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Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov. from Cambodia and C. marantica sp. nov. from Sulawesi, Indonesia are described and illustrated from larvae collected from ...
Systematic & Applied Acarology 20(8): 919–926 (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.11158/saa.20.8.7 Article

ISSN 1362-1971 (print) ISSN 2056-6069 (online)


Two new species of Calyptostoma Cambridge, 1875 (Acari: Prostigmata: Calyptostomatidae) from Cambodia and Sulawesi, Indonesia RYSZARD HAITLINGER¹ & MILOJE ŠUNDIĆ² ¹ Institute of Biology, Department of Invertebrate Systematics and Ecology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Kożuchowska 5b, 51-631 Wrocław, Poland. E-mail: [email protected] ² University of Montenegro, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 2000 Podgorica, Montenegro. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov. from Cambodia and C. marantica sp. nov. from Sulawesi, Indonesia are described and illustrated from larvae collected from herbaceous plants. This is the first report of the genus Calyptostoma from Cambodia and Sulawesi, Indonesia. Calyptostoma velutinum is new to the fauna of Sicily and new to the fauna of Serbia. A key to the larval species of Calyptostoma of the world is given. Key words: Taxonomy, Trombidiformes, Parasitengona, key, larva

Introduction The genus Calyptostoma Cambridge, 1875 includes 4 species (based on larvae or larvae and adults): Calyptostoma velutinum (Müller, 1776) widespread in Europe, found in Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland; it is known also from Japan (Beron 2008, Mąkol & Wohltmann, 2012), C. latiseta Shiba, 1976 based on adults and larvae from Malaysia, New Caledonia and Tasmania, C. somplexa Shiba, 1976 based on larva from Malaysia and C. gorganica Saboori & Soukhstaraii, 2012 based on larvae from Iran (Müller 1776, Koch, 1867, Berlese, 1905, Shiba 1976, Beron 2008, Mąkol & Wohltmann, 2012, Saboori et al. 2012). In this paper, two new species of Calyptostoma from Cambodia and Indonesia, based on larvae, are described. All specimens in this study were obtained from herbaceous plants, but some other Calyptostoma species were reported as ectoparasite of Tipulidae (Diptera) (Wohltmann et al. 2007, Saboori et al. 2012).

Material and methods Four larvae of Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov. were collected in Bantosey 20 km north of Sem Reap, Cambodia and two larvae of C. marantica sp. nov. were collected in Marante, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Specimens were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol and later mounted on microscopic slides using Berlese’s fluid. Measurements (given in micrometers) were made using microscope NIKON Eclipse 80i. Figures were drawn using Carl Zeiss Axiscop A1 microscope. The terminology and abbreviations follows Wohltmann et al. (2007). The holotypes and paratypes of new species are deposited at the Museum of Natural History, Wrocław University, Poland (MNHWU). All specimens were collected by R. Haitlinger. © Systematic & Applied Acarology Society


Calyptostoma Cambridge, 1875 Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov. (Figs. 1–12) Diagnosis: Larvae with following features (n=4): fnSo l: 10-8-4 (8–10, 8, 3–4 paratypes) , II 8-5-5 (7–8, 5, 5), III 1-3-3, fn Tr 1-1-2, fnBf 8-8-8, fnTf 9-12-5, microsetae present on Ti I and GeI-II with two tips, all claws without prongs, Ta I 102–107. Ta III 92–106. Description (n=4): larva. Dorsum covered with very numerous short and nude setae. Scutum reduced, bearing one pair of nude sensilla (broken in holotype). Below scutum, on each side, one pair of eyes placed on ovoid sclerite, each with two nude setae. Anterior eye 28, posterior one 23, sclerite 56 long, 33 wide (Fig. 1).

FIGURES 1–3. Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov. (larva). 1, dorsal view of idiosoma; 2, ventral view of idiosoma; 3, gnathosoma (dorsal view left, ventral view right).

Idiosoma ventrally covered with numerous short and nude setae. Anal opening without sclerite. Three pairs of coxae present, each with numerous setae; Claperede’s organ is located in lateral position between coxae I and II (Fig. 2). Length of setae on coxae I 19–32. Coxae II 31–38 and coxae III 23–31. 920


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Gnathosoma ventrally with a pair of nude tritosternal setae bs (34), a pair of nude setae as (16) and very short adoral setae (cs). Supracoxal setae (elcp) absent. Palpfemur with one nude seta placed ventrally (25), two setae on palpgenu, ventral seta 23 long and dorsal seta 24 long. Palptibia with three nude setae and short odontus (OD). Palptarsus with 2ζ, 1ω and 4 nude setae (Fig. 3). Legs. Leg setal formula. Leg I: Ta (covered with numerous smooth setae or almost smooth), 10ω (8–10 paratypes), 2ζ, numerous N, Ti 8φ, 1κ, 16–17 N, Ge 4σ (3–4), 1κ, 15N, Tf 9N, Bf 8N, Tr 1N, Cx 26–28N (Fig. 4). Leg II: Ta 8ω (7–8), 2ζ͕ numerous N, Ti 5φ, 14–15 N, Ge 5σ, 1κ, 10N, Tf 12N, Bf 8N, Tr 1N, Cx 23–25N (Fig. 5). Leg III: Ta 1ω, ϭζ, numerous N, Ti 3φ, 14N, Ge 3σ, 12N, Tf 5N, Bf 8N, Tr 2N, Cx 18N (Fig. 6). Leg lengths. Leg I 512 holotype, 470–492 paratypes; leg II 460, 422–434; leg III 509, 445–453. IP = 1481 holotype, 1345–1401 paratypes. Measurements are given in Table 1.

FIGURES 4–6. Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov. (larva). 4, leg I; 5, leg II; 6, leg III.

Etymology: The species is named after Giulia Spera, the senior author’s granddaughter. Type material: The holotype and three paratypes (all larvae) were collected by R. Haitlinger from herbaceous plants, 4 February 2002, in Bantosey, 20 km north of Siem Reap, Cambodia. All type specimens are deposited in MNHWU. 2015



TABLE 1. Metric data of Calyptostoma guiuliae sp. nov. (1), C. marantica sp. nov. (2) and C. velutinum (Müller, 1776) (3) larva; H—holotype, P—paratypes. Character IL IW L W SB DS as bs PaFe (L) PaFe (W) OD PsFv S Ta I (L) Ta I (H) Ti I Ge I Tf I Bf I Tr I Cx I Ta II (L) Ta II (H) Ti II Ge II Tf II Bf II Tr II Cx II Ta III (L) Ta III (H) Ti III Ge III Tf III Bf III Tr III Cx III Leg I Leg II Leg III IP

H1 1118 902 29 66

11 958 918 26 56

11 1075 907 28 53

1P 876 785 32 63

32–41 20 28 18 26 10 25


31–41 22 18

8 21 109 103 45 68 51 29 77 31 111 96 47 56 45 27 70 33 95 104 44 65 51 31 69 32 101 470 422 453 1345

107 49 72 54 39 83 39 118 99 49 53 52 36 79 34 106 106 43 75 57 37 85 40 109 512 460 509 1481

12 23 104 43 69 52 34 89 35 102 97 49 59 47 27 83 36 105 100 47 62 48 33 73 34 99 498 454 449 1401

34–40 19 15

H2 916 863 33 65 40 24–35 29 39

P2 1059 898 34 62 42 27–37

3 696–1524 560–1153 27–40 57–73 33–43 25–56

12 30 94 102 44 67 46 34 76 32 115 88 45 54 49 28 73 34 105 92 38 63 51 30 76 33 100 472 431 445 1348

12 34 92 115 33 83 57 44 91 37 118 105 42 65 54 39 92 51 114 109 33 82 66 41 100 44 103 545 520 545 1610



110 122 40 83 62 36 94 48 122 106 40 69 59 36 90 65 113 107 39 77 60 34 92 47 109 567 538 526 1631

125–163 45–63 74–104 60–104 28–49 72–117 30–42 122–165 111–146 45–61 59–93 58–74 37–44 79–116 34–49 109–137 110–158 39–54 80–107 66–87 40–57 85–134 34–49 111–145 545–708 479–650 542–707 1565–2065


Remarks: Calyptostoma giuliae sp. nov., differs from C. velutinum in fnTr III (2 vs. 1), Ta III (1ω vs. without ω), gnathosoma with 3 pairs of setae vs. gnathosoma with one pair of setae, shorter Ta I (102–107 vs. 126–163), Ta II (88–99 vs. 115–146), Ta III (92–106 vs. 110–158), Ti I (67–72 vs. 84–112) and IP (1345–1481 vs. 1671–2065); from C. simplexa in longer and higher Ta I (102– 922


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107 vs. 92 and 43–49 vs. 29), Ti I (67–72 vs. 52), Ta II(H) (45–59 vs. 33), leg I (excluding coxae) (359–394 vs. 275), leg II (327–354 vs. 250), leg III (345–400 vs. 273), dorsal setae (28–41 vs. 15), dorsal setae with basal up-shaped stalks vs. setae without cup-shaped stalks, cuticle not reticulated vs. cuticle reticulated and ocular plate with two setae vs. ocular plate without seta; from C. latiseta in normal dorsal and ventral setae vs. leaf-shaped setae, shorter leg I (excluding coxae) (359–394 vs. 428), and Ta I (102–107 vs. 125); from C. gorganica in longer seta bs (32 vs. 20–21), shorter Ta I (102–107 vs. 129–144, Ti I), Ti I (67–72 vs. 87–99), Ta II (88–99 vs. 111–124), Ta III (92–106 vs. 124–144), IP (1345–1491 vs.1772–1930), fnBf (8-8-5 vs. 16-9-7), fnTf (9-12-5 vs. 11-11-10) and idiosoma without striations vs. idiosoma with striations and from C. marantica in the shorter IP (1345–1481 vs. 1610–1631), Ta I (102–107 vs. 115–122), Ti I (67–72 vs. 83), Ge I (46–54 vs. 57– 62), Ta II (88–99 vs. 105–107), fnBf III (5 vs. 7), fnTf (9-12-4 vs. 8-8-7) and fn Tr I–II (1,1 vs. 2,2).

Calyptostoma marantica sp. nov. (Figs. 7–12) Diagnosis: fnSol: I (5-6-3), II (5-5-5), III (1-4-2), fn Tr 2-2-2, fnBf 8-8-7, fnTf 8-8-7, microsetae on tibia I and genu II with two tips, all claws without prong, Ta I 115–122, Ta III 107–109.

FIGURES 7–9. Calyptostoma marantica sp. nov. (larva). 7, dorsal view of idiosoma; 8, ventral view of idiosoma; 9, gnathosoma (dorsal view left, ventral view right).




Description (n=2): larva. Dorsum covered with numerous short and nude setae. Scutum reduced bearing one pair of nude sensilla. Below scutum, on each side, one pair of eye placed on ovoid sclerites, each with two nude setae. Sclerite 48 long, 32 wide, anterior eye 15, posterior eye 23 (Fig. 7). Idiosoma ventrally covered with numerous short and nude setae. Anal opening without surrounding sclerite. Three pairs of coxae, each with numerous smooth setae. Length of coxal setae I 22–32, II 21–31, III 20–30, number of coxal setae I 16, II 18, III 20. Claperede’s organ placed in lateral position at coxa I (Fig. 8). Gnathosoma ventrally with a pair of nude tritosternal setae (bs), a pair of nude oral setae (as) and very short adoral setae (cs). Supracoxal setae absent. Palpfemur with one nude seta placed ventrally (34), palpgenu with three nude setae (dorsal setae 28, 30, ventral seta 31). Palptibia with 3nude setae and short odontus. Palptarsus with 2ζ, 1ω and 5 nude setae (Fig. 9). Leg setal formula. Leg I: Ta 5ω, 2ζ, numerous N, Ti 6φ, 1κ, 21, Ge 1κ, 3σ, 18N (20), Tf 8N, Bf 8N, Tr 2 (1N, 1B), Cx 18N (Fig. 10). Leg II: Ta 5ω, 2ζ, numerous N, Ti 5φ, 23N, Ge 1κ, 5σ, 15N, Tf 8N, Bf 8N, Tr 2N, Cx 18N (Fig. 11). Leg III: Ta 1ω, 1ζ, numerous N, Ti 4φ, 31N, Ge 2σ, 10N, Tf 7N, Bf 7N, Tr 2N, Cx 20N (Fig. 12). Leg lengths. Leg I 545 holotype, 567 paratype, II 520, 538, III 545, 526.

FIGURES 10–12. Calyptostoma marantica sp. nov. (larva). 10, leg I; 11, leg II; 12, leg III.



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IP = 1610 holotype, 1631 paratype Measurements are given in Table 1. Etymology: The species was named after the place where the holotype was collected. Type material: The holotype and paratype larvae were collected by R. Haitlinger from herbaceous plants, 18 February 2009 in Marante, Sulawesi, Indonesia. All type specimens in MNHWU. Remarks: Calyptostoma maranica sp. nov. differs from C. velutinum in number of subcapitular setae (3 vs. 1), longer OD (12–15 vs. 3–6), fnTr (2-2-2 vs. 1-1-1), from C. latiseta in absence of leafshaped setae on idiosoma and legs vs. leaf-shaped setae present on idiosoma and legs, Ta I ω (5 vs. 1); from C. simplexa in longer idiosomal setae (24–37 vs. 15), number of subcapitular setae (3 pairs vs. 1 pair), longer Ta I (115–122 vs. 95), Ti I (83 vs. 52), Ta II (105–106 vs. 80), leg I (545–567 vs. 275), leg II (520–538 vs. 250) and leg III (526–545 vs. 273); fn Ta I ω (5 vs. 1), fn Ta II ω (5 vs. 1), from C. gorganica in fnTr (2-2-2 vs. 1-1-2), fnBf (8-8-7 vs. 16-9-7), fnTf (8-8-7 vs.11-10-10), shorter palpfemoralae (33–34 vs. 47–50), Ta I (L) (115–122 vs. 129–144), Ta I (H) (33–40 vs. 47– 52), leg I (545–567 vs. 613–655), leg II (520–538 vs. 540–615), leg III (526–545 vs. 619–660) and IP (1610–1631 vs. 1772–1930).

Calyptostoma velutinum (Müller, 1776) Measurements were obtained from specimens collected in Austria (1), Czech Republic (1), Serbia (1), Poland (6) and Sicily (1). Specimen from Sicily was collected in Chiusa Sclafani, Palermo province, 30 May 2012; coll. R. Haitlinger. First record from Sicily. Specimen from Serbia was collected in Zlatibor, 3 August 2012; coll. M. Šundić. First record from Serbia.

Key to larval species of Calyptostoma of the world 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -

Gnathosoma with one pair of tritosternal setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Gnathosoma with three pairs of tritosternal setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Idiosoma and legs with a lot leaf-shaped setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. latiseta Shiba; Malaysia Idiosoma and legs without such setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Idiosomal setae short < 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. simplexa Shiba; Malaysia Idiosomal setae longer >24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. velutinum Müller; Europe, Japan fnTr 2-2-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. marantica sp. nov., Sulawesi, Indonesia fnTr 1-1-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 fnBf 8-8-5, fnTf 9-12-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. giuliae sp. nov. fnBf 16-9-7, fn Tf 11-10-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. gorganica Saboori, Soukhrsaraii; Iran

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