Jul 29, 2014 ... Adam Chilton. University of Chicago Law School. Office: (773) 834-4124. Room
501. Cell: (480) 703-8858. 1111 East 60th Street.
Adam Chilton Contact Information
University of Chicago Law School Room 501 1111 East 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637
Office: (773) 834-4124 Cell: (480) 703-8858 Email: adamchilton@uchicago.edu Web: www.law.uchicago.edu/faculty/chilton
Current Appointment
University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL Assistant Professor of Law, July 2014 - present Bigelow Teaching Fellow & Lecturer in Law, July 2013 - June 2014
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (2009 - 2013) J.D., 2013 Ph.D., Political Science, 2013 A.M., Political Science, 2012 Yale University, New Haven, CT (2003 - 2007) M.A., Political Science, 2007 B.A., Political Science, 2007
Journal Articles
The Laws of War and Public Opinion: An Experimental Study, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (forthcoming 2014). Foreign Sovereign Immunity and Comparative Institutional Competence, 163 University of Pennsylvania Law Review (forthcoming 2014) (with Chris Whytock). Supplying Compliance: Why and When the US Complies with WTO Rulings, 39 Yale Journal of International Law (forthcoming 2014) (with Rachel Brewster). The Influence of International Human Rights Agreements on Public Opinion: An Experimental Study, 15 Chicago Journal of International Law 110 (2014). Why the Study of International Law Needs Experiments, 52 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 173 (2013) (with Dustin Tingley). The Doctrinal Paradox & International Law, 34 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 67 (2012) (with Dustin Tingley). The Earned Income Tax Credit, Low-Income Workers, and the Legal Aid Community, 3 Columbia Journal of Tax Law 177 (2012) (with Jonathan P. Schneller & Joshua L. Boehm). Equality, Procedural Justice, & the World Trade Organization, 7 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 101 (2012) (with Ryan W. Davis).
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Shorter Works
Reconsidering the Motivations of the United States’ Bilateral investment Treaty Program, American Society of International Law Proceedings (forthcoming 2015). A Reply to Ronald Dworkin’s New Theory of International Law, 80 University of Chicago Law Review Dialogue 105 (2013). Brazil’s Pregnancy Registration Requirement and International Commitments to the Rights of Women, 40 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 696 (2012). Book Note, The Idea of Human Rights by Charles E. Beitz, 25 Harvard Human Rights Journal 237 (2012). India’s Evolving Patent Laws and WTO Obligations, 39 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 296 (2011). Book Note, Mobilizing For Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics by Beth Simmons, 23 Harvard Human Rights Journal 703 (2011).
Professional Experience
O’Melveny & Myers LLC, Washington, DC Summer Associate, Summer 2010 & 2012 Department of Justice – Civil Division - Office Ass’t AG, Washington, DC Summer Law Intern Program, Summer 2011 The Boston Consulting Group, Washington, DC Associate, 2007 – 2009
Teaching Experience
Experimental Approaches to International Law, Max Planck Institute Instructor, July 2014 Legal Research & Writing, University of Chicago Law School Instructor, Fall 2013 & Winter 2014 Constitutional Law, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Grader (for Prof. Christopher Warsaw), Spring 2013 Department of Government, Harvard University Honors Thesis Adviser, 2011–2012 & 2012–2013 International Law, Harvard University Teaching Fellow (for Prof. Beth Simmons), Fall 2012 Justice, Harvard University Teaching Fellow (for Prof. Michael Sandel), Fall 2010 Political Geography, Harvard University Teaching Fellow (for Prof. Alison Mountz), Spring 2010
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Academic Duke Law School Faculty Workshop, July 2014. Presentations Challenging the Randomness of Panel Assignments in the Federal Courts of Appeals (w/ Marin Levy). Max Planck Conference on Institutional Economics, June 2014. The Laws of War and Public Opinion: An Experimental Study. Political Economy and Public Law Conference, May 2014. Do Constitutional Rights Make a Difference? (w/ Mila Versteeg). Midwest Colloquium on Int’l Orgs. & Int’l Relations, May 2014. Do Constitutional Rights Make a Difference? (w/ Mila Versteeg). American Law & Economics Association Conference, May 2014. The Politics of the United States’ Bilateral Investment Treaty Program. American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, April 2014. The Politics of the United States’ Bilateral Investment Treaty Program. Midwestern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 2014. The Politics of the United States’ Bilateral Investment Treaty Program. University of Chicago Law School Faculty Workshop, January 2014. The Politics of the United States’ Bilateral Investment Treaty Program. ASIL IEcLIG - Junior Scholars Forum, November 2013. The Politics of the United States’ Bilateral Investment Treaty Program. Chicago Conference on Econ. Foundations of Int’l Law, November 2013. The Influence of International Human Rights Agreements on Public Opinion. Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, October 2013. The Laws of War and Public Opinion: An Experimental Study. Midwest Law & Economics Association, October 2013. The Influence of International Human Rights Agreements on Public Opinion. Chicago Area Junior Faculty Workshop, August 2013. The Influence of International Human Rights Agreements on Public Opinion. Harvard International Law – International Relations Workshop, March 2013. Foreign Sovereign Immunity and Comparative Institutional Competence (w/ Chris Whytock). Harvard Government Department IR Research Workshop, February 2013. The Politics of the United States’ Bilateral Investment Treaty Program. Weatherhead Center Graduate Student Associate Workshop, February 2013. Do Laws Ameliorate the Horrors of War? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Laws of War on Conduct During Intrastate Conflicts. Tobin Project Research Forum on National Security, November 2012. The Laws of War and Public Opinion: An Experimental Study.
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International Political Economy Society Annual Conference, November 2012. Supplying Compliance: Domestic Sources of Trade Law & Policy (w/ Rachel Brewster). American Society of International Law — Research Forum, October 2012. Supplying Compliance: Domestic Sources of Trade Law & Policy (w/ Rachel Brewster). Weatherhead Center Political Violence Workshop, October 2012. Public Opinion, the Laws of War, & Saving Civilians: An Experimental Study. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 2012. Do Laws Ameliorate the Horrors of War? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Laws of War on Conduct During Intrastate Conflicts. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 2012. The Politics of Suggestions of Immunity: The Determinants of the State Department’s Sovereign Immunity Decisions from 1952 to 1977. Weatherhead Center Political Violence Workshop, March 2012. Do Laws Ameliorate the Horrors of War? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Laws of War on Conduct During Intrastate Conflicts. IQSS Political Economy Workshop, February 2012. Domestic Politics and the Ratification of Bilateral Investment Treaties. Harvard Law School Public Law Workshop, December 2011. The Politics of Suggestions of Immunity: The Determinants of the State Department’s Sovereign Immunity Decisions from 1952 to 1977. Harvard International Law – International Relations Workshop, Nov. 2011. The Doctrinal Paradox & International Law (w/ Dustin Tingley). Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, November 2011. The Politics of Suggestions of Immunity: The Determinants of the State Department’s Sovereign Immunity Decisions from 1952 to 1977 (Poster). Tobin Project Research Forum on National Security, October 2011. Do Laws Ameliorate the Horrors of War? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Laws of War on Conduct During Intrastate Conflicts. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2011. Curious Inconsistencies: An Empirical Examination of the Ratification of Preferential Trade Agreements and Bilateral Investment Treaties.
Fellowships, Grants, & Prizes
Harvard Law School Addison Brown Prize (best paper in private international law) 2013 Harvard University Certificate for Distinction in Teaching Harvard Law School Summer Academic Fellowship
2013 2011, 2012, & 2013
Harvard Law School Laylin Prize (best paper in public international law)
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs GSA Research Grant
Institute for Quantitative Social Science Research Grant
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Tobin Project for National Security Fellowship
2011 & 2012
Harvard Heyman Summer Internship Fellowship
Institute for Quantitative Social Science Conference Travel Grant
Harvard Joint J.D. / Ph.D. Academic Fellowship (full tuition)
Yale University Thatcher Memorial Prize (excellence in debate)
2006 & 2007
Yale University Frank M. Patterson Grant for Political Science Research
2005 & 2006
Yale University John E. Linck Summer Research Fellowship
Yale University International Studies Summer Travel Award
Graduate Student Associate, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Graduate Student Affiliate, Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Last updated July 29, 2014.
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