Active Copy Management Overview

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This is driving you to accelerate dev/test cycles, migrate data to the cloud, and ... Managing this copy data increases
Take Back Control with Copy Data Management (CDM) THE CHALLENGE. You’re under pressure to achieve revenue goals quicker, be more agile, and make faster and better decisions. This is driving you to accelerate dev/test cycles, migrate data to the cloud, and improve reporting and analytics. To accomplish this, you need faster access to fresh copies of production data (copy data) to support these use cases.


 Number of copies organizations must store and manage1


Amount of storage space consumed by copy data2

Managing this copy data increases storage costs and complexity, especially if you’re using separate tools to create, store, and move different copies. And given the time-consuming task of provisioning fresh copies of data, your teams may resort to using ‘stale’ data, impacting the quality of testing or your ability to make timely decisions. TAKE BACK CONTROL. Controlling, managing, and reducing the size of growing copies is critical. For your teams to succeed, you must also provide self-service access to secure copy data to enable scalability as capacities increase, granular-level recoverability regardless of where the data resides, and flexibility across a wide array of applications. With Commvault Active Copy Management, automation and management of the full lifecycle of your copy data – whether it lives on-premises or in the cloud – is easy. You’ll speed dev/test efforts to enable faster time-to-market, simplify the migration of copy data to the cloud to improve business agility, and promote better decision-making.

ACCELERATE DEV/TEST • Policy-based automation provides dev/test teams with secure and self-serve access to fresh copy data when and where it’s needed • Automatically eliminate copy data that’s no longer needed, which optimizes storage

MIGRATE TO THE CLOUD • Native cloud integration with uniquely broad application3, storage array4, and cloud storage provider5 support • Seamlessly migrate app data to, from, and between clouds (no gateway required) • Run workloads in the cloud and recover within the cloud

IMPROVE DATA ANALYTICS • Immediate access to fresh business data for analytics and reporting using self-service, policy-based automation • Enhance business agility and accelerate decision-making, improving time-to-value


63% 49%

 Reduction in admin hours to create a

database copy for dev/test

 eduction in size of secondary R storage footprint

54% 156%

 Reduction in admin hours for cloud

provisioning and cloud data management

Improvement in analytics coverage

1 Gartner, Innovation Insight: Copy Data Management Accelerates Bimodal IT, July 2016 | 2 IDC Flash, Copy Data Management is Not Management of Copy Data, June 2016 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 The Business Value of Commvault Software IDC 2016 US40773815

To learn more about Commvault’s copy data management solution, visit © 2017 Commvault Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Commvault, Commvault and logo, the “C hexagon” logo, Commvault Systems are trademarks or registered trademarks of Commvault Systems, Inc. All other third party brands, products, service names, trademarks, or registered service marks are the property of and used to identify the products or services of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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