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Version 11.5

Module 18 Advanced Steelwork Design

Training Manual

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Contents Session 1...................................................................... 1-1 3D Aid Constructs and Working Planes ......................................................1-1 Objectives....................................................................................................1-1 Must Know Points........................................................................................1-1 Creating 3D Aid Constructs .........................................................................1-2 Copying and Modifying 3D Aid Constructs ................................................1-15 Working Planes .........................................................................................1-23 Exercise 1..................................................................................................1-26

Session 2...................................................................... 2-1 Curved Sections ............................................................................................2-1 Objectives....................................................................................................2-1 How PDMS represents Curved Sections ....................................................2-2 Creating Curved Sections............................................................................2-5 Modifying Curved Sections........................................................................2-13 Exercise 2..................................................................................................2-19

Session 3...................................................................... 3-1 Penetrations ...................................................................................................3-1 Objectives....................................................................................................3-1 Must Know Points........................................................................................3-1 Overview of Penetrations ............................................................................3-2 Creating a Penetration.................................................................................3-4 Updating Penetrations ...............................................................................3-14 Exercise 3..................................................................................................3-18

Session 4........................................................................24 Accessways, Stairs and Ladders .................................................................. 24 Objectives..................................................................................................... 24 Must Know Points......................................................................................... 24 Overview of ASL Modeller ............................................................................ 25 Creating ASL Components........................................................................... 26 Setting ASL Component Defaults................................................................. 36 Modifying ASL Components ......................................................................... 38 Exercise 4A .................................................................................................. 42 Exercise 4B .................................................................................................. 54

Module 18 Advanced Steelwork Design


Session 3D Aid Constructs and Working Planes 3D Aid Constructs are 2D graphics that can assist when creating complicated geometry, such as curved beams and complex panels, in your 3D model.

Objectives At the end of this session, you will able to: •

Create and position 3D Aid Constructs to assist your design modelling.

Copy and Modify 3D Aid Constructs.

Create and Use Working Planes

Recognise where 3D Aid Constructs can improve speed and accuracy.

Use the different types of 3D Aid Constructs effectively.

Must Know Points At the end of this session you will be able to explain: •

How to create effective 3D Aid Constructs from the available selections.

How to clear 3D Aid Constructs from the display.

How to create and activate Working Planes

How to use Working planes effectively.

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Creating 3D Aid Constructs Overview 3D aid constructs are 2D graphics that can assist you when creating complex geometry in your 3D model. The constructs are not database elements and are, therefore, only displayed for the duration of the Design session. However, the constructs may be saved to a file and restored during subsequent Design sessions. The different constructs may be used in conjunction with the Aid pick type on the Positioning Control form to give positional information for, say, the start and end of SCTN elements or PAVE elements in a panel. Constructs can be deleted, either individually or in their entirety, and may also be modified once created. 3D aid constructs may be created in any of the four structural applications, i.e. Beams & Columns, Panels & Plates, Walls & Floors and ASL Modeller. The types of construct are: •



Working Point



The colour of 3D Aid Constructs is controlled from the Colours form, i.e. selecting Settings>Graphics>Colour… from the main menu and selecting the Aids colour. The 3D Aid Constructs Form Selecting Utilities>Constructs… from the main menu displays the 3D Aid Constructs form:

Control The Control menu has the following options: • List… Selecting the List option displays the Aid Constructors form. An explanation of this form is given later in this session. • Save…

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Selecting the Save option displays the File Browser form that enables you to save all of the constructs to a named file. • Restore… Selecting the Restore option displays the File Browser form that enables you to restore the constructs from a saved file. • Close Selecting the Close option closes the 3D Aid Constructs form. Settings The Settings menu has the following options: • Repeat If this setting is ON, indicated by a checkmark adjacent to the menu label, you can continue to create the same type of construct until you press the Esc key. The option is toggled ON and OFF by alternate selections. • Size… Selecting the Size option displays the Working Point Size form:

The size of working points can be specified by entering a value in the Diameter text box and the Apply to radio buttons enable you to apply this value to new working points or those already defined. Create All of the Create menu options have sub-menus that enable you to select various construction methods. At the top of each sub-menu, excluding Copy, is a Toolbar… option which, when selected, displays a toolbar form containing all the construction methods in the sub-menu. • Copy The sub-menu options enable you to Copy Offset, Copy Rotate and Copy Mirror any aid construct type. For further details of these options see Copying and Modifying 3D Aid Constructs. • Circle The sub-menu options enable you to create circle constructs in different ways, see Circle Constructs. • Line

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The sub-menu options enable you to create line constructs in different ways, see Line Constructs. • Work Point The sub-menu options enable you to create working point constructs, see Working Point Constructs. • Plane The sub-menu options enable you to create plane constructs, see Plane Constructs. • Grids The sub-menu options enable you to create different types of grid construct, see Grid Constructs. Modify The Modify menu options enable you to modify constructs once they are created and are covered later in this manual; see Copying and Modifying 3D Aid Constructs. Delete The Delete menu has the following options: • Pick This option enables you to pick a single construct to delete. • All Constructs This option deletes all constructs. You will be asked to confirm your decision with the following confirmation form:

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Circle Constructs Selecting Create>Circle>Toolbar… from 3D Aid Constructs form displays the Circles form:

The various methods of creating Circle constructs are: Through 3 points

Derive from a picked item


Tangential to 3 lines

Fixed radius tangential to circle

Fixed radius, passing through 2 points

Tangential to a circle

Tangential to 2 circles

Derived diameter

Derived diameter on working plane

Fixed diameter

Fixed diameter on working plane

Derived radius

Derived radius on working plane

Fixed radius

Fixed radius on working plane

Define explicitly

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Clicking any of the Circle construction method buttons displays relevant prompts in the Prompt Area of the 3D View. The construction methods work in conjunction with the Positioning Control form enabling you to use model elements, displayed graphics, other 3D aid constructs, etc. in creating a Circle. Where a Circle construction method requires a fixed diameter or radius an appropriate form is displayed when the button is clicked:

The Measure button on these forms enables you to set the diameter or radius by graphical picks; alternatively, a value can be entered into the text box. Circle construction methods that work in conjunction with a Working Plane require the working plane to be active; otherwise the following error message is displayed:

Working Planes are explained later in this session. The Define explicitly button displays the Modify Circle form, which enables you to set the radius, start and end angles, position and orientation of the circle. See Modifying 3D Aid Constructs for an explanation of this form.

Line Constructs Selecting Create>Line>Toolbar… from 3D Aid Constructs form displays the Lines form:

The various methods of creating Line constructs are: Between two points

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Angled from copied


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Derived from a picked item

Bisect the picked lines

Point to circle tangent

Tangential to 2 circles

Define explicitly

Clicking any of the Line construction method buttons displays relevant prompts in the Prompt Area of the 3D View. The construction methods work in conjunction with the Positioning Control form enabling you to use model elements, displayed graphics, other 3D aid constructs, etc. in creating a Line. The Define explicitly button displays the Modify Line form, which enables you to set the position, length and direction of the line. See Modifying 3D Aid Constructs for an explanation of this form. Work Point Constructs Selecting Create>Work Point>Toolbar… from 3D Aid Constructs form displays the Points form:

The two methods of creating Working Point constructs are: Derive position

Define explicitly

The Derive position button works in conjunction with the Positioning Control form enabling you to use model elements, displayed graphics, other 3D aid constructs, etc. in positioning a Working Point. The Define explicitly button displays the Modify Work Point form and the Positioning Control form which enables you to position the Working Point using explicit co-ordinates or graphical picks.

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Plane Constructs Selecting Create>Plane>Toolbar… from 3D Aid Constructs form displays the Planes form:

The two methods of creating Plane constructs are: Through 3 points

Define explicitly

The Through 3 points button works in conjunction with the Positioning Control form enabling you to use model elements, displayed graphics, other 3D Aid constructs, etc. in defining a Plane construct. The Define explicitly button displays the Modify Plane form and the Positioning Control form which enables you to size, position and orientate the Plane. The Modify Plane form is identical to the Working Plane form, see Creating Working Planes Explicitly for an explanation

Grid Constructs Selecting Create>Grids>Toolbar… from 3D Aid Constructs form displays the Grids form:

The three types of Grid construct are: Linear grid

Radial grid

Plant grid

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Linear Grid A Linear grid is a ‘net’ of lines with even spacing in the X direction and even spacing in the Y direction. The X and Y spacing may be different, but they are consistent within one direction. Selecting the Linear grid button from the Grids form displays the Reference Linear Grid form:

The Options area of the form enables you to: • Label and Detail the grid with text aids by checking the appropriate check box. • Modify the Number of visible lines by entering a value in the text box. The number of lines are equal in the X and Y directions. • Set the Spacing on the X and Y directions by entering a value in the appropriate text box. • See a Preview of the grid by clicking the Preview button.

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The Position area of the form enables you to position the grid origin, i.e. the centre of the grid, explicitly by entering East/West, North/South and Up/Down coordinates. As the Positioning Control form is also displayed when the Reference Linear Grid form is opened, the grid origin may be set by graphical picks. The Orientation area of the form enables you to orientate the grid in three ways: 1. Clicking the Through three points button prompts you to graphically pick three points to define the plane of the grid. When the orientation points have been picked, the Y is and Z is text boxes are updated with new directions defined by the grid plane. 2. Clicking the Through origin and two points button prompts you to graphically pick two points which, together with the origin point, define the plane of the grid. When the orientation points have been picked, the Y is and Z is text boxes are updated with new directions defined by the grid plane. 3. The orientation can also be set by entering a direction in the Y is and Z is text boxes. The X direction is automatically derived, using the Left-hand Rule and is displayed beneath the two text boxes. It should be noted that only one direction may be altered at a time so it may require two or more entries to re-orientate the grid. If an invalid orientation is defined using this method the following error message is displayed:

Orientating a grid does not alter it’s position. The wrt text box enables the position and orientation to be set with respect to other Design elements.

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Radial Grid A Radial grid is a ‘spiders web’ of radial lines and circles with user defined angles and diameters. Selecting the Radial grid button from the Grids form displays the Reference Radial Grid form:

The Options area of the form enables you to: • Label and Detail the grid with text aids by checking the appropriate check box. • Set the Angles for the radial lines of the grid. If a value is entered into the text box adjacent to the Angles label a set of equally spaced angles between 0° and 360°,

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using the entered value, is displayed in the larger text box below. Alternatively, angles may be entered individually in the larger text box. • Set the Diameters for the circular lines of the grid. Values for the Diameters are entered in the large text box below the Diameters label. The values are absolute, i.e. they are measured from the grid origin. If the values are entered out of numerical sequence they will be automatically sorted and displayed if the Preview button is clicked.

• See a Preview of the grid by clicking the Preview button. The Position and Orientation areas of the form function in the same way as described for Linear grids.

Plant Grid A Plant Grid is similar to a Linear Grid except that the X spacing and Y spacing can vary. Selecting the Plant grid button from the Grids form displays the Reference Plant Grid form:

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The Options area of the form enables you to: • Label and Detail the grid with text aids by checking the appropriate check box. • Specify the X and Y spacing for the grid lines. One grid line will be created for each entry in the X Spacing and Y Spacing text box. The spacings are relative, i.e. they are measured from the last grid line. Positive values will create lines in the specified (X or Y) directions and negative values will create lines in the opposite direction to that specified (-X or –Y).

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• See a Preview of the grid by clicking the Preview button. The Position and Orientation areas of the form function in the same way as described for Linear grids.

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Copying and Modifying 3D Aid Constructs Copying 3D Aid Constructs Selecting Create>Copy from the 3D Aid Constructs form menu displays a submenu with three choices:

Offset… Selecting the Offset… option displays the Aid Copy Offset form:

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The Graphic Aids area of the form enables you to select the select the Aid(s) that you wish to copy. Click the Pick button and then select the aid(s) with the cursor, pressing the Esc key to end the selection. The number of aids selected is displayed after the Selected: text. The Clear button, when active, clears the selection. Note that the Apply button is greyed out until the selection has been completed. Having selected the aids, the Copy Settings area of the form enables you to select whether to Copy or Move the selection (Move is covered later in this section) as well as specifying the number of copies required. The Offset Settings area of the form enables you to select the Type of offset required and then specify the appropriate Cardinal offsets or Distance and Direction. Note that if multiple copies have been specified then each aid is offset the specified amount from the previous copy. Clicking the Apply button copies the selected aid(s) the specified number of times by the specified offset(s). Rotate… Selecting the Rotate… option displays the Aid Copy Rotate form:

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The Graphic Aid and Settings area of the form function as described for Offset… except that the Rotation Angle, in degrees, must also be specified. The Rotation Axes area of the form enables you to to slect or specify the Position and Direction of the rotation axis. The area contains two buttons to assist you: Pick Position of Rotation - clicking this button displays the Postioning Control form and enables you to specify the origin of the rotation axis using the form’s options. Pick rotation line - clicking this button enables you to select a 3D Aid whose position position will be the origin of the rotation axis. The rotation axis origin may also be specified by manually entering appropriate coordinates in the text boxes. If you use the Pick Position of Rotation button or specify the rotation axis origin manually, the direction of the rotation axis may be specified in the Direction text box. Using the Pick rotation line button sets the Direction to the direction of the selected 3D aid. Whichever method you use to specify the Position and Direction of the rotation axis, the values may be edited manually at any time. Note that if multiple copies have been specified then each aid is rotated the specified angle from the previous copy. Clicking the Apply button copies the selected aid(s) the specified number of times by the specified angle around the specified rotation axis. Mirror… Selecting the Mirror… option displays the Aid Copy Mirror form:

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The Graphic Aid and Settings area of the form function as described for Offset… except that the multiple copies cannot be specified. The Mirror Plane area of the form enables you to to slect or specify the Position and Direction of the mirror plane. The area contains two buttons to assist you: Pick position of mirror plane - clicking this button displays the Postioning Control form and enables you to specify the origin of the mirror plane using the form’s options. Pick mirror plane - clicking this button enables you to select a 3D Aid whose position will be the origin of the mirror plane. The mirror plane origin may also be specified by manually entering appropriate coordinates in the text boxes. If you use the Pick position of mirror plane button or specify the rotation axis origin manually, the direction of the mirror plane, i.e. the direction of the vector normal to the plane, may be specified in the Direction text box.

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Using the Pick mirror plane button sets the Direction to the direction of the selected 3D aid. Whichever method you use to specify the Position and Direction of the mirror plane, the values may be edited manually at any time. A vector aid and representation of the plane are displayed using the specified settings. Clicking the Apply button copies and mirrors the selected aid(s) about the specified mirror plane. Modifying 3D Aid Constructs Selecting Modify from the 3D Aid Constructs form menu displays the following menu:

Move The Move option displays a sub-menu with Offset…, Rotate… and Mirror… options. These choices display the Aid Move Offset, Aid Move Rotate and Aid Move Mirror forms respectively. The forms are identical in both apperance and function to the respective Copy forms described previously except that Move is the default in the Copy Settings area of the form and the copies text box is greyed out. Cut This option enables you to Cut (delete) one selected aid. Copy This option copies a selected aid to the clipboard.

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Paste This option displays the Positioning Control form and prompts you to select a position to paste the aid from the clipboard. Toolbar… displays Modify toolbar:

The toolbar options are: •

Delete picked aid item – this option allows you to delete an aid.

Reposition picked aid item – after picking the aid the Positioning Control form is displayed allowing you to reposition the aid origin using the form’s options.

Redefine radius of picked circle – after selecting a circle aid the Positioning Control form is displayed allowing you to graphically change the circle radius. Note that the circle origin does change.

Extend end of picked line – after selecting a line aid the Positioning Control form is displayed allowing you to specify a position through which the line will be extended (or trimmed) using the form’s options. Note that the direction of the line does not change.

Definition… This option allows you to modify an aid definition via a form. After selecting this option from the menu you will be prompted to select an aid to be modified using the cursor. Once the aid is selected an appropriate form is displayed depending on the type of aid that has been selected. The form contains all the data that defines that particular aid type and it can be modified by entering new values:

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Position This option prompts you to select an aid to re-position. After selection the Positioning Control form is displayed and the aid origin can be graphically repositioned using the form’s options. Note that other data that defines the aid, e.g. radius, orientation, length, etc. is not modified. This option is the same as Reposition picked aid item on the Modify menu. Radius This option prompts you to select a Circle aid. After selection the Positioning Control form is displayed and the radius can be changed by graphically picking a point using the form’s options. Note that other data that defines the circle, e.g. position, orientation, etc. is not modified. This option is the same as Redefine radius of picked circle on the Modify menu.

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Extend This option prompts you to select a Line aid. After selection the Positioning Control form is displayed and the length of the line may be changed by graphically selecting a point through which the end of the line, nearest the selected point, will pass through. Note that the orientation of the line is not modified. This option is the same as Extend end of picked line on the Modify menu. Project onto plane This option is greyed out unless there is an active Working Plane. If there is an active Working Plane this option enables you to project the aid onto the Working Plane and orientates the aid to the plane.

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Working Planes Overview A Working Plane, which may be a plane or a grid, can be used to control positioning operations. If a working plane is active, picked positions will be projected onto the plane. If a grid is used as a working plane, picked positions can be snapped to the intersections or cell centres of the grid. You can create a Working Plane explicitly, using the Utilities>Working Plane… options from the main menu, or you can create a 3D Aid Plane or Grid, as described previously, and then make the aid the active Working Plane. Note that only one Working Plane mat be active at any given time.

Creating Working Planes Explicitly Selecting Utilities>Working Plane… from the main menu displays the Working Plane form:

The Control form menu has only one option, Close, which enables you to dismiss the form. The Define form menu has the following options: Pick This option enables you to pick an existing plane or grid to be the active working plane. Once selected, the Active and Visible checkboxes are automatically checked and the selection becomes the active working plane. Reposition This option displays the Positioning Control form and enables you to reposition the origin of the active working plane by graphically selecting a point using the form’s options.

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Plane… This option displays the Working Plane form:

The Options area of the form enables you to Label the plane, display the plane Axes and toggle between a Filled and unfilled graphical representation of the plane, if it is displayed. The Size area of the form enables you to specify the size of the graphical representation of the plane, when displayed. The size does not affect the actual size of the plane, which is infinite, only the graphical representation of it. The Position & Orientation area of the form enable you to position the plane origin and orientate the plane as previously described for Linear Grids. Clicking the OK button on the form sets the defined plane as the active Working Plane, automatically checking the Active and Visible checkboxes.

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Linear Grid… This option displays the Working Plane – Linear Grid form. This form is identical in appearance and functionality to the Reference Linear Grid form previously described. Clicking the OK button on the form sets the defined grid as the active Working Plane, automatically checking the Active and Visible checkboxes. Radial Grid… This option displays the Working Plane –Radial Grid form. This form is identical in appearance and functionality to the Reference Radial Grid form previously described. Clicking the OK button on the form sets the defined grid as the active Working Plane, automatically checking the Active and Visible checkboxes. Plant Grid… This option displays the Working Plane – Plant Grid form. This form is identical in appearance and functionality to the Reference Plant Grid form previously described. Clicking the OK button on the form sets the defined grid as the active Working Plane, automatically checking the Active and Visible checkboxes. If a plane or grid is the active working plane, selecting Plane…, Linear Grid…, Radial Grid… or Plant Grid… from the Working Plane form Define menu will display the appropriate form with all the data for the current working plane element. If a grid is the active working plane, the Working Grid snap area of the Working Plane form becomes active. The options are: •

On intersection.



Picked position snaps to nearest grid Grid behaves as a uniform working plane. Picked position snaps to nearest grid cell centre.

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Exercise 1 Creating 3D Aid Constructs In this exercise we will create, copy and modify 3D Aid Constructs in order to create two panels with complex shapes. 1. Select Utilities>Constructs… from the main menu to display the 3D Aid Constructs form. From the form menu select Create>Grids>Toolbar… to display the Grids form. 2. Click on the Linear Grid button to display the Reference Linear Grid and the Positioning Control form. In the Spacing area of the Reference Linear Grid form enter 50 for the X value and 50 for the Y value. Enter a value of 20 for the Number of visible lines, click the Preview button on the form and zoom in to the displayed graphics. Change your view direction to Iso 3. 3. In the Orientation area of the form enter the following values in sequence: • Z is E - press the Return key and note the change in axis and aid direction. • Y is U - press the Return key and note the change in axis and aid direction. • Z is S - press the Return key and note the change in axis and aid direction. 4. Click the Preview button again. Your grid should now look like this in an Iso 3 view.

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5. Select Create>Circle>Toolbar… from the 3D Aid Constructs form menu to display the Circles form and click the Fixed radius, passing through 2 points button to display the Radius form, enter a value of 250 for the radius. 6. Set the Positioning Control form to Aid/Snap and click on the top horizontal grid line where it intersects with the sixth vertical grid line, i.e. 250 from the top right hand corner of the grid, this is the first point defining the circle. Click on the same vertical grid line where it intersects with the centre horizontal grid line, i.e. 10 spaces below the first point, a distance of 10 x 50mm = 500mm, this is the second point defining the circle. 7. There are two possible arcs that can be drawn with the specified radius between these two points. You are now prompted to select a Polar Control point, i.e. a point that will define where the arc will pass through. Select an intersection of the right hand vertical grid line with any of the horizontal grid lines between the first and second points selected. An arc will be drawn as shown in the left hand picture below:

8. Select Create>Line>Toolbar… from the 3D Aid Constructs form menu to display the Lines form and click the Between two points button. Create three lines to form the shape shown in the right hand picture above. 9. Click on the Point to circle tangent button on the Lines form and create a line as shown below.

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Modifying and Copying 3D Aid Constructs 1. Select Modify>Position from the 3D Aid Constructs form and select the grid. Make sure the Positioning Control form is set to Aid/Snap and click on the top of the vertical Line aid. The grid origin will reposition to the selected point. 2. Select Modify>Definition… from the 3D Aid Constructs form and select the grid again to display the Modify Grid form. In the Orientation area of the form enter the following values in sequence: • Y is E - press the Return key. • Z is U - press the Return key. 3. Create a Circle and Lines to form a shape similar to the picture below, utilising Modify>Copy Mirror, Modify>Copy Offset Modify>Definition… where appropriate:

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4. Delete the grid and the larger circle using Delete>Pick from the 3D Aid Constructs form menu. Your aids should now look like this:

Creating Panels using 3D Aid Constructs 1. If you are in the Beams & Columns application switch to Panels & Plates. Make sure that the Positioning Control form is set to Aid/Snap.

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2. Using the vertical aids that you constructed first, create a 25 thick, centre justified panel with the following pick sequence: •

Using the Derive points from graphic picks button on the Create Panel form create the first three vertices as shown:

• Using the Fixed radius arc, passing through 2 points button on the Create Panel form, create the curved part of the panel. Enter a value of 250 in the Radius form and select the two points and the Polar Control point as shown. Note: For point 5 select near the upper end of the sloping line. For point 6 (Polar Control point) change the Positioning Control form settings to Aid/Cursor.

• Finally, using the Derive points from graphic picks button and changing the Positioning Control form settings back to Aid/Snap, select the last vertex position.

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3. Create a 20mm thick bottom justified panel, as shown, using the horizontal aids.

Using a Working Plane 1. Enter the Beams & Columns application. Set the default Section Specification to DIN Standard HE600A, the Justification Line to NA and the Pline Rule to Normal. Create two columns 6000mm high and 10000mm apart in a North/South direction.

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2. Select Utilities>Working Plane… from the main menu to display the Working Plane form. 3. Selecting Define>Plane… from the Working Plane form menu to display the Working Plane definition form. Position the working plane by snapping on the top of the TOS Pline on the southern most column and enter a Z direction of N 10 U. Click the OK button and note that the working plane disappears and the Active checkbox on the Working Plane form is checked. Check the Visible checkbox so that the working plane is displayed.

4. Uncheck the Visible checkbox on the Working Plane form. Select Create>Line>Between two points from the Working Plane form menu and create a Line aid between the tops of the two columns. Check the Active checkbox and select Create>Work Point>Derived position from the Working Plane form menu. Set the Positioning Control form to Aid/Mid-Point and select the mid-point of the Line aid. Note that the Work Point is position is projected onto the working plane.

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5. Change the default Section Specification to DIN Standard HE450A and the Justification Line to TOS. Set the Positioning Control form to Aid/Snap, select Create>Section>Straight… from the main menu and select the Work Point aid as the start of the section. Change the Positioning Control form settings to Element /Snap and select the top of the southern most column as the end point of the section. 6. Uncheck the Active checkbox on the Working Plane form and create a sloping beam from the Work Point to the northern most column. Select Modify>Sections>Mitre Ends from the main menu and mitre the apex of the two beams. Delete the aids.

Module 18 Advanced Steelwork Design


Session Curved Sections Curved sections may contain straight segments or consist entirely of a partial or full circle. This session explains the creation and modification of curved sections.

Objectives At the end of this session, you will able to: •

Create curved sections using a variety of pre-defined shapes.

Create curved sections using freeform graphical picks.

Modify curved and ring section geometry.

Explain the function of different curved section elements.

Must Know Points At the end of this session you will be able to explain: • • • •

The different elements that form a curved section. How to create a curved section using different methods. How to modify all aspects of curved sections. Limitations on curved sections and their uses.

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How PDMS represents Curved Sections Overview Curved structural sections are represented in PDMS using Generic Section (GENSEC) elements, the geometry of which is defined by sweeping a 2D catalogue profile along a path. This path is represented by a SPINE element, owned by the GENSEC, whose route is specified by a sequence of Spine Points (POINSP), one at the start, one at the end, and one at each change of direction. Each segment linking adjacent POINSPs can be a straight line or circular arc, achieved by inserting a Curve (CURVE) elements. The current Appware does not allow GENSECs be connected to each other or to SCTN elements and fittings and joints cannot be applied to them. Although a GENSEC may look like a SCTN, its definition and hierarchy structure a quite different. GENSEC Hierarchy and Attributes A GENSEC element sits at the same level in the hierarchy as SCTN, PANE & PNOD elements, i.e. it may be owned by a FRMW or a SBFR.

Each element in the GENSEC hierarchy has specific attributes that combine to create the curved section. GENSEC element •

The Position attribute holds the origin of the frame of reference of the GENSEC with respect to the WORLD. Note: this point will be the ‘start’ of the section for GENSECs containing straights portions (Curved sections) and the ‘centre’ of the circle/arc for a GENSEC that is solely a partial or complete circle (Ring sections).

The Orientation attribute holds the orientation of the frame of reference of the GENSEC with respect to the cardinal axes.

SPINE element

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The Ydirection attribute holds the local Y axis direction of the profile with respect to the frame of reference of the GENSEC. Note: Modifying the Ydirection of the SPINE is similar to modifying the Bangle (Beta Angle) attribute of the GENSEC. However, the effect of the Ydirection attribute is independent of the Bangle.

POINSP element •

The Position attribute of the POINSP element holds its position with respect to the origin of the frame of reference of the GENSEC.

CURVE element •

The Position attribute of the CURVE element holds the centre point of the curve for a Centre type curve or the apex point for a Fillet type curve, see below.

The Cposition attribute holds the position of a point that defines the ‘sense’ of the CURVE.

The Radius attribute holds the radius of the CURVE.

The CurTyp attribute holds the type of curve of the CURVE element. Note: there are two main types of curve:

1. Centre – the point held by the Position attribute is the centre of the curve.

2. Fillet – the point held by the Position attribute is the apex of the curve.

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Creating Curved Sections Curved Sections A ‘Curved’ GENSEC is a section that includes straight and curved segments. Selecting Create>Sections>Curved... displays the Curved Section form:

The Create Methods area contains buttons that enable you to create predefined closed and open shapes for curved sections, using either Centre or Fillet curve types, as well as a button to enable ‘free’ definition of Spine Points and Curves. The Radius text box enables you to enter a value for the radius of the curves. The various Create Method buttons are: Free definition – this option, together with the Positioning Control form, enables you select any number of Spine Points to define a curved section. A Fillet curve type is added at each change in direction of the selected path, using the current Radius value.

Right angle – this option enables you to pick three points, together with the Positioning Control form, to create an Lshaped right angle with a Fillet type curve, using the current

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Radius value, at the change in direction of the straight segments.

Closed rectangle (fillet) – this option enables you to pick three points, together with the Positioning Control form, to create a closed rectangle with Fillet type curves, using the current Radius value, at each corner.

Open rectangle (fillet) – this option enables you to pick three points, together with the Positioning Control form, to create an open rectangle (three sides) with Fillet type curves, using the current Radius value, at each corner.

Swan neck - this option enables you to pick three points, together with the Positioning Control form, to create swan neck (two opposed right angle bends) with Fillet type curves, using the current Radius value, at change in direction of the

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straight segments.

Obloid - this option enables you to pick two points, together with the Positioning Control form, defining the centres of two semi-circular ends (Centre curve type), using the current Radius value, plus a third point to show in which of the straight sides the start and end points are positioned.

Closed rectangle (centre) – this option enables you to pick three points, together with the Positioning Control form, to create a closed rectangle with Centre type curves, using the current Radius value, at each corner.

Open rectangle (centre) – this option enables you to pick three points, together with the Positioning Control form, to create an open rectangle (three sides) with Centre type curves, using the current Radius value, at each corner.

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The Undo button enables you to step back through the picked points to correct any errors. Note: There is no Apply button on the form, the creation process is carried out automatically.

Ring Sections A ‘Ring’ GENSEC is a section that is a full or partial circle. Selecting Create>Sections>Ring... displays the Ring Section form:

The Circle Definition area of the form enables an Arc or Full circle to be specified to avoid any ambiguity.

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The Create Methods area of the form provides the following methods to create an arc or full circle: Through 3 points – this option enables you, together with the Positioning Control form, to pick three points through which the circle is to pass. For an Arc the first point is start and the third point is end. Derive from a picked item - this option enables you to pick a Design item from which radius and centre of circle can be derived. The ring will be superimposed on this circle, which can then be repositioned as required. Fillet - this option enables you to enter the required radius on a separate form and then pick two linear design items that will be tangential to the required circle. For an Arc, contact point with the first line is the start and the contact point with second line is end. The plane of the ring is normal to both lines and through first line. Tangential to 3 lines - this option enables you to pick three linear design items to define the circle which will fit between these tangents. The plane of ring is normal to, and midway between, first two lines. Fixed radius, tangential to a circle - this option enables you to enter the required radius on a separate form, pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, towards which circle is to be directed (the control point) and then pick a Design item from which circle can be derived. The ring will be tangential to derived circle on the side specified by control point. Fixed radius, passing through 2 points - this option enables you to enter the required radius on a separate form and then pick two positions, together with the Positioning Control form, defining the start and end of the ring, then pick a position towards which circle is to be directed (control point). Tangential to a circle – this option enables you to pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, defining the centre of the ring, then pick a Design item from which circle can be derived. The ring will be tangential to the derived circle and the radius will be distance from first pick to the tangent point. Tangential to 2 circles - this option enables you to enter the required radius on separate form, then on two coplanar circular Design items, pick positions, together with the Positioning Control form, near points where the ring is to touch tangentially; then pick a position near centre of ring. Derived diameter – this option enables you to pick two positions, together with the Positioning Control form, representing opposite sides of circle (distance between picks defines diameter), then pick a position towards which the circle is to be directed (control point). For an Arc the first point is start and the second point is end.

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Derived diameter on working plane – for this option a Working Plane must be active. This option enables you to pick two positions, together with the Positioning Control form, representing opposite sides of the circle (the distance between the picks defines the diameter). The picked positions will be projected onto the Working Plane and the ring will lie in this plane. For an Arc the first point is the start and the second point is end. Fixed diameter – This option enables you to enter the required radius on a separate form, then pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, for the centre of the ring, then pick two positions aligned with start and end of the ring (in that order). The ring lies in plane through the three points. Fixed diameter on working plane – for this option a Working Plane must be active. This option enables you to enter the required diameter on separate form, pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, for the centre of the ring. The ring will be a 180° arc, created anticlockwise about the Z-axis of working plane, with start on the X-axis. Derived radius – this option enables you to pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, for the centre of the ring, then a position for the start of the ring (the distance between picks defines radius) and then pick a position aligned with the end of the ring. The ring lies on the plane through the three picked points. Derived radius on working plane - for this option a Working Plane must be active. This option enables you to pick two positions, together with the Positioning Control form, representing the centre and the start of the ring (the distance between the picks defines radius). The picked positions will be projected onto working plane and the ring will lie in this plane. The ring will be a 180° arc, created anticlockwise about the Z-axis of working plane. Fixed radius – This option enables you to enter the required radius on a separate form, then pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, for the centre of the ring, followed by two positions aligned with the start and the end of ring (in that order). The ring lies in the plane through the three picked points. Fixed radius on working plane - for this option a Working Plane must be active. This option enables you to enter the required radius on separate form then pick a position, together with the Positioning Control form, for the centre of ring. The ring will be a 180° arc, created anticlockwise about Z-axis of the working plane, with the start on the X-axis. Define explicitly – this option displays the Create section (Ring) form which enables you to specify the centre position, radius, plane orientation, and subtended start/end angles for the ring section. Each of these can be entered explicitly via the keyboard or picked graphically..

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The Settings area of the form enables you to specify the Radius, Start and End angles (measured anti-clockwise from E wrt the current frame of reference) and the ‘sense’ of the arc, i.e. whether Anti-Clockwise or Clockwise.


Clockwise The functionality of the Position and Orientation areas of the form is similar to that described for Linear Grids in 3D Aid Constructs, see Session 1 of this manual, with the additional functionality described below. The Position area of the form contains a pull-down list, with a default of Origin, that enables you to define what the coordinates on the form refer to

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Origin – the co-ordinates refer to the centre of the ring.

Radius – the co-ordinates refer to a point, measured along the X axis from the Origin, that corresponds to the value in the Radius text box in the Settings area of the form. If the value of this co-ordinate is changed, the value of the Radius will change automatically. Conversely, if the Radius value is changed the co-ordinates will be changed automatically.

Start Angle – the co-ordinates refer to a point, measured from the Origin, that corresponds to the start point of the ring based on the Radius and Start Angle values. If the value of one, or either, of the co-ordinates is changed, the value of the Start Angle will change automatically. Conversely, if the Start Angle value is changed the co-ordinates will be changed automatically.

End Angle - the co-ordinates refer to a point, measured from the Origin that corresponds to the end point of the ring based on the Radius and End Angle values. If the value of one, or either, of the co-ordinates is changed, the value of the Start Angle will change automatically. Conversely, if the Start Angle value is changed the co-ordinates will be changed automatically.

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Modifying Curved Sections After making the GENSEC that you wish to modify the CE, selecting Modify>Section>Definition... from the main menu displays the appropriate modification form depending on how the section was defined, i.e. whether it was a Curved or Ring section. Curved Sections If the CE is a Curved section, selecting Modify>Section>Definition... from the main menu will display the Modify Section (Curved) form: The Spine Point area of the form enables you to select a POINSP (start or end) or CURVE element to modify. Note: Intermediate POINSPs cannot be edited via this form. The Attributes area of the form displays the X and Y co-ordinates (with respect to the GENSEC origin) of the current PPOINSP or CURVE element. Modifying the Start or End Position The position of the POINSP element at the Start or End of the GENSEC may be modified by selecting Start or End from the pull-down list in the Spine Point area of the form. The position may be modified graphically, in conjunction with the Positioning Control form, or explicitly by setting the X and Y co-ordinates, with respect to the GENSEC origin, in the appropriate text boxes. A graphical aid, showing the local axes of the GENSEC, is displayed to assist you in positioning the Start or End. When a new position is entered the graphical aids are modified to reflect the new position. Note: in the example below note the change in angle of the subsequent CURVE element. When a new position has been defined the Modify button on the Modify Section (Curved) form becomes active. Clicking this button will reposition the Start or End.

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Note: The axes aid has not moved, i.e. the Position attribute of the GENSEC element has not been modified.

Accessing CURVE elements CURVE elements in the SPINE definition may be accessed by selecting Curve from the pull-down list in the Spine Point area of the form. This selection activates four gadgets on the Modify Section (Curved) form:

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1. A Curve counter in the Spine Point area of the form. This may be used to step through, forwards or backwards, the different CURVE elements (if more than one exists) 2. A Curve Type pull-down list in the Spine Point area of the form. 3. A Delete button in the Spine Point area of the form . 4. The Radius text box in the Attributes area of the form. The X and Y text boxes in the Attributes area of the form display the co-ordinates of the curve point, with respect to the GENSEC origin, and the curve type, i.e. Centre or Fillet, is displayed in the pull-down lists. Graphical aids show the local axes of the GENSEC element and the location and type of the curve point.

Modifying a Curve Type The Curve Type may be modified by selecting Fillet or Centre from the pull-down list in the Spine Point area of the form. The X and Y co-ordinates will change to reflect the new curve point position and the graphical aids will update to show the new position and curve type. Note: The Modify button will not be activated until data in the Attributes area of the form has been modified. This can be affected by re-entering the same radius. Clicking the Modify button, when activated, will change the Curve Type.

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Modifying a CURVE Radius The Radius of the CURVE element may be changed by entering a new value in the Radius text box in the Attributes area of the form. The graphical aid will change to reflect the new path of the SPINE and the Modify button will be activated. Clicking the Modify button will update the CURVE with the new Radius.

Note: the curve point co-ordinates have not been modified. If the value entered for the Radius is too large the following error message is displayed.

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Deleting a CURVE element A CURVE element may be deleted from the SPINE definition by making it the CE and clicking the Delete button in the Spine Point area of the form. The graphical aid will change will change to reflect the new path of the SPINE and the following confirmation message will be displayed:

Clicking the YES button will delete the CURVE element and modify the SPINE path as shown by the graphical aid. Note: The curve point of the second CURVE point is not re-positioned.

If only one CURVE element exists in the SPINE definition, or only one CURVE element is left after others have been deleted, any attempt to delete the last CURVE will fail and the following Warning message displayed:

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Ring Sections If the CE is a Ring section, selecting Modify>Section>Definition... from the main menu will display the Modify Section (Ring) form: The Modify Section (Ring) form is identical in appearance and functionality to the Create Section (Ring) form, described earlier in this session, with the exception of the AntiClockwise and Clockwise radio buttons in the Settings area of the form. To modify the ‘sense’ of the ring, the Start and End angle values must be swapped as appropriate. It should be noted that when opening the Modify Section (Ring) form the frame of reference of the GENSEC will be displayed with East (X) through the Start POINSP, regardless of how the ring section was created, with the Orientation values reflecting this direction. Thus, if the orientation values are modified, i.e. the frame of reference changes, and the Start and End angles are unchanged, clicking the Apply button will modify the Start and End positions.

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Exercise 2 In this exercise we will create and modify Curved and Ring type GENeric SECtions. Creating Curved Sections 1. Make sure you are in the Beams & Columns application, create a new SBFR for this exercise, set the storage areas to this SBFR and set the default Section Specification to DIN Standard HE300A (TOS/NA/NA). 2. Create a Linear Grid 10000 x 10000 with X and Y spacing of 1000. Orientate the grid Y is N and Z is U and position it at a point of your choice. Set the viewing direction to Iso 3. 3. Select Create>Section>Curved… from the main menu to display the Create Section (Curved) form. Select the Swan neck shape button and set the Positioning Control form to Aid/Snap. Note the prompt in the Prompt Area reads: Define curved section “swan neck” start (Snap) Snap : 4. The Swan neck shape requires three points to define it’s shape, corresponding with the three red squares shown on the button. Snap on the south-westerly corner of the grid. A text aid is displayed confirming the start point of the Swan neck. Note that the prompt has now changed to: Define curved section “swan neck” end for first leg (Snap) Snap :. Select a point on the grid for the end of the first leg, note the text aid and the change to the prompt and then select a point for the end of the Swan neck. The curved section produced will look like this:

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5. Query the attributes of the GENSEC, SPINE, POINSP and CURVE elements in turn and note how each contributes to define the curved section. 6. Create curved sections with each of the pre-defined shapes, using the same grid, finishing with the Free definition. Modify the default Radius for different shape to see how this affects the definition. Query the attributes of the different elements for each shape to determine how each shape is defined. 7. Delete all GENSECs except the one defined by the Free definition.

Modifying Curved Sections 1. With the Free definition curved section as the CE, select Modify>Section>Definition… from the main menu to display the Modify Section (Curved) form. Note the axes aid positioned at the Start point of the GENSEC showing the local axes directions: 2. On the Modify Section (Curved) form, enter a value (say 1000) in the Y text box and click the Modify button. Note that the curved section’s start position is modified but the axes aid, which is positioned at the curved section’s origin, i.e. the position defined by the GENSEC element, is unchanged.

3. Return the start position to its original location by entering 0 in the Y value text box and clicking the Modify button. Enter a value (say 1000) in the X text box and, before clicking the Modify button, note the affect on the first curve, as shown by the graphical aids, of the new X value. Click the Modify button and note that although the start position has moved and the arc length of the first CURVE has changed, the CURVE has not changed position. 4. Select Curve from the pull-down list in the Spine Point area of the Modify Section (Curved) form and note the additional features, i.e. curve counter, Delete button, etc., that become active. Use the curve counter to step through each curve and note the co-ordinates of the curve point and the curve type. Modify the radius, curve type and co-ordinates for some curves and note the affect on the SPINE path. Finally, delete one of the CURVE elements.

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Creating Ring Sections 1. Set the default Section Specification to DIN Standard LU Profiles 200x100x12 (TOAX/TOAX/NA). 2. Create a Radial Grid with circle diameters of 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 and radial lines at 15º intervals. Orientate the grid Y is N and Z is U and position it at a point of your choice. Set the viewing direction to Iso 3. 3. Select Create>Section>Ring… from the main menu to display the Ring Section form. Ensure that Arc is selected in the Circle Definition area of the form, select the Through 3 points button and set the Positioning Control form to Aid/Snap. Note the prompt in the Prompt area reads Define ring section first point (Snap) Snap :. 4. Snap on the intersection of the 0º (X) radial line and the 2500 diameter circle. A text aid is displayed confirming the start point of the circle definition. Note that the prompt has now changed to: Define ring section second point (Snap) Snap :. Select a point on the same Radial Grid circle diameter anti-clockwise fro the first point. Note the new text aid and the change to the prompt and select a third point, on the same Radial Grid circle diameter. The ring section created will look like this:

5. Select Full in the Circle Definition area of the Create Ring form and repeat the process described above to create a full circle ring section with a diameter of 3000. Compare the two ring sections and note the difference in the number of POINSP and CURVE elements created. Query the attributes of each element of the ring sections noting how the different elements combine to form the ring sections.

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6. Using the Radial and Linear Grids, create new ring sections with other options in the Create Methods area of the Ring Section form. 7. Finally, create a ring section using the Define explicitly button option.

Modifying Ring Sections 1. Select an arc ring sections, an arc ring, you have created making it the CE, and select Modify>Section>Definition… from the main menu to display the Modify Section (Ring) form. 2. Modify the radius by entering a new value in the Radius text box in the Settings area of the form. Note the graphical aids show the affect of the new value prior to clicking the Apply button. 3. Select the Clockwise radio button in the Settings area of the form and click the Apply button. The arc ring section will change ‘sense’ forming an opposite arc to the original definition. Note that the start and end points and the Start Angle and End Angle are unchanged:

4. Enter new values in the Start Angle and End Angle text boxes in the Settings area of the form, again noting the affect, as shown by the graphical aids, of the new values prior to clicking the Apply button. Note the orientation values in the Position & Orientation area of the form. 5. Dismiss the Modify Section (Ring) form and, without changing the CE, select Modify>Section>Definition… from the main menu. Note that the orientation values have changed such that the X axis aligns with the start point of the ring section. 6. Select Radius from the pull-down list in the Position area of the form. Note that the co-ordinates change to give a position, along the X axis, that corresponds with the Radius value in the Settings area of the form. 7. Modify the Radius value in the Settings area of the form and note, before clicking the Apply button, that the graphical aids and the co-ordinate values

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change to reflect the new value. It should be noted that the c-ordinates are wrt /* (the default) unless explicitly changed.

8. Modify the X and/or Y co-ordinate for the radius and note the affect on the Radius value in the Settings area of the form. 9. Select Start Angle from the pull-down list in the Position area of the form. Note that the co-ordinates change to give a position that corresponds with the Start Angle value in the Settings area of the form.

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10. Modify the Start Angle value in the Settings area of the form and note, before clicking the Apply button, that the graphical aids and the co-ordinate values change to reflect the new value. It should be noted that the c-ordinates are wrt /* (the default) unless explicitly changed.

11. Modify the X and/or Y co-ordinate for the radius and note the affect on the Start Angle value in the Settings area of the form. The End Angle functionality operates in the same way.

Module 18 Advanced Steelwork Design



Penetrations Several of the design applications include the concept of a Penetration to allow one item to pass through another, such that there is a logical link between the penetrating item and the penetrating hole. In contrast to, say, a negative extrusion, which can be positioned and dimensioned independently of any item which passes through it or through which it passes.

Objectives At the end of this session, you will able to: •

Create penetrations through panels for steel sections and pipes.

Combine penetrations to form a new multiple penetration.

Control the position, angle and specification of a penetration.

Explain the hierarchy of a penetration and multiple penetrations.

Must Know Points By the end of this module you will be able to explain: •

How to create simple one on one penetrations.

How to create penetrations for an element which penetrates many others.

What element owns the created penetrations.

How to use preview to identify the correct geometry for multiple fittings.

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Overview of Penetrations General A penetration, in PDMS terms, is an ‘intelligent’ hole in a panel or section through which another Design element passes. The penetrated item and the item(s) that penetrate are logically linked so that if the penetrating item is moved during design development, the penetration position may be updated to ensure that it is in the correct location. Each type of penetration is a selectable catalogue item, (provided they exist in the catalogue) whose dimensions are parameterised in such a way that they can be derived automatically from the dimensions of the item that penetrate. The catalogue item may be simple negative geometry, e.g. a hole, or may include positive, e.g. a pipe sleeve or kickplate, that may be as simple or complex as required. In PDMS it is possible to penetrate Panels (PANE), Sections (SCTN), and curved sections (GENSEC) elements. Elements and Logical Connections The elements used to define a penetration are owned by the penetrated item and the item that penetrates. For example: Where a Section (SCTN) penetrates a Panel (PANE) a Section Fitting (FITT) is created that is owned by the SCTN. A Compound Fitting (CMPF) is created that is owned by the PANE. A Sub-fitting (SBFI) is also created, owned by the CMPF. The FITT and SBFI are logically connected by the Connection Reference attribute (CREF), i.e. the CREF attribute of the FITT points to the SBFI and the CREF attribute of the SBFI points to the FITT:

Note: In this simple example the CMPF only owns one SBFI. For multiple penetrations, i.e. where two or more penetrating items ‘share’ the same hole, the CMPF will own one SBFI for each penetrating item and each SCTN will own one FITT. The CREF attribute of each FITT will point to one SBFI and the CREF attribute of each SBFI will point to one FITT. Multiple penetrations are covered later in this session.

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The situation is similar where, say, a pipe penetrates a panel, however, the elements involved are different. Where a pipe branch (BRAN) penetrates a panel (PANE) an Attachment Point (ATTA) is created, owned by the BRAN. A CMPF and SBFI are created, owned by the PANE, as for the section penetration. The logical connections are created, as before, using the CREF attributes of the ATTA and SBFI:

Each FITT, ATTA and SBFI have specification reference (SPREF) attributes which point into the catalogue, via the specification, to a specific type of penetration, suitable for the conditions to which it is being applied. Penetrations may be created in the following Design applications: •

From the Beams & Columns Application, you can create only Section Penetrations.

From the Pipework Application, you can create only Piping Penetrations.

From the Panels & Plates Application, you can create both Piping Penetrations and Section Penetrations.

From the Walls & Floors Application, you can create only Wall Penetrations.

Although each of the forms are identical, some of the choices are not relevant in certain applications

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Creating a Penetration Example This example creates a single penetration for a 200x100 RHS section passing through a single panel:

Although this example uses a structural section, creating a single penetration for a pipe is very similar. In the Panels & Plates application, selecting Utilities>Penetrations displays the Panel Penetration Application form:

The form contains various form menu options that will be explained as the example progresses. The Settings form menu options are: •

Defaults… - this option displays the Penetrations Defaults form. This form enables you to set default specifications for each type of penetration so that you do not need to enter design details of the local geometry (clearances, etc.) each time you create a new penetration. The form is divided into three areas, one for each type of penetration, i.e. pipe penetrations, steel (section) penetrations and penetration holes. Within each area, a scrollable list shows the various specification options that are available in the current specifications/catalogues that are included in your MDB for each of the categories. The highlighted entries are the current defaults.

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Clicking on one of the options in the scrollable list displays a Modify Properties form that enables you to set the Design Parameters (if any), e.g. clearances, offsets, etc., for that particular penetration specification.

Angled Penetrations – this option displays the Angle Defaults form that enables you to specify a maximum angle, in degrees, for sections or pipes that pass through the penetration.

Angled penetrations are covered later in this session.

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The Create form menu has the following options: •

Penetration Hole… - this option enables you create a penetration hole in a panel explicitly, where no existing element passes through it. This would generally be used to add a door, window, access port, etc. to a wall. Selecting this option displays the Create Compound Panel Fitting form:

This form enables you to select a compound panel fitting, depending on the catalogue. The fitting may be positioned using the Position options from the main menu.

1 to 1 Penetration – this option enables you to add a single penetration through a panel while designing in the Pipework Application. The principle is to let you specify where you need penetrations for your pipes without having to consider their design details. Selecting this option displays the 1 to 1 Penetration form: This form allows you to select a pipe and panel. This creates a penetration, logically connecting the items, whose detailed geometry will be specified later by the panel designer. As such, it is not relevant to this example.

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Penetration… - this option enables you to create a pipe penetration or a section penetration in a panel. Selecting this option displays the Item Penetration Type form, from which you select the type of penetration required:

After making the selection clicking the Apply button displays either the Create Piping Penetration form or the Create Section Penetration form:

The form options are: •

The Penetration Type pull-down enables you to select between Single Penetration and Multi Penetration.

The Elements to be penetrated pull-down enables you to identify the panels through which the penetrating items are to pass. The choices are to pick them individually using the cursor or to use a predefined list containing the required panels. If no list is defined only the Pick using cursor option is available.

The Elements that penetrate pull-down enables you to identify the section(s) or pipe(s) which are to pass through the panel(s). The choices are to pick them individually using the cursor or to use a predefined list containing the penetrating sections or pipes. If no list is defined only the Pick using cursor option is available.

The Defaults: Spec. pull-down enables you to select the specification of the required penetration in the catalogue. Note that only specifications relevant to the current design discipline are available for selection.

The Confirm before penetrating checkbox enables you to toggle whether you see where each penetration is positioned before it is created.

If the Pick using cursor options have been selected, clicking the Apply button will prompt you to select the identify item to be penetrated in the Status area of the 3D View. Selection is made by selecting a panel with the cursor and pressing the Esc

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key to end the process. The identified items will be coloured cyan. You will then be prompted to identify items that penetrate. Again, selection is made by a section and pressing the Esc key to end the process. The selected item will be coloured red. Having made the selections, PDMS calculates the position of each penetration by checking for clashes between the Elements to be penetrated and the Elements that penetrate. When this process is complete the Penetration Item List form is displayed: The top pane shows the fitting(s) owned by the penetrating item. The Show pull-down list acts as a filter so you can restrict the display to any of the following: • Items – all items of the appropriate type, i.e. FITT • Items with refs. – only items with valid connection references. • Items with Nulrefs – only items with no connection reference. This shows items that have not had their connection reference set or whose corresponding hole has been deleted. • Items with Unknown refs only items that have an invalid connection references, e.g. references to items in deferred databases. • Items with No Spref – only items that do not have their specification reference set.

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The centre pane displays details about the penetrating item and specific data, prefixed by >, may be edited. The bottom pane displays information about the hole. This data is for information only and cannot be edited from this form. To set the specification reference for the FITT, click on the line > SpecRef =0/0 in the centre pane of the Penetration Item List form. This displays the Modify Fitting form:

Notes: 1. The specification displayed on the form results from the default settings made previously on the Penetrations Default form. 2. The Justification pull-down enables you to set a Pline for the justification of the fitting. For this example, as the section is to be centred in the hole, NA is used. 3. The Zdistance displays the distance from the start point of the section to the centre of the panel through which it passes. 4. The Beta Angle allows the fitting to be rotated around the Z direction of the Pline used for justification. Unless absolutely necessary, this value should be left as the default.

Clicking the Properties… button displays the Modify Properties form that enables you to set any Design Parameters, if they have been incorporated into the catalogue definition of the fitting. These values may have been set via the Penetrations Defaults form but may be changed at this time. For this example, using the penetration specification shown, the Modify Properties form gives these Design Parameter options:

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• X-Clearance and Y-Clearance are the clearances from the section to the hole in the X and Y directions (wrt the panel) respectively, as shown by the graphical aids. • X offset and Y offset are the offsets of the centre of the hole to the Pline selected for justification in the X and Y directions (wrt the panel) respectively, as shown by the graphical aids.

For this example the X-Clearance and Y-Clearance are set to 50mm and the X offset and Y-offset to 0mm so that the section will be centred in the penetration hole. Having entered the values in the Modify Properties form, clicking the OK button sets the values and dismisses the form. Clicking the Apply button on the Modify Fitting form will update the settings in the centre pane of the Penetration Item List form. As all Penetrating Item data has now been set, the form can be dismissed.

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The data for the penetration hole, i.e. the SBFI, must now be entered. With the CE set to the panel, selecting Display>Penetration List… from the Panel Penetration Application form menu displays the Penetration List form: This form is similar to the Penetration Item List form except the top pane shows the compound and sub-fitting(s) owned by the item to be penetrated and the centre and bottom panes are reversed, i.e. the centre pane shows the Hole Information, which is now editable, and the bottom pane shows the Penetrating Item data which has been previously set. The Show pull-down list again acts as a filter so you can restrict the display to relevant items, e.g. If the panel owns a number of previously defined penetrations, selecting Holes with No SPREF from the Show list will display the CMPF for the penetration being created as the specification reference has not been set. Selecting the SBFI element in the top pane displays the data in the top pane displays the hole data in the centre pane and the connected FITT data in the bottom pane.

To set the specification reference for the SBFI, click on the line > SpecRef =0/0 in the centre pane of the Penetration List form. This displays the Modify Panel Fitting form:

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Notes: 1. The specification displayed on the form results from the default settings made previously on the Penetrations Default form. 2. The Justification pull-down enables you to justify the panel fitting on the top, centre or bottom of the panel. Unless absolutely necessary, this value should be left as the default. 3. The Beta Angle allows the panel fitting to be rotated around the direction of the Ppoint P0 of the fitting. Unless absolutely necessary, this value should be left as the default.

Clicking the Properties… button displays the Modify Properties form that enables you to set any Design Parameters, if they have been incorporated into the catalogue definition of the panel fitting. These values may have been set via the Penetrations Defaults form but may be changed at this time. • Xlength and Ylength are the overall lengths of the hole in the X and Y directions (wrt the panel) respectively, as shown by the graphical aids. • X offset and Y offset are the offsets of the centre of the hole to the Pline selected for justification in the X and Y directions (wrt the panel) respectively, as shown by the graphical aids.

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These values could be set manually, however, they can be set automatically using the data from the Penetrating Item. Having clicked the Apply button on the Modify Panel Fitting form to set the Spref, this form can now be dismissed. The centre pane of the Penetration List form now shows the hole data with the Spref set but the Design Parameter values set to 0. Selecting Modify>Copy like ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu sets the Design Parameters for the hole data based on the information derived from the Design Parameters of the Penetrating Item.

Note: the Xlength and Ylength values have been set to the external dimensions of the section (200x100) plus twice the X-Clearance and Y-Clearance values set previously for the section fitting. The penetration will now be displayed on the panel: Note: ensure that the Holes Drawn checkbox on the Representation form is checked so that the penetration hole is shown. Select Settings>Graphics>Representation… on the main menu to display the Representation form. This penetration catalogue definition includes a stiffening plate above and below the opening.

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Updating Penetrations As the penetrated item(s) and the penetrating item(s) are logically linked via the CREF attributes of the FITT (or ATTA) and SBFI elements, if the penetrating item is re-positioned, re-orientated or re-sized during the design development process, PDMS can update the penetration position, orientation and size. Position

If the penetrating item is moved, the penetration position is not updated automatically.

With the SBFI as the CE, selecting Position>Align with ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu will re-position the penetration with the penetrating item. Note: If the PANE is the CE, this command will update the position of all penetrations owned by the panel.

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Orientation If the penetrating item is re-orientated, the penetration may be updated to match the orientation. The method used depends on how the penetrating item has been reorientated.

If the penetrating item has been rotated the penetration orientation will not be aligned automatically.

With the SBFI as the CE, selecting Orientate>Align with ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu will re-orientate the penetration to the penetrating item. This command will only function correctly if the panel fitting and section fitting (or pipe attachment) Point Sets has been correctly defined in the catalogue. Note: If the PANE is the CE, this command will update the orientation of all penetrations owned by the panel. If the catalogue Point Sets have not been correctly defined, selecting Orientate>Rotate… from the Panel Penetration Application form menu will display the Rotate form where the required angle, in degrees, may be entered in the text box.

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If the penetrating item has been sloped as it passes through the panel, the penetration orientation will not be reorientated automatically.

Selecting Orientate>Angled… from the Panel Penetration Application form menu displays the Set Angled form.

Selecting Align with attached from the Set Angle form and clicking the Apply button will orientate the penetration to the alignment of the penetrating item. Selecting Normal to surface from the Set Angle form and clicking the Apply button will orientate the penetration to be perpendicular to the penetrated item. Selecting Specify direction from the Set Angle form, entering an angle in the Direction text box and clicking the Apply button will orientate the penetration to the specified direction.

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If the penetrating item changes size the penetration will not be re-sized automatically. Selecting Modify>Copy like ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu will update the size of the penetration. The previously defined clearances and offsets will be used.

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Exercise 3 In this exercise you will create and modify penetrations in a panel for both steel sections and pipe. The exercise uses a set of pre-prepared elements that must be loaded into the Design database. Set-up 1. Remove all elements from the Draw List. 2. With the WORLD set to the CE, load the build macro M18_Ex3.mac from the command line. 3. Set the view limits to the Draw List and the view direction to Iso 3. 4. Your 3D View should now look like this:

Creating a Penetration for a Steel Section 1. Enter the Panels & Plates application and select Utilities>Penetrations from the main menu to display the Panel Penetration Application form.

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2. Select Create>Penetration… from the form menu to display the Item Penetration Type form. Select the Steel Penetration radio button and click the Apply button to display the Create Section Penetrations form. 3. Select Steel Sections from the Spec. pull-down and click the Apply button. In the Status Area of the 3D View you will be prompted to identify the item to be penetrated. Select the panel and press the Esc key to end the selection process. You will then be prompted to identify items that penetrate. Select the steel RHS section and press the Esc key once to end the selection process. The Penetration Item List form will be displayed. 4. Select the FITTING item in the top window of the form and note that the Penetrating Item and Hole Information data is displayed. 5. In the middle window of the form select the SpecRef =0/0 line to display the Modify Fitting form. There is only one choice available, PENI/RECT so this will be the fitting specification reference. Note that Z distance value in the Settings area of the form has been calculated from the start of the SCTN to the mid-point of the panel thickness. 6. Modify the Justification setting to NA so that the penetration will be justified around the neutral axis of the SCTN. Click the Properties button to display the Modify Properties form and enter an X-Clearance value of 50 and a YClearance value of 50. Leave the X offset and Y offset values at their default of 0. 7. Click the OK and Dismiss button on the Modify Properties form and then the Apply button on the Modify Fitting form. Note the data in the Penetrating Item window of the Penetration Item List form has been updated. 8. Dismiss the Penetration Item List form and select Display>Penetration List… from the Panel Penetration Application form to display the Penetration List form. 9. Select the SBFITTING item in the top window of the form and note that the Penetrating Item data is displayed in the bottom window. 10. In the middle window of the form select the SpecRef =0/0 line to display the Modify Panel Fitting form. Select Hole Penetrations from the Specification pull-down and Rectangular from the Sub-Type pull-down. You will see three types of rectangular penetration holes to choose from. Select PENH/FITT/RECT. 11. Click the Properties button to display the Modify Properties form. Note that the four values are set to their defaults of 0. We could enter the Xlength and Ylength values here but we will let the application determine the values from the referenced penetrating item. Click the Cancel button on the Modify Properties form and then the Apply and Dismiss buttons on the Modify Panel Fitting form. 12. With the SBFITTING item still highlighted in the top window of the Penetration List form, select Modify>Copy like ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form. Note that the Hole Information data has now been updated to show the Xlength and Ylength values derived from the RHS section size.

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13. Dismiss all the open forms except for the Panel Penetration Application form. If necessary, set Holes drawn on from the Representation form. 14. Your panel penetration should look like this:

Creating a Penetration for a Pipe 1. Using the same methodology you have just used for creating the penetration for the steel section, create a penetration for PIPE_1. Note the following differences as you work through the steps: •

On the Item Penetration Type form select the Pipe Penetration radio button.

On the Create Piping Penetrations form select Penetrations from the Spec. pull-down.

On the Penetration Item List form note that the SpecRef for the Penetrating Item has already been set. Click on the Clearance unset line in the middle window to display the Modify Clearance form. Enter a clearance value of 20 and click the Apply and Dismiss buttons on this form.

On the Penetration List form note that there are now two CMPFITTING (Compound Fitting) items that each own a SBFITTING (Sub Fitting) item. The second one is the fitting for the steel section penetration. Click on the first SBFITTING item, this is the one for the pipe penetration.

On the Modify Panel Fitting form select Circular from the Sub-Type pulldown. Select PENH/FITT/CIRD from the three available fittings.

Accept the default settings on the Modify Properties form.

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2. Your piping penetration should look like this:

Modifying Penetrations Position 1. Make the RHS section the CE and move it North by 500. 2. Make the panel the CE and select Display>Penetration List… from the Panel Penetration Application form menu. 3. Select the second SBFITTING item in the top window of the form. Note the aid that is displayed on the panel fitting.

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4. Select Position>Align with ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu. Note that the penetration hole has now moved to align with penetrating item. Orientation 1. Make the RHS section the CE and rotate it through 45 degrees by changing the Beta Angle to 45. 2. Make the SBFI element of the steel section penetration the CE, select Orientate>Align with ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu. Note that the penetration has aligned with the RHS section. 3. Rotate the column to through 45 degrees again by changing the Beta Angle to 90. Make the panel the CE and display the Penetration List form by selecting Display>Penetration List… from the form menu. Select the SBFI element for the steel section penetration from the top window of the form and then select Orientate>Rotate… from the Panel Penetration Application form menu to display the Rotate form. 4. Enter a value of 45 on the Rotate form and click the Apply button. Note that the penetration has not re-aligned to the RHS section. This is because the angle is measured in absolute terms from the default 0 position. Enter a value of 90 on the Rotate form, click the Apply button and note that the penetration has now aligned with the RHS section. Dismiss the Rotate and Penetration List forms. 5. Create a penetration in the panel for PIPE_2, using the same panel fittings and default values as you did for PIPE_1. Note that the penetration sleeve is not aligned with the pipe.

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6. Make the panel the CE and display the Penetration List form. Select the SBFI element for the PIPE_2 penetration from the top window of the form. Select Orientate>Angle… from the Panel Penetration Application form menu to display the Set Angled form. Select the Aligned with attached radio button and click the Apply button. Note that the penetration sleeve is now aligned with the pipe. 7. Select the Normal to surface radio button and click the Apply button. Note that the penetration sleeve has been aligned perpendicular to the panel surface. Dismiss all penetration forms except the Panel Penetration Application form. Size 1. Make the RHS section the CE and modify its SPREF to /DINSPEC/RHS300x300x8. 2. Display the Penetration List form and select the SBFI element for the steel section penetration from the top window. Select Modify>Copy like ref. from the Panel Penetration Application form menu. Note that the penetration has resized to suit the new size of the RHS section.

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Session Accessways, Stairs and Ladders This session describes how to create accessway, stair and ladder configurations to enhance the model. The limitations of ASL Modeller application are also discussed.

Objectives At the end of this session, you will able to: •

Recognise where ASL can benefit the model.

Have a good knowledge of the components available in ASL.

Explain the hierarchy of a typical ASL component.

Must Know Points By the end of this module you will be able to: •

Create ASL components with the correct orientation and position.

Modify existing ASLcomponents to suit your individual needs.

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Overview of ASL Modeller Normally accessways, stairs, ladders and handrailing are added towards the end of a project as the access requirements are better defined at this point and the elements can be can be positioned to give the minimum disruption. The ASL Modeller application enables the user to create pre-configured stairs, ladders, platforms and handrailing and provides tools to modify the configurations, where required. The ASL components created by the application are constructed from primitives and, therefore, do not have the level of intelligence or connectivity of other structural elements. This means that if a modification is made to an element that interacts with an ASL component, the ASL configuration does not update automatically. As primitives cannot be assigned a material reference, no material take off or mass properties may be extracted from the constructs. If you wish to extract MTO or C of G reports for stairs, ladders, handrailing, etc., they must be constructed from SCTN, GENSEC and PANE elements using standard modelling techniques. The positioning of ladder hoops, allowable angles of stairs, heights of handrails and other standard safety parameters are all created automatically with the selected ASL component. The rules governing these parameters are derived from recognised bodies such as Lloyds, DNV, etc., however, the parameters cannot be adjusted. Care must be taken when using the ASL Modeller as the storage area is not defined as in the other structural applications. A STRU element is created in the database hierarchy below the current ZONE every time a major ASL component is created. Some components are owned by an existing STRU. The STRU owns SubStructure (SUBS) elements, which own the primitives that make up the ASL component. As a new STRU element is produced each time, it can be confusing knowing which STRU represents each ASL component, therefore, it is good practise to name every new ASL component.

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Creating ASL Components The ASL Modeller application is loaded by selecting Design>Structures>ASL Modeller… from the main menu. The types of ASL components that may be created are listed under the Create option on the main menu: All menu choices have sub-menus which give the following options: Platform Corner… This option produces a rectangular platform with handrailing on two adjacent sides. The thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate can be specified. There is an option to mirror the platform if the orientation is incorrect. Rectangular… This option produces a rectangular platform with handrailing on all four sides. The thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate can be specified.

Return Access… This option produces a rectangular platform with handrailing on three sides. The thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate can be specified. There are options for the direction of the access and for mirroring if the orientation is incorrect.

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Walkway… This option produces a rectangular walkway with handrailing on two sides. The thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate can be specified. There is an option to select the direction of the open ends of the walkway.

Floorplate… This option produces a floor plate (BOX primitive). The thickness of the floor plate can be specified.

For all rectangular platform and floorplate creation there are two methods of creating the components: Define… This method displays a creation form where the details of the component are defined, including Length, Width, Position and Direction, prior to the component creation.

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On ID Sections… This method displays a similar form to define the component, however, Length, Width, Position and Direction are determined by subsequent picks of SCTN elements to define these values. The Extent options enable the extents of the component to be placed on the Centreline or the external edge of the chosen SCTN elements. The following options are available for creating circular platforms: Circular>Round… This option produces a circular platform. There outside radius, width and angular sweep of the platform can be specified as well as the thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate.

Circular>Six Sides… This option produces a platform with a hexagonal outer edge and a circular inner edge. There outside radius and inside radius of the platform can be specified as well as the thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate.

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Circular>Eight Sides… This option produces a platform with an octagonal outer edge and a circular inner edge. There outside radius and inside radius of the platform can be specified as well as the thickness of the floor plate and the size of the kick plate.

Stair There are two sub-menu options for creating stairs, top flight and bottom flight. The difference between the two types is the position of the origin of the stair and the configuration of the handrailing at the bottom of the flight.

Both types of stair have options for specifying the geometry of the stair: Height and Angle This option applies to both top flight and bottom flight stairs. The height and angle of the stairs must be specified. The angle defaults to 34 degrees and must be in the range 30 to 50 degrees.

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The number of steps is calculated using the defined length and angle. An error message is displayed if the number of steps exceeds the default value, see Setting ASL Component Defaults. The depth and thickness of stair stringers, width between stringers and the landing floor thickness may also be specified. Height and Length This option applies to both top flight and bottom flight stairs. The height and length of the stairs must be specified. The stair angle is calculated using the defined distances and an error message is displayed, showing the calculated angle, if the angle is not within the range 30 to 50 degrees. The number of steps is calculated using the defined height and length. An error message is displayed if the number of steps exceeds the default value, see Setting ASL Component Defaults.. The depth and thickness of stair stringers, width between stringers and the landing floor thickness may also be specified. FFL to FFL This option applies to top flight stairs only. A Ppoint on the top floor plate and the bottom floor plate must be specified. The height, length and angle and used to determine if the angle is within the 30 to 50 degree range and the number of steps does not exceed the default value, see Setting ASL Component Defaults.. The depth and thickness of stair stringers, width between stringers and the landing floor thickness may also be specified.

Ladders Step… This option creates a step ladder whose angle defaults to 65 degrees and must be in the range 65 to 75 degrees. The vertical height of the ladder must be specified. There are no restrictions on height or number of steps.

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Front exit… This option creates a front exit ladder with a varying number of cage hoops depending on the height of the ladder. The vertical height of the ladder must be specified with a maximum of 9144mm (30’). A clearance from the centre of ladder to the landing plate may be specified (default 200mm).

Side Exit>Single… This option creates a single side exit ladder with cage provided below the landing level. The vertical height of the ladder must be specified with a minimum of 3060mm (10’) and a maximum of 9144mm (30’). A clearance from the centre of ladder to the landing plate may be specified (default 200mm).

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Side Exit>Double… This option creates a side exit ladder with two cages below each of two landing levels. The vertical height to the top landing must be specified with a minimum of 6096mm (20’) and no maximum. The vertical height to the first landing must be specified with a minimum of 3060mm (10’). There must be a minimum of 3060mm (10’) between the first landing and the top landing. A clearance from the centre of ladder to the landing plate may be specified (default 200mm).

Floor Penetration Floor penetrations may be inserted in Rectangular or Circular floor plates created by the ASL Modeller, i.e. in the BOX or CTOR elements that are used to construct the ASL floor components.

The floor plate and penetrating item must be identified and a clearance around the penetrating item, together with a kickplate height and thickness may be specified.

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The penetrating item is limited to a primitive forming part of an EQUI element or a BRAN element for piping. The penetration has no ‘intelligence’, i.e. no logical link between the penetrating item and the penetrated item, therefore, if the penetrating item is moved or the size changes, the penetration hole cannot be updated.

Post This option enables the creation of handrail posts using the following submenu options: Between Handrail Ends… This option creates handrail posts between two selected top ‘elbows’ of other handrails. The created posts do not contain handrail joints. Between Posts… This option creates handrail posts between two other handrail posts. The created posts contain handrail joints. Between End and Post… This option creates handrail posts between another handrail post and the top ‘elbow’ of another handrail. The post must align with the ‘elbow’. The created posts do not contain handrail joints. At Explicit… This option creates a handrail post at an explicit location. The created post contains handrail joints. At P-Point… This option creates a handrail post at a selected Ppoint. The created post contains handrail joints.

Corner Posts This option creates a pair of corner posts, with handrail joints, and connects the two posts around the corner with handrails. There are three sub-menu options available: At Explicit Corner… This option creates the corner posts at an explicit corner, i.e N/W, N/E, S/W and S/E, of a rectangular floor plate. On Floor Plate This option creates a pair of corner posts and associated handrails on all four corners of a rectangular floor plate. At Intersection of Rails This option creates a pair of corner posts and associated handrails at the intersection of two top rails.

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Handrail Only This option creates a top and bottom rail handrail between identified Ppoints at the top of posts. Closure… This option creates a handrail closure to a specified length and direction. End pad This option creates a circular end connection pad to a single handrail.

Kickplate This option creates kickplate only for various situations. The kickplate creation will only function with rectangular ASL floorplate components. Along Floorplate Edge… This option creates a single kickplate to a specified height along an identified edge of a floorplate.

Along Edge with Cutout… This option creates a kickplates to a specified height along and identified edge of a floorplate with a cutout (gap) in the kickplate whose length is determined by identifying two posts at each end of the cutout. Around Floorplate… This option creates kickplates to a specified height on all four edges of an identified floorplate. Between Posts… This option creates a kickplate to a specified height along an identified edge of a floorplate between two identified posts.

Post Joints This option creates three different types of post joint. The joints are created at the top and bottom rail positions on an identified post. The joints may be rotated through 90 degrees after rotation. The three different types of joint are:

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Note: If ASL components are created and incorrectly orientated, the best practice is to delete the component and start again. This is because orientating the component, i.e. the STRU element, the local axes becomes incongruent with the World axes making each element of the

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Setting ASL Component Defaults The settings that appear as defaults on the creation forms, e.g. kickplate thickness, stair width between stringers, ladders clearance, etc., as well as others used in rule calculations, e.g. stair angle, are stored in the file %PDMSDFLTS%/DES-ACESS. The values stored in the file may be modified at any time, however, changes will only be applied to ASL components created after the changes have been made. Selecting Settings>Defaults… from the main menu displays the ASL Defaults form:

The majority of default settings are self-explanatory; however, the different types of Post type are as follows:

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The default settings may be saved to the existing ASL defaults file by selecting File>Save from the ASL Defaults form menu or saved to another file by selecting Save As… from the same menu. Default settings may be loaded from the supplied defaults file by selecting File>Load from the ASL Defaults form menu or loaded from another file by selecting Load From… from the same menu.

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Modifying ASL Components As the ASL Modeller creates predefined configurations it is likely that the components will require some modification to suit the exact requirements of the design. ASL Modeller provides tools to aid the modification of ASL components. Stretch/Trim Selecting Modify>Stretch/trim from the main menu displays a sub-menu with the following options: All Sides… This option displays the Stretch/Trim All Sides form:

Entering a Value in the text box and clicking the Apply button changes all dimensions of the current element by the specified amount. A positive value will increase the dimensions, i.e. Stretch the primitive, and a negative value will decrease the dimensions, i.e. Trim the primitive. Care should be taken when using this command as unexpected results may occur, i.e. when using on a floorplate (BOX primitive) the height (thickness) of the floorplate will be changed as well as the length and width. Id P-point… This option displays the Stretch/Trim P-Point form:

Entering a Value in the text box and clicking the Apply button prompts the selection of a Ppoint on the current element to which the specified value will be applied.

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A positive value will increase the dimension of the selected Ppoint, i.e. Stretch the primitive, and a negative value will decrease the dimension of the selected Ppoint, i.e. Trim the primitive. The selected Ppoint must be on the current element. To P-Point This option enables a selected Ppoint on a primitive to be stretched or trimmed to the appropriate co-ordinate of a Ppoint on another Design element. You are first prompted to select the Ppoint to be moved from the current element and then prompted to select the Ppoint to stretch/trim to. To Pline This option enables a selected Ppoint on a primitive to be stretched or trimmed to the appropriate co-ordinate of a Pline on another structural SCTN or GENSEC element. You are first prompted to select the Ppoint to be moved from the current element and then prompted to select the Pline to stretch/trim to. Clearance to P-Point… This option displays the Stretch/Trim Clearance to P-Point form:

Entering a Value in the text box and clicking the Apply button prompts the selection of a Ppoint on the current element to be stretched/trimmed. Having made the selection you will be prompted to select a Ppoint on another Design element. The selected Ppoint on the current element will be moved to the specified distance from the appropriate co-ordinate of the target Ppoint. A positive or negative value will determine which side of the target Ppoint the Ppoint on the current element will be moved to. Clearance to Pline… This option displays the Stretch/Trim Clearance to Pline form:

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Entering a Value in the text box and clicking the Apply button prompts the selection of a Ppoint on the current element to be stretched/trimmed. Having made the selection you will be prompted to select a Pline on a SCTN or GENSEC element. The selected Ppoint on the current element will be moved to the specified distance from the appropriate co-ordinate of the target Pline. A positive or negative value will determine which side of the target Pline the Ppoint on the current element will be moved to. For all of the above options, you will be prompted to confirm the modification on completion of the operation.

Slide Sliding enables the position of a primitive to be modified without changing its dimensions. Selecting Modify>Slide from the main menu displays a sub-menu with the following options: To P-Point This option moved the primitive in the direction of a selected Ppoint on the primitive to align with a target Ppoint on another Design element. To Pline This option moved the primitive in the direction of a selected Ppoint on the primitive to align with a target Pline on a SCTN or GENSEC element.

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For both of the above options, you will be prompted to confirm the modification on completion of the operation.

Origin All ASL Structure (STRU) and Substructure (SUBS) elements have a default origin when they are created. The origin position for either element type may be modified identifying a Ppoint on a Design element or to an explicit position relative to it’s current position. Selecting Modify>Origin from the main menu displays a sub-menu where the appropriate element type, i.e. Structure or Substructure can be selected. Each selection displays a further sub-menu with the following options: ID P-Point This option prompts you to select a Ppoint to move the origin to. The selected Ppoint does not have to belong to a primitive within the selected element. Explicit… This option displays the Modify Structure Origin form or the Modify SubStructure Origin form depending on the chosen option:

The forms enable appropriate values to be entered to move the selected element origin relative to its current position.

Module 18 Advanced Steelwork Design


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Exercise 4A In this exercise you will create and modify ASL components using the equipment support structure you created in Module 6 – Basic Steelwork Design. Setting Defaults 1. Select Design>Structures>ASL Modeller… from the main menu to load the ASL Modeller application. 2. Select Settings>Defaults… from the main menu to display the ASL Defaults form. 3. Make the following settings on the form: •

Floor Thickness


Kickplate Depth


Kickplate Thickness


Stair Width Between Stringers


Post type

Jointed Edge Mounted

4. Dismiss the Defaults form.

Creating Platforms 1. Clear the Draw List, add in the EQUIP_SUPPORT subframe. Set the view limits to the Draw List and the view direction to Iso 3. 2. Create a new ZONE, owned by STRUCT_SITE, named ASL_ZONE and make it the CE. 3. First you will create a platform on the top level of the equipment support structure between ROW_C and ROW_E. Select Create>Platform>Rectangular>On ID Sections… from the main menu to display the Rectangular Platform on ID Sections form. Note the default settings appear on the form. 4. Name the component TOP-PLATFORM, set the Extent to Edge via the pull-down and click the Apply button. Noting the prompts in the Status Area of the 3D View, select the most Northerly section of EL(+) 107820 of the equipment support structure (on ROW_C), followed by the most Southerly (on ROW_E), most Easterly and most Westerly. The platform will be created on top of the support structure. 5. Create a corner platform, named TOP-LANDING, on the top stair landing using Create>Platform>Corner>On ID Sections…, setting the Extent to Edge. Mirror the platform to position it correctly when prompted. 6. Create a Floorplate named MID_PLATFORM over the extent of EL(+)104880 of the equipment support structure using Create>Platform>Floorplate>On ID Sections… and setting Extent to Edge.

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7. Create another Floorplate, named MID-LANDING, using the same method on the stair landing at EL(+)104480. 8. Your platforms should now look like this:

Creating Posts and Handrails 1. On the ASL Defaults form set the Handrail Post Inset from Corners value to 400. 2. Make the MID_PLATFORM STRU the CE, select Create>Corner Posts>On Floorplate from the main menu and select the MID-

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PLATFORM floorplate when prompted. Eight posts, two in each corner of the floorplate, with connecting corner handrailing, have been created. 3. Delete the SUBS elements containing the handrails for each corner to leave only the posts. 4. You will now create new posts between the corner posts on all four sides of the MID-PLATFORM. Select Create>Post>Between Posts…from the main menu to display the Posts Between Posts from. Make sure that Handrails is set to Yes and click the OK button. Noting the prompt in the Status Area, select the northern post on the western edge of the MIDPLATFORM followed by the southern post on the western edge. Four posts and handrail have been created between the two selected posts. 5. Repeat the post and handrail creation for the other three sides of the MIDPLATFORM. 6. Rotate the post baseplates on the central northern and southern edge posts through 90˚. 7. Make the SUBS for the handrail on the western edge of the MID_PLATFORM the CE. Select Create>Handrail>Closure… from the main menu to display the Handrail closure form. Enter a Length value of 275, set the Direction value to N and click the Apply button. Noting the prompt in the Status Area, select the Ppoint at the northern end of the top handrail on the western edge of the platform. A closure ‘wing’ handrail has been created. 8. Create closures for all handrail ends on the MID-PLATFORM. 9. On the ASL Defaults form set the Handrail Post Inset from Corners value to 200. 10. Create Corner Posts on the N/E, S/E and S/W corners of the MIDLANDING using Create>Corner Posts>At Explicit Corner… and selecting the applicable corners in turn on the Corner Post on floorplate form. 11. Create a new post and handrail on the southern edge of the MIDLANDING between the corner posts. Rotate the baseplate of the new post through 90˚. 12. Create handrailing between the corner posts on the eastern edge of the MID-LANDING using Create>Handrail>Only. 13. Your MID-PLATFORM and MID-LANDING should now look like this:

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Creating Stairs You will now create stairs from the TOP-LANDING to the MID-LANDING and from the MID-LANDING to grade. 1. Before you create the stair between the TOP-LANDING and MIDLANDING, the southern edge of the TOP-LANDING floorplate must be aligned with the edge of the supporting beam. Select Modify>Stretch/trim>To Pline from the main menu, and, noting the prompts in the Status Area of the 3D View, select the Ppoint on the southern edge of the floorplate followed by the Pline on the edge of supporting beam. 2. Make the MID-LANDING floorplate the CE and query the position of the Ppoint in the centre of the northern edge wrt /*. This will be the position of the stair. 3. Measure the distance between the Ppoint in the centre of the northern edge of the MID-LANDING floorplate and the Ppoint in the centre of the southern edge of the TOP-LANDING floorplate. The Y value will be the stair length and the Z value will be the stair height. 4. Select Create>Stair>top flight>Height & Length… to display the Top Flight by Height and Length form. Name the flight STAIR-1 and enter the stair position, the height and the length using the data in steps 3 and 4 above. For the position add 5mm to the Up co-ordinate as the Ppoint position used was in the centre of the floorplate thickness. 5. To move the stair to its correct position, select Position>Relatively (BY)… from the main menu to display the Position By form. Lock the North and Up co-ordinates at 0 and, using the Positioning Control form with settings of Ppoint/Snap, select the top Ppoint on the eastern top post of the stair handrail followed by the top Ppoint on the south eastern post of

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the TOP-LANDING handrail. Click the OK button on the form to change the position. 6. To create the stair between the MID-LANDING and grade, set the Maximum Number of Steps per Flight to 30 on the ASL Defaults form and then select Create>Stair>bottom flight>Height & Length… and complete the form as shown below:

7. Your stairs should now look this:

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Creating Ladders You will now create a front exit ladder from the MID-PLATFORM to the TOPPLATFORM. 1. Select Create>Ladder>Front Exit… from the main menu to display the Ladder Front Exit form and name the ladder LADDER_1. 2. You need to specify the location of the ladder origin (on the ladder centreline at the bottom of the front face of the stringers) and the direction of the ladder. The centreline of the ladder is to be placed 750mm east of the centre of column E5, 200mm south of the TOP-PLATFORM edge. The centre of column E5 is at W 314200, therefore, the west co-ordinate for the ladder is W 313450. The northing of the Ppoint on the south face of the TOP-PLATFORM floorplate is N 295463, therefore, the ladder origin, i.e. the face of the stringers, will be at N295263. The Up co-ordinate for the top of the MID-PLATFORM is U 104890. 3. Complete the Ladder Front Exit form with the following settings:

4. Your ladder should now look like this:

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Modifying ASL Components Having created the required ASL components, some modifications, particularly to the handrailing, are required for the components you have just created. TOP-PLATFORM and LADDER-1 1. Delete the two SUBS elements for the posts on the south edge of the TOP-PLATFORM handrailing adjacent to the two posts belonging to LADDER-1. 2. Trim the top handrail on the southern edge of the TOP-PLATFORM to the Ppoint on top of the western ladder post using Modify>Stretch/trim>To Ppoint. 3. Trim the bottom handrail on the southern edge of the TOP-PLATFORM to the Ppoint on top of the eastern ladder post using Modify>Stretch/trim>To Ppoint. 4. Create copies of the trimmed handrails to complete the TOP-PLATFORM southern edge handrailing using Create>Copy>Offset…. 5. Trim the kickplate on the southern edge of the TOP-PLATFORM to the western ladder post. 6. Create a new kickplate between the eastern ladder post and the most easterly post on the TOP-PLATFORM south edge handrail. Stretch the kickplate to the kickplate on the western edge of the platform. 7. Your TOP-PLATFORM and top of LADDER-1 should now look like this

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TOP-LANDING, TOP-PLATFORM and top of STAIR-1 1. Make one of the top handrail SLCY elements of STAIR-1 the CE and query it’s ORIentation, the Z value will give the angle of the stair. 2. You are going to move the components of the top left and right posts of STAIR-1 down the slope of the stringers by 300mm. Make one of the post SLCY elements the CE and select Position>Plane Move>Distance… from the main menu to display the Move form. Enter a Direction for the move, using the stair angle from step 1, and a Distance of 300. Click the Apply button to move the element.

3. Repeat the procedure for all elements of the top stair handrail posts. 4. Delete the SUBS elements for the two posts at the north end of the east side of the TOP-PLATFORM.

5. Create a Work Point at the intersection of the top east handrail of the TOP-LANDING and the top handrail of the stairs.

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Delete the top and bottom rails from the east side of the TOP-LANDING and replace them with SLCY elements running from the Work Point to the handrail corners. Extend the SLCY elements of the stair handrail to the ends of the new SLCY elements. Modify both the platform handrail and stair handrail SLCY elements, using the Ytshear attributes, to mitre the handrails together. 6. Move the most northerly post on the east side of the TOP-PLATFORM to align with the Work Point. Using the two CTOR elements left from deleting the posts in step 4, and creating new CYLI elements for handrails, modify the top of the western side of the stair handrail to look like this:

7. Trim the western edge of the TOP-LANDING floorplate to align with the eastern edge of the TOP-PLATFORM floorplate. 8. Extend the kickplate on the eastern edge of the TOP-LANDING. 9. Your TOP-PLATFORM, TOP-LANDING and STAIR-1 should now look like this:

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MID-PLATFORM and MID-LANDING 1. Trim the eastern edge of the MID-LANDING floorplate to align with the western edge of the MID-PLATFORM floorplate. 2. Delete the SUBS elements for the two corner posts in the south-west corner of the MID-LANDING and the handrail that connects them. 3. Move the post on the eastern edge of the MID-PLATFORM to align with the handrail on the southern edge of the MID-LANDING. Stretch the handrails on the southern edge of the MID-LANDING to this post. Trim the northern ends of the handrails on the eastern side of the MID-PLATFORM to this post. 4. Relocate the handrail posts on the east and west edges of the MIDPLATFORM either side of the columns on Rows D and E, with the exception of the one you have just moved, to a clearance of 400mm from the columns. 5. Create handrail closures 275mm long for all handrail ends adjacent to the columns. 6. Move the SUBS element of the corner post on the north edge of the MIDLANDING to align with the eastern handrail of STAIR-2. Create three copies of the SUBS element for this post to align with the west handrail of STAIR-2 and both handrails for STAIR-1. 7. Create handrail between the two middle posts and a small handrail closure between the western post and the column. 8. Your MID-PLATFORM and MID-LANDING should now look like this:

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Bottom of STAIR-1 and top of STAIR-2 1. Delete the SUBS elements for the two posts at the bottom of STAIR-1 and the two posts at the top of STAIR-2. 2. On one of the posts on the northern edge of the MID-PLATFORM in line with STAIR-2, create a new SLCY element at the top of the post such that it points north. Create a Work Point at the intersection of this SLCY element and the SLCY element forming the top stair handrail coinciding with the post. 3. Modify the handrail stub and the stair handrail so that the Ppoints meet at the Work Point. Adjust the Ytshear or Ybshear attributes for each SLCY element as appropriate to mitre the ends of the handrails. Delete the other handrails on the stair and copy the stubs and stair handrail to the other three locations. 4. Repeat the task for the bottom of STAIR-1. Note: the Work Point will be in a different location for this stair. 5. Your stair handrails should now look like this:

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Exercise 4B In this exercise you will create and modify ASL components using the deck structure you created in Module 6 – Basic Steelwork Design. Setting Defaults 1. Select Design>Structures>ASL Modeller… from the main menu to load the ASL Modeller application. 2. Select Settings>Defaults… from the main menu to display the ASL Defaults form. 3. Make the following settings on the form: •

Floor Thickness


Kickplate Depth


Kickplate Thickness


Stair Width Between Stringers


Post type

Welded Edge Mounted

4. Dismiss the Defaults form.

Creating Platforms 1. Clear the Draw List, add in the STRUCT_SITE and remove the MAINDECK_PLATE and MEZZDECK_PLATE subframes. Set the view limits to the Draw List and the view direction to Iso 3. 2. Create a new ZONE, owned by STRUCT_SITE, named ASL_ZONE and make it the CE. 3. First you will create a platform on top of the ACCESSTOWER. Select Create>Platform>Rectangular>On ID Sections… from the main menu to display the Rectangular Platform on ID Sections form. Note the default settings appear on the form. 4. Name the component TOP_PLATFORM, set the Extent to Edge via the pull-down and click the Apply button. Noting the prompts in the Status Area of the 3D View, select the most Northerly section of the upper level of the ACCESSTOWER, followed by the most Southerly, most Easterly and most Westerly. The platform will be created on top of the ACCESSTOWER. 5. On the ASL Defaults form set the Handrail Inset from Edge value to 150 and the Post type to Welded Floor Mounted. Dismiss the form. 6. Create a Return Access platform named MEZZ_PLATFORM, using the On ID Sections… option, on the eastern end of the MEZZDECK up to the HE300A located in the middle of the platform. Set the Open End Direction to East/West and the Extent to Edge. Mirror the Return Access when prompted.

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7. Create a Floorplate named MID_PLATFORM on the middle level of the ACCESSTOWER. 8. Your platforms should now look like this:

Creating Posts and Handrails 1. On the ASL Defaults form set the Handrail Post Inset from Corners value to 400 and the Handrail Inset from Edge value to 50. 2. Make the MID_PLATFORM STRU the CE, select Create>Corner Posts>On Floorplate from the main menu and select the MID_PLATFORM floorplate when prompted. Eight posts, two in each corner of the floorplate, with connecting corner handrailing, have been created. Note the handrail corner radius elements are obscured by the ACCESSTOWER columns. 3. Delete the SUBS elements containing the handrails for each corner to leave only the posts. 4. Make the MID_PLATFORM STRU the CE and select Create>Handrail>Only from the main menu and, when prompted, select

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the Ppoint on top of one of the posts on the southern edge of the MID_PLATFORM, followed by the Ppoint on top of the other post on the southern edge of the platform. Repeat for the posts on the northern edge of the platform. 5. Select Create>Post>Between Posts…from the main menu to display the Posts Between Posts from. Make sure that Handrails is set to Yes and click the OK button. Noting the prompt in the Status Area, select one of the posts on the western edge of the MID_PLATFORM followed by the other post on the western edge. Two posts and handrail have been created between the two selected posts. 6. Repeat the post and handrail creation for the eastern edge of the MID_PLATFORM. 7. Make the SUBS for the handrail on the western edge of the MID_PLATFORM the CE. Select Create>Handrail>Closure… from the main menu to display the Handrail closure form. Enter a Length value of 300, set the Direction value to N and click the Apply button. Noting the prompt in the Status Area, select the Ppoint at the northern end of the top handrail on the western edge of the platform. A closure ‘wing’ handrail has been created. 8. Create closures for all handrail ends on the MID_PLATFORM. 9. Your MID_PLATFORM should now look like this:

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Creating Stairs You will now create a stair from the MEZZ_PLATFORM to the MID_PLATFORM. 1. Select Create>Stair>bottom flight>Height & Angle… from the main menu to display the Bottom Flight Stair form and name the stair STAIR_1. On the ASL Defaults form set the Stair Angle value to 38. 2. You need to specify the location of the stair origin (on the stair centreline at the bottom of the flight) and the direction of the flight. Query the positions of the ACCESSTOWER south-east corner column and the east central column, they should be E 14350 N 5000 U 14000 and E 14350 N 7500 U 14000 respectively. The centreline of the stair is to be placed at the midpoint of these columns. As you do not know the length of the stair you can place it at a known position and then move it’s correct location when it has been created. 3. Complete the Bottom Flight Stair form with the following settings:

4. To move the stair to it’s correct location, i.e. with the top of the stringers butting against the external face of the ACCESSTOWER RHS beam, make the STAIR_1 STRU element the CE and select Position>Relatively (BY)… from the main menu to display the Position By and Positioning Control forms. As the stair only needs to move West, lock the North and Up settings at 0.00 and, using Positioning Control settings of Graphics/Snap, indicate the distance between the end of the stringer and

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the face of the RHS. Click the Apply and Dismiss buttons on the Position By form. Note that the stair has moved to the correct position. 5. Your stair should look like this:

Creating Ladders You will now create a front exit ladder from the MEZZ_PLATFORM to the TOP_PLATFORM. 10. Select Create>Ladder>Front Exit… from the main menu to display the Ladder Front Exit form and name the ladder LADDER_1. 11. You need to specify the location of the ladder origin (on the ladder centreline at the bottom of the front face of the stringers) and the direction of the ladder. The centreline of the ladder is to be placed at the midpoint of the ACCESSTOWER east centre column and the north east corner column, 200mm east of the platform edge. The centre of the ACCESSTOWER eastern columns is at E 14350. The columns are 100x100 RHS, therefore, the east co-ordinate for the ladder origin will be 14350+50+200 = 14600. The central column is at N 7500 and the columns are spaced 2500mm apart, therefore, the north co-ordinate for the ladder centreline will be 7500+1250 = 8750. The top of the MEZZ_PLATFORM floorplate is at the up co-ordinate of 14010. 12. Complete the Ladder Front Exit form with the following settings:

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13. Your ladder should now look like this:

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Modifying ASL Components The handrailing on the MID_PLATORM and TOP_PLATFORM must be modified to allow access to STAIR_1 and LADDER_1 respectively. MID_PLATFORM and STAIR_1 1. Move the top posts and baseplates on STAIR_1 down the stringers by 300mm using Position>Plane Move>Distance…

2. Make the SUBS element for the MID_PLATFORM handrail post at the top of the stairs the CE and move it to align with the right hand stair handrail using Position>Move>Through… 3. Copy the SUBS element for this post to create a new post and baseplate that aligns with the left hand stair handrail using Create>Copy>Offset…. Note: measure the distance between the stair handrailing before performing the copy.

4. Trim the MID_PLATORM handrails to the new right hand post at the top of the stairs using Modify>Stretch/trim>To P-point. 5. Modify the MID_PLATFORM handrails that form part of the closure previously created, to the new left hand post at the top of the stairs using Modify>Stretch/trim>ID P-point…. Note: Measure the distance between the handrail end Ppoint and the post before performing the stretch/trim.

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6. To finish the closure between the stair handrails and the platform handrailing, create four new sloped cylinder (SLCY) primitives, adjust the length of the stair handrailing and modify the Yshear attributes of the handrail primitives to the appropriate angle.

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TOP_PLATFORM and LADDER_1 1. Move the SUBS element for the platform post that obstructs the ladder exit to align with the left hand ladder post using Position>Move>Through…

2. Copy this post’s SUBS element and align the copy with the right hand ladder post. Delete the ladder posts and handrail stubs connecting the ladder posts to the top cage hoop. 3. Trim the top platform handrail to the right hand side of the top cage hoop and the bottom platform handrail to the left hand side of the cage reinforcing bar

4. Copy the top and bottom platform handrails to complete the platform handrailing. 5. Trim the top cage hoop and the hoop reinforcing bar to the Ppoints on the ends of the handrail. Move the semi-circular ends of the cage bars to their correct position. Trim the kickplate to the left hand post and create create a new kickplate between the two posts to the right of the ladder. Finally,

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stretch the new kickplate to meet the kickplate on the northern edge of the platform. 6. The top of your ladder and platform handrailing should look like this:

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