Adherence to Medications for the Treatment of Congestive Heart ...

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Health Care Expenditures. Adherence to ... with utilization and total health care costs. ○ Determine ... ○1999 Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) files. – Provided ...
Adherence to Medications for the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure and Its Association with Health Care Expenditures Ann Bagchi Dominick Esposito Myoung Kim James Verdier Deo Bencio Funded Funded by by Centers Centers for for Medicare Medicare & & Medicaid Medicaid Services Services

Background z z Congestive heart failure (CHF) affects 2.6% of all

Medicaid beneficiaries and 10.7% of dual eligibles z z Medication adherence plays a key role in managing CHF z z CHF is a target for disease management and medication

therapy management programs z z Few studies have examined CHF drug use within the

Medicaid population 2

Research Objectives

Data z 1998


Determine the proportion of Medicaid beneficiaries with CHF drug fills


Estimate CHF medication adherence rates among beneficiaries with at least one fill


Examine association of CHF drug adherence with utilization and total health care costs

Used to identify beneficiaries with a CHF diagnosis

z 1999 –


z z

45,572 beneficiaries in four states: AR, CA, IN, and NJ

z z

Continuously enrolled in Medicaid fee-forfee for-service 19981998fee-for-service 1999 or until death

z z

Diagnosed with CHF in either: –– One One inpatient inpatient stay, stay, or or –– Two Two or or more more ambulatory ambulatory care care visits visits


Medicare Standard Analytic File (SAF (SAF))

Provided information on MedicareMedicare-covered services and expenditures


Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

z z

Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) files

Provided information on diagnoses, drug use, and MedicaidMedicaid-covered services and expenditures

z 1999 –

State Medicaid Research Files (SMRF (SMRF))

Outcome Measures z z

CHF drug fills –– Receipt Receipt of of any any CHF CHF prescriptions prescriptions –– Adherence Adherence levels levels

z z

Health care costs (Medicare and Medicaid) –– Total Total (excluding (excluding and and including including drug drug costs), costs), prescription prescription drug, drug, inpatient, inpatient, outpatient, outpatient, and and other other medical medical services services

z z

Health care utilization –– Inpatient Inpatient hospitalizations hospitalizations –– Emergency Emergency department department

Excludes beneficiaries with any nursing home stays 6

Measuring Adherence

Statistical Methods z z Drug fills


–– Logit Logit models models to to predict predict any any CHF CHF prescriptions prescriptions filled filled –– OLS OLS models models to to identify identify predictors predictors of of CHF CHF drug drug adherence adherence

Medication Possession Ratio (MPR) Ratio of total days supply to number of days between index prescription and last prescription date


Medication persistence Number of days of continuous drug use per month

z z Health care costs

–– Generalized -zero values non Generalized linear model for for cost data with no nonnon-zero –– Two-stage model Two Two-stage model for for skewed skewed data data with with many many zero zero values values z z Health care utilization

–– Logit Logit models models for for inpatient inpatient admission admission or or emergency emergency room room visit visit –– OLS OLS used used for for admissions, admissions, ER ER visits, visits, and and hospital hospital days days



Findings on CHF Drug Fills

Findings on CHF Drug Adherence

z 85% of patients had at least one CHF drug claim

z z Median adherence values were higher than the means,

indicating outliers with significantly lower adherence

z Those with at least one prescription filled, on

–– MPR: MPR: median median == 82.8% 82.8% and and mean mean == 71.9% 71.9% –– Persistence: Persistence: median median == 28.6 28.6 days days and and mean mean == 24.8 24.8 days days

average, 1.4 prescriptions per month z Likelihood of filling a prescription was lower for:

– – – –

z z Adherence rates were lower for:

Individuals aged 64 and younger African Americans Males Individuals with health comorbidities

–– –– –– ––


Individuals Individuals aged aged 64 64 and and younger younger African African Americans Americans Males Males Individuals Individuals with with health health comorbidities comorbidities


Non-Adherent Patients Had Higher Non Non-Adherent Health Care Costs in the Year

Non-Adherent Patients Had Higher Non Non-Adherent Levels of Health Care Utilization in the Year Utilization Measures



Any Hospitalization



Difference (* p < 0.01) 0.4*



Total: Including Drugs



Difference (* p < 0.01) $5,910*

Total: Excluding Drugs












Cost Measures

Number of Hospitalizations




Number of Inpatient Days


















Any ER Visit Number of ER Visits



Health Care Costs Have a Graded Association with Drug Adherence Adherence Level


Total Costs (excluding drugs) $13,691

95% to 99%



80% to 95%



50% to 80%



Less than 50%



99% or more

Total Costs

(comparison group)


* Predicted costs are significantly larger than the predicted costs of the group with adherence of 99% or more at p < 0.01 using a two-tailed t-test.

Conclusions and Policy Implications z z

The association of adherence to health care utilization was small but significant

z z

CHF drug adherence is associated with lower health care costs among Medicaid beneficiaries

z z

Even small changes in the level of adherence could significantly affect health care spending

z z

State Medicaid agencies and Medicare prescription drug plans should consider developing targeted interventions to improve adherence with CHF drugs