25 Mar 2008 ... RFQ # D608113RW Rotomill. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of Addendum
001 (ONE) by signing and including it with the original bid.
ADDENDUM 001 REQUEST FOR QUOTE RFQ # D608113RW Rotomill Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of Addendum 001 (ONE) by signing and including it with the original bid. The due date for receipt of quotations remains unchanged by this Addendum. Accordingly, the following clarifications, questions and answers are believed to be of general interest to all potential Bidders. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged and in full force. Name and Title of Signer (Print or type)
Name and Title of Department Authority Terri Mount Procurement Agent
Bidder Signature
Department of Transportation
___________________________________ (Signature of person authorized to sign)
_Terri Mount _______________________
Date Signed:
Date Signed: March 25, 2008
(Authorizing Signature)
A question arose as to how many hours “the day “ unit of measure referenced. For the purposes of this quotation the unit “day” is based on an eight (8) hour day.