ADS Directory Services for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on

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out this paper is based upon the concept of information markets. 1 Introduction ... to communicate with one another by routing information through intermediate nodes, resulting in .... need to select a leader using standard algorithms. The IMM ...
Christian Hutter, Matthias R. Brust, and Steffen Rothkugel

devices which might not have a xed position and might join or leave the network at

prieur et de la Recherche. Any opinions, ndings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily re ect the views of the

making it extremely dif cult for them to form common study groups. To still be able to

the PDAs. The system aims at nding solutions for the user’s questions or knowledge are used to exclude non quali ed answers.

must use smart forwarding strategies, so that the query nally will arrive at the informa-

nally forward it. If the direction of

range it is possible to use other nodes to forward messages using ooding techniques in

are able of sending a nal sign off message before shutting down. If a device can not

best tting in terms of types of information already managed by a market or by distance

at the suggested value, differing in the bandwidth usage. The rst strategy requires

managed. Simple strategies like ooding the network by disseminating data using adap-

user pro les, giving the applications access to a limited set of information only. ADS