Advanced Biotechniques Advanced Biotechniques Lab Credit hours: 3

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Advanced Biotechniques Lab. Credit hours: 3. Instructor of Record: Any Tvinnereim, Ph.D. Course Description: An introduction to standard molecular biology ...
BIOT 5311 Advanced Biotechniques BIOT 5311L Advanced Biotechniques Lab Instructor of Record:

Credit hours: 3

Any Tvinnereim, Ph.D.

Course Description: An introduction to standard molecular biology techniques such as: isolation and purification of proteins and nucleic acids, cloning and expression of recombinant proteins with laboratory component. Prerequisites:

As per program entry.


BIOT 5311 and 5311L must be taken together

Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To understand and apply practical techniques used in fundamental biotechnology. To understand the basic theory and background behind biotechnology techniques. To be able to apply problem solving techniques in biotechnology. To be able to make public presentations concerning current topics in biotechnology. To be able to find and process scientific information. To be able to communicate in scientific formats with both oral and written methods.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): Knowledge and Understanding (Lecture): Student understanding will be evaluated with comprehensive examinations of a purely subjective nature covering each topic in detail, evaluations of quizzes, homework assignments, and oral and written reports. Students who successfully complete Advanced Biotechniques will demonstrate: 1. An understanding of practical techniques used in biotechnology, including basic background information and theory, applications, limitations, advantages and disadvantages, common problems and troubleshooting. 2. A thorough understanding of fundamental biochemical calculations. 3. An understanding of the principles behind searching, finding and evaluating pertinent scientific information. 4. An understanding of the structure, format and principles of writing in a technical scientific format. 5. An awareness of current events in biotechnology and their financial, social and ethical implications. Subject Specific Skills (Lab): Student skills will be evaluated with a laboratory notebook, graded subjectively, and pre- and post-written assignments. Students who successfully complete Advanced Biotechniques Lab will have the following skills: 1. The ability to correctly maintain an accurate record of laboratory procedures, techniques and exercises. 2. The ability to prepare a manual of protocols and recipes that can serve as a guide for future laboratory experiences. 3. The ability to perform fundamental biochemical calculations such as pH, molarity, concentrations and dilutions. 4. The ability to find and understand pertinent scientific information. 5. The ability to write in an appropriate technical scientific format. Course Assessments: Lecture: 1. Examinations: There will be two lecture exams (a midterm and a final) each of which is

comprehensive. These two exams will be of a subjective format. The two lecture exams are worth a total of 25% of the final lecture grade. In addition, there will be a take home exam that will apply the material covered which is worth another 25%. 2. Reports: Reports written in correct scientific technical format will be scored based on content, clarity, and quality of writing. These reports will be worth 25% of the total lecture grade. Lab: 3. Laboratory Notebook: A clear, complete, and concise record of all laboratory actions will be maintained within the lab. This lab notebook is worth a total of 25% of the laboratory grade and will be graded subjectively. 4. Pre-lab Assignments: Student preparation prior to every laboratory will be evaluated based on assignments turned in prior to the exercise. These assignments will be worth a total of 25% of the total lab grade. 5. Post-lab Assignments: Student understanding of all laboratory activities will be evaluated based on assignments turned in following the exercise. These assignments will be worth a total of 25% of the total lab grade. 6. Calculation problem sets: Student understanding and ability to perform routine calculations required for laboratory activities. These assignments will be worth a total of 25% of the total lab grade Program Learning Outcomes (PLO): The above SLOs address the following Biotechnology Program PLOs: 1. The student will demonstrate English communication skills in both oral and written forms. 2. The student will demonstrate mastery of basic and advanced biotechnology methods. 3. The student will demonstrate the ability to safely operate basic and advanced laboratory equipment, analytic devices and computers. 4. The student will demonstrate independent and critical thinking skills integrated with the ability to utilize multiple informational resources. 5. The student will explain the principles, mechanisms and interrelatedness of both in vivo and in vitro biochemical, molecular biological and genetic processes. Course Content: Lectures: 1. Introduction and Review  Course description  Lab safety  Common conversion factors  Keeping a laboratory notebook 2. Volume/Weight Measures 3. Concentration Measurement 4. Reagent Preparation 5. Agarose Electrophoresis 6. Restriction Digestion 7. Aseptic Techniques 8. Culturing Bacteria 9. Application of Recombinant DNA Technology 10. Purification of Nucleic Acids 11. Blotting 12. Image Manipulation 13. Enzymatic Reactions

Labs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Getting Started and Staying Organized Standardization of Pipetting Techniques Quantification of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Using a Spectrophotometer Making Buffer solutions and Measuring pH Restriction Digestion of Lambda DNA and Plasmid DNA Preparation of Agar Plates and Culture Media Preparation and Transformation of Competent Cells Plasmid Purification Column Chromatography SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Western Blot Agarose gel electrophoresis Polymerase Chain Reaction