classification standards, financial disbursements, and accounting requirements. .... Controller, Purchasing and Property
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Administrative Positions TERM APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATORS All administrative staff, including vice presidents, deans, directors, department heads, and other similar positions, shall hold their administrative appointment at the pleasure or will of the University of Louisiana System. The annual approval of the budget and personnel documents designating the salary and other personnel benefits for administrative personnel shall not constitute an implied nor expressed agreement for continued employment throughout that fiscal year, but are executed or approved solely for the purpose of budgeting and associated fiscal and administrative matters. Appointments are made by the appropriate University official based upon recommendations of the budget unit head of the employing unit. According to the Rules of the University of Louisiana System, "The president of an institution [in the System] shall be employed at the pleasure or will of the University of Louisiana System, at a salary fixed by the System" (Part Two, Chapter III, Section IV, Role, Contractual Arrangements, Benefits, Expenses, and Evaluations of Presidents, located at: .
DESCRIPTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS President The President formulates plans and programs for and directs administration of Southeastern Louisiana University within the authority delegated by the University of Louisiana System. The President performs the following essential functions: 1. Directly supervises the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Student Affairs; Vice President for University Advancement; Vice President for Administration and Finance; Executive Director of Public and Governmental Affairs; Director of Athletics; Compliance and Title IX Officer for Athletics; Director of Internal Audit; Administrative Positions – Page 1
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EEO/ADA Officer and Title IX Coordinator; Chief Information Officer, Director of Economic and Business Development; and Administrative Assistants. 2. Plans objectives and develops organizational policies to coordinate functions and operations between divisions and departments and to establish responsibilities and procedures for attaining objectives. 3. Reviews activity reports and financial statements to determine progress and status in attaining objectives and revises objectives and plans in accordance with current conditions. 4. Coordinates with the Provost; Vice President for Administration and Finance; Vice President for Student Affairs; Vice President for University Advancement; and the Assistant Director of Budgets in the development of the University's annual operating budget and capital budget for submission to the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors, the Board of Regents, and the Louisiana Legislature. 5. Plans and develops labor and public relations policies designed to improve the University's image and relations with customers, employees, and public. 6. Evaluates performance of subordinates for compliance with established policies and objectives of organization and contributions in attaining objectives. 7. Conducts Presidential Staff meetings; confers with staff to plan and initiate programs concerning organizational, operational, and academic functions of the University; and oversees their execution. 8. Meets with administrative officials and representatives of business, community, and civic groups to promote educational, research, and public service objectives and policies of institution. 9. Establishes operational procedures, rules, and standards relating to faculty and staff classification standards, financial disbursements, and accounting requirements. 10. Represents Southeastern Louisiana University at the meetings of the University of Louisiana System and at formal functions. 11. Ensures appropriate institutional control over intercollegiate athletics. 12. Oversees all fundraising activities in support of the University mission. The President may also chair University committees, including management, executive, and administrative.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs The Provost is the chief academic officer of the University. The Provost directs and coordinates activities of all areas within the Division of Academic Affairs, including the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; College of Business; College of Education; College of Nursing and Health Sciences; College of Science and Technology; Enrollment Services; Center for Faculty Excellence; Center for Student Excellence; Honors Program and International Initiatives; Office of Institutional Research; Office of Sponsored Research and Programs; Sims Memorial Library; Southeastern Channel; Special Projects and TRIO. The Provost aids the President in formulating and administering organizational policies and procedures and performs the following primary and essential functions: Administrative Positions – Page 2
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1. Directly supervises the Assistant Vice President for Academic Programs, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Deans of each of the five colleges, Director of Enrollment Services, Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence, Director of the Center for Student Excellence, Director of Honors and International Initiatives, Director of Institutional Research, Director of Sponsored Research and Programs, Director of the Library, Station Manager of the Southeastern Channel, Coordinator of Special Projects and TRIO. 2. Participates in formulating and administering University policies and assists in developing long-range goals and objectives for the University. 3. Coordinates with the President, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Vice President for University Advancement, the development of the University's annual operating and capital outlay budgets for submission to the University of Louisiana System, Board of Regents, and the Louisiana Legislature. 4. Ensures the quality and integrity of all academic programs, including program and accreditation reviews, annual reports for new degree programs to supervisory boards, and curriculum development. 5. Evaluates the performance of all tenure and promotion candidates, ensuring tenure and promotion decisions are based on approved guidelines. 6. Manages budgets and allocate funds appropriately to meet the needs of academic, cocurricular, and support units within the Division of Academic Affairs. 7. Enforces the policies and rules of Southeastern Louisiana University, the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors, and the Louisiana Board of Regents. 8. Develops and refines procedures and oversees their implementation and maintenance. 9. Coordinates and/or oversees special analytical studies or task forces in the academic and administrative areas of the University to address such issues as academic program review; student retention, progression, and graduation; planning for academic programs and administrative positions/units. 10. Confers with the President and other administrative personnel to review achievements and discuss required changes in goals or objectives resulting from current status and conditions. 11. Encourages and supports excellence in teaching, research/professional activity, and service. 12. Maintains strong, healthy community, public, and legislative relations for the benefit of the University. 13. Assists with University development activities, including fund-raising, booster clubs, etc. 14. Communicates with deans, department heads, and faculty on any subject pertinent to Academic Affairs. 15. Works closely with the University of Louisiana System and the Board of Regents on System and University activities. 16. Initiates and supports activities to promote positive perceptions of Southeastern. Administrative Positions – Page 3
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17. Supports close working relationships with community and technical colleges, particularly Northshore Technical Community College, as well as with Louisiana parish school systems. 18. Represents Southeastern Louisiana University in speaking engagements and public appearances both on and off campus. 19. Represents Southeastern Louisiana University on the Council of Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs advising the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors and the System staff. In addition, the Provost represents the University in a leadership capacity for community organizations and activities; attends and participates in campus social activities; performs the responsibilities of President if he/she is unable; and may perform any other job-related duties as assigned by the President.
Vice President for Administration and Finance The Vice President for Administration and Finance directs and coordinates activities of the division for which responsibility is delegated to departmental directors for further attainment of goals and objectives. Departments include Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets, Budget Office, Controller's Office, Purchasing and Property Control, University Center, Auxiliary Services, Safety and Hazardous Materials Management, Physical Plant and Services, Human Resources, Facility Planning, Student Union, and financial matters of the Athletics Department. The Vice President performs the following essential functions: 1. Directly supervises the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets who oversees the Controller, Purchasing and Property Control, Budgets, and system software implementation for the division; the Director of Auxiliary Services who oversees all auxiliary operations to include Events and Conference Services, Textbook Rentals, Campus Card Operations, Housing and contracted services; Director of Hazardous Materials Management, Director of Facility Planning; Director of Human Resources; Director of Physical Plant Services; and Administrative Assistant(s). 2. Confers with President and other administrative personnel to review achievements and discuss required changes in goals or objectives resulting from current status and conditions. 3. Cooperates with other top management personnel in formulating and establishing University policies, operating procedures, and goals. 4. Conducts management meetings with directors to establish, delineate, and review program organizational policies; to coordinate functions and operations between departments; and to establish responsibilities and procedures for attaining objectives. 5. Participates in formulating and administering University and divisional policies and in developing long-range goals and objectives as a member of University Planning Council. 6. Conducts management studies, prepares workload and budget estimates for specified or assigned operations, analyzes operational reports, and submits activity reports. 7. Coordinates assigned program activities, determine methods and procedures for carrying out programs, and assist in interpreting policies and practices. 8. Develops and recommends plans for expansion of existing programs, operations, and financial activities. Administrative Positions – Page 4
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9. Formulates or interprets regulations and policies for implementation by staff and supplies information to attorneys and litigants in various cases. 10. Reviews analyses of activities, costs, operations, and forecast data to determine division progress toward stated goals and objectives. 11. Apprises the President on a regular basis of developments pertaining to fiscal matters. 12. Coordinates with the President, the other Vice Presidents, and the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets in the development of the University's annual operating budget for submission to the University of Louisiana System, the Board of Regents, and the Louisiana Legislature. 13. Coordinates with the President, the other Vice Presidents, and the Director of Facility Planning in the development of the Capital Outlay budget for submission to the University of Louisiana System, the Board of Regents, and the Louisiana Legislature. 14. Oversees the overall financial reporting and budgetary control systems to ensure proper control, custody, management, and investment of University assets. 15. Reviews technical problems and procedures of departments and recommends solutions to problems or changes in procedures. 16. Represents Southeastern Louisiana University on the Council of Vice Presidents of Finance advising the University of The Louisiana System Board of Supervisors and the System staff. 17. Assists the Athletic Department with budget/financial issues.
Vice President for Student Affairs The Vice President for Student Affairs is the Chief Student Affairs Officer of the University and is responsible for planning, development, coordination and administration of all areas of student services. The functional areas of Student Affairs are as follows: Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability, Director of Multicultural/International Student Services, Student Publications, University Counseling Center, and University Police. The Vice President performs the following essential functions: 1. Directly supervises the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, the Director of University Police, the Director of Career Services, the Director of the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability, the Director of Student Publications, Director of Multicultural/International Student Services, and the Director of the University Counseling Center. 2. Responsible for the overall direction and development of the Division for Student Affairs 3. Works with the President and other Vice Presidents to ensure that students are considered at the forefront in planning initiatives. 4. Serves as a member of the University Planning Council in developing long-range goals and objectives. 5. Communicates with faculty, staff, and students on any subject pertinent to student affairs. 6. Conducts periodic staff needs assessment to avoid duplication of efforts and uncoordinated activities. Administrative Positions – Page 5
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7. Monitors an effective communication system among the professional staff. 8. Develops long-range goals and annual objectives according to the University Strategic Vision. 9. Involves staff in setting goals for the Division for Student Affairs. 10. Coordinates, with the staff, adequate budgetary requests, prioritizing needs, and allocating resources accordingly. 11. Develops an organizational structure to clarify the mission of the Division and to remove obstacles to performance. 12. Ensures organizational flexibility as the Division evolves. 13. Implements and refines effective procedures for staff participation in decision-making and for communication and coordination of organizational units. 14. Promotes interaction between faculty and student affairs officers. 15. Helps to integrate responsibilities for meeting student needs between academic departments and the Division for Student Affairs. 16. Encourages faculty/student affairs partnerships in developing workshops on such topics as student development theory, learning styles, and understanding diversity. 17. Provides for the recruitment, selection, orientation, development, and evaluation of staff. 18. Provides leadership for the supervision and training of staff. 19. Assists staff to create individual plans for personal/professional development. 20. Guides the development of a procedure for assessing staff performance. 21. Attends professional conferences and workshops to remain abreast of pertinent issues in student affairs. 22. Ensures that the Division for Student Affairs is represented adequately in policy deliberations at all levels outside of the student affairs area. 23. Provides for student participation in University governance through committee services. 24. Assists the staff in developing student leaders. 25. Promotes student success through programming, staffing, and involvement as measured through outcome-based evaluations (e.g., student satisfaction, changes in behavior). 26. Promotes an environment that nourishes individual student growth and achievement and that insists on being civil in interpersonal exchanges. 27. Assists the staff in developing programs for the changing student population(s). 28. Appoints committees and task forces to study and improve services to students. Administrative Positions – Page 6
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29. Serves as the final appeal for all disciplinary matters. 30. Remains on call 24 hours a day for emergencies.
Vice President for University Advancement The Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA) in conjunction with the President builds and advances relationships and secures resources and charitable funds for the University. The VPUA oversees the Board of Directors for the Southeastern Foundation. The VPUA manages the University Advancement program to include: Advancement Services, Alumni Relations, fundraising, and marketing and branding. The VPUA reports directly to the President and is a member of the President’s Executive Council. 1. Confers with the President and other administrative personnel to review achievements and discuss required changes in goals or objectives resulting from current status and conditions. 2. Cooperates with other top management personnel in formulating and establishing University policies, operating procedures, and goals. 3. Participates in formulating and administering University and divisional policies and in developing long-range goals and objectives as a member of the University Planning Council. 4. Designs, directs and administers comprehensive major fundraising campaigns consistent with the University’s strategic plan to include major gifts, annual giving, and planned giving. 5. Responsible for identification, cultivation, and solicitation of major gift prospects as the University’s chief fundraising officer. 6. Serves as the University liaison and director of the Southeastern Foundation. 7. Oversees the work of the Alumni Director and the Southeastern Alumni Association Board of Directors to plan and coordinate all alumni activities. 8. Oversees the work related to marketing, communications, alumni and fund raising related publications and constituent communications. 9. Works in conjunction with all university colleges, departments, and affiliates to give counsel and to coordinate their fundraising initiatives, including athletics and the Columbia Theatre. 10. Supervises and evaluates the performance of the Senior Director for Development, Alumni Director, Director for Marketing and Communications, Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, Assistant Director for Annual Giving, Senior Accountant, and Administrative Assistant 5. 11. Conducts management meetings with the University Advancement staff to establish, delineate, and review programs; to coordinate functions and operations of the units reporting to the VPUA, and to establish responsibilities and procedures for attaining objectives.
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12. Initiates activities to promote positive relationships for Southeastern and represents Southeastern in speaking engagements and public appearances. 13. Maintains budget authority for the Division of University Advancement and the Foundation.
Chief Information Officer The Chief Information Officer provides leadership in the strategic planning, development, implementation and integration of information systems, resources and services. Reporting to the President, the Chief Information Officer identifies and communicates the technology implications for all strategic goals, and anticipates changes and emerging trends in information technology that might impact University resources. The CIO manages and directs all of the University’s information and communications technology. The CIO also helps lead the planning and support of administrative information services and other information systems. The CIO serves as a member of the President’s Staff and the Technology Planning Committee. The CIO will be the institution’s leader and advocate for information technology, by giving technology a vision, a focus, and a unified management direction. This person’s primary tasks will be to integrate the institution’s technology plans with its overall strategic plan and then to strategically manage the resources to ensure the stated outcomes are realized. This person will need to make sure that the environment is set up to deliver a full range of information technology services to a full range of users, to make sure that the service operation is both effective and efficient. One of the most important responsibilities for the CIO is to make sure other senior administrators are continually being given appropriate information about information technology, and to see to it that there is enough focus by the senior administration on important technology issues so that they need not become crises. The primary responsibilities of the Chief Information Officer include the following: 1. Responds to the needs of the whole community of users and potential users, both administrative and academic, through listening, coordinating, and planning. 2. Leads Southeastern to a sensible, cost-effective vision for information technology. 3. Administers all information technology services. 4. Develops, promotes, and implements a comprehensive strategic vision and implementation plan for supportive information systems consistent with Southeastern’s vision and mission. 5. Anticipates changes and emerging trends in information technology and library sciences that might impact Southeastern resources, and assume a leadership role in developing information technology strategies to meet operational and strategic needs. 6. Develops and implements sound institutional policies, procedures, controls and standards related to information technology to safeguard the information resources of Southeastern while supporting Southeastern’s mission and strategic goals. 7. Works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and campus leaders to integrate the use of technology in promoting student success, productive scholarship, service, and community outreach. 8. Provides leadership to enhance student learning and the student experience through delivery and resourceful use of state-of-the-art information technologies and systems, including administrative and operational data systems, academic technology delivery infrastructure, desktop computing, and associated support services. Administrative Positions – Page 8
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9. Defines, develops, and manages information technology projects, budgets, and capital investment. 10. Develops, manages and continually enhances a technology organization that is productive, dynamic, cost effective, responsive to stakeholder needs, and mission driven. 11. Collects, synthesizes, and reports information on campus-wide technology budget, personnel, and services. 12. Represents the information technology needs and interests of the University within the community and the region. 13. Directly supervises the Team Leader of Client Services, Team Leader of Client Mobility and Team Leader of Client Connectivity, and Business Manager. 14. Indirectly supervises all staff in the Office of Technology.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Programs The Assistant Vice President for Academic Programs is responsible to the Provost and assists the Provost in the management and coordination of the functions of the Office of Academic Affairs. The Assistant Vice President for Academic Programs is responsible for the following essential functions: 1. Working with deans and department heads to monitor class schedules and course enrollments prior to the beginning of each semester, ensuring enrollment policies are adhered to and schedules are built to meet student needs. 2. Working with Human Resources personnel to maintain accurate FWAR and AWARs each semester. 3. Reviewing and providing feedback on draft University Catalogue copies. 4. Maintaining curriculum review process records and ensures Board and university policies related to curriculum are adhered to. 5. Tracking endowed professorship and endowed chair awards and reports as well as ensuring University endowed professorship and endowed chair policies and procedures are consistent with Board of Regents endowed professorship and endowed chair policies. 6. Reviewing and recommending approval/disapproval of all Study Abroad proposals on behalf of the Provost’s office. 7. Overseeing strategic planning and direction of Southeastern’s dual enrollment program; developing budget requests and overseeing dual enrollment budgets. 8. Providing leadership and coordination for transfer degree programs (Louisiana Transfer Associate degree program, 2+2 programs, baccalaureate-to-graduate programs); developing budget requests and overseeing transfer program budget. 9. Serving as the University’s Chief Articulation Officer. Administrative Positions – Page 9
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Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness The Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness is responsible to the Provost and assists the Provost in the management and coordination of the functions of the Office of Academic Affairs. The Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for the following essential functions: 1. Working with academic program assessment coordinators, department heads, deans, and members of the University Academic Assessment Subcommittee to ensure all academic degree and certificate programs have up-to-date student learning outcomes assessment plans and reports indicating an ongoing data-based process of continual improvement and that are approved as per the University’s Guidelines for the Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness. 2. Working with relevant support unit personnel and members of the University Support Services Assessment Subcommittee to ensure all required support unit assessment plans and reports are up-to-date, indicating an ongoing data-based process of continual improvement, and are approving as per the University’s Guidelines for Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness. 3. Working with the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, University Academic Assessment Subcommittee, and University Support Services Assessment Subcommittee to recommend changes to the University’s Guidelines for the Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness, as necessary. 4. Writing reports or sections of reports to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools concerning institutional effectiveness. 5. Reviewing and providing feedback on discipline-specific accreditation reports, particularly on sections of such reports concerning program assessment/institutional effectiveness. 6. Coordinating the development, maintenance, and subsequent revisions of the University Policies web page.
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs The Vice President for Student Affairs is the Chief Student Affairs Officer of the University and is responsible for planning, development, coordination and administration of all areas of student services. The functional areas of Student Affairs are as follows: Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability, Director of Multicultural/International Student Services, Student Publications, University Counseling Center, and University Police. The Vice President performs the following essential functions: 1. Directly supervises the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, the Director of University Police, the Director of Career Services, the Director of the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability, the Director of Student Publications, Director of Multicultural/International Student Services, and the Director of the University Counseling Center. 2. Responsible for the overall direction and development of the Division for Student Affairs Administrative Positions – Page 10
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3. Works with the President and other Vice Presidents to ensure that students are considered at the forefront in planning initiatives. 4. Serves as a member of the University Planning Council in developing long-range goals and objectives. 5. Communicates with faculty, staff, and students on any subject pertinent to student affairs. 6. Conducts periodic staff needs assessment to avoid duplication of efforts and uncoordinated activities. 7. Monitors an effective communication system among the professional staff. 8. Develops long-range goals and annual objectives according to the University Strategic Vision. 9. Involves staff in setting goals for the Division for Student Affairs. 10. Coordinates, with the staff, adequate budgetary requests, prioritizing needs, and allocating resources accordingly. 11. Develops an organizational structure to clarify the mission of the Division and to remove obstacles to performance. 12. Ensures organizational flexibility as the Division evolves. 13. Implements and refines effective procedures for staff participation in decision-making and for communication and coordination of organizational units. 14. Promotes interaction between faculty and student affairs officers. 15. Helps to integrate responsibilities for meeting student needs between academic departments and the Division for Student Affairs. 16. Encourages faculty/student affairs partnerships in developing workshops on such topics as student development theory, learning styles, and understanding diversity. 17. Provides for the recruitment, selection, orientation, development, and evaluation of staff. 18. Provides leadership for the supervision and training of staff. 19. Assists staff to create individual plans for personal/professional development. 20. Guides the development of a procedure for assessing staff performance. 21. Attends professional conferences and workshops to remain abreast of pertinent issues in student affairs. 22. Ensures that the Division for Student Affairs is represented adequately in policy deliberations at all levels outside of the student affairs area. 23. Provides for student participation in University governance through committee services. 24. Assists the staff in developing student leaders. Administrative Positions – Page 11
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25. Promotes student success through programming, staffing, and involvement as measured through outcome-based evaluations (e.g., student satisfaction, changes in behavior). 26. Promotes an environment that nourishes individual student growth and achievement and that insists on being civil in interpersonal exchanges. 27. Assists the staff in developing programs for the changing student population(s). 28. Appoints committees and task forces to study and improve services to students. 29. Serves as the final appeal for all disciplinary matters. 30. Remains on call 24 hours a day for emergencies.
Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets The Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets is responsible to the Vice President for Administration and Finance and assists the Vice President in the management and coordination of the accounting and finance functions of the Division of Administration and Finance. The Assistant Vice President for Finance supervises the Controller, and the Director of Purchasing and Property Control, the Budget Director and the Systems Analyst Position within the office of the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets. The Assistant Vice President for Finance and Budgets is responsible for the following essential functions: 1. Ensures compliance with the University’s mission by working with department directors to develop and review departmental plans, goals, and objectives, assuring development of effective business processes incorporating automation with appropriate technologies, designing systems of effective controls to guide work toward expected outcomes, evaluating progress towards their accomplishment, monitoring workloads and prioritizing staffing needs accordingly, overseeing the preparation and implementation of the annual budget for assigned departments and maintaining executive authority over departmental budgets. 2. Helps to assure achievement of the goals and objectives of the University by assisting with the preparation of an annual operating budget request to the State of Louisiana and overseeing the preparation of an internal budget for assigned departments. 3. Advises the Vice President for Administration & Finance and, as directed, senior administrators, and the Board of Supervisors, on issues within the areas of responsibility by presenting reports and recommendations, findings, and other information as required. 4. Provides oversight to the Budget Office, the compilation and reporting of the University's annual budget as well as the Budget Requests. 5. Provides oversight to the Controller’s Office, the compilation and reporting of the University’s financial resources. 6. Provides oversight to the Purchasing & Property Control Office, the procurement and physical property resources and procurement procedures. 7. Responsible for managing and directing the division’s implementation of the University/s enterprise wide software systems to include but not limited to Financials, Human Resources, Student Financials, and Payroll as part of PeopleSoft. This includes but is not limited to: Testing upgrades, patches, and fixes to PeopleSoft and other Divisional software Administrative Positions – Page 12
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products. Design and develop complex report specifications and interfaces required. Created data extraction from the various systems using quires and/or SQRs and SQLs.
8. Identifies areas within the division which could improve inefficiencies and/or reduce costs as well as provide additional services to the University’s customers and make appropriate recommendations to the Vice President. Prepare financial plans and staffing pattern required for appropriate project implementation and upgrades as it relates to divisional technology needs. Make recommendations and prepare specifications for modification and customization of PeopleSoft delivered software. These modifications and customizations are developed through the University's IT Department. Assist departments in creating training opportunities to use the Enterprise Wide systems. 9. Serves as the Vice President for Administration & Finance Office webpage master. Also assist other departments in coordinating and implementing webpage activities. 10. Works as a point of contract in reviewing and reporting the division success in the implementation of the University Strategic Plan. 11. Maintains as a priority compliance with laws, regulations, and standards applicable to departmental activities. 12. Encourages high morale and the delivery of quality, customer-focused services by areas of responsibility by employing a leadership style that motivates employees to accomplish established goals and objectives in a collegial, self-motivating manner. 13. Creates appropriate decision support packages to provide the appropriate data/information to assist the University in making appropriate decisions.
Director of Enrollment Services The Director of Enrollment Services is directly responsible to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and oversees all units and services in the enrollment services organization, including: Undergraduate, Graduate, and International Admissions, Recruitment, Freshman Orientation, Financial Aid and Scholarships, Records and Registration, Systems and Communications, Testing, and Veterans Services. The Director of Enrollment Services performs the following essential functions: 1. Coordinates the development and implementation of Southeastern’s recruitment/marketing and retention/progression plans. 2. Works with the administration to establish enrollment goals and leading enrollment services initiatives to achieve the goals. 3. Serves as team leader for continuing development and enhancement of the student administration modules of PeopleSoft, the university’s administrative computer system. 4. Oversees the implementation of academic policy as applicable to the functions of Enrollment Services.
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5. Works with the Provost, Assistant to the Provost for Student Issues, and other university offices to resolve student-related issues. 6. Helps formulate University policy through the Deans Council, University Planning Council and by working in numerous capacities on other university ad hoc and standing committees, councils and task forces. 7. Assists in activities related to the development of institutional partnerships, articulation agreements, cross-enrollment agreements and dual admissions programs. 8. Works with President and Provost to coordinate commencement activities and serves as Commencement Committee Chair. 9. Serves as Certifying Official for athletics and is a member of the university’s activities certification team. 10. Represents the university at formal functions and in public relations efforts. 11. Performs special tasks as assigned by the Provost or President.
EEO/ADA Officer and Title IX Coordinator 1. Serves as the University EEO/ADA Officer and Title IX Coordinator. Adjudicates EEO/ADA employment and related discrimination, harassment and retaliation issues for applicants, employees and/or students based on race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, disability etc. 2. Ensures that university policies and procedures related to protected groups are current and followed. 3. Represents the University in interactions with quasi-judicial or administrative agencies of government such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Office of Civil Rights and the U.S. Department of Justice. 4. Shall be the primary contact with external counsel in matters which have reached litigation; i.e. assisting with research, working with witnesses, compilation of documents, etc. 5. Chairs and/or serves on committees involving employment issues. 6. Coordinates the provision of accommodations for employees who have self-identified as having a disability. 7. Conducts training regarding harassment, discrimination and retaliation policies. 8. Must maintain current knowledge of U.S. Constitution and state law regarding employment issues and disability issues, as well as Civil Service Rules. 9. Serves on the University Workplace Violence Committee. 10. Chairs the NCAA Gender and Diversity Sub-Committee in the Certification of Athletics. 11. Assists the University Compliance and Title IX Officer for Athletics in the investigation of potential NCAA violations. Administrative Positions – Page 14
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12. Reviews and makes recommendations for revisions to University and departmental rules and regulations. 13. Serves as a resource to employees and students regarding their rights and advises on how rules apply to individual situations. 14. Reviews contracts entered into by the University. 15. Works closely with the Human Resources Department. 16. Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the President.
Director of Internal Audit 1. Determine that the system of internal control is adequate and functioning. 2. Ensure that institutional policies and procedures are being followed. 3. Verify existence of assets and ensure proper safeguards for their protection. 4. Determine the reliability and adequacy of the accounting and reporting system and procedures. 5. Report the results of examination {audits} including corrective actions to the President through written reports and oral briefings. 6. Provide a practical program of annual audit coverage, and report activity to the System Internal Auditor on a quarterly basis. 7. Coordinate audit work with the State Legislative Auditor. 8. Approve the approach for each audit. 9. Survey activities in the audit location to determine the nature of operations and the adequacy of the system of control including identification of reasons for any deficiencies. 10. Prepare acceptable working papers that record and summarize data on the audit, prepare formal written report for the project, and discuss the reports with appropriate management. 11. Select, evaluate and supervise staff auditor(s). 12. Conduct administrative oversight of and develop manuals and training opportunities for the internal audit function. 13. Participate in appropriate professional development.
Director of Athletics The Director of Athletics reports to the President and the Vice President for Administration and Finance (for budged purposes only). The Director of Athletics is responsible for the overall management of the intercollegiate athletics program within the policies, procedures and guidelines established by the Board of Supervisors, the President of the University, and the NCAA. (The Director of Athletics oversees the activities of the Senior Associate Athletic Director, Assistant Athletic Director for Academic Services, Head Athletic Trainer, Head Football Coach, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Head Women’s Basketball Coach, Head Baseball Administrative Positions – Page 15
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Coach, Head Track Coach, Head Tennis Coach, Head Volleyball Coach, Head Softball Coach, Head Golf Coach, Head Soccer Coach, head Strength and Conditioning Coach, all Athletic Department Support Personnel, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Coordinator and Business Manager.) The primary responsibilities of the Director of Athletics include the following: COACHING SUPERVISION: Maintains and develops a staff of head coaches and trainers that are nationally recognized for their coaching records and their contributions to the coaching profession. Provides the support needed for the professional development of the Southeastern coaching staff, to include promoting the accomplishments of coaches, establishing good human relationships within the coaching staff, providing for participation in coaching clinics, etc. Establishes working environments for the coaches that are conducive to good coaching and allow them to concentrate on their primary functions. Continuously evaluates coaches and staff to ensure high standards in the areas of (1) teaching athletic skills, (2) motivating assistant coaches and student-athletes, (3) recruiting student-athletes, (4) dedicating themselves to University responsibilities and (5) all other factors important to coaching. MANAGEMENT, FINANCE, PERSONNEL AND FACILITIES: Establishes and maintains an efficient organizational structure which has clearly defined goals, responsibilities and lines of authority. Selects personnel for key administrative positions which are the best available in terms of their education, work experience and record of accomplishment. Holds key administrators accountable for high standards of performance in their assigned duties. Provides opportunities for training and professional development to all employees. Ensures that athletic ticket transactions are made in accordance with the policies of the Board of Supervisors, the University, and the Department of Athletics and that those responsible for sales are held accountable for all funds collected. Maintains fiscal control over revenues and expenditures to ensure that the Department of Athletics is managing its funds properly. Works with the NCAA and the Southland Conference to protect the interest of the University and its athletics program. Works closely with the Southeastern Office of Administration and Finance to ensure that all financial transactions of the Athletics Department are consistent with the policies and procedures of the University or special policies that apply to the department. Works with the coaches and the Faculty Athletics Committee to establish schedules for the various athletic teams. Ensures that the resulting inter-institutional contracts protect the interests of Southeastern. Provides for optimum management of all athletic events. Works closely with the Compliance and Title IX Officer for Athletics regarding athletics compliance with all NCAA and Southland Conference rules and regulations. STUDENT-ATHLETES AND STUDENTS: Develops and maintains procedures to ensure that the rules and regulations of the NCAA are met. Develops and maintains a quality program that meets the academic needs of the student-athletes (e.g., counseling, tutoring, study hall, academic advising, etc.). Provides a strong sports medicine program for the prevention and treatment of athletically related injuries, as well as the maintenance of the general health of all student-athletes. Works with the Office of Student Affairs regarding student attendance at Administrative Positions – Page 16
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athletic events code of conduct, etc. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Maintains effective working relationships with the following groups: the academic community of the University, to include the faculty, staff, students, and administration; the Board of Supervisors; elected officials, to include the Governor, other principal state officials and the Legislature; University relations and development, to include Alumni, University Advancement members, etc.; representatives of the press and electronic media; high school coaches and administrators; general public; and NCAA and professional organizations. Works closely with the Lion Athletics Association, Southeastern Foundation, University Advancement, Southeastern Louisiana University Alumni Association and the President of the University in fund raising endeavors.
Compliance and Title IX Officer for Athletics Position Summary: The Compliance and Title IX Officer for Athletics oversees all aspects of athletic compliance and reports directly to the President of the University. The Compliance and Title IX Officer for Athletics works with athletics administration, coaches and other university staff, including the Faculty Athletics Representative, to ensure compliance with applicable rules of the NCAA, Southland Conference and institution. Essential functions include: monitoring the recruiting process; determining and certifying eligibility of athletes; monitoring academic performance to ensure continued eligibility; updating and revising the student-athlete compliance manual, preparing and submitting NCAA and Conference reports; devising and implementing an appropriate rules education program; and generally taking a lead role in any rules violations investigations in conformity with the university investigation policy. Supervises the Compliance Coordinator. Compliance-Related Duties 1. In collaboration with the Director of Enrollment Services, Faculty Athletic Representative, and other appropriate staff, supervises preparation of team squad list; eligibility list and participation list for all intercollegiate sports as required by the NCAA. Serves as the eligibility certification officer. 2. Works with the President, Athletics Director, and Vice President for Administration and Finance to craft and process appropriate contracts for coaches. 3. In consultation with the Assistant Commissioner of the Southland Conference, clarifies interpretation of NCAA rules to ensure compliance with same. 4. Plays a lead role in any investigation of alleged or actual rules violations. 5. Advises and works closely with the President and Athletics Director to ensure institutional control and compliance with NCAA rules and regulations. 6. Monitors NCAA degree progress with the help of academic support personnel. 7. Maintains NCAA compliance files for all student-athletes. 8. Oversees coordination with the office of financial aid to ensure all athletic aid is properly accounted for and disbursed. 9. Oversees an appropriate, active, and comprehensive rules education program. 10. Attends professional meeting for rules compliance according to NCAA regulations. Administrative Positions – Page 17
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11. Corresponds with other athletic departments at other universities regarding eligibility of transfer students. 12. Completes all NCAA forms, studies, and questionnaires relating to compliance matters, including Graduation Rate reports and APR reporting in conjunction with Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. 13. Serves as the designated Title IX and Gender Issues Liaison. 14. Responsible for conducting investigations into allegations of NCAA, conference, departmental and legal rules violations in accordance with the Southeastern Louisiana University Investigatory Policy". 15. Involved in significant departmental decision-making and policy-creation. 16. Represents the department at Southland Conference and NCAA meetings as requested by the President or Athletics Director. 17. Additional athletic compliance responsibilities as assigned by the President. 18. Oversees the academic support and compliance programs of the department. 19. Supervises the compliance coordinator. 20. Serves as the advisor to the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). 21. Assists with designated event management assigned by the Athletics Director with the consent of the President. 22. Attends Athletics Committee meetings. 23. Additional responsibilities as assigned by the Athletics Director with the consent of President.
Academic Deans The Dean is the chief academic officer of his/her college. The Dean is appointed by the President of the University, with the approval of the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors. The Dean is responsible to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and to the President for the administration of the College and shall be the agent of the faculty for the execution of educational policy. Among other duties, the Dean performs these essential functions: 1. Directly supervises the academic Department Heads in the College. 2. Oversees strategic (includes short- and long-range) planning, direction, and development of the College and its various academic departments. 3. Ensures the quality and integrity of all academic programs within the College, including program and accreditation reviews, annual reports for the new degree programs to supervisory boards, and curriculum development. 4. Plans and initiates organizational, operational, and academic functions for the College and oversees their execution. Administrative Positions – Page 18
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5. Promotes faculty and department head development within the College. Oversees faculty and department head recruitment and appoints and recommends appropriate levels of compensation. Evaluates the performance of all tenure and promotion candidate within the college, ensuring tenure and promotion decisions are based on approved guidelines. Evaluates the performance of department heads. 6. Manages budgets and requests and allocates funds appropriately to meet the needs of academic and co-curricular units within the College. 7. Enforces within the College the policies and rules of Southeastern Louisiana University, the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors, and the Louisiana Board of Regents. 8. Works with, serves on, and chairs University committees and/or task forces. Helps to formulate University policy through the Academic Affairs Council and the Dean’s Council. 9. Represents the College at formal functions and in public relations efforts such as speaking engagements and outreach activities in the community. 10. Assists with University development activities, particularly those directly relevant to the College, including fund-raising. 11. Oversees the scheduling of courses. 12. Advises the Provost and President on academic matters concerning the College.
Department Heads The Department Head is the chief academic officer of his/her department. The Department Head is appointed by the President of the University, with approval of the University of Louisiana System and has a twelve-month appointment. The Department Head is responsible to the Dean of the College, to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and to the President for the administration of the department. The Department Head serves a key position in the management of Southeastern Louisiana University; success in fulfilling assigned responsibilities requires an individual who understands the role of administration and accepts administrative authority and responsibility. The successful Department Head must possess personal qualities such as openness, integrity, and objectivity. The Department Head must be effective in planning, communicating, coordinating, problem solving, negotiating, setting goals, and representing the department, college, and University. The Department Head serves a dual role as faculty member and administrator of the department. A workload of administration, research/scholarship, and teaching, as appropriate to the scope of the department’s program, shall be negotiated by the Department Head and the Dean, with the expectation that a six-hour teaching assignment, or the equivalent, is the norm for fall and spring semester, and a three-hour teaching load, or the equivalent, is the norm for the summer. As a faculty member, the Department Head is expected to maintain teaching effectiveness and scholarly productivity. As an administrator, the Department Head serves as the unit budget officer and is responsible for the planning, direction and development of the department. Generally, the portion of workload committed to administrative duties is devoted to activities such as hiring, supervising, and evaluating faculty, preparing the department’s schedule of course offerings, maintaining departmental records, appointing and coordinating departmental committees, and addressing student needs. The Department Head works with faculty to develop and promote the department’s academic programs and implements the directives of the Dean, Provost, and President. Administrative Positions – Page 19
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The Department Head shall be eligible for all faculty development grants. Among other duties, the Department Head performs these essential functions: 1. Directly supervises the faculty in the department. 2. Oversees strategic (includes short- and long-range) planning, direction, and development of the academic department. 3. Ensures the quality and integrity of all academic programs within the department, including program and accreditation reviews, annual reports for new degree programs to supervisory boards, and curriculum development. 4. Plans and initiates organizational, operational, and academic functions for the department and oversees their execution. 5. Promotes faculty development and recruitment for the department. Evaluates faculty in accordance with evaluation guidelines and the guidelines for tenure and promotion. Makes recommendations for faculty appointments, promotions, and compensation. 6. Manages budgets and requests and allocates funds appropriately to meet the needs of the department. 7. Enforces within the department the policies and rules of the department, Southeastern Louisiana University, the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors, and the Louisiana Board of Regents. 8. Works with, serves on, and chairs College and University committees and/or task forces. 9. Represents the department at formal functions and in public relations efforts such as speaking engagements and outreach activities in the community. 10. Oversees the scheduling of courses and recommends implementation of additional courses. 11. Advises the Dean and the Provost on academic matters concerning the department.
Selection of Department Heads 1. When the dean elects not to recommend reappointment, or when vacancies in the office of department head occur, the dean shall initiate the formation of a departmental screening committee. In such cases, the dean has the option to appoint a temporary replacement. The dean shall consult with the faculty of the department concerning his/her choice of temporary replacement. 2. The full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty in a department shall have the option of serving as the screening committee or of electing a screening committee from this group. Faculty who intend to be candidates and those who are on official leave may not serve on the screening committee. If a department has fewer than four faculty members eligible to serve on the committee, the dean shall appoint tenured faculty from within the school/college in order to bring the numbers of the committee to four. 3. As its first order of business the committee shall elect a chairperson by a majority vote. Administrative Positions – Page 20
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4. There shall then commence a specified time period for formulation of a job description (approved by the dean, Provost, and President), initiation of a national search, and submission to the chairperson of the screening committee of letters of application, vitae, and other pertinent information. 5. After the deadline for applications has passed, the screening committee shall meet to review credentials: a. After the candidates’ credentials have been reviewed, the screening committee shall schedule a meeting with all full-time faculty to apprise them of the status of the search. b. The screening committee shall consult with the dean to select the candidates to be interviewed and to schedule interviews. c. The screening committee shall afford an opportunity for all full-time faculty to meet the candidates during the on-campus interviews and to provide input regarding the strengths, weaknesses, and acceptability of the candidates. 6. At the conclusion of the search process, the screening committee shall meet to cast a secret ranked poll. The chairperson shall submit to the dean the names of the top three candidates, unranked, accompanied by a narrative assessment of the candidates, indicating their strengths and weaknesses. 7. The dean shall review the screening committee’s recommendations and meet with the committee to discuss each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. From the committee’s list, the dean shall make a formal recommendation to the Provost concerning the appointment of the department head. The dean may elect not to select a candidate and instead recommend reopening the search. 8. The Provost shall make a formal recommendation to the President, who may appoint the department head, subject to approval of the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors. 9. If the President does not wish to appoint a department head from the candidates recommended by the screening committee, he/she shall order the committee to reconvene in order to recommend a different group of candidates or reopen the search process.
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