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Aug 14, 2003 - factory planning, laundry scheduling and pharmaceutical logistics. ..... One of the more complex problems in a hotel chain business is the cleaning and .... In: Workshop on Software Agents in Information Systems and Industrial.
Adaptive Planning for Supply Chain Networks Michael Andreev1, George Rzevski1, Petr Skobelev1, Peter Shveykin1, Alexander Tsarev2, and Andrew Tugashev2 1

Magenta Technology Ltd., 1A, Osipenko str., Samara, Russia, 443110 [email protected] 2 Knowledge Genesis Ltd., 221, Sadovaya str., Samara, Russia 443001 [email protected]

Abstract. This paper describes methodology, toolset and case studies of adaptive planning for supply chain networks based on the holistic approach, multi-agent technology and ontological modeling. The set of tools for the development of adaptive planners can be used for a wide range of applications. Case studies are included describing applications inr adaptive airport logistics, factory planning, laundry scheduling and pharmaceutical logistics. Keywords: adaptive planning, holistic approach, demand-resource network, multi-agent system, ontology, semantic networks.

1 Introduction The adaptive planning is a continuous, event-driven, real-time planning and replanning process [1-2]. In contrast to the simple incremental planning, it makes not only the use of simple open time slots, but also employs the conflict-driven reasoning for the implementation of plan changes by “shift”, “swap” or “drop”. In the adaptive planning, every new event (such as a new order arrival, a cancellation of already allocated orders, the availability of a new resource, a failure of existing resources, or changes of network objectives) can trigger a partial or even the full change of the previously accepted plan, occasionally with long ripple effects. The adaptive planning is compatible with fundamental ideas of the holistic approach [3] where a number of autonomous “wholes” can dynamically form a new higher-order entity, which begins to operate as a new autonomous “whole”. Constituent “parts” of the newly formed “whole” can revert to working autonomously as “wholes”, if required. The holistic approach fully matches the key principles of “vertical” self-organization when local interactions form higher-order structures which, in turn, affect local interactions [4]. Holistic ideas and distributed, agent-based decision making provide a powerful mechanism for modeling Prigogin’s self-accelerating reactions with a full set of nonlinear thermodynamic effects [5]. The system is able to change the whole plan within a short period of time because local parts of a schedule dynamically form higher-order components able to work autonomously and take decisions in negotiation with other V. Marik, V. Vyatkin, A.W. Colombo (Eds.): HoloMAS 2007, LNAI 4659, pp. 215–224, 2007. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007


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components. For example, in road transportation scheduling the agent of a journey, as a “whole”, can decide to replace a truck without consulting agents of orders allocated to the journey; the agents of orders, in turn, may decide to leave the journey to which they were allocated if they can get better options and if their action will increase the global value. This approach provides an opportunity for building complex adaptive systems exhibiting emergent intelligence, which helps to make better decisions faster by specific kind of spontaneous autocatalytic reactions [6]. Our previous developments were focused mainly on transportation, including ocean and truck logistics [7-9]. In this paper we will introduce a new toolset for building adaptive planners which is aimed at a wide range of applications and is currently under development. We will illustrate the approach by giving examples of applications which have been prototyped on the basis of the new toolset.

2 Open Demand-Resource Networks The fundamental concept of the proposed approach is an Open Demand and Resource Network (ODRN), which is a network of interlinked demands and resources in which nodes can be dynamically added or removed [10]. An ODRN can be used to represent a variety of types of supply-chain networks which may contain whole factories or just constituent components like robots, machine tools and conveyors; transportation fleets or trucks, journeys, orders, crossdocks, shops, etc. Each single object in the network can be represented by an agent with its own objectives, preferences and constraints. Agents can take a role of either a demand or a resource, and they are continuously active selling or buying services and searching for the best possible match between demands and supplies. Take, for instance, transportation logistics: a single journey (a trip from point A to point B) may occasionally play a role of a resource for a new order and on other occasions, a role of a demand for trucks and drivers. As demands and resources are matched, agents build temporary links between respective objects of the ODRN, which may be changed when new events occur. These links form a network of object instances which are referred to as the Scene of a supply-chain network and which in fact represents the current situation of the virtual market of demands and resources. A scene is constructed using concepts from Ontology, which is a semantic network of classes of objects (concepts), their relations, their attributes and their behaviors. Ontology represents conceptual problem domain knowledge. The network model of a supply-chain is not necessarily flat and can be organized as a set of pre-defined worlds (networks representing self-contained parts of the supply chain) and also as a set of hierarchical structures of objects dynamically configured by agents. For example a supply chain consisting of factories, transportation fleets and warehouses may be decomposed into a number of constituent supply-chain networks each representing an autonomous virtual world consisting of robots and machine tools; trucks and journeys; and storage locations, respectively. The degree of nesting is not limited and gives an opportunity to increase the complexity of the network when needed. It is important to note that agents assigned to higher order objects do not control the constituent agents – they can only specify and,

Adaptive Planning for Supply Chain Networks


if required, change their goals, preferences and constraints, in other words, they act as holons. For example, if the risk factor for the whole fleet is very high, the fleet agent can identify most risky trucks and initiate re-scheduling of their operations. Agents can have several different criteria for decision making, such as the service level, costs, delivery time and risks and they perpetually search for appropriate tradeoffs between different criteria. Balancing of criteria is controlled by the use of virtual money. For example, an agent can negotiate and win a better delivery time by paying more for a resource and possibly increase the risk of delivery, if this happens to be less important. Every object of an ODRN (for example, a journey) can be constructed dynamically from other objects (for example, orders and trucks) by agent negotiation. The constituent objects of the new object are in a state of not-stable equilibrium and delegate the decision making activities to the agent assigned to the new higher-order agent (for example, to the journey). The main idea here is that agents of consolidated objects do not have to compete for the attention of the system dispatcher for time quanta with other agents. Instead they delegate their decision making tasks to a single agent, which acts on their behalf. If for any reason constituent agents are not satisfied with decisions of their representative, the consolidation structure may break up. An important feature of an ODRN is the mechanism for adding and canceling a demand or resource. For instance, a cross-dock in a supply chain network can be closed at any time because of reconstruction, fire, terrorist attacks or other reasons. For the adaptive planner all situations of this kind will be covered by the event “loss of a resource”. Agents of all goods assigned to the cross-dock that is lost are activated and informed that the links to this cross-dock are now unavailable and that they need to find a new appropriate resource. As a result agents will start negotiating new allocations and all affected goods will finally be reassigned to other cross-docks. This feature enables modeling of internal contingencies and, what is more important, of the impacts of external unpredictable factors. At any time users can visualize ODRN and navigate through the network investigating which demands are linked to which resources and vice versa. Links between demands and resources are not symmetrical because they reflect the level of satisfaction of each agent. As new events occur the less satisfied agents are continuously trying to improve their allocations and thus break less satisfactory links.

3 The Adaptive Planning Toolset The architecture of the Adaptive Planning Toolset, as shown in Fig. 1, contains the following modules: Pattern Generator – generates clusters based on a historical analysis of data, which can be used for demand forecasting, the analysis of state of resources, etc. For example, if a big order is coming every Friday it is reasonable to book specific resources for implementation of this order tentatively in advance. And if the order has not arrived as expected the customer can be alerted and/or resources can be released. Adaptive Scheduler – processes events flow and creates schedules in real time. The Adaptive Scheduler works in close cooperation with the Pattern Generator. For


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example, the Pattern Generator may recognize a big cluster of orders in the input flow of events and trigger the process of consolidation of these orders and as a result the re-scheduling of resources for this group with a view to providing a better quality of scheduling results – if time is available. Network Designer – configures the supply-chain network and describes the initial state of the network manually or automatically, extracting data from different sources (data bases, xls or xml files, etc). For this purpose the user needs to select and load appropriate ontology, which is used as a dictionary of concepts and relations in the process of specifying the concrete customer network. If not all concepts and relations required to specify the new network are available, domain ontology needs to be expanded using the Ontology Editor.

Pattern Generator

Patterns of Demands and Resources Plan

Events Flow

Adaptive Scheduler Scene

Test Orders Flow “What-If” Plan


Ontology Editor

Network Designer


Fig. 1. The Architecture of the Adaptive Planning Toolset

Ontology Editor – helps to build or edit ontology of a supply-chain network, which is required for constructing specific networks using the Network Designer. Ontology contains classes of objects and their relations, attributes and behaviors. Examples include: for objects (factory, cross-dock, etc), relations (resource “is booked” for a demand), attributes (value of an order) and behavior (business processes). Simulator – is the tool for playing What-If games. At any moment the current state of the supply-chain network can be loaded on to Simulator to answer various questions like, for example, what will happen if a new big orders arrived unexpectedly. Another option is to reconfigure the network (changing geography of main resources or making a new type of equipment available) and to run different scenarios of network optimization in parallel with the continuous scheduling of orders as they arrive. In future there will also be an opportunity for Evolutionary Design of the supply chain by running the Simulator in parallel with the Scheduler and automatically generating suggestions how to adapt the network in response to the changes in demand and supply.

Adaptive Planning for Supply Chain Networks


4 Case Studies 4.1 Airport Logistics: Adaptive In-Flight Catering The problem was to plan and simulate the food supply to the aircraft and the delivery from the aircraft heating ovens to passengers. The purpose of the simulation was to investigate the impact of a new type of food heating equipment and to develop business processes on board with the aim of reducing costs and providing more efficient individual service for passengers. The key idea was that the pre-selection of the meal type (for example, a fish or meat choice) in advance, in the course of booking of seats via Internet, or during the check-in stage at the airport, or on the board of the aircraft, may improve the schedule of food heating and delivery on board of the aircraft (Fig. 2). The operation chain included detailed on-board activities such as heating of meal and delivering individual casseroles to each passenger. Caterers tend to supply big packs of casseroles. The use of consolidation allowed focusing on the important problem of specific local parts of the supply chain in order not to waste time on interactions among the multitude of individual objects. Since catering is driven by the end customer demands, which affects individual meals, changes in the meal demands create and destroy consolidations in the supply chain. For example, when a passenger changes the selected meal, the agent representing the changed meal leaves its current consolidation and joins another one that is more appropriate.

Passenger satisfaction levels Food temperature and fill

Attendant's actions

Fig. 2. Screens of the in-flight catering simulator

During the first stages of the on-board supply chain meals are processed as consolidated racks or trays. Meals are delivered on trolleys, transferred to ovens


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where they are heated and then transferred to trolleys for each aisle. Considering each meal separately at these stages of the supply chain is not necessary. During the final stage of the service cycle, when the meals are delivered to the end customers they can be grouped into racks or oven trays, if processed at the same time. A rack and a tray are planned as a consolidated object (object consisting of many constituent objects – individual meals). If a passenger changes his/her order, it can lead to deconsolidation of previously created groups and to the new groupings. Simulation was also used to check the consequences of failures and errors. In conventional systems a failure usually implies the complete re-planning. In simple agent-based systems, if many individual items use the broken-down resource, such as oven, it takes time for all individual agents to find a new available resource and, in addition, during re-scheduling the plan is unstable. The Adaptive Planner however uses consolidated objects, which implies that the re-scheduling is normally done in a single transaction. If rescheduling of a consolidated object causes problems to an individual constituent object, the agent assigned to this object may decide to leave the group and join another that is more appropriate. The results of simulation have shown a number of benefits of new catering equipment and the improved value proposition for airline companies. 4.2 Adaptive Laundry One of the more complex problems in a hotel chain business is the cleaning and laundering of items such as bed-sheets, pillow-slips, duvets, towels, etc. Consider a map with a number of hotels and laundries and a real-time flow of orders for cleaning. Managers of hotels and laundries need to agree, in real time, which item to clean in which laundry with a view to minimizing costs and optimizing the delivery, maintaining good quality at minimum risk. Planning must take into consideration not only the reality of current guest turnaround but also annual statistics and demand forecasts.

Fig. 3. Ontology Editor (on the left) and Scene Visualization (on the right)

Each laundry has its own configuration of equipment and is likely to have a different business process, which may include: sorting the dirty stock, loading it into washing machines, washing, drying, sorting of washed garments, ironing and packing.

Adaptive Planning for Supply Chain Networks


Additional requirements are that garments of different colors are not allowed to be washed together. Also, garments of different sizes have different drying times, thus it is better to group them by size in order to make up more optimal schedule. The Adaptive Planner assigns an agent to each key element of a laundry, including washing machines, dryers, ironers, etc. Each order that arrives to the system creates an agent for several linked operations on the time line. Each operation uses certain equipment and has certain properties pertaining to the product to be processed. Information about laundry equipment, their operation and their attributes is entered into ontology for each laundry type. Based on this information demand agents negotiate the best available time slots of resources (workers, machines and other equipment) according to their objectives (Fig. 3). Agents can group several segments on a time line of a resource belonging to different orders to achieve more efficient scheduling. Consolidated operations have a practical value as long as production items are more efficiently processed when grouped by certain properties like size, weight and color. The consolidated objects are usually kept unbroken even when a complete rescheduling is necessary. In such cases consolidation can greatly increase the quality and performance of scheduling. The incoming dirty garment flow is normally unknown until the bags are unpacked. Therefore the initial plan is created on the basis of real orders and approximate statistics and can be very rough. As production begins, the garment types loaded into machines are entered into the system to correct the initial tentative plan. If the entered real data does not match the initially planned incoming flow, a rapid rescheduling follows. It should be noted that people who enter corrections cannot do that for each item because this would take more time than the loading. They can enter only the type of the sorting group and its weight. This is fully compatible with the load consolidation concept. The new data is entered as a consolidated group and the agent assigned to the group interacts with agents assigned to other consolidated groups. This reduces greatly the number of interactions needed to obtain a new stable schedule and has a high significance value in the case when a new loading happens each 2 minutes. The results of simulation showed that the adaptive planning can bring a considerable value to the customer in reducing costs, improving quality of service and delivering all items on time. 4.3 Adaptive Factory Traditional ERP systems are using classical waterfall Push or Pull schemes of operations. In the Push scheme supply is driving the whole production plan of the year. In the Pull scheme the production plan is demand-driven. The problem is that in reality it is required to combine both schemes dynamically. For example a factory can get a new big order for product A from a customer and consolidate it with previous orders for this type of product. The consolidation will decrease the cost of production and it may even induce other customers to buy the product A with a good discount. As the demand for product A increases, it may trigger a further consolidation and therefore a further reduction in production costs. The process has all the properties of the autocatalytic reaction which self-accelerates the system transition to a new state potentially near a strong attractor.


M. Andreev et al. Dynamic factory production plan

Model structure

Changing inventory state

Inventory agent


Fig. 4. Screen of adaptive factory simulator

Examples of screens of the Adaptive Factory Scheduler are shown in Fig. 4 and 5.

Fig. 5. KPIs Screen of the adaptive factory simulator

Simulation results show that such self-accelerating reaction based on the dynamic pricing model can significantly reduce costs and improve efficiency of all factory operations. 4.4 Adaptive Pharmaceutics A multi-agent system for providing social services to the citizens on the basis of social passports and smart cards is described in [11]. One of the most complex problems that have been solved by the system was the provision of free medication to

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welfare recipients (war veterans, retired citizens, disabled persons). The scheduler planed supplies to hospitals, clinics and drugstores that serve a large region with more than 3 million citizens. This system provides each clinical department with a possibility to plan medications individually for each welfare recipient taking into account changes in his/her health condition, the date of next visit, etc. Data from different departments is consolidated into one general order (for this clinic), and orders from different clinics are then consolidated into a regional order. The bigger the order the more substantial discount can be obtained from medical suppliers and the saved money is used either for ordering more expensive and more efficient medications or for saving budget resources. To obtain this kind of consolidation the Adaptive Planner has to continuously schedule and reschedule supplies based on changes in demand and supply conditions and the feedback from medical staff and individual patients. Pricing of each type of medication is dynamically adjusted to reflect the size of the order and delivery dates.

5 Conclusions The adaptive planning is of great interest to supply chain management due to the number of its unique features: ƒ individual approach to every demand and resource; ƒ near optimal and well-balanced solutions for very complex networks where combinatorial search is not effective; ƒ a fast response time to unpredictable events because there is no need to revise the whole schedule every time; ƒ the dynamical pricing model allows negotiation with clients in real time; ƒ the easy customization to different requirements. The development of adaptive planners is however a complex process. It requires knowledge-based tools, distributed decision making with parallel computation, learning and adaptation. With the help of tools described in this paper the complexity and the costs of the development process can be reduced significantly. As a result, adaptive planning can bring a significant value to businesses by providing better service level for clients, reducing operating costs, increasing resource utilization and minimizing risks.

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