addendum - Public Service Commission, West Bengal

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Apr 18, 2017 - Education) (4th Amendment), Regulations, 2016 vide No. ... existing Ordinances/ By-laws/ Regulations of t
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, WEST BENGAL 161A, S.P.Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026

ADDENDUM Ref : Commission’s Advertisement No. 8/2017, Item No. 1, for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professor in 30 different disciplines for General Degree Colleges in W.B.E.S. under the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. Of West Bengal Consequent upon amendment vide notification no. 436-Edn(A)/10M-140/13 dt. 18.04.2017 issued by the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. Of West Bengal following the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) (4th Amendment), Regulations, 2016 vide No. F.1.2/2016 (PS/Amendment) notified in the Gazette of India on 11th July,2010, the following provisio shall be inserted :1) In sub-paragraph (ii) under “General Stipulation” of Advt. No. 8/2017 Item No. 1, after the existing provisio , the following provisio shall be inserted – “Provided further that the candidates with Ph. D. Degree who have registered for Ph. D. Programme prior to 11th July, 2009 in accordance with provisions of the then existing Ordinances/ By-laws/ Regulations of the Institutions awarding the Degree shall be exempted from the requirement of the Minimum Eligibility Condition of having NET/SLET/SET for the purpose of recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor, subject to fulfilment of the following conditions, namely:(a) Ph.D. Degree of the candidate awarded in regular mode only; (b) Evaluation of the Ph.D. thesis by at least two external examiners; (c) Open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate had been conducted; (d) Candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph. D. work out of which at least one must be in a refereed journal; (e) Candidate has made at least two presentations in conferences/seminars, based on his/her Ph. D. work. Note:- (a) to (e) as above are to be certified by the Vice-chancellor/Pro-ViceChancellor/Dean(Academic Affairs)/Dean(University instructions).” 2) In sub-paragraph (iv) under “General Stipulation” of Advt. No. 8/2017 Item No. 1, after the words in brackets (Physically and Visually differently-able) provided in the second and sixth line the following words shall be inserted – “including Other Backward Classes (OBC)(non-creamy layer)”

The closing date for receipt of online application has been extended upto the 11th May, 2017 and Closing date for offline payment of fees has been extended upto the 12th May, 2017.