Advanced duct design - Air Conditioning Contractors of Ohio

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Advanced Light. Commercial Duct. Design. 18961 River's Edge Drive. Chagrin Falls, OH 44023. Are You ... ADVANCED DUCT DESIGN. REGISTRATION FORM .

Carl Bogar

Are You… •

Designing a duct system?

Selecting appropriate air distribution?

18961 River’s Edge Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

Duct Design


ACCA-Ohio Chapter Presents...

Advanced Light Commercial Duct Design


D u ct Design

Have some experience with duct design but looking for more?


Carl Bogar We d n e s d a y This advanced course is a great

continuation to the

May 10 8:00am— 12:00Noon

Basic Duct Design



Comfort Inn & Suites Belleville, Oh


Advanced Class to Light Commercial Duct Design With Instructor Carl Bogar

Began as a sheet metal worker, pipe fitter, and sales engineer for large contractors

Has approximately 1000 hours of selected design course related to the HVAC industry

Is oriented with the many facets of the HVAC trade industry including fabrication, installation, service, and management

His last position was with York International as North East Ohio’s architectural engineering sales support person

For the last six years, Carl has been teaching part-time both introductory and advanced duct design.

Objectives and Format for the Class Include: •

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Review of the introduction to light commercial duct design class Introduction to air distribution, terms and selection Putting it all together, duct sizing, selecting air distribution & establishing total external static 4 HRS. CEU pressure requireTECHments HVAC Design and equipment selections Question and Answer Session

Questions? Contact ACCA-Ohio Chapter at 800-353-ACCO (2226)



April 15

April 15

ACCA Member Duct Design Registration $89.00


Non-Member Duct Design Registration $99.00



Name Company Address

Advanced Duct Design


Don’t forget to bring a Calculator, Paper pad, and a Pencil

with Carl Bogar

Time: 8:00 am—12:00 Noon Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Location: Comfort Inn & Suites 855 Comfort Plaza Dr. Bellville, Ohio 44813 Exit 165 on I-71 (say you’re with ACCA to get the corporate rate!) Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be received in writing by fax, e-mail, or postal service; if prior to April 15 full refund will be honored; if received by between April 15 and May 3, 50% refund; no refund for cancellations received May 3, 2006 or after.


For additional registrations, please copy this page.

Method of Payment Check #__________


Please Make Check Payable to: ACCA-Ohio Chapter Visa MasterCard Discover

Credit Card #

Exp. date


AC C A - O h i o C h a p t e r 18961 River’s Edge Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Please send registrations to:

Phone: 800-353-ACCO (2226) Fax: 440-543-1699 E-mail: [email protected] Website: