ACS Sports Facilities - Parents Students.pdf - Google Drive

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Sandals / Flip Flops / Crocs are also prohibited. • Sports shorts / sweatpants must also be worn. Food & Drink. Dr
Sports Facility Use 2017-2018 by Students, Faculty, Staff and Parents Dear Students and Parents,

“Leading a healthy active lifestyle improves the quality of life” As a community school we promote health and wellness and encourage families to take advantage of our campus sports facilities. Below you will find information regarding the use of the sports facilities. Management of Sports Facilities - Personnel Kenny Macaulay, Athletic Director is responsible for the overall management of the ACS sports facilities. Alexandra Macaulay, Aquatics Director is responsible for the management of the swimming pool. The fitness room is supervised after school from 4pm - 5.30pm (students grade 9 -12 and faculty only). Sports Facilities The sports facilities are open to ACS community members only i.e. faculty, staff, students, parents and alumni. The big gym, fitness room and studio, swimming pool, Jassim field and Cramer field are open for community use at published times. Only students in grades 9 -12 may use the fitness room. The athletic program takes priority and the schedule can change from time to time. Athletic practice schedules are posted in the gymnasiums. Access, Security and Supervision In order to use any of the facilities, ACS students and parents are required to complete the Family Liability/Informed Consent Form (see separate sheet). Users are required to sign in and out to the fitness room and swimming pool. If you completed the forms last school year there is no need to complete a new one. A database of all members will be kept at security, the pool and at the fitness room. Parents and alumni are not permitted to use the fitness room during the after - school period of 4pm - 5.30pm. Fitness room users may NOT work out alone. Users should always workout with a training partner or buddy. Violation of this rule will result in your membership being suspended.

Fitness Room Opening Hours for Parents Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 5.00am - 7.30am Parents, Faculty and Staff 4.00pm – 5.30pm* Students in Grade 9 and above, Faculty and Staff 5.30pm - 6.00pm Facility closed for cleaning 6:00pm - 8.45pm Parents, Faculty, Students and Staff * Parents and Alumni are not permitted to use the fitness room during the after-school period of 4pm - 5.30pm. Tuesday 6.00pm - 8.45pm

Parents, Faculty, Students and Staff

Friday 8am - 8pm

Parents, Faculty, Staff and Students (grade 9 -12)

Saturday 8am - 8pm

Parents, Faculty, Staff and Students (grade 9-12)

Community Swimming Timetable 2016-2017 NEW !!! We have extended the community hours on the weekend on Saturdays ! All community swim sessions are lifeguarded. Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays Saturdays

6.30 pm – 8.00pm 6.00 pm - 7.30pm 6.00 am – 7.30am 6.00 pm - 7.30pm 10.00am - 2.00pm 10.00am - 4.00pm

Policy for Children during Community Swim Times Students in grades 3 and below must be supervised directly by an adult in the water. The ratio is 1 adult to 2 children. Students in grades 4-5 can enter the pool with an adult (+18 years of age) who must remain on deck in a supervisory capacity while the student is in the water. Unaccompanied Elementary School students will not be admitted. Student in grades 6-12 are permitted to enter the pool alone.

Equipment Use and Inductions All equipment must be used in the manner for which it is designed. If it is used in any other way it may cause injury to the participant and others in the area. • • • • • • •

All students in grades 9-12 must complete an initial induction before being permitted to use the Fitness Suite. The after school gym supervisors can give fitness room inductions to students. Should members be using the equipment in a dangerous manner then staff will inform them of this. If the problem persists the member will be asked to leave. Cardiovascular machine use is limited to 30 minutes during peak times on any one piece of equipment – please be considerate of other users. All equipment should be wiped down immediately after use – cardio, resistance machines, rowers and free weights. A disinfectant spray and wipes are provided. Free weights must be returns to their respective racks after use. Weights must not be set against walls, mirrors, benches or other equipment.

Music and Mobile Phones Members are encouraged to use personal listening devices with earphones.The fitness room has a sound system, which is monitored by the duty supervisors. The use of mobile phones to make and receive calls is distracting and is discouraged, however, they may be used to listen to music with earphones. Attire Appropriate attire is required at all times: • • • •

Please be respectful of the ACS dress code at all times. Bra tops, string tank tops and any top that does not cover the entire back and midriff are not allowed. Soft-soled, closed-toe athletic shoes must be worn. Outdoor footwear is prohibited. Sandals / Flip Flops / Crocs are also prohibited. Sports shorts / sweatpants must also be worn.

Food & Drink Drinks must be kept in a closed, plastic container at all times. The consumption of food (including chewing gum) in the fitness room is not permitted. Guests Guests of ACS community members must obtain permission in advance from the Athletic Director in order to use the facilities for insurance purposes.

ACS Group Exercise Policies Classes & Courses

Approval and Facilities Use Contract Instructional classes may only be approved if they are for the benefit of the ACS community of faculty, staff, student and parents. Classes for external non-ACS students or adults will not be approved. All instructional classes must be approved by the Athletic Director and a Facilities User Contract must be completed. The class instructor is the ‘responsible person’ in the case of an accident and/or emergency e.g. fire drill. External clubs or instructors with no affiliation to ACS may not use or hire the ACS fitness room or studio. Class Fees Class fees need to be approved by the Athletic Director. The instructor is responsible for submitting a list of participants and a facilities fee of 400AED will be applied. This will form part of the Facility Use Agreement Contract. Signing In Members attending classes must be registered with the instructor and will sign in at the start of each class. Footwear Proper footwear (athletic supportive shoes) is required during fitness classes. Footwear that has been worn outside is prohibited. All shoes should have non-marking soles. Fitness Mats & Equipment The use of a towel or full T-shirt during exercises involving mats and other equipment is strongly recommended.

Kenneth A. Macaulay Director of Athletics and Activities August 2017