Advanced 1 Advanced 2 Advanced 3 Advanced 4

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Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 1 to Dossier 2 part 1. (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).
ADVANCED B1 LEVEL – TWICE A WEEK CLASSES PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS REGISTERED BEFORE SESSION E (September/October) 2015 TWICE A WEEK CLASSES – ALTER EGO 2 For all classes as of before session E: Your student membership has to be valid to register in any French class. Days: Mon/Wed or Tue/Thurs: 7.00pm-9.00pm. Tue/Thurs: 9.30am-11.30am. Duration: 8 weeks Hours: 2 hours/class/week (32 hours) Fees: - Course: $439.85 - Textbook & Workbook: $70 for the set - One year student membership: $29 (Prices include GST)

Advanced 1 This class is the continuation of Intermediate 6. You have to hold an Intermediate A2 Level to start the Advanced B1 Level. Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 1 to Dossier 2 part 1 (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).

Advanced 2 This course is the continuation of the Advanced 1 course. On the last lesson of this course, you have the opportunity to take a test that certifies your language competencies achieved after 2 sessions. We deliver you an Alliance française diploma with your results. Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 2 part 2 to Dossier 3 part 1 (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).

Advanced 3 This course is the continuation of the Advanced 4 course. Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 4 to Dossier 5 part 1 (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).

Advanced 4 This course is the continuation of the Advanced 3 course. On the last lesson of this course, you have the opportunity to take a test that certifies your language competencies achieved after 4 sessions. We deliver you an Alliance française diploma with your results.

Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 5 part 2 to Dossier 6 (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).

Advanced 5 This course is the continuation of the Advanced 4 course. Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 7 to Dossier 8 part 1 (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).

Advanced 6 This course is the continuation of the Advanced 5 course and is THE LAST COURSE of the Advanced B1 level. Congratulations! After this course, you can continue in Superior 1 level! On the last lesson of this course, you have the opportunity to take a test that certifies your language competencies achieved after 6 sessions. We deliver you an Alliance française diploma with your results. You can also take the DELF B1 international French exam Textbook and workbook: Alter Ego 3 including a CD – Program: Dossier 8 par 2 to Dossier 9 (material may be purchased online or from Alliance française).