action plan timeline 2006 - 2007 - Google Drive

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Supervisory Union: Lamoille North. Grade Levels: Preschool – Grade .... Support community literacy based projects such
Page 1 of 9 ACTION PLAN TIMELINE 2016-2017 Name of School: Cambridge Elementary Supervisory Union: Lamoille North Grade Levels: Preschool – Grade 6 Reporting Cluster or Focus Area: Language Arts Needs Identified by Assessment Data SBAC data will be reviewed when we receive it. Based on the analysis of our assessment data and language arts curriculum, we need to provide:  Instruction and adequate opportunities that support reading accuracy, basic understanding, analysis and interpretation writing effectiveness, and G.U.M.S.  Professional development for staff focusing on a literacy framework to be implemented across all grade levels. Assessment Data May 2016 Fountas & Pinnell/POA Assessment Results: Kindergarten  Instructional Text level – 90 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Recognition – 95 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Sounds – 93 % achieved or exceeded the standard  High Frequency Words - 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word Writing – 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard  CAPS – 90 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Sentence Dictation – 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard First Grade  Instructional Text Level – 87 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word List - 84 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word Write – 65 % achieved or exceeded the standard Second Grade  Instructional Text Level- 87 % achieved or exceeded the standard Third Grade  Instructional Text Level- 81 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fourth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 78 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fifth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 89 % achieved or exceeded the standard Sixth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 73 % achieved or exceeded the standard

Targets for Increased Student Performance TBD

Action Steps

By June 2017: F&P/POA Kindergarten:  Text Level –80% will achieve or exceed the standard  10 Minute Write – 88% will achieve or exceed the standard  Dictated Sentence – 88% will achieve or exceed the standard  Letter Identification – 85% will achieve or exceed the standard  CAPS – 90% will achieve or exceed the standard  Word Test – 88% will achieve or exceed the standard  Sounds- 88% will achieve or exceed the standard First Grade:  Text Level – 80% will achieve or exceed the standard  Dictated Sentence – 80% will achieve or exceed the standard  Word Test – 80% will achieve or exceed the standard Second Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard Third Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard Fourth Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard Fifth Grade:  Text Level- 80% will achieve or exceed the standard


Staff will continue to work with a literacy consultant 18 full days during the school year to  Provide whole staff professional development  Provide individual consultation  Maintain K-6 consistency in literacy instruction  Maintain focus on best practices in literacy  Schedule time to mentor new staff in our previously adopted research-based literacy framework.  Assist in the ongoing use of the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment in grades K-6.  Continue work developing and maintaining a K-6 literacy curriculum continuum, integrating the CCSS across content areas.  Facilitate data team meetings where specialists/interventionists and classroom teachers work collaboratively to support the needs of students in grades K6 who require Tier Two or Tier Three interventions.


We will continue a literacy committee with representation from primary and intermediate classroom teachers and support service staff. The committee will coordinate consultant visits for 2016-2017 and plan for sustainability of our literacy goals in 2017-2018.


We will actively pursue community participation in literacy initiatives:


Completion Date TBD June 2017

Page 1 of 9 Spring 2016 Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) ELA Results Grade 3 – 58 % achieved or exceeded the standard Grade 4 – 80 % achieved or exceeded the standard Grade 5 – 71 % achieved or exceeded the standard Grade 6 – 43 % achieved or exceeded the standard

Spring 2015 Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) ELA Results Grade 3 – 58 % achieved or exceeded the standard Grade 4 – 74 % achieved or exceeded the standard Grade 5 – 72 % achieved or exceeded the standard Grade 6 – 56 % achieved or exceeded the standard May 2015 Fountas & Pinnell/POA Assessment Results: Kindergarten  Instructional Text level – 90 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Recognition – 100 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Sounds –98 % achieved or exceeded the standard  High Frequency Words -98 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word Writing – 100 % achieved or exceeded the standard  CAPS – 96 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Sentence Dictation – 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard First Grade  Instructional Text Level – 84 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Dictated Sentence – 88 % achieved or exceeded the standard Second Grade  Instructional Text Level- 82 % achieved or exceeded the standard Third Grade  Instructional Text Level- 76 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fourth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 91 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fifth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 70 % achieved or exceeded the standard Sixth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 71 % achieved or exceeded the standard May 2014 Fountas & Pinnell/POA Assessment Results: Kindergarten  Instructional Text level – 93 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Recognition – 100 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Sounds – 100 % achieved or exceeded the standard  High Frequency Words - 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word Writing – 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard  CAPS – 100 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Sentence Dictation – 98 % achieved or exceeded the standard First Grade  Instructional Text Level – 86 % achieved or exceeded the standard

Sixth Grade:  Text Level- 90% will achieve or exceed the standard


5. By May 2016 F&P/POA Kindergarten:  Text Level –80% will achieve or exceed the standard  10 Minute Write – 85% will achieve or exceed the standard  Dictated Sentence – 85% will achieve or exceed the standard  Letter Identification – 85% will achieve or exceed the standard  CAPS – 85% will achieve or exceed the standard  Word Test – 85% will achieve or exceed the standard  Sounds- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard First Grade:  Text Level – 80% will achieve or exceed the standard  Dictated Sentence – 80% will achieve or exceed the standard  Word Test – 80% will achieve or exceed the standard Second Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard Third Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard

Support school wide participation in “I Love Literacy week” to include: o Pep Rally with LUHS o Community Readers/Writers in the classrooms o Book Character Day o Stop, Drop & Read o Student readers/writers ○ Collaborative story writing ○ Stop, Drop & Write ○ Mystery Writer ○ Focus on writing in individual classrooms

June 2017

March 2017

Support community literacy based projects such as Rotary Reads, McGriff, and America Reads. Purchase and utilize technology, hardware and software, to support technology integration with reading, writing and typing instruction.

June 2017

June 2017

Page 1 of 9  Word List - 86 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Dictated Sentence – 93 % achieved or exceeded the standard Second Grade  Instructional Text Level- 85 % achieved or exceeded the standard Third Grade  Instructional Text Level- 84 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fourth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 83 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fifth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 80 % achieved or exceeded the standard Sixth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 86 % achieved or exceeded the standard

May 2013 Fountas & Pinnell/POA Assessment Results: Kindergarten  Independent Text level – 93 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Recognition – 85 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Sounds – 87 % achieved or exceeded the standard  High Frequency Words - 89 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word Writing – 93 % achieved or exceeded the standard  CAPS – 95% achieved or exceeded the standard  Sentence Dictation – 93 % achieved or exceeded the standard First Grade  Instructional Text Level – 83 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Dictated Paragraph D – 73 % achieved or exceeded the standard  50 Word List - 83 % achieved or exceeded the standard  100 Word High Frequency List - 92 % achieved or exceeded the standard Second Grade  Instructional Text Level- 87 % achieved or exceeded the standard Third Grade  Instructional Text Level- 81 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fourth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 71 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fifth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 81 % achieved or exceeded the standard Sixth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 70 % achieved or exceeded the standard May 2012 Fountas & Pinnell/POA Assessment Results Kindergarten  Independent Text level – 90% achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Recognition – 79 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Letter Sounds – 73 % achieved or exceeded the standard  High Frequency Words - 88 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word Writing – 94 % achieved or exceeded the standard  CAPS – 96 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Sentence Dictation – 94 % achieved or exceeded the standard First Grade

Fourth Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard Fifth Grade:  Text Level- 85% will achieve or exceed the standard Sixth Grade:  Text Level- 80% will achieve or exceed the standard

Page 1 of 9  Instructional Text Level – 85 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Dictated Paragraph D – 85 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Word List - 74 % achieved or exceeded the standard  CAPS – 96 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Dictated Sentence – 78 % achieved or exceeded the standard Second Grade  Instructional Text Level- 80 % achieved or exceeded the standard  Dictated Paragraph Write- 55 % achieved or exceeded the standard Third Grade  Instructional Text Level- 80 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fourth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 86 % achieved or exceeded the standard Fifth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 74 % achieved or exceeded the standard Sixth Grade  Instructional Text Level- 59 % achieved or exceeded the standard

2013 New England Common Assessment Program- Grades 3-6 Third Grade Reading – 77 % proficient or proficient with distinction Fourth Grade Reading – 65 % proficient or proficient with distinction Fifth Grade Reading – 73 % proficient or proficient with distinction Fifth Grade Writing – 58 % proficient or proficient with distinction Sixth Grade Reading – 73 % proficient or proficient with distinction Seventh Grade Reading – 75 % proficient or proficient with distinction 2012 New England Common Assessment Program- Grades 3-6 Third Grade Reading – 70 % proficient or proficient with distinction Fourth Grade Reading – 79 % proficient or proficient with distinction Fifth Grade Reading – 77 % proficient or proficient with distinction Fifth Grade Writing – 44 % proficient or proficient with distinction Sixth Grade Reading – 77 % proficient or proficient with distinction Seventh Grade Reading – 84 % proficient or proficient with distinction