Today, artificial neural networks are an important area of study within the field of applied artificial intelligence. ..... Handbook, Fundamentals SI Edition. Atlanta ...
Adaptive Control of Thermal Comfort Using Neural Networks Jos´e Luis Torres† and Marcelo Luis Martin‡ †Departamento Electrotecnia. Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Universidad Tecnol´ ogica Nacional. Santa Fe, Argentina. ‡Instituto de Autom´ atica (INAUT). Facultad de Ingenier´ıa - Universidad Nacional de San Juan. San Juan, Argentina. {jtorres,mmartin}
Abstract. In modern office buildings, the customary trend is to use state of the art technology to ensure the users find it thermally comfortable, among other variables. Among the various statistical studies on comfort index vs. work efficiency of users, the most widely adopted index is the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV). Based on this index, this work proposes a control scheme that shows the capability of neural networks, based on a back-propagation algorithm, for modifying the environmental conditions of a closed indoor space, by regarding not only the climatic indoor variables but also the activity level and clothing index of the space users. Key words: Thermal Comfort, Neural Network, Control, Closed Indoor Space.
A healthy thermal environment of indoor spaces helps their users improve their work efficiency by keeping within a range of pleasance several climatic variables, with temperature among the important ones. Human thermal comfort is defined as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environmental” [1]. In building spaces such as offices, the requirement is that the room air-conditioning control system has to provide a comfortable thermal feeling for the user. In previous research works, many indexes have been developed to evaluate the comfort level, but one of the most widespread is the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) index [2]. It considers four environmental variables and two personal variables. Most air-conditioning systems are conventionally controlled using ProportionalIntegral (PI) controllers while considering only the temperature and/or the relative humidity of the air indoors. By the subjective characteristics of the comfort index, a widely used tool is fuzzy logic. Adaptive fuzzy control strategies have been proposed that consider the PMV index [3]. For a fuzzy logic control, it needs to be known the dynamic behavior in detail of the system so as to establish the fuzzy-control rules.
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Today, artificial neural networks are an important area of study within the field of applied artificial intelligence. This paper proposes a control technique that is based on modifying the set-point temperature a PI through a neural network. This network takes into account all factors affecting the thermal comfort. The objective is to keep the comfort level for users within a pre-defined range only by controlling the temperature indoor the office space. Therefore, the model adopted here takes into account both the users and a representative set of equipment (lamps, computers and monitors) involved in the process of heat exchange.
Comfort Index PMV
The PMV index predicts the mean response of a large group of people according to the following thermal sensation scale [4]: +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3
hot warm slightly warm neutral slightly cool cool cold
These are given in the annex of [4], and they show the recommended comfort requirements that are predicted to render an acceptable thermal feeling for 90% of the sample population (i.e. −0.5 < P M V < +0.5). Fanger [2] has related PMV to the imbalance between the actual heat flow from the body in a given environment and the heat flow required for optimum comfort at the specified activity as stated by the following equation: P M V = [0.303exp(−0.036M ) + 0.028] L .
where L is the thermal load on the body and M is the metabolic rate. The thermal load depends on the environmental and personal variables, and it is calculated with equation 2. L = (M − W ) − 3.96 × 10−8 fcl [(tcl + 273)4 − (tmr + 273)4 ] − fcl hc (tcl − ta ) −3.05[5.73 − 0.007(M − W ) − φ] − 0.42[M − W − 58.15] −0.0173M (5.87 − φ) − 0.0014M (34 − ta ) . (2) W where W denotes the external work accomplished, measured in [ m 2 ]; φ relative o humidity, ta indoor temperature, in [ C]; fcl clothing area factor; tcl clothing surface temperature, in [o C]; tmr mean radiant temperature, in [o C]; and hc convective coefficient. As part of this calculation tcl , hc and fcl are determined respectively by the following equations.
tcl = 35.7 − 0.028(M − W ) − 3.96 × 10−8 fcl [(tcl + 273)4 − (tmr + 273)4 ] −fcl hc (tcl − ta ) . (3)
Thermal Comfort Control
½ hc =
√ 2.38(tcl − ta )0.25 2.38(tcl − ta )0.25 > 12.1 va √ √ 2.38(tcl − ta )0.25 > 12.1 va 12.1 va ½ 1.0 + 0.2Icl Icl < 0.5clo fcl = 1.05 + 0.1Icl Icl > 0.5clo
(4) (5)
where va denotes indoor air flow velocity, in [ sm2 ] and Icl clothing thermal reo 2 sistance, in [clo] (1[clo] = 0.155[ Km W ]). The subjective variables for personal activity and clothing are estimated for typical office tasks and summer time. The environmental variables (ta , φ, tmr and va ) are extracted as outputs of the proposed model of the building. Since the above PMV calculations are nonlinear - and complex as well-, the iterative computations are needed, too. In this paper, the computer calculation model proposed in [4] is adopted for simulation.
3 3.1
Heat Transfer Model in Buildings Description of the Environment
An environment can be seen as a multivariable dynamic system where the main input signals are the temperature (tamb ) and the external relative humidity (φext ), the wind speed (vw ), the solar radiation and the heat extraction rate (Q˙ aux ) (for the cooling case). The output signals are, in general, the temperature (ta ) and the internal relative humidity (φ). To study the thermal confort, additional factors that need to be known are the mean radiant temperature (tmr ) and the air velocity inside the room or building (va ). The environment that has been modeled is a room for office activities. Fig. 1 shows the room dimensions and wall orientation. The room orientation and geographical loca-
Fig. 1. Thermal Space.
tion (31.61◦ S latitude, 68.53 W longitude) are vital data to calculate the solar radiation. The south wall has a roof overhang that prevents the solar radiation impinging directly on the windows. The roof is the only building component that is subjected to direct solar radiation. The contiguous rooms have the same constructive characteristics of the room under study.
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The modeling system used in this work is based on the energy balance of walls and on the air volume enclosed in the room [5]. 3.2
Necessary Data
General Information In order to design the model, a set of basic data must be known a priori, which may be used in estimating certain parameters, for example, the solar radiation. Among other data, the set comprises the geographical location (latitude, longitude and orientation), the date and hour of day, and the external weather variables (wind speed, external temperature and relative humidity, solar radiation and atmospheric pressure) and other information. The external weather variables, excepting the solar radiation, are obtained from a a weather metering station Davis -Model Weather Monitor II-, installed on the south side of the room. This station also features temperature and relative humidity sensors that transmit data to the console located inside the room. The estimation procedure to meter the solar radiation is done according to the guidelines shown in [6]. Information of the Components of Construction In order to model the walls, the roof and the floor, the necessary data to be known a priori are the room orientation, surface inclination (tilt), surface area and thickness, their thermal conductivity, specific heat, long-wave emittance inside and outside the construction elements, and short wave inside absorptance, heat transfer coefficients due to inside and outside convection, and similar data. To model the windows, the data should comprise the window orientation, surface area, glass thickness, normal solar transmissivity, normal total absorptance, emittance, thermal conductivity, and other parameters. The coefficient data of walls and windows were obtained from [6]. 3.3
Thermal Energy Balance
The estimation of cooling load for a space involves calculating a surface-bysurface conductive, convective, and radiative heat balance for each room surface and a convective heat balance for the room air. The model can be greatly simplified after making certain assumptions, of which, the main one is that the air of the thermal zone is considered as a perfect gaseous mixture. This means that the air temperature is uniform throughout the entire neighboring zone. Another important assumption is the the surfaces of the room (walls, floors, windows, and the like) can be analysed by regarding: – – – –
Uniform surface temperature Uniform LW and SW radiation Diffuse radiating surfaces Uni-dimensional heat conduction
Thermal Comfort Control
The result from this simplified formulation is called the model of termal energy balance. Considering the energy storage of the walls and the air volume, the following expression can be written: mp cp
dtsi = Q˙ rad + Q˙ rad lights + Q˙ rad GI + Q˙ conduction − Q˙ conv dt
where mp is the mass, in [kg]; cp is the heat capacity (depending on the type of construction material), in [ kgJo C ]; tsi is the surface temperature, in [o C]; Q˙ rad is the heat exchange by radiation between walls, in [W ]; Q˙ rad lights is the heat exchange by radiation from light fixtures, in [W ]; Q˙ rad GI is the heat exchange from internal sources (from individuals and operating equipment), in [W ], Q˙ conduction is the thermal flux from conduction through the walls, roof of floor, in [W ]; Q˙ conv int is the convective heat exchange between the building components and the air mass, given in [W ]. The temperature of the air is computed as: ma ca
dta = Q˙ conv int + Q˙ windows + Q˙ conv dt +Q˙ inf iltration ± Q˙ aux
+ Q˙ ventilation + (7)
with ma , the air mass measured in [kg]; ca is the air heat capacity given as 1005 [ kgJo C ]; ta is the air temperature, in [o C]; Q˙ windows is the heat flux through the windows, in [W ]; Q˙ conv GI is the convective part of the internal loads, in [W ]; Q˙ ventilation is the sensible load due to ventilation, given in [W ]; Q˙ inf iltration is the sensible load due to infiltration, in [W ]; Q˙ aux is the thermal flow rendered by the weather conditioning system, given in [W ]. Infiltration Infiltration is a natural process caused by the non-intentional leak or loss of air through Windows or doors of the room. Rather than using the method explained in [5] this work has established this parameter as a function of the wind speed and the temperature difference (ecuaci´on 8). The method is based on the LBNL model [7], whose parameters were found from experiments. p 2 + 21 × 10−5 ∆t Q˙ inf iltration = 0.6 1 × 10−4 vw (8) where vw is the wind speed, in [ m s ] and ∆t is the difference between ta and tamb . Internal Gains Taking into account that the illumination fixtures often are a significant heat load for the room, the calculations should consider the precise values of heat flow irradiating from these sources. The heat rate from light fixtures for any time instant can differ greatly from the values of instant power consumed by the fixtures. This work has regarded that the instant heat gain is directly equivalent to its power load, multiplied by a usage factor [6]. Q˙ rad lights = Ptotal Fu
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where Ptotal is the total power of the lamp, in [W ] and Fu is the lighting use factor. As regards the equipment operating in the room, the model regards only the Pcs with their monitors. Then it is important to know what percentages of the heat flow are transferred by radiation and by convection. For monitors, it is assumed that 15% is dissipated by radiation and 85% by convection; for the PCs, 40% of the heat is dissipated by radiation and 60% by convection [8]. The termal interaction of persons with their surrounds in closed environments should be considered as well, because this factor affects the temperature behavior of the room. A number of studies has been made that estimate the heat and humidity elimination rate exchange from the human body. In [6], a table shows the sensible heat rate as a function of the activity level the individual typically performs. For the case under study, the activity levels are those of office work, with a heat rate estimated to range from 60 to 80 [W]. Likewise the light fixtures, a part of the sensible heat is eliminated by radiation( 60%) and the remaining heat is diffused by convection (40%). This same table also shows the radiant heat percentage. Consequently, Q˙ rad GI = 0.15Pmonitor + 0.40Pcomp + 0.60Ppeople Q˙ conv GI = 0.85Pmonitor + 0.60Pcomp + 0.40Ppeople
(10) (11)
Parameters of Thermal Comfort
To determine the thermal comfort level in a thermal environment implies analysing a complex interaction of many variables. This means that the concept of thermal comfort is compounded by both the subjective evaluations made by the users and by objectively metered physical parameters as well. Among the first ones, and as stated in Section 2, are the activity level of the user, represented by the metabolic rate, and the insulation index of clothing. On the other hand, a main value among physically measurements is the room temperature which is computed at every instant by solving the differential equations 6 and 7. 4.1
Mean Radiant Temperature
The mean radiant temperature is defined as the temperature of a black body that exchanges the same quantity of thermal radiation with the user as it would with the real space. This temperature is affected by all direct or indirect radiation that impinges onto the individual. For estimating this value, however, an acceptable approximation can be made by regarding only the thermal radiation given off by the walls [9]. tmr =
A1 ts1 + . . . + A6 ts6 t1 + . . . + A6
where tsi represents the surface temperature of walls, in [o C], and Ai the surface area of walls, in [m2 ].
Thermal Comfort Control
Relative Humidity
The simplified dynamic model of water vapour mass contained in the air is given by the following differential equation 13 [10]. G
dxi = ρa Φv (xi − xo ) dt
where G is the weight of dry air contained in the room, in [kg]; ρa is the air kg m3 density, in [ m 3 ]; Φv is the natural ventilation air flow, in [ s ]; and xi and xo are the fraction of water vapour mass in air indoors (internal) and outdoors (exterg ] respectively. The value of indoor relative humidity nal) the room, given in [ kg can be obtained as the quotient between the partial water vapour pressure pw of the internal air and the partial saturated vapour pressure pws , being both values measured in [P a]. pw φ= (14) pws 4.3
Speed of Indoor Air
The speed of indoor air is another factor to consider in the heat exchange process and comfort level experienced by the space user. For closed spaces, values ranging from 0.0 to 0.1 [ m s ] can be considered. On the other hand, when considering the effects of adaptation means to the surrounding environment (e.g., opening and closing windows), other parameters come onto stage, such as the speed of air flows, in the form of drafts, breezes of even wind. In this work, it was decided that the room is kept with windows closed. Hence, the speed of air flow remains practically constant at a value of 0.1 [ m s ]. 4.4
Metabolic Rate and Clothing
Typical metabolic rates for skin area unit M for the average adult man can be found in [1]. In the work here developed, the activity levels correspond to those of office work which range between 1.0 and 1.7 [met]. As regards the thermal insulation of clothing, the index Icl ranges between 0.6 y 0.8 [clo] for summer.
Scheme of Control
The purpose of the controller is to keep within the acceptable range the PMV index (-0.5/+0.5) by modifying the internal room temperature. Fig. 2 shows the designed control scheme. It can be noted that the temperature control is through a PI (Proportional-Integral) controller, whose set point is governed by a neural network. The climate conditioner, namely a heating, ventilating and air conditioning or HVAC equipment, is modelled as: Q˙ aux = rQ˙ max
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Fig. 2. Block diagram of the Control Scheme.
where r represents the percentage of the total capacity of the conditioning equipment, ranging between -1 and 0 for cooling, and 0 to +1 for heating. The maximum capacity of the equipment is given by Q˙ max in [W ]. The neural network (NN) of Fig. 3 has one input layer and one output layer. This structure was selected after a series of tests with networks of one input layer with different numbers of neurons and activation functions. The network inputs are the same parameters as those used to compute the thermal comfort index. They are rated between 0 and 1 before entering the network. The activation functions of the input layers are of sigmoid logarithmic type. The network output is the desired temperature (tsp ); and the activation function of the output is of linear type.
Fig. 3. Neural Network.
Thermal Comfort Control
On-line Network Training
The adopted rule for adjusting the weights is back-propagation, which is based on the gradient descent method. The input layer weights are denoted as IW , and those of the output are denoted with OW. Considering, x = [ta φ tmr va clo met]T
u = [tsp ]
and defining the error function as J = 12 (P M Vdesire −P M V )2 , where P M Vdesire is equal to zero; then, ∆OWi = ∆IWi,j =
∂J ∂P M V ∂u ∂J = ∂OWi ∂P M V ∂u ∂OWi
∂J ∂P M V ∂u ∂J = ∂IWi,j ∂P M V ∂u ∂IWi,j
∂P M V Hence to effectively use these gradients, we need to know , which is ∂u difficult to calculate when the system model is unknown. To estimate this quantity, sometimes another NN is used. This is frequently the reason why two NNs are used in one control structure. However, for SISO systems we may use an approximation [11]: ¯ ¯ ¶ µ ∂P M V ∼ ¯¯ ∆P M V ¯¯ ∆P M V . (20) sgn =¯ ∂u ∆u ¯ ∆u ¯ ¯ ¯ ∆P M V ¯ ¯ is bounded it can play the role of a learning rate α. MeanWhere ¯¯ ∆u ¯ while, ¶ to the thermal comfort concept is important to note that µ according ∆P M V = 1; hence sgn ∆u ∆OWi = α(P M Vdesire − P M V )yi
∆IWi,j = α(P M Vdesire − P M V )OWi logsig 0 (vi ) xj
The rate of learning in the simulations were 0.032.
Experiments and Result Analyzes
Using the dynamic model for the above described space, various simulations were carried out with the purpose of studying the behaviour and performance of the R proposed controller. The models were implemented and validated in MATLAB° /Simulink. In the experiences, two consecutive days of April 2008 were considered, with a sampling time of one minute. The plot of weather variables is shown in Fig. 4. In order to study the efficiency of the controller, it was contrasted with a con-
Argentine Symposium on Computing Technology Temperature [ºC]
30 25 20 15 10
25 Time [hour]
25 Time [hour]
25 Time [hour]
Humidity [%]
70 60 50 40
wind velocity [m/s]
Fig. 4. Outdoor temperature, humidity and wind velocity (one day to the next one). The origin on the time axis corresponds to 00:00 AM. Table 1. Simulations parameters. Clothing [clo] Experiment 1 Experiment 2
0.7 0.8 0.65
Metabolic Rate [met]
1.0(Seated, reading or writing) 1 and 2 1.0 1 1.1(Typing) 2
ventional temperature controller based on a PI controller (kp = 10, Ti = 1.25 ) whose temperature set point is fixed at 23[o C] (summer). The parameters used for the experiences are shown in Table 11 . The first experience implied keeping constant the activity level of users and clothing insulation indexes, and observing the behaviour of the PMV index for each controller. The results attained are shown in Fig. 5. It can be noted that, with the temperature controller set at a constant point, the PMV is off the acceptable range (-0.5/+0.5), whereas with the proposed controller, once the network has adapted by itself through NN learning, the comfort index is kept practically at zero, i.e., a neutral comfortable state. In this figure, the desired temperature can also be seen for both cases. In the second experiment, both the activity levels of users and their clothing insulation indexes change day by day (Table 1). Fig. 6 shows the results from experiences. In this case, the temperature controller with fixed set point makes the PMV be within this acceptable range, though a better performance is attained with the comfort controller. 1
Values extracted from [1]
Thermal Comfort Control
Thermal comfort control Temperature control
0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8
Time [hour]
Temperature [ºC]
28 27 26
Thermal comfort control Temperature control
25 24 23 22
Time [hour]
Fig. 5. System performance under thermal comfort control and under conventional temperature control for the same levels of activity and clothing indexes on a daily basis (one day to the next one). The origin on the time axis corresponds to 00:00 AM. 0.5
Thermal comfort control Temperature control
Time [hour]
Temperature [ºC]
Thermal comfort control Temperature control
26 25 24 23 22
Time [hour]
Fig. 6. System performance under thermal comfort control and conventional temperature control for different levels of activity and clothing indexes from one day to the next one. The origin on the time axis corresponds to 00:00 AM.
A control strategy that uses a simple neural network has been proposed implementing it with a space climate conditioner (HVAC) to govern the thermal
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comfort of an office room. From simulation results, it can be noted that the use of artificial intelligence renders better comfort responses that with conventional temperature control for a given thermal space. From experiences, it was possible to confirm that, with the case of conventional temperature control, it cannot be ensured that the PMV fall within the acceptable range, depending fundamentally on the set point temperature that input to the controller. On the other hand, with the proposed controller, the neural network modifies automatically the operation temperature of the climate conditioning equipment by adapting itself to the six parameters adopted in the study of thermal comfort. The selection of a proper tsp for the PI controller is sufficient, thought the latter is no easy task on account of the interrelationship between the ta and the other parameters involved in computing the PMV. As a limitation, it can be noted that the network takes long to learn, and this makes that the system, before variations in activity level of users and varying clothing indexes during the day, also has a slow response to keep the PMV close to zero. The response speed depends on the maximum capacity of the climate conditioning equipment. Due to the above reasons, the performance of the controller is good whenever these personal parameters do not change significantly along the day, which is rather the usual practice for the majority of the studied cases.
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