Systems: The Evaluation of a Service-Based Approach. Michael Yudelson , Peter ... Keywords: Adaptive navigation support, adaptive annotation, personalization, service, distributed ..... A regular desktop PC hosting a personalization service ...
Adaptive Link Annotation in Distributed Hypermedia Systems: The Evaluation of a Service-Based Approach Michael Yudelson , Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences 135 North Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232 USA {mvy3, peterb}
Abstract. A service-based approach to link annotation expands the applicability of adaptive navigation support functionality beyond the limits of traditional adaptive hypermedia systems. With this approach, the decision-making functionality is separated from the application systems and encapsulated in a personalization service. This paper attempts to evaluate the feasibility of using this approach in the real world. After a brief overview of current efforts to develop service-based approaches to adaptive hypermedia, we describe our specific implementation of this approach as personalization architecture and report the results of an extensive performance evaluation of this architecture. Keywords: Adaptive navigation support, adaptive annotation, personalization, service, distributed architecture
1 Introduction Adaptive link annotation is one of the most popular adaptive hypermedia (AH) technologies [1]. A number of AH systems have demonstrated the various benefits of adaptive link annotation. For example, in the educational context, adaptive link annotation is known to increase student progress and motivation to work, while decreasing the navigational overhead [2]. This paper addresses the challenges of implementing adaptive link annotation in the context of modern open corpus hypermedia systems [4]. In this context, which is becoming more and more popular, information resources are separated from their application in hypermedia. The resources reside in various web sites, repositories, and digital libraries, while application systems have emerged from being mere collections of these resources to being portals for accessing multiple resources. This modern distributed approach for developing hypermedia systems is very attractive to both system developers and content providers because it allows them to reuse high quality content in multiple application systems. On the other hand, the distributed nature of these hypermedia systems presents a real challenge for researchers and practitioners who want to implement AH techniques, such as adaptive link annotation, in this new, open corpus context. To produce adaptive link annotations, classic AH systems rely on resource metadata and adaptation algorithms which have been developed to handle the various kinds of resources available in that particular system. To expand this approach to the
distributed context, a portal is needed that contains metadata for all these resources, as well as adaptation algorithms. Not only does that contradict the very idea of separating content from application portals, it is simply not feasible, due to the large volume and diverse nature of reusable content. A promising approach to overcome this problem is to encapsulate adaptation functionality by embedding it in a classical AH system, as a personalization service. For example, a distributed educational hypermedia system which uses visual cues to adaptively annotate educational resource links may no longer need its own decisionmaking algorithm to decide whether a specific resource is ready for a given user. Instead, the application could simply call a personalization service, pass references to both the user and the resource under consideration and receive the adaptation decision in the form an icon, shown next to the resource link. This approach, originally suggested by a research team from the University of Hannover [9; 11], offers a number of benefits. It makes the adaptation functionality itself highly reusable. It also decreases the level of AH expertise required from the developers of an adaptive application. Also, it allows personalization to be deployed on even lightweight portals, such as learning management systems. Despite its conceptual attractiveness, the practical feasibility of this approach has not been proven. While successful implementations of personalization services have been reported [10], none of them have undergone performance evaluations. Distributed functionality comes at a price: every personalization effect, such as a visual cue shown next to a link, now requires considerable information exchange between various components of a distributed adaptive system (i.e., a portal, a personalization service, a user model server, etc). In this paper we attempt to answer the question of whether personalization services are feasible in distributed AH systems. We first attempt this on a relatively small scale – in a classroom study which has a small number of users. Then, we use the observed performance of the limited scale personalization services to predict what will happen when the personalization task is scaled up. After a brief overview of current efforts to develop a service-based approach to AH, we describe our practical implementation of the service-based personalization architecture and report the results of its extensive performance evaluation.
2 Related Work The work on open corpus distributed AH began with an attempt to reuse external Web pages in the context of a regular closed corpus AH system. The first idea to explore was relatively simple: integrate external content by adding external references along with their connections (index) to the with domain model concepts of the host system. With this approach, which was successfully applied in KBS-Hyperbook [12] and SIGUE [6], the adaptive functionality still resides in the original adaptive system. However, when the external reusable content becomes more sophisticated than simple Web pages, an AH system emerges into a truly distributed environment consisting of several interactive components and a hypermedia portal, which ties these components together and provides centralized access to them. We can
distinguish several approaches that can offer personalization in this distributed context. One approach is to keep the content integrator (portal) simple while developing adaptive intermediary services, which reside between the portal and the interactive content, which will offer personalized access to this content [5; 14]. An advantage of this approach is that it provides personalization for very light portals, such as learning management systems. The negative side is that for every pool of new resources, a new intermediary service has to be devised. The opposite method is to create a smart content integrator (portal) that is aware of the local and/or remote resources and makes use of one or several personalization techniques available to it [13]. The advantage of a smart portal is that minimal or no effort is necessary to adapt a localized resource. A strong disadvantage is the high cost of such localization. A third way also exists: outsource the adaptive functionality to a separate system— a personalization engine— that would provide adaptive value upon request. The idea of separating adaptation functionality into a stand-alone system has existed for some time. One of the first examples of this was the APeLS system [7]. Later, the authors of the Personal-Reader framework [8] created a very sophisticated and advanced architecture in which personalization services play the central role. A clear advantage to this third approach is the ubiquitous nature of personalization services that can be utilized by multiple systems in multiple contexts. The question, of course, is whether service-based approaches are feasible, given the overhead created by the distributed nature of AH systems. This is the question that we attempt to answer in this paper.
3 Personalization Services in ADAPT2 Architecture To evaluate the feasibility of personalization services, one needs to have a distributed framework where personalization functionality can be applied. An example of such a framework is ADAPT2 (read adapt-square) - an advanced distributed architecture for personalized teaching and training, which was developed by our research team. In ADAPT2 a portal – such as our KnowledgeTree portal – is a simple link aggregator without any embedded navigation support. The only way to provide personalization in this context is to use external personalization services, which is why it provides a very attractive platform to explore the feasibility of the service-based approach to personalization. The first personalization service deployed for our portal is an adaptive social navigation service [3]. We chose this type of adaptive navigation due to the simplicity of its implementation and its inherent cross-domain nature. Fig. 1 shows an environment in which the ADAPT2 personalization services work. The primary client of personalization services engine is the content aggregator. In our case it is the portal. A portal is a collection of resources that need personalization. In Fig. 1, a sample of the portal page is shown. On this page, a set of links from several sources are shown, including book readings, code examples, and lecture recordings. To obtain personalization for this set of resources, the portal sends a request to a specific service in the personalization engine. In our case it is a social navigation service. A social navigation service has the option to consult an external oracle. In the ADAPT2 architecture user modeling server is such an oracle. Information about user and group navigation is obtained from the oracle. Finally, a personalization service
generates navigation cues and sends them back to the portal. A portal displays cues to links obtained from the personalization service next to these links.
Fig. 1. The ADAPT2 personalization services engine environment and data flow
4 Experimental Evaluation The question of whether adaptive navigation will work successfully as an interface technique has been studied extensively. It is not clear, however, whether the adaptation will work efficiently once the personalization functionality is outsourced to an external system and implemented as a service. A similar question has been studied regarding performance of the user modeling service in a distributed adaptive system [15]. This study has shown that there are, in fact, limitations to the performance of user modeling services. Since our personalization services depend on a user modeling component, the distribution factor of the adaptive system grows, which means that the answer to the question of efficiency of a distributed AH system is not obvious. That is why we have decided to conduct a series of tests of our personalization service engine. First, we conducted a pilot study of one of the personalization services by deploying it in classroom. The point of the study was to test the general feasibility of personalization services. Results of this pilot study were then used to set up extensive performance evaluation experiment of our personalization services under a range of loads. We were interested in determining the limits of this approach: the critical loads our personalization service engine could handle and the number of users it could support. 4.1 Pilot Study Our engine implements several adaptation techniques. One of the first and most desired was the social navigation personalization service. Upon the arrival of a request that has a set of resources, a user identity and a group identity, the service queries the user model for individual user progress with resources as well as average group average progress values. A personalization service would then connect the
information from the user model with the requested resources by adding navigational cues to resources in the RDF format. To pilot-test performance of this implementation and to deploy a social navigation personalization service, we conducted a classroom study in an undergraduate database course at the School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh during the Fall 2007 semester. The class had 37 students. The resources available via social navigation personalization service were grouped into several thematic folders which included dissected SQL code examples and parameterized quizzes. This course was very intensive and, as a result, the amount of student work exceeded our expectations. The load our adaptive tools had to cope with was quite high. There were nearly 5,300 clicks on lines of annotated SQL code examples, a little over 4,500 answers to the parameterized quizzes and approximately 2,000 accesses to the folders for which social navigation personalization service was deployed during the semester. Thus each student accessed these folders over 50 times. The maximum number of accesses per minute was 15, the median was 1, and the 95th percentile was 7. Every call to the personalization service contained about 20 resources awaiting personalization. It required the personalization service engine to construct models of 103.5±0.86 RDF triples. Each such call took personalization service engine 43.5 ms, on average, to complete. This means that the personalization overhead was .42 ms per RDF triple or a little more than 2 ms per resource. 4.2 Experimental setup The results of the pilot evaluation have shown that even though the active usage of adaptive tools created a very adaptation-intensive environment, this did not challenge our personalization service engine enough. Therefore, we decided to conduct a series of much more intensive experiments to test the effectiveness of the personalization service engine under heavy loads and determine the loads critical to its performance. To accomplish this, we used a technique previously employed by us and described in [16]. We set up two machines: one with the personalization service engine, and the other with a special “flooder” installed. The role of the “flooder” was to imitate the personalization service client, subject the personalization engine machine to various types of load, and record the observed parameters. To simplify the experiment, we decided to use discrete values for the load. The parameters of the load were the following. − Complexity of the request. The majority of our portal lecture folders had roughly 20 resource links to personalize (this includes lecture folders of the pilot course described in section 4.1. and several other courses that are deployed on the portal). In addition to that we used two more values for complexity: 5 resources, to represent a “lightweight” folder, and 50 to signify a folder “overloaded” with resources. Thus we had 3 values: 5, 20, and 50 resources per request (35, 125, and 305 RDF triples respectively). − Request delivery rate – delay between consecutive requests. From our experience with user modeling services [15], [16] and initial experiments with a personalization service engine, we had already learned that a delay of 10ms between requests is critical for our hardware/software configuration. In addition,
delays between requests of 160ms and more did not present any challenge. Hence, we varied the request delivery rate parameter between 10 ms and 160 ms. Rates between boundaries were doubles of the previous value, giving us 5 loads: 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 ms. − Duration of the load. From prior experimentation we knew that the duration did not really matter, unless it was a peak load of 10ms or 20ms between requests. During these peak loads, the personalization server would stop responding to any requests at all after 30 seconds. We decided to keep the load sessions fairly short – a little less than 4 seconds (3,840ms, divisible by all delivery rates). To obtain more data we repeated the flooding sessions 5 times for each of the three request complexities and each of the five request delivery rates, giving us 3 x 5 = 15 different settings. During these sessions we observed the following parameters: − Mean response delay—the average amount of time it takes to complete a request. − Request success rate—denoting the fraction of requests that completed successfully. For the least demanding load of 160 ms between requests, the amount of requests sent per each flooding session was 3,840/160=24. For the highest load of 10 ms between requests, it was 3,840/10=384. The personalization service engine was run on a machine with Pentium 4 dual core 2.8 Mhz processor and 1Gb RAM. The user modeling server that the personalization service engine depended on was running on the same machine. To compensate for the high speed of the school’s wired network, we used a WiFi network to communicate with the personalization engine. It also provided a realistic scenario for students who would be accessing adaptive content outside their fast university campus LAN. 4.3 Results Fig. 2 shows a summary of the personalization service engine performance results. Charts in the left column are the percentile plots. Each curve there corresponds to one of the five request delivery rates. Each point on a percentile plot indicates the maximum response delay (x-axis) for the given percentile of requests (y-axis). The right column of charts denotes request success. For each of the request delay rates, we show only the total number of requests sent, the number of requests responded – both successfully completed and “gracefully failed” (had an empty response or an error message), and the number of successfully completed requests. Each row within the charts corresponds to a different request complexity: the top was 5 resources (35 RDF triples) per request, the middle, 20 (125 RDF triples), and the bottom was 50 (305 RDF triples). As we can see from Fig. 2 (a-1, a-2) – low request complexity – for almost all loads, 95% of the requests finished in about 25 ms. Only the peak load of 10 ms between requests slowed the personalization service engine considerably, with the 95th percentile being off the chart at 4,150 ms. This resulted in (3,840-3,488)/3,840 (9%) of the requests returning error messages. In the case of medium request complexity, (Fig. 2 b-1, b-2) there were two peak loads of 10 and 20 ms between requests that result in deteriorated personalization service engine performance. The 95th percentiles for them are both off the chart at 12,530 and 6,300 ms for 10 and 20 ms rates respectively. While all other loads had
95% of their requests finishing in about 50 ms, around 38% ( [3840-2388]/3840 ) of requests at 10ms resulted in errors. On the other hand, despite large delays, all requests under 20ms load completed successfully.
Fig. 2 Percentile plots (column 1) and request success charts (column 2) for three request complexities: a) 5 resources per request (top row), b) 20 resources per request (middle row), and c) 50 resources per request (bottom row).
In the case of high request complexity (Fig. 2 c-1, c-2) three loads of 10, 20 and 40 ms between requests worsened the personalization service engine performance. The 95th percentiles for them were well off the chart at 24,230, 16,000 and 6,750 ms, for 10, 20, and 40 ms rates, respectively. For all other loads, 95% of the requests finished in about 200 ms. Also, instead of going almost vertically until the 95th percentile (for low and medium request complexity), curves bend in the direction of delay increment.
About 34% ( [3,840-2,541]/3,840 ) of the requests at a 10ms load resulted in errors. Only 4% ( [1,920 -1,851]/1,920 ) of requests at 20ms load return errors. All other loads (even 40ms load) do not result in errors. Let us go from a discussion of delays and percentiles to focusing on how many students could be effectively served by the personalization service engine. We have based our estimation on the pilot course mentioned in the beginning of section 4. As previously stated, there were 37 students. Whenever they worked with the personalization services, they spent 95% of their time, collectively, making no more than 7 requests per minute. Since the typical request contained roughly 20 resources that needed personalization, we based the estimation on the results for the medium complexity requests obtained above. Loads of 10 and 20 ms between requests were clearly too high. A load of 40 ms between requests seemed to be quite plausible for a personalization service engine to handle. 40ms between requests is 60,000 / 40 = 1,500 per minute. In a class of 37 students, 95% of the time had a maximum 7 requests per minute, whenever they were working with the system. To reach the allowed request maximum of 1,500, (37*1500 / 7) ≈ 8,000 students have to be actively involved.
Fig. 3 Relative time distribution between network communication, user modeling server and the personalization engine.
As mentioned before, we based our estimation on a class where students were working with adaptive tools intensively. For a less demanding course, a larger number of students could be supported. Also, at this point, no special techniques or software/hardware configurations were used to boost the performance of the personalization engine. We have shown the feasibility of deploying a personalization service engine in a distributed adaptive environment, but due to the distributed nature of personalization, the adaptation delays cannot be attributed to the personalization engine alone. The personalization service had to consult an external oracle (user modeling server) which consumes more time. Network communication from the client (portal) to the personalization service and back again, as well as from the personalization service to the user model server and back – must be considered as well. Fig. 3 shows the relative distribution of the request delays. As we can see, the pure personalization time is comparable to the processing time of the user model and network communication time. Across all request complexities and loads, the breakdown is roughly 1/3 in each category.
5 Discussion and Future Work This paper explored the feasibility of a service-based approach to personalization in distributed AH systems on both a small and large scale. We implemented a servicebased personalization approach in the context of our distributed e-learning architecture and ran an extensive performance evaluation of this approach under different loads. The results of our study demonstrated that this approach is highly feasible, given modern networking and processing capacity. A regular desktop PC hosting a personalization service could easily support several thousand students working with the system. Moreover, the delay caused by the application of a personalization service is comparable to the delay caused by the user modeling server and the network itself, i.e., a personalization service is not really a stumbling point on the way to distributed personalization. Note that in our study we were using a slower WiFi network as opposed to the faster school LAN, when sending requests to the personalization engine. We did this on purpose to simulate realistic scenarios of students working from locations other than campus. Personalization request delays would be lower and supported user-base capacity of the personalization engine would be higher when faster networks are used. The next step in our evaluation agenda is to check how the distributed personalization approach may be scaled to more sophisticated services. In our study we evaluated a social navigation support service, which is not computationally intensive and only requires a UM lookup. Currently, we are developing more complicated personalization services, which require a more sophisticated aggregation and transformation of the user modeling values. We plan a similar study to evaluate the performance of these personalization services.
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