Support implementation of clean coatings and surface treatments, including
alternatives to. ➢ Hard chrome plate. ➢ Cd plate. ➢ High VOC paints. ➢
Upcoming Changes in Sustainment and ASETSDefense assistance Keith Legg Rowan Technology Group Libertyville, IL ASETSDefense Lead 2/2009 FRC-E
Keith Legg 847-680-9420
[email protected]
Current F-35 Pollution Prevention Activities Implementing New Deft Non-Chrome Primer for Interior/Exterior Use
Various Vendors Testing New Coatings and High Strength SS
Testing AlumiplateTM to Replace Nickel/Cadmium on Metal/Composite Electrical Connectors Implementing HVOF WC-Co-Cr and AlumiplateTM for Landing Gears
Cu-Be Bushing Replacement Material
Aqueous Nanocrystalline Co-P to Replace EHC and TDC for Actuation Systems
Aggressively Investigating New Materials
[email protected]
Note Deft 44GN098 Non-Cr primer
Keith Legg 847-680-9420
[email protected]
What is new? – F-35 STOVL
C-fiber composite skin Stainless & Ti fasteners Nitronic 60 bushings in place of CuBe On-board generators for oxygen and fuel tank inerting Electro-hydraulic actuators Non-ODC cleaners Cr & ODC-free sealants
LO coatings HVOF WC-CoCr ¾
Cr-free primer (Deft 44GN098) ¾
OML and interior bays
AlumiPlate in place of Cd (landing gear, electrical connectors) ¾
Landing gear, actuators, etc
Still have some Cd
[email protected]
Probably coming on F-35 during LRIP
Cold spray Al for Mg gearbox repair Chromate-free fuel tank coatings Cr-free sealants nCo-P ID coatings (hydraulics) Non-Ni gap fillers
[email protected]
Coming on helicopters and other systems
ZnNi in place of Cd Tagnite, brush Tagnite on Mg gearboxes - Sikorsky Cr3+ and non-Cr Al, Mg treatments BSAA Pre-coated wet-install fasteners UV cure topcoats Powder coats
[email protected]
A-64 Apache
HVOF WC-CoCr repair of static mast Cold spray Al mast support repair Non-Cr primer, Deft 44GN098 (Apache)
[email protected]
Various OEM changes - Boeing CH-46 –
ZnNi in production as cadmium alternative ¾ CH-46 rotor hub, swashplate brgs (galvanic protection) ¾ Very difficult to get right
CH-47 – –
HVOF WC-Co coating qualified for Slider Guide Replacement for hard anodizing
AH-64 –
HVOF WC-CoCr Repair of Tail Rotor Static Mast
V-22 – –
Ion nitriding of refueling probe components Solved wear, galling
[email protected]
How can depots adopt best repair technologies with minimum cost, time, frustration?
Keep track of all these new materials and coatings and related technologies Find the right MRO technologies to maintain them Qualify new technologies ¾ ¾
Find all the existing data Acquire the rest
Install new systems Develop maintenance specs Train operators and engineers ASETSDefense is set up to help with all this
[email protected]
What is ASETSDefense?
Funded by SERDP/ESTCP Support implementation of clean coatings and surface treatments, including alternatives to ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Hard chrome plate Cd plate High VOC paints Chromates
pretreats, primers, sealants, anodize, etc
On-line information and engineering data resource for DoD organizations and contractors
[email protected]
Why ASETSDefense?
HCAT program showed the importance of ¾ Users getting together to share experience ¾ Everyone having access to all the engineering data ASETSDefense is reproducing this approach on a broader scale. We can help provide whatever will make it easier and more efficient to implement clean technologies in DoD and the supplier base
[email protected]
ASETSDefense structure ASETSD pages
Surface Engineering Database
Team collaboration website
Implementation assistance (user funded)
DoD regulations and policies
Engineering Data
Chromates Technology Roadmap
Data warehouse
Qualification testing
Regulations (US, EU)
Validations, Authorizations, Implementations
C-MAT costbenefit tool
Data sharing
Process, spec development
Quick info on alternatives
Coating choice tool
Teaming and collaboration
Vendor choice and qual
Expert help list
On-line help forum
Links and info sources
Equipment installation
[email protected]
Examples of assistance ASETSDefense can supply to depots Coatings
We know all types of coatings and surface treatments ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Electroplating, electrophoresis (ecoat) Thermal spray and cold spray CVD, PVD, IVD Heat treatments Laser treatments SermeTel alternatives Cd, hard chrome, chromate alternatives
Related technologies
3-D direct digital manufacturing Rebuilding and repair ¾ ¾
Stripping ¾
Laser welding and cladding Other microwelding methods Laser, pulsed water jet
NDI Approach is to put together the right team for the job to supply anything from analysis to implementation
[email protected]
Examples of projects
Technology analysis ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Evaluation of performance of options ¾
What does VLCOE need over the next 10 yrs? What COTS technologies are available? What developments are needed? What will it take to get everything in place, in time? Validation, qual testing
Implementation ¾ ¾ ¾
Finding the best suppliers of equipment, materials Qualification, optimization, specs Installation, training
[email protected]
Assistance Implementation assistance (user funded)
Qualification testing
Expert help list and discussion forums ASETSDefense has teams to assist with all the steps necessary for implementation ¾
Process, spec development
¾ ¾
Vendor choice and qual
¾ ¾
Equipment installation
¾ ¾
Choosing the best option Qualification testing Development of specs and standards Choosing reliable vendors Vendor qualification Choosing and installing production equipment Operator and engineer training
[email protected]
Surface Engineering Database
Currently at ¾
Will shortly move to with no username, password Currently contains info primarily on chromate alternatives: ¾ ¾ ¾
Username and password needed
Trivalent and non-chrome pretreatments (sealers) for Al alloys, and for Cd, ZnNi, Al coatings, etc Non-chrome primers Anodizing alternatives for Al, Mg
To be added ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Cd alternatives Hard chrome alternatives Low VOC topcoats Be alternatives
[email protected]
Surface Engineering Database
[email protected]
Surface Engineering Database search Search by 9Substrate 9Coating 9Weapons system 9Test 9Etc. Can also search for 9Authorizations 9Service tests 9Implementations
[email protected]
Workshops –
ASETSDefense workshop held ~every 18 mos ¾ ¾
Cover all types of clean coatings and treatments, including chromates, Cd, hard chrome, VOCs, etc. Next workshop, September 1-3, 2009, Denver
Topical workshops ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Side meetings at SERDP/ESTCP Symposia Metal Finishing workshops Chromates Workshop (Utah, 2007) Sustainment of new weapons systems (AZ 2008) Others will be run as needed
[email protected]
C-MAT Cost-Benefit Analysis tool designed for material and coating replacement Coating choice (coming this year) ¾
Choosing the cleanest coating stackup for the application
Technology Roadmapping ¾
Chromates Technology Roadmap available
[email protected]
Team collaboration
Collaborative websites for teams ¾ ¾ ¾
Passworded Easy upload and download of information and data Can be set up for teams of any size, e.g. Joint Strike Fighter materials and coatings nCo-P electroplating Supersonic Particle Deposition IUID marking S53 CRES for RGAs and Landing Gear
[email protected]
Keith Legg ASETSDefense Lead Rowan Technology Group
[email protected] Phone: 847.680.9420 Mobile: 817.219.9868 Bruce Sartwell Program Manager Weapons Systems & Platforms SERDP and ESTCP Program Offices
[email protected] Phone: 703-696-2128
[email protected]