Adopting a uniform color of all public elementary and secondary schools in Quezon City.pdf. Adopting a uniform color of
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE QUEZON CITY Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City
April21, 2017
Asst. Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs, SGOD and CID Division/District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Principals
The field is hereby infonned of City Ordinance No. SP-2451, s. 2015, adopting a uniform color of all public elementary and secondary schools in Quezon City. Section 3-A of the said Ordinance states that: "The prescribed colors for all Public Elementary and Secondary Schools within thejurisdiction a_( Quezon City shall be asfollows: a. Copper Bright (p82 sG) for the border accent; b. Pure Ivory (p99 sG) for the body c. Kitten White (pll2 sG) for the body accent and roof; d. Bright Silver nanojinish cladding for inverted "U" and canopy, or Gray Tropics (p26 sG) in case o.f concrete; e. Day Star (p90 sG) for the body accents; and f Indian Corn (p90 sG) for the parapets and columns. In this regard, school heads are directed to observe the prescribed colors especially those who will opt to include repainting works in the implementation of Brigada Eskwela scheduled on May 15-20, 2017. To avoid differences in the choices of color, school heads are advised to coordinate with the City Engineer's Office for the correct color code of school buildings. For queries, please contact Engr. Randy Valdez at CP No. 09276881146 and Engr. Rolando Mamaid at CP No. 09277383718. Please be guided accordingly.
ELIZABET . QUESADA, CESO V iSchools ivision Superintendent