Sleeves are required for all tops. The instructor is Phillip Loesch who is connected to. PSC and we are very blessed to
Activities Awareness
Olive Baptist Church
October 2017
1836 Olive Road Pensacola, FL
Volume 9, Issue 10
[email protected]
October Activities...
1st Thursday Fellowship Signup in Connection Groups
Game Day, 10am, Rm 4103 ——————————
Mighty Masters 7:30am, ROC ———————— Grief Support 6pm, Rm 4241
Piecemakers Quilt Club, 11am, Rm 4230 ———————————— Grief Support, 6pm, Rm 4241
Mighty Masters, 7:30am, ROC ———————————— Piecemakers Quilt Club, 9am, Rm 4230 ————————————
5pm SIGNUP DEADLINE For 1st Thursday FS
1st Thursday Fellowship 11:15am, Blue Room, Dennis Dean ———————————— After 1st Thursday Fellowship Game Day, 12pm, Rm 4103
Game Day, 10am, Rm 4103
Mighty Masters 7:30am, ROC ———————— Grief Support 6pm, Rm 4241
Piecemakers Quilt Club, 11am, Rm 4230 ———————————— Grief Support, 6pm, Rm 4241
Mighty Masters, 7:30am, ROC ———————————— Piecemakers Quilt Club, 9am, Rm 4230
Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:30am Rm 4102
Game Day, 10am, Rm 4103
Mighty Masters 7:30am, ROC ———————— Grief Support 6pm, Rm 4241
Piecemakers Quilt Club, 11am, Rm 4230 ———————————— Grief Support, 6pm, Rm 4241
Mighty Masters, 7:30am, ROC ———————————— Piecemakers Quilt Club, 9am, Rm 4230
Game Day, 10am, Rm 4103
Mighty Masters 7:30am, ROC ———————— Grief Support 6pm, Rm 4241
Piecemakers Quilt Club, 11am, Rm 4230 ———————————— Grief Support, 6pm, Rm 4241
Mighty Masters, 7:30am, ROC ———————————— Piecemakers Quilt Club, 9am, Rm 4230
Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:30am Rm 4102
Mature Adult activities are for those who are nearing retirement age and beyond!
A Note from
Your Director Several of you have asked me when our next trip is going to be. So I have come up with one to the Ark Encounter, along with the Creation Museum, Louisville Slugger Bat Factory and Mayfield Creamery. Please see the details on the back of this publication. Details for calendar events are on the back.
Greetings of grace and peace, October at Olive is a special month. Our focus is on “I Love Sundays”. You’ll want to make every effort to be in your connection group and church service each Sunday this month especially.
3 John 1:2
A Sister In Christ, Kim Waters—475-1123
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V o l u m e 9 , I s s ue 1 0
1ST THURSDAY FELLOWSHIP—OCTOBER 5 @ 11:15 am This month we are going to be treated to a scrumptious dinner of BBQ Chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, southern buttermilk biscuits, and angel food cake with strawberries & cool whip for just $4 per person at the door. Our speaker this month is Dennis Dean who is our Minister to Children. We start promptly at 11:15am, but get here early so you can grab a seat—they fill up fast! Please sign up in your Connection Group on Sunday, October 1st or call my voice mail by 5pm on Monday, October 2nd. It is important that we have an accurate count so we can be good stewards of the amount of food prepared. Afterward join us in the Community Room and play some games.
April 16—20, 2018 Monday—Friday Join us on a spiritual journey to see the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky which features a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark. This engineering marvel was built according to the dimensions given in the Bible— spanning 510 ft long, 85 ft wide and 51 ft high.
Our journey will also include a visit to the Creation Museum. This state-of-the-art museum allows you to venture through Biblical history, stunning exhibits, botanical gardens, planetarium, petting zoo and much more. Our stops along the way will be at the area attractions of Abraham Lincoln’s Birthplace, The Louisville Slugger Bat Factory and Mayfield Creamery.
Come ride a luxury motorcoach for 5 days and 4 nights for only $475.00 per person, double occupancy. Your price covers transportation, hotels, breakfast, and entry to the attractions mentioned above. All you need is money for your incidentals and meals. We need a minimum of 30 people for this trip to happen. To make your reservations, please contact Good Time Tours at (850) 476-0046.
GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRY MEETING This meeting is a support group for people grieving the death of a loved one. The meeting is led by our amazing Denny White and utilizes materials from We have two evening sessions to accommodate your schedule. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to attend and everything shared is strictly confidential. This is the place to start your journey toward recovery and healing.
Nov 1,2,8,9,15,16,29,30
Piecemakers Quilt Club
Nov 1,2,8,9,15,16, 29,30
Grief Support Group Meetings
Nov 2
1st Thursday Fellowship
Nov 2
After 1st Thursday Fellowship Game Day
Nov 2,7,9,14,16,28,30
Mighty Masters Exercise Classes
Nov 4
Special Grief Support Surviving The Holidays Meeting
Nov 5
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Nov 6,13,20,27
Game Day
Nov 10
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Nov 23 & 24
Thanksgiving Holiday-Office Closed