Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Editor: Victoria M. Petrova _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To place an order go to and use code Leaflets20, send an email to
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Book Description This book focuses on the latest developments in the field of engineering. The first chapter presents the implementation of Lean philosophy and Lean tools in coal mining. Chapter Two describes numerical and experimental analyses of milling bifurcations, or instabilities. Chapter Three examines metabolic engineering strategies in the production of aromatic amino acids. Chapter Four outlines the concept of wave digital networks (WDNs) and its use for the efficient modeling and analysis of microstrip circuits. Chapter Five discusses flutter computation based on ground vibration test results and mass data.
___________________________________ Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Implementation of Lean Philosophy and Lean Tools in Coal Mining Industry (Hao Yu, Xu Sun and Wei Deng Solvang, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Narvik University College, Norway) Chapter 2 A Numerical and Experimental Study of Milling Bifurcations (Andrew Honeycutt and Tony L. Schmitz, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA) Chapter 3 Metabolic Engineering Strategies Applied to the Production of Aromatic Amino Acids (M. I. ChávezBéjar, J. L. RiveraCorona and J. HernándezRomano, Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos, Lomas del Texcal, Jiutepec, Morelos, México) Chapter 4 Combined Wave Digital/FullWave Approach in Modeling and Analysis of Microstrip Structures with Examples in MATLAB/Simulink (Biljana P. Stošić and Nebojša S. Dončov, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva, Niš, Serbia) Chapter 5 Flutter Computation Based on Ground Vibration Test Results and Mass Data (Wojciech Chajec, Instytut Lotnictwa, CBMK / Institute of Aviation, Materials & Structures Research Center, Al. Krakowska, Warszawa / Warsaw, Poland) Index