Accurate distribution of X^{T} X with singular, idempotent variance ...

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Nov 20, 2014 - ST] 20 Nov 2014. Accurate distribution of XT. X with singular, idempotent variance-covariance matrix V. Hao Yuan Zhang and Jan Vrbik.
arXiv:1411.5305v2 [math.ST] 20 Nov 2014

Accurate distribution of XTX with singular, idempotent variance-covariance matrix V Hao Yuan Zhang and Jan Vrbik Department of Mathematics Brock University, 500 GLenridge Ave. St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2S 3A1 Abstract Assume that X is a set of sample statistics which follow a special case Central Limit Theorem, namely: as the sample size n increases the corresponding distribution becomes multivariate Normal with the mean (of each X) equal to zero and with an idempotent variance-covariance matrix V. It is well known that XT X has (in the same limit), a χ2 distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the trace of V. In this article we extend the above result to include the corresponding n1 -proportional corrections, making the new approximation substantially more accurate and extending its range of applicability to small-size samples.



Consider a random independent sample of size n from a distribution, resulting in p sample statistics, say X1 , X2 , ...Xp (collectively denoted X). We assume that these are defined in such a way (visualize each being a function of standardized sample means) that their joint distribution converges (as n → ∞) to multivariate Normal. This implies that their joint j th -order cumulants can be expanded in inverse powers of n as follows:   κ(j,2) κ(j,1) + ... n1−j/2 + K(j) = κ(j,0) + n n2 where K(j) and each of the corresponding κ(j,ℓ) is a fully symmetric tensor with j (implicit) indices. When j = 1, K(1) is a (column) vector of the expected values of X; the κ(1,0) term must always (rather exceptionally) equal to zero, and the κ(j,1) term we rename µ, so that µ K(1) = √ + ... n


Similarly, K(2) is the corresponding variance-covariance matrix, expanded (and notationally simplified) as follows: K(2) = V(0) +

V(1) + ... n


We will now assume that V(0) is idempotent with a trace equal to k. Our task is to find the approximate distribution of T = XT X


to the n1 accuracy, extending the familiar result which states that, in the n → ∞ limit, the distribution of T becomes χ2 with k degrees of freedom.


MGF and PDF of rotated X

To find a more accurate approximation for T , we recall that there is an orthonormal matrix R which diagonalizes V(0) thus: R V(0) RT ≡ H where H is main-diagonal, with the first k diagonal elements equal to 1, the rest of them equal to 0; (2) can then be rewritten as T = ZT Z where Z≡RX

Note that transforming a j th -order cumulant of X into its Z counterpart is achieved by ˜ i1 ,i2 ...ij = K

p X

ℓ1 ,ℓ2 ...ℓj =1

Ri1 ,ℓ1 Ri2 ,ℓ2 ...Rij ,ℓj Kℓ1 ,ℓ2 ...ℓj

Also note that the κ(j,m) (individually) transform in the same manner, and (essential to the rest of this article) that any component of the new κ ˜ (j,0) with a lower (implicit, in this notation) index in the k + 1 to p range must be equal ˜ (1) ). to zero (no longer true for κ ˜ (j,1) , κ ˜ (j,2) ..., including µ ˜ and V This implies that, in the n → ∞ limit, the Zi s with i ≤ k are independent, standardized Normal, and the remaining Zi s (p−k of them) are identically equal to zero (implying the T ǫχ2k result). But again, this happens only in the n → ∞ ˜ (1) µ ˜ limit; both √ni and the corresponding components of Vn may remain non-zero ¯

X)−g(µ) even when i > k (similar to what happens to g(σ|g in the same limit, where ′ (µ)| ¯ X is a sample mean and g is an arbitrary function). The χ2k approximation thus becomes less accurate with decreasing n. To improve its accuracy, we proceed to find a n1 -proportional correction to it.



Expanding MGF

The corresponding cumulant generating function of Z, expanded to the racy, is given by

1 n


K(t1 , t2 , ) ≡ K(t) =

˜ (1) t κ tT H t tT µ ˜ (1) ˜ (4,0) ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t κ ˜ (3,0) ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t tT V √ + √ + + ... + + 2 2n 24n n 6 n

where the last ellipsis indicates terms beyond the n1 accuracy, and κ ˜ ◦ t implies contracting the last (implicit) index of κ ˜ with the only index of t, i.e., explicitly, p X

iℓ =1

κ ˜i1 ,i2 ,...iℓ · tiℓ

Thus, for example, κ ˜ (3,0) ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t means that all 3 indices of κ ˜ (3,0) have been contracted, one by one, with an index of t, resulting in a scalar. It is relatively easy to convert the above cumulant generating function into the corresponding moment generating function, thus Pk 2 ! i=1 ti · (3) M (t) = exp[K(t)] = exp 2    2 1 (3,0) T (1) (4,0) T ˜ (1) t µ ˜ + κ ˜ ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t 6 t V t κ ˜ ◦t◦t◦t◦t   + + + ... 1 + 2n 24n 2n

where this time we have discarded not only the o( n1 ) terms, but also terms with odd powers of t; they do not contribute to our final answer, as we will show shortly.


Corresponding PDF

The moment generating function (3) converts to the following joint PDF of the Z distribution: f (z1 , z2 , ...zp ) =


˜ (1) D κ ˜ (4,0) ◦ D ◦ D ◦ D ◦ D DT V + + 2n 24n   2 ! p Pk 2 DT µ ˜ (1) + 61 κ ˜(3,0) ◦ D ◦ D ◦ D Y  i=1 zi + ... exp − δ(zi ) 2n 2

(2π)−k/2 ·



where δ(zi ) stands for the Dirac delta function (visualize it as a PDF of a Normal distribution with µ = 0 and σ → 0), and D is a differential operator whose individual components are partial derivatives with respect to zi (made more explicit later on). 3


Finding CDF of T

Let us now compute p X

Pr(T < u) = Pr

Zi2 < u




√ This can be done by integrating (4) over a sphere of radius u in the pdimensional space of the zi variables. The main contribution is of course from ! p Pk Z Z 2 Y −k/2 i=1 zi δ(zi ) dz1 dz2 ...dzp (2π) · · · exp − 2 √ i=k+1

Rp ( u)




··· √


exp −

Rk ( u)


2 i=1 zi



dz1 dz2 ...dzk


q Pk 2 where Rd (ρ) denotes a d-dimensional sphere of radius ρ. Introducing r ≡ i=1 zi and utilizing Fisher’s geometrical method of multidimensional integration, (6) equals to  2 Z √u r −k/2 dr F (u) ≡ (2π) Sk (r) exp − 2 0 √  2 u k/2 Z r −k/2 2π k−1  = (2π) dr r exp − k 2 Γ 2 0 Z u  w 1 k/2−1  dw (7) = w exp − 2 2k/2 Γ k2 0


Sk (r) =

2πk/2 rk−1  Γ k2

is the area of the surface of a k-dimensional sphere of radius r, and (7) is clearly the CDF of the χ2k distribution.


˜ (1) corrections µ ˜ (1) and V

From what follows it is easy to see why terms of (4) having an odd power of Di (for any one or more i) must yield zero contribution to (5) - that goes for those we have already deleted, as well for most of those which are still explicitly a part of (4), such as, for example ... +

˜ (1) D2 D1 V 12 + ... n

etc. The only terms which remain are those containing Di2 , Di4 , Di6 , Di2 Dj2 , Di4 Dj2 , and Di2 Dj2 Dℓ2 , where i 6= j 6= k. Let us establish their contribution 4

to (5). Starting with Di2 , we get (using D12 as a proxy; due to the obvious symmetry, all Di2 , where 1 ≤ i ≤ k, will contribute equally): ! p Pk Z Z 2 Y ∂2 −k/2 i=1 zi exp − δ(zi ) dz1 dz2 ...dzp (2π) ··· 2 ∂z1 2 √ i=k+1

Rp ( u)

= (2π)−k/2


= (2π)



√ Rk ( u) √ Zu 2

√ − u √

= (2π)−k/2



√ − u

2π −1/2 = − k/2 k−1 2 Γ( 2 ) −1/2

∂2 exp − ∂z12

∂ exp(− ∂z12


√ − u

2 i=1 zi



··· √

z12 2 )


Z √u−z12 0

∂ exp(− ∂z1 √ Zu

z12 2 )


dz1 dz2 ...dzk

exp −

u−z12 )

Rk−1 (

∂ 2 exp(− ∂z12 √

z12 2 )


∂ · ∂z1


2 i=2 zi


dz2 ...dzk dz1


Sk−1 (r) · exp(− r2 )dr dz1 Z √u−z12 0


rk−2 exp(− r2 )dr dz1

= −

u 2π exp(− ) 2 ) 2k/2 Γ( k−1 2

= −

2u uk/2−1 exp(− u2 ) u k/2 ) = − · · u exp(− 2 k k · 2k/2 Γ( k2 ) 2k/2 Γ( k2 )

√ − u


z12 (u − z12 )(k−3)/2 dz1



To follow the derivation, one must be able to: (i) handle Dirac’s delta function inside an integral, (ii) establish the intersection of a plane with a sphere in k dimensions, (iii) perform by-part integration, (iv) differentiate with respect to a parameter which appears in the upper limit of an integral, and (v) be familiar with integrals relating to Beta function. Careful examination of (4) reveals that (8) needs to be added to (7) after being multiplied by  Pk  ˜ (1) (1) (1) · µ ˜ + µ ˜ V i i i,i i=1 (9) a≡ 2n As for the Di2 contribution to (5) when i > k (note that for these values of i there is no contribution from the κ ˜ (3,0) and κ ˜ (4,0) terms): it is fairly obvious that adding the sum of squares of these p − k random variables with zero variance (1)

and the mean of

µi √


will simply increase the value of T by Pp



µ ˜i n 5


·µ ˜i




˜ · µi at the MGF Since the contribution of V i,i is the same as that of µi level, it must be the same (to this level of approximation) at the PDF level; this implies that the only effect of the Zi (i > k) variables will be adding   Pp (1) ˜ (1) ˜ (1) · µ ˜i i i=k+1 Vi,i + µ (10) d≡ n to T.


Corrections due to 3rd and 4th-order cumulants

To find the contribution of the D14 and D16 terms, we repeat the steps leading to (8), increasing the power of the ∂z∂ 1 derivative (to 4 and 6, respectively). This means that z2 ∂ exp(− 21 ) z2 = −z1 exp(− 1 ) ∂z1 2 of the third last line of (8) needs to be replaced by ∂ 3 exp(− ∂z13

z12 2 )

= −(z13 − 3z1 ) exp(−

z12 ) 2

and by ∂ 5 exp(− ∂z15

z12 2 )

= −(z15 − 10z13 + 15z1 ) exp(−

z12 ) 2

respectively, correspondingly modifying the rest. For the D14 contribution we now get, in place of (8): 3

2u 2u2 − k k(k + 2)


uk/2−1 exp(− u2 ) 2k/2 Γ( k2 )

According to (4), this needs to be multiplied by  Pk  (4,0) (1) (3,0) ˜ i,i,i µi κ ˜ i,i,i,i + 4˜ i=1 κ 24n



before being added to (7). Similarly, D16 leads to   k/2−1 u exp(− u2 ) 2u 4u2 2u3 15 − · + − k k(k + 2) k(k + 2)(k + 4) 2k/2 Γ( k2 ) and is to be multiplied by Pk




72n 6



To deal with D12 D22 (which covers the case of any Di2 Dj2 with i 6= j) we follow a similar procedure (skipping the first rather obvious step): ! Pk Z Z 2 ∂2 ∂2 −k/2 i=1 zi (2π) ··· dz1 dz2 ...dzk exp − ∂z12 ∂z22 2 √ Rk ( u)



= (2π)


− u


Rk−2 (

··· √

exp −

u−z12 −z22 ) √


= (2π)




z2 exp(− 21 ) ∂z12


− u





∂ 2 exp(− ∂z22

z22 2 )



2 i=3 zi

z2 exp(− 21 ) ∂z12

Z √u−z12 −z22



dz3 ...dzk dz2 dz1

∂ 2 exp(− ∂z22

z22 2 )



 2 r dr dz2 dz1 Sk−2 (r) exp − 2 0 √ √ u−z12 Zu 2 Z z12 z2 −1 ∂ exp(− 2 ) ∂ exp(− 22 ) 2π = − k/2 k−2 · ∂z12 ∂z2 2 Γ( 2 ) √ √ − u

Z √u−z12 −z22


 2 ∂ r k−3 dr dz2 dz1 r exp − ∂z2 0 2 √ √ u−z12 Zu Z −1 2π u 2 = − k/2 k−2 · exp(− ) (z − 1) z22 (u − z12 − z22 )(k−4)/2 dz2 dz1 2 √ 1 2 Γ( 2 ) √ 2 − u = − =

u π −1/2 · exp(− ) k+1 k/2 2 2 Γ( 2 ) u k+2 ) 2k/2 Γ( k2 )

2(1 −

√ Zu


(z12 − 1)(1 − z12 )(k−1)/2 dz1

√ − u

u · uk/2 exp(− ) = 2

2u2 2u − k k(k + 2)


uk/2−1 exp(− u2 ) 2k/2 Γ( k2 )

This is yet to be multiplied - see (4) - by  Pk  (4,0) (1) (3,0) (1) (3,0) (1) (3,0) (4,0) (4,0) κ ˜ + 4˜ µ κ ˜ + 4˜ µ κ ˜ + 4˜ µ + κ ˜ + κ ˜ κ ˜ j,j,i i j,i,j i i,j,j i i,j,j,i i,j,i,j i,i,j,j i6=j 24n

which, together with (12) multiplied by 3 (how very convenient of (11) to provide


this extra factor) can be combined into   Pk (1) (3,0) (1) (3,0) (1) (3,0) (4,0) (4,0) (4,0) ˜ j,j,i µi κ ˜ j,i,j + 4˜ µi κ ˜ i,j,j + 4˜ µi κ ˜ i,j,j,i + 4˜ ˜i,j,i,j + κ ˜ i,i,j,j + κ i,j=1 κ 24n


Due to the total symmetry of cumulants, (14) can be simplified further to   Pk (1) (3,0) (4,0) κ ˜ + 4˜ µ κ ˜ i,j,j i i,i,j,j i,j=1 8n


In (15), we can now change the upper limit of the summation from k to p, as all those extra terms are equal to zero (as explained earlier). And, since the resulting expression is rotationally invariant, we can express it in terms of the old X cumulants thus   Pp (1) (3,0) (4,0) i,j=1 κi,i,j,j + 4µi κi,j,j b≡ (16) 8n Dealing with D14 D22 is now quite easy - one has to replace (in the previous derivation) z2 ∂ 2 exp(− 21 ) z2 = (z12 − 1) exp(− 1 ) 2 ∂z1 2 by ∂ 4 exp(− ∂z14

z12 2 )

= (z14 − 6z12 + 3) exp(−

z12 ) 2

and work out the details, getting  k/2−1  u exp(− u2 ) 4u2 2u3 2u · + − 3· − k k(k + 2) k(k + 2)(k + 4) 2k/2 Γ( k2 ) yet to be multiplied by   (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) ˜ j,j,j + κj,i,i κ ˜ j,j,j + 2˜ κi,j,i κ ˜ j,j,j + 2˜ 2˜ κi,i,j κ Pk 2 2  2     i6=j (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) ˜ j,j,i κj,i,j κ ˜j,j,i + 2˜ κi,j,j κ ˜ j,i,j + 2˜ + 2˜ κi,j,j κ + κ ˜j,j,i + κ ˜ j,i,j κ ˜i,j,j 72n

(17) We would hope that by now the reader can supply the details of the D12 D22 D32 derivation, getting the (at this point expected) result of   k/2−1 u exp(− u2 ) 2u 4u2 2u3 − + − · k k(k + 2) k(k + 2)(k + 4) 2k/2 Γ( k2 )


Referring back to (4), the last expression has to be multiplied by  (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) κ ˜ i,j,ℓ · (˜ κi,j,ℓ + κ ˜i,ℓ,j + κ ˜ j,i,ℓ + κ ˜ j,ℓ,i + κ ˜ ℓ,i,j + κ ˜ℓ,j,i )+  (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0)  κ Pk ˜ i,ℓ,ℓ + ˜ ℓ,ℓ,i + κ ˜ j,i,j · κ ˜ ℓ,i,ℓ + κ ˜ i,j,j · κ ˜ i,ℓ,ℓ + κ ˜ i,j,j · κ  ˜ i,j,j · κ (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) i6=j6=ℓ  ˜ ℓ,i,ℓ + ˜ i,ℓ,ℓ + κ ˜ j,j,i · κ ˜ ℓ,ℓ,i + κ ˜ j,j,i · κ ˜ ℓ,i,ℓ + κ ˜ j,i,j · κ ˜ j,i,j · κ  κ (3,0) (3,0) ˜ ℓ,ℓ,i κ ˜ j,j,i · κ 72n

     

(18) which again, rather conveniently, can be combined with (13) and (17) since k X

... =


k X

... +


k X

... +


k X

... +


k X

... +


k X



resulting in k X

(−”−) =


k X

(−”−) + 3

k X

(−””−) + 15



k  2 X (3,0) κi,i,i



where (−”−) refers to the big parentheses of (18) and (−””−) to the big parentheses of (17). Due to the total symmetry of the cumulants, the full answer can be further simplified to  2 (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) k k κ ˜ i,j,ℓ X X ˜i,ℓ,ℓ κ ˜ i,j,j · κ + 12n 8n i,j,ℓ=1


As before, increasing the upper limit of the summation from k to p changes nothing. And, since both terms are rotationally symmetric, the final version of the formula is  2 (3,0) (3,0) (3,0) p p κi,j,ℓ X X κi,j,j · κi,ℓ,ℓ c≡ + (20) 12n 8n i,j,ℓ=1


using the original X (not the rotated Z) cumulants.



We have thus found that the n1 -accurate CDF of T − d is given by      2u 2u 2u2 F (u) + a · − +b· + − k k k(k + 2)  k/2−1  u exp(− u2 ) 4u2 2u3 2u · + − c· − k k(k + 2) k(k + 2)(k + 4) 2k/2 Γ( k2 ) where a, b, c and d are defined in (9), (16), (20) and (10) respectively, and F (u) is the CDF of the χ2k distribution defined in (7). 9

The corresponding PDF equals, by simple differentiation uk/2−1 exp(− u2 )

   u  2u u2 · 1 + a · − 1 + b · − + 1 + k k(k + 2) k 2k/2 Γ( k2 )   3u2 3u u3 c· − + −1 k(k + 2)(k + 4) k(k + 2) k when u > 0 (zero otherwise). Note that the actual diagonalization of V0 is needed only for establishing the a and d constants - b and c can be found directly from the 3rd and 4th cumulants of X. Examples of applying this procedure can be found in our two references; the second one incorrectly assumed that d = 0 - with the help of this article, one can easily make the corresponding correction (it turns out that, in this particular case, a and d must have equal values). And one final remark: it would prove rather difficult to extend this procedure to the full n12 accuracy; nevertheless, it usually proves beneficial to compute the value of each a and d to be n12 accurate - this tend to extend the applicability of the resulting approximation to such small sample sizes that further improvements do not appear (from a practical point of view) necessary.

References [1] Duszak K and Vrbik J: ”Improving Accuracy of Goodness-of-fit Test” arXiv: 1410.6869 (Oct. 2014) 1-8 [2] Vrbik J: “Improving Accuracy of Chi-squared Test of Independence” Adv. Appl. Stat. 39 #2 (2014) 81-94