Activity - Milo Historical Society

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CARD OF THANKS. We wish to .... sening of such respiratory diseases as asthma , bronchitis, em- physema and ..... Lambda Chapter, Zeta Psi. Fraternity ... son '03 to the sophomore Zeta ...... e s w ere a ew years ago there were only 4 an 2 b s.
Qlrutrnl jluittr ·.s llrr kly Nrw.s flagnzittr Vol. 6, No. 44

Thursday, November 2, 1967

Ten Cents

Halloween Activity Schools , churches, and town groups in o11r area made a big thi ng of Hallowe~ii'this yea:·r :P hoto at left (by Frank Knaut) shows one of the floats, featuring a teen-age "group" and dancers, was one of the colorful and inventive floats in Guilford ' s Annual Halloween Parade. Cont 'd on Page 10

SEE INSIDE: CD Exercises in Milo M. H. S. Senior Play International Supper Milo to Vote on Hospital

Ponies Win Class Cand Little 10! Foxcroft honor s P 0nies at right by Frank Knaut). The Foxcroft Ponies rounded out an undefeated season last Saturday when they beat the Dexter Tigers 27 -7. The 8 - 0 season gave Foxcroft two titles; State Class C and the Little Ten Conference . In their last ga me a 21 ya rd pass from Dave Anderson to Dick Annis and a TD bulldozer by T r ay Ander s on were highlights .

Page 2

--------------------------THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening b'y the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in·our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors in advertising but will gladly print correctionS. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN CRIER may be obtained through our office. If you have news or available photos of any sort, we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week. Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Display ad space by the. column inch.


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;J.lo~pital ~ew~

Gifts to the hospi.tal: Potholders, baby bibs and· baby johnni.e s made and d onated by Mr s. Ida Dean of Brownville Junction. Receptionists a re : Friday, Grace Doble; Saturday, Lynn Ellison and Goldie Davis ; Sunday, Carla Hamlin and Lottie Dorr; Monday, Joyce Bailey; Tuesday, June Dasha ; Wednesday, Merna Dunham.; Thursday, Margaret Fisher. ADMISSIONS \VEEK OF OCTOBER 23RD: MILO: BRO\VNVILLE : Leonard Badger Edwin Beane Louise Trask Iva Worster Doris Willinski Isabelle Miller EDITOR - JOANNE BRIGHAM Milo 943-7384 Anna Costello Catherine Cota Karen Emery Mary Stearns Willis Osgood Jr. LAGRANGE: HOME FOR SALE Charles Stevens Arthur Ward Nice family home in Dover.- DISCHARGES: Foxcroft. 4 bedrooms, full If you want to BUY, SELL, BROWNVILLE: MILO: RENT or SWAP, try "Town bath, central heat, garage, Lewis Badger Hollis Reid built-in electric stove. Near Crier" Clasaifi.ed. Howard Webb Darlene McLaughlin schools. Make us · an offer. Michael Perkins Lewis Legacy !IELP WANTED Pauline Mallett - Real Estate Lyman Severance Mary Worster Auto mecharJcs. Inquire at Dover-Foxcroft- 564-7740 Margaret Campbell Catherine Cota Knowle s Pontiac in Milo. Willis Osgood Jr. Mary Stearns CARD OF THANKS John Hathorne Eileen Badger We wish to thank the many BUILDING MATERIAL Charles Stevens LAGRANGE: Prefinished Paneling, Flori- kind friends and neighbors for . Doris Willinski Irene Witham da Sand Luan, 4 x 8 sheet - the cards and food sent, SEBEC : DOVER-FOXCROFT: S3.!?5. Drypineboarcls, plan- and a special thanks to the Albert Stone Ivan Hichborn ed- $85.00 - thousand. Dover- Staff of the Milo Community T&\NSFERRED: Lewis Badger to Easter n Maine General HosHospital and Dr. Garcia and Foxcroft Lumber - 564-8872 pital, Bangor. Dr. Rodriguez, dur·ing the illness of Helen Grant. NOTICE After this date, October 30, Mr . and Mrs. Vauglm Grant 1967 , I will pay no bills other than those contr acted by my- REAL ESTATE Large double cottage lot on self. Stephen W. London South shore of Sebec Lake. ,..,.-'v"'-.=_...Jil~ REAL ESTATE Pauline Mallett - Real Estate Home in Milo forsale. Plenty Dover-Foxcroft - 564-7740 of room in 4 bedroom home on West Main Street. 8 rooms ann bath-small gara;ge. Pauline Mallett - Real Estate Dover - Foxcroft564-7740 . DOVER-FOXCROFT Winona Rebekah Lodge IHl REAL ESTATE \vill meet Tuesday night, No Guilford, 275 acr es wood and field in vember 7, when D. D.P . Marexcellent hunting area on good garet Tidd of Greenville will Maine make her official visitation. road near Sebec Lake. ~========-=======·= · ==-·==-========~ Refreslm1ents will be served. Paul:ine Mallett - Real Estate All officers a re requested to Dover- Foxcroft - 564-77 40 16 5 F:>rd $1095 wear gowns. C OMP L.E TE REPAIRS


fOR WmMtr~OO








Sheldon Poole REP RESENTATIVE OF METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE selling Life and Hospital Insurance 19 Clinton Street, Milo, Me, Phone 943 - 7.428


Auto Body Work

'67 Chev. Pick- up $1895 '59 Chev. Sta. Wagon $95 SNOW TIRES 2 for $25 ! ! ··60 Chevy $195 '59 Buick $195 564- 7733 '60 Rambler Wagon $295 Sebec Corner

Page 3


liasac Rummage Sale

Talent Show

Mrs. Georg~ W. Warren, Mrs. J. Milton Harvey, president of the Miosac Club·and Mrs. Frederick L. Mossler were busy at the annual fall rummage sale of which Mrs. Wan·enand Mrs , Mossler were co-chairmen. The $400. received from the sale wi ll be used to finance -the community and other welfare projects with which the club concerns itself. It Is NOT Too Early To Start Your Christmas Shopping

For l_ig_g! This Excellent Gift Will Show Your Feelings and Demonstrate Your Fine Taste! " THE LEGEND OF THE CHRISTMAS ROSE" lnto.rpr•ltd, by Glovolll'lf f11 o btd five additional classrooms and a community multi-purpose room.

Neil H. Hamlin of Milo, Maine, a sophomore at Bowdoin College, was presented the 1967 Simpson A ward of Lambda Chapter, Zeta Psi Fraternity, Friday night, Oc-tober 27, during a banquet celebrating the Chapter ' s lOOth anniversary. The award is given annually in m emory ofScott C .W. Simpson '03 to the sophomore Zeta Psi member who compiled the highestacademic average during his freshman year. Making the p r esentation to Hamlin was-Professor Albert R. Thayer '22, Faculty Ad vi sor to the Fraternity and Bowdoin's Harrison King McCann Professor of Oral Communicationin the Dept. of EngUsh. Hamlin, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George E . Hamlin of Church St., Milo, is a Dean's List student and James Bowdoin Scholar. This year he is manager of Bowdoin's varsity football team anct ·as a freshman he won numer a ls in football and basketball as a mana ger in both sports. He was awarded anAlumni Fund Scholarship as an entering Bowdoin

SALE '65 Tempest Custom, 2 dr.

Ha rdtop, V-8, Auto. ONLY $1495 1 6 4 Tempest, 4 ::lr. V - 8 , Auto. PS $1295 '63 Oldsmobile , 4-dr. Hardtop, Full Power $1295 '63 Volkswagen Sedan CLEAN $79 5 1 63 Chevy Wagon $89 5

ROWEll'S &ARA&E Dover -Foxcroft

Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God -Chapter 14 "A Paradise of Freedom for Human Sons ·of God ". THURSDAY, NOV. 9 Ministry School 7 p.m. Service Meeting 8 p.m.

UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH MILO, MAINE fr~shman. The Jr. Hi BYF had a cookout at Glidden Hill Friday. Tou Jh footba ll was played with a scoreless tie . The group sang choruses led by Mrs. Cockey. Attending were Joey Villani, Clinton Robinson, Herbert Woodard, Arthur Woodard, Shelley Lewis, An drea Peters, Kathy Rho-da, Kim Zamboni, Valerie Howard, Cathy Merrill, Bonnie Pelkey, Sara Cockey, Debbie r----Smith, Christy Randa ll, SanPRESCRIPT ION SERVI CE 1 dra Smith, Carol Bradstreet, FREE DELIVER Y!! KINGDOM HALL OF Lori Cockey a nd the advisor s JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 'I • .. ,. Pastor and Mrs. Cockey. MILO, MAINE The Sunbeam Choir had a SU:t-;"DAY, NOV. 5 PublicBibleLecture - 2 p.m. Halloween party on Saturday. .Just A 1srtpJAAJed h d . · b li · · will place ...... (X) ora cbo0kl Aus••• 22. t9o ereby oo in rooms that used to be private is only more proof of the need was :~pproprlatod tor MU() Community HosptPtl ilnd "'-~ Selcc nnen andTro. .urorwerooutho•·lzudlo owuld&umof ~ron""? for more space . Also room for extended care patients which a \ving would provide would open up many 1:-~ds in the present fac, ART. 3 YES NO ili ty to regular patie nts . This a lone would greatly add to space Shall tho Town vote tottpproprfatc sum o t $150,000. 00 fur t.ho con.sLrucUon, equJpplng a1 '\\ion or an u.ddldon to the M Ho available because at present there are tim e s when nearly half Commu1llt.)' Hoa~ptbll, aa ld li Ita l oing n hospital ~t~rvi ng resl dcu\.fl oi thP. ·rown Mllo u11d · T itle 30 , P ori\;rAph 5t05 , Sec . 2 the census is made up of patients who migh t b e considered to lvlllSA? be "Nursing home " cases .

Town of Milo

Piscataquis CQunty STATE OF MAINE




ART. 4

Shall tl\u 'fown nu thAY, :-IOV . 3 , 1967 7:00 TV t F't!. Jnn•boreo 7::.i0 ·rttnan 8:30 Star Tt·nk 9:30 Accidontlll F~mlly 10:00 l'k!ll Telephone !lour ll :OO Ne)Va 11:30 1'outshl Show SATURDAY, NOV. 4 , 1967 ::1:00

Sercaant Preston

8:30 Lone fi!UI(CI' 9:00 SoPOV. 5. 1967 9:00 Tom and Jerry 9:30Uode~

10:00 Lamy Unto lly ••cet 10:30 Loo1< Up and Lh'O l l :00 CaD".era Three 11:30 Notre Dame foolb:lll ''Nary at N.D." 1:00 KFL Foo!b>U "St. Louis at. \Vashicgto.,•• 3:30 ''N.Y. at Mhmesot."l''


10:30 Youns Samaon 11:00 Blrdmant. Oa!IJcy Trio 11:30 Atom IIDIOnd 84l lf•n l'rom t:NC 1.e

9:00 O..nny Thomas Shw 10:00 l-ove, .~ndy Tt:ESDAY, NOV. 7, 1967 7:00 Let's Go ~ro The Races 7::'\0 1 Droaw of Jeannte £:1:00 ,h!rry Le\\'is Show 9:00 Tues . Night )fO\oiC "Bet1tJme Ston,•· WEDNESDAY: NOV. S , 1967 7:QO Df>ath Vallt!y Days

1:30 The Vir,;inian 9:00 B
4:30 Rww G6 SANGERVILLE G:30 Cullcgu Quiz ]!.owl 7:00 L1UJBi e 6:00 TBA 7: SO &"!t:ile Ben Mrs. Vernon Kimball and 1t:30 HnwnHu n Open Out! S:OO Ed Sulii van son of Springfield, va. ~ and · 7:~0 ~·v • · 9:00 Sn\ptbers Bl't>t1hws S:30 Got Smort iO:OO :Mission: Jmp.;.mujblo Raymond Finch of Campobello '9:00 S:lt. ~i~o\1. Mnvic 11:00 New& :1::iO NCAA FO