.Sc. in Environmental Science (Special - 4 years) 8.3.9

Health Promotion (Proposed Intake – 50)

The admission requirements are the same as for Biological Science (see paragraph 8.3.7). The Rajarata University of Sri Lanka will award a B.Sc. (General) Degree in Health Promotion (Duration: Three years) and a B.Sc. (Special) Degree in Health Promotion (Duration: Four years). 8.3.10 Nursing (Proposed Intake – 205) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in each of the 3 subjects listed below; Biology



In addition, the candidates should have obtained at least a Pass (S) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E. (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Nursing. The following Universities offer a three-year degree programs leading to B.Sc. in Nursing. University of Peradeniya University of Sri-Jayewardenepura University of Jaffna Eastern University, Sri Lanka University of Ruhuna Students who successfully complete the General degree programme in Nursing would be eligible to be awarded, a special degree, in respect of the said course of study, upon the satisfactory completion of a further additional year of study. 8.3.11 Pharmacy (Proposed Intake – 105) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Pharmacy, a candidate should have obtained at least a ‘C’ Grade in Chemistry and ‘S’ Grades in Physics & Biology. In addition candidates should have obtained at least a Pass (S) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. The following Universities offer a three-year degree leading to Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.). University of Peradeniya University of Sri-Jayewardenepura University of Jaffna University of Ruhuna Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Pharmacy. Students who successfully complete the General degree programmes in Pharmacy would be eligible to be awarded, a special degree, in respect of the said course of study, upon the satisfactory completion of a further additional year of study.

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8.3.12 Medical Laboratory Sciences (Proposed Intake – 100) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Medical Laboratory Sciences, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. In addition candidates should have obtained at least a Pass (S) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. The following universities offer a three-year degree programme leading to B.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Sciences University of Peradeniya University of Jaffna

University of Sri-Jayewardenepura University of Ruhuna

Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Medical Laboratory Sciences. Students who successfully complete the General degree programmes in Medical Laboratory Sciences would be eligible to be awarded, a special degree, in respect of the said course of study, upon the satisfactory completion of a further additional year of study. 8.3.13 Radiography (Proposed Intake – 35) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Radiography, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in each of the three subjects listed below; Physics



In addition candidates should have obtained at least a Pass (S) in English at the G..C.E.(O/L) Examination. The University of Peradeniya offers a three-year degree leading to B.Sc. in Radiography. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Radiography. Students who successfully complete the General degree programmes in Radiography would be eligible to be awarded, a special degree, in respect of the said course of study, upon the satisfactory completion of a further additional year of study. 8.3.14 Physiotherapy (Proposed Intake – 60) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Physiotherapy, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in three subjects listed below, provided that the subjects so passed must include Physics and Chemistry; (i) Physics Chemistry Biology Combined Mathamatics Higher Mathamatics Mathamatics And (ii) A Pass (S) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. The following Universities offer a three-year degree leading to B.Sc. in Physiotherapy. University of Colombo

University of Peradeniya

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Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Physiotherapy. Students who successfully complete the General degree programmes in Physiotherapy would be eligible to be awarded, a special degree, in respect of the said course of study, upon the satisfactory completion of a further additional year of study.

8.3.15 Molecular Biology & Biochemistry (Proposed Intake – 60) In order to be eligible for the above course of study, candidates should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in each of the three subjects listed below; Biology Chemistry Physics The University of Colombo offers the 3 year General degree and 4 year special degree course leading to B.Sc. in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry.

8.3.16 Fisheries & Marine Sciences (Proposed Intake – 60) In order to be eligible for the above course of study, candidates should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in each of the three subjects listed below; Biology Chemistry Physics The University of Ruhuna offers the 4 year Special degree course leading to B.Sc. in Fisheries and Marine Sciences in the fields of Fisheries Science, Aquaculture, Limnology, Oceanography and Marine Geology. This course is available only at the University of Ruhuna.

8.3.17 Environmental Conservation & Management (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for the above course of study, candidates should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in Biology and Chemistry and one of the following subjects as the third subject; Physics Combined Mathematics Agricultural Science Mathematics This course is available only at the University of Kelaniya.

The University of Kelaniya offers three year General Degree and four year Special Degree course leading to B.Sc. in Environmental Conservation and Management. 8.3.18 Animal Science & Fisheries (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Animal Science & Fisheries a candidate should have offered one of the following combinations of subjects and obtained at least “S” Grades in the three subjects offered. (i) Chemistry; Biology and Physics (ii) Chemistry; Biology and Agricultural Science The University of Peradeniya offers a 4-year degree course leading to B.Sc. in Animal Science & Fisheries.

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8.3.19 Food Production & Technology Management (Proposed Intake – 60) The admission requirements for this four year special degree programme leading to a Bachelor of Science in Food Production & Technology Management offered by the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka are the same as for Agriculture. (See Paragraph 8.3.3) Fields of specialization available are; 1. Livestock and Avian Sciences 2. Aquaculture and Fisheries 8.3.20 Agricultural Resource Management & Technology (Proposed Intake – 150) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Agricultural Resource Management & Technology a candidate should have offered one of the following combinations of subjects and obtained at least “S” Grades in the three subjects offered. (i) (ii) (iii)

Chemistry; Physics; and Biology Chemistry; Physics or Mathematics; Biology or Agricultural Science Chemistry; Biology; Agricultural Science or Mathematics

The University of Ruhuna offers a 4-year degree course leading to B. Sc. Agricultural Resource Management & Technology. 8.3.21 Agric Business Management (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Argic Business Management a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in Biology and Chemistry and the third subject from among; Physics Agricultural Science

Food Technology / Bio - Resource Technology / Agro Technology

This course is available only at the University of Ruhuna. 8.3.22 Green Technology (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Green Technology a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in Biology and Chemistry and the third subject from among; Physics Agricultural Science

Food Technology / Bio - Resource Technology / Agro Technology

In addition candidates should have obtained at least a Credit Pass (C) in English at the G..C.E. (O/L) Examination. This course is available only at the University of Ruhuna. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Green Technology.

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NOTE The respective Faculties of the University to which the student has been admitted will do the selection for a particular degree programme within a University. Candidates who have studied in the Biological Science Stream may note that they could also seek admission to Law / Architecture / Design (Architecture)/ Fashion Design & Product Development / Management Studies (TV) / Information Technology / Management & Information Technology / Town & Country Planning/ Peace & Conflict Resolution / Information & Communication Technology / Science & Technology / Computer Science & Technology / Entrepreneurship & Management / Animal Science /Export Agriculture / Tea Technology & Value Addition / Industrial Information Technology / Mineral Resources & Technology / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Hospitality, Tourism & Events Management / Aquatic Resources Technology / Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition / Information Technology & Management / Tourism & Hospitality Management / Information Systems / Landscape Architecture provided that they have fulfilled the entry requirements for those courses of study. 8.4



Engineering (Proposed Intake - 1470)

In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Engineering, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in each of the three subjects set out below; Chemistry

Combined Mathematics


The fields of specialization available in each University are as follows; University of Peradeniya: Civil Engineering Computer Engineering

Chemical & Process Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Production Engineering

University of Moratuwa: Chemical & Process Engineering Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering University of Ruhuna: Civil & Environmental Engineering Electrical & Information Engineering Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

University of Jaffna: Civil Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Computer Engineering

South Eastern University of Sri Lanka Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Mechanical Engineering Computer (Software) Engineering

NOTE Selection for a particular field of specialization specified above would be done by the University to which the candidate has been admitted.

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Engineering (EM) – Earth Resources Engineering (Proposed Intake - 50) Admission requirements for this course of study, which was formerly known as Mining & Minerals Engineering, are the same as for Engineering (See paragraph 8.4.1). This course is available only at the University of Moratuwa.


Engineering (TM) - Textile & Clothing Technology (Proposed Intake - 50) Admission requirements are the same as for Engineering (See paragraph 8.4.1). This course is available only at the University of Moratuwa.


Physical Science (Proposed Intake - 1805) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Physical Science, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in three subjects listed below, provided that the subjects so passed must include Combined Mathematics or Higher Mathematics and Chemistry or Physics; Agricultural Science Combined Mathematics Biology Higher Mathematics Chemistry Physics


Computer Science (Proposed Intake - 260) In order to be eligible for admission to a programme in Computer Science offered by the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), the University of Jaffna and University of Ruhuna a candidate should have obtained; At least a Credit Pass (C) in Combined Mathematics or Physics or Higher Mathematics AND at least a Pass (S) in TWO other subjects listed below at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination; Combined Mathematics Higher Mathematics Physics Chemistry Information & Communication Technology Mathematics Students admitted to this course at the UCSC will follow a full Computer Science programme of three years leading to the degree in Bachelor of Computer Science (BCSc.). Based on their performance and preference, a selected number of students will be able to follow a four year degree course leading to either the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science [BSc. (Computer Science)] or the degree in Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering [BSc. (Software Engineering)]. The medium of instruction and examination is strictly English only.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (Proposed Intake – 150) In order to be eligible for admission to a programme in Information and Communication Technology offered by the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka a candidate should have obtained at least a Credit Pass (C) in at least ONE of the following subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination;

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Higher Mathematics Mathematics / Combined Mathematics Physics Chemistry Accounting Business Statistics Economics Business Studies Biology Geography Logic & Scientific Method Latin Sanskrit Music (Oriental/Carnatic/Western) Civil Technology Mechanical Technology Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology Information & Communication Technology In addition, candidates must also fulfill the following requirements; (i) Have at least a Credit Pass (C) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (ii) Have at least a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I (or II) at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (iii) Pass the Aptitude Test, jointly conducted by the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Students admitted to this course will follow a full Information and Communication Technology programme of three years duration leading to the Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Degree. Based on their performance and preference, a selected number will be able to offer an extra (fourth) year leading to the Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology Degree. NB:


(a) The Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the aptitude test and candidates may contact the Rector of the Vavuniya Campus and Registrar of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka for further particulars. (b) Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the university admission application. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Information and Communication Technology. (c) The medium of instruction and examination is strictly English only.

Applied Sciences (Physical Science) (Proposed Intake - 385) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Applied Sciences (Physical Science), a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in three subjects listed below, provided that the subjects so passed must include Combined Mathematics or Higher Mathematics and Chemistry or Physics; Agricultural Science Combined Mathematics Biology Higher Mathematics Chemistry Physics Information & Communication Technology The following degree programmes are available at the following Universities; Rajarata University of Sri Lanka: B.Sc. (General) Degree in Applied Sciences - Duration: Three years B.Sc. Degree in Applied Sciences - Duration: Four years B.Sc. (Joint Major) Degree in Applied Sciences - Duration: Four years Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka: B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) Special Degree in Chemical Technology B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) Special Degree in Computer Science & Technology B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) Special Degree in Applied Physics B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) in Physical Sciences University of Jaffna (Vavuniya Campus): B.Sc. (Applied Mathematics & Computing) - 3 years

B.Sc. (Computer Science) Special - 4 years - 30 -


Wayamba University of Sri Lanka: B.Sc. (General) Degree (English Medium, 3 years) B.Sc. (Joint Major) Degree (English Medium, 4 years)

B.Sc. (Speical) Degree (English Medium, 4 years) 8.4.8 Transport & Logistics Management (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for the above course of study, candidates should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in the following; Physics Chemistry Combined Mathematics The University of Moratuwa offers a four-year degree course leading to B.Sc. in Transport & Logistics Management. 8.4.9

Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance (Proposed Intake – 90) In order to be eligible for the above course of study candidates should have obtained at least a ‘S’ Grade in Combined Mathematics and ‘S’ Grades in any two subjects from among; Higher Mathematics Physics Chemistry The University of Colombo offers the following degree programmes, which are three years & four years duration. General B.Sc. in Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance (3 Years) Special B.Sc. in Industrial Statistics (4 Years) Special B.Sc. in Mathematical Finance (4 Years)

8.4.10 Statistics & Operations Research (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for the above course of study candidates should have obtained at least a ‘S’ Grade in Combined Mathematics and at least ‘S’ Grades in any other two Science subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. The University of Peradeniya offers a four-year degree course leading to B.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. 8.4.11 Computing & Information Systems (Proposed Intake - 80) In order to be eligible for admission to a four year special degree programme leading to B.Sc.Computing & Information Systems offered by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Candidates should have qualified for university admission with at least a Credit (C) Pass in Combined Mathematics or Physics or Higher Mathematics and at least “S” passes for two of the following subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. Combined Mathematics Higher Mathematics

Physics Chemistry

In addition, candidates should have obtained at least a Credit Pass (C) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E. (O/L) Certificate along with the university admissions application. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Computing & Information Systems.

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In addition, candidates should have passed the Aptitude Test, which will be conducted by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The University concerned will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the aptitude test and candidates may contact the Registrar of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka for further particulars. NOTE: The respective Faculties of the university to which the student has been admitted will do the selection for a particular degree programme within a university. Candidates who have studied in the Physical Science stream may note that they could also seek admission to Quantity Surveying / Architecture/ Design (Architecture) / Fashion Design & Product Development / Law / Management Studies (TV) / Surveying Science / Information Technology / Management & Information Technology / Town & Country Planning / Peace & Conflict Resolution / Facilities Management / Computation & Management / Science & Technology / Computer Science & Technology / Entrepreneurship & Management / Physiotherapy / Tea Technology & Value Addition / Industrial Information Technology / Mineral Resources & Technology / Physical Education / Sports Science & Management / Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management / Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition / Information Technology & Management / Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Information Systems / Landscape Architecture provided that they have fulfilled the entry requirements for those courses of study. 8.5



Information Technology (IT) (Proposed Intake – 200) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Information Technology, candidates should have qualified for university admission with at least a Credit (C) pass in one of the following subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination; Higher Mathematics Mathematics

Combined Mathematics Physics

The four year Honours Degree Programme leading to B.Sc. (Hons) in Information Technology offered by the University of Moratuwa.


Management & Information Technology (MIT) (Proposed Intake – 50) Candidates who passed the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination in the Science Stream with at least a Credit Pass (C) in one of the following subjects only are considered for admission to the MIT degree programme conducted by the University of Kelaniya. Higher Mathematics Mathematics

Combined Mathematics Physics

In addition, candidates should pass the Aptitude Test conducted by the University of Kelaniya.

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University of Kelaniya offers B.Sc. in Management & Information Technology (General / Special) Degree at the successful completion of the degree programme. The University of Kelaniya will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the aptitude test for the MIT programme and candidates may contact the Registrar of the University of Kelaniya for further particulars. 8.6



Quantity Surveying (Proposed Intake – 100) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Quantity Surveying, a candidate should have offered at least one subject from; Combined Mathematics

Higher Mathematics

and other subject/subjects from the following list; Accounting Economics Business Studies Physics Information & Communication Technology

Business Statistics Chemistry

In addition, candidates should have satisfied the following requirements at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (a) At least a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I or II (b) At least a Ordinary Pass (S) in Science I or II (c) At least a Credit Pass (C) in English Language Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Quantity Surveying. This four-year degree course is available only at the University of Moratuwa.


Surveying Science (Proposed Intake - 60) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study leading to B.Sc. (Surveying Science), a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in Physics, Combined Mathematics and in any other subject available at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. This four-year degree course is available only at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.


Town & Country Planning (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study leading to a B.Sc. Degree in Town & Country Planning offered by the University of Moratuwa, a candidate should have passed at least two of the following subjects; Accounting Chemistry Higher Mathematics Agricultural Science Combined Mathematics Logic & Scientific Method Biology Economics Mathematics Business Studies Elements of Political Science Physics Business Statistics Geography Information & Communication Technology

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and the other subject from the following list; Arabic Christian Civilization Art Home Economics Buddhism Hindi Buddhist Civilization Hinduism Christianity Hindu Civilization Chinese History English Islam French Islamic Civilization German Japanese Greek Latin Greek & Roman Civilization

Malay Pali Persian Russian Sanskrit Sinhala Tamil Urdu

In addition, the candidates should have obtained at least Credit Pass (C ) in English and Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Town & Country Planning.




Architecture / Design (Architecture) (Proposed Intake: Architecture - 55, Design (Architecture) – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Architecture; Design (Architecture); at the University of Moratuwa, a candidate should have offered; (i)

at least one of the following subjects; Art Higher Mathematics Combined Mathematics

Geography Chemistry

Biology Physics

and (ii)

the other subject/subjects from the following list; Accounting Hindu Civilization Business Statistics Islamic Civilization Greek & Roman Civilization Elements of Political Science English Sinhala Communication & Media Studies Christian Civilization

Hindi Arabic Buddhist Civilization History Home Economics Business Studies Chinese Japanese Logic & Scientific method Economics Mathematics Pali Sanskrit French German Tamil Information & Communication Technology

In addition, candidates must fulfill the following requirements; (a) (b) (c)

At least a Ordinary Pass (S) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. At least a Credit Pass (C ) in Mathematics I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination or a Ordinary Pass (S) in Mathematics at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. Passed the Aptitude Test, which will be held by the University of Moratuwa.

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The course of study in Architecture leading to a “Bachelor of Architecture” is a full professional five (05) year degree programme. 8.7.2

Fashion Design & Product Development (Proposed Intake - 40) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Fashion Design & Product Development, a candidate should have obtained at least ‘S’ Grades in any three subjects at G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. In addition, candidates must fulfill the following requirements; (a) At least a Credit Pass (C) in English, Mathematics I or II and Science I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (b) Passed the Aptitude Test, which will be conducted by the University of Moratuwa. This course is available only at University of Moratuwa.


Landscape Architecture (Proposed Intake - 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Landscape Architecture at the University of Moratuwa, a candidate should have offered; (i)

at least one of the following subjects; Art Geography Higher Mathematics Chemistry Combined Mathematics Agricultural Science

Biology Physics

and (ii)

the other subject/subjects from the following list; Accounting Hindi Hindu Civilization Buddhist Civilization Business Statistics Home Economics Islamic Civilization Chinese Greek & Roman Civilization Logic & Scientific method Elements of Political Science Mathematics English Sanskrit Sinhala German Communication & Media Studies Christian Civilization Information & Communication Technology

Arabic History Business Studies Japanese Economics Pali French Tamil

In addition, candidates must fulfill the following requirements; (a) (b) (c)

At least a Ordinary Pass (S) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. At least a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination or a Ordinary Pass (S) in Mathematics at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. Passed the Aptitude Test, which will be conducted by the University of Moratuwa.

The course of study in Landscape Architecture leading to a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture is a full professional four (04) year degree programme. NOTE I: Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for university admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Architecture / Design (Architecture) / Fashion Design & Product Development / Landscape Architecture.

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NOTE I1: A Press Notice calling for applications to sit the Aptitude Test will be published by the University of Moratuwa. Candidates may contact the Registrar of the University of Moratuwa for further particulars.

8.8 LAW (Proposed Intake - 350) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Law, a candidate should have offered;8 .8 (a)

three subjects from the following list; Accounting Elements of Political Science Agricultural Science Geography Biology Higher Mathematics Business Statistics History Business Studies Logic & Scientific Method Chemistry Economics Physics Mathematics/Combined Mathematics Communication & Media Studies


Information & Communication Technology

or one or two subjects from the above list and the other subject/subjects from the following list; Buddhism/Buddhist Civilization Hinduism/Hindu Civilization Christianity / Christian Civilization Islam/Islamic Civilization Japanese Chinese Latin English Pali French Sanskrit German Sinhala Greek / Greek & Roman Civilization Tamil Arabic

In addition, candidates should have obtained at least a credit pass (C ) in English at the G.C.E (O/L) Examination or a pass in English at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Law. 8.9



Facilities Management (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Facilities Management, a Candidate should have obtained at least a ‘S’ Grade in Combined Mathematics or Accounting and at least ‘S’ Grades in any two subjects from among; Business Statistics Physics Business Studies Higher Mathematics Chemistry Economics Information & Communication Technology In addition, candidates should have obtained; (a) at least a Credit Pass (C) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (b) at least a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (c) at least a Ordinary Pass (S) in Science I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination.

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Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Facilities Management. This four-year degree course is available only at the University of Moratuwa.


Computation & Management (Proposed Intake – 50) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Computation & Management, a candidate should have obtained at least a ‘S’ Grade in Economics or Combined Mathematics and at least ‘S’ Grades in any other two subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. In addition, candidates should have obtained a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I or II at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. This four-year degree course is available only at the University of Peradeniya. Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Computation & Management.


Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) (Proposed Intake – 90) Candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission in any of the subject streams i.e. Arts, Commerce, Biological Science or Physical Science are eligible to seek admission to follow a three year General degree course leading to a Bachelor of Science in Management and Information Technology (B.Sc. in MIT) at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. This degree programme has combined course units of Management and Information Technology.



8.10.1 Science & Technology (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree in Science and Technology offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is same as for Biological Science and Physical Science (See paragraphs 8.3.7 & 8.4.4). In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. Students will be selected for one of the following specialization areas at the beginning of the third academic year. 1. Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology 2. Materials Science and Technology 3. Mechatronics In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research project relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only.

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8.10.2 Computer Science & Technology (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Computer Science and Technology offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is same as for Biological Science, Physical Science. (See paragraphs 8.3.7 & 8.4.4). The candidate should also have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and an individual project relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only.

8.10.3 Entrepreneurship & Management (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) degree in Entrepreneurship and Management offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is at least three “S” passes in any G.C.E (Advanced Level) stream. The candidate should also have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. Students will be selected for one of the following specialization areas at the beginning of the third academic year. 1. Insurance and Actuary 2. Entrepreneurship and Management Technology In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research project relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only.

8.10.4 Animal Science (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Animal Science (BASc) degree offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is same as for Biological Science (See paragraph 8.3.7). In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only.

8.10.5 Export Agriculture (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Export Agriculture offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is same as for Biological Science (See paragraph 8.3.7). In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. Students will be selected for one of the following specialization areas at the beginning of the third academic year.

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1. Crop Products Technology 2. Entrepreneurial Agriculture In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. 8.10.6 Tea Technology & Value Addition (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Tea Technology and Value Addition offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is at least three “S” passes from one of the following subject combinations at the G.C.E. (Advanced Level). 1. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Agricultural Science 2. Combined Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. 8.10.7 Industrial Information Technology (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Industrial Information Technology (BIIT) degree offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is at least three “S” passes in any G.C.E (Advanced Level) stream. The candidate should also have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. 8.10.8 Mineral Resources & Technology (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Mineral Resources and Technology offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is at least three “S” passes from one of the following subject combinations at the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) examination. 1. Biology, Chemistry, Physics 2. Combined Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. Students will be selected for one of the following specialization areas at the beginning of the third academic year. 1. Mineral Processing Technology 2. Water Science and Technology

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In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. 8.10.9 Aquatic Resources Technology (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Aquatic Resources and Technology offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is same as for Biological Science (See paragraph 8.3.7). In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. 8.10.10 Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is at least three “S” passes from one of the following subject combinations at the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) examination. 1. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Agricultural Science 2. Combined Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics In addition, the candidate should have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. 8.10.11 Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management (Proposed Intake – 55) This is a four-year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) degree in Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management offered by the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. The admission requirement is at least three “S” passes in any G.C.E. (Advanced Level) stream. The candidate should also have passed the Aptitude Test which will be conducted by the University. In the final year all students should carry out an industrial training and a research relevant to their area of interest. The medium of instructions and examinations is strictly in English only. NOTE I: The Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka will publish a press notice calling for applications from candidates to sit Aptitude Tests. Candidates may contact the Registrar of the Uwa Wellassa University of Sri Lanka for further particulars.

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8.11.1 Physical Education / Sports Science & Management (Proposed Intake : Physical Education - 50, Sports Science & Management - 80) In order to be eligible for admission to a four year special degree programme leading to B.Sc. Physical Education offered by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and B.Sc. Sport Sciences & Management offered by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and University of Sri Jayewardenepura candidate should have qualified for university admission with at least ‘S’ grade for any three subjects (i.e. in Arts, Commerce, Biological Science or Physical Science subject streams) available at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. In addition, candidates should have passed the Aptitude Test, which will be jointly conducted by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka & University of Sri-Jayewardenepura.

The Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and University of Sri Jayewardenepura will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the aptitude test and candidates may contact the Registrar of the relevant University for further particulars.

8.11.2 Speech and Hearing Sciences (Proposed Intake - 50) Candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission in the Arts, Biological Science or Physical Science subject streams are eligible to seek admission to follow a four year special degree programme leading to Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences with specialization in Speech and Language Therapy or Audiology conducted by Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Kelaniya. Audiology track will be open only to the students who have passed physics at the G.C.E. (A/L) examination.


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT (Proposed Intake – 100) In order to be eligible for admission to a four year Honors Degree Programme leading to B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology & Management offered by the University of Moratuwa, candidates should have qualified for University admission with at least a Credit (C) pass in one of the following subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination; Higher Mathematics Economics Mathematics Combined Mathematics Geography Physics Accounting Logic & Scientific Method Business Statistics

In addition, candidates must also fulfill the following requirements; (i) (ii)

Have at least a Credit Pass (C) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. Have at least a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination.

Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the application for University Admission. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Information Technology & Management.

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TOURISM & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (Proposed Intake – 100) In order to be eligible for admission to a course of study in Tourism & Hospitality Mangement, a candidate should have offered one of the following combinations of subjects and obtained at least “S” Grades in the three subjects offered; (i) Any three subjects in the Commerce, Biological Science and Physical Science Streams. (ii) At least one of the following subjects and any other two subjects in the Arts Stream. Economics, Geography, Business Statistics The four year degree leading to a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (Special) and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (Special) are available at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and the four year degree leading to a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (Special) and Bachelor of Science in Tourism & Hospitality Management (Special) is available at the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.


INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Proposed Intake – 80)

In order to be eligible for admission to a programme in Information Systems offered by the University of Colombo, School of Computing (UCSC) a candidate should have obtained at least a Credit Pass (C) in at least TWO of the following subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination; Higher Mathematics Mathematics / Combined Mathematics Physics Chemistry Accounting Business Statistics Economics Business Studies Biology Elements of Political Science Logic & Scientific Method Geography Civil Technology Mechanical Technology Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology Information and Communication Technology In addition, candidates must also fulfill the following requirements; (i) Have at least a Credit Pass (C) in English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (ii) Have at least a Credit Pass (C) in Mathematics I (or II) at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination. (iii) Pass the Aptitude Test, which will be conducted by the UCSC. Students admitted to this course will follow a full Information Systems degree programme of three years duration leading to the degree of Bachelor of Information Systems (BIS). Based on their performance and preference, a selected number of students will be able to follow a four year degree course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Engineering [BSc (ISE)].


(a) The UCSC will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the aptitude test and candidates may contact the Director of the UCSC for further particulars. (b) Candidates are required to submit the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate along with the university admission application. Failure to submit it will result in rejection of the application for Information Systems. (c) The medium of instruction and examination is strictly English only.

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Every candidate should clearly indicate in the application for admission the courses of study to which he/she seeks entry. Candidates will not be considered for the courses of study to which they have not marked a preference. They can apply for any number of courses if they are qualified to be considered for those courses. If a candidate wishes to be considered for two or more courses of study, such courses of study should be indicated in descending order of preference. No candidates will be permitted to change the order of preference after one month of the closing date of applications.


A complete list of the courses of study available is set out in Annex I. Students should be guided by this Annex when selecting the courses they wish to follow. However, when indicating the courses of study according to their order of preference, candidates should clearly understand that initially they would be selected only for the courses of study mentioned under 7.2 and not for a particular university or a particular subject combination of a university stated in Annex 1.


When a candidate has indicated preferences for two or more courses of study, he/she will, in the first instance, be considered for admission to the course to which he/she has given first preference. If the candidate is not selected for that course, he/she will be considered for the next course of study he/she has given second preference in the application. This process is illustrated by the following example: Assume that a candidate has indicated in his application ten courses of study in the following order of preference; 1. Management 2. Public Management (Special) 3. Commerce 4. Estate Management & Valuation 5. Management Studies (TV) 6. Business Information Systems (Special) 7. Law 8. Arts (SAB) 9. Architecture 10. Quantity Surveying This candidate will be considered first for Management, then for Public Management (Special), next for Commerce and so on according to his/her order of preference until he/she is selected or is found not to qualify for any of these ten courses of study. Let us presume that his/her Z score, which is inadequate for both Management and Public Management (Special) qualifies him/her for admission to Commerce, he/she will then be selected for Commerce and will not be considered for any of the preferences given in 4 to 10 above.


Those who wish to change the course preference order should do so in writing according to the format appended below and send under registered cover to reach the Additional Secretary, Academic Affairs & University Admissions, University Grants Commission, No 20, Ward Place, Colombo 7, within a month of the closing date of applications. The signature you place here should be same as the signature you have already placed in your University Application Form. Requests for change the order of course preference through fax or e-mail shall not be accepted.

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For Office Use only

fw;ifnewp xOq;if khw;Wtjw;fhd khjphp gbt mikg;G

Format for Change the order of Course Preference (Speciman) ðHÔQ© ú[ÄQ / fy;tpahz;L / Academic Year


1st Checked

1. ݬ¡è[È ©Ñ : KOg;ngah;: Full Name : 2nd Checked

2. ð.Í¡¨.Ý (ÙÝÝz Í¡d) ¥T¨h ð|ÂQ (2012) : f.ngh.j. (c/j) Rl;nlz; (2012): G.C.E. (A/L) Index Number (2012): 3. c¨g# ïAí}Èe¬¡gz ð|ÂQ : Njrpa milahs ml;il ,y.: National Identity Card No. :

4. â}ôÂr© ð|ÂQ : njhiyNgrp ,yf;fk;: Telephone Number :

Order of University Preference (University Code) 1

O r d e r o f C o u r s e P r e f e r e n c e










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Ѩ öú¨ ðAg# ðQí}¬¡Ígz Ýíµï©z ÂAÑAgzÍgz ð©e¡#d#Íúk ðúk|h¿ Âô ªïg Ѩ Ýíµï©z Âô© ©ú ÂAÑAgzÍgz ð©e¡#d#Íúk ¥³zú¥âµÔ¨k ¡oͶ³Q Ýíµï¨ Ýk¨ ¹k© ÍkÝ ÂôAȨÍú©z ªxk¨ Ý#×l. ,j;jhy; ehd; vdJ Ke;jpa fw;ifnewp / gy;fiyf;fof tpUg;G xOq;if uj;J nra;fpNwd;. jaT nra;J NkNy Fwpg;gpl;l Gjpa fw;ifnewp / gy;fiyf;fof tpUg;G xOq;if vdJ Gjpa tpUg;G xOq;fhf fUj;jpw;nfLf;fTk;. I do hereby cancel my previous Course/University preferences. Please consider the new order of Course/University preferences as indicated above for admission.

................................... âµ¼©Q / jpfjp / Date

............................................................. ðgzÝ© / ifnahg;gk; / Signature

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10.1 Applications for admission will be invited by the UGC by means of Notices published in the Press. Every application for admission should be made in the prescribed form given in this Handbook. The Handbook can be obtained from any authorised agent of the UGC on payment of Rs. 500/-. 10.2 It will be the responsibility of each applicant to perfect and return the application form together with the relevant documents to be received by the UGC before the due date. The last date for the receipt of applications for admission will be specified in the Press Notice referred to above. Candidates should take special care to fill accurately the Computer Data Sheet that accompanies the application form. Failure to submit the relevant documents and certificates along with the application may result in rejection of the application for university admission. 10.3 Every candidate who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as a School Candidate must have his/her application for admission certified by the Head of the School concerned from which the candidate presented himself/herself for the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination to obtain the minimum requirements for admission. Every candidate who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination, as a Private Candidate should have his/her application attested by a Justice of Peace.



11.1 Those who come within the top 10% of both syllabi in a particular course of study will be given the university of their first choice. 11.2 Up to 40% of places after assigning the top 10% will be filled based on the ratio of the balance numbers between students of new syllabus and the students of old syllabus considering the order of Z-Score and preference indicated by them to universities. 11.3 The balance students after assigning the top 40%, will be assigned to universities based on the ratio of the balance numbers between students of new syllabus and the students of old syllabus on the basis of the following factors; (a) the District from which the student has been selected for admission (b) order of Z - Score (c) order of preference indicate by the candidates 11.4 The successful candidates will be informed of their course of study and the university to which they have been selected. If they accept the offer they should register with the university concerned when called upon to do so or within the time period stipulated by the UGC.


FILLING OF VACANCIES Vacancies may arise as a result of non-registration of students selected under the normal intake. These are filled on the following basis; (a)

Vacancies due to non-registration of students selected under new syllabus of the merit quota will be filled from the students of the new syllabus on an all island merit basis.


Vacancies due to non-registration of students selected under old syllabus of the merit quota will be filled from the students of the old syllabus on an all island merit basis.


Vacancies due to non-registration of students selected under new syllabus of the district quota will be filled on a district merit basis from the students of the new syllabus. Vacancies in a particular district will be filled with students from the same district.

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Vacancies due to non-registration of students selected under old syllabus of the district quota will be filled on a district merit basis from the students of the old syllabus. Vacancies in a particular district will be filled with students from the same district.


When an additional number of students have been selected over and above the quota due to clustering of students at the same mark point, such additional number will be deducted from the number of vacancies and only the balance will be filled.


Vacancies in any course of study will not be filled after the commencement of the academic programme of the university concerned without the consent of the Dean of the respective Faculty. “Commencement of academic programme” specified above does not mean the commencement of an orientation programme including the English course.


Candidates once registered in a course of study on the basis of the results of the G.C.E (A/L) Examination held in 2012 and wish not to be considered for courses of study to which they have given higher preference in the application for admission, should do so in writing clearly mentioning the G.C.E. (A/L) index number to reach the Additional Secretary / Academic Affairs and University Admissions within two weeks from the last date for registration. Otherwise he/she should accept the course of study to which he/she would be elevated according to the higher preference indicated by him/her in the application for admission.


When filling vacancies, the course of study and the university to which candidate has given preference will be considered together. If a particular candidate has not given a preference to a university to follow a certain course of study for which he/she could have been selected, he/she would not be selected to that course of study in a university for which he/she has not indicated a preference. Instead he/she would be selected to the next choice of study and the university preferred by him/her.



13.1 If any candidate selected for admission to a university is desirous of obtaining a postponement of his/her admission, he/she may be granted such postponement provided that the university concerned is satisfied with the reasons adduced by the candidate. 13.2 In every such case, the student should register with the university to which he/she has been assigned in the first instance, and an application be made to the Registrar of the University concerned indicating the specific grounds on which a postponement is sought before the commencement of the academic year. 13.3 The maximum period for which such postponement is given will be one academic year. 13.4 When a postponement is given, the candidate will be admitted to the same course of study for which he/she was selected earlier. Any candidate obtaining a postponement of admission will not be eligible to seek admission to any other course of study on the basis of the results of a G.C.E (A/L) Examination held in a later year (that is after 2012).

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14.1 A student who wishes to get an inter-university transfer should make a written appeal to the Appeals Committee under Paragraph 15 (c) below. 14.2 Every such student who seeks an inter-university transfer should get him/herself registered with the university to which he/she has been assigned in the first instance. Transfers can be made only within the same course of study in different Universities. There is no guarantee that every appeal for a transfer will be accommodated. 14.3 Transfers can be made only on the availability of vacancies at the relevant university. Students’ order of Z-Score of new syllabus & old syllabus will be taken into consideration separately when there are more applicants than vacancies. 14.4 No requests for mutual transfers will be entertained.

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APPEALS After the completion of selection of candidates for admission for the Academic Year 2012/2013, the UGC will appoint an Appeals Committee to investigate and report on appeals made by candidates regarding admission. Appeals will be entertained from the following; (a) (b)

(c) (d)


Applicants who fall within the declared minimum Z Score for selection for a particular course of study but not selected, subject to provisions made in Section 9 of this Handbook. Applicants who have been selected for a particular course of study, but consider that they qualify to be selected for another course of study indicated by them, subject to provisions made in Section 9 of this Handbook. Applicants who request that they be assigned to another university. Applicants who request that their course of study be changed to another course of study to which they have given a lower preference for which the requirements for admission have been fulfilled. (In order to consider appeals for a change of course of study there should be vacancies in the relevant course of study. Students’ order of Z-Score of new Syllabus & old Syllabus will be taken into consideration separately when there are more applicants than vacancies). Applicants who fail to apply for a particular course of study for which the requirements for admission have been fulfilled. (In order to consider appeals under this category there should be vacancies in the relevant course of study. Students’ order of Z-Score of new syllabus & old syllabus will be taken into consideration separately when there are more applicants than vacancies).

The Appeals Committee will not consider appeals made in respect of the following and such appellants are hereby informed that their appeals will not be acknowledged and payments will not be refunded. i. ii. iii.

Admission under special Provisions Admission for Special Subjects under an additional intake Admission under filling of vacancies

Those who wish to make an appeal should fill the specimen application appended below and send under registered cover to reach the Secretary - Appeals Committee on University Admissions, C/o University Grants Commission, No. 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07, within four (4) weeks from the date of publishing the Cut-Off-Points (COPs). The words “Appeals - University Admissions” should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope. A payment of Rs. 500/- should be made for every appeal. This payment should be made to the credit of the UGC Collection Account No. 0002323287 at Torrington Branch of the Bank of Ceylon or Collection Account No. 167-1-001-4-3169407 at Town Hall Branch of the People’s Bank by filling in the paying-in-voucher for payment of cash to the UGC. Every appeal should be accompanied by the counterfoil of the paying-in-voucher authenticated by the seal of one of the abovementioned banks and the signature of an Authorised Officer on such counterfoil. No appeals will be accepted without this payment. Note 1 : Note 2 : Note 3 :

Appeals through fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Specimen form for Appeals is also available on the UGC web site If you wish to send more than one appeal, you can use a photocopy of the specimen form for Appeals.

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For Office Use only

Specimen Form for Inter University Transfers Academic Year


Please use this specimen form only to appeal for Inter University Transfers.

01. Full Name of the applicant: Rev./ Mr. / Mrs./Miss: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

02. (a) Contact Address: ....................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... (b) Telephone No. Fixed


03. G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2012 Index Number:

Average Z Score:


04. University / Course of Study Selected :

05. Indicate the University/ Universities to which the transfer is sought. (Transfers can be made only within the same course of study in different Universities. There is no guarantee that every appeal for a transfer will be accommodated.): 1.




06. Nature of the Appeal and Reasons (Write briefly): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

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____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

.................................. Date

........................................................................................... Signature of Applicant

Paste the pay-in-voucher

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ðT#Q¨R©¨ Ýíµï¨ ðQâ}¬ ¡goQ

For Office Use only

Nkd;KiwaPl;L tpz;zg;gj;jpd; khjphp

Specimen Form for Appeals ðHÔQ© ú[ÄQ / fy;tpahz;L / Academic Year


ÂôAȨÂô ÍÑÑ ð¨ÂMg# ¡go Q ¥³z ú ¥âµ Ô ¨k ѨôAù¬ Ýíµ ï ¨ T¨¥g¨ Í©¨Âô©z © . jaT nra;J ,e;j tpzz ; g;gj;jpd; khjphpia gy;fiyf;fof khw;wj;jpwF ; Nkd;KiwaPL nra;a ghtpff ; Ntz;lhk;.

/ Please do not use this specimen form to appeal for Inter University transfers.

01. ðQâ}¬ÂôAÍhz ݬ¡è[È ©Ñ : ï¼l/ÑQ¨/lQ/ÍÑQ / tpz;zg;gjhhpapd; KOg;ngah; (Mq;fpyj;jpy;): tz./jpU./jpUkjp/nry;tp / Full Name of the applicant: Rev./ Mr. / Mrs./Miss: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

02. (a) k#¡# kAFQ Qeg¿ k#¡#©Q / njhlh;Gf;fhd Kfthp (Mq;fpyj;jpy;) / Contact Address: ....................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... (b) â}ôÂr© ð|ÂQ/njhiyNgrp ,y./Telephone No. Ýzr¨úô / epiyahd / Fixed

c|hÑ / ifalf;f / Mobile

03. 2012 ð.Í¡¨.Ý. (Ù.Í¡.) ¥T¨hQ / 2012 f.ngh.j. (c.j.) ghPl;ir / G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2012 ¥T¨h ð|ÂQ /Rl; n lz; / Í¡©$ Ý#× ¥ÄQQ©z / Njhw;wpa ghlq;fs;; / Index Number:

Subjects offered

k¹¨hgz Z ðhQ / ruhrhp Z Gs;sp / Average Z Score: ¡oͶ³Q Ýíµï¨ Ýk¨ ¹k© kâµ âµ¼Ýzgo#ÂzÂQ / gy;fiyf;fof mDkjpf;fhf tpz;zg;gjhhpia fUjpa khtl;lk; / District from which the applicant was considered for University Admission:


04. ¥³zú¥âµÔ¨k ¡oͶ³Q Ýíµï¨ Íg¨zô¨Íh© ðAgz©¬ / mDkjpf;F njhpT nra;ag;gl;bUg;gpd; / If seleceted for Admission : ¡¨¤Ñ¨k¨ú / fw;if newp / Course of Study :

¥³zú¥âµÔ¨kQ / gy;fiyf;fofk; / University :

ð⵨k ͨÒeͶ 05. ðT#Q¨R©QÒ Íïzg¿ / Nkd;KiwaPl;bw;fhd jd;ikAk; fhuzKk;/ Nature of the Appeal and Reasons: [ðâµ  ) kÂ¿È ÝÒï©z Âô©z© / rk;ge;jg;gl;l $l;by; ( ) in the relevant box]  ) vdf; Fwpg;gpLf / Indicate ( ( âµA©Ò ÍgzI ðAg# ¡¨¤Ñ¨k¨úÒ ¡ïd#©z ðQâ}¬¡Ígz Ýâµï©z Âô ðAg# Íú©gz ¡¨¤Ñ¨k¨úÂÒ Ñ¨ôA Âô hA©$ÑÒ ú© ðT#Q¨R©QÂz ©¬, ¡¨¤Ñ¨k¨ ð©e¡#d#Íúk Íú©Ýz ¥Q Qeg¿ ð¨Â¨ôQ ¡AïAâµ¼k#ú Ýíµï©z Âô©z©. / njhpT nra;ag;gl;l fw;if newpapypUe;J mDkjpff ; hd Fwpff ; g;gl;l epge;jidfisg; g+h;jj ; p nra;j ghPlr ; hh;jj ; p Fiwe;j xOq;fpy; Fwpgg ; pll ; NtW fw;if newpfF ; khw;wj;jpwf ; hd Nkd;KiwaPlhapd>; jaT nra;J Gjpa fw;if xOq;if njspthff; Fwpgg ; pLf. / If the appeal is to change the selected course of study to another course of study to which the candidate has given a lower preference for which the requirements for admission have been fulfilled, indicate new order of preference clearly. Order of University Preference (University Code) Course of Study (Code)







1 2 3 4 5

51 --- 51


ðQâ}¬ ¡Ígz Ýâµï©z Âô Í©¨ÑAg# ¡¨¤Ñ¨k¨ ðQâ}¬Â#IÑ Ýíµï¨ ú© ðT#Q¨R©QÂz ©¬ ü¹ú Ýk¨ ¹Ak#Q Qeg¿ ¡¨¤Ñ¨k¨ ð©e¡#d#Íúk#©z ¡AïAâµ¼k#ú Ýíµï©z Âô©z©. / tpz;zg;gjhhp Vw;fdNt fw;if xOq;fpy; tpz;zg;gpf;fhj fw;if newpfSf;fhd Nkd;KiwaPlhapd;> jaT nra;J tpz;zg;gjhhp fUj;jpw;nfLf;fg;gl Ntz;ba Gjpa fw;if xOq;if njspthff; Fwpg;gpLf. / If the appeal is to apply for courses of study for which the candidate has not indicated preferences, please clearly indicate the courses of study for which the candidate wishes to be considered. Course of Study (Code)

Order of University Preference (University Code)







1 2 3 4 5 ©#Qlg ¨k Ý$Ѩú g¿k ¥³zú¥âµÔ¨k ¡oͶ³Q Ýíµï¨ ðQâ}¬ Â#IÑÒ Í©¨ïAÂ# ùÑ. / gy;fiyf;fof mDkjpf;F Fwpj;j fhyj;jpy; tpz;zg;gpf;fj; jtwpaik / Failure to apply for university admission within the prescribed period of time. Íïzg¿ / fhuzk;/ Reason: .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. (ðú³Ô k#¡# ðÑe©©z© / rk;ge;jg;gl;l gj;jpuj;ij ,izf;fTk; / Attach relevant documents) ðT#Q¨R©QÒ Íïzg¿ú ªïg Ýíµï©z Âô Í©¨ÑAg# Íú©gz ÂôAÈÂz ©¬ ÍÑï# Ýíµï©z Âô©z©. / Nkd;KiwaPlb ; w;fhd fhuzk; NkNy Fwpg;gplg;gl;l tplaq;fspy; mlq;ftpy;iynad;why;> jaT nra;J ,q;F Fwpg;gpLf / If the reason for appeal is different from those stated above, please specify. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

.................................. âµ¼©Q/ jpfjp/ Date

........................................................................................... ðQâ}¬ÂôAÍhz ðgzÝ© / tpz;zg;gjhhpapd; ifnahg;gk; / Signature of Applicant

Ñeâµx Íhú¨ k¹¨ hgz ¿¥g¨©zÝ#Q ÍÑÑ Í¨ÒeͶ ðkú©z© nfhLg;gdT gl;Nlhiyia xl;Lf

Paste the pay-in-voucher

P.T.O - 52 --52 -




Persons, who wish to object to the selection of a particular student for a given course of study on the ground that he/she is not qualified for selection, can do so in writing to the Additional Secretary (Academic Affairs &University Admissions), University Grants Commission, 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07. When a complaint is made, the complainant should give as much information as possible about the student whose selection is objected to, stating the nature of the objection and wherever possible produce documentary evidence in support of the objection.


ADDRESSES FOR CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence regarding admission to under-graduate courses should be addressed to; Additional Secretary (Academic Affairs & University Admissions) University Grants Commission, 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07 Telephone Fax E-mail Web site

: : : :

011-2695301 011-2691678 [email protected]

Correspondence with regard to registration and information about a particular course in a university should be addressed to the Registrar of the university concerned. The addresses of universities are given in annex 3 of the part 4.


PROGRAMME OF DEVELOPING THE LEADERSHIP ABILITIES AND POSITIVE THINKING All students selected for university admission are expected to participate at the Programme designed to develop leadership abilities and positive thinking conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education.

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SPECIAL ADMISSION In admitting students to universities, it is a common practice in many countries to reserve a few places for special categories of students such as those who have excelled in sports, arts and culture; blind and differently abled; personnel of armed forces; teachers; and foreign students. Only a very few number is admitted on the special grounds specified above. The special categories of candidates who qualify for special admission to universities in Sri Lanka are described below ; and selection of students for special admission will be made in accordance with the criteria specified in section 3.2.1 of this Handbook. (a) Blind and Differently Abled Candidates: The UGC may at the request of the universities concerned, decide to admit a limited number of blind students (who sat the 2012 G.C.E (A/L) Examination using the Braille system) to courses in Arts and differently abled students (who are medically certified as disabled) to courses in Arts, Commerce, Biological Science and Physical Science. It is important to note that, only candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements for university admission (set out in Section 3.2.2 above) and the appropriate subject pre-requisites (set out in Section 8) for the relevant course of study will be considered under this special provision. Applicants are required to submit Medical Certificates acceptable to the UGC in proof of their physical disability. For the purpose of this section, physical disability shall mean a permanent physical impairment, which has affected normal life. Note Applications for admission under the category of blind and differently abled candidates specified above should be made in the prescribed form appearing at the end of PART TWO of this Handbook. The duly perfected application form should be sent along with the applications for University Admission to reach the Additional Secretary (Academic Affairs & University Admissions),University Grants Commission, No. 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07 on or before the closing date for applications as specified in the press notice. Incomplete applications and applications received after the due date will be rejected. No press notices will be published calling for applications under this provision separately. (b) Students Who Have Excelled in Fields Other than Studies: (b1.) Up to 0.5% of the places from the proposed intake in each course of study other than courses offered by the University of the Visual and Performing Arts have been reserved for candidates who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd places at national level and / or achievements at international levels in such fields as sports, cultural activities (e.g. dancing, painting, music and literature), scouting and cadetting, social work and other extra curricular activities between 01.08.2009 to 31.07.2012 but have failed to gain admission under the normal intake because of the shortfall of a few marks. In order to be eligible for admission under this provision candidates should have satisfied the minimum requirements specified in Section 3.2.2 and subject prerequisites for admission to a particular course of study specified in Section 8 of this Handbook. Candidates who are within a Z – score of 0.2000 of the cut-off-point applicable to the admission district of the candidate in the relevant course of study will only be considered for admission and should be summoned for an interview. In the case of the University of the Visual and Performing Arts upto 4% of the places from the proposed intake in each course of study have been reserved for the admission of students under this category. Candidates who are eligible under this scheme are required to produce documentary evidence with regard to their achievements at national / international level when they are summoned for an interview at the UGC Secretariat. Marks will be awarded for their achievements at

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the interview in accordance with a marking scheme approved by the UGC. Final selection will be made in order of the marks that applicants obtain at this evaluation, depending on the places available under this special provision. For selection of candidates, marks scored at this evaluation will not be added to the Z-score marks obtained by applicants at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination. Note Applications for admission under students who have excelled in fields other than studies specified above should be made in the prescribed form appearing at the end of PART TWO of this Handbook. The duly perfected application form should be sent along with the application for University Admission to reach the Additional Secretary (Academic Affairs & University Admissions),University Grants Commission, No. 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07 on or before the closing date for applications as specified in the press notice. Incomplete applications and applications received after the due date will be rejected. No press notices will be published calling for applications under this provision separately. (b2.) Candidates with Exceptional Abilities / Skills in Sports A small number of places over and above the proposed intake for the course of study in Sports Science & Management conducted by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and for the course of study in Physical Education conducted by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka will be allocated to the candidates who have excelled in Sports. The requirements to be fulfilled for this special admission are as follows. • Winning Medals or participation in Olympic Games. • Winning at least Gold, Silver or Bronze Medals in Commonwealth Games, Asian Games or SAARC Games. • Member of a national team representing Sri Lanka at Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, SAARC Games or in a recognized World Cup in a sport such as Cricket, Football, Rugby, Volleyball, Netball or any other sport as decided by the University Grants Commission. The candidates selected for admission under this special category should follow a suitable foundation course organized by the Open University of Sri Lanka before commencing of the academic programme. A press notice will be published calling for applications under this special provision separately. (c) Enlisted Personnel of Armed Forces, Police Service & Special Task Force: Up to 0.5% of the places from the proposed intake in Medicine, Dental Surgery and Engineering is reserved for the personnel enlisted in the Armed Forces, Police Service and the Special Task Force serving in operational areas. Candidates who wish to apply under this provision should have satisfied the minimum requirements for admission specified in the section 3.2.2 and subject pre-requisites

for admission to the above mentioned courses of study specified in section 8 of this hand book and should have got enlisted at the time of sending the application to the Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, through the Commander of the Service concerned. UGC will make the selections based on the average Z-Score of the candidates of new syllabus & old syllabus separately. The candidates should not send applications direct to the UGC.

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(d) Sri Lankans who have Studied Abroad and Foreign Students: (d1.) Up to 0.5% of the places from the proposed intake in each course of study have been allocated to foreign students and Sri Lankan students who have obtained qualifications abroad. Accordingly, candidates who have foreign qualifications equivalent to G.C.E. (A/L) Examination of Sri Lanka or G.C.E. (A/L) Examination of the University of London or qualifications required for admission to a university in their own country are eligible to apply. They should apply in a special form obtainable from the UGC. The relevant application form is also available on the official web site of the UGC, Selections are based on the following order of priority: (a)

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Children of Sri Lankan diplomatic personnel who are/have been stationed in other countries provided they have received education abroad for at least three academic years in the six-year period immediately preceding the qualifying examination. Children of foreign diplomatic personnel working in Sri Lanka Students from SAARC countries who seek admission on a self-financing basis. Sri Lankan students who have obtained qualifications for university admission after studying abroad for not less than three academic years. Other foreign students.

(d2.) Up to 4.5% of the places over and above the proposed intake in each course of study will be allocated to foreign students and Sri Lankan students who have obtained qualifications abroad on fee levying basis. Accordingly, candidates who have foreign qualifications equivalent to G.C.E. (A/L) Examination of Sri Lanka are eligible to apply. They should apply in a special form obtainable from the UGC or from the official web site of the UGC, (e)

Admission of Teachers

The University Grants Commission may admit to courses of study in Arts, Biological Science, Physical Science and Applied Sciences each year a limited number of teachers belonging to the following categories: (a) Teachers who have passed the General Arts Qualifying (External) Examination in or after 2008 having offered English as one of the subjects are eligible to apply for a course of study in Arts. (b) Teachers who have passed the First Examination in Bachelor of Science (External) Degree Programme in or after 2008 are eligible to apply for a course of study in Biological Science, Physical Science or Applied Sciences. In order to be eligible for admission, a teacher belonging to either of the above categories should: (1) have completed at least 5 years of service as a teacher: (2) not be enrolled as a student in any Teacher Training College / College of Education at the time of selection: and (3) in the case of Biological Science or Physical Science or Applied Sciences a candidate should obtain passes in the relevant subjects at the G.C.E (A/L) Examination or the First Examination in Bachelor of Science (External) Degree Programme as a prerequisite to be selected for a course of study available in a University. NOTE Teachers selected for admission under this special provision should be prepared to follow the courses of study which are offered to them. All the Science students will be admitted to the first year of study.

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The Director General of Education through a Government Gazette Notification will entertain applications for admission of teachers under this special provision. Selections will be made by the UGC based on the performance (Aggregate and / or marks obtained for the relevant subjects) of candidates at the General Arts Qualifying (External) Examination or the First Examination in Bachelor of Science (External) Degree Programme. In addition, the UGC / Universities may decide to have a viva-voce examination for candidates seeking admission to some degree programmes. Candidates should not send applications direct to the UGC.


ADDITIONAL INTAKE For some subjects in the Arts streams, an adequate number of students may not be selected on the basis of the admission criteria specified in section 3 above. As a result, some Faculties and Departments could be in a position to admit a larger number than the number selected under the normal admission criteria. In such circumstances, the UGC may, at the request of the Universities concerned, decide to admit a limited number of additional students for selected subject areas. This is ‘an additional intake’ aimed at making optimal use of the human and physical resources available at Universities, as well as meeting skilled manpower needs of the society. Since candidates are selected out of those who have already applied for the normal intake, no separate application need to be made for selection under the Additional Intake. In order to be eligible for admission under this provision every candidate should have necessarily obtained at least a “C” Grade for the subject (in the case of English Language minimum requirement is a “S” Grade) for which he/she would be considered. Successful candidates should study this subject area through out the duration of his/her university education. If the candidate intends to obtain a specialized degree he/she should select the same subject due to which he/she was selected under this special provision. The selection under this provision will be made considering the order of Z-Scores of new syllabus & old syllabus separately on an all island merit basis.

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For Office Use only

APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES WHO HAVE EXCELLED IN FIELDS OTHER THAN STUDIES ACADEMIC YEAR - 2012/2013 01. Full Name of the applicant: Rev./ Mr. / Miss/ Mrs. .................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 02. (a) Contact Address :................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (b) Telephone No. Fixed:


03. NIC No: 04. Results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2012 Index Number: Grades

Subjects offered


Z-Score obtained: Common General Test Marks:

Your District for the purpose of University Admission : 05. Indicate according to your order of preference the course/s of study to which you wish to be considered for admission.

No student will be permitted to change the order of preference after submit the application. Please refer page no. 69 for the mapping table for Courses of Study. Course Code

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





















N.B. : Candidates who have excelled in fields other than studies should attach a detailed report of their achievements with photo copies of certificates. 06. Did you register at any time as an internal student of any University in Sri Lanka? If so, give below the particulars: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................................................... I certify that the information given above is true and accurate and that I have not appeared for the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination on more than three occasions including my attempt at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination in the year under consideration.

Date:: ...................................

................................................................................................................... Signature of Applicant

- 59 -


- 60 -


For Office Use only

APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF BLIND / DIFFERENTLY ABLED CANDIDATES ACADEMIC YEAR - 2012/2013 01. Full Name of the applicant: Rev./ Mr. / Miss/ Mrs. .................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 02. (a) Contact Address :................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (b) Telephone No: Mobile:

Fixed: 03. National Identity Card No: 04. Results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2012 Subjects offered


Index Number:

Z-Score obtained:


Common General Test Marks:

05. Any special reason/s in respect of your application (Indicate mark ‘X’ in the relevant box/cage) Differently Abled Candidates Blind Candidates [who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination using Braille System]

N.B. : Differently abled candidates should attach copies of Medical Certificates.

06. Course of study to which you wish to be considered. Biological Science

Physical Science



Note: Differently abled candidates are eligible to apply only for courses of study in Arts (Course code - 19), Commerce (Course code - 18), Physical Science (Course code - 13) and Biological Science (Course code - 06). 07. Did you register at any time as an internal student of any University in Sri Lanka? If so, give below the particulars : ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

I certify that the information given above is true and accurate and that I have not appeared for the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination on more than three occasions including my attempt at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination in the year under consideration.

Date:: ...................................

................................................................................................................... Signature of Applicant

- 61 - - 61


- 62 -


PART THREE INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL THE APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION IMPORTANT 1. Candidates are advised to read the rules relating to University Admission set out in the preceding parts of this Handbook before filling the form for University Admission. 2. Read these instructions carefully. 3. Don’t use correction fluid on the COMPUTER DATA SHEET 4. Computer data sheet should be filled by block capital letters using Black ink ballpoint pen. 5. Do not fold the Application form or COMPUTER DATA SHEET. 6. Place all the documents between Page 4 & 5 of the application form and send along with the application . 7. The documents must be returned by Registered Post in the envelope (14" x 10" in size) provided to reach the Additional Secretary (Academic Affairs & University Admissions), University Grants Commission, No. 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07 on or before the due date. No late applications will be accepted. 8. Write your Name & Address to which the acknowledgement should be posted on the Post Card attached to the application and send it as it is, along with the application without detaching it from the perforation. 9. Please ensure that you have signed the cage 16 of the Computer Data Sheet and cage 15 of the Application form and make sure that the signature in the Computer Data Sheet and the Application should be same.

123456789 123456789 123456789 Part of the Application form where student should place his/her signature

Part of the Data sheet where student should place his/her signature

10. i.

If the name given in the application form by you is different from the name you used in the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination, please submit an affidavit for the change of your name. (Please note that you are required to sign the affidavit on the Rs. 50/- stamp.) ii. If the name given in the application form by you is different from the name given in the School Leaving Certificate issued by the school, please submit an affidavit for the change of your name. (Please note that you are required to sign the affidavit on the Rs. 50/- stamp.)

11. All candidates who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as school candidates should ensure that all the cages in Section 16 of the Application form are filled accurately and the Principal of the School has placed his Signature, Official Stamp of the School and the date. 12. Every candidate, who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as a private candidate, should send the following documents along with his/her application for admission. 1. Original of the School Leaving Certificate or Original of the Pupil’s Record Sheet 2. Original of the Extracts of Electoral Register obtained from District Elections office (Year 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) 3. Original of the Grama Niladhari Certificate (Counter Signed by the Divisional Secretary with his official frank)

- 63 -



1. This form should be filled only in ENGLISH. USE BLACK INK (BALL POINT) AND BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY 2. Do not write anything in the box indicated on the top right hand corner. 3. Do not use ‘correction fluid’ on the paper.

Note Note



Title: Rev. Check the relevant box as follows; If you are an unmarried Female


Mrs. Miss

Last Name of the applicant: Write the Last name in the cages provided as follows Eg.:1. If the applicant’s name is, Wanawasala Mudalige Ranjani Perera P























Eg.2 : If the applicant’s name is, Wickrama Arachchige Aparna



Eg.3 : If the applicant’s name is, Balachandran Mythily


Eg.4 : If the applicant’s name is, Mohamed Ismail Farzana




Eg:4. If the applicant’s name is, Mohamed Ismail Farzana

Initials of the applicant: Write the Initials in the cages provided as follows Eg.1 : If the applicant’s name is, Wanawasala Mudalige Ranjani Perera W

Eg:2. If the applicant’s name is, Wickrama Arachchige Aparna A


Eg.:3. If the applicant’s name is, Balachandran Mythily M




Names denoted by Initials :- Write the Names denoted by Initials as follows (Leaving space in between names) Eg.1: If the number of cages given in a line is not adequate to continue a name, start the next line with the next letter of the name. If your name is Wanawasala Mudalige Ranjani Perera W A N A W A S N









Eg. 2: If a name is completed at the last cage of a line leave the first cage of the next line blank and start the new name from the second cage. If your name is – Lenaduwa Arachchige Amali Priyangika Jayasinghe L



















- 64 -


Eg.3: If a name is completed at the penultimate cage of a line start the new name from the first cage of the next line. If your name is Edirisinghage Jude Anton Calistus Edirisinghe






















Contact Address: Write the full address (Selection letters will be sent to this address). If there is a change of address subsequently, inform the University Grants Commission prior to selection and the university concerned after selections. When writing the address follow the following instructions; When you write the contact address use seperate line for each section of the address. In addition, special attention is drawn to the following; (i) When indicating a Home number use ‘hyphen’ (-) instead of a ‘slash’ (/). (ii) When you write the contact address do not use punctuation marks ie. Commas (,) and Full Stops (.) Please see the following example;


If your address is; No. 50/15, “Sri Niwasa”, 5th Cross Lane, Negombo Road, Ja-Ela.

Address 5 0 5








5 C

















Telephone Number: If available, indicate the telephone number on which you could be contacted. When writing the number use one cage for one digit and do not use hyphens (-) or space in between. 0 7 7 7 5 2 7 3 1 0


National Identity Card Number: Indicate your National Identity Card Number legibly in the cages provided. Failure to indicate the correct National Identity Card Number will result in rejection of your application 8



6 3

7 2 1

5 1 V

Religion: Given below are the code Numbers for each religion. Indicate the code number relevant to you in the box provided. Religion Buddhism Hinduism Christianity (RC/Non.RC) Islam Other Eg:. If the applicant is a Buddhist

Code No. 1 2 3 4 5 1

- 65 -



Administrative District for Admission: Refer Section 04 “Determination of District of Candidates” of this Handbook for determining the Administrative District for admission. The Administrative Districts and the Numbers assigned to them are as follows: Administrative District Colombo Gampaha Kalutara Matale Kandy Nuwara Eliya Galle Matara Hambantota Jaffna Killinochchi Mannar Mullaitivu

No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Administrative District Vavuniya Trincomalee Batticaloa Ampara Puttalam Kurunegala Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Badulla Monaragala Kegalle Ratnapura

No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Indicate the corresponding number of the District from which the applicant should be considered in the box provided. Eg:. If the applicant should be considered for the Gampaha District, indicate 9.


Race : Given below are the main ethnic groups and the code numbers allocated to them. Indicate the code number relevant to you in the box provided. Race Sinhala Tamil Indian Tamil Moor Malay Burgher Other

Code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Eg:. If the applicant is a Sinhalese 10.



Are you a candidate with Physical Disability? For the purpose of this section physical disability shall mean a permanent physical impairment, which has affected the normal life. If you are a physically disabled candidate check the box with ‘Yes’. Eg:. Yes No If the answer is yes you should attach a valid medical certificate indicating the degree of your disability. If not, check the box with No. Eg:.


- 66 -




Common General Paper Marks Write the marks obtained by you and the year in which you obtained at least 30% for the Common General Paper. Refer section 3.2.2 of this Hand Book before filling this section.


Results of the GCE (A/L) Examination, August 2012: Index Number : Write the Index Number allocated to you at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination legibly in the cages provided. Failure to indicate the correct Index Number will result in rejection of your application.

13 (a) Number of attempts at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination : Write how many times you have appeared for the A/L Examination including this time in the cage provided. Even if you have appeared only for one subject, that will be considered as one attempt.

13 (b) Previous Index Number and the Years If you have sat the A/L Examination prior to this sitting, indicate the Index number/s & the years in which you sat the A/L Examination correctly & legibly of each such attempt in the respective cages provided.


Age: Indicate your age in the Box.





Grades obtained at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination for English Language, Mathematics and Science: Indicate for the year in which you obtained the highest grade for English Language, Mathematics and Science in the cage under ‘Year’, the index number allocated to you in the cage under ‘Index Number’ and the highest grade in the cage under ‘Grades’. (Please indicate the highest grade, relevant Index No. and the relevant year) Example I Year 2



Index Number 8

8 1

Example II Year





Grades 8


E n g l i s h


Index Number




8 1


















- 67 -

S c A i e n c e




M B a t h s

E n g l i s h


M S a t h C s

S F c i e C n c e



Courses of Study according to the order of preference: Refer Section 09 of this Handbook before filling this section. Applicants can apply for any number of courses if they have fulfilled the minimum requirements and subject prerequisites for those courses. No candidates will be permitted to change the order of preference after one month of the closing date of application. Applicants should clearly understand that they will be considered only for the courses of study to which they have marked a preference. Candidates will not be considered for the courses of study to which they have not marked a preference. If you wish to be considered for several courses for which you are qualified, indicate in the column marked “Course of study (code)” the preference that you give for each course of study first and the University at which you wish to follow those courses of study according to your order of preference in the section marked “Order of University Preference (University Code)” thereafter. In both cases indicate the relevant code number/s (ie. 01,02,06,25,etc…) and character/s (ie. A, B, C, etc…) as given in the instructions. However, there is no guarantee that an applicant will be admitted to a course of study or to a University of his choice just because he/she has satisfied the minimum requirements and the subject pre-requisites. Eg:. Assume that you wish to be considered first for Medicine (01), then for Dental Surgery (02), then for Veterinary Science (03), Food Science & Technology (35), Auyrveda(32), Agriculture(04), Biological Science(06), Law(25), Applied Sciences - Bio.Sc.(07), Management Studies – TV(22), Information & CommiunicationTechnology(38) in that of preference order. And also you wish to be considered for admission to follow the course in Medicine (01) at the Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura(C), Colombo (A), Peradeniya(B), Kelaniya(D), and Ruhuna(F) in that order of preference, Biological Science(06) at the Universities of Colombo(A), Kelaniya(D), Peradeniya(B), Sri Jayewardenepura(C) and Ruhuna(F) in that order of preference and so on. Then, you should indicate the Course Codes and the University Codes, which have been assigned for each course of study and each university according to your order of preference as follows; (Please refer page no. 69 & 70 for the mapping tables for Courses of Study and Universities.) Course Of Study (Code)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 2 3

1 2 3 5 2 4 6 5 7 2 8

Order of University Preference (University Code)

1 C B B C N E A A K R R

2 A


3 B

4 D

5 F




- 68 -







CODES ASSIGNED FOR EACH COURSE OF STUDY Code Course of Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 50 51 52 53

Medicine Dental Surgery Veterinary Science Agriculture Food Science & Nutrition Biological Science Applied Sciences - Bio.Sc Engineering Engineering - EM Engineering - TM Quantity Surveying Computer Science Physical Science Surveying Science Applied Sciences - Phy.Sc Management Estate Management & Valuation Commerce Arts Arts ( SP) - Mass Media Arts - SAB Management Studies - TV Architecture Design (Architecture) Law Information Technology Management & Information Tech. Public Management (Special) Communication Studies Town & Country Planning Peace & Conflict Resolution Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery Unani Medicine & Surgery Fashion Design & Product Development Food Science & Technology Siddha Medicine Nursing Information & Communication Technology Agricultural Technology & Management Arts (SP) - Performing Arts Health Promotion Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences Radiography

Code Course of Study 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

Physiotherapy Environmental Conservation & Management Facilities Management Transport & Logistics Management Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance Statistics & Operations Research Computation & Management Fisheries & Marine Sciences Islamic Studies Science & Technology Computer Science & Technology Entrepreneurship & Management Animal Science Music Dance Art & Design Drama & Theatre Visual & Technological Arts Export Agriculture Tea Technology & Value Addition Industrial Information Technology Mineral Resources & Technology Business Information Systems (Special) Management & Information Technology (SEUSL)

Computing & Information Systems Physical Education Sports Science & Management Speech & Hearing Sciences Arabic Language Visual Arts Animal Science & Fisheries Food Production & Technology Management Aquatic Resources Technology Palm and Latex Technology & Value Addition Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Information Technology & Management Tourism & Hospitality Management Agricultural Resource Management & Technology

Agric Business Management Green Technology Information Systems Landscape Architecture

- 69 -



University/Campus/Institute University of Colombo University of Peradeniya University of Sri Jayewardenepura University of Kelaniya University of Jaffna University of Ruhuna University of Moratuwa Eastern University, Sri Lanka South Eastern University of Sri Lanka Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Institute of Indigenous Medicine Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute Vavuniya Campus Sripalee Campus University of Colombo School of Computing Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka Trincomalee Campus Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies University of the Visual & Performing Arts


Available Courses (Code) 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 6 1 4 4 32 32 7 20 12 64 22 68 68 68

6 2 6 6 4 6 9 4 8 4 7 5 33

13 3 13 13 6 8 10 6 13 7 14 15

16 6 16 16 8 12 11 13 16 15 15 16

15 41 96 65 29 69 69 69

22 38

19 8 17 18 12 13 23 16 18 16 16 87

25 13 18 19 13 16 24 18 19 19 21

54 16 19 27 16 19 26 19 63 38 35

58 19 28 31 18 37 30 37 79 50 80

59 25 35 55 19 51 34

35 37 83 25 52 56

37 39 51 52 53 54 60 61 86 51 52 77 82 36 37 51 52 62 93 94 95 57 91 97

84 92 81 82 92

66 67 73 74 75 76 88 89 90 36 70 71 72 71 85

- 70 -


Post Card (Acknowledgement Card): Write your name and address to which the acknowledgement regarding the receipt of your application form should be posted on the Post Card attached to the application form, but do not separate the post card for the perforation.

G.C.E. (O/L) REQUIREMENTS Every candidate who has listed the undermentioned courses of study among his/her preferences, must send the duly certified copy of the original G.C.E (O/L) certificate indicating that he/she has obtained the necessary passes at the GCE (O/L), along with the application. If the required certificates have not been sent along with the applications it will be presumed that the candidate is not qualified to apply for admission to those courses of study. The candidates should fulfill the G.C.E. (O/L) requirements before the closing date of application for University Admission. Code 11 20 23 24 25 29 30 34 37 38 41 51 52 53 54 56 61 80 91 95 96 97

Course of Study

G.C.E(O/L) Eng Mat Sci C C S S S C S C C C C C C C C S C C S S S S S C C S C C C C C C C S C

Quantity Surveying Arts (SP) - Mass Media Architecture Design (Architecture) Law Communication Studies Town & Country Planning Fashion Design & Product Development Nursing Information & Communication Technology Arts (SP) - Performing Arts Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences Radiography Physiotherapy Facilities Management Computation & Management Computing & Information Systems Information Technology & Management Green Technology Information Systems Landscape Architecture

Eng. - English

Mat. - Maths I,II

Sci. -Science I, II

- 71 -


REQUIREMENT TO PASS THE APTITUDE TEST Every candidate who has listed the undermentioned courses of study among his/her preferences should pass the Aptitude Test, which will be conducted by the respective Universities. The University concerned will publish a press notice calling for applications to sit the Aptitude Tests and the students should apply directly to the respective Universities in order to face the Aptitude Tests. The candidates may contact the Registrar of the respective University for further particulars. Code 20 23 24 27 34 38 41 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 80 81 82 85 88 89 90 96 97 MRT RUSL UCSC SJP UVPA Sripalee



Course Arts (SP) - Mass Media Architecture Design (Architecture) Management & Information Technology Fashion Design & Product Development Information & Communication Technology Arts (SP) - Performing Arts Science & Technology Computer Science & Technology Entrepreneurship & Management Animal Science Music * Dance * Art & Design Drama & Theatre * Export Agriculture Tea Technology & Value Addition Industrial Information Technology Mineral Resources & Technology Computing & Information Systems Physical Education Sports Science & Management Visual Arts * Aquatic Resources Technology Palm and Latex Technology & Value Addition Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Information Systems Landscape Architecture University of Moratuwa Rajarata University of Sri Lanka University of Colombo School of Computing University of Sri Jayewardenepura University of the Visual & Performing Arts Sripalee Campus


University / Campus / Institute Sripalee MRT MRT KLN MRT RUSL Vavuniya Sripalee UWU UWU UWU UWU UVPA RAFA UVPA RAFA RAFA UVPA UWU UWU UWU UWU SUSL SUSL SUSL SJP UVPA UWU UWU UWU UCSC MRT University of Kelaniya Vavuniya Campus Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts

* The University of the Visual & Performing Arts will conduct the subject oriented practical test for Music, Dance, Drama & Theatre and Visual Arts.

- 72 -



Do not write anything in the box indicated on the top right hand corner of this Application Form. This form can be filled in Sinhala or Tamil or English. Use either Black ink or Blue ink (Ball point) in order to fill this application form.


Write clearly the name with initials and names denoted by initials.

2. (i)

Permanent Address:Write the full address clearly. If there is a change of address subsequently, inform the University Grants Commission prior to selection and the University concerned after selection.


Period of Residence:Indicate the Number of Years, Months and Days respectively in the three cages.


10 Yrs

05 Mths

20 Days


Administrative District and Numbers: See No 8 under Instructions to fill the ‘COMPUTER DATA SHEET’ above for the Administrative Districts and the numbers assigned to them.


Administrative District for Admission:See No. 8 under Instructions to fill the ‘COMPUTER DATA SHEET’ above and Paragraph 4 ‘DETERMINATION OF DISTRICTS OF CANDIDATES’ of this Handbook.


When filling cage 8, indicate the particulars of Examinations in chronological order. e.g.If the GCE (A/L) Examination had been taken twice before this attempt in August 2010 and August, 2011 fill the box as follows;

¥T¨hÍQz ú[ÄQ / ghPl;ir Mz;L / Year of Examination



¥T¨h ð|ÂQ/Rl;byf;fk;/ Index No.



¥ÄQQ©z Ýï ͳzo«/juq;fSld; ghlq;fs;/ Subjects with Grades

1. Econ. (C) 2. English (S) 3. History (S)

1. Econ. (C) 2. English (B) 3. History (C)

Z kÂ¿È / Z Gs;sp/ Z- Score



ݨѨ©Ô ÍÚ¨âó ¡IëÈÍQz k¿Èe: nghJ rhjhuz ghPl;ir Gs;spfs;: Common General Test Marks:



¡¨Ýx /Í¡uâµzhk# ðÍ¡zëÂQ¿ ghlrhiy/jdpg;gl;l ghPl;rhHj;jp School/Private Canditate



Royal College

Royal College



¡¨ÝAx ðÍ¡zëÂÍQ¿ ©¬, ¡¨ÝAÍx ©Ñ Ýï öÑ ¡¨ÝAk ¡#ï#× âµ¼Ýzgo#ÂzÂQ ghlrhiy ghPl;rhHj;jpahapd; ghlrhiyapd; ngaUk;> ghlrhiy mike;Js;s khtl;lKk; If School Canditate, name of the school and the district of the school

- 73 -



Mark ‘X’ in the relevant box/cage to indicate your answer to a question asked : e.g.

(1) If the answer is “Yes” Yes

(2) If the answer is “School Candidate”


School Candidate



Private Candidate


Section 12 need not be filled by the Candidates who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as Private Candidates. Candidates who sat the G.C.E (A/L) Examination as School Candidates should state clearly the exact dates of joining and leaving the schools they attended. The Principal of the School should initial any alterations.


Section 13 need not be filled by the Candidates who sat the G.C.E (A/L) Examination as School Candidates. Candidates who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as Private Candidates should state clearly the exact dates of joining and leaving the schools they attended since 01.08.2009. Originals of the School Leaving Certificate, Extracts of Electoral Register obtained from District Election office (Year 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) and Grama Niladhari Certificate (Counter Signed by the Divisional Secretary with his official frank) in proof of permanent place of residence should be sent along with the application. Failure to send them along with the application will result in rejection of the application.


See Paragraph 09, 12 and no.16 under Instructions to fill the Computer Data Sheet of this Handbook before filling Cage 14. You should clearly understand that you will not be permitted to change this order of preference after one month from the closing date of applications. The order of preference indicated here should be the same as that given in the Computer Data Sheet. The course codes should not be repeated.


Every applicant should sign the “Applicants’ Declaration” in Section 15.


All candidates who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as school candidates should ensure that all the cages in Section 16 are filled accurately and the Principal of the School has placed his Signature, Official Stamp of the School and the date.


All applicants who sat the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination as private candidates should ensure that the attestation in Section 17 is done properly / accurately. This Section need not be filled by School Candidates.

- 74 -


PART FOUR PARTICULARS OF COURSES OF STUDY Annex 1 Abbreviations A/Maths Basic Elec. Phy. Science P/Maths Stat. Maths Vet.Science F.D.&.P.D


Applied Mathematics O.R. & I.T. Basic Electronics Physical Science Bio. Science Pure Mathematics Comp.Sc Statistics Indus.Man Mathematics Stat. & Comp. Sc. Veterinary Science Mgt. Sc. Fashion Design & Product Development

M/I : Medium of Instruction S - Sinhala

T - Tamil


Operations Research and Information Technology Biological Science Computer Science Industrial Management Statistics & Computer Science Management Science

E - English

A - Arabic


Course of Study

Subject Combination (Where prescribed)


Arts S/T/E E Management + Law S/T/E Medicine E Physiotherapy E Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance* E Molecular Biology & Biochemistry * E Biological Science * Botany, Chemistry, Zoology with Computer Science E Biological Science * Botany, Biochemistry, Zoology with Computer Science E Biological Science * Botany, Environment Science, Zoology with Computer Science E Biological Science * Botany, Chemistry, Environment Science with Computer Science E Biological Science * Zoology, Chemistry, Environment Science with Computer Science E Biological Science * Botany, Chemistry, Biochemistry with Computer Science E Biological Science * Zoology, Chemistry, Biochemistry with Computer Science E Physical Science * A/Maths, Physics, Chemistry with Computer Science E Physical Science * A/Maths, P/Maths, Chemistry with Computer Science E Physical Science * A/Maths, Chemistry, Statistics with Computer Science E Physical Science * A/Maths, Statistics, Physics with Computer Science E Physical Science * A/Maths, P/Maths, Statistics with Computer Science E Physical Science * A/Maths, P/Maths, Physics with Computer Science E +

Faculty of Management & Finance Selection of students for the specialization areas will be done by the Faculty based on their first two year’s (Level I programme) performance. Level I programme is common all students.


Faculty of Science The Faculty of Science has a credit based modular course unit system. Students could follow a suitable combination of core, elective and enhancement courses in pursuing their career goals. The faculty offers two B.Sc. degree programmes namely, the general degree programme of 3 years duration and the special degree programme of 4 years duration in all four streams of Bio.Science, Physical Science, Industrial Statistics and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. All students entering the Faculty of Science will have the opportunity of offering Computer Science as a subject. Computer Science course modules will be conducted by the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC). Selection for the subject combinations available in the first two years in the Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences listed above will be based on the admission criteria currently used by the University Grants Commission. During the first two years, all students entering the Faculty of Science are required to follow the core courses of the subjects in their relevant combinations. Electives may be selected from a wide variety of subjects. During the

- 75 -


third year, a range of courses will be made available to the students following the 3-year general degree program. Students who excel in the first two years in all courses of study will be given the opportunity of enrolling in one of a wide range of conventional and technology/industry oriented 4-year special degree programs. The specialized degrees offered by the Faculty for the Biological and Physical Science streams are Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Financial and Business Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Environment Science, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Physics, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Science, Statistics, Zoology, (which includes areas in Wildlife Conservation and Management, Entomology, Parasitology and Ornithology) and Nuclear Medical Science. Several special degrees with strong computer components are also available. They are Bio Informatics, Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Mathematics & Statistics with Computer Science and Statistics & Computer Science. These special degree programmes are offered jointly with University of Colombo, School of Computing (UCSC). The special degree programmes available for the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry stream (i) are Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, (ii) Chemistry The Special Degree program available for the Industrial Statistics and Mathematical Finance stream are (i) Industrial Statistics (ii) Mathematical Finance.


Subject Combination (Where prescribed)

Arts Law Medicine Dental Surgery Veterinary Science Agricultural Technology & Mgt.+ Food Science & Technology ¶ Engineering # Biological Science * Animal Science & Fisheries Physical Science * Statistics & Operations Research Computation & Management Nursing Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences Radiography Physiotherapy Management (Business Administration)



Faculty of Agriculture The Faculty of Agriculture offers three undergraduate degree programmes, namely (a) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Technology and Management (B.Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management) (b) Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology (B.Sc. Food Science and Technology) (c) Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Fisheries (B.Sc. Animal Scinece & Fisheries) (a) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Technology and Management (B.Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management): B.Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management degree is a unique, four-year (eight semesters) academic package carefully designed to meet the challenges of tomorrow, whilst maintaining the highest standards of academic vigour. The entire degree program is offered in English medium. The curriculum offers a judicious balance of practicals (laboratory and field) and theoretical components to enable the undergraduate to discover the best of both worlds; the world of science & technology and the world of management. The future of graduates with B.Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management degree is bright and promising. The broad spectrum and the multidisciplinary nature of the courses make graduates eligible to excel in almost in any field of work at the highest level.

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(b) Bachelor of Science in Food Science & Technology (B.Sc. Food Science and Technology): The B. Sc. Food Science & Technology degree program is a 4-year (8-semester) degree program offered aiming at producing graduates who are capable of handling the technical, supervisory, marketing and managerial functions of the food industry and conducting research in food preservation and processing technologies leading to product development. The course envisages in inculcating the students with (a) knowledge and understanding of scientific agro-processing concepts, (b) understanding the nutritional role of foods, (c) professional attitude and orientation, (d) technical skills and research capabilities and (e) personal, managerial and leadership characteristics. Courses Offered for the Degree Program: All the courses offered during the first 4 semesters of the degree program are compulsory for all students. Compulsory courses with some optional courses are offered during the last 4 semesters. In the final semester, each student undertakes a 5-month research project in the food industry in one of the following specific areas: Food Product Development, Post-harvest Technology, Food Preservation. Food Analysis, Quality Control, Sensory and Nutritional Aspects of Food and Marketing. Upon successful completion of the research project, a student will submit a dissertation based on the work carried out, as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree program. (c) Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Fisheries (B.Sc. AS & F): The B.Sc. Animal Science and Fisheries degree program is a four year (8 semester) degree program offered with the objective of producing graduates who will be confident and capable of identifying and analyzing problems in the livestock and fisheries sectors at farm, provincial, national and global levels and suggesting and implementing technologically feasible, socio-economically appropriate and environmentally sound solutions. After successful completion of the B.Sc. AS & F degree program, a graduate will have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue a career as an academic, researcher, manager, planner, implementer and entrepreneur in the fields of Animal Science and Fisheries. Faculty of Allied Health Sciences It currently offers five undergraduate Bachelors programs. (a) Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences The Bachelor of Science, in Medical Laboratory Science is a pre registration course designed to produce Medical Laboratory Science graduates. The 4 year curriculum of the MLS degree programme provides a sound scientific foundation for medical laboratory technologies enabling the student to develop competencies necessary for the provision of modern laboratory service for the public. The programme is designed further to encourage the students to acquire knowledge in the biomedical fields of relevance by which students will be able to interpret results, understand sources of errors and solve problems. (b) Bachelor of Science in Nursing The Bachelor of Science Nursing Programme is a pre-registration degree course designed to produce nurse practitioners capable of providing safe and effective nursing care of a high standard in a variety of settings such as Generalist nursing, Midwifery nursing, Children’s nursing and Community Health Nursing. The curriculum provides a sound scientific and humanistic foundation for nursing practice, enabling the students develop competencies necessary for the delivery of nursing care related to prevention, maintenance, cure, rehabilitation and promotion of health. It also addresses the acute and chronic health problems of clients throughout their life span, including care of the child-bearing woman. Furthermore, they would acquire confidence in self-direction for the development of nursing as an independent profession and its evolving contributions to other disciplines of health care. The program will also introduce concepts of nursing research and evidence-based practice at an early stage. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical and reflective thinking, problem solving and social skills in the undergraduates and also skills to address professional, moral and ethical issues. Practice-based learning takes place in a variety of hospital and community settings. The aim of the course is to enable the student, through a mix of theoretical and practice-based modules, to become compassionate, caring, competent and critically aware nurse practitioners. (c) Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy The Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy programme is a 4 year pre-registration degree course. The course is designed to produce physiotherapists capable of providing high standards of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in multiple settings, Sri Lanka or abroad. The course equips the students with current concepts and practice in rapidly advancing branches of allied health sciences. These graduates will be able to assess, plan and implement

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physiotherapy and rehabilitation care of the needy and evaluate outcome. The course will assure safe clinical practice of these graduates and they will be able to acquire further post graduate training in the field of physiotherapy. (d) Bachelor of Pharmacy This is a 4 year pre-registration degree course. Pharmacy is the branch of the health science which extends its horizon from raw materials to manufacture of pharmaceuticals to monitoring the reactions by the patients after using the formulation of the same. This includes the following areas in relation to pharmacy: manufacture, quality assurance, research and development, regulatory affairs, hospital and clinical pharmacy, law enforcement and legal proceedings, academia, distribution, marketing, promotion, procurement, storage, community service, providing information and monitoring. This 4 year curriculum provides a scientific and service oriented foundation for pharmacy practice, enabling the graduates to develop competencies necessary to independently practice as professionally qualified pharmacists. Furthermore they shall acquire confidence in self direction for the development of pharmacy as an independent profession and its evolving contribution to other disciplines of health care. The programme is designed to further encourage the graduates to acquire knowledge and insights through selfdirected learning and motivate innovative approaches. The programme also aims to produce graduates who have highly developed analytical skills and leadership potential alongside sound clinical competence. Emphasis will also be placed on developing critical and reflective thinking, problem solving and social skills on the undergraduates and also skills to address professional, moral and ethical issues. (e) Bachelor of Science in Radiography/Radiotherapy This is a 4 year, pre registration degree course. Radiographers work in clinical environments using radiation based imaging and therapeutic modalities. This demanding, technical and scientific discipline requires good personal qualities and in return offers a flexible, professional career with a very high level of job satisfaction. Radiography is a career suited to people with an interest in the application of science and technology in a clinical environment. Faculty of Arts The Undergraduate Programme The Faculty offers a broad-based undergraduate education to its students. The following degree programmes are offered by the Faculty: 1. Bachelor of Arts (General) Degree 2. Bachelor of Arts (Special) Degree 3. Bachelor of Business Administration (Special) Degree 4. Bachelor of Law The degree programs are conducted in a semester-based system of teaching and continuous assessment of students. Each course is taught and examined within a semester consisting of 15 weeks of academic work with 45 contact hours per course. The Bachelor of Arts (General) Degree programme is of three years (six semesters of academic studies) duration while the Bachelor of Arts (Special) Degree and Bachelor of Business Administration Degree programmes are of four year (eight semesters of academic studies) Bachelor of Business Administration (Special) Degree The objective of the Bachelor of Business Administration degree programme of the University of Peradeniya is to produce employable graduates competent in management, finance, computer applications and English language. This programme intends to admit 50 students annually through the common intake from G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Commerce Stream. This is a fulltime four-year special degree programme in Management taught in English medium. During the four-year period, students are required to learn 42 course units offered by the Department of Management Studies and, in addition, several English language courses offered by the English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU). All the BBA students shall be taught a common course structure during their first three-year period. In their final year, the students can choose to specialize in one of the four fields of studies according to their needs and interests. Thus the students, after successful completion of the programme, shall be able to obtain a BBA degree specializing in Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management or Operations Management. The quality of this BBA degree programme shall builds upon the studies of theory, cases, computer applications, multimedia presentations, field trips and internship programmes. Students evaluation shall be based on class quizzes, assignments presentations, mid-semester and end-semester examinations. Bachelor of Law This is four year special degree programme in Law developed according to the course unit system adopted in the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya. In the first year of the study programme the students will get a grounding in foundations of law and selected social science courses. In the second, third and fourth years all substantive areas in law including constitutional law, family law legal method, criminal law, law of contract , property law are covered. From

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third year onwards students can specialize in corporate law, human rights and environment law, international law, criminal law or alternative dispute settlement. Faculty of Dental Sciences The Faculty Dental Sciences offers an undergraduate course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS). The duration of the course is four academic years. The medium of instruction is English. The Faculty has at present an intake of 80 students per year for the BDS course. Faculty of Engineering The Faculty of Engineering offers a full time undergraduate programme leading to the Honours degree of Bachelor of the Science of Engineering (BScEng). The undergraduate programme is of four years’ duration; the first year is common to all students and the last three are devoted to specialization in one of the branches of engineering. The Faculty follows course unit system based on semesters of 15 week duration. Coursework (laboratory, design and field work) and industrial training also form essential part of the undergraduate course. The undergraduate courses are provided at five levels. The first four levels represent each of the four years and the fifth a set of elective courses. The degree has been recognized by several professional organizations including the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), Institution of Civil Engineers, U.K. (ICE), Institution of Structural Engineers, U.K. (IStructE) and Institution of Highways & Transportation, U.K. All students entering the BScEng Degree programme follow the common General Programme in Engineering (GPE) during the first year. Students, on satisfactory completion of the GPE are allowed to enter the Specialization Programme in Engineering (SPE). In the SPE, the students are assigned to one of the six streams of specialization. The assignment is based on the student’s preference and performance in the GPE. The following programs of specialization are available. i. Chemical & Process Engineering iv. Civil Engineering ii. Computer Engineering v. Electrical & Electronic Engineering iii. Mechanical Engineering vi. Production Engineering The General Programme in Engineering comprises 12 compulsory courses common to all students. The SPE comprises courses categorized into three groups of Core, Technical Elective & General Elective courses. Core Courses are mandatory for all students in the relevant stream of specialization. Technical Elective courses are of a technical nature and give either a deeper understanding of a course relating to a core course or supplementary selected areas. General Elective courses are nontechnical courses and these courses would enable the student to gain a broader perspective of his/her role as a professional as well as a citizen. Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Program The Faculty offers a medical course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). The duration of the course is 14 terms spread over a period of around 5 years. The Faculty initiated a revised curriculum termed ‘Beyond 2004’ as from the year 2005 based on five modules per semester. The Beyond 2004 curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, incorporates changes suggested by World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) 2003 conforming to the needs and demands of the modern world. This new curriculum was first introduced in year 2005 for 2004/2005 new entrants to the medical school. As opposed to traditional methods of teaching, this new curriculum focuses mainly on early clinical relevance, self-directed learning, professional development and community oriented learning. The program constitute the following five streams (during the first 8 semesters).  SBM- Scientific Basis of Medicine- providing the knowledge base to perform the CLM skills  CLM- Clinical Laboratory Management- imparting clinical, laboratory and patient management skills  CLR- Communication, Learning and Research- Improving communication skills, English proficiency, web based learning and Research skills  DIS- Doctor in Society – Empowering doctors role in society in relation to population issues and judicial medicine issues.  HCT- Hospital Community based Training. Faculty of Science The Faculty is comprised of eight academic Departments, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Physics, Statistics & Computer Science and Zoology and two units: Science Education Unit and English Language Teaching Unit. The Degree programmes offered by the Faculty are described in the following Table: The Faculty provides an excellent study environment to undergraduates with well equipped laboratory, computer and library facilities.

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Degree Programme B.Sc. General Degree in Science B.Sc. Special Degree in Biology B.Sc. Special Degree in Botany B.Sc. Special Degree in Chemistry B.Sc. Special Degree in Geology B.Sc. Special Degree in Mathematics B.Sc. Special Degree in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, B.Sc. Special Degree in Physics B.Sc. Special Degree in Statistics B.Sc. Special Degree in Computer Science B.Sc. Special Degree in Zoology B.Sc. in Applied Sciences

B.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research B.Sc. in Computation and Management

Duration 3 years

4 years

4 years

4 years 4 years

Description Programmes in both Biological and Physical sciences streams are offered. A limited number of students is admitted at the beginning of the third year on a competitive basis considering their performance at the 100 and 200 levels. Students offer course units in the subject of specialization and other course units recommended by the relevant Department and also conduct a research project in the final year.

General degree students are given the option of continuing their study programme in to the fourth year on successful completion of the requirements for the General Degree in Science offering applied and industry related courses and skill development programmes with a 16-week industrial attachment. -The programme is jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science.

All study programmes in the Faculty are conducted on a course unit system within a Two-Semester academic year at four levels, 100, 200, 300 and 400 level. The medium of instruction is English. The Faculty offers a variety of subject combinations designed to provide a high degree of flexibility. However, admission to certain subject combinations may be more competitive than admission to others. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science offers a full-time undergraduate training leading to the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc). The BVSc degree programme extends over 4 academic years with two semesters per each academic year, and the entire programme is offered in English medium. The programme is provided by 5 academic departments (Departments of Basic Veterinary Sciences, Veterinary Pathobiology, Veterinary Public Health & Pharmacology, Veterinary Clinical Sciences and Farm Animal Production & Health), and the undergraduate training is also supported by Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Veterinary Teaching Farm. The undergraduate instruction is inculcated through lectures, tutorials, laboratory practicals, clinicals, field visits and industrial training. Most of the subjects extend over 2 semesters (year-end subjects) while the others are confined to a single semester (end of semester subjects). The multiple semester subjects are evaluated at the Year-End examination while the single semester subjects are evaluated at the end of the semester in which the given subject is instructed.

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UNIVERSITY OF SRI JAYEWARDENEPURA Course of Study Arts Management ¶ Public Management (Special) Estate Management & Valuation Commerce Business Information Systems (Special) Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Medical Laboratary Sciences Food Science & Technology Sports Science & Management Biological Science Physical Science

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Please see below Please see below


Students who gain entrance to the Faculty of Science of the University of Sri-Jayewardenepura are given the opportunity to select subject combinations that consist of following subjects, which come under Physical Science course and Biological Science course. Statistics, Microbiology, Food Science & Technology, Plant Biotechnology, Information Technology, Aquatic Science, Chemistry, Polymer Science & Technology, Zoology, Physics, Plant Biology, Management Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, Forestry & Environmental Science. Subject Combinations Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science

Chemistry, Zoology, Physics Chemistry, Zoology, Plant Biology,Plant Biotechnology, Microbiology Chemistry, Zoology, Forestry & Environmental Science Chemistry, Forestry & Environmental Science,Plant Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Microbiology Chemistry, Zoology, Aquatic Science Chemistry, Management Science, Plant Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Microbiology Chemistry, Management Science, Zoology Management Science, Zoology, Aquatic Science Chemistry, Food Science, Zoology Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics Mathematics, Physics, Statistics Chemistry, Management Science, Mathematics Management Science, Mathematics, Physics Computer .Science, Mathematics, Statistics Computer .Science, Mathematics, Physics

Common subject combination Biological Science / Physical Science Biological Science / Physical Science Chemistry, Forestry & Environmental Science, Physics Biological Science / Physical Science Chemistry, Physics, Polymer Science & Technology Biological Science / Physical Science Chemistry, Management Science, Physics


Common subject combinations Chemistry, Physics, Polymer Science & Technology Biological Science Chemistry, Management Science, Forestry & Environmental Science Physical Science Information Technology, Management Science and any one of the following subjects Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Forestry & Environmental Science, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Biology, Aquatic Science, Microbiology. Students for the Food Science and Technology course are enrolled directly through the University Grants Commission. Except those students that register for the Food Science and Technology, all the other students should select a course of study having any one of the above subject combinations. Basic science subjects, Chemistry, Plant Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics and Zoology are offered in English and Sinhala media in the first year and only in English medium from second year onwards. All the courses are offered only in English medium from the first year.

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Accordingly, the medium of the degree programs offered by the University of Sri-Jayewardenepura is considered as English. All students should obtain a pass for the compulsory English subject, which is an essential qualifications to degree. The three year degree program has been designed, to train graduates with general decision making and leader qualities. In these degree programs, all students are required to follow all the core courses units relevant to the selected subject areas. In the third year various applied course units have been inroduced in order to cater to science and technology requirement of the nation and employment prospects. Four year special degree programs have been designed for students who wish to become academics, research, professionals in selected subject areas. Students who perform well in their first two year are selected to four year special degree program in the one on the following subjects: Chemistry, Zoology, Aquatic Science, Computer Science, Forestry & Environmental Science, Mathematics, Plant Biology and Genetics, Statistics, Microbiology and Plant biology. Further details could be obtained from the following web page. Web: Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce (FMSC) ¶ Faculty of Managment Studies and Commerce (FMSC) offers Eleven Degree Programs with specialization in a wide range of functional disciplines. Each Degree Program is of four-year duration. On admission to the University, the students will be assigned to the Departments, which offer the Degree Program for which they have been selected. Brief descriptions the Degree Programmes offered by FMSC B.Sc. Accounting (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program has been designed to produce resourceful graduates who are capable of holding managerial positions in Accounting, Financial Management and related spheres in the private and public sectors, both in Sri Lanka and abroad. It provides wide coverage of core and peripheral areas in Accounting including Communication Skills, Computing in Accounting, International Accounting Practices and Research skills in Accounting. The intensive two year Internship Program provides wide work experience and enhances employment opportunities for Accountancy graduaes. They enjoy part exemptions at examinations conducted by Professional Accounting Institutions operative in Sri Lanka. B.Sc. Business Administration (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program has an academic history of more than 40 years as the pioneering and leading study course in the field of Business Management in Sri Lanka, and as a result, the degree has earned much popularity and recognition among students and business community. The degree program has been designed to view Business Management as an interdisciplinary and integrative field of inquiry that focuses on a system of organization as a whole and its continuous interaction with emerging trends in the local and global business activities. Hence, the Department continuously foresees the changes and discontinuities of the local and glbal changes and revises and updates its courses accordingly to produce visionary leaders, productive managers, and entrepreneurs for the owrlds of work. The graduates in Business Administration are well equipped to adopt themselves to fit into any managerial position under any organizational context. B.Sc. Business Administration (Business Economics) (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program has been developed after careful consideration of current economic trends and business trends both in Sri Lanka and abroad. It consists of integrated combination of subjects in the key areas of Managerial Economics, Financial Economics, Labor Economics, International Economics, Development Economics and Econometrics together with selected subjects from functional fields of Management. The program equips students with the theory and application of Business Economics in order to prepare them to assume careers that demand training in both economics and Management. Business Economics graduates have excellent career prospets in government, semegovernment and private sector organizations in areas related to Economic Policy and Regulation; Economics and Business Analysis; Economics and Business and Planning; and research and consulting in broader fields of Economics and Management. B.Com. (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program has been designed to equip students with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet the challenges of modern business organizations in this era of globalization and increasing competition. On successful completion of the program, the B.Com graduates pursue career in management level in both public and private sector organizations. The program has benefited immensely from the mutually rewarding links maintained with public and private sector organizations through internship training for the final year students and research collaboration. B.Sc. Estate Management and Valuation (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program is the only one of its kind in Sri Lanka and has been in existence for more than three decades. It focuses mainly on Real Estate Management and Valuation. This is attained through sound theoretical and practical exposure of students to

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Valuation. Real Estate Development and Management. Urban and Regional Planning, Land and Urban Economics, Investment and Portfolio Management, and preparation of Independent Research Report etc. in a backdrop of advanced facilities to improve Information Technology (CAD and GIS in particular) and English proficiency. the graduates have various job opportunities as Valuers. Real Estate Managers, and Town Planners etc. in many goernment institutions, local government bodies, banks and in many real estate development and financial companies as well as NGOs. The undergraduates and graduates are benefited owing to linkages wih the Institute of Valuers. Sri Lanka and the Institute of Town Planners, Sri Lanka. B.Sc. Finance (Special) Degree Program: This Degree program has been designed to produce skilful and employable graduates who are capable of meeting the challenges in the epanding local and global financial markets. The program consists of carefully integrated subjects in the key areas of finance such as Corporate Finance, Investment and Portfolio Management, Business Valuation Theory and Applications, Bank Management, International Financial Management, Risk Management & Insurance, Real Estate Finance, and Research in finance. Internship in financial sector is an essential part of the final year of curriculum. The research component allows students to gain good knowledge of major research contributions related to Sri Lanka and international capital markets whilst the internship will allow them an awareness of the practical work environment providing work experience, knowledge, and employment opportunities in the developing spheres of the financial market. B.Sc. Human Resource Management (Special) Degree Program: The main objective of this Degree Program is to develop graduates with the right knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to the theory and practice of Human Resource Management who would excel in the world of work. It is also expected to develop graduates who possess competencies in English and Information Technology and of right moral values and good character who could contribute significantly to human development, institutional development and their own development. The Program specially includes an independent research study, a practical training component of minimum six-month duration and an opportunity of gaining a generalized understanding of Management. In addition to fitting into a variety of managerial positions in the functional area of Human Resources Management including consulting, the graduates will also have excellent career opportunities in Training and Develpment, Industrial Relations, and Personality Development among others. B.Sc.Marketing Management (Special) Degree Program: The degree program has been designed to disseminate knowledge, attitudes and skills to cater to the needs of the industry through the provision of an excellent Marketing Management Education with better learning environment that enables marketing graduates become innovative and change agents to add value to marketing efficiency and effectiveness of respective organizations and to the society at large. This program provides a comprehensive overview of marketing knowledge blended with professional practice and one year extensive internship program. B.Sc. Public Management (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program develops competent graduates who are well equipped with knowledge and managerial skills in the fields of public and private sector Management. The program constitutes a blend of subjects which are of an interdisciplinary and multi disciplinary nature. It also has a practical training component that exposes students to work settings in public / private sector organizations. On completion of the program the graduates will be able to excel as professional managers and administrators in public private and NGO sector organizations in local as well as international markets. This is the only Degree Program in Public Management offered within the national university system in Sri Lanka. The medium of instruction of this program is Sinhala Medium in first year, both Sinhala and English in second year and English medim in third and forth years. B.Sc. in Business Information Systems (Special) Degree Program: This Degree Program has been designed to meet the aspirations of those seeking a career in Management with specialization in Information systems. The graduates of this study program will be able to utilize this knowledge to gain competitive advantage for business organizations through use of Information Technology. They will find excellent job opportunities in Information Systems / Technology Divisions in public / private sector organizations Owing to their training in Management Studies they could also fit into general management career positions. With further enhancement of Information Technology skills they will also be in a position to move into the software development field. this is a unique program as it is the only one of its kind that combines Management and Information Technology for students in the Advanced Level Commerce stream. B.Sc. Operations and Technology Management (Special) Degree This degree programme covers philosophies, issues, theories and implementation of management principles, in particular, pertaining to Operations and Technology Management. Students are expected to go through a practical training programme in addition to class room learning at the university to gather much needed exposure to the industry. This programme focuses on developing problem solving skills, analytical thinking, communication and the implementation of cutting edge management principles and technologies. These skills are needed to deal with operational problems faced by managers in manufacturing, services and public organizations. With these skills,

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Operations and Technology Management graduates will be in a better position to acquire employment and perform up to the expectation of management so that their contribution to the national development is assured. B.Sc. Entrepreneurship (Special) Degree Program The focus of the program is to develop Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Managers who would either start up their own businesses or pursue a career in management with a high level of intellectual and professional caliber. The graduates of B.Sc. Entrepreneurship degree program would be different from the other management graduates in several dimensions. Firstly, they would revolutionize business process and shatter the status quo through new and better methods. Secondly, they would innovate new products and improve the existing products with their innovative ideas that ultimately results in the economic development of the nation. Thirdly they would possess good moral and intellectual values with exemplary personality and lead the rest. As one of the main purposes of this program is to develop an entrepreneur an employment problem does not arise for those who are determined to start their own ventures, Necessary support and guidance for this purpose will be provided by the faculty. Further, they can be self employed as Management Consultants in entrepreneurial businesses, very specially in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and draw an extra ordinary income in contrast to monthly salaried manager. The graduates of B.Sc. Entrepreneurial degree program command vast employment opportunities in the entrepreneurial business as there is a death of qualified graduates who can meet the demands of those businesses. In addition, as the program is supported by all the major management subjects, as in any other management degree program, a wider scope of employment opportunities are available at local and international corporate sector, for these graduates. Faculty of Arts The Faculty of Arts offers programmes of broad-based undergraduate education to its students. The following degree programmes are offered by the Faculty. 1. Bacheclor of Arts (General) Degree 2. Bachelor of Arts (Special) Degree The period of General Degree programme is three years and it is four years for the Special Degree programme. Special Degree programme is offered in Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminology, Buddhist Civilization, Buddhist Philosophy, Business Statistics, Dance, Economics, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Mass Communication, Music, Pali, Philosophy and Psychology, Political Science, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Sociology and Social Statistics. General Degree programme is offered in Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminology, Buddhist Civilization, Buddhist Philosophy, Business Statistics, Dance, Economics, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, Hindi, History, Mass Communication, Music, Pali, Philosophy and Psychology, Political Science, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Sociology and Social Statistics. Every undergraduate has to follow compulsory courses in English, Sri Lankan Society and Buddhist Civilization, Standard Sinhala Usage and in addition to the facilities have been provided to follow certificate courses in English Language, Information Technology, Elements of Management and Japanese Language. Degree programmes are conducted on a semester-based system of teaching and continuous assessment and semester end examinations. Each course is taught and examined within a semester consisting of 15 weeks of academic work with 45 contact hours per course. Language of instruction of some course units of the Degree programme is English.

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UNIVERSITY OF KELANIYA Course of Study Medicine Speech & Hearing Sciences Arts Peace & Conflict Resolution Management Commerce Management & Information Technology (MIT) Biological Science Physical Science Environmental Conservation & Management

Subject Combination (Where prescribed)





E S/E** S/E** E

** The courses during the 1st Semester of the 1st year are conducted in Sinhala / English and from the 2nd Semester onwards courses are conducted in English. Academic programmes of the University of Kelaniya operate on a ‘Course Unit System’ i.e. a modularised credit based system within a two-semester academic year with end of course examinations. It offers a variety of course combinations designed to provide maximum possible flexibility in the choice of subjects. A course unit is a subject module, which has a credit value. A credit is a time based quantitative measure used in calculating the grade point average. The course modules are organized at four levels namely the level I, level 2, level 3 and level 4. The General Degree students at the University of Kelaniya are required to follow the course modules of levels 1,2 and 3. Three subject combinations with optional and/or auxiliary course units or two subject combinations with optional and/or auxiliary course units are available. In addition, all students should follow all compulsory course units in a particular stream. A student may take course units up to a maximum of 6 credits with not more than 2 credits per semester from other Faculties. A student is required to take course units amounting to a minimum of 30 credits each year. Faculty of Humanities 1. B.A. (General) - Buddhist Culture, Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese, Christian Culture, Drama and Theatre, English, French, German, Hindi, Image Arts (Photography, Cinema, Video & Television), Japanese, Korean, Linguistics, Literary Criticism, Pali, Performing Arts (Music, Dancing), Russian, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Tamil, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Translation Methods, Visual Arts and Design (Painting and Graphic Designing), Western Classical Culture. 2. B.A. (Special) - All the subjects mentioned in Section 1 other than Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, Translation Methods, Literary Criticism and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). The following pre-requisites should be fulfilled in order to follow the subjects offered by the Faculty of Humanities. 1. The pre-requisite to follow Sinhala nd Performing Arts (Music/Dancing) is a pass for the relevant subject at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. 2. To follow English, either a minimum of a ‘C’ pass for English Language and literature at the G..C.E. (A/L) Examination OR passing the qualifying examination conducted by the department is required. 3. To follow French and Japanese, either the relevant subject should be passed at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination OR the candidate should pass the qualifying examination conducted by the department. 4. To follow Pali and Sanskrit, either the relevant subject should be passed at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination OR the other requirements accepted by the department should be fulfilled. 5. To follow Translation Methods, the qualifying examination conducted by the department should be passed. 6. To follow TESL, either a pass for English Language and Literature at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination OR pasing the qualifying examination conducted by the English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) is required. 7. To follow Tamil, a pass in Tamil as a Second Language at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination AND passing the qualifying examination conducted by the department are required. There are no pre-requisites for the other subjects offered by the Faculty of Humanities.

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Faculty of Social Sciences 1. B.A. (General) - Economics, Political Science, International Studies, Social Statistics, Archaeology, History, Psychology, Geography, Philosophy, Development Studies, Mass Communication, Library and Information Sciences, Tourism and Cultural Resources Management, Anthropology, Sports and Recreation Management, Sociology. 2. B.A. in Peace and Conflict Resolution - Those who have fulfilled the minimum requirements for university admission having done any three subjects at the G..C.E. (A/L) Examination are eligible to apply for the 3 year Degee in B.A. 3. B.A. (Special) - Except Anthropology, all the other subjects mentioned in Section 3. Pre-requisites to follow the subjects offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences are as follows. 1. The pre-requisite to follow Social Statistics is a minimum of a ‘C’ pass for Mathematics at the G..C.E (A/L) Examination. 2. To follow Geography, a pass is required for the relevant subject at the G..C.E (A/L) Examination. 3. To follow International Studies, one subject among History, Economics, Logic, Political Science and Geography should be passed at the G..C.E (A/L) Examination. There are no pre-requisites for the other subjects offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences offer the Degree in B.A. (General) of which the duration is three academic years and the Degree in B.A. (Special) which is of four academic years duration. One academic year comprises two academic semesters and an academic semester is a period of 15 weeks. Both B.A. (General) and B.A. (Special) degrees are based on the course unit system. A course unit is a component of a subject which amounts to some credit value. A student should obtain a precise number of credits in order to complete the B.A. Degree. The students can select the course units which contain the required number of credits. The student can follow either the Three Subject Course or Two Subject Course to complete the B.A. (General) Degree. in addition to the compulsory units of the subject combination, the students have the opportunity to select some other course units offred by the Faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce and Management Studies and Science. The students should obtain high marks at the 1st year examination to follow B.A. (Special) Degree. Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies (FCMS) Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies of the University of Kelaniya offers four year Bachelors (Special) degree programmes for selected students who have followed the Commerce stream in the G.C.E. (Advanced Level). The programmes offered are Bachelor of Commerce Special Degree, Bachelor of Business Management (Human Resources) Special Degree, Bachelor of Business Management (Accountancy) Special Degree, Bachelor of Business Management (Marketing) Special Degree and Bachelor of Business Management (Finance) Special Degree. Students who are selected to study commerce programme are directly diverted to the Department of Commerce & Financial Management while Management students are selected for the courses conducted by other Departments on the basis of their Z score, preference and the area from which they entered the University. Bachelor of Commerce (Special) Degree Programme: This degree programme has been designed to produce resourceful graduates with knowledge, skills and attitudes to face the challenges in t he modern business organizations today. To achieve this objective, two additional degree programmes have been introduced recently to its existing Bachelor of Commerce Special Degree programme. Those are Bachelor of Commerce Special Degree in Entrepreneurship and Bachelor of Commerce Special Degree in Business Technology. The present curriculum and teaching practices of B.Com Special Entrepreneurship degree programme have been geared to develop entrepreneurial skills among undergraduates. Accordingly, it will provide students with entrepreneurial skills either to start up new ventures or to contribute to existing business to explore new opportunities. The B.Com Special degree in Business Technology is the most modern business degree in Sri Lanka that combines all the agate of the art contents to a modern day business degree. This degree, thus, has been designed as a “degree for the future” by empowering students to be experts in using Information & Communication Technology in the field of modern Commerce and Business Management. However, first two years in all programmes are containing common set of course units and students are diverted to different programmes from the beginning of their third year. The internship course unit in the final year for all three programmes will be useful to provide wide work experience and enhances employment opportunities for B.Com graduates. Bachelor of Business Management (Human Resources) Special Degree Programme: This degree programme has been designed to respond to the needs of the contempory business organizations to reach their goals through a people - oriented management mechanism. Thus, the aim of this degree programme is to produce graduates with the required knowledge, skills and attitudes through a deeper theory and practice in the area of Human Resource Management. To serve this purpose, the programme includes certain core areas in the Human Resources Management sphere such as Human Resources Development, Industrial Relations, Industrial Psychology, Business Statistics, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Administration. The programme will also include

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an independent research study, and a practical training component to provide undergraduates an opportunity to exprience the practical aspect of the theoretical knowledge. By following this programme, graduates will be able to find career opportunities not only in the managerial level but also in the areas of counseling, personality development, Industrial relations and training and development. Bachelor of Business Management (Accountancy) Special Degree Programme: This degree programme has been designed to meet the aspirations of students who are willing to seek a career in the functional discipline of Accounting. Its aim is to develop knowledgeable and skilled graduates for employment opportunities prevailing in the economy in Accounting based positions in the public and private sector organizations in Sri Lanka. Further, the process of accreditation and the emphasis on professional liaison ensure that Accountancy students are well placed for finding practical training opportunities to become professional Accountants and/or find employment in the financial services sector. In addition, the degree programme provides many other career opportunities in Business Management. Bachelor of Business Management (Finance) Special Degree Programme: This is a new degree programme commenced from the academic year 2003/2004. The programme is specially designed to meet the demand in the labour market created by financial services industry in Sri Lanka as well as globally. To cater this purpose, programme consists of subjects in the key areas of Finance and Economics such as Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Managerial economics, Security analysis and Portfolio management, Econometrics, Monetary Economics, Risk Management etc. The internship in finance sector is a compulsory component in the final year curricular which will allow the undergraduates to be aware about the practical work environment, knowledge and career opportunities in the fast growing spheres of the financial sector. Bachelor of Business Management (Marketing) Special Degree Programme: This degree programme has been designed to produce graduaes with conceptual knowledge and skills to apply and practice the concepts of modern marketing. Marketing management is discipline ever evolving, and organizations require professionals with updated futuristic qualifications. B.B. Mgt (Marketing) degree programme has been geared to produce graduates to meet these challenges. This degree programme provides an in-depth knowledge in marketing, management, economics, accounting etc. One year inernship programme provides the opportunity to develop practical skills in marketing which is necessary to be a marketing professional. Faculty of Science Course of Study Biological Science Biological Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Chemistry;Botany/Zoology; Biochemistry/Computer Studies;Microbiology Chemistry;Zoology;Botany/Molecular Biology & Plant Biotechnology P/Maths; A/Maths; Chemistry/Computer Science/Computer Studies/ Physics/Statistics P/Maths;Chemistry;/Computer Science/Computer Studies/Physics/Statistics P/Maths; Physics; Computer Science/Computer Studies/Electronics/Statistics P/Maths; Computer Science;Statistics

M/I S/E** S/E** S/E** S/E** S/E** S/E**

** The courses during the 1st Semester of the 1st year are conducted in Sinhala and from the 2nd Semester onwards courses are conducted in English. Course of Study Management & Information Technology

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Management; Information Technology


Environmental Conservation & Management

Environmental Conservation & Management


Selection of students for preferred subjects in the Biological Science and Physical Science streams will be carried out at the beginning of the second semester of the first academic year based upon the performance at examinations in the first semester of the first academic year when demand exceeds capacity. In the Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Computer Studies, Microbiology and Molecular Biology & Plant biotechnology subjects have limited enrolment. In the Physical Sciences, Chemistry Computer Science, Computer Studies, Electronics, physics and Statistics subjects have limited enrolment. All credits accumulated by a student in respect of the general degree programme over the entire three academic year period shall be considered for the award of the B.Sc. (General) degree or B.Sc. ENCM (General) degree or B.Sc. MIT (General) degree. In the Faculty of Science, at the end of the second year, a student may apply to follow a Special Degree Programme in any one of the following subjects: Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Microbiology, Physics, Statistics & Zoology, Management & Information Technology and Environmental Conservation & Management. All credits accumulated over the entire four academic year period shall be considered for the award of the B.Sc. (Special) degree.

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University of Moratuwa Course of Study Engineering Engineering (EM) Engineering (TM) Information Technology Architecture Design (Architecture) Quantity Surveying Town & Country Planning Fashion Design & Product Development Facilities Management Transport & Logistics Management Information Technology & Management Landscape Architecture

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -


University of Jaffna Course of Study Arts Management Commerce Law Medicine Siddha Medicine Agriculture Biological Science * Engineering Physical Science * Computer Science Nursing Pharmacy Medical Laboratory Sciences

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Botany, Zoology, Chemistry Please see below -



Faculty of Science The academic programmes of the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna operates on a modularised credit valued, semester based course unit system. The undergraduate course units are conducted at four levels, Level I, II, III and IV. The course units are derived from the following categories: (a) Auxiliary Courses (b) Enhancement Courses (c) Principal Subject Areas (d) Supplementary Subject Areas (e) Subject Specific Areas (f) Inter Faculty Courses (a) Auxiliary Courses: The following Auxiliary courses are offered: (a) English Language I Level I (b) Sri Lankan Studies and Social Harmony Level I (c) English Language II Level II (d) Career Guidance Level III (e) Management and Entrepreneurial Skills Level III (f) Communication skills Level III The Auxiliary Course Units are non-credit course units. However all auxiliary Course Units are evaluated and considered for award of Degrees. (b) Enhancement Courses: (a) Biology for Physical Science students and Mathematics for Biological Science students Level I (2 Credits) (b) Computer Literacy Level II (2 Credits) (c) Science and Society Level I (2 Credits) (c) Principal Subject Areas: The Faculty offers courses in eleven principal subject areas. Principal Subjects • Applied Mathematics • Biology • Botany • Chemistry • Combined Mathematics • Computer Science • Mathematics • Physics • Pure Mathematics • Statistics • Zoology

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Note: (a) Courses in Biology and Combined Mathematics are offered at Levels 2G & 3G only. (b) Students offering Botany and/or Zoology as principal subjects at levels 2G and 3G will not be allowed to offer Biology as a Principal subjects. (c) Students who have offered Botany & Zoology as Principal subjects for Level 1G only could offer Biology as a Principal subject in the second and third years. (d) Students who have offered Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics as Principal subjects for Level 1G only could offer Combined Mathematics as a Principal subject in the second and third years. (e) Students offering Pure Mathematics and/or Applied Mathematics as Principal subjects in Levels 2G and 3G will not be allowed to offer Combined Mathematics as a Principal Subject. (f) Students who have offered Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics as Principal subjects in levels 1G and 2G only could be admitted to the special Degree course in Mathematics. (g) Students who have offered Botany/Zoology as a Principal Subject in Levels 1G and 2G only could be admitted for special Degree course in Botany/Zoology. (c) Subject Specific Areas: The Faculty offers courses in a few specific subject areas such as Education, Biotechnology, Marine Biology, Fisheries Aquaculture and Information and Communication Technology depending on the availability of resources. At present, the Faculty offers courses only in Education for the Bachelor of Science (with Education) students with the assistance of staff from the Department of Education of the Faculty of Arts. (d) Supplementary Subject Areas The Faculty offers courses in many supplementary subject areas depending on the availability of resources, and the courses offered may change from year to year. Course units in supplementary subject areas are offered at Levels 2G and 3G only. Supplementary Subject Areas • Basic Computing • Bio. Mathematics & Statistics • Biotechnology • Electronics • Environmental Science • Food Science & Nutrition (e) Inter-Faculty Courses: The students with the prior approval of the Faculty Board of Science may also select course units offered by another Faculty of this University, if the timetable permits. Core and Elective Course Units: Every Principal subject has core and elective course units. All the Level I course units are Core. Selection of Course Units at various levels and Registration: Students in the First year of study shall register for three Principal Subjects and relevant auxiliary course units. The allowed subject combinations from Principal subject area are given below. There may be a limit on the number of students that could be admitted to a particular subject or subject combination. At such instances the admission to those subjects or subject combination will be made on merit and will be based on A/L performance. Students in the second third/fourth year of study shall register at the beginning of an academic year for all the course units he/she wishes to follow in that academic year. The total number of credits of the registered course units of a level shall not be less than or greater than the number stipulated for that level. Academic advisors appointed by the Faculty Board of Science will help the students in selecting the course units judiciously. Students will be allowed to withdraw from a registered course unit, only within the first two weeks of the commencement of the first semester provided that the minimum credit requirement is not violated. Withdrawals after this period cannot be effected, except on medical grounds or due to other valid reasons. There will be a minimum and a maximum number of students that could be accommodated to a given course. The departments decide on this number and will be based on the availability of resources. Selection to Four Year Degree Programmes: Students are admitted to special Degree and B.Sc. (with Education) courses at the beginning of the third year of studies. The admission to these courses is based on the performance of the applicants in course units of Levels IG and 2G and the availability of places. At the end of the second year, a student may apply to follow such programmes that he/she wishes to follow. Special Degree Programmes are offered in the following Principal subjects: Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Zoology • • • •

Allowed Subject Combinations – First Year Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Statistics Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Physics Statistics, Pure Maths, Chemistry Statistics, Pure Maths, Computer Science

• • • •

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Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Computer Sc. Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Chemistry Statistics, Applied Maths, Chemistry Computer Science, Pure Maths, Physics


• Statistics, Applied Maths, Physics • Computer Science, Applied Maths, Chemistry

• Computer Science, Applied Maths, Physics

UNIVERSITY OF RUHUNA Course of Study Arts Management Medicine Agricultural Resource Management &Technology Engineering Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Fisheries & Marine Sciences Nursing Medical Laboratory Sciences Pharmacy Computer Science Agric Business Management Green Technology

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Botany, Chemistry, Zoology Chemistry, Botany, Physics Chemistry, Physics, Zoology Physics, Botany, Zoology Chemistry, Physics, Maths Computer Sc. Physics, Maths Chemistry, Applied Maths, Maths Applied Maths, Maths, Physics Chemistry, Maths, Computer Sc. Computer Sc., Maths, Applied Maths Maths, Industrial Maths, Chemistry Maths, Industrial Maths, Physics -


Faculty of Science B.Sc. Degree (General and Special): An academic year consists of two semesters with 15 weeks each. Subject course units based on credit value system is in effect. Students must select subject combinations of their choice at the begining of the degree programme. It is compulsory that they follow prescribed core course units in first and second years. Students have the opportunity to select optional course units in second and third years offered under departments and the Faculty to suit their career expectations. Many optional units are common to both physical and biological sciences streams. Following are some of the optional course units offered in the faculty. - Electronics, Microcontrollers and applications, Computational Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology, Management, Accounting, Marketing Management, Research Project, Research Methodology, Speech and Communication, Physical Fitness and Health Managment, Scientific Writing and Communication, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Advanced Environmental Science, Horticulture Floriculture & Landscaping, Forestry, Food Technology, Applied Entomology, Immunology, Aquaculture, Parasitology, Ornithology, Bioethics, Introductory Mathematical Methods in Economics, Theory and Applications of Neural Networks, Visual Programming, PC hardware and Networking, System and Network Administration, Industrial Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry. In addition, physical science students who do not follow computer science as a subject and all Biological Science students are required to follow the Computer Literacy Course (CLC) in their first year and those who excel in CLC are entitled to follow the Certificate Course in Information Technology (CCIT) in their second year. Special degree programmes conducted in Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology are offered only to those students who excel in first and second year examinations (Special degree courses are offered in third and fourth years). Students who wish to achieve career opportunities in academic and / or in research professions are advised to aim for these programmes. All students are required to follow prescribed courses to obtain proficiency in English. More detils about course units and other resources / facilities are available in the university website: BCS Degree (General and Special): Students are admitted through a special window. Students learn many aspects of computer science for a period of three years leading to the Bachelor of Computer Science degree. Those who excel in the first three years are selected to follow advanced courses in Computer Science for an additional year of study leading to the Bachelor of Computer Science (Special) degree.

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EASTERN UNIVERSITY, SRI LANKA (BATTICALOA) Course of Study Medicine Agriculture Biological Science* Physical Science* Management Commerce Arts

Nursing #

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Comp.Sc A/Maths, Physics, P/Maths, Chemistry, Stat, Comp.Sc. Arabic, Islamic Studies, Political Sc., Philosophy, Geography, Fine Arts, Sociology and Anthropology, English, Tamil, Comparative Religion, Economics Education, Hindu Civilization Drama & Theatre, History, Christianity -



The Eastern University will permit combinations of subjects taken from the Faculties of Science, Agriculture, Management Studies and Arts & Culture. * #

Those in Biological Science and Physical Science could offer various course units from any of the subjects mentioned, subject to limitation of availability of places and staff. Produce qualified Nursing Staff and enhance the Nursing Education in Sri Lanka.

Academic Program Introduction The Faculty of Science of the Eastern university consists of five Departments namely: Department of Botany, Department of Chemistry, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Physics and Department of Zoology and Computer Unit. The Faculty of Science conducts courses under the semester system and evaluation is based on credit based grade point average (GPA) system. Two B.Sc. degree programmes based on course credit system are offered by the Faculty of Science, namely, General Degree Pogramme of three years duration and the Special Degree Programme of four years duration. There are two semesters in each academic year. The duration of a semester is approximately 15 weeks. The Faculty offers the following subjects under the respective Departments. (i) Botany (ii) Chemistry (iii0 Physics (iv) Zoology (v) Applied Mathematics (vi) Pure Mathematics (vii) Statistics (viii) Computer Science The Faculty also offers the courses across disciplines within the Faculty and between Faculties. However, students are required to register with three subject combinations at the beginning of the first year of study. Students from Biological Science stream can choose one of the given combinations. Bio 1 Bio 2 Bio 3 Bio 4


Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science Botany, Computer Science, Zoology Botany, Chemistry, Zoology Zoology, Computer Science, Chemistry

The students from Physical Science stream can choose one combination among the following subject combinations. However, these combinations may be restricted if the subjects related staff are not available in the respective Department of study. Phy 1 Phy 2 Phy 3 Phy 4 Phy 5 Phy 6

- Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Physics - Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry - Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science - Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics - Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science - Pure Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry

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Studens for Computer Science are selected based on; (i) the performance at an aptitude test conducted to select the students during the first two weeks of the first Semester. (ii) availability of space. The number of students selected will be limited to 50 in view of the facilities available at the CICT. SOUTH EASTERN UNIVERSITY (OLUVIL) Course of Study Subject Combination (Where prescribed) M/I Arts T/E Management  T/E Commerce T/E Management and Information Technology (SEUSL)♣ E Biological Science # Biology, Chemistry, Applied Statistics, Physics, Earth Science, Computer Sc. plus Common Compulsary & Optional Subjects * E Engineering E Physical Science # Computer Science, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Applied Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Plus Common Compulsary & Optional Subjects * E Islamic Studies T/E Arabic Language A/T/E 



The Faculty of Management and Commerce offers 4 years degree programme leading to the award of Degrees of BBA and B.Com and specializations are available in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information System and Marketing in both Tamil and English media. Common compulsory courses are English, Basic Biology, Information Technology, Basic Mathematics, Basic Environmental Science, Basic Climatology, Principles of Economics, Bio Ethics, Principles of Management, Project Analysis & Research Methodology. Degree programmes of Faculty of Applied Sciences are conducted on a semester course credit system where 01 credit stands for 15 hrs of lectures or 45 to 60 hrs of laboratory work. The Faculty of Applied Sciences offers 4 years B.Sc. Special Degree course in Applied Biology and B.Sc. Special Degree course in Chemistry.

♣ Management and Information Technology (SEUSL) 1. To develop fundamental skills in information Technology, Business systems and modeling and analysis which will enable the effective application of the management concepts of business strategy, business development, managing people and organizations, projects and operations with a background in marketing and finance and management and administration. 2. The use of Information Technology skills which will help leverage Management knowledge thereby moving the local organizations to successfully compete in the global market place. 3. To make managers competent with a sound theoretical background in chosen functional areas while supplementing their studies with practical cases and assignments to make the classroom a virtual laboratory for learning. 4. To encourage the students and staff to enage actively in Teaching, Research and offering extension services to industry. 5. To act as a Human Resource development center for Information Technology for the country.

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Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Information Mgt., Heritage Mgt., Anthropology, Environmental Mgt., Tourism, Water Resource Dev. & Mgt. Management + Agriculture # Applied Sciences (Bio.Sc.)* Applied Sciences (Phy.Sc.)* Health Promotion Information & Communication Technology Tourism & Hospitality Management -


Faculty of Arts Students could offer following subjects; Information Management, Cultural & Heritage Management, Anthopology, Environment Management, Tourism, Water Resource Development & Management. Faculty of Management + The Medium of instruction during the 1st year of all the degree programmes, namely: B.Sc. (Accountancy and Finance) Special and B.Sc. (Business Management) Special, B.Sc. (Business Information Technology) Special and B.Sc. (Tourism and Hospitality Management) Special will be Sinhala and English. During the 2nd 3rd and 4th years, it will be only in English. Faculty of Agriculture # The Faculty of Agriculture offers an honours degree in Agriculture with six fields of specialization. A course credit system is in operation and the programme of studies have an extensive practical component in laboratories; other Institutes and out in farms. English Language and applied knowledge in Computer Literacy are non-credit compulsory courses. Students have to accumulate over 130 credit points to become eligible for the award of the degree Faculty of Science * A course credit system is in operation in the Faculty of Applied Sciences. A student is required to take course units amounting to a minimum of 30 credits each year. There are several course combinations available in the first and second year from among the following subjects; Biology, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics. In the third year, and fourth years a greater flexibility of selection: Applied Biology, Applied Botany, Applied Zoology, Applied Physics, Computer Science, Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Mathematics, Financial Mathematics

SABARAGAMUWA UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA (BELIHULOYA) Course of Study Arts (SAB) + Management Agriculture Food Science and Technology Applied Sciences (Phy.Sc) Applied Sciences (Bio.Sc) Surveying Science Sports Science & Management Physical Education Computing & Information Systems Tourism & Hospitality Management

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -

M/I S/E S/E * E E E E E E E E E

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Sciences The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences offers a four year B.Sc. (Agricultural Sciences and Management) program. The Faculty is composed of 3 Departments of study;  Department of Agribusiness Management  Department of Livestock Production  Department of Export Agriculture

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The Department of Export Agriculture offers two academic modules; Plantation Management and Commercial Horticulture. The Agribusiness Management is unique for the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Four years of full time study is considered as a minimum requirement to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a graduate in agriculture. The four years will comprise 8 semesters, 2 semesters per year with each semester having 15 weeks. The minimum total requirement of credits to graduate in the 4 year study programme is 123. Specialization Program - A specialization program which gives flexibility for a student to pursue a subject area of his/ her choice for advanced training in the subject discipline. Students should select a specialization program from the areas of Commercial Horticulture, Plantation Management, Livestock Production and Agribusiness Management at the end of the core program. In the last semester, students are placed in industries to fulfill the industrial training requirement of the degree program. Both compulsory and elective courses should be followed during the specialization. Industrial Training and Dissertation - This has been identified as one of the strong components of the curriculum. This would bring students to the working world. During this program, each student will address an identified problem in an industry related to their specialization program. Computing & Information Systems Initially this degree programme will be under the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences until forming a separate Faculty of Computing and Information Systems. Produce graduates in Computing and Information Systems in order to fulfill the country requirements. Faculty of Applied Sciences The Faculty of Applied Sciences consists of five Departments; namely, 1. Department of Natural Resources 2. Department of Physical Sciences and Technology 3. Department of Food Science and Technology 4. Department of Computing and Information Systems 5. Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education The Faculty offers seven degree programmes under the departments of Natural Resources, Physical Sciences and Technology, and Food Science and Technology. The undergraduates enrolled in the departments of Natural Resources and Physical Sciences and Technology have an opportunity to follow either a three-year general degree or a four-year special degree programme according to their choice. The Faculty has recently introduced three new degree programmes; namely, B.Sc. Special Degree in Computing and Information Systems, B.Sc. Special Degree in Physical Education and B.Sc. Special Degree in Sport Sciences & Management. All the degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Applied Sciences are conducted exclusively in English medium. A semester based (15 weeks per semester) course credit system is operated in the Faculty for all the degree programmes. The Degree Programmes: 1. Special Degree in Food Science and Technology 2. Special Degree in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management 3. General Degree in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management 4. Special Degree in Chemical Technology 5. Special Degree in Computer Science and Technology 6. Special Degree in Applied Physics 7. General Degree in Physical Sciences 8. Special Degree in Computing and Information Systems 9. Special Degree in Physical Education 10. Special Degree in Sport Sciences & Management (a) Department of Physical Sciences and Technology Under the Applied Sciences (Physical Sciences) stream, the department offers a three-year degree programme in Physical Sciences and four-year special degree programmes in Computer Science and Technology, Chemical Technology and Applied Physics. These programmes are designed to cater to the current job demand of the country. Hence the curriculum consists of applied oriented subjects in disciplines of Chemistry, Physics and Computer Studies. A unique feature of the course is that at the final year second semester all the students must undergo an Industrial or Research training for a period of 15 weeks. On completion of the project, a report should be submitted which will be evaluated along with an oral presentation.

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Chemical Technology: Electrochemical Technology, Polymer Technology, Industrial Chemistry, Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry of Bioinorganic Molecular and Food Chemistry Computer Science and Technology: Programming Techniques, Internet Programming, Database Management System, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Object Oriented Design, Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks, Operating Systems. Applied Physics: Electronic, Quantum Mechanics, Semiconductor Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, AC Theory and Circuits, Physical Optics, Fiber Optics and Communication and Atomic & Nuclear Physics. (b) Department of Natural Resources Two degree programmes in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management are offered by the Department of Natural Resources. The department pioneered the first degree programmes in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management in Sri Lanka. The duration of the special degree programme is four years with an exit point after three years upon the willingness of the student. Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and Basic Management Principles are offered as fundamental subjects in the first year. The course syllabus consists of diverse subjects such as, Environmental Science, Natural Resource Utilization and Management, Forestry, Earth Science, Hydrology, Biodiversity Conservation, Natural Resource Economics, Soil Science, Soil Erosion & Conservation, Waste Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, GIS/Remote Sensing, etc. The above subjects are directed under three major streams; namely, Environmental Sciences, Conservation Biology and Earth Sciences. At the final year, in addition to their course work, the students are required to follow a Research / an Industrial training component for a period of 15 weeks. On completion of the project, a report should be submitted which will be evaluated along with an oral presentation. (c) Department of Food Science and Technology The Food Science & Technology special degree programme offered by the Department of Food Science & Technology is to produce graduates to disseminate knowledge in the field of Food Science & Technology shouldering managerial, supervisory, research & development skills. Fundamental subjects; Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Management, Computer Science and Biology are offered during the first year. In the second, third and fourth years the students are offered course units related to the disciplines of Food Chemistry, Food Analysis, Food Microbiology, Food Engineering, Food Processing Technologies and, Nutrition and Quality Management. At the final year, in addition to their course work, the students are required to follow a Research / an Industrial training component for a period of 15 weeks. On completion of the project, a report should be submitted which will be evaluated along with an oral presentation. (d) Department of Computing and Information Systems Under the Computing and Information Systems stream, the Faculty offers this special degree programme with the aim of providing essential knowledge on the design and implementation of Information Systems. The Faculty has taken initiatives to establish a separate department on Computer Science and Information Systems to conduct this programme. All the theoretical course units in the degree programme are heavily supported by practical components, which provide the preliminary experience to perform confidently in career. Research project or industrial training during the final year exposes the undergraduates to the working environment and provides hands on experience in industry before the graduation. (e) Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education Sport Sciences & Management Degree Programme Under the Sport Sciences & Management stream, the Faculty offers a special degree in Sport Sciences and Management. Initiatives have been taken to establish a separate Faculty for Sports and Physical Education to conduct this programme. The programme is designed to fulfill the country’s requirement for trained specialists in the field of Sport Sciences and Management. The four years of the programme cover sports subjects as well as relevant fundamental subjects. The students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of Sports Management and Administration, Sports Psychology, Biomechanics, Sport Nutrition, Sport Medicine, Sport Law, Sport Budgeting and Finance and, Theory of Training and Coaching Practicing. Practical aspects of major sports are also offered throughout the four years. The students can specialize in a selected sport during their third and fourth years.

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At the final year, in addition to their course work, the students are required to follow a Research component for a period of 15 weeks. On completion of the project, a report should be submitted which will be evaluated along with an oral presentation. Physical Education Degree Programme Under the Physical Education stream, the Faculty offers a special degree in Physical Education. Initiatives have been taken to establish a separate Faculty for Sports and Physical Education to conduct this degree programme. The programme aims at producing specialists in the field of Physical Education to fulfill the country’s requirement for professionals in the educational sector. The core subjects such as Physical Education for Schools, Play and Early Childhood Development, Developing skills and Methods for Teaching, Physical Education, Administration of Physical Education and Coaching Methods are offered throughout the course along with relevant fundamental subjects. At the final year, in addition to their course work, the students are required to follow a Research component for a period of 15 weeks. On completion of the project, a report should be submitted which will be evaluated along with an oral presentation. Faculty of Geomatics The present faculty consists of two Departments (a) Department of Surveying and Geodesy (b) Department of Cartography, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS Degree Programme The four-year special degree programme will cover Principles of Surveying Sciences, Geodesy, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS, Cadastre, Hydrographic Surveying as core subjects and a number of enhancement courses. At present the faculty offers B.Sc. Surveying Sciences degree in three areas of Specialization. They are 1. B.Sc. Surveying Sciences (Surveying & Geodesy) 2. B.Sc. Surveying Sciences (Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing ) 3. B.Sc. Surveying Sciences (Cartography & GIS) The course is conduced over 8 semesters. The subjects taught during the first 05 semesters are common to all students. During this period all aspects of Surveying are taught. After 05 semesters the students have a good knowledge of all branches of Surveying. During the next two semesters the students follow the specialized courses in the 03 fields. The last semester is reserved for Industrial Training. Faculty of Management Studies The Faculty of Management Studies commenced its Programmes in September 1996. The Faculty offers four year Bachelor of Science Special Degree Programmes. The students are allocated to these Programmes at the beginning of the first year. English is the medium of instruction. The following degrees are awarded to those who successfully complete the courses through four Departments of studies namely Department of Accountancy & Finance, Department of Business Management, Department of Tourism Management and the Department of Marketing Management. Department of Accountancy & Finance Department of Business Management Department of Marketing Management Department of Tourism Management


BSc Financial Management (Special) BSc Banking & Insurance (Special) BSc Business Management (Special) BSc Marketing Management (Special) BSc Tourism Management (Special) BSc EcoBusiness Management (Special) BSc Hospitality Management (Special)

All the degree programmes of the Faculty consist of eight semesters of full time study with two semesters in each year. A semester comprises of 15 calendar weeks. The student required to complete several course units including a four month practical training or independent research study in the final semester. Examinations are conducted at the end of the each semester. Grade Point Average (GPA) system is in practice to asses the performance of undergraduates. The undergraduates are required to carry out either a four month period of practical training in an organization accepted by the Faculty or an independent research study relevant to their field of specialization.

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Brief descriptions of the degree Programmes offered by the Faculty BSc Financial Management (Special) Degree Programme This degree programme has specially been designed for the students who wish to pursue a career in the field of finance. Many of the courses taught under this programme are similar to the course units offered in professional examinations of major accounting bodies. The student who complete this degree programme will be able to seek exemptions from some course units of such professional accounting bodies. BSc Banking and Insurance (Special) Degree Programme The B.Sc. Banking & Insurance (Special) Degree programme has been specially designed to equip the students with knowledge, talents, skills and attitudes to be effective and productive managers in the field of Banking and Insurance in local and global spheres. Further, it attempts to create Banking & Insurance (Special) graduates with both theoretical knowledge and practical applications. It also gives a sound background to the undergraduates, providing course units that fulfill the student, community and industry needs and demand. BSc Business Management (Special) Degree Programme This degree programme offers students the opportunity pursue career in Management, Business and Commerce related areas. It has been designed to equip students with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet the challenges of the modern business world. BSc Marketing Management (Special) Degree Programme This degree programme has been designed to produce skillful and employable graduates who are capable of meeting the challengers in the field of marketing. The students specialized in Marketing Management have the opportunity to purse careers in manufacturing, transportation, communication, public utilities, merchandising, insurance, health care, banking and government agencies. BSc Tourism Management (Special) Degree Programme This degree programme is only one of this kind in Sri Lanka which has been designed to provide student with the knowledge and skills that form the basis for an effective approach to management in various sectors of the Tourism Industry. The students who specialize in Tourism management learn another foreign language during their course of study. On successful completion of the programme, the graduates will be equipped for the positions leading to senior management in all sectors of the tourism industry in both Sri Lanka and abroad. BSc EcoBusiness Management (Special) Degree Programme This degree programme has been designed to provide high quality, interdisciplinary basic degree qualifications to students who wish to start their careers committed to excel in businesses and industries that are increasingly turning to new technical solutions to environmental problems and approaches for sustainable operations. BSc in Hospitality Management (Special) Degree Programme This degree programme has been designed to provide student with the knowledge and skills that form the basis for an effective approach to management in various sectors of the hospitality industry. Students will be taught theoretical and practical based learning environment. The students who specialize in Hospitality Management may learn another foreign language during their course of study. On successful completion of the programme, the graduates will be equipped for the positions leading to senior management in hospitality industry in both Sri Lanka and abroad. Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages Introduction Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages has four Departments. 1. Department of Social Sciences 3. Department of Economics and Statistics 2. Department of Languages 4. Department of English Language Teaching Degree Programme Currently, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages offers the following degree Programmes. 1. B.A. (General) 8. B.A. (Special) Sinhala 2. B.A. (Special) 9. B.A. (Special) English 3. B.A. (Special) Economics 10. B.A. (Special) Tamil 4. B.A. (Special) Statistics 11. B.A. (Special) Japanese 5. B.A. (Special) Geography 12. B.A. (Special) Hindi 6. B.A. (Special) Political Science 13. B.A. (Special) Chinese 7. B.A. (Special) Sociology 14. B.A. (Special) German

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The subjects Economics, Statistics, Geography, Sociology and Political Science are offered in both Sinhala and English media and there is no particular medium of instruction for national Language and foreign Languages. Students are expected to take any two of the above subjects offered as either a Major or a Minor. Computer Studies and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) are offered only as minor subjects in English medium of instruction. The three year B.A. (General) Degree consists of three academic years. Each academic year is divided into two semesters and one semester contains 15 weeks while the four year B.A. (Special) Degree consists of four academic years. In order to complete a three year degree, students should complete 97 credits while it is required to complete 130 credits to obtain four year special degree. Performance of undergraduates is evaluated using the GPA methods. The Faculty offers two categories of subjects namely subjects for Academic Specialization and Compulsory Core Subjects. Students will be selected for the four year Special Degree programme based on their performance in the first year and the rest will be selected for the three year General Degree. In addition to that, Compulsory English Languages, Compulsory Information Technology, several other subjects are offered to complete the degree.

WAYAMBA UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA (KULIYAPITIYA) Course of Study Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Management Agriculture Food Science & Nutrition Applied Sciences (Phy. Sc.) Food Production & Technology Management -


Faculty of Business Studies & Finance  In the Faculty, at present, a course - credit system is in operation. The total number of credits for the four (4) years duration will be 120. The courses are conducted only in English medium the field of specialization available to the students are namely: Business Management, Accountancy & Business Finance, Banking & Business Finance and Insurance & Valuation. The selection for specialization would be based on the performance of students in the courses offered during the first two years (semester I, II) Faculty of Agriculture & Plantation Management Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management offers the Degree of Bachelor of Science of Agriculture [(B.Sc. (Agric)]. This is a four year honours degree programme conducted in the English medium following the course unit system. During the first two years (4 semesters) each student will follow a common core-programme for which the subjects are offered by the four departments of the faculty ICT Center and English Unit. The specialization programs offers in the 1st Semester of the 3rd Year as follows: 1. Agribusiness Management 3. Horticulture and Landscape Gardening 2. Biotechnology 4. Plantation Management Selection of students for the specialization areas are based on the performance and preferences of students. During the 2nd Semester of the 3rd Year and the 1st Semester of the 4th Year, students are required to conduct a research project, write a research paper and present it at the Annual Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES) organized by the Faculty. In the final Semester all students are required to undergo six month In-plant training in a public or private institution to give them a “on the job training” to enhance their career prospects. The Faculty is located at Makandura, Gonawila on the Kurunegala - Negombo Road (B-308) approximaely 50 km. from Kurunegala and 20 km. from Negombo. Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries & Nutrition The Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries & Nutrition offers two undergraduate degree programmes namely, (a) Food Science & Nutrition (b) Food Production and Technology Management This is a four year special degree programmes. Students will follow a common core-programme in the first two years and they will be able to specialize either in Applied Nutrition or Food Science & Technology in the third year and the fourth year of the degree programme. (a) Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Nutrition program provides a strong background in the principles underlying the science of food technology and human nutrition. After the successful completion of FNSP, students will achieve / demonstrate: (a) broad scientific knowledge and understanding of Food Science and Nutrition, (b) knowledge and understanding of related topics in the social sciences, marketing and management issues, (c) problem solving ability and undertaking research, (d) subject-specific professional & practical skills and enterprise & personal skills.

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Subjects offered in Level I cover major areas of Biochemistry, Human physiology & Nutrition, Food & Nutrition, Microbiology, Marketing, Food processing & preservation, Food analysis & quality assurance. In addition, students have to follow English, Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technology. In Level II & III, the students will follow the subjects specific to their streams of specialization; Applied Nutrition (Public health & community nutrition, Diet & diseases, Dietetics, Sports & exercise nutrition) or Food Science & Technology (Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Biotechnology, Food Safety and Food Technology courses in dairy, fish, meat, cereals, fruit & vetetables). All courses carry either laboratory or field-based practical activities. In the seventh semester students carry out individual research projects. Students are also provided with the opportunity to undergo ten week in-plant training programme at related institutions / organizations. Food Science & Nutrition program offers curricular and professional development necessary for students pursuing careers as Food Technologist, Nutritionist and Managers in food sector, dietician, Food Chemist, Quality Assurance Scientist, Educationist and trainer in related fields. FNSP also develops the competence of students pursuing higherdegree programmes. (b) Food Production & Technology Management This is a four year special degree programme. Student will follow a common core programme in first two years and they will be able to specialize either Livestock & Avian Science or Aquaculture and fisheries in the third and fourth year of the degree programme. B.Sc. in Food Production & Technology Management is a unique, demand driven, degree designed to meet the current and future challenges of local and global food production & technology management sector. This degree will guide the undergraduates through student-centered teaching, laboratory and field based practicals, industrial exposures and research, into all relevant sciences and discipline of food production. The curriculum comprises of core and optional modules, an industrial placement, in-plant training and a six month research, carefully blended to administer correct levels of both theoretical and practical knowledge. the multidisciplinary nature of courses ranging from fundamentals to applications broadens the knowledge and understanding, skills and attitudes that will place students in the highest levels of job market. Level I is a core programme of two years where students are exposed to principles and fundamental concepts of food production and to other generic skills like, IT, Statistics and Mathematics. Students who successfully complete the level I of the degree programme have the option of specializing in Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries or Department of Livestock & Avian Sciences, according to their preference and performance. The Department of Applied Nutrition and Department of Food Science & Technology also contribute to this degree, through several modules during the four years. This degree is unique as it explores the traditional production systems, provides latest technology advancements, integrates disciplines such as production management and consumer and business management and develop soft skills in order to bring up a new breed of undergraduates equipped with knowledge and skills for providing leadership to production, supervisory, managerial, research and development and marketing responsibilities in food production sector. In addition, the in-plant training moulds the students to industry environment at leading establishments to ensure job security upon completion of the degree. A Six month, research is designed to develop analytical and critical thinking skills in order to facilitate professional development through post graduate studies. Faculty of Applied Sciences The Faculty of Applied Sciences offers course modules in five major subject areas namely, Computing & Information Systems, Electronics, Industrial Management, Mathematics & Mathematical Modelling and Statistics leading to several degrees as described below. Each student shall initially be selected into one of the following subject combinations on admission to the Faculty of Applied Sciences based on the percentage of registration from each district and the z-score obtained at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination. Combination 1 Combination 2 Combination 3

: Mathematics & Statistics, Computing and Information Systems, Electronics : Mathematics & Statistics, Electronics, Industrial Management : Mathematics & Statistics, Industrial Management, Computing and Information Systems

Once selected to a combination, all students should continue it for the first two academic years. On completion of the first two academic years, the students, who reach the standards specified by the Faculty, can apply to follow any of the following four year degree programmes: [(English Medium] (a) 4 - Year B.Sc. (Joint Major) Degree in Major 1 and Major 2 The Major 1 and Major 2 are two subjects from among the subjects offered in the original combination. The Major 1 and Major 2 subject areas may be combined as follows: Major 1 Computing & Information Systems Electronics Industrial Management Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling & Statistics

Major 2 Electronics/Industrial Management/Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling & Statistics Computing & Information Systems/Industrial Management/ Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling & Statistics Computing & Information Systems/Electronics/Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling & Statistics Computing & Information Systems / Electronics / Industrial Management

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As the Major 1 of a subject area provides the students with a wider coverage of the subject than in Major 2, there will be limited enrollment for some of the Major 1 subject areas should the demand exceeds the available vacancies. The fourth year of this degree programme consists of one semester of taught courses within the Faculty and a six - month comprehensive Industrial Training Programme during the last semester at an external organization in the private or the state sector. (b) 4 - Year B.Sc. (Special) Degree in one subject Area* [English Medium] * These special degrees in Electronics, Industrial Management, Mathematics & Statistics are in the planning stage and so they shall be available only if approved by the University Grants Commission. (c) 3 - Year B.Sc. (General) Degree Not all students would be able to follow the above 4 - year degrees as there is an internal selection based on the students’ performance during the first two years and the number of vacancies available for each programme. The selection to an available 4 - year B.Sc. (Special) Degree Programme will be very competitive than to the 4 - year B.Sc. (Joint Major) since the admission to special degree programmes will be limited to a very few students with the best overall performance. The students not selected for a 4 - year degree or preferring a 3 - year degree have to follow the 3 - year B.Sc. (General) Degree Programme, which is also conducted in English Medium. Since the medium of instruction of all degree programmes is English, it will be taught during the first two years along side the subject oriented academic programme. Moreover, there are a Business English Course and an Advanced English Proficiency Course during the third academic year for the students who intend to broaden their English knowledge further.

UVA WELLASSA UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA Course of Study Science & Technology Computer Science & Technology Entrepreneurship & Management Animal Science Export Agriculture Tea Technology & Value Addition Industrial Information Technology Mineral Resources & Technology Aquatic Resources Technology Palm & Latex Technology & Value Addition Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -


B.Tech in Science and Technology Degree Programme: The degree is designed to develop knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills in students, necessary for a range of careers in Science and Technology in a dynamic interdisciplinary atmosphere to be responsive to the national and global needs and initiative. The degree will produce graduates with scientific knowledge in the Technology involved for the value addition in the national resource base. BSc in Computer Science and Technology Degree Programme: This is a demand driven degree designed to produce graduates with sound knowledge in modern computer technology and capability to add value to local industries through knowledge obtained by research and independent studies and contribute to national economic development. BBM in Entrepreneurship and Management Degree Programme: This degree is designed to produce graduates with an entrepreneurial culture and confidence in dealing with management issues and competence to deal with value addition. BBM degree will develop Management knowledge and skills in Entrepreneurship and gives an excellent foundation for careers in many professions. Bachelor of Animal Science Degree Programme: This is a degree unique to Uva Wellassa University which is designed to provide sound hands on knowledge to the graduates in animal farming (e.g. Poultry, Piggery, Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Buffalo) with complementary knowledge on animal health and value addition to cater to the demand in livestock sector and enhance the animal productivity by adding value to livestock productions in commercial and cottage levels. BSc in Export Agriculture Degree Programme: The degree aims to produce graduates competent with scientific knowledge and skills in principles, of agricultural production and research for value addition to agricultural resource base especially for export purposes.

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BSc in Tea Technology and Value Addition Degree Programme: A unique degree offered by Uva Wellassa University, designed to provide in depth scientific knowledge and skills for proper assessment of the tea sector in Sri Lanka. The students will obtain knowledge and skills on relevant subjects and field techniques through theoretical studies and practical training and contribute to the development of tea sector through innovative value addition technologies and help uplifting the Sri Lankan tea industry to deal with the world competitive tea market. Bachelor in Industrial Information Technology Degree Programme: This unique degree is designed to produce graduates with scientific knowledge gained through theoretical and practice studies in the modern Industrial Information Technology for value addition in industrial and business processes. BSc in Mineral Resources and Technology Degree Programme: A unique degree offered by Uva Wellassa University with an aim of producing graduates with in depth scientific foundation to appraise the nations’ mineral resources. The students will be endowed with specialized knowledge on relevant subjects and field techniques through theoretical studies and practical training to understand the utilization of mineral resources and the science and technology of natural and engineered materials for value addition. BSc in Aquatic Resources Technology Degree Programme: A unique degree offered only by the Uva Wellassa University, aiming to produce well-rounded leaders capable of using scientific and technological approaches to develop aquatic resources in Sri Lanka, to expose them to the latest and advanced global technologies and caters to the global and regional demands in the sector through production of novel value added products. BSc in Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition Degree Programme: This degree is also unique to Uva Wellassa University and provide the students with advanced scientific knowledge for proper assessment of palm and latex production sectors of Sri Lanka and to develop the industry through the training of innovative professionals capable of planning and implementing new value addition technologies. The knowledge obtained will inspire to produce food and by-products from palm and finished, value added products from latex to cater the demand in local and international market. BBM in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Degree Programme: The degree provides an overall exposure to facilitate skills development in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management industry in Sri Lanka. The degree imparts multidisciplinary know how and skills to add value to tourism, hospitality and events management industry and search and derive the economic benefits of high end business in the industry through innovative products and services development. The graduates will understand and utilize the benefits of collaborative work in competitive world through modern strategic approaches.


Course of Study Music Dance Drama & Theatre Visual Arts

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -


Faculty of Visual Arts Department of Painting - B.V.A (Special) in Painting The Department of Painting is obtained the longest history among the other Departments of the Faculty of Visual Arts. It was first establish as a Drawing and Painting Course at the technical college at Maradana in 1893. The present faculty of Visual Arts and the University of the Visual and Performing Arts also the extension of the above two subjects. More than one hundred years of the development of the department, has produced many Art teachers and reputed Artists to the field of Art. At present the Department of Painting is presented four year special degree programme. Completing the after first year introductory course students get the opportunity to the Painting course as their major subject. This four year special degree programme is structured to provide technical training in the use of art materials in the fundamentals of colour and composition. Related to disciplines international trends, cultural and historical developments to widen the students’ range of vision.

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Department of Sculpture The Art of sculpture is directly integrated with the medium of actual space. When a sculpture is being made the space that surrounds it gets assimilated in to the environment. The programme of the Department of Sculpture provides students the chance to discover and fine-tune their powers of three-dimensional expression. Apart from this, students are also exposed to international trends, historical developments and, modern technological advancements. The programme mainly emphasizes on teaching students sculptural processes carving, modeling, or assembly and also about the different modes of art construction, composition and content. Through the use of various raw materials students are encouraged to engage in personally expressive ways of making art through experimentation and research. Department of Print Making The art of print Making which belongs to the category of Fine Art and which has a similar value as the art of sculpture is in a very developed stage today. Although it was defined as the graphic art at the beginning, it developed as several subjects with specific qualities along with the complex nature of the society. The art of Print Making can be identified as one main component of it. Department of Visual Communication Design – B.V.A. (Special) in Visual Communication Design Our aim is to produce competent, highly productive and creative artists to the society by ensuring that the undergraduates of this department are provided with a well-rounded and Comprehensive knowledge of print and electronic media related to the field of Visual Communication so that they be able produce original creations of exceptional quality, engage in new modes of experimentation and discover new global trends emerging in their relevant areas of study. Department of Multi Disciplinary Design – B.V.A. (Special) in Multi Disciplinary Design The B.V.A. (Special) in Multy Disciplinary Design is a four year full time course. The degree in Multi Disciplinary Design combined training in multiple Art trends and technical. Terms and conditions in the course manly studied source inspiration and activities. After the studying student do the innovative things with utility value and aesthetic qualities. Student who enroll in training for a bachelor’s in Multi Disciplinary Design will learn the design theory, colour surface development compete drawing (2nd and 3rd) Life Drawing, Traditional Creative method, Rendering and Presentation Qualities etc… Department of Ceramic – B.V.A (Ceramics, Ceramic Design & Ceramic Sculpture) Degree Programmes The emphasis will be on diverse concepts of ceramic modeling, casting and other building techniques. The students are trained to be conversant in international trends and cultural and historical developments in the field. They are further encouraged to experiment with new materials and methods developed by modern industry and technology. This course focuses to produce creative ceramic designers for industry, Studio potters as well as ceramic sculptors. Department of Multi Media Art – B.V.A. (Special) in Multimedia Arts The B.F.A. (Special) in Multimedia Arts is a four – year full time programme. A degree in multimedia design combines training in multiple artistic formats, often including text, audion, still images, animation; video and computer based interactive art. Students who enroll in training for a bachelor’s in multimedia will learn the fundamentals in the areas of type, color and layout, including digital illustration and web design. Furthermore, Design / Art / Multimedia Theory, Digital Arts, Computer Graphics, 2D & 3D Animations, Life Drawing, Illustration, Basic Drawing & Structure, Introduction to Programming, and etc. It gives you a broad view of expertise in current practices and an overview of future trends in multimedia arts, together with the necessary skills to support the development of Multimedia systems and productions. Department of Textile and Wearable – B.V.A. (Special) in Textile & Wearable Arts The Department of Textiles & Wearable Arts leads to a major curriculum on Textile studies in addition to the classes with the Department students are encourage to connect other areas such as Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, History of Arts, Multi-disciplinary Design, Visual Communication, Multi-media Art emphasizing on a line art point of view the Department of Textiles & Wearable Arts believes that curriculum will sufficient technical knowledge, skills and attitude is necessary to shoulder a comprehensive development drive. This could help the students who turn to applied design or industry orientation. The critical benefit the students to develop their individual directions and concepts. The given further knowledge on the subject students will be encouraged to visit industrial and commercial centers and their confidence build by presenting their practival in workshop. Department of History and Theory of Art – B.V.A. (Special) in History and Art Theory The Department of History and Art Theory at the Faculty of Visual Art is newly established department of the University of the Visual and Performing Arts. The objective of the department is to provide concentrated study in the visual arts form the pre-historic to present day in a multicultural and interdisciplinary context. The department teaches both specialized and wide-ranging courses that address that prepare students to engage with scholarly research,

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curatorial work, creative practices and other contributions to national and international dialogues concerning the theories and histories of art and culture. Faculty of Dance & Drama The Faculty of Dance & Drama offers a four- year Bachelor of Performing Arts Special Degree Programme. The students can select their courses at the beginning of the first year. The medium of instruction is Sinhala only. The above mentioned degree is awarded to those who successfully complete the degree programme under the seven departments of study. Each of the degree programmes offered by the Faculty consists of eight semesters of full time study with two semesters for each year. A semester comprises of 15 calendar weeks. The students are required to complete an independent research study relevant to their field of specialization in the final semester. Examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. The Grade Point Average (GPA) system is an practice to assess the performance of undergraduates. All the students in the faculty have the possibility of following a Computer Literacy Course and an English Proficiency Course throughout the four year academic period. The graduates are capable of finding employment opportunities in government and private schools, media institutions and other relevant cultural organizations. B.P.A in Kandyan Dance (Special) Degree This degree programme has been designed to disseminate a through knowledge of the field of traditional Up Country Dance by creating an awareness of the use of theater in the Performing Arts arena, choreography, recitals, creative dance in addition to introducing them to the various “Vannams” in Kandyan Dance. The Department of Kandyan dance provides an opportunity for its undergraduates to engage in the study on this dance form by conducting theoretical and practical lessions, research activities, experimentations and critical evaluations. By the end of the programme they are able to gain an in-depth knowledge of Kandyan (Up-country) Dance as well as of other relevant subjet areas such as Up-country drumming. Up-country Folk Dance and Up-country Folk Theatre etc. This four year special degree program has been designed to produce resourceful graduates in the field of traditional Kandyan Dance. It is designed to gradually and systematically expose students to the various theoretical and practical aspects of this dance form with the intension of prodcing excellent, skilled and knowledgeable graduate who can be of service to the community. B.P.A in Low Country Dance (Special) Degree The main objective of this department is to disseminate knowledge of the Low-country Dance form that has spread across the Southern and Western provinces of Sri Lanka. The Department of Low-country Dance offers Bachelor of Performing Arts (Special) Degree programmes in Low-country Dance. This four year degree programme disseminates theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the Sri Lankan curative rituals known as “Shanthikarma” and the various dance items, dramatic exchanges, Low-country drumming and singing, Kolam Drama and Low-country Folk Dance found in the Benthara, Raigama and Matara traditions are systematically taught. The department’s main objective is to make its undergraduates highly employable. In order to pursue this objective the Department of Low-country dance has already developed its curriculum in such a way as to enable students to gain knowledge of the core and peripheral areas of this traditional dance form heralding from Guru-Kula. B.P.A in Sabaragamuwa Dance (Special) Degree This field of Sabaragamuwa dance holds and important place in the culture of Sri Lanka as it manages to exemplify the esteemed and proud heritage of Sri Lanka to the world. As such, the main objective of this department is to pass down traditional teachings and skills to the present generation. The Department offers Bachelor of Performing Arts (special) Degrees in Sabaragamuwa Dance. This degree programme has been designed to produce resourceful graduates with a theoretical and practival knowledge of Sabaragamuwa Dance. It provides a wide coverage of core and peripheral areas in Sabaragamuwa Dance including Sabaragamuwa Fold dance, Sabaragamuwa Folk Theatre, Sokary etc. Undergraduates can gain a wider understanding of Sri Lankan identity and culture as a result of their exposure to the various aspects of this field of study. The department has provided the opportunity for its undergraduates to engage in the study of this dance form by conducting research and engaging in experimentation, research and critical analysis. B.P.A in Oriental Drumming (Special) Degree There is a considerable demand for Sri Lankan drummers both locally and internationally. The asquisition of the artistic skill that is required in order to play these traditional drums is highly demanding and complicated. Hence, the Department of Percussion Music was formed in order to pass down these ancient drumming techniques to the present generation, whereby they can learn to engage in new, creative and experimental modes of drumming. Other than local drums, students also learn to play various other western and eastern percussion instruments that are being used in the country. The Department of Percussion Music offers Bachelor of Performing Arts Degrees (special) in Drumming. In

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this context, it has designed a carefully planned syllabus to equip students with the required theoretical knowledge and the nrcessary practical training with the intension of making them well-rounded graduates. B.P.A in Acting (Special) Degree / BPA in Script Writing and Directing (Special) Degree / BPA in Oriental Ballet and Modern Dance (Special) Degree The Department of Derama, Oriental Ballet & Modern Dance commenced its activities as a new department in the year 2005. It was established with the intention of developing Sri Lankan Drama, Oriental Ballet, creative and modern dance. Apart from conducting courses on Drama, Oriental Ballet & Modern Dance, the Department is also responsible for producing individuals who can provide their services in the Performing Arts industry by becoming producers, directors, choreographers, script writers, make-up artists, background artists, set designers as well as experts in stage lighting, and sound editing. The students of this Department are given the opportunity to engage in various research and critical activities with regard to the fields mentioned above. The department offers Bachelor of Performing Arts (special) Degree Programm in Acting, Bachelor of Performing Arts (special) Degree in Script Writing and Directing and Bachelor of Performing Arts (special) Degree in Oriental Ballet and Modern Dance. B.P.A in Bharatanatyam (Special) Degree / BPA in Kathak (Special) Degree Indian dances, which consist of a large number of dance forms, have become highly popular in Sri Lanka. Therefore, this degree programme has been designed to meet the demands of the students who wish to be experts in the field of Indian Dance. The Department of Indian and Asian Dance of the faculty gives the students the choice of selecting either Kathak or Bhratanatyam as their main subject. Students can obtain the Bachelor of Performing Arts Degree (Special) in Bharatanatyam or the Bachelor of Performing Arts (special) Degree in Kathak upon successful completion of the courses. It is currently engaged in the task of bringing Kathakali and Manipuri dances to the same level of importance as the dances mentioned above. The Department of Indian and Asian Dance provides a comprehensive knowledge of the art of traditional dancing and drumming, Indian and Sri Lankan Folk Dance, vocal and instrumental music, language usage and research methodology and the educational & psychological background of dance & teaching methodology. These course units provide a wide coverage of core and peripheral areas in the respective fields of study. B.P.A in Video Choreography (Special) Degree / BPA in Communication & Folklore (Special) Degree / BPA in Film Studies (Special) Degree With the objectives of teaching, preserving and developing Sri Lankan traditional aret forms and the intension of producing technologically knowledgeable graduates to pursue the modern world, the Department of History and Theory of Dance and Drama has introduced a special degree programme in Video Choreography. This programme provides the undergraduates with an adequate knowledge and understanding of the art of dance and also about the technology involved therein. The department teachers students how to perform a dance before a camera and special attention is given to how a dance is screened. By the end of the course, undergraduates are able to gain an in-depth knowledge of their respective field of study as well as of other related subjects. The BPA in Communication & Folklore Studies (Special) Degree Programme ensures that students obtain a broad understanding of the history and theoretical aspects of Dance. The objective of this degree programme is to create confident academic artistes who are capable of facing future challenges. The BPA in Film Studies (Special) Degree programme has a carefully planned syllabus which equips students with the required theoretical knowledge and the practical training on Cinematography. Also, in accordance with the technological advances across the world, students of this Department are exposed to new technologies so that they will be able to keep pace with the fast-changing world. Faculty of Music B.P.A. in North Indian Music (Special Degree) Programme North Indian music is a world famous system of music. Therefore, this Degree Programme has been designed to meet the demand of those students seeking a carrier in North Indian Classical Music (Vocal/Instrumental) with specialization in accordance with disciplinary studies in Performing Arts. The Graduates of the Study Programme will be able to gain an in-depth knowledge in North Indian Classical Music as well as other relevant subjects. The applications of the North Indian Music could be seen in the Nurthi songs, light music, film music and many other areas in Sri Lankan music. As an internationality recognized system of music, it is a well-established music discipline in Sri Lankan school Education. The Graduates in North Indian Music could find employment in Government and Private Schools as teachers of Music, Media Institutions and other relevant organisations. The North Indian Classical Music Degree holders are also capable of developing their own carrier as free lance Singers or Instrumentalists in the field of music. The University encourages undergraduates to perform in the university and various electronic media, which will help them to gain wide experience and exposure in Performing Arts.

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B.P.A. in South Indian Music (Special Degree) Programme South Indian Music is a world-wide recognised system of music. This Degree Programme, therefore, has been designed to meet the demands of those students seeking a carrier in South Indian Music (Vocal/ Instrumental) with specialisation. This Degree Programme has been designed to raise awareness on the ethnic integration, providing an overview of diverse ethnic groups in Sri Lanka. Since Sri Lankan society is multi-cultural and multi-ethnic in nature, the undergraduates will be able to gain an in-depth knowledge of Carnatic Music and as well as the culture of the Tamil community. South Indian Music Degree holders could find employment in government and private schools, nongovernmental organizations, private organizations and electronic media. Graduates in South Indian Music are capable of interacting with and appreciating Sinhalese as well as Tamil cultures while being conversant with both cultures. The University encourages undergraduates to organize and perform joint cultural programmes in the university and the other cultural missions. B.P.A. in Western Music (Special Degree) Programme The prime objective of this special B.P.A. Degree Programme is to impart to the undergraduates practical and theoretical knowledge, awareness and professional training including Symphony and Opera, not only on Western classical singing and instrumental music but composing and conducting, theory and history of music, foreign languages, knowledge of modern technology and the other beneficial subjects which lead for the development of the field but also other Western classical, light and creative music which includes famous music forms. The aim of this degree programme is to create professionals in the field of performing arts, providing not only the knowledge, awareness and skills that should be in possession of a Western musician but also the theoretical and practical knowledge relevant to the other music traditions including Eastern music that meets the national and international standards and requirements. The goal of this degree programme is to create professional musicians, vocalists, teachers and composers of music, a resourceful person who is capable of fulfilling the various needs of Western music field and can manipulate various music instruments belonging to the Western classical genre, light and pop music including Western vocal. B.P.A. in Applied Music and Mass Communication (Special Degree) Programme Applied Music is a vital component of human expression which is practiced under various types of music diciplines in the realm of world Music. Applied Music in Mass Communication performs a vital task as cinema, radio, and television information and communication technology are interlinked with the mass communication. This degree programme has been designed to develop Applied Music and communication skills by creating various types of novel compositions. Therefore, the undergraduates are at liberty of developing their major music disciplines which they taught in the A/L in a wider capacity by harnessing elements in Applied Music. Graduates in Applied Music could find employment in the governmental, non-governmental organisations, private organizations, Media, Film industry and information technology sector. The University encourages undergraduates to compose and Performing in accordance with the fundamentals of Applied Music. B.P.A. in Ethnomusicology (Special Degree) Programme In examining the tangible and the intangible heritage of Sri Lanka, it seems that the subject of Ethnomusicology has been well integrated into the traditional Sri Lankan Music. The Unites on establishing identities in diverse cultures and their integration with the Sinhalese culture have been included in the Programme. The programme also entails extensive Field Research and other Research Studies. Therefore the undergraduates will gain a wider understanding of Sri Lankan traditional music, Asian folk music and folk music styles in other countries. This Degree Programme has been designed to meet the demands of those students seeking carrier in Ethnomusicology with specialization in accordance with cultural conditions in Sri Lankan society. This Degree programme will promote ethnic integration while offering a wider understanding of diverse ethnic groups in Sri Lanka. The Graduates in Ethnomusicology could find employment in various governmental, non-governmental organisation and private organisations. The graduates will be capable of developing their own carrier as free lance performers in the Sri Lankan music industry with a demand for folk music. B.P.A. in Musicology (Special Degree) Programme The scientific study of music and the comparative study of music are included in this Degree Programme under the components designed in the stream of musicology. All subject components are included in the stream of musicology with the existing theory components of the major music disciplines in the world music. The Programme entails diverse research programme and field research visits. This Department encourages undergraduates to develop their own scientific and comparative knowledge in music with emphasis on subject areas like sociology and anthropology. Graduates in Comparative Music will find employment in governmental, non-governmental organization, private organizations, electronic media, and other relevant academic bodies. Graduates will be capable of developing their own carrier in research (scientific nature) while developing their Vocal and Instrumental abilities stipulated in the syllabus.

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SRIPALEE CAMPUS Course of Study Performing Arts Mass Media

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -


Special Degree in Performing Arts Features and Instructions: To complete the Performing Arts Special Degree under the offered syllabus, the student has to complete a academic programme containing 43 course units during the 4 year academic period. Given below is the brief structure of the Syllabus relevant to the course. The duration of each course unit is for 45 hours. Main Courses: There are 26 main courses, which are Compulsory in the programme. These courses include a set of ‘practical courses’ - which are offered in 7 units given in three subject areas - Dance, Music and Drama & Theatre. A major unit therefore includes three parallel streams, each having 45 hours and a student will follow only one chosen separate practical subject stream throughout the 04 years period. Foundation Course & Elective course Units: There are 6 foundation courses, which are designed to cover some core areas cutting across the Performing Arts field; these are offered as compulsory units for all students. There are 30 elective course units whose content are mainly to 5 subject areas; Music, Dance, Theatre, Cinema and Art & Design. Students are obliged to choose only 11 units from the offered 30 units depending in their needs and requirements. NB: A Course unit will be activated only if at least 5 students are registered for it. This requirement is applied for both Major and Elective Course Units. B.A. (Special) in Mass Media Sripalee Campus, University of Colombo offers a four year Special Degee in Mass Media with Specializations such as Print Media, Radio Broadcasting media, Television media and Mass media Theory and History. The main objective of this Degree Programme is to produce graduates fully saturated with conceptual, theoretical and practical knowledge of Mass Media. The Special Degree of Mass Media consists of the following types of courses: 1. Main course 2. Foundation courses 3. Elective courses 4. Service courses The number of course units offered by the Department of Mass Media is 80 out of which at least 43 course units should be offered to qualify for the award of the Special Degree. These course units will be coupled with following main stream, Print Media Studies, Radio Broadcasting, Media Studies, Television Media Studies, Media Sociology, Media Psychology, Media Anthropology, Philosophy, Culturology, Literature Studies, Political Economy, Editing and Information Technology. The required practical knowledge will be given in the modern Studio Lab available in the premises and in other Government and Private Media Institutions.

VAVUNIYA CAMPUS Course of Study Management Studies (TV) Applied Sciences (Bio.Sc) Applied Sciences (Phy.Sc) Information & Communication Technology

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) Environmental Science Applied Mathematics & Computing -


TRINCOMALEE CAMPUS Course of Study Management Studies (TV) Communication Studies Siddha Medicine # #

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) M/I Management, Accountancy & Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Information Management, Marketing Mgt E Communication, Linguistics, English Language E -


## Teach with scientific research approach to produce well knowledge Indigenous Medical Doctors to upgrade the system in scientific way.

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UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBO SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Course of Study Computer Science Information Systems

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -



Subject Combination (Where prescribed)

Ayurveda Unani





Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -


SWAMI VIPULANANDA INSTITUTE OF AESTHETIC STUDIES Course of Study Music Dance Drama & Theatre Visual & Technological Arts

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -


RAMANATHAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS Course of Study Music Dance Art & Design

Subject Combination (Where prescribed) -

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Annex 2 Subject


Higher Educational Institution

          

Agric Business Management Agricultural Resource Management & Tech Agricultural Technology & Management Agriculture Animal Science Animal Science & Fisheries Aquatic resources Technology Arabic Language Architecture Art & Design Arts

B. Sc. B. Sc B. Sc B.Sc. B.Ani.Sc B.Sc B.Sc B.A B. Arch. (Hons) BFA B.A

        

Anthropology Arabic Archaeology Archeology & Heritage Management Buddhist Civilization Buddhist Culture Buddhist Philosophy Buddhist Studies Chinese

         

Christianity Christian Culture Christian Civilization Comparative Religion Criminology Cultural & Aesthetic Studies (Dance/Music) Demography Development Studies Drama & Theatre Economics

 

Education English

     

English Literature English Language Teaching Environmental Management Fine Arts French Geography


  

Hindu Civilization Hindu Philosophy Hindi


     

Home Economics Image Arts (Photography, Cinema, Video & Tele) International Relation International Studies Islamic Civilization Japanese

             

Journalism Korean Library & Information Sciences Linguistics Literacy Criticism Mass Communication Media Studies Music Pali Performing Arts (Music, Dancing) Philosophy Philosophy & Psychology Planning Political Science

B.A B.A B.A B.A (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A (Special) B. Ed. B.A B.A. (Special) B.A. B.A B.A (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A (Special) B.A B.A B.A B. A.(Special) B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B. A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special)


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Higher Educational Institution

   

Psychology Russian Sanskrit Sinhala

  

Social Statistics Social /Business Statistics Sociology

  

Sports & Recreation Management Statistics Tamil

        

Teaching English as a Second Language Tourism & Cultural Resource Management Translation Methods Translation Studies Visual Arts & Design (Painting & Graphic Des.) Western Classical Culture Performing Arts Mass Media Ayurveda

B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A (Special) B.A B.A. (Special) B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A B.A. (Special) B.A. (Special) B.A.M.S


Biological Science


Physical Science

B.Sc. (App.Sc.) B.Sc.

Applied Biology

  

Applied Physics Physical Sciences Applied Sciences

    

Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics & Computing Applied Statistics Aquatic Resource Management Bio Chemistry & Molecular Biology

  

Bio Informatics Biology Botany

 

Chemical Biology Chemistry

     

Chemical Technology Computational Chemistry Computational Physics Engineering Physics Environment Management & Forestry Environment Science

                

Finance Business & Computational Mathematics Geology Human Biology Industrial Mathematics Industrial Statistics Mathematical Finance Mathematical Physics Mathematics & Statistics with Computer Science Mathematics Mathematics (Pure Math s& App. Math) Mathematics (Pure Math & Stat) Microbiology Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Molecular Biology & Plant Biotechnology Nuclear Medical Science Pharmacy Physics

  

Plant Biology Plant Biotechnology Plant Sciences


B.Sc. (App.Sc.) B.Sc B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (App.Sc.) Special B.Sc. (App.Sc) B.Sc (App.Sc) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Joint Major) B.Sc B.Sc. B.Sc (Special) B.Sc (Special) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B. Sc. (Special) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (App. Sc.)Sp B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special)

- 109 -




Higher Educational Institution

 

Pure Mathematics Statistics

 

Statistics with Computer Science Zoology

Communication Studies

 

Computation & Management Computer Science

Computer Science & Technology

      


   

Computing & Information Systems Dance Dance & Drama Dental Surgery Design (Architecture) Drama & Theatre Engineering Chemical & Process Engineering Civil Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Computer Engineering Computer (Software) Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering Electrical & Information Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic & Tele Com. Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Production Engineering Materials Sc. & Engineering Electronic Engineering Engineering- EM Engineering- TM Entrepreneurship & Management Environmental Conservation & Management

B.Sc B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.A B.A. (Special) B.Sc B.Sc. B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc. (CS) B.Sc. (Special) B.C.Sc. B.Sc B.Sc (App.Sc.) Sp B.Sc (Special) BFA BPA (Special) B.D.S B. Design (Hons) BFA

Environmental Sc. & Natural Resources Mgt

      

Export Agriculture Facilities Management Fashion Design & Product Development Fisheries & Marine Sciences Food Production & Technology Management Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Technology

     

Green Technology Health Promotion Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management Industrial Information Technology Industrial Statistics & Mathematical Finance Information & Communication Technology

Information Systems

    

Information Technology Information Technology & management Islamic Studies Landscape Architecture Law

B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.Sc.Eng B.B.M B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (App.Sc) Sp B.Sc. (App.Sc) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Hons) B.Des. (FD & PD) B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc. B. Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B. App. Sc. B.Sc. B.Sc B.B.M B.I.I.T B.Sc BICT B.Sc B.I.S. B.Sc. (ISE) B.Sc. (IT- Hons) B.Sc. (IT & M- Hons) B.A B.L.A (Hons) L.L.B



 

Accounting & Business Finance Accounting & Finance

Banking & Finance

B.B.A (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.M (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.M B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special)


- 110 -




Higher Educational Institution

 

Banking & Insurance Business Administration

Business Economics

    

Business Information Systems Business Information Technology Business Management Business Technology Commerce

 

Eco Business Management Entrepreneurship

 

Estate Management & Valuation Finance

Financial Management

 

Hospitality Management Human Resource Management

  

Insurance & Valuation International Business Management

 

Management & Organizational Stud. Marketing

Marketing Management

    

Operations Management Operations & Technology Management Public Management Tourism Management Management & Information Technology

   

Medical Laboratory Sciences Medicine Mineral Resources & Technology Music

     

Nursing Palm and Latex Technology & Value Addition Peace & Conflict Resolution Pharmacy Physical Education Physiotherapy

     

Quantity Surveying Radiography Science & Technology Siddha Medicine Speech & Hearing Sciences Sports Science & Management

         

Statistics & Operations Research Surveying Science Tea Technology & Value Addition Tourism & Hospitality Management Town & Country Planning Transport & Logistics Management Unani Medicine & Surgery Veterinary Science Visual Arts Visual & Technological Arts

B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A B.B.A.(Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.M B. Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Com (Special) B.Com B.Com ((Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Com (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.M (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.B.M (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.A B.B.A (Special) B.B.M (General) B.Com B.Sc B.Sc. (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.B.A (Special) B.B.M (Special) B.B.A. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.B.M B.B.A. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc (Special) B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (M. & IT) B.Sc M.B.B.S B.Sc BFA BPA (Special) B.Sc B.Sc. B.A B. Pharm B.Sc B.Sc. B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Hons) B.Sc B. Tech B.S.M.S B.Sc B.Sc. B.Sc (Special) B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc. (Special) B.Sc. (Hons) B.Sc. (T&LM) B.U.M.S B.V. Sc BVA (Special) B.F.A


- 111 -


ADDRESSES OF UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTES OFFERING UNDERGRADUATE COURSES University of Colombo, “College House”, 94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03.  : 011 - 2581835, 2584695, 2585509

Annex 3

Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Vantharamoolai, Chenkalady .  : 065 – 2240490, 2240590, 2240730 Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka Konesapuri, Nilavely, Trincomalee  : 026 - 2222300

Sripalee Campus, University of Colombo Wewala, Horana  : 034 - 2261371, 2261372

Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University Sri Lanka Kallady, Batticaloa  : 065-2222663

Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08  : 011 - 2695300, 2696243, 2688748 University of Colombo School of Computing, No 35, Reid Avenue, Colombo 07  : 011-2581245, 2581246, 2581247

Rajarata University of Srilanka, Mihintale .  : 025 - 2266645, 2266643, 2266650, 2266646

University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya .  : 081 - 2388301, 2388302, 2388303, 2388304, 2388305

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, 111, Vidyala Mawatha, Kanadulla, Kuliyapitiya  : 037 - 2281414, 2281412

University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda .  : 011 - 2802695, 2802696, 2803191, 2803192, 2802022, 2802023

Faculty of Agriculture & Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila.  : 031-2299704, 2299430, 2299875

University of Kelaniya, Dalugama, Kelaniya .  : 011 - 2913854, 2913855, 2913858 2911397, 2910164, 2911407, 2911391

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, P.O.Box 02, Pambahinna, Belihuloya .  : 045 – 2280014, 2280087, 2280178 South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil.  : 067 – 2255062, 2255063, 2255064

Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya Talagolla Road, Ragama .  : 011 –2956188, 2956152, 2961000

Uwa Wellassa University of Sri Lanka 3rd Kilometer Post, Passara Road, Badulla  : 055-2226370, 055-2226480

University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Moratuwa .  : 011 - 2650301, 2650340, 2650441, 2650534

University of the Visual and Performing Arts, 21, Albert Crescent,Colombo 07 .  : 011 – 2696971, 2691483

University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely, P.O.Box 57, Jaffna .  : 021 - 2222483, 2222294

The Open University of Sri Lanka Nawala Road, Nugegoda .  : 011 - 2853777, 2822712, 2822714, 2822715, 2822716

Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna Park Road, Vavuniya  : 024 – 2222265, 2222264 Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Jaffna, Marunarmadam, Chunnakam.  : 021-2225923

Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya .  : 011 - 2694308, 2692385

University of Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara  : 041 -2222681, 2222682, 2222369

Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo, P.O.Box 1557,275, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07.  : 011 – 2587245, 2503393

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Karapitiya, Galle  : 091 - 2234801, 2232321, 2234730, 2222731, 2222801, 2234803

Gampaha Wickremaarachchi Ayurveda Institute University of Kelaniya, Yakkala .  : 033 - 2222748, 2222740

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya .  : 041 - 2292382, 2292200 Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Hapugala, Galle.  : 091-2245765, 2245766, 2245767

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- 113 -


1.9191 1.7170 1.7530 1.6371 1.7889 1.1833 1.8161 1.8525 1.8000 1.6216 1.3761 1.2608 1.1183 1.5640 1.3508 1.6194 1.5200 1.5589 1.7523 1.5352 1.5719 1.5938 1.2220 1.8341 1.7136

1.8712 1.7023 1.7527 1.6339 1.7704 1.1743 1.8104 1.8478 1.7908 1.6061 1.3048 1.2174 0.8578 1.4321 1.3017 1.6081 1.4519 1.5192 1.7301 1.5184 1.5478 1.5742 1.1917 1.8135 1.6905


1.6654 1.6587 1.6695 1.5825 1.6684 1.1189 1.6432 1.6279 1.6934 1.5348 1.1381 0.8587 0.3639 1.2394 1.2829 1.5168 1.4162 1.4690 1.6683 1.4358 1.4792 1.4839 1.1764 1.7054 1.5769


1.7873 1.6863 1.7138 1.6026 1.7450 1.0952 1.7731 1.7704 1.7693 1.6008 1.2636 1.1119 0.6656 1.4089 1.2864 1.5592 1.4518 1.5366 1.7094 1.4510 1.5384 1.4791 1.1619 1.7852 1.6838


1.4341 1.4259 1.4356 1.4322 1.4733 0.9869 1.4685 1.4759 1.4923 1.4392 0.6076 0.4791 0.3585 1.1128 1.0212 1.2854 1.2608 1.2520 1.4945 1.2949 1.3073 1.3677 1.1130 1.4887 1.4249

AGRICULTURE 0.8395 0.8604 0.9458 0.8187 0.8872 0.4270 0.9415 0.9175 0.8469 0.8042 0.1385 -0.0546 0.0988 0.6737 0.4656 0.6660 0.8628 0.6943 0.9241 0.7556 0.7617 0.7635 0.4861 0.9318 0.8653

FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION 1.3391 1.3351 1.4153 1.4311 1.3469 0.8618 1.4304 1.4261 1.4323 1.4307 1.1516 0.3123 0.1651 1.0162 1.2350 1.3430 1.3019 1.1865 1.3906 1.1706 1.2875 1.2883 1.0783 1.4215 1.3736

FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 1.6276 1.6018 1.6233 1.4754 1.6477 1.0787 1.6066 1.5858 1.6648 1.5629 0.7348 0.3513 0.1680 1.1342 1.1607 1.4529 1.3284 1.3744 1.6201 1.3084 1.4352 1.4144 1.1183 1.6261 1.5847

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 1.2560 1.1044 1.2045 0.9435 1.2009 0.5193 1.2010 1.1571 0.9763 0.7766 -0.2788 -0.6689 -0.2802 0.2406 0.3388 0.4667 0.5898 0.9383 1.2206 1.0076 0.7942 0.9454 0.5524 1.2142 1.0104

APPLIED SCIENCES (BIO.SC) 1.0575 1.0399 1.0925 0.9276 1.0324 0.4360 1.1077 1.1138 0.9029 0.7615 0.0784 -0.2802 -0.5814 0.2612 0.6732 0.4392 0.5703 0.9316 1.1192 0.9181 0.7330 0.8973 0.4847 1.1202 0.9546

ENGINEERING 1.7272 1.5314 1.5492 1.4856 1.6325 1.0095 1.7555 1.8288 1.5939 1.5955 0.9949 1.5335 0.4940 1.5253 1.0622 1.1407 1.1147 1.0125 1.7555 1.3287 0.9900 1.3397 1.3252 1.5798 1.2517

ENGINEERING (EM) 1.6756 1.4855 1.5429 1.4689 1.6120 1.0051 1.6930 1.6960 1.5802 1.5907 0.8797 1.5305 0.4412 0.9630 1.0172 1.0787 1.3314 1.0099 1.6620 1.2904 0.9716 1.3173 1.3138 1.5667 1.2436

1.6834 1.4786 1.6808 1.4835 1.5752 0.9655 1.6388 1.6909 1.5872 1.5395 0.5601 1.3428 0.4336 0.4576 0.9521 1.0716 1.1077 0.9536 1.6594 1.3066 0.9155 1.3037 1.3071 1.5016 1.2460


* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream








QUANTITY SURVEYING 1.5927 1.3865 1.4642 1.4794 1.5699 0.8377 1.5645 1.6000 1.5591 1.5731 0.9942 0.9874 -0.0648 1.1478 0.9677 1.0843 1.0186 0.9198 1.5625 1.2420 0.9116 1.2706 1.2741 1.4879 1.1863

COMPUTER SCIENCE 1.4473 1.3239 1.4093 1.2558 1.3610 0.7266 1.4324 1.4307 1.4356 1.1810 0.3893 0.8754 NQC 0.2963 0.3908 0.7394 0.9063 0.7982 1.4054 1.1237 0.7655 1.1792 1.1472 1.4077 1.0758

PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1.0224 0.8962 0.9348 0.7457 0.8640 0.1817 1.0037 0.9017 0.8010 0.5770 -0.1825 -0.3972 -0.2652 -0.2819 -0.2404 -0.0889 0.0775 0.2525 0.8694 0.6577 0.1653 0.6703 0.3157 0.8301 0.6364

SURVEYING SCIENCE 1.3347 1.2639 1.3723 1.2105 1.2706 0.6243 1.3459 1.3737 1.3770 1.3339 0.4093 0.4016 0.0016 1.0293 0.4481 1.0047 0.9390 0.7846 1.3649 1.0971 0.7071 1.1719 1.0936 1.3330 1.1212

APPLIED SCIENCES (PHY.SC) 0.8192 0.7746 0.7854 0.5315 0.8177 0.0860 0.8195 0.8217 0.7550 0.5659 NQC NQC -0.2240 -0.1992 -0.1989 0.6521 0.6308 0.1032 0.7915 0.6119 0.1369 0.5767 0.2816 0.7465 0.5912

MANAGEMENT 1.5665 1.5857 1.4531 1.1833 1.3514 1.1416 1.4972 1.5140 1.4179 0.5470 0.9169 1.1195 0.6986 1.0304 0.8400 0.8222 0.9698 1.0973 1.3626 1.2931 1.1690 1.2813 1.3954 1.4868 1.4540

1.5295 1.5328 1.5112 1.4157 1.5962 1.5982 1.6442 1.6593 1.6541 0.5327 1.3985 0.9211 0.6952 0.8584 1.3847 1.3767 1.6071 1.3294 1.6351 1.5956 1.3723 1.6519 1.6599 1.6162 1.6693


[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - Old Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district

COMMERCE 1.4989 1.4729 1.4178 1.1162 1.2865 1.0937 1.4675 1.4816 1.3857 0.5053 0.8876 1.0753 0.6653 0.8682 0.7760 0.8157 0.9153 1.0290 1.3509 1.2554 1.1128 1.2124 1.3701 1.4496 1.4171

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT (SPECIAL) 1.5628 1.5494 1.7221 1.6944 1.6397 1.7152 1.6682 1.6896 1.4346 1.2531 1.5324 1.4539 0.8349 1.1871 1.2503 1.3825 1.7172 1.4075 1.5462 1.6303 1.5766 1.6812 1.6950 1.6069 1.7302

BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SPECIAL) 1.5663 1.5144 1.5752 1.5443 1.5650 1.6054 1.5585 1.5993 1.5467 0.6177 1.5554 1.0160 0.8375 1.0088 1.3249 0.5363 1.3932 1.3954 1.5272 1.6042 1.3001 1.6210 1.4199 1.5846 1.5650

LAW 1.5784 1.5685 1.6913 1.5004 1.6582 1.3803 1.6803 1.6561 1.6378 1.6305 1.0409 1.1907 0.9832 1.4264 1.3174 1.6341 1.5924 1.5734 1.5319 1.4811 1.4307 1.5002 1.5103 1.6292 1.6858

Annex 4


- 114 -



1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501 1.1501

0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829 0.9829


0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915 0.3915


1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692 1.1692


1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508 1.3508

MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TV) - A 1.3488 1.3764 1.3988 1.0992 1.3139 1.0805 1.4003 1.3922 1.3523 0.4923 0.9113 0.8984 0.5577 0.7946 0.8602 0.5234 0.9080 1.0497 1.3460 1.2363 1.0871 1.1988 1.3294 1.3727 1.3887

MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TV) - B 1.3385 1.3170 1.3086 1.1662 1.2681 1.3235 1.3361 1.3356 1.3321 1.1467 1.1429 1.1470 1.1598 1.1189 1.3002 1.0614 1.3327 1.1139 1.3321 1.2109 1.1367 1.1975 1.3208 1.3430 1.3430

COMMUNICATION STUDIES* 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415 1.1415

PEACE & CONFLICT RESOLUTION * 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165 1.5165

ISLAMIC STUDIES * 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359 1.0359

ARABIC LANGUAGE * 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866 0.8866

ARCHITECTURE # 1.1547 0.8813 0.8483 1.1341 1.1769 NQC 0.5123 0.6245 0.7532 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.2124 NQC NQC 1.2014 0.8572 NQC 0.7274 NQC 0.9192 0.7656

0.0400 -0.1492 0.5956 NQC 0.8686 NQC 0.3625 0.5902 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.7195 0.4953 1.2820 NQC -0.0210 0.4274 0.8203 0.9590

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE # 0.3954 0.2718 0.1875 0.4997 0.6278 NQC -0.0203 0.3859 0.2810 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.7360 NQC NQC 0.8327 -0.3463 0.5033 0.9417

TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING 1.4837 1.4669 1.4382 1.2221 1.4194 1.3453 1.5393 1.5451 1.5530 1.5021 0.6626 1.1036 0.4154 0.7832 1.3892 1.0877 1.2968 1.4524 1.4397 1.4878 1.3834 1.4596 1.4837 1.4933 1.4745

FASHION DESIGN & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT # 0.8847 1.0015 NQC NQC 1.2181 1.0109 0.9508 1.2861 0.9527 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.9071 NQC 0.8673 NQC NQC 1.0126

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY # (University of Moratuwa) 1.4849 1.2426 1.4390 1.4089 1.3463 0.2116 1.5219 1.5262 1.5257 1.4076 NQC 0.5993 NQC 0.2345 0.9885 0.5402 0.9549 0.9711 1.5141 1.1073 NQC 1.1317 1.1391 1.4840 1.3057

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT # 1.5532 1.3664 1.5352 1.4762 1.4533 0.7845 1.5627 1.5748 1.5625 1.3969 NQC 0.3119 NQC 0.9656 1.2444 1.2396 1.5726 1.4494 1.5351 1.3981 1.1506 1.3488 1.3749 1.5127 1.4915

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 1.4987 1.4701 1.4181 1.0433 1.3392 1.0651 1.5030 1.4798 1.4147 1.3120 0.7467 0.9433 0.3860 1.1362 1.1384 0.5959 1.3911 1.0730 1.4133 1.2416 1.1027 1.2908 1.3266 1.5060 1.4655

1.6428 1.4215 1.6375 1.4396 1.5104 0.9020 1.6344 1.6271 1.5497 1.4754 0.6904 0.8777 0.2558 0.1466 1.0521 0.9250 0.9934 0.8677 1.6294 1.2636 0.9567 1.2431 1.2037 1.5162 1.1892


[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - Old Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district


* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream








MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY # 1.4273 1.3712 1.4195 1.3479 1.2781 0.8386 1.4747 1.4864 1.4723 1.2685 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.3134 NQC 0.6948 1.1585 1.4235 1.2884 NQC 1.2818 0.9252 1.4651 0.9872

INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS & MATHEMATICAL FINANCE 1.4234 1.3134 1.3820 1.1184 1.2590 0.6717 1.4267 1.4028 1.3986 1.4275 0.4834 0.5898 -0.0766 0.2612 0.4289 0.8734 1.0078 0.7194 1.4317 1.1132 0.6475 1.2010 1.0305 1.3651 1.0446

STATISTICS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1.3473 1.2096 1.3689 1.0873 1.3632 0.7693 1.3561 1.3275 1.3768 1.3200 0.4196 0.7345 0.0697 0.7442 0.3836 0.9221 1.0041 0.6984 1.3678 1.1034 0.6442 1.1773 1.0432 1.3632 1.0238

1.4857 1.4461 1.4549 1.3295 1.4318 1.3213 1.5284 1.5757 1.5497 1.2047 0.9326 1.4458 0.8550 0.8410 1.5366 1.3190 1.4919 1.3831 1.4396 1.5215 1.3329 1.4759 1.4916 1.4421 1.5214


- 115 -



1.4683 1.4599 1.4110 1.2661 1.3813 1.1380 1.4655 1.4686 1.4719 1.1424 0.2768 0.7540 NQC 0.7790 1.2882 0.7187 1.1164 1.3382 1.4249 1.3498 1.2645 1.3070 1.3414 1.4578 1.4541

-0.3111 0.1965 0.4112 0.1160 0.0472 0.9557 -0.1706 0.5491 0.4175 0.2619 NQC NQC 0.7722 NQC 0.0929 0.2065 0.0852 0.3709 -0.0974 -0.2977 1.0636 0.5163 0.6728 0.6623 0.0723





ANIMAL SCIENCE & FISHERIES (University of Peradeniya)











0.9433 0.7921 0.0532 0.9529 0.9903 1.5382 1.6200 1.4719 1.7473 1.1817 1.0316 1.2247 1.2249 1.4030 0.2846 0.4805 -0.1252 0.9727 0.8422 -0.0929 0.9447 0.9657 1.5027 1.5759 1.4693 1.6776 1.0965 1.0516 1.0934 1.0925 1.3858 0.3370 NQC 0.5039 0.9505 0.8886 0.4792 1.0892 1.0136 1.5372 1.6240 1.4546 1.7128 1.1502 1.0114 1.1790 1.1373 1.3004 0.2851 NQC 0.2066 0.7781 0.4833 0.4209 0.9682 0.6766 1.4562 1.5534 1.3463 1.5376 0.9189 0.8423 0.8508 1.0953 1.1405 NQC NQC NQC 0.8947 0.7196 0.5409 1.0307 1.0266 1.4756 1.6208 1.4300 1.6520 1.1313 0.9877 1.1488 1.1772 1.2607 0.3630 NQC 0.7870 0.3829 0.8598 0.4198 0.7706 0.6571 0.9685 1.0635 0.9827 1.1632 0.8196 0.6950 0.9426 0.8859 1.1481 NQC NQC NQC 0.9946 NQC NQC 1.0513 1.0740 1.5432 1.5811 1.4576 1.7044 1.1433 1.0501 1.1996 1.1633 1.4062 0.5927 0.9965 0.3208 0.9932 0.0224 0.3420 1.0764 1.1151 1.4994 1.6328 1.4976 1.7520 1.1881 1.0905 1.2654 1.2367 1.4073 0.7399 NQC 0.4098 0.9112 NQC NQC 1.0863 1.1526 1.5437 1.6193 1.4786 1.7469 1.1004 1.0525 1.2858 1.2859 1.3541 0.2037 NQC NQC NQC 0.6632 0.6284 1.0638 1.0761 1.4917 1.5171 1.4214 1.5952 1.1077 0.9898 1.1982 1.2149 1.2301 NQC NQC 0.4807 NQC 0.0156 0.2875 0.2702 0.3716 0.7310 0.5231 0.2915 1.1961 0.3107 0.1170 0.1892 0.4214 1.3621 0.1348 NQC 0.0642 NQC 0.2392 -0.1364 -0.1529 0.4235 0.1847 0.6682 0.1307 0.7097 -0.2390 -0.4153 -0.1519 0.2162 1.3466 NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.3432 0.1357 -0.2718 0.0359 NQC -0.2602 -0.3712 0.5238 -0.2617 -0.5409 -0.2143 -0.0678 1.1470 NQC NQC NQC -0.4353 -0.0065 0.4811 1.0072 0.5253 1.3027 1.3680 0.7551 1.3708 0.6780 0.6743 0.7525 0.8665 1.0705 NQC NQC NQC -0.2834 0.6932 0.6273 1.0474 0.9687 1.1549 1.2826 1.1373 1.3449 0.9645 0.9199 1.0152 0.9949 1.3932 NQC NQC 1.1348 NQC 0.6017 0.6025 1.0894 0.8796 1.3222 1.4737 1.3501 1.5582 0.8771 0.7610 0.8240 1.1516 1.3074 NQC NQC NQC 0.2524 0.7591 0.5948 1.0377 1.0274 1.2883 1.3976 1.3044 1.4332 0.7503 0.6534 1.0489 1.1959 1.3587 0.8680 NQC NQC 0.6141 0.6480 0.4788 1.0511 0.8172 1.3092 1.3971 1.3645 1.5145 1.1625 0.8334 1.2255 0.9863 1.1031 0.2444 NQC NQC 0.9679 0.6949 0.4731 1.0714 1.1154 1.5555 1.6402 1.4807 1.7265 1.1969 1.0692 1.2100 1.1851 1.3360 0.4369 0.7068 0.9083 0.8236 0.6533 NQC 1.0806 1.0521 1.3260 1.2892 1.2587 1.4348 1.0077 0.9388 1.0705 1.0952 1.2482 NQC NQC NQC 0.8361 0.5821 0.5700 1.0720 1.0363 1.5165 1.4522 1.1541 1.5339 0.8353 0.8563 0.9080 0.8633 1.1441 NQC NQC 0.8708 0.8391 0.7015 0.5418 1.0295 0.9715 1.3516 1.4565 1.4465 1.4946 1.1600 0.9404 1.2205 1.0963 1.3882 NQC 0.9442 0.8898 0.8848 NQC NQC 0.8217 0.8897 1.1400 1.1468 1.0409 1.1760 0.7358 0.6819 0.9712 0.8550 1.3614 NQC NQC 1.1530 0.9262 0.8839 0.3343 1.0692 1.1389 1.5208 1.6389 1.4909 1.7265 1.1790 1.0541 1.2844 1.2597 1.3987 0.7346 0.5234 1.0732 0.8644 0.5614 NQC 1.0360 1.0920 1.5183 1.6033 1.4937 1.6381 1.0528 1.0606 1.1987 1.0560 1.3474 0.3234 0.7376 1.0211

FISHERIES & MARINE SCIENCES (University of Ruhuna)

* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream






INFORMATION SYSTEMS (University of Colombo School of Computing)


SPEECH & HEARING SCIENCES 1.2517 1.3678 1.3942 1.3799 1.1315 1.1565 1.3551 1.4188 1.2826 1.1391 1.0922 1.1682 1.1090 1.0050 1.2910 0.9339 1.1134 1.2872 1.4089 1.3352 1.1499 1.4024 1.1442 1.3649 1.3016



1.4427 0.9943 1.0965 1.1717 1.4420 0.9262 0.8835 0.9476 1.4462 1.0759 1.1113 1.1731 1.1233 0.7087 0.7895 0.8398 1.2922 0.8924 1.0292 1.0728 1.2905 0.7659 0.5978 0.5796 1.4342 1.0556 1.0365 1.1893 1.4314 1.0172 1.1457 1.1364 1.4025 0.9222 1.0900 0.9099 1.1609 0.6291 0.7358 0.9000 1.1203 0.6745 -0.1748 -0.0917 1.1224 NQC NQC -0.0868 1.0800 -0.1595 -0.1187 -0.5175 1.1450 0.3352 0.2743 0.2478 1.3441 0.4144 0.5219 0.6923 1.0895 0.5157 0.7344 0.6671 1.0949 0.9854 0.8695 1.0803 1.3182 0.7389 0.9054 1.1115 1.4336 1.0376 1.0742 1.0610 1.3371 0.8743 0.9446 1.0330 1.3384 0.7757 0.6924 0.6582 1.3133 0.9000 1.0092 0.9234 1.3010 0.8679 0.9178 0.6646 1.4400 1.0356 1.0775 1.0622 1.4110 1.0131 0.9976 0.9747

[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - Old Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district


- 116 -



0.6975 0.6333 0.5047 NQC 0.4453 NQC 0.6939 -0.1121 NQC 0.7344 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.2494 0.6757 0.2899 0.9038 -0.0914 NQC 0.7455 NQC 0.0488 0.6101


0.7814 0.7830 0.5612 NQC 0.5026 0.4436 0.6291 0.3368 0.6991 -0.5617 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.3938 -0.0670 NQC NQC 0.6457 0.6113 NQC 0.6884 0.4390 0.4439 0.7145


0.4132 0.9425 0.6659 0.2388 0.6271 0.3608 1.1674 0.8789 NQC NQC NQC 0.8469 NQC -0.3142 0.4794 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.3779 NQC 0.7062 1.3104 NQC 1.3654


0.4687 0.5243 0.5484 NQC -0.1602 0.1803 0.4702 -0.0673 NQC 0.4358 NQC -0.5841 NQC -0.4986 -0.4556 -0.3714 0.3733 0.6014 0.3118 0.4149 NQC -0.0932 0.4324 0.9850 NQC

EXPORT AGRICULTURE # 0.3956 0.4470 0.7165 NQC 0.5285 0.3307 0.4881 0.4869 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.1272 0.6551 NQC 0.5080 0.4249 0.6476 NQC 0.6712 NQC 0.6775 0.8446

TEA TECHNOLOGY & VALUE ADDITION # 0.3869 0.3097 0.8041 NQC 0.2754 0.2656 0.3856 0.9044 0.6707 -0.1160 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.2425 0.4236 NQC 0.3794 0.6755 NQC 0.4446 NQC 0.6525 0.3418


0.9065 0.2957 0.1793 0.5202 0.8396 NQC 0.8077 0.6084 0.8171 0.7721 NQC -0.0287 NQC 0.4352 0.7069 0.4012 -0.0431 0.3944 0.6900 0.3308 NQC -0.1778 NQC NQC 0.8331

MINERAL RESOURCES & TECHNOLOGY # 0.0799 0.5957 0.7664 0.4818 0.2975 NQC 0.6259 0.5946 NQC 0.0177 NQC NQC NQC 0.9028 NQC 0.6157 0.8359 NQC 0.5759 0.4837 NQC 0.3375 NQC 1.2664 0.1668

AQUATIC RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY # 0.5008 -0.0062 0.5077 NQC 0.7652 0.1868 -0.2217 0.0979 0.6007 NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.3663 NQC 0.1843 NQC 0.2638 0.6033 0.3655 NQC 0.2471 NQC 0.6487 0.7611

PALM AND LATEX TECHNOLOGY & VALUE ADDITION # 0.1624 NQC 0.6935 0.2974 0.1042 NQC 0.2676 0.6259 NQC -0.3230 NQC NQC NQC -0.1542 NQC 0.0466 NQC NQC -0.0670 -0.0092 NQC 0.6435 NQC 0.3743 0.1197

HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND EVENTS MANAGEMENT # 0.1783 0.7183 1.0196 0.9406 0.7394 1.2570 0.7902 0.7921 0.7934 1.0021 NQC NQC 0.9694 NQC 0.8870 1.0861 0.2105 NQC 0.4631 -0.3700 NQC 0.6564 0.2590 0.8487 0.8831

VISUAL ARTS # (UNIVERSITRY OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS) 0.7887 0.0545 0.5352 0.4770 0.4269 0.8022 0.4014 -0.4382 -0.3175 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.2569 0.4884 1.0300 0.6562 0.6747 1.0248 1.0973

0.1975 -0.1788 0.5066 0.8202 0.7555 0.5742 0.4064 0.6632 1.0669 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.1381 0.9097 0.9878 0.8200 1.0452 0.8688 0.8256 0.8634


* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream







DANCE # (UNIVERSITRY OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS) 0.9394 0.9690 0.9650 1.0902 1.0011 0.9506 0.8378 0.9978 1.0686 NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.0828 NQC NQC 0.9810 0.7771 1.0839 0.9071 0.2774 1.0053 0.8436 1.1073 1.1024

DRAMA & THEATRE # (UNIVERSITRY OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS) -0.8044 0.9133 0.2946 0.6783 -0.2329 0.8980 0.6479 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.2989 0.3214 0.6825 0.6247 -0.3610 NQC NQC NQC 1.2024


MUSIC # (RAMANATHAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS) NQC NQC NQC -0.5224 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.1493 0.3011 0.4679 0.6250 NQC -0.0930 -0.5177 -0.4158 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC


NQC NQC NQC 0.5968 0.4504 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.4383 0.0381 0.5600 NQC NQC 0.6879 0.7400 0.8594 0.9224 0.6131 0.5217 NQC NQC 0.2874 NQC NQC


MUSIC (SVIAS) NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.1548 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.5485 0.3469 NQC 0.5498 NQC 0.2785 0.2766 -0.0021 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.1501

[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - Old Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district

DANCE (SVIAS) NQC NQC NQC 0.2940 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.4043 0.1706 0.4362 0.1916 NQC NQC 0.5601 -0.0741 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC

0.5003 NQC NQC NQC -0.1278 0.2357 NQC NQC NQC 1.1384 1.1056 1.0931 0.9965 0.2216 1.1257 1.1419 1.0719 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC


- 117 -



2.1777 1.8424 2.0062 1.6116 2.1846 1.2799 2.1209 2.1720 2.0539 2.1195 1.1028 1.5151 1.4795 1.4990 1.7989 1.9862 1.8053 1.9329 2.1192 1.6438 1.7958 1.9478 1.4143 1.8596 1.8251

2.1412 1.8130 1.9855 1.5620 2.1203 1.2703 2.0535 2.1077 1.9436 2.1194 0.9937 1.2287 1.4600 1.4562 1.7972 1.9249 1.8037 1.9261 2.1175 1.6076 1.6274 1.9448 1.4092 1.8034 1.7839


1.9082 1.7538 1.9202 1.4118 1.9294 1.1693 1.9540 1.9708 1.7588 1.9872 0.9098 1.0494 1.0992 1.1845 1.7351 1.7372 1.6457 1.8940 1.8855 1.5622 1.2888 1.8393 1.3941 1.7937 1.7567


2.0589 1.7559 1.9904 1.5440 2.0755 1.1591 2.0424 2.0770 1.9019 2.0712 0.7523 1.1627 1.3999 1.4409 1.7346 1.8468 1.7599 1.8605 2.0789 1.5034 1.5653 1.8632 1.3107 1.8410 1.7786


1.6482 1.4560 1.6961 1.3978 1.6440 0.8775 1.6326 1.5848 1.6498 1.7370 0.3348 1.0293 0.6021 1.0635 1.1604 1.4567 1.4582 1.6076 1.7193 1.1143 0.7946 1.7310 1.1984 1.6671 1.5801

AGRICULTURE 1.1433 1.0780 1.0328 0.9198 1.1264 0.4702 1.1391 1.1376 1.1175 1.0480 -0.2926 0.6744 0.0319 0.7166 0.6484 1.0091 1.1260 0.9940 1.1437 0.7983 0.8454 1.0547 1.0767 1.1616 1.0767

FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION 1.4752 1.3942 1.4767 1.2754 1.4398 0.9731 1.5045 1.4773 1.5645 1.5852 0.7980 0.8689 0.6994 1.0860 1.1812 1.5255 1.5646 1.4179 1.4795 1.4959 0.6315 1.5753 0.6520 1.5443 1.5385

FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 1.8609 1.7177 1.8675 1.3138 1.7961 0.9095 1.7780 1.8646 1.7169 1.9043 -0.0516 0.4385 0.7981 1.0348 1.4559 1.6716 1.6077 1.7185 1.8591 1.3108 0.9508 1.6479 1.0263 1.7564 1.7192

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 1.3946 1.3779 1.4151 0.6814 1.4802 0.5487 1.4139 1.4329 1.3329 1.0331 0.9513 -0.0537 NQC 0.4319 0.3508 0.9095 0.9308 1.1333 1.3711 0.8856 0.5859 1.2020 0.7775 1.3280 1.1570

APPLIED SCIENCES (BIO.SC) 1.2593 1.1641 1.1816 0.6443 1.1802 0.7195 1.2023 1.2239 1.2868 1.0156 NQC -0.1686 NQC 0.2699 0.6283 0.8623 0.9251 1.1188 1.2313 0.8431 0.5650 1.0822 0.7552 1.2730 0.9967

ENGINEERING 2.0317 1.7433 1.8285 1.7003 1.9679 1.0815 1.9327 2.0600 1.9616 1.9827 0.7919 1.3753 0.1423 1.6021 1.0745 1.2510 1.4469 1.6231 1.9090 1.5535 1.1086 1.8195 1.1426 1.5226 1.6720

ENGINEERING (EM) 1.9396 1.7147 1.7706 1.6164 1.9170 1.0650 1.9262 1.9320 1.9053 1.8982 0.6140 0.6289 0.0730 1.5749 1.0458 1.2503 1.4457 1.5091 1.8634 1.4807 1.0597 1.8065 1.1356 1.5929 1.5100

1.9947 1.6853 1.7571 1.6305 1.9117 1.0175 1.8763 1.9967 1.9387 1.8343 0.2077 0.5440 0.0580 1.5675 1.1865 1.2221 1.3831 1.5874 1.8343 1.4464 0.9869 1.8191 1.1013 1.5029 1.6518

QUANTITY SURVEYING 1.8700 1.6587 1.6938 1.3465 1.7270 0.8850 1.8063 1.8560 1.8479 1.8684 NQC NQC -0.0546 1.4839 0.8671 1.1573 1.4050 1.4947 1.8196 1.6022 0.9258 1.7789 0.9183 1.5026 1.6435

COMPUTER SCIENCE 1.7115 1.5517 1.6306 1.3558 1.6569 0.8686 1.7628 1.7578 1.7569 1.5676 NQC 0.3273 NQC 1.1584 0.6867 0.8531 1.3132 1.3767 1.6503 1.2694 0.8680 1.5162 0.8269 1.4235 1.2988

PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1.2346 1.1647 1.1647 0.9740 1.2003 0.1770 1.2208 1.2918 1.0801 1.0232 NQC 0.3680 NQC 0.2495 -0.0619 0.4038 0.6923 0.9867 1.0788 0.8677 0.4384 1.0375 -0.0829 0.9967 0.9105

SURVEYING SCIENCE 1.6217 1.4191 1.4953 1.3195 1.5026 0.8546 1.6371 1.5736 1.5475 1.5039 0.1434 0.4662 0.0507 1.0325 0.3820 1.1366 1.3906 1.2286 1.6437 1.3391 0.5648 1.5023 0.6576 1.1513 1.4746

APPLIED SCIENCES (PHY.SC) 1.0889 1.0923 1.1313 0.8411 1.1144 -0.0761 1.1087 1.1241 1.0665 1.0178 NQC NQC NQC 0.3615 0.3251 0.7216 1.0590 0.7984 1.0159 0.7695 0.4263 0.8819 0.5591 0.9161 0.9047

MANAGEMENT 1.5941 1.4499 1.3587 1.3523 1.4917 1.0817 1.5668 1.5186 1.5791 1.1942 0.6524 0.9398 0.9479 0.8445 0.9830 1.0146 1.2653 1.2839 1.4353 1.3736 1.1300 1.1709 1.2577 1.2573 1.5270

1.6691 1.5985 1.7076 1.6968 1.8820 1.7626 1.8126 1.6534 1.6843 1.7480 1.1597 1.3437 1.3072 1.4126 1.6460 1.8510 1.7603 1.7898 1.7317 1.7851 1.7572 1.7130 1.0909 1.8025 1.8240


COMMERCE 1.5516 1.4323 1.3648 1.2838 1.4626 0.9200 1.5447 1.5036 1.5636 1.1322 0.5672 0.8686 0.8324 0.8292 0.9052 0.9241 1.2033 1.2663 1.4204 1.3358 1.0653 1.1103 1.2391 1.2552 1.4487

[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - New Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district


* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream








PUBLIC MANAGEMENT (SPECIAL) 1.7185 1.6261 1.7500 1.7590 1.7578 1.7986 1.8205 1.6736 1.7933 1.8464 1.5413 1.7148 1.6090 1.4468 1.6577 1.8542 1.8041 1.7922 1.7554 1.8565 1.3062 1.7503 1.4018 1.7461 1.8313

BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SPECIAL) 1.7125 1.5821 1.7478 1.5158 1.7670 1.2148 1.7947 1.6851 1.7833 1.6172 1.4798 1.7554 1.3371 1.5655 1.8064 1.7959 1.8029 1.8245 1.5927 1.5272 1.1561 1.7423 1.6875 1.5311 1.8229

1.9635 1.8916 1.9510 1.9491 1.9513 1.7363 1.9923 2.0084 1.9649 1.9238 1.3860 1.4930 1.0489 1.9681 1.9443 1.8809 1.8312 1.9835 1.9713 1.9282 1.9282 1.8421 1.7146 1.9127 1.9402


- 118 -



1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626 1.3626

1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380 1.1380


1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779 1.0779


1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367 1.4367


1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140 1.4140

MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TV) - A 1.4684 1.3916 1.3408 1.3072 1.4046 1.1769 1.4957 1.4542 1.4893 1.1251 0.5655 1.0736 0.8833 1.2815 1.1803 0.9549 1.1834 1.2653 1.4027 1.3303 1.0748 1.1621 1.2164 1.2876 1.3777

MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TV) - B 1.4179 1.3752 1.3345 1.3811 1.3996 1.3557 1.4690 1.4242 1.4602 1.3575 1.3340 1.3368 1.3528 1.5848 1.5625 1.5177 1.5467 1.3910 1.4812 1.3657 1.3757 1.3583 1.5862 1.3857 1.3606

COMMUNICATION STUDIES* 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535 1.3535

PEACE & CONFLICT RESOLUTION * 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508 1.7508

ISLAMIC STUDIES * 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108 1.2108

ARABIC LANGUAGE * 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782 0.6782

ARCHITECTURE # 1.1007 1.1483 0.6078 0.5722 0.8441 NQC 0.8755 0.6158 0.4890 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.5591 1.8313 NQC NQC 0.5572 NQC NQC 1.1006 NQC -0.8088 0.2190

1.0905 1.7138 0.6850 NQC 0.6657 NQC NQC 1.3515 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.8058 NQC NQC 1.2663

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE # 0.5252 0.2885 1.1520 NQC 0.5927 NQC 0.1772 0.5661 0.5446 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.1268 NQC 1.2419 NQC

TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING 1.7754 1.7157 1.8347 1.8773 1.8317 1.5579 1.8687 1.8344 1.8405 1.7793 NQC 1.0285 0.5340 1.8903 1.7836 1.8803 1.7937 1.7005 1.8849 1.4089 1.7621 1.7221 1.5457 1.7851 1.8104

FASHION DESIGN & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT # 0.9039 0.9250 1.2038 NQC 1.4483 NQC 1.0931 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.5411 NQC NQC 1.4367 NQC 1.6492 NQC NQC 1.8163 1.6529

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY # (University of Moratuwa) 1.7175 1.4820 1.6170 NQC 1.6515 0.7631 1.6722 1.6333 1.1443 1.6452 NQC NQC NQC 1.1949 0.5162 0.7902 1.2815 1.4109 1.6420 NQC NQC 1.4530 NQC 1.4724 1.1356

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT # 1.8365 1.7177 1.7638 1.3068 1.7279 1.6045 1.8349 1.8388 1.6523 1.6430 NQC 1.7580 NQC 1.4124 1.7780 1.7402 1.3451 1.4442 1.7786 1.4050 1.2608 1.8303 1.2077 1.3691 1.5054

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 1.7060 1.5541 1.5525 1.3146 1.5096 1.1982 1.7245 1.6657 1.6445 1.7071 NQC 1.1989 0.6251 1.6387 1.6231 1.7289 1.6255 1.6661 1.4520 1.6170 1.1342 1.5092 1.5291 1.6208 1.4556

1.9182 1.6640 1.8251 1.3976 1.8679 0.9669 1.7991 1.9256 1.8486 1.7988 NQC 0.4893 NQC 1.3563 0.8965 0.9676 1.3003 1.5315 1.8690 1.4174 1.0092 1.7348 0.9386 1.4751 1.5046

TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY # (University of Kelaniya) 1.6716 1.3619 0.9813 NQC 1.5297 NQC 1.6271 NQC 0.9646 1.2917 NQC NQC NQC 0.9536 NQC 1.2687 0.5228 1.3334 0.8841 NQC NQC 1.3190 NQC 1.2419 NQC

[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - New Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district


* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream








INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS & MATHEMATICAL FINANCE 1.6940 1.6444 1.5582 1.3416 1.5858 0.8540 1.6648 1.6573 1.6850 1.6221 NQC -0.0330 NQC 0.8912 0.6280 0.8340 1.2628 1.3267 1.6307 1.2629 0.6293 1.5470 0.7286 1.4048 1.1513

STATISTICS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1.6289 1.5242 1.5467 1.0583 1.6153 0.8425 1.5675 1.5663 1.3835 1.6024 NQC NQC NQC 0.8981 0.4233 0.9114 1.2783 1.4396 1.6160 1.3065 0.7199 1.5232 0.7488 1.3323 1.2550

1.6820 1.7130 1.7182 1.3271 1.6783 1.6883 1.8100 1.7233 1.7926 1.5741 0.4205 1.7105 1.4679 1.6419 1.7926 1.6865 1.7114 1.8072 1.7505 1.6846 1.6248 1.6832 1.5716 1.5938 1.6987


- 119 -



1.7610 1.8244 1.8481 1.5756 1.6970 1.6419 1.8444 1.7254 1.8359 1.5297 NQC 1.3206 0.4664 1.3435 1.5068 1.6301 1.5792 1.7971 1.7984 1.7526 1.7150 1.7991 1.4175 1.6056 1.8551

0.6221 0.2975 1.3612 NQC 0.3923 0.3582 0.1865 0.5661 1.1274 0.1594 NQC NQC NQC 0.5779 0.3115 -0.0046 0.3068 0.5397 0.1013 0.6895 NQC 0.6500 NQC 0.7182 0.9457


1.2455 1.2076 1.1585 0.9757 1.1904 0.7655 1.2644 1.2626 1.2667 -0.0975 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.7838 NQC 0.8493 1.1618 1.1633 1.2951 0.6254 1.1777 0.6676 1.3041 1.1435


1.1314 0.7989 1.1204 0.2293 1.0925 0.9728 NQC 0.7147 NQC 1.0581 NQC 0.4449 NQC 0.3322 0.8071 1.0996 1.0299 1.0735 1.1430 0.7155 NQC NQC NQC 1.0770 NQC


0.8868 NQC 0.7329 0.5270 0.8680 0.3783 NQC NQC NQC 0.9550 NQC NQC -0.0540 0.9501 0.6519 0.7811 0.9078 0.8423 0.8637 0.4317 0.4770 0.5057 NQC 0.8039 NQC

HELTH PROMOTION 1.3096 1.1811 1.2031 0.4388 1.2885 0.5644 1.2035 1.2288 1.3053 1.2284 NQC 0.0326 NQC 0.0457 1.1235 1.2667 1.2278 1.0329 1.2920 0.7999 0.7347 1.1852 0.5682 1.3138 1.0551

NURSING 1.2721 1.2426 1.2624 0.4163 1.2750 1.1438 1.1189 1.2455 1.3540 1.2912 NQC 0.0276 NQC 0.7396 1.2838 1.1053 1.2317 1.1201 1.3614 0.8647 1.0135 1.0947 0.4148 1.3160 1.2506

PHARMACY 1.7302 1.6527 1.6658 0.9210 1.6128 0.7035 1.7154 1.7769 1.5666 1.6936 0.4470 NQC NQC 1.0154 1.2612 1.6505 1.5249 1.5472 1.7785 1.1801 1.3920 1.6094 0.9670 1.5474 1.5832

MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES 1.8247 1.6691 1.8457 0.9498 1.7364 1.0902 1.7303 1.8858 1.7604 1.8835 -0.2278 0.9911 0.4576 0.9749 1.4999 1.6893 1.6154 1.7407 1.8658 1.1983 1.1616 1.6709 1.2681 1.6669 1.7093

RADIOGRAPHY 1.6961 1.6121 1.6933 0.7647 1.6730 1.0756 1.6513 1.5227 1.3710 1.6729 0.7134 0.4793 0.7374 0.8220 1.2895 1.5710 1.4590 1.6701 1.5888 1.1133 1.1385 1.6491 0.5020 1.5193 1.5739

PHYSIOTHERAPY 2.0333 1.7544 1.9421 1.5231 1.7485 1.1975 1.9669 1.9994 1.7319 1.9923 0.8861 0.9366 0.7919 1.0813 1.6905 1.7130 1.6921 1.8390 2.0356 1.3870 1.3523 1.8386 0.8921 1.7972 1.7763

ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT 1.3742 1.2489 1.3578 1.2061 1.3086 1.2175 0.4983 -0.1600 1.3102 1.1624 0.4538 0.8232 1.2074 1.2063 1.2688 1.2627 1.3175 1.2905 1.3538 1.2457 NQC NQC -0.0176 -0.2942 NQC NQC 0.7613 0.1339 0.7943 0.6483 1.2306 0.4563 1.3528 1.0721 1.1618 1.2664 1.3075 1.2592 0.7602 0.8664 0.3949 0.8372 1.2899 1.0816 0.3800 0.6542 1.3139 1.2442 1.2936 1.1364

FISHERIES & MARINE SCIENCES (University of Ruhuna)

* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream






INFORMATION SYSTEMS (University of Colombo School of Computing)


[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - New Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district

ANIMAL SCIENCE & FISHERIES (University of Peradeniya) 1.3792 1.2250 1.2869 0.6584 1.3569 0.4382 1.4091 1.3831 1.3495 1.3588 NQC NQC 0.3543 0.8231 0.7181 1.2050 1.2475 1.2892 1.2702 0.9099 0.2501 1.4354 0.5853 1.4162 1.2555

FOOD PRODUCTION & TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 1.3574 1.3310 1.2394 0.4033 1.3952 0.5169 1.3837 1.2429 1.3305 1.3962 0.4143 0.8884 0.4224 0.8826 0.6502 1.2507 1.2477 1.1882 1.2314 0.7080 0.5683 1.1148 0.3290 1.2653 1.3754




MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SEUSL) 1.5355 0.9319 0.8109 -0.2501 1.4082 NQC NQC 0.9096 1.3610 NQC NQC 0.8200 1.4766 NQC NQC NQC 1.4110 NQC NQC 0.6729 1.3990 NQC NQC NQC 1.5804 NQC NQC 0.5585 1.4898 0.8772 NQC NQC 1.6689 NQC NQC NQC 1.4751 0.6870 0.4409 0.5411 1.3138 NQC NQC NQC 1.4462 NQC NQC NQC 1.3254 NQC NQC NQC 1.5305 NQC NQC 0.4670 1.6703 NQC 1.2324 NQC 1.6926 NQC NQC 0.0372 1.6636 NQC NQC 0.8211 1.6004 NQC 0.8415 0.2287 1.5896 NQC NQC 0.3218 1.4602 NQC -0.3457 0.3854 1.5187 NQC NQC 1.5487 1.6148 NQC NQC 1.1031 1.6362 NQC 0.2105 NQC 1.3709 NQC NQC 1.0195 1.4159 NQC NQC 0.1232

SPEECH & HEARING SCIENCES 1.5388 1.7318 1.5572 1.8159 1.6328 1.4717 1.7737 1.6695 1.7315 1.3629 1.1999 1.2467 1.2382 1.3350 1.6889 1.7218 1.3707 1.5912 1.7124 1.3517 1.3933 1.7118 1.4322 1.7926 1.3737



1.5615 1.1655 1.2421 1.3731 1.4710 1.2041 1.1196 1.1579 1.4188 1.2637 1.0992 1.3913 1.5763 0.3934 0.5498 0.2690 1.4899 1.2409 1.1399 1.1987 1.5081 0.4333 0.6141 0.4804 1.5845 1.2025 1.2295 1.3558 1.6402 1.2971 1.2227 1.3028 1.5800 1.2085 1.1598 1.1970 1.4812 1.0132 0.9930 1.0572 1.3455 0.5812 NQC NQC 1.5767 -0.3152 0.2887 0.5593 1.3223 0.4138 NQC NQC 1.3837 0.2451 0.6821 0.6913 1.6016 0.3316 0.5440 1.0036 1.4475 0.9225 1.1248 0.8394 1.5934 1.0135 0.9028 0.8020 1.6243 1.0747 1.1557 1.1948 1.4268 1.2036 1.2067 1.2483 1.3711 1.0256 0.9578 0.9401 1.5338 0.2409 0.2162 0.3180 1.5949 1.0580 1.0758 1.4155 1.4247 0.8416 0.6268 1.2832 1.5243 1.1114 1.1413 1.1238 1.5057 1.3042 1.2290 0.9748


- 120 -



0.7601 0.6933 0.7161 NQC 0.6127 NQC 0.1992 1.0527 0.6714 0.9518 NQC NQC NQC 0.1789 -0.1389 0.2880 0.5874 NQC 0.2133 NQC NQC 0.8464 NQC 0.4248 NQC


1.0452 0.9490 NQC NQC 0.5051 NQC 0.5260 NQC NQC 0.5026 NQC NQC NQC 0.7055 NQC 0.4603 NQC 0.8215 1.0364 NQC 0.1209 NQC NQC NQC NQC


1.1236 0.2262 NQC NQC 0.4735 NQC 1.0485 1.0930 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.7922 NQC 0.4550 0.8433 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.8186 NQC NQC NQC












NQC 0.7958 0.5522 0.3887 NQC NQC 0.8382 0.0928 1.0049 0.7735 1.0822 1.0446 NQC NQC NQC 0.9176 NQC NQC 0.5430 1.0991 0.3830 1.0341 1.2034 1.0282 NQC NQC NQC 0.0509 NQC NQC NQC 1.2970 0.9623 1.0880 1.1846 0.8911 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.5354 1.2964 1.1976 NQC 1.0296 NQC 1.3785 0.1492 1.0718 NQC 1.1620 0.9748 0.9900 1.1665 0.2355 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.7768 0.8870 NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.0314 NQC NQC NQC 1.0595 1.1869 0.7284 1.1948 1.0793 0.9184 NQC NQC NQC 0.6788 NQC -0.1849 1.2542 0.8081 0.9139 1.3296 0.8565 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.6960 NQC NQC 1.3058 0.8760 1.2889 NQC 0.1819 NQC 0.3218 1.1540 0.5099 NQC 0.0983 0.0962 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.2317 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC -0.3362 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.4400 NQC NQC 0.7654 0.6146 NQC NQC NQC 0.3866 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.0019 0.9783 1.2106 0.3748 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.7576 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.5575 0.3367 0.9863 NQC 0.9466 NQC NQC 0.8896 NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.2462 1.0866 1.0892 1.0695 NQC NQC 0.5856 NQC NQC NQC 0.8712 -0.0120 0.4458 0.9095 1.2934 0.8528 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.1607 0.8962 1.1711 0.5987 NQC NQC NQC 1.2105 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.9312 1.1368 NQC NQC 0.5216 0.1383 NQC 0.1851 NQC NQC 0.3184 NQC 1.0224 1.0212 0.7472 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.4331 1.0264 1.3012 0.8172 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.6011 1.1356 1.2466 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.9280 0.7689 1.1561 0.4088


* Selection 100% on an all island Merit Basis # Courses of study for which the subject oriented Practical Tests / Aptitude Tests were conducted. NQC – No Qualified Candidates Management Studies (TV) - A - Commerce Stream Management Studies (TV) - B - All Streams Arts (SAB) - A - Arts Stream Arts (SAB) - B - Commerce Stream






MUSIC # (RAMANATHAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS) NQC 0.6708 NQC -0.2322 NQC -0.3212 NQC NQC NQC 0.7396 -0.1547 0.8802 NQC 0.6948 0.0395 0.3786 0.2431 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.8308 NQC NQC NQC

DANCE # (RAMANATHAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS) 0.4292 NQC NQC NQC 0.0532 0.4981 NQC NQC NQC 0.4634 0.5507 NQC 0.5891 -0.0943 0.2902 0.1903 0.1240 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC

NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.8900 0.5076 NQC 1.1131 0.1413 0.8521 0.7924 0.8027 0.9137 0.6375 0.8173 NQC 0.7931 NQC 0.5714 NQC


MUSIC (SVIAS) -0.1510 NQC NQC 0.4981 -0.0795 0.6966 NQC NQC NQC 0.7951 0.6956 0.6763 0.8073 0.8042 0.3568 0.7785 0.7445 NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.2404 NQC NQC NQC

[Based on the results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination held in August, 2011] - New Syllabus Minimum “Z” Scores for selection to various Courses of Study in respect of each district


DANCE (SVIAS) 0.3892 -0.0362 NQC 0.0678 0.3746 0.2211 NQC NQC NQC 0.8593 0.6420 0.7068 0.5172 0.8606 NQC 0.8707 0.7004 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC

NQC NQC NQC -0.0217 -0.0346 NQC NQC NQC NQC 1.2733 0.9276 1.2673 1.2867 1.1374 0.9716 1.2779 1.2339 NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC NQC 0.8236