Advanced Biology Essential Skills Fall Semester ... Date Passed* Essential Skill.
1-1. ... Be able to name the reactants and products of Aerobic Respiration.
Advanced Biology Essential Skills Fall Semester Student Name:
Unit 1—Characteristics of Life & Macromolecules Date Passed* Essential Skill 1-1.
Be able to identify and explain the 5 characteristics of living things. (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to identify the monomers, polymers & functions of each of the 4 macromolecules. (CCS: 1h, 4*f) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain the role of digestive enzymes in living things and what can affect their actions. (CCS: 1b, *9f) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 2—Cell Biology Date Passed* Essential Skill 2-1.
Be able to identify the differences between a Prokaryote & Eukaryote cell and Plant & Animal cell. (CCS: 1c, 1j) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain the function of the following organelles: Cell Membrane, Cell Wall (plants), Cytoskeleton (animals), Nucleus, Ribosome, Chloroplast (plants), Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus. (CCS: 1e-g &* j) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain the differences between Active vs. Passive transport and the process of Diffusion & Osmosis. (CCS: 1a) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 3—Homeostasis Part 1 (The Nervous & Endocrine Systems) Date Passed* Essential Skill 3-1.
Be able to explain how the nervous system and endocrine system both function to maintain homeostasis. (CCS: 9c) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Know the roles of the 3 types of neurons and how an impulse travels through a neuron and how it crosses the synapse. (CCS: 9b, 9d-e) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain how hormones provide internal feedback mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis. (CSS: 9*i) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 4—Homeostasis Part 2 (The Immune, Circulatory & Respiratory Systems) Date Passed* Essential Skill 4-1.
Be able to explain differences between a bacteria and a virus in terms of their replication, structure and effect treatments. (CCS: 1c, 10c-d) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain the differences between the body’s specific and non-specific defenses. Give 3 examples of each type of defense. (CCS: 10a, 10*f) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain how the Circulatory System and the Respiratory System compliment each other in providing cells with nutrients and removing toxic waste products. (CCS: 9a) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 5—Metabolism (Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration) Date Passed* Essential Skill 5-1.
Be able to name the reactants and products of Photosynthesis. (CCS: 1f, 1i) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to name the reactants and products of Aerobic Respiration. (CCS: 1g, 1i) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Explain how the reactants and products of photosynthesis and respiration relate to each other. (CCS: 1f-g, 6d) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to describe the role of chemiosmosis in ATP production in the both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. (CSS: 1*i) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
*This paper is for reference only. For official standings please check the online grading reports. Essential Skills are part of a mastery learning system. To have passed an Essential Skill means the student has mastered that particular content.
Advanced Biology Essential Skills Spring Semester Student Name:
Unit 6—Cellular Reproduction Date Passed* Essential Skill 6-1.
Be able to explain the difference between the types of cells produced and the chromosome number in mitosis and meiosis. (CCS: 2a-b, 2e) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to use a Karyotype to determine chromosome abnormalities and gender. (CCS: 2f) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Describe how independent assortment and crossing over and random fertilization will contribute to genetic diversity. (CCS: 2c, d) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to estimate the distance between genetic loci using recombination frequency data. (CCS: 3*d) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 7—Genetics Date Passed* Essential Skill 7-1.
Recognize the terms genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive, heterozygous and homozygous. (CCS: 2g, 3a-b) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to show the expected phenotype and genotype ratios of the offspring for any single autosomal and sexlinked trait cross using a Punnett Square. (CCS: 2g, 3a) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Use a pedigree to determine the probable mode of inheritance of a trait. (CCS: 3*c) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 8—DNA & Biotechnology Date Passed* Essential Skill 8-1.
Be able to explain the structure of DNA, including the following terms: Nucleotide, Double Helix, complementary bases. (CCS: 5a-b) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to explain the difference between Transcription and Translation in terms of location in the cell, why they occur, and the nucleic acids (DNA, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA) involved. (CCS: 1d, 4a) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to use the Genetic Code to identify codons, anti-codons and amino acids from a DNA sequence. (CCS: 4a-e, *f) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Know how genetic engineering can be used to alter cells by incorporating exogenous DNA into the cells. (CCS: 5c, *d & *e) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 9—Evolution Date Passed* Essential Skill 9-1.
Explain how mutations, migration, random genetic drift, selective mating and natural selection leads to the evolution of a population. (CCS:6*g, 7a, 8a, c) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Be able to solve problems using the Hardy-Weinberg equations and explain why Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is not likely to appear in nature. (CSS: 7*e & *f) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Describe how diversity/variations within a population increase a species’ chance of survival. (CCS: 7b-d, 8b) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
List and describe five evidences for evolution. (CCS: 8c, 8e, *f & *g) (ESLR: Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Define speciation and explain how it occurs. (CCS: 8d) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
Unit 10—Ecology Date Passed* Essential Skill 10-1. Be able to draw, label and give examples of an energy pyramid with 4 levels. (CCS: 6e-f) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
10-2. Be able to explain how the biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon and nitrogen) cycle between abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem. (CCS: 6d) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy) 10-3. Know that biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitats. (CSS: 6a) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)
10-4. Be able to analyze changes in population size in an ecosystem in relation to birth rate, immigration, emigration and death rate. (CSS: 6c) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy) 10-5. Be able to explain and give an example of problems associated with either removing a species from an ecosystem or introducing a non-native species to an ecosystem. (CCS: 6a-b) (ESLR: Global Responsibility, Complex Thinking & Academic Literacy)