Feisty Fido. Feeling Outnumbered. Alexandra Horowitz. Inside of a Dog: What
Dogs See, Smell and Know. Karen Pryor. Don't Shoot the Dog. Jean Donaldson.
Behavior & Training Academy Required Book List By Mary R. Burch and Jon S. Bailey How Dogs Learn By Trish King, Parenting Your Dog: Develop Dog-Rearing Skills for a Well-Trained Companion Paperback Dr. Patricia McConnell, available from: http://www.patriciamcconnell.com/category/dog-training-books Leader of the Pack Way to Go The Other End of the Leash Feisty Fido Feeling Outnumbered Alexandra Horowitz Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell and Know Karen Pryor Don’t Shoot the Dog Jean Donaldson Culture Clash Fight – Level II Mine – Level II Gwen Bailey The Perfect Puppy As you read these books, think about how the information will apply to dogs and people you will meet and work with.