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Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.doc.pdf. Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.doc.pdf.

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Finance and Administration Learning Technologies

Date Approved:

September 19, 2000

Dates of Amendment:

May 10, 2011

Cross Reference:

Electronic Social Media; Property Damage or Theft (Technology), Safe Schools Code of Conduct – General Policy


1. Hardware, software and Board network services shall be used for intended instructional and administrative purposes only. 2. Network users are responsible for appropriate behaviour on Board networks and while using Board or personal electronic devices. Behaviour must adhere to the Safe Schools Code of Conduct. Access to network services is a privilege given to users who agree to use the services in a responsible manner. Inappropriate use may result in a suspension or cancellation of access privileges. 3. The standards of behavior as outlined in the provincial code of conduct apply to all members of the school community, including students, parents and guardians, teachers, or other staff members, and volunteers and visitors who access the Board network or who use personal or Board-owned devices while on Board property or to conduct Board related business. 4. The Ottawa Catholic School Board makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the network service it is providing. The Board assumes no responsibility or liability for any phone charges, line costs or usage fees, nor for any damages that a user may suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user’s own risk.

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Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Finance and Administration Learning Technologies

5. Network users are not permitted to transmit, request, submit, or publish any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, pornographic, threatening, offensive, racist, illegal material. 6. Network users may not willfully access any files or content that may damage, compromise, violate, infiltrate or in any way negatively affect the Board computers, electronic devices or network or those of other users 7. Network users must respect all copyright laws that protect software owners, artists and writers. 8. The use of Board electronic resources and the network may be monitored and recorded. Learning Technology staff employ the use of internet tracking and filtering software to control and monitor Internet access



1. Acceptable use of information technology resources by students will be outlined in an Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement form. 2. The Acceptable Use of Technology Form will be reviewed and updated as needed by the Coordinator of Learning Technologies. 3. Teachers will review the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement form annually with all students at the beginning of the school year or semester. 4. School Administration shall review the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement form with all new students who register after the start of the school year. 5. In order to access Board network services, students must agree to and sign the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement form. 6. The Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement Form shall be signed by students in grades 4-12, each year that major revisions are made to the form.

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Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Finance and Administration Learning Technologies

7. Designated areas of internal communication tools for Board staff use may be used for non-Board purposes such as “for sale conferences”, “services and recommendations”. Inappropriate use of such sites may result in removal of access, loss of privileges, and/or other discipline. 8. Using someone else's password or accessing anyone else’s private electronic or private online content without their permission is prohibited, and may result in loss of privileges such as access to the Board network or Board devices.

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