Access Software Manual

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Jun 1, 2012 ... Intelli-M Access runs on Microsoft Windows® operating systems. ... reports, please download the free tool from Microsoft called Report Builder ...
User Guide Version 3.0

June 1, 2012


CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................4 CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................................4 OPERATING SYSTEMS .....................................................................................................................................................4 HARDWARE .....................................................................................................................................................................4 SOFTWARE ......................................................................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER 2 - INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................................................6 INTELLI-M ACCESS PREREQUISITE MANAGER....................................................................................................................6 BEGIN INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................................................................9 INSTALLATION PROGRESS ................................................................................................................................................16 INSTALLATION COMPLETE................................................................................................................................................16 CHAPTER 3 - TERMS AND CONCEPTS....................................................................................................................................17 DOOR VS. ZONE.................................................................................................................................................................17 CARDHOLDER VS. GROUP .................................................................................................................................................17 DOOR TYPES ......................................................................................................................................................................18 DOOR BEHAVIORS.............................................................................................................................................................18 RULES AND PRIVILEGES ....................................................................................................................................................18 EVENTS AND ALARMS .......................................................................................................................................................19 ALARM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................................................................................................19 EXTENSIBILITY AND PERIPHERALS....................................................................................................................................19 REPORTS............................................................................................................................................................................19 CHAPTER 4 - QUICK SETUP....................................................................................................................................................21 LOGIN TO INTELLI-M ACCESS............................................................................................................................................21 CREATE A DOOR ................................................................................................................................................................22 CREATE A PERSON ............................................................................................................................................................23 CREATE AN ACCESS PRIVILEGE.........................................................................................................................................25 TODO LIST .........................................................................................................................................................................26 LICENSING YOUR SYSTEM.................................................................................................................................................27 CHAPTER 5 - IMPORT DATA FROM OTHER ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS...............................................................................28 CHAPTER 6 - USER INTERFACE ..............................................................................................................................................41 PAGE LAYOUT ....................................................................................................................................................................41 2

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LOGIN TO INTELLI-M ACCESS............................................................................................................................................43 EVENTS PAGE ....................................................................................................................................................................44 PEOPLE PAGE ....................................................................................................................................................................46 REPORTS PAGE..................................................................................................................................................................54 DOORS PAGE .....................................................................................................................................................................58 CONFIGURATION SECTION ................................................................................................................................................62 DOORS CONFIGURATION PAGE.........................................................................................................................................62 SCHEDULES PAGE ..............................................................................................................................................................68 GROUPS PAGE ...................................................................................................................................................................73 RULES PAGE .......................................................................................................................................................................74 PERIPHERALS PAGE ..........................................................................................................................................................80 CUSTOMIZE PAGE.............................................................................................................................................................85 SYSTEM SETTINGS SECTION..............................................................................................................................................87 LICENSE ENTRY TAB ......................................................................................................................................................87 EMAIL SETTINGS TAB ....................................................................................................................................................87 SECURITY SETTINGS TAB...............................................................................................................................................88 CHAPTER 7 - ADVANCED SETUP AND CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................90 CHAPTER 8 - TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................91 INSTALLATION ISSUES.......................................................................................................................................................91 RUNTIME TROUBLESHOOTING.........................................................................................................................................93

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CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing Intelli-M Access, the Simple, Scalable, and Secure access control system, designed for the small business, and scalable for the enterprise. This guide will assist in configuring and managing your Intelli-M Access installation.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CONSIDERATIONS Intelli-M Access is an enterprise-class client/server application whose purpose is to secure the organization. As such, we recommend that it be run on a server in an appropriate environment. With the introduction of the rules engine, parts of the access control system are running on the server and cannot perform their function if the server is not running. Intelli-M Access can be run in a virtual environment such as VMWare ESXi or higher, and we highly recommend this.

OPERATING SYSTEMS Intelli-M Access runs on Microsoft Windows® operating systems. We always recommend using the most recent versions of operating systems, and for installations of greater than 32 doors, we strongly recommend using a server class operating system.      

Windows Server 2008 R2 (Recommended) Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003 Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate Windows Vista Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate Windows XP Pro

Home or starter versions of Windows are not supported as they do not include components required by Intelli-M Access.

HARDWARE F OR 32 DOORS OR LESS A basic workstation class computer is sufficient. Recommended hardware specs.    

2GB RAM 2GHz Processor 50GB Hard drive space Single 100Mb network interface

F OR 32 – 128 DOORS    

4Gb RAM Dual core 2GHz Processor 100GB Hard disk space Single or dual 100Mb network interface 4

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F OR > 128 DOORS Intelli-M Access can make use of multiple processors and as much memory as can be made available. The database server and reporting services can be moved to another server to frees up resources and improve performance. For specific recommendations, please contact infinias.

SOFTWARE Intelli-M Access is designed to take advantage of key components provided by Microsoft. These are: IIS (Internet Information Server) Microsoft’s web server. This server is used to provide the Intelli-M Access web pages to any standard browser. IIS is included with the operating system, but must be ‘turned on’ before installing Intelli-M Access. Message Queueing. By using transaction server, Intelli-M Access delivers an asynchronous message queuing architecture designed to be robust, highly scalable and resilient to spikes in demand. This is also included with the operating system but must be ‘turned on’ prior to installing Intelli-M Access. Reporting Services provides reporting capabilities. Both reports and badges are delivered via Reporting Services. This is installed with the SQL Server Advanced Services package provided by infinias. To design reports, please download the free tool from Microsoft called Report Builder (currently version 3) SQL Server Intelli-M Access uses version 2008 or newer, and will automatically install the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2008 R2 with Advanced Services if a compatible version of SQL Server is not already installed. Intelli-M Access also requires Microsoft SQL Reporting Services, a part of the SQL Server installation, to be installed as well. All required software packages, including SQL Server 2008, will be automatically configured during the installation process. Refer to the installation chapter for more information.

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CHAPTER 2 - INSTALLATION The Intelli-M Access installation package is a 1GB compressed, self-extracting file, freely available for download from our website, or via installation media you can order from infinias. The compressed file contains all of the operating system and application prerequisites that you need to complete the installation of Intelli-M Access. Simply copy the file to the server on which you intend to install Intelli-M Access, and double-click the file to start the installation. If your current OS configuration necessitates an installation of one or more prerequisite software packages, you will be presented with a window similar to Figure 2.1 below:

Figure 2.1 - InstallShield Prerequisites Dialog Press the 'Install' button to install the first prerequisite in the list. Each prerequisite will be installed in order that you see them in the list. One or more prerequisites may require a system reboot, and may automatically do so in order to complete the prerequisite installation. If a reboot is required, the installation will proceed immediately after logging back into the system following the reboot. Continue to press the 'Install' button until all prerequisites are installed.

INTELLI-M ACCESS PREREQUISITE MANAGER A special prerequisite, the Intelli-M Access Prerequisite Manager, is the last prerequisite to be installed. This prerequisite will automatically install the required Internet Information Services (IIS) and Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), packages that are both required by Intelli-M Access. Once this prerequisite is complete, the actual product installation will begin.


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If there are any errors in installing any of the prerequisites, especially IIS or MSMQ, a prerequisite window will appear and will describe the error, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - Intelli-M Access Prerequisite Manager Error Window Under normal circumstances, this window should not appear, and will only be visible if an error occurs. Should the window appear with an error message, please follow the instructions provided in the window before continuing the installation. If necessary, contact infinias Technical Support for further assistance.


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BEGIN INSTALLATION When all prerequisites have been installed, you will be presented with the usual opening installation window, as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 - InstallShield Welcome Dialog Press the 'Next' button to continue the installation. You will then see the End User License Agreement window, as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 - End User License Agreement Dialog Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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You must read and accept the conditions before continuing the installation. When you have finished reading and you agree to the conditions, click the 'I accept the terms in the license agreement' checkbox and press the 'Next' button. The next window allows you to specify where the product should be installed, as shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 - Destination Folder Dialog The default path is C:\Program Files\infinias\Intelli-M Access unless you are installing to a 64-bit version of Windows, in which case the default path will be C:\Program Files (x86)\infinias\Intelli-M Access. To accept the default path, press the 'Next' button. Or modify the path to a new location on your hard drive and then press the 'Next' button. The next window lets you choose which features of Intelli-M Access you wish to install, as shown in Figure 2.6.


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Figure 2.6 - Setup Type Dialog For a typical installation, choose the default setting of 'Complete' and press the 'Next' button. The Custom option is for users who have one or more of the following scenarios: 1) You already have a pre-existing instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 installed, either on the local computer or on a remote computer. See the important notes below regarding pre-existing SQL Server instances. 2) You are installing Intelli-M Access onto a computer that already has a web-based application is installed and is already listening on port 80. See the important note below regarding changing the name and location of the website. If neither of these apply to you, or if you don't know if they apply to you, then leave the 'Complete' radio button selected and press the 'Next' button and skip to the "Ready to Install the Program" section. If you have SQL Server installed and wish to use your SQL Server, select the 'Custom' radio button and press the 'Next' button. Important Note: many application installations do not play by the rules and do not respect the existing IIS configuration. Some installations will change the name of the default IIS website from "Default Web Site" to another name. Some might delete the default website altogether. In either case, the application probably has taken ownership of port 80 (and possibly port 443), preventing Intelli-M Access from being able to use port 80. Other applications disable IIS altogether because they run a third-party web server like Apache. In all of these cases, you can still install Intelli-M Access on this computer. In the case where "Default Web Site" has been changed or removed, you can either provide the new name to the Intelli-M Access installer, or you can choose your own name and provide an unused port number (e.g. 8000 or 8080). If IIS has been disabled, it was disabled so the third party web server could use port 80. In that case, change the port number in the "Internet Services Information (IIS) Manager" utility to an unused port number (e.g. 8000 or 8080), re-enable "Default Web Site", and provide the new port number to the IntelliM Access installation. Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple 1 1

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Important Note: Intelli-M Access requires SQL Server Standard/Enterprise 2008 R2 or SQL Server Express 2008 R2 with Advanced Services. Regardless of which Edition you have installed, you must configure SQL Server to allow Mixed Mode Authentication - that is, SQL Server must allow both SQL Authentication and Windows Authentication. You can modify this configuration property using SQL Management Studio. Finally, you must have SQL Reporting Services installed as well. If you do not, the installation will succeed but the 'Reports' page will show an error. If you do not need the reports feature in Intelli-M Access, then you do not need to install the Reporting Services option in SQL Server. If you will be using the reports feature of Intelli-M Access, please run your SQL Server installation again and add Reporting Services to the installation. After that is complete, run the Intelli-M Access installation. If you have already installed Intelli-M Access, simply run the Intelli-M Access installation again and choose the 'Repair' option. A Custom Install window will be displayed, showing the installation components whose installation options you can modify, as shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 - Custom Setup Dialog There is currently only one option - SQL Server. If you already have SQL Server 2008 R2 installed, then click the icon to the left of the SQL Server entry, and choose "Will not be installed", and click the 'Next' button. If you do not have SQL Server installed, and chose 'Custom' in order to modify the Intelli-M Access website name, than make no changes and simply press the 'Next' button to continue. In either case, a 'Choose SQL Server' window will appear, allowing you to provide information about your SQL Server instance to the installer, as shown in Figure 2.8.


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Figure 2.8 - Choose SQL Server Dialog If necessary, enter the full path to the SQL Server instance in the top edit box. The full path includes the hostname or IP address of the computer on which SQL Server is installed. If SQL is installed on the local computer, you may use ".", "", or "localhost" to represent the computer name. Follow the hostname with the backslash character ('\') and then the SQL instance name, such as MSSQLSERVER or SQLEXPRESS. The installer attempts to discover and authenticate to any locally-installed SQL Server, so the correct information may already be displayed. If you do not know what to enter, please contact your IT representative or the person who installed SQL Server. If you do not have SQL Server installed, and chose 'Custom' in order to modify the Intelli-M Access website name, then simply press the 'Next' button to continue. Next, provide credentials that have access to SQL Server with Administrative control. You can use any credentials that you know have Administrative rights to SQL Server, either a Windows or SQL user. These credentials are necessary to create the infinias database in your SQL Server instance, and will not be saved anywhere. Once you have provided the proper SQL Instance and credential information, press the 'Next' button. The installation will then attempt to connect to SQL Server to verify your information. You will receive an error popup window if the installation fails to connect. If that occurs, please correct the SQL Server information and try again. Once the installation can successfully connect, it will display the 'Choose Reporting Services' window as shown in Figure 2.9.

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Figure 2.9 - Choose Reporting Services Dialog The installer will attempt to publish the Intelli-M Access reports to the SQL Reporting Services. To do that, it needs the URL of the Reporting Services web server. The installer attempts to discover any locally-installed reporting services web server, so the correct information may already be displayed. If you do not know what to enter, please contact your IT representative or the person who installed SQL Server. If you do not have SQL Server installed, and chose 'Custom' in order to modify the Intelli-M Access website name, then simply press the 'Next' button to continue. Once you have provided the web server URL, press the 'Next' button. The 'Choose Web Application' window will appear, as shown in Figure 2.10.


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Figure 2.10 - Choose Web Application Dialog If you are installing Intelli-M Access on a system that has an existing web-based application running, provide the name of the IIS Website to be created, along with the IP port number on which the new website will listen. Note: you must either provide an existing website name and port number, or you must provide a unique website name and an unused port number. Failure to do so will cause the installation to fail. Once you have finished making changes to the website information, or if the default settings are appropriate, then press the 'Next' button to continue. A final pre-installation window will be displayed, providing you with a final check before continuing the install, as shown in Figure 2.11.

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Figure 2.11 - Ready to Install Dialog Press the 'Install' button to begin the installation procedure.

INSTALLATION PROGRESS The actual installation process of copying files and configuring your operating system may take anywhere from 5 minutes to nearly an hour, if SQL Server needs to be installed. If SQL needs to be installed, the SQL installation process windows appear and display the progress of the SQL install. Should anything go wrong with the SQL installation, the SQL install will abort the Intelli-M Access install as well, and you'll be presented with a popup window that explains that SQL failed to install. If SQL does in fact fail to install, please refer to the addendum that describes how to troubleshoot SQL installation failures.

INSTALLATION COMPLETE After all files have been copied and your system configuration is complete, the final installation window will be displayed. Press the 'Done' button to end the installation. You are now ready to configure Intelli-M Access. The next chapter describes new terms and concepts that have been introduced by Intelli-M Access to the access control world. While you are encouraged to read and understand these terms to get the most out of your new access control system, you can also skip Chapter 3 and proceed to Chapter 4 Quick Setup to get your system up and running in minutes.


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CHAPTER 3 - TERMS AND CONCEPTS Intelli-M Access approaches access control in a more of a 21st Century mindset than traditional access control systems, including our own Supervisor Plus. As a result, there are several new terms and concepts that might be new to the access control environment. They are described in this chapter.

DOOR VS. ZONE In the old-world access control, you configured a Door, and created some access privileges that granted access to that Door. Intelli-M Access introduces the concept of a Zone. A Zone could be viewed as the physical space which the Door occupies in your facility, floor, or room. Simply put, a Door borders to areas of a room, floor, or building, and each of those 2 areas are called a Zone. When you apply privileges to a Door, you're not really granting access to a Door, you're granting access to the Zone that the door protects. Upon installation, Intelli-M Access created two default Zones: Inside and Outside. In general, they represent the inside of your building or office, and the outside of your building or office - your perimeter door or doors already border these two zones. Inside your building, you may have interior doors that you wish to secure. Each door to be secured also borders two zones: the interior of the floor or building, and the side you wish to secure. You could re-use the Inside Zone for the unsecured side of the door, and create a new Zone, for example IT Server Room, to serve as the name of the secured side of the door. During configuration of access privileges, you will grant access to the IT Server Room Zone, not the Door that borders it. You can re-use Zones in more than one way. The previous example demonstrated how you could re-use the Inside Zone because it happened to represent the same physical space that your perimeter doors also occupied. Anothe r way to reuse a Zone name is if the same people will always be given identical access privileges to multiple areas. For example, if you are a hospital, and you have 3 operating rooms, and the same people always have identical access to those 3 rooms, then you can create a single Zone, such as Operating Room, to represent the secured side of the operating rooms. As you plan your system configuration, consider useful names for the Zones to which you will be applying access privileges. Once you have configured your Zones, it will be much easier to maintain and re-configure access privileges to the Zones than compared to the old mechanism of per-Door privileges.

MUSTER ZONE A Muster Zone is a Zone that has been tagged with the In or Out Muster attribute. When you tag a Zone with the In Muster attribute, Intelli-M Access will keep track of all users that have entered that Zone. You can also tag a Zone with the Out Muster attribute to keep track of both sides of a Door if you wish. A special Muster View on the Events Page displays the location of all cardholders in these Muster Zones in real-time.

CARDHOLDER VS. GROUP Traditional access control systems define a cardholder and allow you to configure that Cardholder's access rights within the system. Intelli-M Access borrows from the Enterprise world, and extends the Cardholder as a member of a Group, similar to the way Windows contains Windows account Users and Groups. All cardholders must be a member of at least one Group, and can be a member of multiple Groups.

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Access Privileges will be not be applied to a Cardholder but rather to a Group. Thus you can modify the access privileges of a large number of Cardholders with one simple configuration change. Or you can make significant access privilege changes to a single Cardholder merely by adding them to or removing them from a Group.

DOOR TYPES Configuring a door can be a tedious task, having to configure each input and output of every controller, often repeating the same input and output selections over and over for each door. Intelli-M Access presents the Door Type, a template that describes the input and output configuration gathered into a single entity. Intelli -M Access installed several default Door Types from which you can choose, saving you many hours of tedious configuration effort. Most if not all of your doors' wiring configuration is already described with one of our built -in Door Types, but if you have one or more doors with a non-standard configuration, you can easily create your own Door Type which you can apply to your custom-configured doors. For more information on .

DOOR BEHAVIORS Not only are most of your doors' wiring configurations fall into one or two Door Types, but their unlock schedule and card reader behaviors also fall into one or two modes. To speed up the configuration of this part of door configuration, Intelli-M Access created the Door Behavior. The Behavior declares the Door's unlock schedule, and the mode of the attached card reader(s), such as "Card Only" mode or "Card plus PIN" mode. Intelli -M Access creates one behavior by default, the "Always Locked" Behavior. This Behavior sets the card reader to "Card plus PIN". This single behavior covers the typical operating procedures for most of your doors, saving you more configuration time.

RULES AND PRIVILEGES Intelli-M Access expands the aging concept of access control, giving you pinpoint control over the action that Intelli-M Access takes due to the occurrence of an event. The software provides the concept of a Privilege : the combination of a Group (who has access), a Zone (where is access granted), and a Schedule (when is access granted). Create as many Privileges as you desire to create a complex, yet easy-to-manage configuration of access rights in your system. Intelli-M Access extends these capabilities to a near-infinite degree with the Rule. A Rule, simply put, is "what to do when something happens." A Privilege is a type of a Rule ("what to do when a card is swiped or a PIN is entered"). There are many other Rules that you can create to make Intelli-M Access do precisely what you want when something happens. Examples are sending emails, locking and unlocking any Zone or Door, energizing or de- energizing one of the Door's outputs, and so on. You can find more information on the Rules Engine in the Advanced Setup and Configuration chapter.

SCHEDULES AND HOLIDAY SETS An Intelli-M Access Schedule is a stand-alone set of time ranges that define a 7-day week. A Schedule is atomic in that it is not defined to serve a specific purpose such as a door unlock schedule. Instead, it is as described: a time range that defines a 7-day week. Each day has a set of zero or more time ranges you can define. The part of the Schedule that is displayed in blue is the Active Time Range. This Schedule can be applied to a Door (via the Door Behavior) as an unlock schedule, or to a Person (via the Group membership) to define the hours they may access a Zone, or a Rule to define when the Rule is allowed to be active. For example, when a Schedule is applied to a Door, the Door will be unlocked during the Active Time Range (the blue section), and unlocked during the inactive time range (the white section). 18

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A Holiday is a single day in which normal business hours are altered, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. A Holiday Set is a grouping of Holidays in which the altered business hours match. For example, a Holiday Set might consist of New Year's, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day, when the office is closed; another Holiday Set might consist of Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve because the office hours are a half day. Once you've established your Holiday Set, you can assign a set of zero or more time ranges that define that Holiday Set. Finally, you can apply that Holiday Set to a Schedule you've created. Thus, you'll have a single Schedule that contains the normal hours of office operation, plus all of the days in which the office is to be partially or completely closed. Finally, you can assign that complex Schedule to any Door Behavior, Person Group, or Rule.

EVENTS AND ALARMS All access control systems manage Events and Alarms, and each system has their own proprietary method of determining what an Alarm is and how to manage the presence of an Alarm. Intelli-M Access chooses to not tell you what is or is not an Alarm, but rather you tell Intelli-M Access what is or is not an Alarm. By default, Intelli-M Access identifies an Alarm as the usual access control denial events, but you have free reign to determine the identity of an Alarm for yourself, using the Rules Engine. You can find more information on this concept in the Advanced Setup and Configuration chapter.

ALARM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Intelli-M Access introduces the concept of Automatic Alarm Acknowledgement. Old world access control systems require you to manually acknowledge each and every Alarm in their system, no matter how truly important that Alarm is. Intelli-M Access dispenses with manual Alarm acknowledgement, and puts you in charge of determining what events are truly important to you. You make those decision in the Rules Engine, which is described in detail in the Advanced Setup and Configuration chapter.

EXTENSIBILITY AND PERIPHERALS All access control systems have implemented some form of extensibility with third party security markets such as video surveillance systems. Intelli-M Access introduces the Peripheral, a third-party device that can be plugged into the Intelli-M Access Rules Engine, giving the third-party device unprecedented integration into Intelli-M Access. A Peripheral can be any entity:- a video surveillance DVR, an individual IP Camera, a hardware I/O device, or even a web service like Google Maps. Each Peripheral is supported by a Plugin, which is a software module designed to provide the bridge between Intelli-M Access and the third party device or service. You can then use the Rules Engine to control the Peripheral, telling it to do things like "record video on camera X when a card with invalid credentials are swiped at Door Y", "energize output A when input B is raised", "show live video in my browser on camera X when even Y occurs", and so on. Intelli-M Access provides one Peripheral by default upon installation: a 32-channel ethernet-controlled I/O device. You can create a Rule to force the device's outputs to a desired state, or use the device's inputs states to lock or unlock doors, send emails, whatever you desire.

REPORTS Most access control systems provide a canned list of reports that provide the most commonly -requested information. If you wish to customize a report for your needs, then your freedom to do so is restricted to whatever choices the vendor provides. Intelli-M Access utilizes Microsoft's Reporting Services engine, along with all of Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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their tools to create your own reports - layout, content, graphics, whatever you want. Custom-printed cardholder's badges also utilize the Reporting Services engine, giving you complete control over the "look and feel" of your badges. And it's all courtesy of Microsoft Report Builder and the Reporting Services engine. You can find additional documentation on creating your own custom reports on our website.


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CHAPTER 4 - QUICK SETUP Follow these simple steps to get your access control up and running in minutes. This chapter will guide you through the minimal steps required for successful configuration of your Intelli-M Access system. Before configuring your system, write down the IP Address or Serial Number as well as the physical location of all of your door controllers. You will need this information to continue. After logging into the system, configuring your access control environment is as simple as three easy steps: Create a Door, Create a Person, and Create an Access Privilege.

LOGIN TO INTELLI-M ACCESS Click the Start Menu, click All Programs, click infinias, and click Intelli-M Access to launch your web browser, which will point to the Intelli-M Access, running under IIS. You will be presented with a Login screen, as shown in Figure 4.1.

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[INTELLI-M ACCESS ESSENTIALS USER GUIDE] Figure 4.1 - Intelli-M Access Login Page

The default username is admin, and the default password is admin. Later in this chapter you will learn how to change the default password.

CREATE A DOOR After logging into the system, press the Configuration link in the upper right corner of the Intelli-M Access user interface. You will be taken to the Configuration section. The main page in the Configuration section is the Doors Page. From the Actions pane on the left side of the window, click the 'Create Door' action link. A popup window will appear as shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 - Create Door Popup Window Choose a Door Name. Choose a name such as Front Door, Lobby Door, etc., whatever is appropriate for the main door to your facility. Click the IP Address or Serial Number combo boxes to find the IP Address of your main door. Choose a Door Type.  

If your door has a contact to detect the open/close status of the door, then choose the "1 or 2 Reader IN1 Normally Closed" Door Type. If your door does not have a door contact, then choose "1 or 2 Reader IN1 Normally Open" Door Type.

Choose a Door Behavior. Even if you want this first door to be unlocked during business hours, you can still get the Door up and running by choosing the default "Always Locked" Behavior. And if the door is supposed to be locked all the time, you'll not need to revisit this later. Select the two Zones that the Door borders. The upper two combo boxes tell the system which two Zones the Door borders, and the lower two combo boxes tell the system which Zone each card reader provides access. Choose "Outside" and "Inside" for the top two combo boxes (you can select "Inside" then "Outside", or "Outside" then Inside, it does not matter for the top combo boxes). Then choose "Inside" for Card Reader One, assuming you have a card 22

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reader attached that grants access to the Inside Zone. Then choose the proper Zone for Card Reader Two. If you have no second reader, it doesn't matter which Zone you choose. If you have two readers, and they are both on the outside of the door, then choose "Inside" for Card Reader Two as well. Choose a Time Zone. The controllers can theoretically be located in different time zones. Choose the time zone that the controller is physically located, and Intelli-M Access will adjust the time of day to compensate for the time zone difference. For most installations, just use the currently-selected time zone. Press the 'Create' button, and wait a few seconds. The Door will appear in the main Doors viewing area, and after a moment, will display three status icons. The left-most icon will be a yellow triangle. Note in the icon legend in the lower left portion of the window that a yellow triangle means that the Door's configuration has changed and needs to be updated. This is normal for the first-time creation of the Door. If there is only one icon, and it is a red circle, it means that the system could not communicate with the Door using the information you provided. If this occurs, please refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this document for assistance. Important Note: if you create or update a Door and you see a red squiggly line in one of the fields, hover the cursor over that field and a message will appear explaining the problem. Correct the problem and try again. Follow these same steps to create additional Doors. When you have finished creating Doors, you can click the 'Update All Doors' Action link in the Actions menu on the left side of the window. At any time, you can click on one or more Doors and click the 'Update' Action link to update specific Doors.

CREATE A PERSON Click on the 'Home' link in the upper left portion of the window, where the Configuration link was previously visible. These two links, Home and Configuration, take you back and forth between normal operating mode and configuration mode. After clicking the Home link, you'll be taken back to the same Events Page that was visible when you initially logged in. Click on the People tab to start adding People to the system. You can optionally stay in the Configuration section by clicking on the Groups tab, then clicking on the Person View under the Views menu in the left portion of the window. The People Page displays all of the Cardholders and Intelli-M Access Users in the system. Right now there is probably only one User, the Admin user (the account you're using to login to the system). Create a Person. Click the 'Create Person' Action link in the Actions menu, and a popup window will appear as shown in Figure 4.3.

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Figure 4.3 - Create Person Popup Dialog Enter a First Name and Last Name, in the appropriate name fields. Enter a Site Code and a Card Code. The card number (Card Code) is usually printed on the card, and the Site Code is printed in the paperwork that came with the batch of cards. If you do not know the Site Code or Card Code, simply swipe the card at the Door you created earlier, and the Site Code /Card Code combo will be displayed on the Events Page. Copy those values into these two fields. Place the Person in a Group. Click the arrow in the Groups tab (or drag and drop) to add membership to the selected Group, which is already visible below the Card Code boxes. A list of Group names will slide from the left, exposing the only existing Group - Everyone. Hint: to easily find a Group name in a long list of Groups, click the mouse anywhere in the 'Available Groups' window area and start typing the name of the Group. The Group whose name most closely matches what you type will be automatically selected. Repeat these steps for each Person you wish to create. Each time you create or update a Person or their profile, the information will be automatically sent to each Door - no need to go back and perform a Door Update Action. Important Note: if you try to create a Person and you see a red squiggly line in a field, hover the cursor over that field and a message will appear explaining the problem. Correct the problem and try again.


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Change the Admin password. Select the Admin rectangle, and click the 'Edit Person' Action link in the Actions menu. A popup window will appear displaying the Admin information, as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 - Edit Admin Dialog Click on the Role tab to modify the Admin user's credentials. Provide a new Password in both Password fields and click the 'Save' button. You will be automatically logged out (after all, you now have a new password!), and you can log back in using the new password.

CREATE AN ACCESS PRIVILEGE Click on the Configuration link again, and then select the Rules tab. Or simply click the Rules tab if you stayed in the Configuration section. The Rules Page will appear, showing the list of default Rules created by Intelli-M Access during the installation. Click the 'Create Rule' Action link in the Actions menu, and a Create Rule Popup window will appear, as shown in Figure 4.5. The default Rule, Access Privilege, will be selected, so you don't need to change the combo box.

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Figure 4.5 - Create Rule Popup Dialog Choose a Schedule. Click the Schedule tab, and pick the Schedule that you allow this Access Privilege to be active. For the moment, select the "Always" schedule, which is a 24/7/365 schedule. This means the Access Privilege will always be granted. Choose a Group. Choose the "Everyone" Group, remembering that the Person or People you created earlier belong to that Group. Choose a Zone. Choose the "Inside" Zone, remembering that the perimeter Doors you created have their card readers providing access to the "Inside" Zone. Click the 'Create' button, which will save your new Access Privilege. Now click on the Doors tab again, and you'll see that the Door or Doors you created have a yellow triangle again, informing you that the configuration for that Door has changed, and the Door needs update. Click on the 'Update' or 'Update All' Action link to update the Doors. Congratulations! Your doors are now locked and secured, granting access to the cardholders you created.

TODO LIST You'll likely want to create new Doors, with one or more of them configured to be unlocked during business hour s. Create a new Schedule on the Schedule Page that represents the new unlock Schedule. Create a new Behavior on the Doors Page (Behaviors View), assigning that new unlock schedule to the new Behavior. Finally, create or edit that Door, assigning it to the new Behavior you created.


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Your doors probably don't just border "inside" and "outside", but probably have other floors, interior doors, and so on, that need securing. Create new Zone names to represent these areas on the Doors Page (Zones View), assigning these new Zones to the Doors by editing them on the Doors Page. You probably have groups of people who have differing access rights to the various doors in your facility. Create one or more new Groups on the Person Page (Groups View), each Group describing the type of people who will go into them ("Cleaning Crew", "Executives", "Sales", etc); or name each Group with the type of access they have ("9am to 5pm", "Weekend Access", etc), whichever makes the most sense to your system. Then place the appropriate people in each Group. Finally, you will tie all of these new configuration elements together with new Access Privileges. Access Privileges in the Rules Page to grant access each new Group, Schedule and Zone you created.

Create new

LICENSING YOUR SYSTEM Intelli-M Access provides a 30-day free trial, fully featured with a limit of 32 doors. Take as much time as you need to install, configure, and evaluate Intelli-M Access, but once you're hooked, you'll need to license the product. Click on the 'Configuration' link, then click on the 'System Settings' link which is also in the upper right corner of the window. A popup window will appear, as shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6 - System Settings Popup Window You'll see the Intelli-M Access version number along with the trial license key and other bits of information. Simply enter the key you received from infinias or the company you purchased the product, and the system will automatically be licensed. Note: if you are upgrading from a previous version of Intelli-M Access, your old license should be automatically applied to the new installation. However, if you need any of the new features available in the Professional or Corporate version of Intelli-M Access, you will have to request or purchase a new license key.

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CHAPTER 5 - IMPORT DATA FROM OTHER ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS Intelli-M Access installed an Import/Export utility that you can use to extract configuration information from other access control products (such as Supervisor Plus) and import that data into Intelli-M Access, saving you dozens to hundreds of hours of configuration time, depending on the size of your current system. Due to the complexity of Door configuration in Intelli-M Access, Doors are not exported and will need to be manually created in Intelli-M Access. In addition, this utility can import data from other systems using a comma-delimited (CSV) text file. Simply export your third-party access control system's user data into a CSV file, then use this utility to import that data directly into Intelli-M Access. A sample CSV file is available on the infinias website that describes the data format information. To get started, click the 'Start' Menu, then 'All Programs', then 'infinias', and finally click on the 'Export from Supervisor Plus' item. The utility will display its initial Export Page, as shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 - Import/Export Startup Page If you are wishing to export user data from Supervisor Plus, check the 'Export from Supervisor Plus' radio button. The 'Export from Supervisor Plus' radio button will cause the utility to read the cardholder and group information into an XML file. This file will later be used as the import file for transfer into Intelli-M Access. If you already have an exported Xml file or a CSV file from another system, skip to the section that starts with Figure 5.7 and follow the instructions on importing data into Intelli-M Access. To export data from Supervisor Plus, ensure that the 'Export from Supervisor Plus' radio button is selected, and press the 'Next' button. 28

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A Login page will be displayed, requesting you to provide the hostname or IP address of the server where Supervisor Plus is installed, as shown in Figure 5.2.

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Figure 5.2 - Supervisor Login Page Enter the IP Address or the hostname of the computer on which Supervisor Plus is installed. Then provide credentials for the SQL Server database that Supervisor Plus uses. As shown in figure 5.2, you can use the default Integral name and password if you haven't changed them. Warning! Supervisor Plus does not need to be running during the export procedure, and in fact you should exit Supervisor Plus now and leave it off to avoid conflicts between it and the newly-installed Intelli-M Access. Press the 'Connect' button to connect to the Supervisor Plus database (e.g. SQL Server), and the application will connect successfully if you've entered the proper hostname and credentials. Please contact infinias Tech Support if you have having trouble connecting to the database. Once connected, press the 'Next' button to continue to the next page. A new page will display that describes the data to be extracted from the database, as shown in Figure 5.3.


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Figure 5.3 - Supervisor Plus Export Page Currently, the information that the utility can export is all of the cardholder information that's relevant to Intelli-M Access. The actual database fields are enumerated in a list at the end of this chapter. Ensure that the 'Cardholder Information' checkbox is checked, and press the 'Next' button. A new page will be displayed that requests you to select a new XML file into which the exported Supervisor Plus data will be saved, as shown in Figure 5.4.

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Figure 5.4 - Target Export File Page Press the folder icon at the end of the text box to choose an XML file name. You can name the file anything you want, just remember what you called it! If you select an existing XML file, the contents of the file will be overwritten with the export data if you confirm the overwrite request. Once you have chosen your XML File, press the 'Next' button and the Begin Data Export page will be displayed, as shown in Figure 5.5.


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Figure 5.5 - Begin Data Export Page Press the 'Next' button to proceed with the data export procedure. A progress dialog will appear during the export procedure, and a final export window will appear, as shown in Figure 5.6.

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Figure 5.6 - Export Complete Page Press the 'Finish' button to exit the application. Now launch the same utility again, and select the 'Import to Intelli- M Access' radio button, as shown in Figure 5.7.


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Figure 5.7 - Import into Intelli-M Access Page Once the proper radio button is selected, press the 'Next' button to continue. The Intelli -M Access Login Page will be displayed, as shown in Figure 5.8.

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Figure 5.8 - Intelli-M Access Login Page The hostname must be localhost, meaning that you must be running this utility from the server onto which you installed Intelli-M Access. You can use the default admin username and password if you haven't changed the credentials yet. Ensure that proper credentials have been entered, and press the 'Connect' button to connect to Intelli-M Access. If you have trouble connecting to the database, please contact infinias Tech Support for further assistance. Once you have successfully connected, press the 'Next' button, and an Import User Data page will appear, as shown in Figure 5.9.


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Figure 5.9 - Import User Data Page Use the File Section button to find the Xml file you exported earlier, or the CSV file you created from another system, and press the 'Next' button to display the Begin Data Import Page, as shown in Figure 5.10.

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Figure 5.10 - Begin Data Import Page Press the 'Next' button to begin the import process. The import process may take a minute or two, and when finished, will display a Results Page as shown in Figure 5.11.


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Figure 5.11 - Import Results Page The Results Page breaks the import results into four categories: 1) 2) 3) 4)

New Users that were added to Intelli-M Access Existing Users whose information was updated in Intelli-M Access Users who for some reason were not added or updated New Groups that were added to Intelli-M Access

The example results window shows only one new User added, and two new Groups added. results window, a final Task Complete window will also be displayed, as shown in Figure 5.12.

In addition to the

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Figure 5.12 - Task Complete Page Press the 'Finish' button to exit the utility. Congratulations! You've successfully transferred your users and groups to Intelli-M Access. All that you have left to do is to create Access Privileges for your imported groups in the Rules Page in the Configuration section of Intelli-M Access. You can refer to Chapter 6 User Interface for a detailed explanation on how to perform this task, or just jump back to Chapter 4 Quick Setup for a more streamlined guide.


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CHAPTER 6 - USER INTERFACE This chapter describes each segment of the user interface in detail.

PAGE LAYOUT The Intelli-M Access user interface is organized into two sections, the Home section and the Configuration section. All users are allowed access to the Home section, and only Administrators are allowed access to the Configuration section. The Home section contains the following pages: Events Page - Displays events generated by the system in real-time. People Page - Displays all credential holders in the system. Allows you to create, modify, and delete People. Reports Page - Displays built-in and custom reports. Generates reports in PDF format for easy view and printing. Doors Page - Displays the system's Doors. Provides real-time status of door lock and open/close state. The Configuration section, found as a link in the upper right corner of the user interface, contains the following pages: Doors Page - Displays the system's Doors. Allows you to create, modify, and delete Doors. Schedules Page - Displays the system's Schedules. Allows you to create, modify, and delete Schedules and Holidays. Groups Page - Displays all Groups in the system. Allows you to create, modify, and delete Groups. Peripherals Page - Displays third-party supported devices. Allows you to create, modify and delete Peripherals. Customize Page - Displays created custom fields for People. Allows you to create, modify and delete custom fields. All pages except for the Login Page share a similar layout, with a Content Area which is the big white portion of the user interface, tabs to change which content you wish to view, a Views menu and an Actions menu. Each page, represented by the currently-selected tab at the top of the Content Area, has its own specific data to display in the Content Area, as well as its own Views and Actions menu items. Most Content Areas have a paging feature, which will typically display 100 items at a time, such as People, Groups, Doors, and so on. Content Areas that use paging will have paging icons in the lower left portion of the Content Area. Click on the paging icons to move forward or backward through pages of 100 items, or directly enter the page number to view. A status text indicator in the bottom right corner of the Content Area shows which group of 100 items are currently in view. A search text box in the upper right corner of the content area is available to filter the items in the view. Only those items that partially or completely match the text you entered will be displayed. You can return to unfiltered view by clearing the contents of the search box. A sorting list box in the upper right corner of the content area is available to sort by other than Last name. The sorting choices are determined by which page you are viewing. Some Content Areas also contain sub-views that provide a different perspective of the current View. For example, the Doors Page allows you to view the Doors by their list of Zones or by their IP and MAC Addresses. These sub-views are Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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always in the Content Area as a drop-down list box. Depending on the page, you may find sorting options in the content area. In addition, the People and Doors pages contain a search text box to limit the display of People or Doors by the search criteria. The Views menu contains a list of one or more ways you can view the data shown in the content area. You may wish to view the content from different vantage points. For example, on the Doors Page you can view Doors by the Door names, by the Zones they border, or by their Door Behaviors. The Views menu does not modify any data, it merely changes the perspective in which the data will be displayed. The Actions menu contains a list of one or more commands you can perform to the content. Examples of an Action are unlocking a Door, creating a Person, and so on. You can always refer to the Actions menu to know what commands are available for that particular content. All Content Areas allow a right-click operation to expose a context menu that contains the Actions menu items.


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LOGIN TO INTELLI-M ACCESS Click the Start Menu, click All Programs, click infinias, and click Intelli-M Access to launch your web browser, which will point to the Intelli-M Access, running under IIS. You will be presented with a Login screen, as shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 - Intelli-M Access Login Page The default username is admin, and the default password is admin. We strongly encourage you to change the admin password at your earliest convenience. Everyone who has a copy of this document knows what your password is!

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EVENTS PAGE The first page you will always see when you login to the system is the Events Page, as shown in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 - Events Page The Events Page contains the last 100 events and alarms that were processed by the system. Events that are tagged as an Alarm will be highlighted in red, and all other events will be shown in the default white color. The Events Page contains 5 columns, each describing a single aspect of the event: Location - describes where the event occurred. location of the event is known.

Typically, this will be the name of a Door or Peripheral, if the

Full Name - describes the name of the person that initiated the event, if the event was initiated by a person and that person's name is known. A large number of events are not generated by a person, but rather by the Door or Peripheral. If a card swipe event occurred, but the person's name is not known, the site code and card number will be displayed instead. 44

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From and To - describe the Zone that the Person exited (From) and entered (To), if applicable. These fields will contain information only when a Person has passed through a Door via a valid credential operation. Event - describes the event that occurred. An event is usually in two parts: a general even description, such as Access Denied, and a reason for the event, such as Unknown Card Number. Date - displays the current Time in which the event occurred. To save space and redundancy, the Date portion is not displayed. However, you can view the Date of a particular Event by hovering your cursor above the Time, and the Date will appear as a tooltip.

Views The Events Page presents two Views on the events. They are described below: Events - The default View is the Events View. It shows the Events as previously described. Muster - The Muster View displays all of the Muster Zones and the People that have used their credentials to gain access into those Zones. You can keep track of cardholders in real-time by identifying important Zones with the In (or Out) Muster attribute when you create your Zone(s). This View is where you can track the cardholder movement.

Actions Below is a list of Actions available on the Events Page: Pause Events - Allows you to temporarily stop updating the Events list to prevent the current list of Events from scrolling off-screen. When paused, the menu title will change to display 'Resume Events.' Click on Resume Events to return to normal behavior. Track Last Event - When enabled, all events that were generated by a Person, such as a valid credential swipe, will display the picture associated with the Person that generated the event. A checkmark will be displayed next to the menu title when the feature is active. Disable Track Last Event if you do not have pictures or if you do not wish to see pictures appear on events. Track Last Event is active by default.

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PEOPLE PAGE The People Page is where you can create, modify and delete credential holders and Intelli-M Access users. The People Page is shown in Figure 6.3:

Figure 6.3 - People Page In Intelli-M Access, a Person is defined as a user that has either a card or key fob-style credential to gain access into your secure areas, or an operator credential (also known as a Role) to gain login access into the Intelli-M Access software itself. A Person can have both types of credentials.

Views The People Page allows for two different viewing perspectives of the credential holders: Person View - Displays the first 100 People in the content area, sorted by last name. Click on the paging icons in the lower left corner of the Content Area to change pages. 46

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The search text box will display People whose names or card numbers match the text you entered. Specifically, the search string will be matched against the person's First name, Last name, Site Code, and Card Number. The sorting list box is available to sort by other than Last name. The choices are First Name, Last Name, Card Number, and Card Status. Groups View - Displays the first 100 Groups in the content area, sorted alphabetically. Click on the paging icons in the lower left corner of the Content Area to change pages. The search text box will display Groups whose names match the text you entered. The sorting list box provides no additional sort options for Groups other than Name.

Actions (Person View) Not all Actions are available for all login privileges. Below is the list of commands you can perform on in the Person View: Create Person - Administrator or HR users only. Creates a new Intelli-M Access Person. In addition to creating the Person, you can assign the Person to one or more Groups. Click on the Create Person menu and a Create Person dialog will appear, as in Figure 6.4 below:

Figure 6.4 - Create Person Dialog There are five sections to the Create Person dialog. They are: Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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Summary section - Contains the person's name, card number, picture, and other basic information. Enter at least a First Name, a Last Name, and a Site Code and Card Number. All other information in this section as well as the tabbed sections is optional. Contact tab - Contains contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses, as well as Company Name, Job title, and other contact-related items, as shown in Figure 6.5 below:

Figure 6.5 - Create Person Dialog, Contact Tab The fields that contain drop-down list boxes remember what you have previously entered into their respective list box. This will save you the time and effort of having to re-type the entire Company Name, Department, Office, etc over and over as you create new People in the system. The information you enter into the Contact area is for your purposes only - Intelli-M Access does not utilize most of these fields. Intelli-M Access uses only the Primary Email and Secondary Email fields. You can create Rules on the Rules Page (described later) that can cause Intelli-M Access to send emails to members of Groups. The Primary and Secondary email addresses will be used as the destination email address when these Rules are executed. Badge tab - Contains a more detailed version of the card number information, as shown in Figure 6.6:


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Figure 6.6 - Create Person Dialog, Badge Tab Allows you to activate, deactivate and expire card numbers, as well as create multiple card numbers for the Person. If you already entered a site code and card number into the summary section, you'll see that card entry in the Badges tab as well. To create additional credentials, click the Add button: a new entry will be created in the badges list with most empty values. Click the mouse on the fields you wish to edit, such as the Site Code and Card Code fields and enter the proper values. You can also update the fields of the first card number in this section as well. Important Note: When you create multiple credentials for a Person, all credentials will be given the same access rights. If you need to give credentials to a person that needs separate access rights, simply create a new Person for them. To give the Person a PIN in a Card + PIN scenario, enter a value in the Pin Code field. To give the Person a PIN in a PINonly scenario, do not enter the PIN in the Pin Code field. Instead, enter the PIN in the Card Code field, using zero (or the keypad's default Site Code) for the Site Code field. Credentials tab - The Credentials tab is reserved for future use. Groups tab - Contains the list of Groups of which the Person is a member. Allows you to add or remove Groups from this Person's membership. To add or remove Group membership, click the double-right-arrow icon on the left side of the Groups section window, and a window will expand into view that shows all existing Groups. Simply drag and drop the desired group to the right (to add membership) or to the left (to remove membership), or click the double-right-arrow

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button (to add membership) or the double-left-arrow (to remove membership). Adding a Person to a Group means that Person is allowed access to all Zones in which that Group was given access. Hint: to easily find a Group name in a long list of Groups, click the mouse anywhere in the 'Available Groups' window area and start typing the name of the Group. The Group whose name most closely matches what you type will be automatically selected. Role tab - Contains the Intelli-M Access login user information. You can give the Person login credentials to the Intelli-M Access user interface in this section. You can give a user one of three levels of privileges: Administrator, HR, or User. An Administrator privilege can do all things in the system, and is equivalent to the built-in Admin user. An HR privilege can create People and add/remove them from Groups, and run Reports. An HR person is not allowed in the Configuration section. Therefore, an HR user can't create new Groups or Access Privileges - they can only create new people and add them to existing Groups and Access Privileges. A User privilege can't create or edit People and is a read-only type of user access. Custom Fields - Contains a list of all Custom Fields created in the Configuration section, and a place for you to provide the values for those fields. These values are ignored by Intelli-M Access, and will be specific to this Person. To add or change the person's picture, click on the 'Change Image' button. A Select Image popup will appear, as shown in Figure 6.5:

Figure 6.5 - Select Image Popup Click the 'Browse...' button and navigate to an image on your hard drive or shared network drive. Valid image files are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. There is no size limit to these images as they will be scaled down to fit the limitation required by the database. Click the 'Preserve aspect ratio?' checkbox if you want to keep the picture's aspect ratio and prevent distorting the image. When aspect ratio is preserved, there may be black bars on top or bottom to compensate. Clearing this checkbox will guarantee that the entire image box is filled, at the expense of possibly distorting the image to compensate. To print a badge of this Person, click the 'Print Badge' button. A Print Badge dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.6:


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Figure 6.6 - Print Badge Dialog The dialog will show the first Badge design in a drop-down list box, as well as a rendering of the Badge for that Person using the selected Badge design. Change the Badge design by selecting a new Badge in the list box. You can modify the design of the Badge form to meet your company requirements using Microsoft Report Builder 3.0. This is a free tool you can download and use. Instructions for creating your own Badge layouts is described in a document which can be downloaded from the inifinias website. Click the Save or Print buttons on the dialog to save the badge as a PDF file, or to send it to a printer. Click the 'Close' button when you are done with the badge. Note: Because the report is generated from the information found in the database, any changes to the Person's data, including the picture, will not be reflected in the badge until you have first saved your changes (by clicking the 'Create' or 'Save' button on the dialog). When you are ready to save your entries, click the 'Create' button which will create the Person. When you click the Create button, the changes will be reflected automatically to all relevant doors. You do not need to issue an update to a door to pass these changes to the doors. Edit Person - Administrator or HR users only. To modify a Person, click on that Person and then click the 'Edit Person' Action menu item. Optionally, you may simply double-click the Person to edit that Person. An Edit Person dialog will appear that is exactly the same as the Create Person dialog in Figure 6.4, except that all of the relevant fields will be populated with that Person's data. Refer to the description of the fields in the Create Person section for information on modifying the Person's data. When you are ready to update the Person, click the 'Create' button which will update the Person. Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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Delete Person - Administrator or HR users only. To delete a Person, click on that Person and then click the 'Delete Person' Action menu item. A Delete Confirmation popup will appear for you to confirm, and the Person will then be deleted from the system. As with Create and Edit, this change is sent automatically to all relevant doors, which will deactivate that Person's card on all doors. Note: Deleting a Person does not remove them from the database. Instead, the Person is marked as Deleted. This allows you to run reports and view events generated by the Person before they were deleted from the system. View Person - You can view a Person's information and guarantee you won't accidently make changes by clicking on a Person and then clicking the 'View Person' Action menu item. Print Badge - Administrator or HR users only. You can print a Person's badge by first clicking on the Person and then clicking the 'Print Badge' Action menu item. This will present the same popup dialog as shown when you are creating or editing a Person and you click the 'Print Badge' button in that dialog. Please refer to the Create Person section for more information. Get Events - To get all events generated by a Person, click on that Person and then click the 'Get Event's Action menu item. A popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.7:

Figure 6.7 - Events for a Person 52

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This dialog will display all events ever generated by this Person, with the first 100 events in a paged view. The same paging icons will be visible for you to page through the events in the same manner as other paged views. Press the 'Close' button to return to the main program.

Actions (Groups View) Actions for Groups are available only for Administrators. The following section describes the commands that are available in the Groups View: Create Group - To create a Group, click the 'Create Group' Action menu item. A Create Group Dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.8:

Figure 6.8 - Create Group Dialog Give the Group a name by entering the name into the Group Name text box. You can create the Group with no members by clicking the 'Create' button at this time. Below the group name you provided, a list of all people will be displayed, showing the card number, Employee Id, and a notation of their membership in the Group. You can either click the 'Create' button now, or start adding people to the Group. To add one or more Persons to a Group, simply double-click their name, click-and-drag their name to the right column, or single-click their name and press the right arrow button. Whichever mechanism you choose, that Person's status will be changed to "Adding", as shown in Figure 6.9 below. Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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Figure 6.9 - Adding Person to Group Note: the Person list shows only the first 100 People in the page. Use the paging icons as you would on other pages to navigate through all People. You can find a Person on the current page by clicking inside the Person list column and start typing part of the name. The closest match will be automatically selected. When you are done naming the Group, and optionally assigning People to the Group, click the 'Create' button to create the Group. Note: When you create a Group, this information is not automatically sent to the door. You will have to update the door on the Doors page in the Configuration section to send this Group and its members to the relevant doors. Edit Group - You can edit a Group by clicking on the Group and then clicking the 'Edit Group' Action menu item. A dialog will appear that looks exactly like the Create Group dialog in Figure 6.8, except it will already be populated with the relevant Group data. Change the Group name, and/or move People in or out of the Group to modify the Group's members. When you are done making your changes, click the 'Save' button. Note: Because this Group already exists, any changes you make to its members will be sent automatically to the relevant doors.

REPORTS PAGE The Reports Page is where you view and run Intelli-M Access Reports, as shown in Figure 6.9: 54

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Figure 6.9 - Reports Page As previously stated, Intelli-M Access uses Microsoft Reporting Services for creating reports. Microsoft Reporting Services ("Report Server") is a tool that is installed as part of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. A Report in Intelli-M Access is actually a Microsoft Report Definition (.RDL) file. Each report shown on the Reports Page is represented by an RDL file that has been published (transferred) to the Report Server. You can create your own reports by using Microsoft Report Builder 3.0, a free download from Microsoft's website. A separate document explaining how to make custom reports is available on the infinias website. All reports are generated in the PDF file format for most accurate printing. The only View available is the Reports View, and the only Action available is Run Report. To run a Report, click the desired report and then click the 'Run Report' button, or simply double-click the report. A Report Parameters dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.10:

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Figure 6.10 - Report Parameters Dialog Although each report displays different content, the Report Parameters dialog is mostly identical for all reports. The main content of the Report Parameters Dialog will be a list of the first 100 People or Groups, depending on the report selected. As usual, you can use the paging icons to navigate through all items. You can provide a Start Time and End Time to limit the time range of the report data, as well as select one or more People or Groups, depending on the Report. If you wish to run a report on all People or all Groups, you do not have to click all items - simply click none of them and all will be assumed. When you are ready to view the report, click the 'Generate Report' button. A new window will appear that contains the report as a PDF document. From that window, you can print the report or save it to a PDF file on your hard drive. Note: if instead of a report window displaying, you get a "File Open/Save" type popup dialog, then you do not have Adobe Reader installed. Please install Adobe Reader and re-generate the Report. Below is a description of each built-in report in Intelli-M Access: Audit Log - The Audit Log report provides tracking information on the most common Administrative tasks, such as creating, modifying, or deleting People, Groups, Doors, Zones, and so on, for the selected time range. This report will limit your user choices to users with Administrator privileges. Logo Badge (landscape) - The Logo Badge is one of the two built-in Badge reports provided by Intelli-M Access. The Logo Badge is a report that displays your company logo along with Person information in a landscape layout. You can modify this report to include your specific company logo and information. No time range or other parameter input is required. Picture Badge (landscape) - The Picture Badge is the other built-in Badge report provided by Intelli-M Access. The Picture Badge is a report that displays the Person's image along with other Person information. You can modify this report to make it look exactly as you need. No time range or other parameter input is required.


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Picture Badge (portrait) - The Picture Badge is a portrait version of the Picture Badge (landscape). The Picture Badge is a report that displays the Person's image along with other Person information. You can modify this report to make it look exactly as you need. No time range or other parameter input is required. Barcode Sample - The Barcode Sample is a special report whose content explains how to add barcode fields to any report, particularly Badge reports. Run this report to view the example and instructions. No time range or other parameter input is required. Cardholder Detail - The Cardholder Detail report displays a summary of the Persons contact information, along with their picture, and a list of all events generated by the selected Person(s) during the time range you selected. Event - The Event Report displays all events generated by the selected Person(s) during the time range you selected. Group Report - The Group Report displays all Groups, and a list of the members of each Group. No time range or other parameter input is required. Privileges - The Privileges Report displays a matrix of all Access Privileges in the system, showing the Groups, Schedules and Zones in an access matrix. No time range or other parameter input is required. Zones and Doors - The Zones and Doors Report lists all Zones, along with a summary of all Doors in each Zone. No time range or other parameter input is required.

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DOORS PAGE The Doors Page is where can lock or unlock a Door, and view its lock/unlock or open/close status. The Doors Page is shown in Figure 6.11:

Figure 6.11 - Doors Page The Doors Page shows the first 100 Doors in a paged view. The same paging icons will be visible for you to page through the events in the same manner as other paged views. All users are allowed access to this Doors page, which does not provide any Door configuration capabilities. To configure Doors, please see the Doors Page description in the Configuration Section, described later in this chapter.

Views The Doors Page allows for two different Views. They are:


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Doors View - The Doors are displayed in a list format, showing summary information about each Door, including Door Status (explained later). A sub-view drop-down list box in the Content Area allows for three Door Layouts: Grid Layout - The default layout, it shows the Door Name, the In Zone (the Zone that Reader One provides access to), the Out Zone (the Zone that Reader Two provides access to), and the Door Status icons. Condensed - A layout that shows just the Door Name and the Door Status icons in a condensed format in order to display the most number of doors in the Content Area. Device View - A layout that shows the Door Name, IP Address, MAC Address, Serial Number, and Door Status icons in a list format. Zones View - The Zones are displayed in a card format, where each Zone lists the names of all Doors that borders that particular Zone.

Actions (Doors View) The Doors Page allows for many Actions in the Doors View. They are: Lock All Doors - Sends the Lock Doors command to all Doors in the system. The Doors will lock, and the Door Status icons will change accordingly. Lock Doors - Select one or more Doors, and click the 'Lock Doors' Action to lock the specified Doors. The Doors will lock, and the Door Status icons will change accordingly. Revert to Schedule - Select one or more Doors, and click the 'Revert to Schedule' Action to return the specified Doors to their normal unlock Schedule. The Door will either lock or unlock, depending on what the Schedule determines for that time of day. Momentary Unlock - Select one or more Doors, and click the 'Momentary Unlock' Action to unlock the door for a few seconds. The Action is the equivalent of a Request To Exit. The Door will stay unlock for the same duration that it stays unlocked for a normal valid credential access condition, which is typically 4 seconds. Unlock Doors - Select one or more Doors, and click the 'Unlock Doors' Action to unlock the specified Doors. The Doors will unlock, and the Door Status icons will change accordingly. Get Events - Select a Door, and click the 'Get Events' Action to retrieve all Events generated by that Door. A popup window will appear that contains the Events, similar to the Events popup dialog described earlier. The first 100 Events will be displayed, and the usual paging icons will be available for you to navigate through the remaining Events.

Actions (Zones View) The Doors Page allows for two Actions while in the Zones View. They are: Lock Doors - Select one or more Zones, and click the 'Lock Doors' Action to unlock all Doors contained in the specified Zones. The Doors will unlock, and the Door Status icons will change accordingly (when viewing the Doors View). Revert to Schedule - Select one or more Zones, and click the 'Revert to Schedule' Action to revert all Doors contained in the specified Zones to their normal lock schedule. The Doors will return to their normal lock schedule, and the Door Status icons will change accordingly (when viewing the Doors View). Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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Door Status Icons Three icon columns are available to represent the various states in which the door can operate. They are: Connection Status - The first icon column displays the connection status of the Door. This column will display either a circle icon or a triangle icon. If the icon is a circle, then the icon represents connection status. If the icon is a triangle, then it represents a door update status. There are three possible states for the connection status (circle icon):   

Orange circle: the door is going through an initialization phase, establishing a connection Green circle: the door is fully operational and the connection is active. This is the desired idle condition. Red circle: the door is offline, the server cannot connect to the door

When the first column icon is showing a triangle, there are three possible states for that condition: 

  

Yellow triangle: Someone made a configuration change to the system, such as creating or modifying Access Privileges, creating new Groups and assigning them to Doors, and so on. You must update the door to return the icon back to its idle condition of Green Circle. Blue triangle: An update is in progress. During this time, cardholder access will not be available. After five to thirty seconds, the icon will change to the Green Triangle. 1 Green triangle: The update is still in progress, but cardholder access should be available . Red triangle: The update operation failed. You can often try a second time to see if it succeeds. If not, you might want to investigate the recent changes you made which could have contributed to the problem. If you are unable to get past the Red Triangle, contact infinias Technical Support for assistance.


- Cardholder status will be available if you have a valid 'Credential Management' Rule visible on the Rules Page. If you do have a 'Credential Management' Rule running, cardholder access will not be available until the status icon returns to Green Circle. You can create a new 'Credential Management' Rule on the Rules Page if you wish.

Lock Status - The middle icon column displays information about the status of the door lock. Generally speaking, the lock can be in one of only two states - locked or unlocked. However, there are other conditions that you might want to be aware of, regardless of the actual lock state. Therefore, the lock status can be represented by up to seven different icons. When locked, the possible icons are:  

Green with Horizontal Bar: the door is locked and is running its normal (un)lock schedule. Yellow with Horizontal Bar: the door is locked, but was locked by manual intervention, such as clicking the 'Lock Door' Action in the user interface, or a Rule that locks the door. You can return to normal Blue (or Green if normal is "locked") condition by clicking the 'Revert To Schedule' Action. Red with Horizontal Bar: the door is in lockdown state, and no card access or REX button access will be allowed. You can return to normal Green (or Blue if normal is "unlocked") condition by clicking the 'Revert To Schedule' Action. Gray with Horizontal Bar: the door is locked, but is undergoing an update process and so the state of the lock cannot be guaranteed.

When unlocked, the possible icons are: 

Blue with Vertical Bar: the door is unlocked and is running its normal (un)lock schedule.


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Yellow with Horizontal Bar: the door is unlocked, but was unlocked by manual intervention, such as clicking the 'Unlock Door' Action in the user interface, or a Rule that unlocks the door. You can return to normal Green (or Blue if normal is "unlocked") condition by clicking the 'Revert To Schedule' Action. Gray with Horizontal Bar: the door is unlocked, but is undergoing an update process and so the state of the lock cannot be guaranteed.

Open/Close Status - The rightmost icon column displays information about the status of the door sensor, if one is attached. Generally speaking, the door can be in one of only two states - opened or closed. However, there are other conditions that you might want to be aware of, regardless of the actual open/close state. Therefore, the open/close status can be represented by up to six different icons. The possible icons are:     

Green with Horizontal Slit: the door is closed, and operating normally. Gray with Horizontal Slit: the door is closed, but is undergoing an update process and so the actual state of the door cannot be guaranteed. Green "Pac Man": the door is open due to someone opening the door after a valid credential access. Yellow "Pac Man": the door is open due to valid credential access, but has been open too long (typically more than 45 seconds). Red "Pac Man": the door was forced open without proper credential access, or was opened from the inside without a motion sensor REX to notify the door that someone is exiting, or the door was held open beyond 60 seconds. Gray "Pac Man": the door is open, but is undergoing an update process and so the actual state of the door cannot be guaranteed.

Note: You can always hover your cursor over any icon in the icon legend in the lower left corner of the user interface to see a description of that icon, shown as a tooltip.

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CONFIGURATION SECTION The Configuration Section is for Administrators only, allowing the Administrator to create or edit Doors and their configuration, create or edit Schedules, Behaviors, Peripherals, and Rules. Click on the 'Configuration' link in the upper right corner of the user interface to navigate to the Configuration section.

DOORS CONFIGURATION PAGE The Doors Configuration Page in the Configuration Section lets you create, modify, or delete a Door, as well as update its configuration. The Doors Page is shown in Figure 6.12:

Figure 6.12 - Doors Configuration Page The Doors Configuration Page shows the first 100 Doors in a paged view. The same paging icons will be visible for you to page through the events in the same manner as other paged views. This Doors Page allows for creating, modifying and deleting Doors. Only Administrators have access to this Doors Page. 62

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Views The Doors Configuration Page allows for three different Views. They are: Doors View - The Doors are displayed in a list format, showing summary information about each Door, including Door Status (explained later). A sub-view drop-down list box in the Content Area allows for three Door Layouts: Grid Layout - The default layout, it shows the Door Name, the In Zone (the Zone that Reader One provides access to), the Out Zone (the Zone that Reader Two provides access to), and the Door Status icons. Condensed - A layout that shows just the Door Name and the Door Status icons in a condensed format in order to display the most number of doors in the Content Area. Device View - A layout that shows the Door Name, IP Address, MAC Address, Serial Number, and Door Status icons in a list format. Behaviors View - The Behaviors are displayed in a card format, with the Behavior attributes displayed, along with all Doors assigned to that particular Behavior. Zones View - The Zones are displayed in a card format, where each Zone lists the names of all Doors that borders that particular Zone.

Actions (Doors View) The Doors Page allows for many Actions in the Doors View. They are: Create Door - Click the 'Create Door' Action to create a Door. A 'Create Door' popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.13:

Figure 6.13 - Create Door Popup Window

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Choose a Door Name. Choose a name such as Front Door, Lobby Door, etc., whatever is appropriate for the main door to your facility. Click the IP Address or Serial Number combo boxes to find the IP Address of your main door. Choose a Door Type.  

If your door has a contact to detect the open/close status of the door, then choose the "1 or 2 Reader IN1 Normally Closed" Door Type. If your door does not have a door contact, then choose "1 or 2 Reader IN1 Normally Open" Door Type.

Choose a Door Behavior. Even if you want this first door to be unlocked during business hours, you can still get the Door up and running by choosing the default "Always Locked" Behavior. And if the door is supposed to be locked all the time, you'll not need to revisit this later. Select the two Zones that the Door borders. The upper two combo boxes tell the system which two Zones the Door borders, and the lower two combo boxes tell the system which Zone each card reader provides access. Choose "Outside" and "Inside" for the top two combo boxes (you can select "Inside" then "Outside", or "Outside" then Inside, it does not matter for the top combo boxes). Then choose "Inside" for Card Reader One, assuming you have a card reader attached that grants access to the Inside Zone. Then choose the proper Zone for Card Reader Two. If you have no second reader, it doesn't matter which Zone you choose. If you have two readers, and they are both on the outside of the door, then choose "Inside" for Card Reader Two as well. Choose a Time Zone. The controllers can theoretically be located in different time zones. Choose the time zone that the controller is physically located, and Intelli-M Access will adjust the time of day to compensate for the time zone difference. For most installations, just use the currently-selected time zone. Press the 'Create' button, and wait a few seconds. The Door will appear in the main Doors viewing area, and after a moment, will display three status icons. The left-most icon will be a yellow triangle. Note in the icon legend in the lower left portion of the window that a yellow triangle means that the Door's configuration has changed and needs to be updated. This is normal for the first-time creation of the Door. If there is only one icon, and it is a red circle, it means that the system could not communicate with the Door using the information you provided. If this occurs, please refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this document for assistance. Edit Door - To modify a Door's basic configuration, select a Door and click the 'Edit Door' Action. An 'Edit Door' popup dialog will appear, similar to the 'Create Door' window except it will be populated with the Doors configuration information. Make the changes you require and press the 'Save' button to save your changes. The Door Status Connection icon will change to a yellow triangle, indicating that the Door needs to be updated. Delete Door - To delete a Door, select the Door to delete and click the 'Delete Door' Action. A confirmation message box will appear, and the Door will be deleted after the confirmation. In reality, the Door is not completely removed from the system. Instead, the Door is marked as Deleted in the system so you can continue to run Reports and view Events from that Door when it existed in the past. Note: If you are replacing a non-functional controller, do not delete the door and re-create it. Simply Edit the Door and change the IP Address and Serial Number. Update All - Click the 'Update All' Action if you wish to update all Doors at once. The Door Status Icons will be updated to reflect the proper state during the update procedure. If you have dozens or hundreds of Doors, you may see that the Doors are updated in bunches of 20 to 60 at a time. This is by design. 64

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Update Modified - Click the 'Update Modified' Action if you wish to update only those Doors who are displaying the yellow triangle icon, denoting that the door needs to be updated. The Door Status Icons will be updated to reflect the proper state during the update procedure. If you have dozens or hundreds of Doors that need updating, you may see that the Doors are updated in bunches of 20 to 60 at a time. This is by design. Update - Select one or more Doors and click the 'Update' Action if you wish to update a select few (or one) Doors at a time, rather than all at once. The Door Status Icons will be updated to reflect the proper state during the update procedure. Get Events - Select a Door, and click the 'Get Events' Action to retrieve all Events generated by that Door. A popup window will appear that contains the Events, similar to the Events popup dialog described earlier. The first 100 Events will be displayed, and the usual paging icons will be available for you to navigate through the remaining Events.

Actions (Behaviors View) Create Behavior - Click the 'Create Behavior' Action to create a new Door Behavior. A 'Create Behavior' popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.14:

Figure 6.14 - Create Behavior Dialog Provide a Name for the Behavior. This is the name that will appear in the 'Door Behavior' drop-down list box in the Create/Edit Door dialog. Choose a Schedule. This Schedule will be used for determining when the Door is to be unlocked and locked. The Door will be unlocked wherever the Schedule shows blue, and will be locked wherever the Schedule shows white. If there is no Schedule that satisfies this Doors unlock requirements, you can create a new Schedule, which is described later in this chapter. Choose a Card Mode. The Card Mode determines whether the cardholder will be granted access with only a card (or key fob) swipe, only a PIN entry, or both access card and PIN entry. Select 'Card Only' for card-only or PIN-only access, and 'Card + PIN' for card plus PIN access requirements.

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Note: When you choose 'Card Only' for PIN-only entry, be sure to enter the PIN number as the Card Number when creating your Person cardholders. Do not enter the PIN into the 'PIN Code' field - this field is for 'Card + PIN' configuration. Please refer to the Person configuration section for more information on PIN code entry. When you are finished, press the 'Create' button to create your new Behavior. Edit Behavior - Select a Door Behavior, and click the 'Edit Behavior' Action to modify an existing Behavior. An 'Edit Behavior' popup dialog will appear, similar to the 'Create Behavior' dialog shown in Figure 6.14, with the Behavior information populated in the fields. Simply change the configuration items you require, and press the 'Save' button to update your Behavior. Note: When you modify a Behavior, all Doors that are configured to use this modified Behavior will show the Yellow Triangle, indicating that they need to be updated. Delete Behavior - To delete a Behavior, select a Door Behavior and click the 'Delete Behavior' Action. A confirmation message box will appear, and the Behavior will be deleted upon confirmation. Note: Door Behaviors can be deleted only when there are no Doors configured to use this Behavior. Therefore, you might get an error popup dialog indicating that one or more Doors are still utilizing this Behavior. Assign a different Behavior to those Doors, then delete the Behavior.

Actions (Zones View) The Doors Configuration Page allows for four Actions while in the Zones View. They are: Create Zone - To create a Zone, click the 'Create Zone' Action. A 'Create Zone' popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.15:

Figure 6.15 - Create Zone Dialog Create a Zone Name. Provide a name for the Zone. This name will appear in the Create/Edit Door popup dialog in the drop-down list boxes that reflect the available Zones. Optionally Choose a Muster State. If you wish to keep track of all credential holders who have entered this Zone (on the Events Page), choose the 'Inside' Muster Zone in the drop-down list box. If you wish to keep track of all credential holders who have exited this Zone, choose the 'Outside' Muster Zone. If you are not concerned about keeping track of movement in this Zone, leave the default 'Unknown' unchanged. When you are finished, press the 'Submit' button to create the Zone. The Zone will immediately be visible in the Content Area, and will also be available when creating or modifying Doors. 66

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Edit Zone - To modify a Zone's name or its Muster attribute, select a Zone and click the 'Edit Zone' Action. An 'Edit Zone' popup dialog will appear, similar to the dialog in Figure 6.15, but with the Zone information populated in the fields. Make the required changes and press the 'Submit' button to save those changes. Changing a Zone's name or Muster state does not have an impact at the Door controller, and therefore Door updates are not necessary. Delete Zone - To delete a Zone, click the Zone you wish to delete and click the 'Delete Zone' Action. A delete confirmation message box will appear, and the Zone will be deleted after you confirm. Note: If you try to delete a Zone that has Doors bordering that Zone, an error message will appear with this information. First, assign the Doors to other Zones, then delete the Zone. Update - Select one or more Zones and click the 'Update' Action if you wish to update all Doors that border the selected Zones. The Door Status Icons will be updated to reflect the proper state during the update procedure (when in Doors View).

Door Status Icons The Door Status icons provide status of the Door Connection, Door Lock, and Door Sensor. Please refer to the Doors Page earlier in this chapter for a detailed description of the Door Status icons.

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SCHEDULES PAGE The Schedules Page in the Configuration Section lets you create, modify or delete a Schedule, as well as create, modify or delete Holidays that can be applied to a Schedule. The Schedules Page is shown in Figure 6.16:

Figure 6.16 - Schedules Configuration Page In Intelli-M Access, a blue-colored block of time represents an "Active" time block. For example, in Figure 6.16 the 'Always' Schedule has every minute of every day marked in blue. If this Schedule is applied to a door, the blue means the Door would be unlocked. For a Rule, blue means the Rule is allowed to execute. For a Person, blue means they will be granted access at that time block when they present their credentials. Furthermore, the 'Never' Schedule implies a Door that's locked 24/7, the Rule that would never run, and a Person that would never be granted access, even if their credentials otherwise allowed it. Important Note: starting with version 3.0, the Never and Always Schedules are read-only - you cannot modify them. Use them anytime you need to have something be controlled in a 24/7 manner. Try to avoid making your own Always 68

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and Never Schedules as these Schedules are designed to server those needs automatically. If you have upgraded to v3.0 from a previous version of Intelli-M Access and you modified the default Always and Never Schedules, these schedules have been renamed and new read-only versions of Always and Never will be added to the system.

Views The Schedule page provides two Schedule views. They are:

Schedules View - Displays the Schedules in a paged list, showing the first 100 Schedules. The usual paging icons are present for navigating to other pages of Schedules. Each Schedule is shown as a 7-day week, with each day as its own row. Each day row contains a 24 hour time range from midnight to 11:59:59 PM. As stated earlier, the blue areas denote the Active Time Range in the Schedule.

Holidays View - Displays the Holiday Sets in a card format. Each Holiday Set shows the individual Holiday days that are contained in that Holiday Set.

Actions (Schedules View) The Schedules View provides three Actions for managing Schedules. They are: Create Schedule - Click the 'Create Schedule' Action to create a new Schedule. A 'Create Schedule' popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.17:

Figure 6.17 - Create Schedule Dialog Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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Choose a Schedule Name. Provide a name for the Schedule that is relevant to the type of Schedule you are creating. For example, choose 'Office Hours' to create a Schedule that defines a 8-5 or 9-5 style office time range. Create the Active Time Range. The Active Time Range is a contiguous block of time, shown in blue, that defines when the Schedule is Active. Recall that the Active Time Range means the door is unlocked, a Person's Valid Card/Fob Swipe is accepted, and so on during the blue portion of the Schedule. Click the cursor inside the 24-hour row for the day you wish to modify, and drag the cursor to the end of the time range. A blue rectangle will follow your cursor movement, creating the Active Time Range in blue. You can drag the cursor up or down across rows to fill in blue color across more than one day at a time. To return a time range to white, click on the blue region you wish to modify and drag your cursor accordingly. You can also single-click on a time block to change it between blue and white. The smallest increment of a Schedule is 15 minutes. You can hover your cursor over a part of the Schedule to determine the exact time of day represented by that part of the Schedule. You can create multiple time ranges in a single day. For example, you can create an Active Time Range for 8am to Noon, and another one for 1pm to 5pm, leaving the lunch hour portion in white. When applied to a Door, such a Schedule will re-lock the door during the lunch hour and unlock the door starting at 1pm. When you have finished configuring your Active Time Ranges, click the 'Create' button to create your Schedule. Edit Schedule - To modify a Schedule, click the 'Edit Schedule' Action. An 'Edit Schedule' popup dialog will appear, similar to the Create Schedule dialog, except that its fields will be populated with the Schedule data. Choose a new Schedule name if you wish, and/or modify the Active Time Range using the same operations described earlier. Click the 'Save' button to save your changes. Delete Schedule - If you no longer need a Schedule, you can remove it by clicking the 'Delete Schedule' Action. A confirmation message box will appear, and the Schedule will be deleted when you confirm. Important Note: If you add one or more Holiday Sets to a Schedule, you should add that same Holiday Set to all Schedules. For example, if you apply a Holiday Set to a lock schedule for a Door, you'll also need to add that Holiday Set to the Schedule you used for cardholder access. Otherwise, when a holiday becomes the current day, the controller will not have a holiday schedule to use and, as a result, will deny access with the Time Schedule error. You do need to apply Holiday Sets to the Always and Never Schedules as they will adopt the Holiday Set automatically.

Actions (Holiday Set View) The Holiday Set View provides three Actions for managing Holiday Sets. They are: Create Holiday Set - To add Holiday exceptions to your schedule, you must first create a Holiday Set to contain your list of Holidays. Click the 'Create Holiday Set' Action, and a 'Create Holiday Set' popup dialog will appear as shown in Figure 6.18:


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Figure 6.18 - Create Holiday Set Dialog The dialog displays an entire year's worth of days, starting with the current year. You can press the arrows at the top of the chart to move forward and backward one year at a time. The purpose of a Holiday Set is to define a list of days whose Active time range (in blue) are identical with each other. An example, borrowed from before, is New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. An completely different Holiday Set needs to be created for other Holidays of the year that do not match the New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day schedule, but still match each other. Choose a Holiday Set Name. Give your Holiday Set a name that's relevant to the group of Holidays you will be adding to this Set. Choose your Holidays. To add a Holiday to the Set, simply click on a date shown in the year-long calendar. The date you clicked on will appear in a list of Holidays on the left pane. You can provide a name for that Holiday by pressing the 'Edit' button at the bottom of the left pane, or by double-clicking that holiday in the left pane. When you edit the Holiday, an 'Edit Holiday' popup dialog will appear as shown in Figure 6.19:

Figure 6.19 - Edit Holiday Dialog Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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Enter a name for the Holiday into the Name field and press the 'Save' button to name the Holiday. You can also modify the date of the Holiday if you wish. You can remove an individual Holiday from the Set by clicking on the day a second time. The date will be removed from the list after a confirmation message box appears and you confirm. Continue clicking on Holidays in the Create Holiday Set Dialog until you have chosen all Holidays whose Active time range for that day are identical, then press the 'Create' button to create the Holiday Set. The Holiday Set has been created, but has not been applied to a Schedule. Refer back to the Edit Schedules section of the Schedules View for information on adding a Holiday Set to a Schedule. Edit Holiday Set - To modify a Holiday Set, click the 'Edit Holiday Set' Action, and a popup dialog similar to the 'Create Holiday Set' dialog will appear, except the holiday information will be populated in the dialog window. Click on dates in the calendar to add or remove Holidays to or from the Set. Click the 'Edit' button to rename a Holiday or change its date. When finished, press the 'Save' button to save your changes. Delete Holiday Set - If you do not need a particular Holiday Set, you can remove it by pressing the 'Delete Holiday Set' Action. A confirmation message box will appear, and the Holiday Set will be deleted after you confirm. Important Note: If you add one or more Holiday Sets to a Schedule, you should add that same Holiday Set to all Schedules. For example, if you apply a Holiday Set to a lock schedule for a Door, you'll also need to add that Holiday Set to the Schedule you used for cardholder access. Otherwise, when a holiday becomes the current day, the controller will not have a holiday schedule to use and, as a result, will deny access with the Time Schedule error. You do need to apply Holiday Sets to the Always and Never Schedules as they will adopt the Holiday Set automatically..


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GROUPS PAGE The Groups Page in the Configuration Section lets you create, modify or delete a Group, and add or remove People from a Group. The Groups Page is shown in Figure 6.20:

Figure 6.20 - Groups Configuration Page The Groups Configuration Page provides the same capabilities as the People Page in the Home section, except that the Groups View is the default View instead of the Person View. Please refer to the People page earlier in this chapter for instructions on managing Groups and People.

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RULES PAGE The Rules Page in the Configuration Section lets you manage your Rules, which include Access Privileges. The Rules Page is shown in Figure 6.21:

Figure 6.21 - Rules Configuration Page The Rules Page defines the commands that control the behavior of the Door controller, as well as the behavior of IntelliM Access itself. Because of this, Rules can be divided into two types: Controller-based Rule - The Access Privilege is the one and only Door controller-based Rule. An Access Privilege is a combination of a Group ("who" has access), a Zone ("where" the Group is granted access), and a Schedule ("when" is the Group granted access). You will create one of these Access Privileges for each Group, Zone and Schedule combination for your environment. All of these Access Privileges are downloaded to the respective Door controllers when you perform the Update Action on the Doors Configuration Page. Once these Access Privileges are downloaded, the controller will operate using these rules without assistance from the Intelli-M Access server. 74

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Host-based Rule - All other Rules are considered Host-based Rules. This means that the processing of the specified Rule occurs on the Intelli-M Access server (i.e. the "host"). The result of the Rule may be a command to the controller (e.g. "Unlock Zone"), but the decision-making occurs on the host.

Views Only one view is currently provided, and that view is the Rules View.

Actions The Rules Page offers three Actions in the Actions menu. They are:

Create Rule - Use the Create Rule Action to create Access Privileges for your Door controllers, as well as host-based rules to activate functionality that is customized to your environment. Click the 'Create Rule' Action, and a Create Rule popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.22:

Figure 6.22 - Create Rule Dialog Access Privilege - As stated earlier, the Access Privilege Rule provides access privileges for Groups on Zones. By default, Intelli-M Access creates an Access Privilege for the Everyone Group to be granted access to the Inside Zone in the Always Schedule. To create an Access Privilege, ensure that 'Access Privilege' is selected in the Rule Type drop-down list box.

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Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which this Rule will be active. In other words, everywhere there is blue-colored blocks in the Schedule you choose, access will be granted. Select a Group. The Group represents the collection of People whose credentials you want to be granted access to the Zone you will choose next. Select a Zone. The Zone contains the Door(s) you wish the Group you selected to be given access. Press the 'Create' button to create your new Access Privilege. The new Access Privilege will appear in the Access Privilege section in the Content Area. Note: Access Privileges do not take effect until the Doors affected by the Access Privilege are updated on the Doors Configuration Page. The Doors that are affected will have their Connection Status icon changed to a yellow triangle. Event Management - The Event Management Rule makes an Event visible in the Events Page. By default, all Events are made visible. You can reduce the number of Events that are visible on the Events page by using this Rule. Note that if you wish to filter out a single Event, you can alternatively use the Hide Event Rule described below. To create an Event Management Rule, click the 'Create Rule' Action and ensure that 'Event Management' is selected in the drop-down list box. Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which the Event will be visible on the Events Page. The Event will not be visible during the inactive time range (the "white" area) of the Schedule. Select a Group (optional). If you choose one or more Groups, the Event will be made visible only if a member of one of the selected Group(s) generated the Event. If you do not select a Group, then the Event will be made visible regardless of who generated the Event. Select a Zone (optional). If you choose one or more Zones, the Event will be made visible only if the Event occurred in one of the selected Zone(s). If you do not select a Zone, then the Event will be made visible regardless of where the Event occurred. Select an Event (optional). All Events you choose will be made visible, provided the Event also meets the above criteria. If you do not specify an Event, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be made visible. Select an Action (optional). An Action is another type of Event, and often covers multiple of the Events you see in the Event tab described above. All Actions you choose will be made visible, provided the Action also meets the above criteria. If you do not specify an Action, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be made visible on the Events Page. Hide Event - The Hide Event Rule could be considered the opposite of the Event Management Rule in that the Hide Event Rule ensures that a specific Event will not be made visible on the Events Page. This Rule is useful when you have only one or two Events that you wish to hide from the Events Page. To create a Hide Event Rule, click the 'Create Rule' Action and ensure that 'Hide Event' is selected in the drop-down list box. Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which the Event will be hidden from the Events Page. The Event will not be hidden during the inactive time range (the "white" area) of the Schedule.


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Select a Group (optional). If you choose one or more Groups, the Event will be hidden only if a member of one of the selected Group(s) generated the Event. If you do not select a Group, then the Event will be hidden regardless of who generated the Event. Select a Zone (optional). If you choose one or more Zones, the Event will be hidden only if the Event occurred in one of the selected Zone(s). If you do not select a Zone, then the Event will be hidden regardless of where the Event occurred. Select an Event (optional). All Events you choose will be hidden, provided the Event also meets the above criteria. If you do not specify an Event, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be hidden. Select an Action (optional). All Actions you choose will be hidden, provided the Action also meets the above criteria. If you do not specify an Action, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be hidden on the Events Page. Alarm Management - The Alarm Management Rule turns any event into an Alarm. An alarm is indicated visually in the Events Page in Red. By default Intelli-M Access creates five Alarm Management Rules to manage all of the Access Denied event possibilities. To create a new Alarm Management Rule, click the 'Create Rule' Action and ensure that 'Alarm Management' is selected in the drop-down list box. Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which this Rule will be active. Events that satisfy this rule's criteria will be converted into Alarms only during the Active Time Range (blue) portion of the Schedule you select. Select a Group (optional). If you choose one or more Groups, the Event will be converted into an Alarm only if the Event was generated by a member of one of the Groups you selected. If you do not select a Group, then qualifying Events generated by all Groups will be converted into an Alarm. Select a Zone (optional). If you choose one or more Zones, the Event will be converted into an Alarm only when the Event occurs in the Zone(s) you selected. If you do not select a Zone, then qualifying Events in all Zones will be converted into an Alarm. Select an Event (optional). All Events you choose will be converted to an Alarm, provided the Event also meets the criteria specified above. If you do not specify an Event, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be converted into an Alarm. Select an Action (optional). All Actions you choose will be converted to an Alarm, provided the Action also meets the criteria specified above. If you do not specify an Action, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be converted into an Alarm. Credential Management - The Credential Management Rule handles any scenario where a cardholder should have been but for some reason was not. The most common example of this scenario is that the controller was offline during the credential download. This Rule will evaluate all 'Unknown Credential Status' errors and apply that cardholder to the controller if in fact that card number was supposed to be already present on the controller. Note: this Rule will not download credentials that do not belong on the controller. You need only have one Credential Management Rule active on the System unless you desire different behaviors on different Schedules. To create a new Credential Management Rule, click the 'Create Rule' Action and ensure that 'Credential Management' is selected in the drop-down list box. Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which this Rule will be active. Events that satisfy this rule's criteria will be converted into Alarms only during the Active Time Range (blue) portion of the Schedule you select.

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Select an Event (optional). All Events you choose will be used to evaluate the cardholder's access rights, provided the Event also meets the criteria specified above. If you do not specify an Event, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be evaluated (not recommended). Email Event - The Email Event Rule sends an email to one or more recipients based on the information you provide in this Rule. To create an Email Event Rule, click the 'Create Rule' Action and ensure that 'Email Event' is selected in the dropdown list box. Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which this Rule will be active. Events that satisfy this rule's criteria will generate an email to a list of selected recipients. Select a Group (optional). If you choose one or more Groups, the email will be sent only when a member of one of those Groups generated the Event. If you do not select a Group, the email will be sent regardless of who generate the Event. Select a Zone (optional). If you choose one or more Zones, the email will be sent only when the Event occurred at one of the Zones you specified. If you do not select a Zone, the email will be sent regardless of where the Event occurred. Select a Door (optional). If you choose one or more Doors, the email will be sent only when the Event occurred at one of the Doors you specified. If you do not select a Door, the email will be sent regardless of where the Event occurred. Select an Event (optional). All Events you choose will be emailed to the recipient list, providing the Event also meets the criteria specified above. If you do not specify an Event, then all Events that meet the above criteria will be emailed to the recipients Select an Action (optional). All Actions you choose will be emailed to the recipient list, providing the Action also meets the criteria specified above. If you do not specify an Action, then all Actions that meet the above criteria will be emailed to the recipients. Select a Target Group. Select at least one Group from the list. All members of the Group(s) you select will have emails sent to their Primary Email and Secondary Email accounts, as specified in their Person profile. Members of the Group(s) that do not have email addresses will not receive the emails. Lock Zone - The Lock Zone Rule will lock all Doors that border the Zone specified in the Rule. All Access Privileges continue to operate normally while the Zone's Doors are locked. The lock is not momentary - it is permanent until another action, such as Revert to Schedule or Unlock Zone, unlocks the Door. The Lockdown Zone Rule is similar, except that the Doors are in a lockdown mode that block all Access Privileges, i.e. no valid card or fob swipes nor REX requests will be granted. The Unlock Zone Rule is likewise similar, except that it unlocks all Doors in the specified Zone(s), and the Revert Zone Rule is also similar, except that it reverts the Zone's Doors to their Scheduled lock state. To create one of these Rules, click the 'Create Rule' Action and ensure that the desired Rule is selected in the drop-down list box. Select a Schedule. The Schedule determines the time range in which this Rule will be active. Select a Group (optional). If you choose one or more Groups, the Zone's Doors will be locked only when a member of one of those Groups generated the Event. If you do not select a Group, the Zone's Doors will be locked regardless of who generate the Event. Select a Zone (optional). If you choose one or more Zones, the Zone's Doors will be locked only when the Event occurred at one of the Zones you specified. If you do not select a Zone, the Zone's Doors will be locked regardless of where the Event occurred. 78

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Select a Door (optional). If you choose one or more Doors, the Zone's Doors will be locked only when the Event occurred at one of the Doors you specified. If you do not select a Door, the Zone's Doors will be locked regardless of where the Event occurred. Select a Reader (optional). If you choose one or more card Readers, the Zone's Doors will be locked only when the Event occurred at the specified Reader(s). If you do not select a Reader, the Zone's Doors will be locked regardless of where the Event occurred. Select an Event. Choose one or more Events that will cause the Zone's Doors to be locked. The Doors will lock when the specified Event occurs and the above criteria is met. Select a Target Zone. Select one or more Zones whose Doors will be locked when the qualifying Event occurs and the above criteria is met.

Edit Rule - To modify an existing Rule, click the 'Edit Rule' Action, and the Edit Rule popup dialog will appear. The Edit Rule dialog is similar to the Create Rule dialog, except that the fields' contents are provided. Make the necessary changes and press the 'Save' button to update the existing Rule. Note: If the modified Rule is an Access Privilege, all Doors affected by the Access Privilege will show a yellow triangle, indicating that the door needs to be updated. All other modified Rules changes will be reflected immediately.

Delete Rule - To remove a Rule, click the 'Delete Rule' Action, and a delete confirmation message box will appear. The Rule will be deleted after you confirm. Note: If the deleted Rule is an Access Privilege, all Doors affected by the Access Privilege will show a yellow triangle, indicating that the door needs to be updated. All other deleted Rules will be reflected immediately.

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PERIPHERALS PAGE The Peripherals Page in the Configuration Section lets you manage your Peripheral Devices. A Peripheral Device is an entity that represents a third party product or service. The Peripherals Page is shown in Figure 6.23:

Figure 6.23 - Peripherals Page The purpose of a Peripheral is to provide Intelli-M Access with the ability to communicate with an external device, product, or service in a tightly-integration manner. All Peripherals are third-party plugins that are managed by the infinias EAC Rule Action service. Intelli-M Access supports three Peripheral Types by default: the Web Page, Generic Peripheral, and the Ethernet I/O Module. Other Peripheral Types can be added by installing more Intelli-M Access plugins. An example of an installable plugin is the Pelco DigitalSentry plugin, which adds support for activating recording on one or more Pelco DigitalSentry cameras based on an Event occurring in Intelli-M Access. Future video integration plugins will be released to support products such as Exacq Ev and Milestone XProtect servers. 80

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Information on how to obtain additional Peripherals, how to create your own Peripheral, or how to support the Web Page and Generic Peripherals in your proprietary application can be obtained by contacting infinias.

Views The Peripherals Page supports only one View, the Peripherals View.

Actions The Peripherals Page supports three Actions. They are: Create Peripheral - To communicate with a third-party device or service, you must create a Peripheral that knows how to communicate with that device or service. Click the 'Create Peripheral' Action, and a Create Peripheral popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.24:

Figure 6.24 - Create Peripheral Dialog The Create Peripheral Dialog is split into two sections: the list of existing devices (in the left pane), and the configuration of a existing device (the right pane). You create a Peripheral by choosing one of the existing devices in the left pane. In other words, you cannot create a Peripheral until it is visible by Intelli-M Access as a device in the left pane. Some plugins, such as the ethernet I/O device, automatically discover their devices, and as a result, automatically appear in the left pane. However, many do not, and even those that do discover their devices also support adding devices manually. So if your device doesn't already appear in the list, you'll have to first manually add a device into the list, then create it as a Peripheral. This section covers how to create a device manually as well as choosing from an existing device. Create a new Web Page. The Web Page Peripheral allows you to enter the Url of any web page, which can then be displayed in a web browser when you create a Rule to show that page. This Peripheral is commonly used to display live Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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video of an IP video camera at the client browser. You can use this feature even if your IP cameras are a part of a video management system. If the IP camera supports showing live video in a web browser, you can show that video in a separate browser window when the Rule-defined Event occurs. Create a Generic Peripheral. The Generic Peripheral is similar to the Web Page Peripheral, except that it is designed to call a Web Service rather than a Web Server, as is the case with the Web Page Peripheral. This Peripheral is intended for use by third-party integrators who wish to receive Events from Intelli-M Access into their proprietary application. You can use the Forward Event Rule template to create Rules that will send the Events you determine to a third-party system to process however it wishes. For more information, refer to the 'How to Forward Intelli-M Access Events' document available on the infinias website. Manually Add a Device. Click the 'New' button, which exposes a menu of devices you can manually add, as shown in Figure 6.25:

Figure 6.25 - New Device Popup Menu Figure 6.25 shows the menu items present in the default Intelli-M Access installation - only the 32-Channel Ethernet I/O Module is visible. Other third-party plugins that you install will add their devices to this list. Each plugin has its own custom configuration user interface that is displayed in the 'Create Peripheral' dialog. Because of this, separate documentation exists for each plugin, including the 32-Channel Ethernet I/O device and the 'New Web Page' device. Please refer to the infinias website for documentation specific to each plugin, or to the installation folder where you installed the third-party plugin. Configure an Existing Device. To configure a device that has already been discovered or manually added, select that device in the devices list in the left pane. A configuration page customized for that device will appear in the right pane, along with a Peripheral Name for that device. If you selected a device that you created manually, then modify the Name


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field to match how you want the Peripheral Name to appear in Intelli-M Access, and click the 'Create' button at the bottom of the dialog. This will finalize the process of creating a Peripheral for that device. Note: If you select an automatically-discovered device that you didn't manually create, then the device may be discovered, but it hasn't yet been configured to your specifications. Before you press the 'Create' button at the bottom of the dialog, you must first configure the device using its custom configuration page shown in the right pane. Press the 'Save' (or 'Update') button at the bottom of the device's custom configuration interface first. Once you've configured the device, you can then select the device again the left pane and press the 'Create' button at the bottom of the dialog. Failure to do so will create a Peripheral that doesn't match your needs. If this occurs, refer to the 'Edit Peripheral' section below. Once you have pressed the 'Create' button to create your Peripheral, the device will disappear from the discovered devices list in the right pane, and will appear in the Content Area of the Peripherals Page, as shown in Figure 6.26:

Figure 6.26 - A 32-Channel I/O Device Configured for Elevator Control Edit Peripheral Infinias, LLC | Innovating Simple


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You can modify the Peripherals you have created using the Edit Peripheral Action. To modify an existing Peripheral, click the 'Edit Peripheral' Action, and the Edit Peripheral popup dialog will appear. The dialog is identical to the Create New Peripheral Dialog, except that the custom configuration page for the specified Peripheral is visible. Make your necessary changes in the configuration user interface, and press the 'Save' (or 'Update') button found at the bottom of the device configuration user interface. Do not press the 'Create' button at the bottom of the dialog. When the configuration of the device is complete, the custom configuration user interface will disappear, leaving an empty dialog. Simply click the 'Cancel' button to close the dialog. Delete Peripheral To remove a Peripheral, click the 'Delete Peripheral' Action, and a confirmation message box will appear. The Peripheral will be deleted after you confirm. Note: When the Peripheral is deleted, the device re-appears in the discovered devices list. You may later create the Peripheral again from this list.


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CUSTOMIZE PAGE The Customize Page in the Configuration Section lets you manage Custom fields for a Person, as shown in Figure 6.27:

Figure 6.27 - Customize Page A Custom Field has no pre-defined purpose in Intelli-M Access. The reason for a Custom Field is so you can create your own Person attributes that are missing from the Intelli-M Access Person fields.

Views There is only one view supported, and that is the Custom Fields View.

Actions The Custom Fields Page supports three Actions. They are:

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Create Field - Adds a new Custom Field to Intelli-M Access. To create a new Custom Field, click the 'Create Field' Action, and a Create Field popup dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 6.28:

Figure 6.28 - Create New Custom Field Dialog Enter the name the Custom Field into the Field Name text box. This name will appear in the 'Custom' tab of the Create/Edit Person dialog, where you will be able to provide a Person-specific value for this field. Every Custom Field you create will be visible in the Create/Edit Person dialog. Edit Field - To modify a Custom Field's name, select the field and click on the 'Edit Field' Action. The Edit Custom Field dialog will appear, which is identical to the dialog in Figure 6.28 except the Field Name is populated. Make your changes and press the 'Update' button to save your changes. Delete Field - To remove a Custom Field, select the field and click on the 'Delete Field' Action. A delete confirmation message box will appear, and the field will be deleted after you confirm.


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SYSTEM SETTINGS SECTION The Configuration Section also contains the System Settings, which contains various global configuration options for Intelli-M Access.

LICENSE ENTRY TAB The License Entry tab displays the Intelli-M Access Version number, along with the license information, as shown in Figure 6.11.

Figure 6.11 - License Entry Tab

EMAIL SETTINGS TAB The Email Settings tab allows you to provide SMTP Server information for sending emails on Events, as shown in Figure 6.12.

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Figure 6.12 - Email Settings Tab

SECURITY SETTINGS TAB The Security Settings tab controls the level of system security you wish to specify for Intelli-M Access, an example displaying the system defaults is shown in Figure 6.13.

Figure 6.13 - Security Settings Tab Require SSL for all Intelli-M Access clients - As of version 2.1, Intelli-M Access supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption between all web browsers and the Intelli-M Access web server. Enabling this feature means everyone must use https:// instead of http:// to communicate with Intelli-M Access. SSL communication requires a valid digital


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certificate. Intelli-M Access will create a non-trusted digital certificate, which will cause the typical certificate warning message, as shown in Figure 6.14.

Figure 6.14 - Non-trusted Certificate Warning Simply click on the 'Continue to this website (not recommended).' link, since this certificate does refer to a valid website. If you wish to remove this warning, you must purchase a trusted digital certificate from a third-party company like VeriSign ( Disable Web Mode on Controllers - The eIDCs do not support SSL encryption from web browser to the eIDC internal web server. If you are concerned about undesired access to the controller, you can either change the controller's admin password (described below), or you can disable the web server entirely. Checking this checkbox will disable the web server, eliminating any access to the controller other than from Intelli-M Access to the controller. Encrypt Controller Communications - Communication between Intelli-M Access and the eIDCs can also be encrypted, though not using SSL, as SSL is not supported by the eIDC. Check this checkbox to encrypt the data that passes between the Intelli-M Access server and all eIDCs. Controller Admin Password - Displays the default password for the eIDCs, and lets you change the password to whatever you desire. Note that this is not the Intelli-M Access Admin password, but the password you use when you connect to the eIDC's web server using your web browser. Changing this password field will change every controller currently being managed by Intelli-M Access. Note that any controllers currently offline or otherwise unable to be contacted will not have their password changed. Changing the password will prevent anyone who does not know the new password from connecting to the eIDC. Intelli-M Access API Password - Displays the password used internally by Intelli-M Access to process and finalize events. For more information on this process, refer to Chapter 3 Terms and Concepts. While this password is used internally, you may wish to change the password from its default so no one else knows the internal password.

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CHAPTER 7 - ADVANCED SETUP AND CONFIGURATION Advanced Setup and Configuration steps can be found on our website at Please login to the site, and go to the Intelli-M Access section under Support, and look for the Recipe Cards.


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CHAPTER 8 - TROUBLESHOOTING This troubleshooting chapter is organized like a FAQ, and hopefully will be able to assist you in solving your issues.

INSTALLATION ISSUES Q. I ran the installer, but almost immediately after the install started, it ended with an error saying the installation had been interrupted. A. A recent Windows Update is apparently causing some InstallShield-based installs to generate a .NET error during the installation startup procedure. The fix is to re-install.NET Framework 3.5 and, if you have it installed, .NET 4.0 Framework as well. If .NET 4.0 is not already installed, you do not need to install it. To re-install .NET Framework, open the Control Panel, and double-click the Programs and Features icon. (Windows XP Users, double-click Add/Remove Programs). Select the .NET Framework 3.5 entry, and press the 'Repair' button above the list. If you do not see a 'Repair' button, click the 'Uninstall/Change' button, and you'll be given the option to repair the installation. Follow the instructions to complete the Repair process. Then reboot your computer. You must reboot the computer to fully resolve the problem, even though the system will not prompt you to reboot. Once you have returned from the reboot, the installation should complete successfully. If you have .NET 4.0 Framework installed, it might not appear in the Applications list where you see .NET 3.5 Framework. It may be present in the Windows Features list, which can be seen by clicking on the 'Turn Windows Features On or Off' link, found in the left pane of the Programs and Features window. If you find .NET 4.0 in that list, you'll have to uncheck the .NET 4.0 checkbox, let it uninstall, then check the box to re-install .NET 4.0. And finally you'll need to reboot the computer to complete the repair. Q. The Intelli-M Access Prerequisites Manager displayed a window saying that one of the prerequisites could not be installed. What should I do? A. The Intelli-M Access Prerequisite Manager attempts to automatically install Internet Information Servers (IIS) and Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) for you. However, several obstacles can prevent this automated task from succeeding. Having User Account Control enabled, while failing to run the installation as Administrator could possibly prevent the install from succeeding. Another possibility is that you are running Windows XP, and did not provide the necessary Windows installation media. Finally, the system may have needed a reboot, but was unable to automatically restart your computer. In any of these cases, you should be able to follow the instructions provided in the window to resolve the issue. If you are unable to resolve your issue, please contact infinias Tech Support for more assistance. Q. SQL Server installation failed, and I was asked whether or not to continue the installation. What should I do? A. Click the 'No' button to abort the installation. If you already clicked the 'Yes' button, you can still abort the installation if it's still running, or simply uninstall it from the Control Panel. Once the system has returned to its preinstalled state, you can view the SQL Server install logfiles to determine the cause of the problem. The log files can be found in the “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log” folder. Inside that folder will be a folder whose name is a semi-readable form of the time and date that the installation was attempted. The format of the folder name is “_”. An example of this would be “20090601_102434.” Go into the folder whose name represents the most recent installation attempt (the very first time you install, there will be only one folder present).

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Once inside the most recent SQL installer logfile folder, there will be two files to inspect (even though there might be many files in the folder). These two files also have cryptic names, formatted as “Summary__ _GlobalRules.txt” and Summary___Component Update.txt.” depending on how far the SQL installation proceeded before the error, there may not be a summary file with the “ComponentUpdate.txt”. Open the file whose name contains “GlobalRules” first. The top of the file has a block of text whose label is “Overall Summary.” In that text block, you’ll see the various result codes that occurred, and an “Exit Message” which contains a description of what caused SQL Server installation to fail. If this file shows no errors near the top, then open the file whose name contains “ComponentUpdate.” By far the most common problem is that the system has a pending reboot, probably caused by a previous install or a Windows Update that needs to reboot the box, but hasn't done so yet. To resolve this problem, reboot the computer and restart the Intelli-M Access installation upon return from reboot. The Intelli-M Access Prerequisite Manager attempts to discover a pending reboot before you start the installation, but SQL Server has its own pending reboot logic. Another common error message, or rather, group of error messages, revolves around trying to install SQL 2008 alongside an earlier version of SQL Server. Depending on what SQL Server tools are already installed, you may have to manually uninstall some older SQL tools and utilities so they can be replaced by the newer ones found in the new SQL installation. Note that you will not be required to uninstall an entire SQL Server installation, or modify or remove existing databases. At the worst, you'll be asked to uninstall older SQL utilities to be replaced by newer ones which are backward compatible to your previous SQL installation. If the error message does not make sense, please contact infinias Tech Support with a description of the problem, and we'll get your situation resolved.


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RUNTIME TROUBLESHOOTING Q. The Events have stopped working. I don't see Events updating on the Events Page anymore. A. An Event in Intelli-M Access must go through several processes before it is "finalized", officially being declared an Intelli-M Access Event, and made visible in the Events Page. Some of these processes can fail, resulting in the Event failing to be finalized. Despite these process failures, all events are always stored in the database and can be retrieved if necessary. So even if you don't see Events updating in the Events Page, you are not losing events. There are several potential issues that could cause an Event to not be finalized. The most fundamental possibility is that one or more of the Intelli-M Access services are not running. To verify this, open the Control Panel, double- click Administrative Tools, and double-click Services. A Windows Services list will appear. Find the four Intelli-M Access services - they all start with "infinias EAC...". Make sure all four services are running. If they are not, try to start the ones that are not running. If all non-running services start, then you might want to reboot the system at your convenience to verify that the services can restart themselves (a system reboot might be why they aren't running). If this problem persists, please contact infinias Tech Support additional assistance. Another possibility is that the firewall is blocking ports needed for internal communication. Intelli-M Access requires that ports 80, 18776, 18777, 18779, and 1433 be unblocked for proper operation. The installation procedure should have opened these ports automatically. To test a firewall issue, temporarily disable the firewall and see if events starting appearing again. If so, create firewall exceptions to open the ports listed above, and turn your firewall back on. The Rule Action service communicates with IIS to tell Intelli-M Access to finalize Events. To do so, it needs Intelli-M Access credentials to authenticate into the system. These credentials are stored internally, but could possibly get out of sync. To resolve credentials issues, go to the System Settings Page, and click on the Security tab. Enter a new "IntelliM Access API Password", and click the 'Save' button. Events should start working within seconds if this was the cause. Finally, make sure that you have a Rule created to finalize Events. During the installation, Intelli-M Access created Rules governing the finalization of ordinary Events and all Alarms. Make sure that there is still at least one "Event Management" Rule present and active. If you have worked through all of these issues, and Events still do not appear in the system, please contact infinias Tech Support for additional assistance. Q. I click on the Reports Page and I get an error, or the page is blank. How do I fix it? A. The reports were published to Microsoft Reporting Services upon install. There are a few things that can go wrong and prevent the reports from being published. The first item to check is to open a browser window and navigate to http://localhost/reports_sqlexpress (if using Windows XP, navigate to Http://localhost:8080/reports_sqlexpress). After a minute or two, you should see a mostly white page with the link that looks something like Intelli-M Access Reports. If you do not see a link similar to that, then the reports were not successfully published to Reporting Services. In that situation, the easiest attempt at resolving the issue is to run the Intelli-M Access installation again. If that fails, contact infinias Tech Support for further assistance. If the reports link is visible in the website listed above, then the issue likely centers around database permissions. The most common cause of this is that you restored the database from another computer, or you renamed the computer after installation. Again, the simplest attempt at resolving the problem is to run the installation again.

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As before, if running the installation a second time does not resolve the problem, please contact infinias Tech Support for additional assistance.


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