Activity 1: Resistors Quiz - Physics

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Typically, a resistor will have 4 color bands on them which represent the resistance ... Each color of the “Resistor Color Code” represents a numeric value: .
PHYS 203 General Physics Laboratory Session #3 Resistors and DC Circuits

Note: You will need to draw circuit schematics for this lab. Type “draw resistor circuits online” in google and there are links to web pages that will allow you to do this.

Activity 1: Resistors Quiz Read the following notes about Resistors in preparation for a quiz. Attach the quiz at the end of your laboratory write-up.

What is a Resistor? A resistor is a device that will convert electric energy (via electric current) into heat. Unlike a capacitor, then, a resistor does NOT store energy. It consumes it at a rate of P = IV = I 2 R =

V2 R


where the I-V relation for a resistor (known as “Ohm’s Law.”) V = IR


has been used. Pretty much all materials have resistance, which is given by R=

ρl A


where l is the length of the resistor, A is the cross-sectional Area of the resistor, and ρ is the resistivity of the resistor material. Different materials have different resistivities, and a table showing this is in your text.

Adjustable Resistors There are two types of adjustable resistors: the potentiometer (usally called a “pot”) and a rheostat. Usually a potentiometer is smaller and adjustable with a small screwdriver. Rheostats are much larger and are capable of using large currents.

What are those Pretty Colors on the Resistors? Typically, a resistor will have 4 color bands on them which represent the resistance values of the resistor. Each color of the “Resistor Color Code” represents a numeric value: Pnumonic Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well

Numeric Representation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -1 5% 10% 20%

Color Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White Gold (3rd band) Gold (4th band) Silver (4th band) No Color (4th band)

The resistance is determined by the first three colors on the resistor via the formula (color1)(color2) ×10color3



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Thus, a resistor with the first three colors of red - white - blue would have a resistance of 29 × 106 , or 29 M Ω. For resistance values of less than 10 Ω, a gold third band is used. Thus, brown - red - gold would represent 12 × 10−1 , or 1.2 Ω. Resistor values can vary greatly, and so the 4th color band represents the tolerance for the resistor. If there is no 4th band, then one can only be assured that the resistance value is within 20% of the value represented by the first 3 color bands. Sometimes, a 5th color band is used to represent the Failure Rate, as shown at

How do you Connect Resistors? Unlike electrolytic capacitors, resistors cannot be ”connected backwards.” Two resistors in parallel, R1 and R2 , have a net resistance of the product over the sum of the resistances R1 R2 (5) R1 + R2 Two resistors in series, R1 and R2 , have a net resistance of the sum of the resistances R1 + R2


What are Typical Resistor Values? From several Ω to M Ω. If the resistance value is much smaller than an Ω, that resistance value is often ignored. Of course, that’s only in comparison to other resistance values in a given circuit. If 12 V (for example, from a car battery) is placed across 10 µΩ, then the current (1.2 MA) and the power loss (14.4 MW) is very high - an effect which cannot be ignored.

What is Wire Gauge? Wire Gauge is a measurement of the diameter of a wire. This is important because the thicker the wire, the more current it can carry. Thicker wire also represents lower resistance. The primary downside of thicker wire is the increased cost. Note that the higher the gauge, the LOWER the diameter: Gauge # 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Diameter at 20 degrees C (mm) Area (mm2 ) 5.189 21.15 4.115 13.30 3.264 8.366 2.588 5.261 2.053 3.309 1.628 2.081 1.291 1.309 1.024 0.8235 0.8118 0.5176 0.6438 0.3255

Typically, from 10 Gauge to 14 Gauge wire is used to wire a home. 14 Gauge for lights, 12 Gauge for most other stuff, and 10 Gauge for wiring a stove (for example). Here is a pic from the internet for wire gauge relating to house wiring:

What are Resistors Good For? Power transfer, signal processing,... Pretty much every electrical system (including your computer, telephone, toaster,...) have intentionally placed resistors.

Don’t Resistance Values Change with Temperature? Absolutely. In fact your book has a table of temperature coefficents, α. However, the resistance changes are usually small enough so that only a linear temperature coefficent is required: ρ = ρ0 (1 + α∆T ) (7) The temperature coefficients reported in your text apply to a nominal temperature of 20 degrees C. For these values, the above equation may be rewritten ρ = ρ20 (1 + α20 (T − 20degreesC))


Like capacitors, resistors have a damage threshold. If you try to put too much current through too small a resistance, the resistor will melt. This is generally known as a “short circuit.”

More Information about Resistors Check out wikipedia.

Activity 2 - Resistor Color Code Determine the resistance values and the tolerances for each of the following resistors (be sure to use SI prefixes):



4700 ohm, 5% = yellow violet red, gold 1000 ohm, 5% = brown black red, gold

100 ohm, 2% = brown black brown, red 22 ohm, 1% = red red black, brown

150 ohm, 5% = ________________________

270 ohm, 5% = _______________________

3300 ohm, 5% = ________________________

10 ohm, 1% = _______________________

470 ohm, 2% = ________________________

6800 ohm, 10% = _______________________

3K3, 5% = ________________________

1K, 5% = _______________________

150 ohm, 1% = ________________________

2M9, 10% = _______________________

10M, 10% = ________________________

1 Mega Ohm, 5% = _______________________

1 ohm, 1% = ________________________

3M9, 20% = _______________________

1200 ohm, 5% = ________________________

1K2, 5% = _______________________

220 ohm, 1% = ________________________

3300 ohm, 2% = _______________________

47 ohm, 5% = ________________________

390 ohm, 5% = _______________________

3900 ohm, 2% = ________________________

100.000 ohm, 5% = _______________________

10K, 5% = ________________________

10.000 ohm, 5% = _______________________

1500 ohm, 2% = ________________________

56K, 5% = _______________________

1M, 10% = ________________________

470K, 1% = _______________________

1.8 ohm, 2% = ________________________

2.2 ohm, 1% = _______________________

2K76, 1% = ________________________

94.1K, 2% = _______________________


Some Quick Info

Kirchoff ’s Circuit Laws The voltage induced in a circuit element is arranged so as to oppose the current flowing through it. Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) says that the voltage rises in any loop must be equal to

the voltage drops in that loop. Put another way, the net voltage gain around any loop must be zero, or X Vi = 0 (9) i

Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL) says that the current entering any junction must be equal to the current leaving that junction. This may be restated as ‘the net current entering any junction must be zero’, or X Ii = 0 (10) i

Protoboards A protoboard, or breadboard, is basically a bunch of holes for you to put wire in. The protoboard has connections at the bottom of the board as shown in the figure:

Using a Multimeter Multimeters measure Resistance, AC Voltage, DC Current, and DC voltage. They sometimes measure other things like transistor or diode properties. We won’t be using the latter in this class, and I recommend you not measure current with the multimeter, either. The numbers relate the “full scale” values. The tildes represent AC and the line over the dots represents DC. The Multimeters (or DMMs) use batteries. Please turn them off when you’re done or if you won’t be using them for a while.

Activity 3 - Voltage Divider Experiment Analysis The following is a Voltage Divider Circuit:


+ −

R1 +


Vout −

where the resistance values, R1 and R2 are known, as is the applied voltage, V0 . Use Kirchoff’s Laws to determine 1. The Current through R1 . 2. The Current through R2 . 3. The Voltage across R1 . 4. The Voltage across R2 . 5. The Power Delivered by V0 . 6. The Power absorbed by R1 . 7. The Power absorbed by R2 . Hint: Note that from Kirchoff’s Current Law, the current is the same in the two resistors.

Resistor Values Pick three resistors from the box. Use the resistor color code to determine the resistance of each of these. Measure the resistance of each of these with a multimeter, and Compare the values. Are they within tolerance?

Experiment Given 3 resistors, there are six ways to connect the voltage divider Circuit. Using a power supply at 5 V, connect each of the circuits measuring the output voltage, V2 each time. Compare your measured values with the theoretical values you calculated above. Each person needs to connect each of the six circuits. Average the data points between lab partners.

Activity 4: Conceptual Questions Wilson Ch. 17, #3-18