Acoustic Differences, Listener Expectations, and the Perceptual ...
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SCUBA divers in the Florida Keys, to identify .... sample of white middle class youth between the ages of ... diving schedule was very structured and organized ..... Research Symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-317. Newtown Square, PA: U.S..
to the wealthy and whites (Bartels 2008; Gilens 2005; Griffin and Newman 2008). ...... Hagen, Michael G., Edward L. Lascher, Jr., and John F. Camobreco. 2001.
Previous studies indicate that the acoustic features of speech discriminate between ... and warm-hearted, sincere intentions (hereafter called sweet-sincere).
Feb 25, 2013 - categorization of animals more so than that of artifacts. In con- traposition ... not believed to intrinsically differentiate between the two domains, they may have .... Test stimuli consisted of a picture of a single animal or artifac
Noh flute music [1]. Thus the two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive; rather, the question is one of relative frequency. Another relevant question is how sound.
If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the ... your own website. .... from any future employer, including job security, a good work environment, sufficient ...... Longitudinal panel designs provide the best methodology for addressing.
three rows; however, unlike the block sectional formation the singers were grouped together in quartets, each containing one soprano, bass, tenor, and alto.
Feb 5, 2015 - 1 Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA .... (frequency tagged) steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) ..... the amount of information each bar gave to the decision pro-.
Acoustic Differences, Listener Expectations, and the Perceptual ...