Feb 25, 2014 - Logan, Robert K. Luaces, Miguel R. Luo, Lili. Maceviciute, Elena. Marijuán, Pedro C. Martin-Jones, David. Matsuno, Koichiro. Nichols, David.
Information 2014, 5, 171; doi:10.3390/info5010171 OPEN ACCESS
information ISSN 2078-2489 www.mdpi.com/journal/information Editorial
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Information in 2013 Information Editorial Office, MDPI AG, Klybeckstrasse 64, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland Published: 25 February 2014 The editors of Information would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for assessing manuscripts in 2013: Adamatzky, Andrew Apvrille, Axelle Atrey, Pradeep K. Batlle, Carles Blutner, Reinhard Borne, Kirk Brenner, Joseph Brier, Søren Capurro, Rafael Caragea, Cornelia Christakis, Nicholas Conrich, Ian Cordón, José Cyganiak, Richard D'olimpio, Laura De La Higuera, Colin Deacon, Terrence Delias, Pavlos Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana Dugué, Nicolas DURAND-LOSE, Jérôme Echenique-Robba, Pablo Fettke, Peter Fleissner, Peter
Fotiou, Nikos Giles, C. Lee Green, David Gurevich, Igor Hernandez-Orallo, Jose Hilty, Lorenz Hjørland, Birger Holmes, Geoffrey Ji, Sungchul Khrennikov, Andrei Lee, Sang-Choel Lee, Sungjoo Li, Zhixiong Logan, Robert K. Luaces, Miguel R. Luo, Lili Maceviciute, Elena Marijuán, Pedro C. Martin-Jones, David Matsuno, Koichiro Nichols, David Palade, Vasile Peng, Guojun Polfliet, Simeon
Pothos, Emmanuel Radtke, Nicholas Reitz, Florian Saino, Lorenzo Salvador Elías, VenegasAndraca Scacchi, Walt Schmied, Roman Schroeder, Marcin Song, Minseok Spillner, Josef Stock, Kristin Strate, Lance Susilo, Willy Unbehauen, Jörg Van Zaanen, Menno Vassilakopoulos, Michael Willett, Peter Wu, Yu Xia, Hua Yan, Erjia Zhang, Junguang Zheng, Baihua
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