Activities Calendar |

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1:00 Trouble. • 2:30 Bible study. • 3:30 TLC Time. • 6:00 Game of choice. 9. • 10:00 Exercise. • 11:00 Spill &
330 Davis Rd. Ashland, Ohio 44805 419-281-8403


Activities Calendar |


Happy Mother’s Day



May 2018









 10:00 Music  11:00 Exercise  1:00 UNO  2:30 Bible study  3:30 Skip-Bo  6:00 Book Reading

 10:00 Exercise  11:00 Tri-ominos  2:30 Manicures  3:00 Left Center Right  4:00 Linda & Twila Sing  7:00 Clear Creek Chorus

 10:00 Exercise  11:00 Kings in the korner  1:30 Yahtzee  2:00 Movie & Popcorn in

 10:00 Walmart  11:00 Cards  12:00 May Birthday Party  2:00 Chat on the porch  3:30 Euchre Group  6:00 Game of choice

 10:30 Exercise  1:00 Checkers  2:30 Scrabble  3:30 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

10  10:00 Exercise  11:00 Book Reading  2:00 GFS food show  3:00 Euchre Group  6:00 Game of choice

11  10:00 Dollar General  12:00 Mother daughter Day lunch.  2:00 Dominoes  3:00 Kornered  6:00 Game of Choice

12  10:30 Exercise  2:00 Randy’s sing along  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

activity area. ( I Believe)

 6:00 Book Reading


7  10:00 Becky’s Music  11:15 Long John Silvers  1:00 Book Reading  2:30 Euchre Group  6:00 Game of choice

8  10:00 Music  11:00 Exercise  1:00 Trouble  2:30 Bible study  3:30 TLC Time  6:00 Game of choice


 10:00 Cinnamon Rolls  2:00Worship hour w/

13  10:00 Cinnamon Rolls  2:00 Worship hour w/ Jennifer  3:00 Movie & Popcorn  6:00 Game of choice

14 9:30 Lobby Stop  10:00 Becky’s Music  11:15 UNO  1:00 Book reading  2:00 Euchre Group  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

15  10:00 Music  11:00 Exercise  1:30 Tri-ominos  2:30 Bible study  3:00 Scrabble  6:00 Game of choice

16  9:30 Quilting w/ Linda  11:00 Exercise  1:30Manicures  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of Choice

17 10:00 Exercise  11:00 Dominoes  1:30 Kings In the korner  1:30 Root beer Floats on front & back Porch  3:00 Yahtzee  6:00 Book Reading

18  10:00 Wal-Mart  11:00 Rodeo Rummy  2:00 Popcorn Social & Soda  3:00 Euchre Group  6:00 Game of choice

19  10:30 Exercise  11:00 Cards  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

20  10:00 Cinnamon Rolls  1:00 Jeff Helvie  2:00 Worship hour w/ Jennifer  3:30 Movie & popcorn  6:00 Game of Choice

21  10:00 Becky’s Music  11:15 Red Lobster  1:30 Euchre Group  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

22  10:00 Music  11:00 Exercise  2:30 Bible study  3:30 Rummicub  6:00 Book Reading

23  9:30 Quilting W/Linda  11:00 Exercise  1:30 Manicures 3:00 Kings In the Korner  6:00 Game of choice

24  10:00 Exercise  10:30 Resident Council  1:30 Scrabble  3:00 Book Reading  6:00 Game of choice

25  10:00 Drug Mart  11:00 Tic-Tac-Toe  12:00 Cookout  1:30 Euchre Group  2:00 Mifflin Dairy Bar  6:00 Game of choice

26  10:30 Exercise  11:00  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

27  10:00 Cinnamon Rolls 2:00 Worship hour w/ Jennifer  3:30 Movie & popcorn  6:00 Game of choice






 10:00 Becky’s Music  11:15 Spill & Spell  1:00 Book Reading  3:00 B-i-n-g-o  6:00 Game of choice

 10:00 Music  11:00 Exercise  2:30 Bible study  3:30 Rummicub  6:00 Game of choice

 9:30 Quilting W/Linda  11:00 Exercise  1:00 Book Reading

 10:00 Exercise  11:00 Make Brownies  1:30 Manicures  2:00 Happy Hour  6:00 Game of choice


 3:00 Movie & Popcorn  6:00 Game of Choice

 10:00 Exercise  11:00 Spill & Spell  1:30 Manicures  2:00 Bob & Ruth Kuhl


 6:00 Game of choice

3:00 Spill & Spell

 6:00 Game of choice

May Birthdays! Marie-14, Forrest & Gay –15th, Marjie-19th, Kathleen-27th, Sandra-31st

All outside activities are weather Permitting.

Staff Birthdays! Heather-3, Alyssa-18th,Erikka-29th