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May 17, 2013 - smart devices' communication, network, applications and services, platforms, ... (1) Smart Device Applications and Mobile Network Services,.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Int. J. Commun. Syst. 2013; 26:687–689 Published online 17 May 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/dac.2554


Advanced processing technologies and applications for mobile communication systems

The current state of mobile communication systems has advanced to the point that now they contain novel processing technologies and have applications that give them capabilities and power similar to traditional desktop computers, along with global access to data via the Internet. It has been argued that this is largely a result of the emphasis on pervasive computing along with the requirements for ubiquitous network access. In addition, recent mobile communication systems such as Smartphone, tablet, and mobile gadgets represent an advanced communication environment featuring daily life objects that continuously involve and are focused on final non-expert users. Most researchers predict that these smart devices and platforms’ communication systems, as they continue to be developed, will provide an avenue for many new types of services. This trend of rapid growth of smart communication systems throughout the past few years has contributed to an increase of pervasive computing and has provided a variety of convergence services. The goal of this issue is to bring together state-of-the-art research that describes original and unpublished work addressing ‘Advanced Processing Technologies and Applications for Mobile Communication Systems’. It will reflect the state of the art of the various smart devices’ communication, network, applications and services, platforms, security of new processing techniques in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to the Smartphone applications and services for pervasive computing and the Internet of Things. This special issue is aimed to solicit research results on the following topics of interest, but not limited: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Smart Device Applications and Mobile Network Services, Device & Platform Communication and Connectivity, Efficiency and Performance of Smart, Wireless, Mobile Systems, Smart Appliance, Wireless, Mobile Network and Systems, Wearable, WSN, WPAN, RFID Communication Systems, Smart Grid/Home and Building Automation Systems, Multimedia security, authentication, access control, Recent Advance Processing technologies for Communication systems, User-friendly interface and User Experience, and Future Mobile Communication Challenges and Trends.

We received many manuscripts. Each manuscript was blindly reviewed by at least three reviewers consisting of guest editors and external reviewers. After the review process, eight manuscripts were finally selected for this Special Issue. The selected manuscripts are as follows: (1) A Dynamic Control Middleware for Cyber Physical System through an IPv6-based Global Network, Sang Oh Park, Tae Hoon Do, Young-Sik Jeong, Sung Jo Kim (2) Performance Improvement of Hybrid Tag Anti-Collision Protocol for RFID Systems, Soocheol Kim, Jung-Sik Cho, Sung Kwon Kim (3) Adaptive Anomaly Control for Alleviating the Exclusive Channel Occupation in Wireless Networks, Hyunhee Park, Taeshik Shon, Seunghyun Park, Eui-Jik Kim

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



(4) Intelligent Route Generation: Discovery and Search of Correlation between Shared Resources, Neil Y. Yen (5) LZCode Based Compression Method for Effectively Using the Memory of Embedded Devices, Kangseok Kim, Hyunchul Lee, Okkyung Choi, Hongjin Yeh (6) Reliability and Security of Arbiter Based Physical Unclonable Function Circuits, Zaur Tariguliyev, Siddika Ors (7) Nearest Surrounder Searching in Mobile Computing Environment, Jaehwa Chung, Hong Jun Jang, Kyung-Ho Jung, Soon-Young Jung (8) LTE and WiMAX: Performance and Complexity Comparison for Possible Channel Estimation Techniques, H. Hafez, Y. A. Fahmy, M. M. Khairy Finally, we would like to thank all authors for their contributions to this special issue. We also extend our thanks to the following external reviewers for their excellent job in reviewing the manuscripts: Seungmin Rho, Yong Wang, Hyuk Jun Kwon, Hong Joo Lee, Kiyong Jeon, Wenny Rahayu, Diego Arroyuelo, Rabia Iqbal, Chang Hong Lin, Yuseop Lee, Yongpyo Hong, Delphine Christin, Panagiotis Rizomiliotis, Felipe Gil-Castiñeira, Xiaolin Qin, Ridha Soua, Fengyu Liu, Sehau Wang, Soon-Ju Kan, Dario Bonino, Ching-Nung Yang, Lei Kang, Simon Kuo, Yang Sun Lee, Changhoon Lee, Jongsung Kim, and Hangbae Chang.

Dr Sang-Soo Yeo received his master’s degree and PhD degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. He was a visiting scholar at Kyushu University, Japan. He worked for BTWorks, Inc. as a General Manager and at the same time was an adjunct professor at Hannam University. He is currently a professor at the Division of Computer Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea. He is Vice President of Future Technology Research Association International (FTRA) and Vice President of Korea Information Technology Convergence Society. Dr Yeo’s research interests include Security, Ubiquitous Computing, Multimedia Service, Ubiquitous Computing, Embedded System, and Bioinformatics. He is a member of the KIPS, KIISE, KICS, KIISC, KMS, KDAS, KONI, KIMICS, KIIT, IEEE, and IEEE CS.

Shiuh-Jeng Wang ( received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan in 1996. Dr Wang was a visiting scholar of Computer Science Department at Florida State University (FSU), USA, in 2002 and 2004. He also was a visiting scholar of Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at University of Florida (UF) in 2004, 2005, 2010, and 2011.He served the editor-in-chief of the journal of Communications of the CCISA in Taiwan from 2000 to 2006. He has been elected as the Deputy President of Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA, AT since 2012. Dr Wang academically toured the CyLab with School of Computer Science in Carnegie Mellon University, USA, in 2007 for international project collaboration inspection. He is also the author of ten books (in Chinese versions): Information Security, Cryptography and Network Security, State of the Art on Internet Security and Digital Forensics, Eyes of Privacy – Information Security and Computer Forensics, Information Multimedia Security, Computer Forensics and Digital Evidence, Computer Forensics and Security Systems, and Computer and Network Security in Practice, Digital Image Processing and Applications, The Security in Computer, Network and Mobile-Service in Practice – Applying to High-tech Society, published in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2012, respectively.Professor Wang has published over 300 papers in referred journals/conference/ proceedings/technique reports so far. He is a full professor and a member of the IEEE, ACM. He served many academic and reputable journals in the position of guest editors. He was the lead editor – IEEE J-SAC, 2011(IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications), AT http:// Professor Wang is currently with the editor-in-chief of Journal at JITAS AT

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Int. J. Commun. Syst. 2013; 26:687–689 DOI: 10.1002/dac



Dr Rodrigo Roman ([email protected]) is a security researcher working at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore. He also collaborates with the NICS security lab at the University of Malaga, Spain, where he obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2008. From his point of view, security should not be an obscure concept that is difficult to apply but a simple idea that can be easily explained and deployed. Consequently, Dr Roman’s research is mainly focused on providing useful and relevant security solutions that fulfill the requirements of both applications and its users. At present, his research interests are mainly focused on the secure integration of sensor networks with other infrastructures, such as critical infrastructures, cloud environments, and the Internet of Things. Although he is a young researcher, Dr Roman is actively involved in the academic community, having published over 25 referred papers at international conferences and journals, having served over 30 times in international conference committees as member of the program committee, having organized and chaired several workshops and conferences (e.g. ESORICS, ACNS, and SecIoT), and having been a regular reviewer for over five international journals. Besides, he has participated in various Spanish (ARES and SPRINT) and international (Feel@Home, SMEPP) research projects related to network and sensor networks security.

Sang Soo Yeo Mokwon University, Korea Shiuh-Jeng Wang Central Police University, Taiwan Rodrigo Román Castro University of Malaga, Spain

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Int. J. Commun. Syst. 2013; 26:687–689 DOI: 10.1002/dac