Advanced Local Fractional Calculus & Its Applications

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Jul 30, 2012 - Chapter 3 presents the fundamental theory of local fractional partial ...... 9.8 Path-independent J-integral theory of fractal fracture mechanics .
Xiao-Jun Yang

Advanced Local Fractional Calculus & Its Applications

World Science Publisher

Author Xiao-Jun Yang Department of Mathematics & Mechanics China University of Mining & Technology Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221008, P. R. China Email: [email protected] First section: July 30 2012 ISBN-13: 978-1-938576-01-0 ISBN-10: 1938576012 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 28A80, 26A33, 26A99, 26B99, 39B99 © Copyright 2012 by Xiao-Jun Yang All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (World Science Publisher, New York, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed on acid-free paper World Science Publisher is registered at Wyoming, US, and has branches in New York, London, and Hongkong (

This work is dedicated to my parents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, nephews, nieces, and friends.

The fifth symposium on fractional differentiation and its applications, May 14‐17, 1012, Hohai University, Jiangsu, P. R. China

Xiao-Jun Yang 2012.7


Preface This monograph is an invitation both to the interested scientists and the engineers. It presents a thorough introduction to the recent results of local fractional calculus. It is also devoted to the application of advanced local fractional calculus on the mathematics science and engineering problems. The author focuses on multivariable local fractional calculus providing the general framework. It leads to new challenging insights and surprising correlations between fractal and fractional calculus. This book is also suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in pure and applied mathematics, engineering, and all other applied sciences. It is organized as follows: Chapter 1 discusses new challenging correlations between fractal and fractional topics. Chapter 2 is devoted to local fractional calculus of local fractional continuous function of one-variable (also called everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable function or functions on cantor set). Chapter 3 presents the fundamental theory of local fractional partial derivatives and the method of fractal Lagrange multiplier for maxima and minima of local fractional continuous functions. Chapter 4 provides multiple local fractional integrals of local fractional continuous functions of multi-variable functions. Chapter 5 proposes local fractional line integrals, surface integrals and integral theorems, and gives a short introduction to tensors in fractal orthogonal candidate systems. Chapter 6 deals with local fractional calculus of variations. Chapter 7 is a new optimization method for finding the optimum solution of local fractional continuous differentiable functions. Chapter 8 derives local fractional functional derivative and local fractional Euler-Lagrange equation with local fractional derivative. Chapter 9 gives applications of local fractional calculus to mechanics. More than 295 references are listed and cited in the book, even if it cannot be a complete bibliography for this area of interest. Readers can find many other references related to this topic.

Xiao‐Jun Yang Shanghai 2012.7


Acknowledgments There are several people to whom the authors are obliged for their help and support. Xiao-Jun Yang (CUMT, P. R. China) would like to express his thanks to Prof. H. M. Srivastava, Prof. A. M. A. El-Sayed, Prof. G. A. Anastassiou, Prof. R. P. Agarwal, Prof. S. S. Dragomir, Prof. S. Momani, Prof. J. A. T. Machado, R. R. Nigmatullin, Prof. A. D. Gangal, Prof. J. J. Trujillo, Prof. S. Saitoh, Prof. M. M. Meerschaert, Prof. J. Klafter, Prof. Manuel F. Silva, Prof. M. Kirane, Prof. E. M. Elsayed, Prof. F. Michal, Prof. J. J. Nieto, Prof. D. Baleanu, Prof. D. F. M. Torres, Prof. R. L. Magin, Prof. Akira Asada, Prof. V. E. Tarasov, Prof. M.K.Aouf, Prof. J. Hristov, Prof. H. Richard, Prof. Yasir Khan, Prof. S. Martin Ostoja, Prof. W. Chen, Prof. W. C. Tan, Prof. C. H. Kou, Prof. J. S. Duan, Prof. O. Duman, Prof. R. K. Raina, Prof. V. M. P. Velez, Prof. M. F. Rabbi, Prof. Y. D. Zhang, Prof. S. D. Purohit, Mr. Ken McCafferty, Dr. K. M, Kolwankar and Dr. H. Nasrolahpour for their help, exchange of information and the fruitful discussions. The author would also like to thank a number of friends who supported his work. Last but not least, the author is also thankful to his entire family for their understanding and support. Particular thanks from Prof. Feng Gao, Dr. Wei-Ping Zhong, Prof. Xiang-Chao Yin and Prof. Zheng-Zhu Dong to Prof. Wei-Hong Xie for his continuous encouragement in his graduate research life (2006-2009).

Xiao‐Jun Yang Shanghai 2012.7


Contents Preface ......................................................................................................................................... i  Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................... ii  Chapter 1 Preliminary Results.................................................................................................... 1  1.1 Theory of fractional sets ............................................................................................... 1  1.2 Real line number system .............................................................................................. 3  1.2.1 Real spaces on fractional sets ............................................................................ 3  1.2.2 Geometric representation of real line number ................................................... 5  1.2.3 Fractal field axioms ........................................................................................... 5  1.2.4 Fractal ordered field axioms .............................................................................. 6  1.2.5 Absolute value with real line numbers .............................................................. 6  1.3 Generalized point sets and intervals ............................................................................. 7 1.4 Generalized neighborhood ........................................................................................... 8 1.5 Generalized Lebesgue measure .................................................................................... 8  1.6 Generalized Hausdorff measure ................................................................................. 11  1.7 Generalized functions ................................................................................................. 13  1.8 Generalized Hausdorff dimension .............................................................................. 14  1.8.1 Generalized Hausdorff dimension ................................................................... 14  1.8.2 Operators of Hausdorff dimension of cantor sets ............................................ 14  1.8.3 Fractal orthogonal systems .............................................................................. 15  1.9 Generalized limit of functions .................................................................................... 17  1.10 Local fractional continuity of functions ................................................................... 19  1.11 Sub-functions............................................................................................................ 26  1.12 Special sub-functions ............................................................................................... 29  Chapter 2 Local Fractional Calculus of One-variable Function .............................................. 32  2.1 Introduction to local fractional calculus ..................................................................... 32  2.2 Historical development of local fractional calculus ................................................... 33  2.3 Local fractional derivative ......................................................................................... 36  2.4 Application of local fractional derivative ................................................................... 44  2.5 Local fractional integral and its existence .................................................................. 47  2 .6 Local fractional Taylor’s theorem ............................................................................. 59  2.6.1 Local fractional Taylor’s theorem ................................................................... 59  2.6.2 Local fractional Taylor’s series ....................................................................... 61  2.6.3 Local fractional Mc-Laurin’s series to elementary functions.......................... 62 


2.7 Local fractional indefinite integral ............................................................................. 62  2.8 Local fractional differential equations ....................................................................... 64  2.9 The extended mean value theorem ............................................................................. 67  2.10 Local fractional improper integrals of first kind ...................................................... 68  Chapter 3 Local Fractional Partial Derivatives and Fractal Lagrange Multipliers Method ..... 71  3.1 Quadric fractal surfaces .............................................................................................. 71  3.2 Generalized function .................................................................................................. 72  3.3 Generalized limit ........................................................................................................ 73  3.4 Generalized local fractional continuity ...................................................................... 74  3.5 Local fractional partial derivative .............................................................................. 75  3.6 Local fractional partial derivative of higher order ..................................................... 76  3.7 The total local fractional differentials ........................................................................ 78  3.8 Local fractional derivative of composite function ..................................................... 82  3.9 Local fractional Jacobian determinant ....................................................................... 84  3.10 Local fractional Taylor expansion of multivariable functions ................................. 93  3.11 Cantor type fractal coordinates................................................................................. 95  3.11.1 Cantor type circle coordinates ....................................................................... 95  3.11.2 Cantor type cylindrical coordinates ............................................................... 96  3.11.3 Cantor type spherical coordinates ................................................................. 96  3.12 Change to orthogonal coordinates ............................................................................ 96  3.13 The nature of critical points for multivariable functions........................................ 102  3.14 Method of fractal Lagrange multipliers for maxima and minima .......................... 109  Chapter 4 Multiple Local Fractional Integrals of Functions on Cantor Set ........................... 114  4.1 Double local fractional integrals .............................................................................. 114  4.1.1 Double local fractional integrals ................................................................... 114  4.1.2 Fubini theorem of double local fractional integrals ...................................... 115  4.1.3 Fractal interpretation of double local fractional integrals ............................. 116  4.1.4 Properties of double local fractional integrals............................................... 117  4.2 Triple local fractional integrals ................................................................................ 118  4.2.1 Triple local fractional integrals ..................................................................... 118  4.2.2 Fubini theorem of triple local fractional integrals ......................................... 118  4.2.3 Fractal interpretation of triple local fractional integrals................................ 119  4.2.4 Properties of triple local fractional integrals ................................................. 119  4.3 Change of variables in multiple local fractional integrals........................................ 120  4.3.1 Change of variables in double local fractional integrals ............................... 120 


4.3.2 Change of variables in triple local fractional integrals ................................. 122  Chapter 5 Local Fractional Line Integrals, Surface Integrals and Tensors ............................ 126  5.1 Local fractional vector form ..................................................................................... 126  5.2 Local fractional derivative of vector functions ........................................................ 127  5.3 Properties of local fractional vector functions ......................................................... 128  5.4 Local fractional integral of a vector function ........................................................... 129  5.5 Local fractional scalar product and vector product of vectors ................................. 129  5.5.1 Local fractional scalar product of unit vectors .............................................. 130  5.5.2 Local fractional vector product of unit vectors ............................................. 130  5.6 Local fractional gradient and directional derivative ................................................ 131  5.6.1 Local fractional gradient ............................................................................... 131  5.6.2 Local fractional directional derivative .......................................................... 131  5.6.3 Properties of local fractional directional derivative ...................................... 132  5.6.4 Local fractional directional cosine ................................................................ 132  5.7 Local fractional Hamilton operator and Laplace operator ....................................... 134  5.7.1 Local fractional Hamilton operator ............................................................... 134  5.7.2 Operators of local fractional Hamilton operator ........................................... 135  5.7.3 Examples of operator of local fractional Hamilton operator......................... 136  5.7.4 Applications of local fractional Hamilton operator ....................................... 136  5.8 Local fractional line and surface integrals ............................................................... 137  5.8.1 Orientation of a fractal curve ........................................................................ 137  5.8.2 Local fractional line integrals ........................................................................ 137  5.8.3 Properties of local fractional line integrals ................................................... 138  5.8.4 Green's theorem in a fractal plane and related theorems............................... 139  5.8.5 Applications of Green's theorem in a fractal plane ....................................... 140  5.9 Local fractional surface integrals ............................................................................. 141  5.9.1 A parametric non-smooth surface .................................................................. 141  5.9.2 Local fractional surface integrals .................................................................. 143  5.9.3 Properties of local fractional surface integrals .............................................. 144  5.10 Local fractional volume integrals ........................................................................... 144  5.10.1 Local fractional volume integrals ................................................................ 144  5.10.2 Properties of local fractional volume integrals ........................................... 144  5.11 Divergence theorem of local fractional field and related theorems ....................... 145  5.11.1 Divergence theorem of local fractional field ............................................... 145  5.11.2 Green's first theorem and Green's second theorem in fractal domain ......... 146 


5.11.3 Related theorems ......................................................................................... 147  5.12 Stokes' theorem of local fractional field and related theorems .............................. 147  5.12.1 Stokes' theorem of local fractional field...................................................... 147  5.12.2 Related theorems ......................................................................................... 149  5.13 Local fractional integral forms for gradient, divergence and curl .......................... 149  5.14 Applications of local fractional vector integrals to physics ................................... 151  5.14.1 Physical examples of local fractional line integrals .................................... 151  5.14.2 Physical examples of local fractional surface integrals .............................. 151  5.15 Tensors in fractal orthogonal coordinate systems .................................................. 153  Chapter 6 Local Fractional Calculus of Variations ................................................................ 172  6.1 A short review for local fractional Taylor expansion ............................................... 172  6.2 Local fractional variations of functions ................................................................... 175  6.3 Elementary theorems of local fractional calculus of variations ............................... 177  6.4 Local fractional calculus of variations ..................................................................... 179  Chapter 7 A New Optimization Method for Functions on Cantor Set ................................... 186  7.1 Local fractional single-variable optimization .......................................................... 186  7.2 Multivariable optimizations with no constraints ...................................................... 189  7.3 Multivariable optimizations with equality constraints ............................................. 200  7.3.1 Multivariable optimizations with one equality constraint ............................. 200  7.3.2 Multivariable optimizations with multiple equality constraints .................... 203  7.4 General optimization problems ................................................................................ 207  Chapter 8 Local Fractional Euler–Lagrange Equations ......................................................... 210  8.1 Local fractional functional derivatives ..................................................................... 210  8.1.1 Notation ......................................................................................................... 210  8.1.2 Properties of local fractional functional derivative ....................................... 211  8.1.3 Local fractional functional partial derivative ................................................ 212  8.1.4 Applications of local fractional functional derivative ................................... 213  8.2 A review of local fractional variations of functions ................................................. 214  8.3 Local fractional Euler-Lagrange equation ................................................................ 216  Chapter 9 Applications of Local Fractional Calculus to Mechanics ...................................... 221  9.1 The basic assumptions .............................................................................................. 221  9.2 Fractal surface forces and fractal body forces .......................................................... 222  9.3 The governing equations and the fractal boundary conditions................................. 222  9.4 Principle of virtual work for fractal media ............................................................... 224  9.4.1 Sufficient condition ....................................................................................... 224 


9.4.2 Necessary condition ...................................................................................... 226  9.5 The principle of minimum potential energy in fractal medium ............................... 228  9.5.1 Total potential energy in fractal medium....................................................... 228  9.5.2 Local fractional functional of the total potential energy in fractal medium .. 229  9.6 The principle of minimum potential energy in fractal medium ............................... 231  9.7 The principle of minimum complementary energy in fractal medium .................... 238  9.7.1 The function of the total complementary energy in fractal medium ............. 238  9.7.2 The principle of minimum complementary energy in fractal media ............. 240  9.8 Path-independent J-integral theory of fractal fracture mechanics ............................ 245  9.8.1 Hypothesis of energy balance in fractal fracture mechanics ......................... 245  9.8.2 The J-integral formula in fractal fracture mechanics .................................... 245  9.9 The conservation of the J-integral in fractal fracture mechanics ............................. 247  9.10 Local fractional heat conduction equations in fractal medium .............................. 249  9.10.1 Fourier law of heat conduction in fractal medium ...................................... 249  9.10.2 Differential equation of heat conduction in fractal media ........................... 250  References ...................................................................................................................... 253  Index ............................................................................................................................... 271 


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Index The fractional sets of sets, 2 Real spaces on fractional sets, 3 Fractal field axioms, 5 Fractal ordered field axioms, 6 Generalized Lebesgue measure, 8 Generalized Hausdorff measure, 11 Generalized Hausdorff Dimension, 14 Local fractional continuity, 20 Local fractional derivative, 36 The higher-order derivative, 40 Local fractional Rolle’s theorem, 40 Local fractional Fermat’s Theorem, 44 Local extreme value, 44 Increasing/Decreasing test, 45 Local fractional integral, 47 Local fractional integration by parts, 56 Local fractional Taylor’s theorem, 59 Local fractional Taylor’s series, 61 Local fractional Mc-Laurin’s series, 62 Local fractional differential equations, 64 Quadric fractal surfaces, 71 Cantor type ellipsoid, 71 Cantor type cone, 71 Cantor type cylinder, 71 Cantor type circle, 72 Cantor type sphere, 72 Cantor type hyperboloid of one sheet, 72 Cantor type hyperboloid of two sheets, 72 Cantor type elliptic Paraboloid, 72 Cantor type hyperbolic Paraboloid, 72 Local fractional partial derivative, 75 Local fractional partial derivative of higher order, 76 Local fractional partial differential equations, 77 Local fractional Laplace’s equation, 77 Local fractional wave equation, 77 Local fractional Jacobian determinant, 84 Local fractional Taylor expansion of multivariable functions, 93 Cantor type circle coordinates, 95 Cantor type cylindrical coordinates, 96 Cantor type spherical coordinates, 96 Critical point of multivariable functions, 106 Method of fractal Lagrange multipliers for maxima and minima, 109


Double local fractional integrals, 114 Triple local fractional integrals, 117 Fubini theorem of double local fractional integrals, 115 Fubini theorem of triple local fractional integrals, 118 Local fractional vector form, 126 Local fractional integral of a vector function, 129 Local fractional scalar product of unit vectors, 130 Local fractional vector product of unit vectors, 130 Local fractional gradient, 131 Local fractional directional derivative, 131 Local fractional Hamilton operator, 134 Local fractional line integrals, 137 Green's theorem in a fractal plane, 139 Local fractional surface integrals, 141 Local fractional volume integrals, 144 Divergence theorem of local fractional field, 145 Green's first theorem in fractal domain, 146 Green's second theorem in fractal domain, 146 Stokes' theorem of local fractional field, 147 Local fractional Kronecker delta symbol, 154 Fractal summation convention, 155 E-fractal-Permutation symbol, 155 Generalized local fractional Kronecker delta, 157 Fractal distance squared between two points, 161 Generalized fractal coordinates, 163 Conjugate sub-metric tensor, 166 Fractal Riemann space, 168 Geometry in fractal Riemann space, 168 Fractal orthogonal coordinate tensors, 169 Local fractional calculus of variations, 172 Local fractional single-variable optimization, 186 Multivariable optimizations with no constraints, 189 Multivariable optimizations with equality constraints, 200 General optimization problems, 210 Local fractional functional derivatives, 210 Local fractional functional partial derivative, 212 Local fractional functional differential equation, 213 Local fractional functional Laplace’s equation, 214 Local fractional functional wave equation, 214 Local fractional Euler-Lagrange equation, 216 Principle of virtual work for fractal media, 224 The principle of minimum potential energy in fractal medium, 231 The principle of minimum complementary energy in fractal medium, 238 The J-integral formula in fractal fracture mechanics, 245 The conservation of the J-integral in fractal fracture mechanics, 247


Fourier law of heat conduction in fractal medium, 249 Differential equation of heat conduction in fractal media, 250