Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

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Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface. 1. Ion exchanger. Ion exchange process means an exchange of ions between an electrolyte solution and a solid (ionite).
Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

1. Ion exchanger

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Ion exchange process means an exchange of ions between an electrolyte solution and a solid (ionite). In most cases the term is used to denote the processes of purification, separation, and decontamination of aqueous and other ion-containing solutions with solid polymeric or mineral 'ion exchangers'. This process is also called ion exchange adsorption, because it takes place at the solid/liquid interface. Ion exchanger – an inorganic or organic solid substance containing ions (ionogenic groups bounded with the exchanger which can dissociate) which can be replaced by the ions from solution whose electric charge is of the same kind. Ion exchangers are either cation exchangers that exchange positively charged ions (cations) cations or anion exchangers that exchange negatively charged ions (anions). anions There are also amphoteric exchangers that are able to exchange both cations and anions simultaneously.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Ion exchangers practically do not dissolve in the solution. The amount of exchanged ions must be electrically equivalent to prevent electroneutrality. Typical ion exchangers are ion exchange resins (functionalized porous or gel polymer), zeolites, montmorillonite, clay, and soil humus.

Fig. 1.2. Ion exchange resin Fig. 1.1. Ion exchanger []

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

However, the simultaneous exchange of cations and anions can be more efficiently performed in mixed beds that contain a mixture of anion and cation exchange resins, or passing the treated solution through several different ion exchange materials.

Ion-exchange capacity → measure of the ability of ionite to undergo displacement of ions previously attached and loosely incorporated into its structure by ions present in the surrounding solution per unit mass (g, kg), or unit volume (cm3, m3) of the exchanger, and also val/kg (val = miliequivalent), mmol/g, mol/n (n – the ion valency).

The total capacity of an ion exchanger is defined as the total number of chemical equivalents available for exchange per some unit weight or unit volume of resin. The capacity may be expressed in terms of milliequivalents per dry gram of the exchanger.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Operating capacity, also called useful capacity, is the number of ion exchange sites where exchange has really taken place during the loading run. The ion exchange capacity is expressed as eq/L (equivalents per litre of resin). This value is characteristic of a given process and depends on the solution concentration, kind of ions, temperature, rate of the exchange process. The operating capacity is always smaller than the total capacity. capacity

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

2. Kinds of ion exchangers

In respect of the chemical structure of the exchanger: exchanger ⇒ inorganic ⇒ organic In respect of the exchanger origin: origin ⇒ natural ⇒ semisynthetic ⇒ synthetic.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Detailed classification: I. Cationic exchangers Inorganic: ⇒ natural (clays, aluminosilicates) ⇒ semi-synthetic (treated glauconite) ⇒ synthetic (synthetic zeolites)

Organic: ⇒ natural (peat, brown coal) ⇒ semi-synthetic (sulfonated coal) ⇒ synthetic (phenyl-formaldehyde resins)

II. Anionic exchangers Inorganic: ⇒ natural (diatomite) ⇒ semi-synthetic (treated glauconite) ⇒ synthetic (synthetic zeolites)

Organic: ⇒ natural (peat, brown coal) ⇒ semi-synthetic (sulfonated coal) ⇒ synthetic (phenyl-formaldehyde resins)

Natural ion exchangers

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Their application is smaller than that of the synthetic ones because of their worse physicochemical properties in comparison to those of the synthetic ones. They were used to soften water (zeolites - hydrated aluminosilicates of calcium and sodium). The general formula of zeolites: (Me2+,Me2+ )O; Al2O3⋅nSiO2⋅mH2O This group includes such minerals as: analcime (analcite), chabazite, natrolite, skolecite and others.

Fig. 2.1.The microporous molecular structure of the zeolite, ZSM-5 []

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

The basic structural elements of zeolites are tetrahedrons of SiO4 and AlO4 which form 4or 6-element rings. The aluminosilicate skeleton possesses an excess of negative charge which is compensated by Me+ or Me2+ ions. The ions are not built-in the crystal structure. Therefore they can migrate and be exchanged by other ions from solution. This group of natural ion exchangers includes montmorillonite and glauconite as well as some soils. The soils are amphoteric ion exchangers.

Semi-synthetic ionic exchanger These are natural exchangers which have been chemically treated, e.g. sulfonated coals obtained by treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid or oleum. They are known commercially as: Zoe-Karb-H, Permutyt, Wofatyt-Z, Eskarbo-H.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Synthetic ion exchangers These are: synthetic aluminosilicates having the general formula: Al2O3⋅(SiO2)x⋅(Na2O)x⋅(H2O)z, synthetic resins. Synthetic resins are the most commonly used exchangers. They are mechanically resistant substances, insoluble in water and some organic solvents, like alcohols, ethers, hydrocarbons. They can exchange ions because of the presence of active groups in their matrix. The resins are obtained by polimerization, copolimerization or polycondensation of appropriate monomers whose functional groups can dissociate. The gropus can be acidic exchanging cations or basic exchanging anions.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

An ion-exchange resin is in the form of small (1–2 mm diameter) beads, usually white or yellowish.

The material has a highly developed structure of pores on the surface of which there are sites with easily trapped and released ions.

Ion-exchange resins are widely used in different separation, purification, and decontamination processes. The most common examples are water softening and water purification.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

The resin ionite general formula can be written: Cationic resin: R–A–M+ Anionic resin: R–B+X– Where: R – the polimer matrix, A– – the covalently bonded with the matrix anionic group, for example acidic, –COO– ; M+ – the ionically bonded cation with A which can dissociate, e.g. H+ or metal cation; B+ – the covalently bonded with the matrix cationic group, e.g. =N2+, X– – ionically bonded anion with B which can dissociate, e.g. OH–. One polymer molecule can have many functional groups. Hence ionite is a polyelectrolyte whose ions can dissociate.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Characteristic functional groups of the ion exchange resins:

Cationic resins (–SO3)–H+ (–COO)–H+ (–O)–H+ (–S)–H+

– sulphonic – carboxylic – phenolic – thiophenolic

Anionic resins (–NH3)+OH– (= =NH2)+OH– (≡NH)+OH– ( –––– N)+OH–

– primary amine – secondary amine – tertiary amine – quaternary ammonium

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Examples: SO3-H+ -CH-CH2-

Cationic ion exchanger –


copolymer of styrene and divinylobenzene possessing active sulphonate groups, whose proton H+ is capable of exchanging with other cations.


Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface



Anionic ion exchanger –


polymer obtained by polycondensation CH2-


of phenol with fromaldehyde. The amine group whose OH- ion can be replaced by other anions is active.

3. The ion exchange process

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

The process on a cation ion exchanger:

RM2 + M1X ⇔ RM1 + M2X The process on an anion ion exchanger:

RHX2 + MX1 ⇔ RHX1 + MX2 Where: MX1 – the electrolyte solution subjected to the process of ion exchange. The exchange reaction is reversible, therefore under static conditions the mass action law can be used:

R–M2 + M1 ⇔ R–M1 + M2 However, in practice the ion exchange process is conducted under dynamic conditions. The solution flows through a bed in the column filled with both cationic and anionic ion exchangers, or by two columns with cationic and anionic exchanger.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

For example, if NaCl solution passes through the column filled with a cation exchanger whose H+ protons can be substituted by Na+ cations, three zones can be distinguished: post-exchange zone (A) – upper layer substituted with Na+, exchanage zone (B) – middle layer, where the process takes place, both Na+ and H+ are present in the exchanger and solution, but their concentration depends upon the site of the layer and the solution composition depends on the distance from the column top. pre-exchange (C) – lower layer not yet reached by NaCl solution. Fig. 3.1. Schematic representation of ion exchange process in the column: A – the post-exchange zone; B –the exchange zone; C – the pre-exchange zone.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

The eluate from the column will be free from Na+ cations and contains an equivalent number of hydrogen ions until quantity of the solution passed through the bed does not produce any shifting of the exchange zone to the end of the column bed. If it occurs the break-through point is reached and Na+ ions start appearing in the eluate. Their amount in the solution usually increases rapidly and then the exchanger is fully saturated (no exchange of H+ for Na+) and the solution passes through the bed unchanged. To the break-through point there corresponds the break-through volume (operating capacity), which is smaller than the total exchange capacity that occurs when the concentration of Na+ ions is the same in the eluate as that of the input solution. Graphical representation of the ion exchange process is shown in Fig. 3.2, where c/co is a function of the eluate volume V, and c is the ion concentration in elate while co that in the input solution. This curve is called isoplane. The shaded area represents the total exchange capacity of the bed. This capacity equals the abscissa 'b' at c/c = 0.5, while the break-through volume shows abscissa 'a'.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Fig. 3.2. Isoplane of break-through (breakthrough curve); section a – the break-through volume under given conditions, section b – the total exchange of the bed.

4. Factors affecting the ion exchange process

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

The ion exchange process is complicated and therefore it is difficult to be described theoretically. It involves adsorption, absorption, chemisorption and even catalytic reactions. Interpretation of the process takes into account: ⇒ interaction forces in the crystal lattice (inorganic ion exchangers), ⇒ adsorption equation of Freundlich and/or Langmuir, ⇒ Donnan's equilibrium, ⇒ theory of swelling – osmotic pressure. Ion exchange process depends on properties of the exchanger and the ion undergoing exchange as well.

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

Affinity of the ion for a given exchanger first of all depends on: ⇒ Electric charge of the ion – the larger charge the greater is the attracting force by the functional groups and hence larger is its exchangeable capacity and rate of the process. ⇒ Ion radius – the exchange capability is inversely proportional to its radius. The hydrodynamic radii of ions decrease with the increasing atomic weight and hence their exchange energy increases. ⇒ Degree of the ion hydration – the exchange capacity of cations is inversely proportional to the hydrated radius.

Degree of ion hydration depends on:

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

⇒ Solution concentration ⇒ Temperature ⇒ Contaminations ⇒ Other factors. The exchange energy of cations and anios can be arranged in series. In the case of the sulphonated phenolic resin exchangers the series are as follows: Cations: Na+ < NH4+ < K+ < Sr2+ < Cs+ < Mg2+ < Ca2+ < Cd2+ < Co2+ < Al3+ < Fe3+ In the case of the weakly basic exchangers the series is: Anions: F– < Cl– < Br– < I– < CH3COO– < PO43– < NO3– < citrate < CrO42– < SO42– < OH–

Adsorption at the solid/liquid interface

The ions exchangeability depends to a great extent on pH of the solution, degree of dissociation of the exchanger functional groups, relation between H+ and/or OH– and other ions concentration. H+ and OH– compete with other ions in the exchange process. The characteristic parameter of the ion exchanger is its total exchange capacity because it does not depend on the particular conditions of the occurring process. For analytical purposes the break-through capacity is the most important.