Advances in Industrial Control

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“state of the art” of control and its technology as found in current industrial practice .... For readers who are unfamiliar with compressors, rotor dynam- ics and ... In the design of the surge controller, the performance degradation of the ..... enters and leaves the impeller in the axial direction, following a flow path parallel.
Advances in Industrial Control

For further volumes:

Se Young Yoon r Zongli Lin r Paul E. Allaire

Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings Theory and Implementation

Se Young Yoon Charles L. Brown Dpt of El. & Comp. Eng. University of Virginia Charlottesville, USA

Paul E. Allaire Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engin. University of Virginia Charlottesville, USA

Zongli Lin Charles L. Brown Dpt of El. & Comp. Eng. University of Virginia Charlottesville, USA

ISSN 1430-9491 ISSN 2193-1577 (electronic) Advances in Industrial Control ISBN 978-1-4471-4239-3 ISBN 978-1-4471-4240-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9 Springer London Heidelberg New York Dordrecht Library of Congress Control Number: 2012941917 © Springer-Verlag London 2013 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (

To Our Families

Series Editors’ Foreword

The series Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage technology transfer in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. New theory, new controllers, actuators, sensors, new industrial processes, computer methods, new applications, new philosophies, . . . , new challenges. Much of this development work resides in industrial reports, feasibility study papers and the reports of advanced collaborative projects. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of such new work in all aspects of industrial control for wider and rapid dissemination. Monographs in the Advances in Industrial Control series can be considered to range in type from the “art of the possible”, a “proof of principle” type and then a “state of the art” type, where the latter often reports on control as it exists in today’s industry. For example, some “art of the possible” monographs explore a new theoretical development and demonstrate how it might find application in the control field. A good example of this type of monograph is Process Control by J. Bao and P.L. Lee (ISBN 978-1-84628-892-0, 2007). Other monographs examine the present “state of the art” of control and its technology as found in current industrial practice and look at how better control might enhance efficiency and minimise pollution. Recent exemplars of this category are Advanced Control and Supervision of Mineral Processing Plants by D. Sbárbaro, R. del Villar (ISBN 978-1-84996-105-9, 2010) or the monograph Hydraulic Servo-systems by M. Jelali and A. Kroll (ISBN 978-185233-692-9, 2002). However, this present, comprehensive Advances in Industrial Control monograph Surge Control of Active-Magnet-Bearing-Suspended Centrifugal Compressors: Theory and Implementation by Se Young Yoon, Zongli Lin and Paul E. Allaire is an example of the “proof of concept” monograph. It is an excellent addition to the series since its content has broad but complementary contributions from a new technology, from advanced control and from an advanced controller demonstration and assessment using an industrial-standard experimental rig. The phenomenon of surge and stall in compressor technology is long standing and when the widespread industrial use of compressors is considered, a successful vii


Series Editors’ Foreword

control strategy that optimally maximises performance and eliminates compressor downtime would be of significant economic benefit to industry. This particular control problem has received exposure in the Advances in Industrial Control series previously through the published monograph Compressor Surge and Rotating Stall by J.T. Gravdahl and O. Egeland (ISBN 978-1-85233-067-5, 1999), a monograph that is often cited in the literature of the compressor control field. Some related material can be found in another monograph in the series, namely, Dynamic Modelling of Gas Turbines edited by G.G. Kulikov and H.A. Thompson (ISBN 978-1-85233-784-1, 2004). However, this monograph by Se Young Yoon, Zongli Lin and Paul E. Allaire is distinctive in that it investigates the particular technology of active-magnet-bearingsuspended centrifugal compressors and assesses the authors’ own original advanced control strategies. The assessment takes place using “an industrial-size centrifugal compressor test rig. . . designed, built, and commissioned by the Rotating Machinery and Controls Laboratory (ROMAC) at the University of Virginia” (USA). A description of this experimental set-up can be found in Chap. 4 of the monograph. Access to and use of this industrial-sized test rig is just one of the distinctive features of the research reported in the monograph. Another feature is the comprehensiveness of the contents since the authors have taken special care to address the requirements of two readerships, one being readers from the control field, and the second being a more general engineering readership. The industrial and academic control community will be interested in the outcome of the linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) and H∞ advanced control trials performed using the experimental rig. This group of readers will also find the technical knowledge extracted in terms of models and parameters needed for computer simulation tests before the instrumented control trials of value. However, to ensure that the industrial and academic control community can fully comprehend the fundamentals of compressor technology there are invaluable and detailed presentations on the problem of surge and stall (Chap. 1), rotor dynamics (Chap. 2), magnetic bearings (Chap. 3) and on the experimental rig and its associated instrumentation (Chap. 4). In addition, to facilitate and ensure a full appreciation of the advanced control developments presented in Chaps. 7 and 8 by a more general readership from the mechanical, manufacturing, mechatronics, rotating machinery and other engineering disciplines, the authors have included an introductory chapter on control systems theory (Chap. 6). Even readers from the control community might find this chapter useful as a “refresher course” before reading the chapters covering the advanced LQG and H∞ control strategies. The original contributions made by the authors in describing the various aspects of the technology, in devising and testing the advanced control strategies and the careful and thorough construction of this monograph make it a very welcome addition to the Advances in Industrial Control series and to the wider literature of compressor technology. Industrial Control Centre Glasgow, Scotland, UK

M.J. Grimble M.A. Johnson


Compressors are essential machines for a large number of modern manufacturing processes. Like the hearts pumping life to the production lines, compressors are vital to the operation of key industrial sectors, such as the petrochemical and the mining industries, which rely on compressors for critical tasks, ranging from temperature control to gas transportation and mixing. As a result, there have been continual efforts by the academic and industrial communities to improve the reliability and performance of such turbomachinery as new technologies become available. Active magnetic bearing (AMB) is one such enhancing technology that has been gaining strong momentum in recent years. Among other benefits, the low maintenance requirements and small parasitic energy losses have made these bearings highly desirable for high performance compressors, particularly those designed to operate in harsh or inaccessible environments. Additionally, with their ability to actively change the rotor-dynamic characteristics of the compressor by controlling the bearing parameters in real time, the AMBs can provide a smoother and more reliable operation of the compressor over a wider range of operating conditions. Stability is a critical factor that limits the performance of compressors. The maximum mass flow output of a compression system is capped by choke, which is generally not a destabilizing phenomenon, and it is caused by the compressed medium reaching sonic conditions. At the opposite end, the minimum mass flow is limited by the compressor instabilities known as stall and surge. Stall is a localized phenomenon that can be observed in some compression systems, and it is sometimes accompanied by a sudden drop in the average compressor output flow. On the other hand, surge is a system-wide instability that is characterized by large amplitude oscillations in the output pressure and mass flow. These oscillations can cause extensive damage to the compressor casing and internal components due to high vibrational loads. They can even lead to a catastrophic mechanical failure of the compressor if they are not addressed properly. A conservative way of dealing with surge is to avoid it, by operating far away from the instability. A more efficient way is to implement an active method to stabilize surge and stall, so that the stable operating region of the compression system is extended, resulting in both higher productivity and safer operation. ix



Unfortunately, a majority of current compressors operate conservatively to avoid surge. In other words, many compressors trade the peak performance at the maximum pressure rise for the stability at the higher mass flow rates. The focus in surge avoidance is on guaranteeing the mechanical integrity of the machines and the safety of the work place by keeping a precautionary margin between the operating output flows and the known surge points. Additionally, a reset mechanism is built in the system that quickly releases the built-up pressure in the compressor if surge is detected by the different safety triggers. An active surge controller, on the other hand, stabilizes the compressor flow during the initiation of surge, effectively extending the operational range of the compressor with no loss in performance. The implementation of a control mechanism is much rarer in industrial applications than the surge avoidance strategies for several reasons. The main reason is that the modifications to compressors in the field required for the installation of a surge control mechanism are very often complicated and involve very specialized equipments. More importantly, there has not been an univocal experimental demonstration of the potential benefits that an effective surge controller could offer to an actual industrial-size compressor. Recently, promising results have been presented in the literature on an active surge control scheme that modulates the impeller position to stabilize the flow in an AMB supported single stage centrifugal compressor. With the AMB acting as a high bandwidth actuator to regulate the displacement of the impeller, the compressor flow states can be restored to the equilibrium operating point during the early stages of the surge instability, when the amplitude of the limit cycle is relatively small. The main advantage of this active surge control scheme is that it can be easily implemented in existing AMB suspended compressors, generally with a simple modification in the control software. The purpose of this book is to present the fundamentals on the integration of the AMBs for the suspension of the rotor in compressors, and how this relatively new bearing technology can be employed to actively control and potentially eliminate the compressor surge. The material presented here is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference in the areas of compressor surge control and AMB application in turbomachinery. For readers who are unfamiliar with compressors, rotor dynamics and magnetic bearings, brief introductions to these topics are presented in the earlier chapters of this book. A brief discussion on compressors and compressor instabilities is presented in Chap. 1, where the literature on the surge modeling and control is also reviewed. Chapter 2 contains a review of the basic theories and tools in the study of rotor dynamics. Chapter 3 presents a brief discussion on the operating principles of the AMBs and a summary of the potential benefits that come from the implementation of this bearing technology in compressors. Both Chaps. 2 and 3 are intended to be a self-contained reference for control engineers. In order to develop the theory in a physical context, and to provide experimental validation of the theory developed throughout this book, an industrial-sized AMB suspended compressor system was designed, constructed and commissioned for the study of surge control. A thorough description of this compressor test rig is presented in Chap. 4. This description includes the integration of the AMBs to the



compressor for rotor support and for surge control. The derivation of the dynamic models for both the AMB/rotor system and the compression system flow, along with their experimental validations, are presented in Chaps. 5 and 7. The experimental identification of the system dynamics included in these chapters will demonstrate that the assumptions made in the derivation of the mathematical models are sound. These models will serve as the basis on which the AMB levitation controller and the active surge controller are designed, in Chaps. 7 and 8, respectively. In the design of the AMB levitation controller, performance and robustness specifications that are desirable for AMB suspended compressors are included in the discussion. In the design of the surge controller, the performance degradation of the surge controller due to dynamic limitations in the AMB system will be studied. For both controllers, the theoretical derivation is accompanied by the experimental data to show their effectiveness in industrial-size compressors. Finally, it is important to note that this book is not intended to be reference material for general design and operation of compressors. There exists an extensive list of excellent references on the topics of compressor design and flow modeling. Instead, this book is intended to serve as a guide for the application of the AMB technology in turbomachinery, and to demonstrate the advantages that this rotor support system can provide in the stabilization of the compressor surge for a particular group of single stage centrifugal compressors. Since active magnetic bearings play a central role in the surge control method to be presented in the book, their theory and applications are extensively discussed. The stabilization of the compressor surge is mainly discussed from a control theory perspective. This book builds on years of work invested by many engineers and scientists from the Rotating Machinery and Controls (ROMAC) Laboratory at the University of Virginia. The authors would like to acknowledge those who participated in the different stages of the research presented here. The derivation of the theoretical concept for the surge control strategy presented here, as well as the design and the initial preparation of the experimental setup, was executed in the early stages of this project by the team led by Professor Eric Maslen and Dr. Dorsa Sanadgol. The experience in industrial compressors brought by Kin Tien Lim and the advice of Professor Chris Goyne in experimental fluid dynamic testing came to be of great value during the construction and commissioning of the compressor test rig. Finally, the authors would also like to express their appreciation for the generous donations made by Kobe Steel Ltd., Kobe, Japan, and the constant support and funding by the ROMAC Laboratory and its industrial partners around the world. Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Se Young Yoon Zongli Lin Paul E. Allaire



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Compressors and Compressor Systems . . 1.2 Active Magnetic Bearings in Compressors 1.3 Compressor Instability . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Stall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Surge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Compressor Surge Modeling . . . . . . . 1.5 Surge Avoidance and Suppression . . . . . 1.5.1 Surge Avoidance . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.2 Surge Suppression and Control . . 1.6 Objectives of This Book . . . . . . . . . .

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Introduction to Rotor Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Föppl/Jeffcott Single Mass Rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Undamped Free Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Damped Free Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Forced Steady State Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Rigid Circular Rotor on Flexible Undamped Bearings . 2.2.2 Model of Rigid Circular Rotor with Gyroscopic Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Undamped Natural Frequencies of the Cylindrical Mode 2.2.4 Undamped Natural Frequencies of the Conical Mode . 2.3 Instability due to Aerodynamic Cross Coupling . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Aerodynamic Cross Coupling in Turbines . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Aerodynamic Cross Coupling in Compressors . . . . . 2.4 Rotor-Dynamic Specifications for Compressors . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Lateral Vibration Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Rotor Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Rotor Finite Element Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Discretizing Rotor into Finite Elements . . . . . . . . .

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Approximating Element Displacement Functions and Nodal Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.3 Formulating Equations of Motion for Each Element . 2.5.4 Element Mass and Gyroscopic Matrices . . . . . . . 2.5.5 Element Stiffness Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.6 Element Damping Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.7 Adding Lumped Mass, Stiffness and Damping Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.8 Assembling the Global Mass, Gyroscopic, Stiffness, Damping Matrices, and Force Terms . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Electromagnetic Field and Flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Field Generated by Current in Straight Wires . . . . . 3.1.2 Field Generated by Current in a Solenoid . . . . . . . 3.2 Magnetic Permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Single Sided Magnetic Bearing Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Double-Sided Magnetic Bearing Actuators . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Linearized Force Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Coil Inductance and Slew Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 AMB Load Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Magnetic Bearing Design for Applications . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Amplifiers and Displacement Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Losses in Magnetic Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Flux Leakage and Fringing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 Eddy Current Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.3 Hysteresis Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11 Auxiliary Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12 PID Control of AMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12.1 Decentralized PID Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12.2 Tilt and Translate Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12.3 Unbalance and Synchronous Vibration Compensation 3.12.4 Shortcomings of the PID Controller . . . . . . . . . . 3.13 Modern Control of AMB Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13.1 LQR and LQG Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13.2 H∞ Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13.3 μ-Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13.4 Combined H∞ /μ-Synthesis Control . . . . . . . . . 3.13.5 Self-Tuning, Neural Network and Adaptive Controls . 3.14 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor . 4.1 Compression System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 High Speed Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Compressor Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . .

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4.4 Rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings . . . . . . 4.5.1 Radial AMB . . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 Thrust AMB . . . . . . . . . 4.5.3 AMB Control . . . . . . . . 4.6 Auxiliary Bearings . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Experimental Surge Characterization 4.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations . . . . . . 5.1 Greitzer Compression System Model . . . . . . . . 5.2 Variation of the Impeller Tip Clearance . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Simulation and Experimental Results . . . . 5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics . . . . 5.3.1 Fluid Transmission Line Model . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Piping Acoustics at Compressor Exhaust . . 5.3.3 Piping Acoustics at Plenum Output . . . . . 5.3.4 Modal Approximation of Pipeline Acoustics 5.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Introduction to Control Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Classical Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Objectives of a Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Power of Feedback Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Input–Output Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.4 PID Control of a Rigid Rotor on AMBs . . . . . . . . 6.1.5 Transient Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.6 Steady-State Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Modern Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 State Space Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Solution to the State Space Equation . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Stability of Systems with State Space Representation 6.2.4 Controllability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.5 Observability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.6 Optimization-Based Control Designs . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Control Design for Rotor Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Specifications for Machines with AMBs . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 Vibration Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.2 Stability Margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Modeling of the AMB Suspension System . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Rotor Lateral Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Rotor Axial Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.3 AMB Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.4 Power Amplifiers, Sensor Electronics and Time Delays

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7.2.5 Losses Due to Eddy Current in the Thrust AMB . . . . 7.3 Control of Rotor Lateral Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Controller . . . . . . 7.3.2 Design of LQG Controller for Lateral Rotor Suspension 7.3.3 Experimental Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Control of Rotor Axial Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.1 Design of H∞ Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.2 Design of H∞ Controller for Axial Rotor Support . . . 7.4.3 Experimental Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Control of Compressor Surge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1 Compressor Model for Controller Derivation . . . . . 8.1.1 Linearization of the Tip Clearance Effect . . . 8.1.2 Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.3 Throttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.4 Overall Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.5 System Model Linearization . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Robustness to Surge/Levitation Controllers Interaction 8.3 Surge Controller Derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Surge Controller Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 Experimental Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.1 Surge Control Test at 10,290 rpm . . . . . . . 8.6.2 Surge Control Test at 13,950 rpm . . . . . . . 8.6.3 Surge Control Test at 16,290 rpm . . . . . . . 8.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

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References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271


Rotor dynamics Aci Vibration magnitude at Nci AF Amplification factor API American Petroleum Institute c Damping constant C Damping matrix D Diameter eu Unbalance eccentricity vector E Elastic modulus of the beam fr Frequency ratio G Gyroscopic matrix I Area moment of inertia ISO International Organization of Standardization J Moment of inertia k Stiffness K Stiffness matrix L Length m Mass M Mass matrix N Rotating speed (rpm) Nci ith critical speed (rpm) P Moment of inertia ratio Jp /Jt qa Alford’s cross coupling stiffness coefficients Qa Predicted total cross coupling stiffness R Radius SM Separation margin T Torque u Lateral displacement u Lateral displacement vector Ub Specified rotor unbalance W Journal static weight xvii


δ ζ θ ρ ω ωn ωd


Logarithmic decrement Damping ratio Lateral rotation Density Rotating speed (rad/s) Undamped natural frequency (rad/s) Damped natural frequency (rad/s)

Subscripts 0 Zero speed b Bearing C Geometric center d Rotor disk G Mass center of gravity mc Maximum continuous p Polar s Structural t Transversal x About the horizontal x-axis y About the vertical y-axis Active magnetic bearings A Cross section area (m2 ) Pole face area (m2 ) Ag B Magnetic flux density (T) AMB Active Magnetic Bearing B Magnetic flux density magnitude (T) CS Compressor side F Force (N) g Air gap (m) H Magnetic field (A/m) H Magnitude of magnetic field (A/m) i Current (A) K Gain Open loop current-to-force gain (N/A) Ki Open loop stiffness of the AMB (N/m) Kx L Length (m) Inductance of AMB actuator coil (H) Lc MMF Magnetomotive force (A) MS Motor side N Number of coil turns Resistance of AMB actuator coil () Rc Voltage to the AMB actuator coil (V) vc μ Magnetic permeability (H/m) Magnetic permeability of free space (H/m) μ0 Relative permeability μr


τ ψ ωA ωS

Time constant (s) Magnetic flux (Wb) Amplifier bandwidth (rad/s) Sensor bandwidth (rad/s)

Subscripts 0 Nominal value a Amplifier amb Active magnetic bearing b Bias c Control g Air gap knee Knee value p Perturbation th Thrust s Sensor sat Saturation value Compression systems a Speed of sound (m/s) A Cross section area (m2 ) b Impeller tip blade height (m) B Greitzer stability parameter Throttle valve constant cth C Pipeline characteristic function Specific heat at constant pressure Cp cl Axial impeller tip clearance (m) d Dissipation number D Inner diameter of pipeline (m) k Clearance coefficient L Length of pipeline (m) m Mass flow rate (kg/s) N Frequency dependant friction factor p Absolute pressure (Pa) P Absolute pressure in frequency domain q Volume flow rate (m3 /s) Q Volume flow rate in frequency domain R Pipeline total resistance s Laplace operator s¯ Normalized Laplace operator T Temperature (K) Valve percentage opening uth U Impeller tip velocity (m/s) V Volume (m3 ) Z Inviscid characteristic impedance of the line γ Specific heat ratio



δcl λ η ρ τ νa νk Φ Ψ ωH


Impeller tip clearance variation (m) Undamped pipeline natural frequency (rad/s) Compressor efficiency Air density (kg/m3 ) Pipeline time constant (s) Absolute viscosity (Pa s) Kinematic viscosity (m2 /s) Nondimensional mass flow rate Nondimensional pressure rise Helmholtz frequency (rad/s)

Subscripts 0 Value at zero condition 1 Compressor inlet 2 Impeller exit c Compressor cl Impeller tip clearance d Pipeline downstream o Stagnation value n Nominal p Plenum ss Steady state th Throttle u Pipeline upstream Control theory 1(t) Step signal C Controllability matrix GM Gain margin LQG Linear quadratic gaussian LQR Linear quadratic regulator Percentage overshoot Mp O Observability matrix PID Proportional-integral-derivative PM Phase margin (deg) r Reference input signal S Sensitivity function Peak time (s) tp Rise time (s) tr Settling time (s) ts T Complementary sensitivity function u Control input signal w Disturbance input signal y Controlled output signal δ(t) Impulse signal  Uncertainty


ζ μ ω ωd ωn

Damping ratio Structured singular value Frequency (rad/s) Damped natural frequency (rad/s) Undamped natural frequency (rad/s)

Subscripts CL Closed loop cm Gain crossover cp Phase crossover OL Open loop ss Steady state


Chapter 1


The design and operation of a compressor is a multi-disciplinary field that requires the expertise from many areas, such as machine design, fluid dynamics, rotor dynamics and power electronics. Additionally, with the introduction of new technologies in compressors, the complexity of these machines increases together with the added performance capabilities. One of such technology that is currently attracting a lot of attention from both the academia and the industry is the active magnetic bearing (AMB), which enables, among other things, the active control of surge in compressors. In this chapter, we summarize some basic concepts on compressors, AMBs and compressor flow instabilities to motivate the development of the material presented in the remainder of this book. This summary also serves as a general introduction to compressor systems, which include the compressor itself and other connected components such as plenum, piping and valve.

1.1 Compressors and Compressor Systems Compressors are widely used in modern applications that require pressurization of gases or fluids. Some examples of these applications are jet propulsion engines, industrial gas turbines, turbochargers, and pipeline compressors for the petrochemical and mining industries. Compressors can be divided into two general categories depending on how the pressure rise is achieved: positive displacement compressors and dynamic compressors [88]. In positive displacement compressors, such as a reciprocating compressor and a rotary screw compressor, increase in pressure comes from simply reducing the volume of the gas, as stated by the ideal gas law. On the other hand, pressure rise in dynamic compressors, or turbocompressors, is achieved by first accelerating the gas with a rotating impeller, and then decelerating the same gas to transform its kinetic energy into potential energy or static pressure. Detailed descriptions of positive displacement and dynamic compressors, including the mechanism behind their operation, can be found in [24] and [61]. Dynamic compressors are divided into two types according to the direction of the flow leaving the impeller. The first type is the axial compressor, where the gas S.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_1, © Springer-Verlag London 2013





Fig. 1.1 A cross section of an axial compressor [88]

enters and leaves the impeller in the axial direction, following a flow path parallel to the compressor shaft. The cross sectional area of the compressor annulus, or the area between the rotor and the external shroud, decreases as it goes from the inlet to the exhaust. In this case, the gas is accelerated by the rotating impeller, and most of the pressure rise is achieved by decelerating the gas at the stator blades. The second type of dynamic compressor is the centrifugal compressor, in which the gas flows radially out of the impeller, in a direction that is perpendicular to the shaft rotational axis. Here, the gas enters the impeller eye axially, changes its flow direction in the impeller area and is accelerated radially towards the impeller tip. In a centrifugal compressor, part of the gas pressurization is achieved in the impeller region, and the remaining pressure rise is obtained in the static diffuser by the process of diffusion [24]. The flow path in the diffuser consists of diverging passages, designed to decelerate the gas as efficiently as possible to maximize the conversion from kinetic energy into pressure. According to Boyce [24], centrifugal compressors are more efficient in high-pressure low-flow rate applications, while axial compressors are preferred for higher flow rate and higher speed machinery. Cross sectional drawings of an axial and a centrifugal compressor are shown in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2, respectively. In the axial compressor, we can clearly see the cross sectional area decreasing inside the compressor casing as the flow travels from the inlet to the exhaust. Each stage of the axial compressor consists of an impeller and a set of stator blades, and the gas is forced to flow axially through the stages from the inlet to the exhaust. On the other hand, each stage of the centrifugal compressor has the gas entering the impeller eye, which is accelerated in the radial direction towards the diffuser. At the diffuser the gas is decelerated and pressurized, and then guided to the following stage as efficiently as possible. In this book, we will focus on centrifugal compressors. It is hoped that the results presented here on centrifugal compressors can be extended to axial compressors. Depending on the application for the centrifugal compressor, the diffuser can be vaned or vaneless. Vaned diffusers are more effective in pressurizing the gas within short lengths, but they tend to be more susceptible to flow instabilities due to the flow separation at the vanes. On the other hand, vaneless diffusers are not as effective as their vaned counterparts, but they are more economical and simpler to manufacture [56].

1.1 Compressors and Compressor Systems


Fig. 1.2 A cross section of a centrifugal compressor [88]

Fig. 1.3 Compressor characteristic curves for increasing compressor speed N , and demand load curves for high and low loads at the compressor exhaust

The static performance of a compressor is portrayed by its characteristic curve. An example of a general compressor characteristic curve is shown in Fig. 1.3. The compressor characteristic curve plots the compressor pressure rise versus the inlet flow rate for the compressor operating in an equilibrium state at a constant speed. At each compressor speed there is a corresponding characteristic curve. On the other hand, the demand load curve shows the pressure drop due to the load at the compressor exhaust plotted over the inlet flow rate. The steady state pressure rise and flow rate for a compressor operating within the design conditions will generally be given by the intersecting point between the characteristic curve and the demand load curve, as shown in Fig. 1.3. Finally, a compression system is composed of the compressor and other upstream and downstream components affecting the flow through the machine. A general




Fig. 1.4 Schematic drawing of a general compression system

compression system, which is commonly referred to in the literature, includes the compressor, the plenum or collector volume, the throttle valve, and the connecting piping, as shown in Fig. 1.4. Here, the gas comes from the inlet to the compressor where it is pressurized. The pressurized gas is then directed to the plenum volume where it is collected and the throttle valve regulates its flow rate out of the system. This system configuration has been frequently referred to in modeling and active control of compressor instabilities, which will be described later in this chapter.

1.2 Active Magnetic Bearings in Compressors Applications of active magnetic bearings in turbomachinery have seen steady growth in the past decades, starting from small turbomolecular pumps to larger compressors in the megawatt range. Using the magnetic forces generated by electric coils acting on the conductive material in the shaft, the AMBs levitate the rotor within the bearing clearance to allow the compressor to operate without any mechanical contact between the static and the rotating components. Such compressors operate more efficiently and at higher speeds with negligible frictional losses and for longer periods of time without servicing. These capabilities are highly desirable for all compressors, especially those in applications such as subsea oil and gas development, where the compressors are not easily accessible for frequent diagnosis and maintenance. The principle of the AMB operation, as well as recent development and applications of the AMB technology, can be found in detail in [101]. The basic components of a rotor/AMB system, as shown in Fig. 1.5, are the magnetic actuators, rotor, proximity sensors, power amplifier and a controller. From the rotor positions measured by the proximity sensors, the controller computes the appropriate commands to the power amplifiers so that the output currents to the magnetic actuators generate the required electromagnetic force to levitate the rotor. This forms a closed loop that stabilizes the rotor at the center of the bearing air gap. There are many benefits of employing AMBs over other more conventional bearings in compressors. A comprehensive list of these benefits are presented in [101], and are summarized as follows. • Contact free operation: absence of wear and lubrication reduces the need of maintenance and increases the life time of the bearings, making them ideal for high temperature operations or for applications with corrosive or pure gases.

1.3 Compressor Instability


Fig. 1.5 Diagram of a rotor suspended by AMBs

• Low bearing losses: the low losses compared to traditional bearings allow the AMB supported compressors to operate more efficiently at high speeds. • Active control: the dynamic characteristics of the rotor can be actively controlled by the AMBs, with adaptable stiffness and damping for different operating conditions, and unbalance compensation schemes to enhance the bearing capabilities. • Smart machines capability: a self diagnosis using the sensors and the magnetic actuator of the AMB can be programmed to assess the integrity of the bearings, and to modify the AMB characteristics accordingly to achieve the optimal operation. • Enhanced compressor stability: Using the AMBs as build-in actuators, new capabilities can be added to compressors such as active stabilization of flow instabilities. A particular challenge of working with magnetic bearings is the unique combination of knowledge in electronics, control theory and rotor dynamics that is required for a successful design and implementation of the system. The AMB systems are designed to satisfy very precise rotor-dynamic requirements, many times given in terms of the characteristics typically seen in passive mechanical bearings. This means that engineers working on these AMBs must understand the basic rotordynamic requirements for the specific group of rotating machines in consideration, how bearing design and control theory can be employed for the purpose of satisfying these requirements, and the typical behavior of tradition fluid film and rolling element bearings in equivalent rotating systems. Additionally, the results must be presented in standard formats that is equally understandable by control and rotordynamic engineers.

1.3 Compressor Instability The characteristic curve for a compression system shows all the possible equilibrium points that the machine can operate at. The actual equilibrium operating point of the




compressor in this curve at any moment of time depends on the downstream load in the system, and is found to be the intersection of the characteristic curve with the corresponding load curve as shown in Fig. 1.3. A compression system is considered to be in stable operation if for a small transient perturbation in the gas flow, the steady state operation of the system returns to the original equilibrium point in the characteristic curve. If the system does not return to the original equilibrium, then the compressor is considered to be unstable. There are two types of compressor instability which limit the operational range of a compression system. The first type is known as the operational or static instability. This occurs in the positive slope region of the characteristic curve, when the slope of the load curve is less than the slope of the characteristic curve. Here, a small increase in the mass flow causes an increase in the pressure ratio, which in turn creates a further increase in the mass flow, and the compressor operation is pushed away from the original equilibrium point. A similar behavior can be deduced for a small decrease in the compressor mass flow, which will result in a further drop in the compressor flow. This type of instability is not commonly seen during operation in actual compressors because of the presence of more dominant dynamics instabilities that occur prior the static counterpart. Therefore, it is considered to exist only in theory [97]. The second instability type is defined as the aerodynamic or dynamic instability. It includes the much studied phenomena known as compressor stall and surge. These destabilizing flow events occur as the mass flow through the compressor is reduced to a critical point, where the flow pattern becomes unstable. This critical point, called the stall point or the surge point, separates the compressor’s stable and unstable operating regions in the compressor characteristic curve. The line connecting the surge points on the characteristic curves corresponding to different compressor speeds is called the surge line. The characteristic curve of a general centrifugal compressor, together with the surge line, is shown in Fig. 1.6. The operation on the characteristic curve to the right of the surge line is considered to be stable, while the region on the curve to the left of the surge line is the instability region.

1.3.1 Stall Stall is a localized complex flow instability in turbocompressors, normally observed to occur as a precursor of surge. As seen in the characteristic curve in Fig. 1.6, the stall region is commonly seem right before or even overlapping the surge line. During the initiation of stall, viscous shearing forces cause flow separation at the boundary layers, with one or more regions of reduced or stalled flow that distort the flow pattern inside the compressor [24]. A graphical representation of the stall pattern in the impeller blade passage for centrifugal compressors was illustrated in [82], and one sequence of the illustrated stall phenomena is shown in Fig. 1.7. Here we can observe how the unstable flow pattern at the passage walls generates an eddy that blocks the flow path through the region. These regions of reduced flow

1.3 Compressor Instability


Fig. 1.6 Surge line and commonly observed stall region in the characteristic curve for a general centrifugal compressor [97]

Fig. 1.7 Graphical representation of a stall cell in a centrifugal impeller passage [82]

generate a circumferentially non-uniform flow in the compressor annulus, although the average flow may remain steady. These regions of stagnation flow are known as stall cells, and they travel around the compressor annulus at a speed proportional to that of the compressor shaft. The traveling speed of a stall cell has been observed to be approximately 20 % to 70 % of the rotor speed, although cases of non-rotating stall in centrifugal compressors have also been documented [40]. Stall is a very complex flow phenomenon that occurs in isolated regions in the compressor, and different stall cells often interact with each other during operation to create flow patterns particular to a compressor in question. Therefore, it is common to find many different, even contradicting, reports of the stall behavior in the literature [97]. Three types of stall instability have been identified experimentally for centrifugal compressors: progressive rotating stall, abrupt stall, and non-rotating blade stall [97]. Progressive stall is the most common of the three, and it is characterized by a gradual reduction of the compressor output pressure ratio as the mass flow is reduced beyond the first detection of stall. The stall cells in this case are found to rotate around the compressor annulus at a frequency proportional to the compres-




sor speed. On the other hand, abrupt stall is accompanied with a sudden drop in the output pressure rise at the initiation of the instability, which is observed in the characteristic curve as a sharp discontinuity. Non-rotating stall cells are generally initiated at the inducer blade, and it may interact with the rotating stall cells in the impeller and diffuser sections. Because the stall instability is localized in small regions of the compressor, detecting the stall cells is often a difficult task. This is particularly true for progressive stall since the drop between the compressor inlet and outlet pressure due to stall is gradual, and there may be no indication of stall in the compressor inlet/exhaust flow measurements. Kämmer and Rautenberg [74] were able to detect the stall cells in centrifugal compressor using temperature and pressure sensors strategically tapped along the shroud. Pressure pulsation at different impeller regions could be identified, with frequency components at the harmonics of the traveling speed of the cell. As mentioned earlier, it is known that stall can cause a significant drop in the performance and the efficiency in axial compressors [33], and there exist recorded cases of impeller failure due to the increased load and temperature resulting from stall [63]. The active control of stall has been studied in order to increase the performance and reliability of compressors. A review of these research activities can be found in [98]. However, most of the studies related to compressor stall reported in the literature focus on multistage axial compression systems and it is rare to find results on centrifugal machines. This is because the relevance of the stall instability in the system-wide operation of centrifugal compressors is still a topic of debate [33].

1.3.2 Surge As the flow in the compression system becomes restricted, the increase of pressure in the plenum may reach a critical point, where the compressor cannot generate the pressure rise to match the pressure buildup in the plenum. This forces the flow back towards the compressor inlet, disturbing the flow pattern of the entire system and starting a rapid axisymmetrical oscillation of the flow in the compression system. Such a phenomenon is known as compressor surge. The critical point in pressure where surge is initiated is referred to as the surge inception point, or simply the surge point, and its location can be approximately determined in the compressor characteristic curve to be near the peak in the positive flow region [32]. The identification of the surge point in a compression system is essential for the safe operation of the compressor since it separates the stable and unstable flow regions. The line connecting the surge points in the characteristic curves corresponding to different compressor speeds is called the surge line, as illustrated in Fig. 1.6. Unlike stall, surge is a flow instability that affects the entire compression system, including the compressor and all components upstream and downstream in the flow path. Surge is the principal destabilizing phenomenon found in a centrifugal compressor, and it is characterized by large oscillations in the pressure and mass flow in the system. There have been many attempts by researchers to identify the mechanism behind the initiation of surge in both centrifugal and axial compressors. From experimental

1.3 Compressor Instability


Fig. 1.8 Example of a surge limit cycle. The cycle can be divided into the emptying ((1) → (3)), and filling ((3) → (1)) of the plenum volume [33]

observations reported in [34, 112], Pampreem [97] stated that the initiation of the surge instability in centrifugal compressors is caused by the inability of the compressor impeller and diffuser to create a sufficiently large pressure field to match the pressure in the output collector. In low speed operation, there exists evidence that suggests that surge is initiated due to flow oscillation at the compressor inducer [37]. On the other hand, surge in high speed compressors has been observed to be induced by similar flow oscillations at the diffuser throat [112]. Stall is known to be a common precursor to surge because it can provide the initial flow disturbance to jump-start the surge oscillation. Although there have been recorded cases of centrifugal compressor with multiple surge points in the characteristic curve [40], the general behavior of the compressor output flow during surge is summarized by de Jager in [33] in the form of a limit cycle in the compressor characteristic curve as shown in Fig. 1.8. As the throttle valve is closed, the mass flow rate through the compressor is reduced and the operating point moves towards the surge inception point at (1), where the surge limit cycle is initiated. The first half of the surge cycle is known as the collapse or blowdown period, which is characterized by a rapid drop in pressure for the entire system. In this period the flow characteristic moves rapidly to point (2) in the negative flow region of the characteristic curve, and follows the curve down to near the zero flow point at (3). Next, the system enters the recovery period, where the pressure in the system is slowly restored. During recovery, the flow characteristic in the compression system moves to point (4) in the stability region of the characteristic curve, and follows the curve to the starting point at (1). Finally, unless there has been a change in the compression system to move the operating point to the stable region, the described surge process is repeated. Depending on the intensity of the oscillations, surge can be classified into four categories: mild, classic, modified and deep surge [33]. In mild and classic surge, the amplitude of the oscillation is relatively small, and the frequency is in a similar order of magnitude as the Helmholtz frequency of the compression system [99]. The Helmholtz frequency can be considered to be the resonance frequency of the flow




in the compression system if we consider the compressor, plenum and the connecting piping to behave as a self-excited Helmholtz resonator [40]. In most cases, no flow reversal is observed during mild and classic surge, which generally occurs in compressors with small collector or plenum volume. In modified surge, surge and stall instabilities coexist within the compression system, and elements from both phenomena can be observed simultaneously. Finally, in the case of deep surge, the amplitudes of the oscillations are larger and flow reversal occurs for part of the cycle. The frequency of the oscillations is lower for this surge category, and is dictated by the filling and emptying time of the plenum volume. In any case, with or without reversal of flow, surge can cause extensive structural damage to the compression system if it is not dealt with properly, due to the violent vibration and high gas temperature that generally accompany this instability.

1.4 Compressor Surge Modeling The modeling of compression systems for the control of the surge instabilities in turbomachinery has been studied intensively over the years, motivated by the potential benefits that could result from expanding the stable operating region of centrifugal and axial compressors. Reviews of modeling techniques for compression systems can be found in [56] and [86]. As pointed by Badmus et al. in [15], available mathematical models for compression systems can be divided into two categories: one-dimensional models for the prediction of compressor surge, and two dimensional models for compression systems with surge and rotating stall. Mathematical models for centrifugal compressors are focused on the surge instability and they are generally one-dimensional. On the other hand, rotating stall is more relevant to axial compressors, and two-dimensional models have been specifically developed for such turbomachinery. Emmons et al. presented in [40] one of the first stability analyses for a compression system using a one-dimensional linearized model of the compressor dynamics, where the initiation of the surge oscillations was captured by employing the analogy between the compression system and a self-excited Helmholtz resonator. Although the model in [40] was appropriate in predicting the initiation of surge, the linearized dynamics in the model was not adequate for replicating the large magnitude perturbations involved in the deep surge pulsation. Using a similar principle, Greitzer [58] later introduced a nonlinear lumped-parameter model for the one-dimensional incompressible flow in a compression system. This model was initially derived for axial compressors, and later demonstrated in [62] to be also applicable for single stage centrifugal compressors with low compressibility. After the introduction of the original Greitzer model, many enhancements in the modeling of compressor flows in axial and centrifugal compression systems were introduced by different researchers. Macdougal and Elder [87] presented a onedimensional model for compressors with compressible flow, and modular models for complex compression system configurations were developed by Badmus et al.

1.5 Surge Avoidance and Suppression


in [16], Elder and Gill in [39], and Morini et al. in [92]. Finally, for compression systems with one-dimensional flow and varying rotor speed, mathematical models were presented in [22, 43, 55]. In modeling two-dimensional compressor flow, one of the first models capable of predicting rotating stall for incompressible axial compressor flow was introduced by Moore and Greitzer in [91], which was later adopted by Feulner et al. [42] and Ishii et al. [68] for compressible compressor flow. Despite the introduction of many advanced models for compression systems, the original Greitzer model is still generally preferred for the study of active surge control in centrifugal compressors due to its low order equations and simple model structure. The Greitzer model has been adopted in much published work involving surge control using linear [11, 19, 21] and nonlinear [2, 9, 27, 45, 79] control theory. The principal strength, and also the main weakness, of the Greitzer model is its lumped-parameter nature. On the one hand, it simplifies the mathematical description of the compression system by lumping distributed flow parameters into single constants, thus reducing the order of the resulting system model. On the other hand, the lumping of distributed parameters limits the geometry and dimensions of the components in the compression system that the Greitzer model can describe. Furthermore, the Greitzer model does not adequately predict dynamics associated with fluid flow in distributed systems, such as acoustic waves and flow pulsations in pipelines [113]. The stability of compression systems in the presence of the added capacitance in different configurations of the inlet and the exhaust piping was studied in [60, 72, 110]. The modeling of the system piping resonances for the analysis of how the flow pulsation affects the stability of the compression system was presented in [26]. Helvoirt and Jager in [113] observed that piping acoustics can affect the shape of the measured pressure oscillations in the surge condition. They proposed to implement a transmission line model, first introduced by Krus et al. in [80], to describe the effects of the pipeline dynamics between the compressor and the plenum volume in the pressure oscillations during deep surge. Although deep surge oscillation is a very important phenomenon in turbomachinery, and a well developed model is able to predict the shape of such oscillation, surge itself is only a part of the overall dynamics of the compression system. The system dynamics during the stable operation of the compressor, as well as during the onset of surge, are important in the study of compressor instabilities and in the development of robust stabilizing controllers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a mathematical model for the compression system that captures the effect of the piping acoustics under both the stable and unstable operating conditions, as well as the dynamics during the transition between these two states.

1.5 Surge Avoidance and Suppression Two different approaches exist to deal with the surge instability in turbomachinery. The first is surge avoidance, where the compressor is operated conservatively




Fig. 1.9 The surge line and the surge avoidance line in the compressor characteristic curve plot. The separation between these two lines is known as the surge margin

within a predetermined stable operating region, and different safety mechanisms “reset” the compressor back to the stable operation when surge occurs. This is the most common method in industry, but it results in a significant loss in the compressor efficiency by limiting the operating flow range to a conservative region. The second approach is surge control, where an active or passive surge controller is implemented. In this case the surge controller compensates for the surge induced disturbances and stabilizes the flow in the compression system. More details on surge avoidance and surge control can be found in [56, 88].

1.5.1 Surge Avoidance The simplest method for protecting the compressor from surge is to avoid the flow conditions that initiate the instability, and the few most common surge avoidance methods are presented in [88]. Surge avoidance strategies rely on a flow controller to increase the flow and release the built up pressure when the flow conditions reach a set point near the surge line. The most common surge avoidance method is the ratio control, where the set points for the flow controller are generated parallel to the surge line of the compressor. The curve connecting these set points corresponding to different compressor speeds is called the surge avoidance line, and the separation margin between the surge line and the surge avoidance line is called the surge margin. Figure 1.9 shows these lines with the compressor characteristic curve. Different actuators in the compression system are used to maintain the compressor operation on the right-hand side of the surge margin. A commonly found method is to employ a blow-off or bleed valve to release the pressure buildup in the compressor and increase the mass flow rate. A different approach is to use recycle valves to feed part of the compressed process gas back to the inlet, and maintain the compressor operating in the safe region. An in-depth discussion of the implementation of a surge avoidance mechanism based on the recycle valve is presented in [117].

1.5 Surge Avoidance and Suppression


Most of the available industrial solutions are based on these two surge avoidance methods. Although surge avoidance options are practical and easy to implement, they trade-off the operating efficiency of the compression system. Because of the uncertainty in the actual location of the surge line, large surge margins are generally enforced to avoid damage to the machinery. A large surge margin prevents the compressor from operating at the high-pressure region in the characteristic curve, limiting the performance of the entire system. On the other hand, a small surge margin incurs the risk of allowing the compressor to enter the surge cycle and damage the equipment. A 10 % surge margin is typical for most compressors [23], although margins as high as 25 % may be required in some critical applications [32].

1.5.2 Surge Suppression and Control Compressor surge mitigation and control have been attracting much attention among researchers due to a growing demand for safer and more efficient industrial compressors. Surge suppression and control methods rely on accurate compressor models to design surge control strategies to stabilize the compression system beyond the surge point. Passive surge controllers rely on passive elements that react to the environmental changes in the compressor to suppress the surge oscillations. In a sense, these are physical modifications in the compression system that are designed to extend the stable flow region. The most common approach is to induce a pressure variation in the compression system by varying the size of the plenum volume with a mass-spring-damper system. An example of such control method is discussed in [12]. On the other hand, active surge control has been investigated intensively since it was first proposed by Epstein et al. in [41]. It relies on a sensor/actuator pair for actively perturbing the compression system based on feedback measurements. A control circuit or algorithm computes in real-time the command signal to the actuator that stabilizes the compression system based on the flow measurements from the sensors. An extensive comparison between a passive and an active surge control system is presented in [13], where the passive controller is based on a hydraulic oscillator, and the active scheme relies on the throttle valve. A similar comparison is given in the papers by Arnulfi et al. [10] and [11], where the proposed surge controllers employ the movable wall in the collector of the compression system, effectively varying the volume of the plenum. The passive controller in these papers rely on a spring damper system to govern the motion of the plenum wall, while the active controller uses an actuator to change the wall position. One of the principal research foci in surge control is the selection of the appropriate actuators. As demonstrated in [105], selecting an accessible set of actuators that ensure controllability of the compressor’s unstable modes and have enough bandwidth to stabilize the flow dynamics during surge, is not a simple task. In this paper by Simon et al. a theoretical comparison between the effectiveness of common sensor–actuator pairs was presented. To analyze the stability of the system in




surge condition, a linearized Greitzer model was used with a proportional surge controller. Bandwidth limitation in the implementation of the surge controller and actuator constraints were also considered in the analysis. An important conclusion of the paper is that the bandwidth is in most cases the limiting factor for practical surge control applications. Jager in [33] and Gu et al. in [59] presented extensive surveys of published work on both passive and active surge control, and their respective selections of actuators. The selection of the appropriate feedback sensors is key for the physical implementation of an active surge controller. As seen in [19], flow sensors in industrial compressors are highly susceptible to noise that can severely affect the behavior of the surge controllers. In the worse case scenario, the surge controller with a noisy feedback signal can actually add destabilizing dynamics to the system and drive the compressor into the surge limit cycle. Mass flow sensors are particularly sensitive to noise, and in many cases only the steady state measurement is available from the limited bandwidth sensors that are most common in larger compressors. Bohagen and Gravdahl in [20], and Chaturvedi and Bhat in [27], presented two different nonlinear mass flow observers that employ the pressure measurements in the compressor as input information. These observers can be coupled to different surge controllers that require the measurement of flow rate for feedback. Proper actuator selection is also crucial in surge control. An obvious choice, which has been explored by many researchers, based on the Greitzer model in [58] and the Moore–Greitzer model in [91], is the throttle valve at the system exhaust. Banchini et al. in [18] and [19] published the results for a high-gain proportional active surge controller that employs the throttle valve to stabilize the flow in the compressor from the plenum pressure measurement. An algorithm adapt the gain of the surge controller based on the behavior of the compressor in order to achieve the desired system response. Experimental data demonstrated the good capability of the controller in damping the surge limit cycle at low speeds of the compressor, but the efficacy of the controller degraded at higher speeds due to the increase in measurement noise and mechanical limitations of the actuator. The active surge controller presented in [9] use the throttle valve to change the bifurcation property in the stall/surge region of axial compressor systems. Simulation results showed that the proposed controller was able to eliminate both the hysteresis related to stall and the limit cycle due to surge. Krstic [79] developed a similar controller using the backstepping method to stabilize both stall and surge. The presented controller uses the pressure and mass flow rate measurements as feedback, and computes the commanded percentage opening for the throttle valve. A clear benefit of the method in [79] is that it guarantees global stability of the system with minimum information required about the plant. In both of these papers, no experimental data were reported to support the mathematical analysis. A different valve that is often considered in the literature for active surge control is the closed-coupled valve. This valve is generally located at the system inlet, very closely coupled to the compressor in the flow path. Gravdahl and Egeland [55] presented analytical and simulation results for a surge controller for centrifugal compressors that uses a combination of the closed-coupled valve and compressor speed

1.6 Objectives of This Book


to stabilize the flow in the system at the desired equilibrium point on the compressor characteristic curve. With the information on the compressor speed treated as a state variable, the surge instability can be addressed during the speed up or slow down of the machine, when the system is vulnerable to rapid changes in the flow. A similar approach was investigated in [21], where a combination of compressor speed and throttle valve was used for stabilizing the flow at a desired constant pressure rise. The proposed controller was intended for an application in a fuel-cell power system. A bleed-valve ring installed between the stages or at the exhaust of axial compressors was explored in [45] for the control of stall and surge. Differently from the air injection method for stall control that has a similar configuration, the bleed-valve rings are considered to be implementable in compression systems in the field with only a small number of modifications in their hardware. The control law presented in the paper is based on a simple LQR controller, which was synthesized from the linear approximation of an enhance Moore–Greitzer model [91]. A nonlinear term was added to the linear feedback law to enlarge the region of attraction of the closedloop system. Experimental results with the designed controller showed that the 2D actuator was able to successfully eliminate the hysteresis due to stall, but no data were provided on the control of surge. The use of active magnetic bearings (AMBs) as servo actuators to eliminate the flow instabilities in compression systems is a relatively new concept. Senoo in [102] and Senoo and Ishida in [103] studied the effect of varying the clearance between the compressor impeller tip and the shroud on the performance of centrifugal compressors. The feasibility of active control of stall in axial compressors by whirling the radial impeller tip clearance using the AMBs was studied in [109] and [116]. The presented analysis showed the feasibility of this approach for stabilizing stall, although no experimental data were provided to support the analytical results. Sanadgol [100] proposed to control the impeller tip clearance of a single stage centrifugal compressor by employing the AMB as servo actuators, and to use the resulting pressure variation in the system to control surge. Sanadgol introduced a mathematical model describing the effect of the tip clearance to the dynamics of the compression system, but the extent of the study was limited to simulations, and the question about the actual effectiveness of the actuator in real industrial compressors was left unanswered.

1.6 Objectives of This Book This book is intended to serve as a self-contained reference on the integration of the AMB technology in turbocompressors, and the role the AMB suspension can play in the stabilization of the flow in a compression system operating in surge condition. The control method presented here is based on the ability of the AMB to change the axial tip clearance of the impeller to compensate for the flow fluctuations that characterizes the initiation of surge.




In this book, we develop the theory for this surge suppression method and demonstrate the feasibility of this control strategy both by simulation and by actual implementation in an experimental compressor test rig capable of reproducing the surge instability. More specifically, we present the implementation and experimental testing of a new approach for controlling the surge instability in unshrouded single stage centrifugal compressors. In order to develop the theory for surge control, some basic concepts on compression systems, AMBs and rotor dynamics are presented in the earlier chapters of this book. Chapter 2 reviews the basic concepts of rotor dynamics that are relevant to turbocompressors and are needed for understanding AMB systems. Stability and performance requirements that are common for industrial compressors are also discussed. In Chap. 3, a self-contained description of the operating principles of AMBs is presented, and the main components of the AMB system are introduced. Next, we move into the theoretical formulation and experimental validation of the surge control method. The description of a compressor test rig built and commissioned for the experimental validation of the proposed surge control method is presented in Chap. 4. All major components of the test rig are described in this chapter, including the AMB system that levitates the compressor rotor. The experimental characterization of the compressor dynamics in this chapter will be essential for the validation of dynamic models of both the AMBs and the compression system to be derived in Chap. 5. Next, basic concepts in linear control theory are presented in Chap. 6 as a preparation for the AMB controllers to be designed in the last two chapters of the book. Finally, the AMB levitation controller and the active surge controller are derived in Chaps. 7 and 8, respectively. The details about the design of the levitation and surge controllers, as well as the experimental implementation and testing results, are presented in these chapters.

Chapter 2

Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Rotor dynamics is the branch of engineering that studies the lateral and torsional vibrations of rotating shafts, with the objective of predicting the rotor vibrations and containing the vibration level under an acceptable limit. The principal components of a rotor-dynamic system are the shaft or rotor with disk, the bearings, and the seals. The shaft or rotor is the rotating component of the system. Many industrial applications have flexible rotors, where the shaft is designed in a relatively long and thin geometry to maximize the space available for components such as impellers and seals. Additionally, machines are operated at high rotor speeds in order to maximize the power output. The first recorded supercritical machine (operating above first critical speed or resonance mode) was a steam turbine manufactured by Gustav Delaval in 1883. Modern high performance machines normally operates above the first critical speed, generally considered to be the most important mode in the system, although they still avoid continuous operating at or near the critical speeds. Maintaining a critical speed margin of 15 % between the operating speed and the nearest critical speed is a common practice in industrial applications. The other two of the main components of rotor-dynamic systems are the bearings and the seals. The bearings support the rotating components of the system and provide the additional damping needed to stabilize the system and contain the rotor vibration. Seals, on the other hand, prevent undesired leakage flows inside the machines of the processing or lubricating fluids, however they have rotor-dynamic properties that can cause large rotor vibrations when interacting with the rotor. Generally, the vibration in rotor-dynamic systems can be categorized into synchronous or subsynchronous vibrations depending on the dominant frequency and source of the disturbance forces. Synchronous vibrations have a dominant frequency component that matches the rotating speed of the shaft and is usually caused by the unbalance or other synchronous forces in the system. The second type is the subsynchronous vibration or whirling, which has a dominant frequency below the operating speed and it is mainly caused by fluid excitation from the cross-coupling stiffness. In this chapter we present a short introduction to rotor dynamics, with the intention to familiarize the reader with basic concepts and terminologies that are ofS.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_2, © Springer-Verlag London 2013




Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

ten used in describing AMB systems. The material presented here is based on the rotor-dynamics course notes prepared by Allaire [5], and the many books available in rotor dynamics by authors such as Childs [30], Genta [49], Kramer [78], Vance [115], and Yamamoto and Ishida [119]. First, the mathematics behind the basic rotor-dynamic principles are introduced through the example of a simple rotor/bearing system model. The primary concerns in rotor-dynamic systems, including the critical speed, unbalance response, gyroscopic effects and instability excitation, are discussed in the sections throughout this chapter. Finally, the standards published by the American Petroleum Institute for auditing the rotor response in compressors are presented in detail. Most of these standards are directly applicable to compressors with AMBs, and they will play an important role in the design of the AMB levitation controller for the compressor test rig in Chap. 7.

2.1 Föppl/Jeffcott Single Mass Rotor Rotor-dynamic systems have complex dynamics for which analytical solutions are only possible to obtain in the most simple cases. With the computational power that is easily available in modern days, numerical solutions for 2D and even 3D rotordynamic analysis have become the standard. However, these numerical analyses do not provide the deep insight that can be obtained from a step-by-step derivation of an analytical solution, such as how the different system response characteristics are interconnected in the final solution. For example, numerical analysis can accurately estimate the location of the resonance mode of the system, but it cannot give an analytical relationship between that mode frequency and the amount of damping and stiffness on the rotor. The vibration theory for rotor-dynamic systems was first developed by August Föppl (Germany) in 1895 and Henry Homan Jeffcott (England) in 1919 [5]. Employing a simplified rotor/bearing system, they developed the basic theory on prediction and attenuation of rotor vibration. This simplified rotor/bearing system that is commonly known as the Föppl/Jeffcott rotor, or simply the Jeffcott rotor, is often employed to evaluate more complex rotor-dynamic systems in the real world. In this section we overview the analytical derivation of the undamped and damped responses of the Föppl/Jeffcott rotor. We will use these results throughout this chapter to characterize the dynamics of complex rotor-dynamic systems that can be found in actual industrial applications. Figure 2.1 illustrates the single mass Jeffcott rotor with rigid bearings. The rotor disk with mass m is located at the axial center of the shaft. The mass of the shaft in the Jeffcott rotor is assumed to be negligible compared to that of the disk, and thus is considered to be massless during the analysis. The geometric center of the disk C is located at the point (uxC , uyC ) along coordinate axis defined about the bearing center line, and the disk center of mass G is located at (uxG , uyG ). The unbalance eccentricity eu is the vector connecting the points C and G, and it represents the unbalance in the rotor disk. The rotating speed of the disk/shaft is given by ω, and

2.1 Föppl/Jeffcott Single Mass Rotor


Fig. 2.1 Single mass Jeffcott rotor on rigid bearings

without loss of generality we assume that eu is parallel with the x-axis at the initial time t = 0. Lastly, uC is the displacement vector with phase angle θ that connects the origin and the point C, and φ is defined to be the angle between the vectors uC and eu . Under the assumption that the rotor disk does not affect the stiffness of the massless shaft, the lateral bending stiffness at the axial center of a simply supported uniform beam is given by 48EI , (2.1) L3 where E is the elastic modulus of the beam, L is the length between the bearings, and I is the shaft area moment of inertia. For a uniform cylindrical shaft with diameter D, the equation for the area moment of inertia is ks =


πD 4 . 64


Additionally, we assume that there is a relatively small effective damping acting on the lateral motion of the disk at the rotor midspan, and the corresponding damping constant is given by cs . This viscous damping is a combination of the shaft structural



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

damping, fluid damping due to the flow in turbomachines, and the effective damping added by the bearings. The dynamic equations for the Föppl/Jeffcott rotor are derived by applying Newton’s law of motion to the rotor disk. With the assumption that the shaft is massless, the forces acting on the disk are the inertial force and the stiffness/damping forces generated by the lateral deformation of the shaft. The lateral equations of motion in the x- and y-axes as shown in Fig. 2.1 are found to be mu¨ xG = −ks uxC − cs u˙ xC ,


mu¨ yG = −ks uyC − cs u˙ yC ,


where (uxG , uyG ) and (uxC , uyC ) are the coordinates of the mass center and geometric center, respectively. The coordinates of the disk center of mass can be rewritten in terms of its geometric center C and the rotor angle of rotation ωt at time t, uxG = uxC + eu cos(ωt),


uyG = uyC + eu sin(ωt).


Substituting the second time derivative of Eqs. (2.4a), (2.4b) into Eqs. (2.3a), (2.3b), we obtain the equations of motion for the Föppl/Jeffcott rotor in terms of the disk geometric center as mu¨ xC + ks uxC + cs u˙ xC = meu ω2 cos(ωt),


mu¨ yC + ks uyC + cs u˙ yC = meu ω2 sin(ωt).


We note here that, as the bearings are considered to be infinitely stiff and the rotor disk does not tilt, this model does not include the gyroscopic effects acting on the rotor. The shaft is fixed at the bearing locations, thus it is always aligned to the bearing center line. The effect of the gyroscopic forces in rotor-dynamic systems will be discussed in Sect. 2.2. Additionally, no aerodynamics or fluid-film crosscoupling forces are included in this simplified analysis. These disturbance forces are mostly generated at the seals and impellers of the rotor due to the circumferential difference in the flow, and they are not modeled in this section. Aerodynamic crosscoupling forces will be discussed in Sect. 2.3. As a result of all this, the equations of motion in Eqs. (2.5a), (2.5b) are decoupled in the x- and y-axes.

2.1.1 Undamped Free Vibration The undamped free vibration analysis deals with the rotor vibration in the case of negligible unbalance eccentricity (eu = 0) and damping (cs = 0). The equations of motion in Eqs. (2.5a), (2.5b) are simplified to mu¨ xC + ks uxC = 0,


mu¨ yC + ks uyC = 0.


2.1 Föppl/Jeffcott Single Mass Rotor


The solution to this second order homogeneous system takes the form of uxC = Ax est ,


uyC = Ay e ,



for some complex constant s. The values of the constants Ax and Ay are obtained from the initial conditions of the rotor disk. Substituting the solution in Eqs. (2.7a), (2.7b) into Eqs. (2.6a), (2.6b) we obtain   (2.8a) ms 2 Ax est + ks Ax est = ms 2 + ks Ax est = 0,   (2.8b) ms 2 Ax est + ks Ax est = ms 2 + ks Ay est = 0. The above equations hold true for any value of Ax and Ay if the undamped characteristic equation holds, ms 2 + ks = 0.


Solving the above equality for the complex constant s, we obtain the following solution: s1,2 = ±j ωn , where ωn is the undamped natural frequency of the shaft defined as   ks 48EI = . ωn = m L3 m



Thus, the solutions to the equation of motion in Eqs. (2.6a), (2.6b), are undamped oscillatory functions with frequency ±ωn . The undamped critical speed of the system is defined as ωcr = ±ωn ,


corresponding to the positive forward +ωn and the negative backward −ωn components. The forward component indicates the lateral vibration that follows the direction of the shaft rotation, and the backward component represents the vibration that moves in the opposite direction. The final solutions to the undamped free vibration are given by the linear combination of the two solutions found in Eqs. (2.7a), (2.7b) and Eq. (2.10), uxC = Ax1 ej ωn t + Ax2 e−j ωn t = Bx1 cos(ωn t) + Bx2 sin(ωn t),


and uyC = Ay1 ej ωn t + Ay2 e−j ωn t = By1 cos(ωn t) + By2 sin(ωn t),


for some values of Axi and Ayi , or Bxi and Byi , which can be found from the initial conditions of the rotor.



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

2.1.2 Damped Free Vibration Now consider the free vibration of the Föppl/Jeffcott rotor with a non-zero effective shaft damping acting on the system. Newton’s equation of motion in Eqs. (2.5a), (2.5b) becomes mu¨ xC + ks uxC + cs u˙ xC = 0,


mu¨ yC + ks uyC + cs u˙ yC = 0.


The solutions to the above system of homogeneous second order differential equations take the same form as in Eqs. (2.7a), (2.7b). Substituting these solutions into Eqs. (2.15a), (2.15b), we obtain   2 ms + ks + cs Ax est = 0, (2.16a)   2 (2.16b) ms + ks + cs Ay est = 0. These equations hold for any initial condition if the damped characteristic equation holds: ms 2 + ks + cs = 0.


The zeros of the characteristic equation, also know as the damped eigenvalues of the system, are found to be    cs ks cs ±j − . (2.18) s1,2 = − 2m m 2m Generally, the rotor/bearing system is underdamped, which means that cs ks < , 2m m and s will have an imaginary component. Define the damping ratio as ζ=

cs . 2mωn


This value corresponds to the ratio of the effective damping cs to the critical value in the damping constant when the system becomes overdamped, or the imaginary part of the solution in Eq. (2.18) vanishes. With this newly defined ratio, the solutions to Eqs. (2.16a), (2.16b) can be rewritten as  s1,2 = −ζ ωn ± j ωn 1 − ζ 2 . (2.20) The imaginary component of s1,2 is known as the damped natural frequency,  ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 . (2.21)

2.1 Föppl/Jeffcott Single Mass Rotor


For traditional passive bearings, the value of the damping coefficient can vary between 0.3 > ζ > 0.03, although a minimum of ζ = 0.1 is normally considered as needed for the safe operation of the machine. The final solutions to the undamped free vibration are found to be the linear combination of the solutions found in Eqs. (2.7a), (2.7b) and Eq. (2.18), that is,   uxC = e−ζ ωn t Ax1 ej ωd t + Ax2 e−j ωd t   = e−ζ ωn t Bx1 cos(ωn t) + Bx2 sin(ωn t) , (2.22) and

  uyC = e−ζ ωn t Ay1 ej ωd t + Ay2 e−j ωd t   = e−ζ ωn t By1 cos(ωn t) + By2 sin(ωn t) ,


for some values of Axi and Ayi , or Bxi and Byi , dependent on the initial condition of the rotor. A typical response for an underdamped system in free vibration is shown in Fig. 2.2. We observe that the response is oscillatory, where the frequency is given by the damped natural frequency ωd . Because of the damping, the magnitude of the oscillation is reduced over time, and the rate of decay is a function of the damping ratio ζ and the undamped natural frequency ωn . For most rotor-dynamic systems, the damping ratio is smaller than 0.3 and the free vibration response is similar to the underdamped response in Fig. 2.2.

2.1.3 Forced Steady State Response Finally, we consider the forced response of the Jeffcott rotor with a non-zero mass eccentricity. Using the definition of ωn and ζ as given above, the equations of motion for the rotor are rewritten into the form u¨ xC + 2ζ ωn u˙ xC + ωn2 uxC = eu ω2 cos(ωt),


u¨ yC + 2ζ ωn u˙ yC + ωn2 uyC


= eu ω sin(ωt). 2

In order to simplify the equations of motion, we will combine the x and y displacements of the rotor into the complex coordinates as uC = uxC + j uyC ,


where uC is the displacement of the disk geometric center on the complex coordinate axis. We assume that the steady state solutions of the system of the differential equations in Eqs. (2.24a), (2.24b) are in complex exponential form, uxC = Ux ej ωt ,


uyC = Uy e


j ωt




Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Fig. 2.2 Typical response of an underdamped system in free vibration

It is observed here that, since Eqs. (2.24a), (2.24b) is a linear system with a sinusoidal input of frequency ω, the steady state output solutions will also be sinusoidal signals of the same frequency. Then, the solution of the disk displacement in the complex form is uC = Ux ej ωt + j Uy ej ωt .


Combining the exponential terms in the expression for the above complex rotor displacement, we obtain the solution in the form uC = U ej ωt ,


U = Ux + j Uy .



Next, the set of solutions in Eqs. (2.26a), (2.26b) are substituted into Eqs. (2.24a), (2.24b), and the resulting system of equations is  2  −ω + 2j ωζ ωn + ωn2 Ux ej ωt = eu ω2 cos(ωt), (2.30a)   2 (2.30b) −ω + 2j ωζ ωn + ωn2 Uy ej ωt = eu ω2 sin(ωt). The equations for the x-axis and y-axis displacements are combined into the complex form as done in Eq. (2.25) by multiplying Eq. (2.30b) by the complex operator

2.1 Föppl/Jeffcott Single Mass Rotor


1j , and adding it to the expression in Eq. (2.30a). The resulting complex equation of motion is  2  −ω + 2j ωζ ωn + ωn2 U ej ωt = eu ω2 eωt , (2.31) or

 2  −ω + 2j ωζ ωn + ωn2 uC = eu ω2 ,


where eu is the unbalance eccentricity in the complex coordinates as illustrated in Fig. 2.1(b). Considering that the values of both the rotor disk displacement uC and the unbalance eccentricity eu are just complex numbers, we can compute from Eq. (2.32) the ratio between these two complex values as uC fr2 , = eu [1 − fr2 + 2jfr ζ ]


where fr =

ω ωn


is known as the frequency ratio. We notice that right hand side of Eq. (2.33) is not a function of time, and it only depends on the frequency ratio. The complex solution in Eq. (2.33) can be rewritten as the product of a magnitude and a phase shift in the form of |U | −j φ uC = e eu eu =

fr2 e−j φ (1 − fr2 )2 + (2ζfr )2



The ratio |U |/eu is known as the dimensionless amplitude ratio of the forced response and is given by |U | |Uy | |Ux | fr2 = = = . eu eu eu (1 − fr2 )2 + (2ζfr )2


The above equation gives the expected amplitude of the rotor vibration as a function of the frequency ratio. Additionally, the angle φ is the phase difference between the uC and eu and is found from Eq. (2.32) to be   2ζfr −1 φ = tan . (2.37) 1 − fr2 The dimensionless amplitude ratio |U |/eu is plotted in Fig. 2.3 over the frequency ratio fr for different values of damping ratio. For very low frequencies, the amplitude ratio is nearly zero since the unbalance forces are small. As the shaft



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Fig. 2.3 Dimensionless amplitude of the forced response for the Jeffcott rotor vs. frequency ratio

speed increases, the amplitude shows a large peak near fr = 1 when ω is near the resonance frequency of the system. The amplitude ratio at the critical speed fr = 1 can be found from Eq. (2.36) to be |U | 1 . = eu 2ζ


When the damping ratio is small, the amplitude ratio increases rapidly near fr = 1 as the unbalance forces excite the rotor resonance mode. For larger values of ζ , the system is nearly critically damped, and only a little of the resonance is seen in the amplitude ratio plot. Finally, for fr  1 the amplitude of vibration approaches 1. The phase angle φ corresponding to different values of the damping ratio is also presented here over a range of frequency ratios in Fig. 2.4. At low frequencies, the phase angle is near zero, and the center of gravity G is aligned with the geometric center of the disk during the rotation of the shaft. When the frequency ratio is near 1 and the shaft speed is close to the natural frequency, we see in Fig. 2.4 that the phase angle is about 90 degrees for all values of damping ratios. This characteristic can be helpful in identifying experimentally the critical speed of actual machines. Lastly, at high frequencies where fr  1, the phase angle approaches 180 degrees. In this case, the center of gravity of the disk is inside the rotor orbit drawn by the rotating path of C, and the unbalance forces work in the opposite direction to the inertial forces of the rotor.

2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects


Fig. 2.4 Phase angle φ of the forced response for the Jeffcott rotor vs. frequency ratio

2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects So far, we have found that the rotor lateral dynamics are decoupled in the horizontal and the vertical directions of motion when rigid bearings are assumed. In the Föppl/Jeffcott rotor considered in Sect. 2.1, the shaft axis of rotation was always aligned with the bearing center line, and thus the inertia induced moments acting on the disk were neglected. In this section we investigate how the gyroscopic moments affect the dynamics of the system, as the addition of flexible bearings allows the shaft rotational axis to diverge from the bearing center line. Through an example of a simple cylindrical rotor supported on flexible bearings, the undamped free vibration of the rotor is analyzed, and the natural frequency of the rotor is predicted as a function of the shaft speed. The results will demonstrate the sensitivity of the actual critical speed of rotor-dynamic systems to the geometry and rotating speed of the rotor. The tilt of a rotating shaft relative to the axis of rotation generates gyroscopic disturbance forces. As we will find later in this section, the magnitude of the generated force is proportional to the angle of tilt, angular moment of inertia of the rotor, and the shaft rotational speed. In the modeling and analysis of rotor-dynamic systems, there are two main phenomena that are attributed to the gyroscopic effects. First, the gyroscopic moments tend to couple the dynamics in the two radial direction of motions. A change in the vertical state of the rotor affects the horizontal dynamics,



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Fig. 2.5 Cylindrical rotor with isotropic symmetric flexible bearings [115]

and vice versa. Second, gyroscopic moments cause the critical speeds of the system to drift from their original predictions at zero speed. As we will see later in this section, the gyroscopic moment acting on a rotor can increase or decrease the critical speeds related to some system modes as a function of the rotational speed.

2.2.1 Rigid Circular Rotor on Flexible Undamped Bearings Consider the rigid rotor as shown in Fig. 2.5 with a long cylindrical disk of mass m, length L, and rotating speed ω. The support bearings are considered to be flexible with stiffness coefficients of k1 and k2 in the lateral directions as shown in Fig. 2.5. The axial distance between the bearing location and the rotor center of gravity G is a for the left bearing and b for the right bearing. The total distance between the bearings is Lb . Under the assumption that the shaft has negligible mass, the polar moment of inertia of the uniform rigid cylindrical rotor is given by Jp =

mR 2 , 2


where R is the radius of the rotor. This represents the rotational inertia of the cylinder about its main axis of rotation. The transverse moment of inertia for the same rotor is   m 1 (2.40) R 2 + L2 , Jt = 4 3 which represents the rotational inertia about the axis perpendicular to the main axis of rotation. A characteristic of the rotor that will be important in the derivations to follow throughout this section is the ratio P of the polar to the transverse moment

2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects


of inertia, which is given by P= =

Jp Jt 2 1+

1 L 2 3(R)



We notice that the value of this ratio is affected by the geometry of the rotor. For cylindrical rotors where the radius is much larger than the length, or R  L, the value of the moment of inertia ratio approaches P ≈ 2. On the other hand, for the case of a long thin rotor with R  L, the denominator of Eq. (2.41) approaches infinity and the value of the moment of inertia ratio is approximately P ≈ 0. Finally, the ratio √ in Eq. (2.41) is equal to one if the ratio of the length L to the radius R is equal to 3.

2.2.2 Model of Rigid Circular Rotor with Gyroscopic Moments Consider the rigid cylindrical rotor presented in Fig. 2.5. The lateral displacements of the rotor center of mass are given by xG in the x-direction, and yG in the ydirection. Additionally, the rotation of the rotor at the center of mass G about the x-axis is denoted as θxG , and the equivalent rotation about the y-axis is θyG , as Fig. 2.5 illustrates. The displacements and rotations about the rotor center of mass can be computed as xG =

1 (bx1 + ax2 ), Lb


yG =

1 (by1 + ay2 ), Lb


θxG ≈

1 (y2 − y1 ), Lb


θyG ≈

1 (x2 − x1 ), Lb


where x1 and y1 are the lateral displacements of the shaft at the first bearing location, as shown in Fig. 2.5. The corresponding displacements at the second bearing location in Fig. 2.5 are given by x2 and y2 . For computing the rotor tilt angle, the approximation sin(θ ) ≈ θ for θ  1 was used. The equations of motion for the translation and rotation of the rotor about its center of mass can be found once again as in Sect. 2.1 through the use of Newton’s law of motion. The resulting equations are mx¨G + αxG − γ θyG = 0,


my¨G + αyG − γ θxG = 0,




Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Jt θ¨xG + Jp ωθ˙yG + γ xg + δθxG = 0,


Jt θ¨yG − Jp ωθ˙xG + γ yg + δθyG = 0.


The defined stiffness parameters in the above equations are α = k 1 + k2 ,


γ = −k1 a + k2 b,


δ = k1 a + k2 b .




The first two equations in Eqs. (2.43a)–(2.43d) describe the lateral translation of the rotor, and the last two equations describes the angular dynamics. The second term in the left-hand side of Eq. (2.43c) and Eq. (2.43d) is the linearized gyroscopic moment about the x- and the y-axes, respectively, for small amplitude motions as discussed in [119]. An important characteristic of the above dynamic equations is that the two equations of translational motion are decoupled from the equations of angular motion when γ is 0, in which case they can be solved separately. The differential equations of Eqs. (2.43a)–(2.43d) are sometimes written in the vector form M X¨ + ωGX˙ + KX = 0, (2.45) where the generalized state vector is given by ⎤ ⎡ xG ⎢ yG ⎥ ⎥ X=⎢ ⎣ θxG ⎦ , θyG


and the mass matrix M, gyroscopic matrix G, and stiffness matrix K are given by ⎡ ⎤ m 0 0 0 ⎢0 m 0 0⎥ ⎥ M =⎢ (2.47) ⎣ 0 0 Jt 0 ⎦ , 0 0 0 Jt ⎤ ⎡ 0 0 0 0 ⎢0 0 0 0⎥ ⎥, (2.48) G=⎢ ⎣0 0 0 Jp ⎦ 0 0 −Jp 0 and

α ⎢0 K =⎢ ⎣0 γ respectively.

0 α γ 0

0 γ δ 0

⎤ γ 0⎥ ⎥, 0⎦ δ


2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects


We notice here that the mass matrix is always diagonal, and the stiffness matrix is diagonal when γ is zero. On the other hand, the gyroscopic matrix is skew symmetric, and it represents the coupling between the motions in the x- and the y-axes. This is one of the main characteristics of the gyroscopic effects as mentioned at the beginning of this section. For the remainder of this section, we will make the simplifying assumption that the stiffnesses of all support bearings are the same, k = k 1 = k2 , and that the rotor is axially symmetric about its center of mass, Lb = a = b. 2 This provides the decoupling condition of γ = 0 for the rotor equations of motion in the translational and the angular direction in Eqs. (2.43a)–(2.43d). In this case, the system stiffness matrix becomes ⎡ ⎤ α 0 0 0 ⎢ 0 α 0 0⎥ ⎥ K =⎢ (2.50) ⎣ 0 0 δ 0⎦. 0 0 0 δ

2.2.3 Undamped Natural Frequencies of the Cylindrical Mode Here we are to solve the rotor equations given in Eq. (2.43a) and Eq. (2.43b) corresponding to the rotor translational or parallel motion. Using the methods as in Sect. 2.1, we assume that the system of homogeneous linear differential equations has solutions in the complex exponential form xG = UxG est ,


yG = UyG est ,


for some constant values of UxG and UyG . Substituting these solutions into Eq. (2.43a) and Eq. (2.43b), we rewrite the equations of motion as  2  ms + α UxG = 0, (2.52a)   2 (2.52b) ms + α UyG = 0. The expression within the parentheses on the left-hand sides of the above two equations is known as the characteristic polynomial. We know from Sect. 2.1 that the zeros of the characteristic equation, ms 2 + α = 0,




Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

are the eigenvalues of the system corresponding to the cylindrical mode. The characteristic equations for the horizontal x- and the vertical y-axes of motion given above are identical and decoupled. This is expected since the lateral translation does not cause rotor tilt, and the corresponding gyroscopic moment is zero. The natural frequency ωn corresponding to the rotor parallel vibration is found from the zeros of the characteristic equation in Eq. (2.53). More precisely, the imaginary components of the zeros give the natural frequency s = ±j ωn .


In the case of the cylindrical mode, the horizontal undamped natural frequency has the forward mode ωn1 and the backward mode ωn2 . The undamped natural frequency in the vertical direction has the forward mode ωn3 and the backward mode ωn2 . These natural frequencies are found to be ωn1 = ωn3 = 2k/m, (2.55a) ωn2 = ωn4 = − 2k/m. (2.55b)

2.2.4 Undamped Natural Frequencies of the Conical Mode We now consider the angular dynamics of the rotor, given in Eq. (2.43d) and Eq. (2.43c). We will assume once again that the solutions to the homogeneous system of differential equations take the form θxG = ΘxG est ,


θyG = ΘyG e ,



for some constant values of ΘxG and ΘyG . Substituting these solutions into Eq. (2.43c) and Eq. (2.43d), we obtain the following system of homogeneous equations:  2  Jt s + δ ΘxG + Jp ωsΘyG = 0, (2.57a)   2 (2.57b) Jt s + δ ΘyG − Jp ωsΘxG = 0. The characteristic equation for the above system is  2  Jt s + δ Jp ωs det = 0. −Jp ωs Jt s 2 + δ


The angular dynamics about the different lateral axes of motion are coupled through the terms corresponding to the gyroscopic moment in the above characteristic equation. In the remainder of this section, we will discuss how the rotating speed of the shaft, and thus the gyroscopic moment acting on the rotor, affects the natural frequencies of the conical mode.

2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects

33 Conical Mode at Zero Rotating Speed For the special case where the rotational speed is zero (ω = 0), the characteristic equation in Eq. (2.58) becomes decoupled in the x- and the y-axes. The conical natural frequencies for the non-rotating rotor can be found by solving for the zeros of the undamped characteristic equation in Eq. (2.58),  kL2b s = ±j . (2.59) 2Jt The resulting non-rotating conical natural frequency is  kL2b ωnC0 = . 2Jt


The non-rotating conical natural frequency ωnC0 will appear again in the calculation of the rotor conical mode with non-zero rotating speed. Conical Mode at Zero Rotating Speed In the general case with non-zero rotating speed (ω = 0), the characteristic equation, after expanding the determinant of the matrix in Eq. (2.58), becomes  2 2 Jt s + δ + (Jp ωs)2 = 0.


In the same way as in Sect. 2.1, the undamped conical natural frequency ωnC is found from the complex zeros of the characteristic equation in Eq. (2.61), s = ±j ωnC . This is an expression equivalent to 2 s 2 = −ωnC .

Replacing the above expressions for s in the characteristic equation in Eq. (2.61), we obtain  2 2 −Jt ωnC + δ − (Jp ωωnC )2 = 0. (2.62) Factoring the above expression into two terms gives  2  2  Jt ωnC − δ + Jp ωωnC Jt ωnC − δ − Jp ωωnC = 0.


This equation is further simplified by dividing both sides of the above equality by Jt , and substituting in the derived expression for the moment of inertia ratio P and the



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

non-rotating conical natural frequency ωnC0 . The resulting characteristic equation is  2   2 2 2 (2.64) + P ωωnC ωnC − ωnC0 − P ωωnC = 0. ωnC − ωnC0 Next, we define the dimensionless conical mode natural frequency ratio ω¯ nC and the dimensionless conical mode frequency ratio frC0 as ω¯ nC =

ωnC , ωnC0


frC0 =

ω , ωnC0



respectively. Then, by dividing both sides of Eq. (2.64) by the square of ωnC0 , and substituting in the non-dimensional parameters defined in Eqs. (2.65) and (2.66), we obtain  2  2  ω¯ nC + PfrC0 ω¯ nC − 1 ω¯ nC − PfrC0 ω¯ nC − 1 = 0. (2.67) The natural frequencies of the conical modes are the four zeros of Eq. (2.67). Here we organize these modes as the lower modes and the higher modes. The zeros of the first term in Eq. (2.67) provide frequencies corresponding to the forward component of the non-dimensional lower mode ω¯ n3 , and the backward component of the non-dimensional higher mode ω¯ n8 as  ω¯ n5 = −PfrC0 /2 + (PfrC0 /2)2 + 1 > 0, (2.68a)  (2.68b) ω¯ n8 = −PfrC0 /2 − (PfrC0 /2)2 + 1 < 0. On the other hand, the zeros of the second term in Eq. (2.67) provide frequencies corresponding to the backward component of the non-dimensional lower mode ω¯ n6 , and the forward component of the non-dimensional higher mode ω¯ n7 as  (2.69a) ω¯ n6 = PfrC0 /2 − (PfrC0 /2)2 + 1 < 0,  (2.69b) ω¯ n7 = PfrC0 /2 + (PfrC0 /2)2 + 1 > 0. The forward and backward conical modes are plotted in Fig. 2.6 over the frequency ratio frC0 and for different values of P . The dashed line in the figures connects the points where the rotor speed matches the frequency of the mode at the corresponding frequency ratio, and the system is in the condition of resonance. Figure 2.6 shows how the gyroscopics effects acting on the rotor causes the natural frequency of the system to drift. For long rotors where P ≈ 0, the gyroscopic moment is small, and the frequency of the conical mode remains unaffected to the rotational speed and frC0 . As the value of P increases for different geometries of the rotor, we can observe a more significant drift in the mode frequency. For example,

2.2 Rotor Gyroscopic Effects


Fig. 2.6 Dimensionless conical natural frequency ratio versus the conical mode frequency ratio



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

for the extreme case of P ≥ 1, we observe in Fig. 2.6 that the shaft rotation would never excite one of the forward conical modes as the gyroscopic effects keep the mode frequency always above the rotor operating speed.

2.3 Instability due to Aerodynamic Cross Coupling Cross-coupling forces are in many cases the main cause of instability in rotordynamic systems. These forces are generated in components such as fluid-film bearings, impellers and seals, which are essential for the operation of the turbomachines. The aerodynamic cross-coupling forces are generated by the flow difference in the uneven clearances around impellers and seals caused by the rotor lateral motion. Machines with traditional fluid-film bearings are sometimes more vulnerable to these effects, as the rotor is not centered in the clearance and it is susceptible to go into the whirling motion. It is common for cross-coupling disturbance forces to generate large rotor vibration, and eventually drive the machine to instability. In this section we focus on the aerodynamic cross-couple stiffness generated by the flow of gas through the impeller and seal clearances. A commonly observed effect of the cross-coupling forces is the rapid loss of damping in the rotor/bearing system modes, particularly the forward mode corresponding to the first critical speed. This results in large subsynchronous rotor vibrations, as the cross-coupling forces increase together with the pressure build-up in the compressor or pump. Eventually, the system mode loses all its damping for large enough magnitudes of the cross-coupling forces, and the rotor-dynamic system becomes unstable. The destabilizing effects of the aerodynamic cross-coupling forces are amplified when they are generated near the rotor midspan, far from the supporting bearings, where the effectiveness of the added damping by the bearings is significantly reduced.

2.3.1 Aerodynamic Cross Coupling in Turbines J.S. Alford in 1965 studied the forces found in the clearances around the aircraft gas turbine engine rotors, which tend to drive the turbine wheel unstable [3, 30]. These forces, affecting both turbines and compressors, came to be known as Alford forces or aerodynamic cross-coupling forces. The aerodynamic cross-coupling forces are normally expressed in terms of stiffness values, connecting the two axes of the rotor lateral motion. Define the rotor lateral axes of motion as shown in Fig. 2.1. Given that the rotor x and y displacements at the location of a turbine stage along the rotor length are denoted by xd and yd , the cross-coupling forces acting on the turbine rotor take the form      Fdx qsxx qsxy xd = , (2.70) Fdy qsyx qsyy yd

2.3 Instability due to Aerodynamic Cross Coupling


where Fdx and Fdy are the x-axis and y-axis components of the resulting crosscoupling forces, respectively. The coefficients qsxx and qsyy are related to the principal (direct) aerodynamic stiffness, and qsxy and qsyx are known as the cross-coupling aerodynamic stiffness coefficients. It is normally the case in actual machines that the principal aerodynamic stiffness coefficients are negligible when compared to the cross-coupling coefficients, and −qsxy = qsyx . Then, the expression for the cross-coupling forces can be simplified to the form      xd Fsx 0 −qa = , (2.71) Fsy qa 0 yd for some cross-coupling stiffness coefficient qa . A simple estimate of the crosscoupling aerodynamic stiffness coefficient for one turbine stage was introduced by Alford in his derivation as Tβ qa = , (2.72) D m Lt where T is the torque on the turbine stage, β is a correction constant, Dm is the mean blade diameter, and Lt is the turbine blade radial length. Based upon his experience with aircraft gas turbines, Alford suggested the value of this constant to be 1.0 < β < 1.5.

2.3.2 Aerodynamic Cross Coupling in Compressors In the case of compressors, the impellers are subject to the same cross-coupling stiffness as presented in Eq. (2.71) for a single turbine stage. In industrial compressor applications, a common range for the value of the impeller aerodynamic cross-coupling coefficient per each stage or impeller is 175,000 N/m ≥ qa ≥ 525,000 N/m.


In the rotor-dynamic analysis of compressors, the rotor vibration level and stability are often evaluated at the average cross-coupling stiffness coefficient value of qa = 350,000 N/m per impeller stage [5]. Moreover, a common rule for compressors that is also based on experience is that the cross-coupling stiffness contribution of the end impellers in multi-stage machines is negligible and not counted when computing the total cross-coupling stiffness of compressors. Seals are employed in compressors and other turbomachines to prevent the gas leakage between the different machine stages. The compressible flow in these seals generate lateral forces that act on the rotor in the form of stiffness and damping,         Fsx ksxx ksxy xd csxx csxy x˙d = + , (2.74) Fsy ksyx ksyy yd csyx csyy y˙d



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

where Fsx and Fsx are the x and y components of the cross-coupling forces generated by the seals, respectively. Once again, the principal stiffness coefficients and the damping terms are relatively small when compared to the cross-coupling stiffness coefficients, and are usually taken to be equal to zero. Thus, the equation for the seal cross-coupling forces is often simplified to      Fsx 0 ksxy xd = , (2.75) Fsy ksyx 0 yd where ksxy < 0 and ksyx > 0 are known as the seal cross-coupling stiffness coefficients. Finally, the total aerodynamic cross coupling for compressors is sometimes estimated based on the horsepower of the machine. This approximation is given as Qa =

63,000(HP)β . DhN


The parameters of the above expression are the compressor horsepower HP, the impeller diameter D (in), the dimension of the most restrictive flow path h (in) and the shaft rotating speed N (rpm). A common value of the correction constant introduced by Alford is β = 1.0 based upon experience [5]. The total cross-coupling stiffness is given in the English unit of lbf/in and can be converted into the equivalent SI unit N/m by a factor of 175. An expression similar to Eq. (2.76) is employed by the API to predict the applied aerodynamic cross-coupling stiffness in the stability analysis for compressors. This expression will be discussed below in Sect. 2.4.

2.4 Rotor-Dynamic Specifications for Compressors Turbomachines such as compressors play an integral role in the manufacturing processes of the chemical and petrochemical industries. Therefore, each machine is carefully audited before being commissioned in order to guarantee that it meets the performance and reliability standards agreed to be needed for continuous operation. Both the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) published sets of specifications developed for different types of turbomachine used in industrial applications, although the API standards are largely preferred in the chemical and petrochemical industries. A list of those API standards relevant to different types of turbomachine are presented in Table 2.1. In this section we present a brief summary of the different lateral rotor-dynamic analyses that are required by the API specifications for compressors. These analyses guide compressor end-users, original equipment manufacturers (OEM), component manufacturers, service companies and educational institutions on proper design, manufacturing and on-site installation of machines. For a more detailed description of the required analyses for compressors, please refer to the original API Standard 617 [6].

2.4 Rotor-Dynamic Specifications for Compressors Table 2.1 API Specification for Compressors, Fans and Pumps [111]


API standard number

Machine type


Centrifugal pumps


Steam turbines


Axial and centrifugal compressors


Centrifugal fans

2.4.1 Lateral Vibration Analysis The API defines the critical speed to be the rotational speed of the shaft that causes the rotor/bearing/support system to operate in a state of resonance. In other words, the frequency of the periodic excitation forces generated by the rotor operating at the critical speed coincides with the natural frequency of the rotor/bearing/support system. Generally, the lateral critical speed is the most relevant, and it is given by the natural frequency of rotor lateral vibration interacting with the stiffness and damping of the bearings. In the present day, it has become common for high performance machines to operate above the first critical speed, but the continuous operation at or near the natural frequencies is generally not recommended. Figure 2.7 illustrates the lateral vibration amplitude versus the rotating speed for a typical rotor-dynamic system. The basic characteristics of the vibration response that API employs to evaluate the machine are identified in the figure. The ith critical speed is denoted as Nci , which is located at the ith peak in the vibration response plot with amplitude of Aci . The amplification factor of a critical speed is defined as the ratio of the critical speed to the difference between the initial and final speed above the half-power of the peak amplitude N1 − N2 , as shown in Fig. 2.7. Lastly, the maximum continuous operating speed (MCOS) of the system corresponds to the 105 % of the highest rated speed of the machine in consideration, and the speeds between the MCOS and the minimum operating speed of the machine is known as the operating speed range. The effective damping at a particular critical speed in a rotor-dynamic system is measured through the amplification factor, AF =

Nc1 . N2 − N1


The measurement of the amplification factor is illustrated in Fig. 2.7 for the first critical speed. A large amplification factor corresponds to a steep resonance peak with low damping. Therefore, a small value of AF is desired for modes within or near the operating speed range of the machine. For modes with large amplification factors, a minimum separation margin SM is required between the corresponding critical speed and the operating speed range of the machine. The critical speeds of the rotor/support system can be excited by periodic disturbance forces that need to be considered in the design of the machine. The API identifies some of the sources for these periodic disturbances to be [6]:



Nci Nmc

= =

N1 , N2 AF

= = = = =

SM Aci

Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Rotor ith critical speed (rpm). Maximum continuous operating speed MCOS (105 % of highest rate speed). Initial and final speed at 0.707 × peak amplitude. Amplification factor. Nc1 N2 −N1 . Separation margin. Amplitude at Nci .

Fig. 2.7 Example of a rotor forced response [6]

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

rotor unbalance, oil film instabilities, internal rub, blade, vane, nozzle, and diffuser passing frequencies, gear tooth meshing and side bands, coupling misalignment, loose rotor components, hysteretic and friction whirl, boundary layer flow separation, acoustic and aerodynamic cross-coupling forces, asynchronous whirl, ball and race frequency of rolling-element bearings, and electrical line frequency.

2.4 Rotor-Dynamic Specifications for Compressors


Fig. 2.8 Undamped critical speed vs. stiffness map [6]

Many of these disturbances are related to the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the machine hardware and they can be corrected at the design stage or through proper maintenance. For the lateral vibration analysis, we focus on the forced response due to the rotor unbalance. The cross-coupling forces will be discussed in the rotor stability analysis later in this section. Undamped Critical Speed Analysis Estimating the critical speeds and the mode shapes of the rotor-dynamic system between zero and 125 % of the MCOS is generally the first step in the lateral analysis. The critical speeds of the rotor/support system are estimated from the undamped critical speed map, superimposed by the calculated system support stiffness in the horizontal direction (kxx ) and the vertical direction (kyy ) as shown in Fig. 2.8. A quick estimate of a particular critical speed can be found from the figure at the intersection of the corresponding curve in the critical speed map and the bearing stiffness curve. The actual locations of the critical speeds of the system below the MCOS should be validated in a test stand as required by the API standard [6]. Mode shape plots for the relevant critical speeds should also be included in this initial analysis.



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics Damped Unbalance Response Analysis A damped unbalance or forced response analysis including all the major components of the rotor/bearing/support system is required by the API standard to be included in the machine audit. The critical speed and the corresponding amplification factor are identified here for all modes below 125 % of the MCOS. The proper level of unbalance in compressor rotors for the forced response test is specified in the SI units to be 4 × Ub , where Ub = 6350

W . N


The two parameters in the above definition is the journal static load W (kg), and the maximum continuous operating speed N (rpm). The journal load value used for W and the placement of the unbalance along the rotor are determined by the mode to be excited as illustrated in Fig. 2.9. For example, to excite the first bending mode, the unbalance is placed at the location of the maximum deflection near the rotor midspan, and W is the sum of the static loads at both support bearings. Figure 2.9 applies to machines with between-bearing and overhung rotors as given in [6]. Based on the results from the forced response, a separation margin is required for each mode below the MCOS that presents an amplification factor equal to or greater than 2.5. The required minimum separation margin between the mode critical speed and the operating speed range is given as     1 SM = min 17 1 − , 16 . (2.79) AF − 1.5 On the other hand, if the mode with an amplification factor equal to or greater than 2.5 is above the MCOS, then the requirement for the minimum separation margin between the mode critical speed and the machine MCOS is specified to be     1 SM = min 10 + 17 1 − , 26 . (2.80) AF − 1.5 The requirements on the separation margin is employed to determine an operating speed of the machine that avoids any critical speed with the potential to damage the system. Finally, for traditional fluid-film and rolling-element bearings, the peak-to-peak amplitude limit of the rotor vibration is given by  12,000 A1 = 25 , (2.81) N where N is the maximum continuous operating speed in rpm. At the same time, the peak amplitude of the rotor vibration at any speed between zero and Nmc should not exceed 75 % of the minimum machine clearance. We will later see in Chap. 7 that this particular specification generally does not apply to systems with active magnetic bearings.

2.4 Rotor-Dynamic Specifications for Compressors


Fig. 2.9 Unbalance values and placements as specified by API [6]

2.4.2 Rotor Stability Analysis As the name indicates, this analysis investigates the stability of the rotor-dynamic system in the presence of common destabilizing forces that compressors and turbines are subjected to during normal operation. The dominant forces in this group are often the aerodynamic cross-coupling forces, which were introduced in Sect. 2.3. The stability analysis is required by the API for compressors and radial flow rotors with the first rotor bending mode below the MCOS [6]. The stability of the rotor-dynamic system in the API standard is normally evaluated by the amount of damping on the first forward mode. The standard measure of mechanical damping employed in the API standard is the logarithmic decrement, which is computed as the natural logarithm of the ratio between the amplitudes of two successive peaks. The relation between the mode logarithmic decrement δ and



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

the corresponding damping ratio ζ can be found to be δ=

2πζ 1 − ζ2


(2.82) Level I Stability Analysis The Level I stability analysis is the first step of the stability analysis. It is intended to be an initial screening to identify the machines that can be considered safe for operation. The inlet and discharge conditions for the stability analysis are selected to be at the rated condition of the machine, although it is allowed for the vendor and the purchaser to agree on a different operating condition to perform the test. The predicted cross-coupling stiffness in kN/mm at each stage of a centrifugal compressor is given by qA = HP

Bc Cρd , Dc Hc Nρs


and that of an axial compressor is given by qA = HP

Bt C . Dt Ht N


The parameters in the above equations are HP Bc Bt C Dc , Dt Hc Ht N ρd ρs

= = = = = = = = = =

rated compressor horsepower, 3, 1.5, 9.55, impeller diameter (mm), minimum of diffuser or impeller discharge width (mm), effective blade height (mm), operating speed (rpm), discharge gas density per impeller/stage (kg/m3 ), and suction gas density per impeller/stage (kg/m3 ).

The predicted total cross-coupling stiffness QA is the sum of the qA for all the impellers/stages in the compressor. In the Level I analysis, the stability of the rotor-dynamic system is tested for a varying amount of the total cross-coupling stiffness. The applied cross-coupling stiffness value ranges from zero to the smallest between 10QA and the maximum cross-coupling stiffness before the system becomes unstable. This point of instability is identified by the API to correspond to the cross-coupling stiffness value Q0 where the damping, or logarithmic decrement of the system first forward mode becomes zero. For the Level I analysis, the cross-coupling stiffness is assumed to be concentrated at the rotor mid-span for between-bearing machines, or at the center of mass of each impeller/stage for cantilevered systems.

2.4 Rotor-Dynamic Specifications for Compressors


Fig. 2.10 Typical plot of logarithmic decrement corresponding to the first forward mode vs. applied cross-coupling stiffness for Level I stability analysis

An important graph that is required by the API to be included in the Level I analysis is the plot of the logarithmic decrement δ for the first forward mode versus the applied cross-coupling stiffness Q, as presented in Fig. 2.10. The predicted total cross-couple stiffness QA and the corresponding logarithmic decrement of the first forward mode δA are marked in the figure. Additionally, Q0 corresponds to the cross-coupling stiffness when the logarithmic decrement of the first forward mode becomes zero. The boundary at δ = 0.1 corresponds to the pass/fail condition of the stability analysis, which will be discussed later in this section. We note here that, although with traditional passive bearings the first forward mode is generally the first one to be driven to instability by the cross-coupling stiffness, the situation is not as straightforward with AMBs. As the active controller in these magnetic bearings normally has a direct influence on any system mode within the controller bandwidth, the interaction between the controller and the crosscoupling effects has the potential to destabilize a group of modes within and above the compressor operating speed range. Therefore, the logarithmic decrement of all modes within the levitation controller bandwidth is sometimes inspected during the Level I stability analysis for machines with magnetic bearings. Based on the results from the Level I stability analysis, machines that do not meet certain stability criteria are required to undergo a more advanced Level II stability analysis. For centrifugal compressors, a Level II stability analysis is required



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

if either of Q0 /QA < 2, δA < 0.1,

(2.85a) (2.85b)

is found to be true. In the case of axial compressors, a Level II analysis is required only if δA < 0.1.

(2.86) Level II Stability Analysis The Level II stability analysis is a complete evaluation of the rotor/bearing system with the dynamics of all the compressor components generating the aerodynamic cross-coupling stiffness or affecting the stability of the overall machine. Some of these components are [6] • • • • •

seals, balance piston, impeller/blade flow, shrink fit, and shaft material hysteresis.

Details on the methodology of the analysis is left to a great extent to be decided based on the latest capabilities of the vendor. API does not specify how each dynamic component is handled in the analysis. The operating condition of the machine used in the analysis is the same as in the Level I analysis. During the Level II analysis, the API requires the vendor to initially identify the frequency and logarithmic decrement of the first forward damped mode for the bare rotor/support system. Then, the analysis is repeated after adding the dynamics of each component previously identified to affect the stability of the rotor-dynamic system. Finally, the frequency and logarithmic decrement δf of the first damped forward mode is computed for the total assembled system. The pass/fail condition of the Level II stability analysis stated by API 617 is δf > 0.1.


If this is satisfied, then the machine is considered to have guaranteed stability in the rated operating condition. On the other hand, if the pass/fail condition cannot be satisfied, API allows the vendor and purchaser to mutually agree on an acceptable level of δf considered to be sufficient for the safe operation of the machine. Finally, it is recognized in the API 617 that other analysis methods exist for evaluating the stability of rotor-dynamic systems, and these methods are constantly being updated. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the vendor’s stability analysis methods if the vendor can demonstrate that these methods can successfully predict a stable rotor.

2.5 Rotor Finite Element Modeling


2.5 Rotor Finite Element Modeling The first priority of the bearings in a rotor-dynamic system is commonly the support of the rotor lateral dynamics. Although the rotor axial vibrations also need to be carefully analyzed for possible signs of trouble, the main source of rotor instability in most rotating machines comes from the lateral or radial vibrations. For this reason, an accurate model of the system lateral dynamics is essential for the analysis and simulation testing that are required during the design and commissioning phases of these machines. In the case of systems with AMBs, the need for an accurate model is even higher as the unstable bearing system requires reliable model-based rotor levitation controllers for normal operation. The lateral dynamics of flexible rotors are described by partial differential equations. These are complex equations with spatially distributed parameters, and it usually is not possible to derive analytic solutions for rotors with complex geometries. In real world applications, a linearized approximation model of the rotor lateral dynamics is normally sufficient for analyzing rotor-dynamic systems and designing rotor levitation controllers for AMBs. Such a model can be obtained by means of the finite element method (FEM), where the description of the spatially continuous rotor is simplified to the degrees of freedom corresponding to a finite number of shaft elements, effectively eliminating the spatial variable in the original beam equation [119]. In this section we present a brief summary of the process for obtaining the twodimensional finite element model of a rotor-dynamic system. Detailed step-by-step description of the finite element method can be found in the many available finite element textbooks such as [4], and the application of this method for modeling the rotor-dynamic system is thoroughly discussed in [5] and [119]. In this section, we only present a concise description of the process for deriving the finite element model, as an introduction to what will later be used in Chap. 7 for the synthesis of the AMB lateral levitation controller.

2.5.1 Discretizing Rotor into Finite Elements As the first step of deriving a finite element model, the rotor is axially divided into simple uniform beam elements connecting two adjacent node points. A typical mesh of a simple rotor is illustrated in Fig. 2.11, where the node points are shown as dark dots. The selection of an adequate rotor mesh must follow some rules that are based on the rotor geometry, as well as the locations of the rotor disks, bearings, and other rotor-dynamic components. First, a nodal point must be placed at each location along the rotor with a step change in the diameter, so that all shaft elements have a uniform radius. This will later simplify the modeling of the dynamics for each individual shaft element. Second, a node point is defined at each location with a mass/inertia disk, bearing, seal, and any other source of external disturbance force. By the same token, all sensor locations and other measurement points are also collocated with the shaft node points. This rule simplifies the definition of the input and



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Fig. 2.11 Rotor mesh example

Fig. 2.12 Beam element and generalized displacements of nodes i and i + 1

output variables in the final expression of the finite element model. Finally, the ratio of the element’s length to diameter must be about one or less in order to guarantee the accuracy of the finite element formulation. The rotor shown in Fig. 2.11 has a total of 17 elements and 18 node points. It is common for the elements and nodes to be numbered from left to right, as demonstrated in the figure. The support bearings, with given stiffness and damping coefficients, are located in this example at the nodes 4 and 15. For the remaining of this section, we will assume that the general rotor mesh considered here is composed of n beam elements, corresponding to a total of n + 1 node points

2.5.2 Approximating Element Displacement Functions and Nodal Displacement Once the shaft is sectioned into smaller elements, the dynamics of each shaft section is studied independently. The generalized displacements and rotations of the shaft element are described through the degrees of freedom that are defined at each node point. The degrees of freedom for a typical beam element are shown in Fig. 2.12. Considering only the lateral dynamics of the rotor for simplicity, each shaft section has eight degrees of freedom, corresponding to the two displacements and two rotations about the lateral axes at each node point. As shown in Fig. 2.12, the lateral displacements of the ith node are given as uxi in the horizontal x-axis, and uyi in the vertical y-axis. The angular displacements at the same node about the y- and x-axes are defined, respectively, as ∂ux , ∂z ∂uy . θx = ∂z

θy =

(2.88a) (2.88b)

2.5 Rotor Finite Element Modeling


The degrees of freedom of the ith node point are collected in the generalized displacement vector qi , which describes the position and rotation of the node at a given time. The displacement and rotation variables are sorted in the mentioned vector as ⎤ ⎡ uxi ⎢ uyi ⎥ ⎥ (2.89) qi = ⎢ ⎣ θyi ⎦ . θxi Lastly, the generalized displacement of the ith shaft element illustrated in Fig. 2.12 combines the generalized displacement vectors at the end nodes qi and qi+1 . The generalized displacement vector for the ith element in Fig. 2.12 is defined as   qi . (2.90) Qi = qi+1 The generalized displacement vector defined above is used in the derivation of the dynamic model to estimate the state of the entire shaft section. Thus, the eight variables in Qi uniquely describe the shape of the ith beam element in the finite element formulation. Based on the degrees of freedom defined at a shaft element of the rotor mesh, the lateral translation and rotation is interpolated at any arbitrary point along the shaft element. The shape of the entire shaft element is estimated in terms of the generalized displacement vector Qi and the shape functions Ni . The shape functions that form a third order polynomial basis of the shaft element are given as [4]  1  3 L − 3z2 L + 2z3 , 3 L  1  N2 = 2 zL2 − 2z2 L + z3 , L  1  N3 = 3 3z2 L − 2z3 , L  1  N4 = 2 −z2 L + z3 . L N1 =

(2.91a) (2.91b) (2.91c) (2.91d)

The parameter L is the length of the shaft element, and the variable z is the axial position along the element’s length. The above shape functions are illustrated in Fig. 2.13. For the given basis of shape functions in Eqs. (2.91a)–(2.91d), the generalized lateral translation of the ith shaft element at an arbitrary axial position z is expressed as a function of the time t and the axial offset from the leftmost node as     uxi (z, t) 0 N3 0 N4 0 N1 0 N2 (2.92) Qi . = uxi (z, t) 0 N1 0 −N2 0 N3 0 −N4 In the same way, the lateral rotations θyi (z, t) and θxi (z, t) at an arbitrary axial position z can be found by computing the partial derivative of Eq. (2.92) with respect



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Fig. 2.13 Element Hermite shape function

to the axial offset z as shown in Eqs. (2.88a), (2.88b). An important observation from the expressions in Eq. (2.92) is that the spatial variable z is contained in the matrix of basis functions in Eq. (2.92), while only the generalized displacement vector Qi is a function of time. Thus, the description of the dynamics of the original continuous shaft element is simplified in the finite element formulation into a finite number of degrees of freedom corresponding to a discrete shaft [119].

2.5.3 Formulating Equations of Motion for Each Element The equation of motion for the ith shaft element is determined following the Lagrange formulation:   d ∂Li ∂Li ∂Ri − + = 0. (2.93) dt ∂ q˙i ∂qi ∂ q˙i

2.5 Rotor Finite Element Modeling


The Lagrangian of the ith element Li is defined as the difference between the element’s kinetic energy Ti and potential energy Ui , L i = T i − Ui .


Additionally, Ri captures the energy dissipation in the system due to the internal friction or damping, and it is known as the dissipation function. Given that the generalized displacement of a shaft element is approximated as shown in Eq. (2.92), the terms for both the kinetic and potential energies can be easily found based on either the Bernoulli–Euler or the Timoshenko beam theories [4]. For each of the beam elements, the potential energy comes mainly from the beam bending and shear effects. On the other hand, the level of the kinetic energy is determined by both the lateral and the rotatory inertial effects in the shaft element. By expanding the Lagrange equation in Eq. (2.93) with the energy formulation for the individual shaft section, an expression describing the lateral dynamics of the ith element of the rotor mesh is obtained in the form of the vector differential equation, ¨ i + C Q˙ i + Gi Q ˙ i + Ki qi = Fi . Mi Q


The system matrices are the mass matrix Mi , gyroscopics matrix Gi , stiffness matrix Ki , and the damping matrix Ci . The generalized external force vector Fi is added to the Lagrange equation to account for the external forces and torques perturbing the system. The objective of the finite element formulation is to find the expressions for the system matrices, based on Eq. (2.93) and the generalized displacements in Eq. (2.92).

2.5.4 Element Mass and Gyroscopic Matrices The kinetic energy of a mesh element comes from the translational and angular momentum of the shaft. For a uniform ith beam element with the generalized displacement as defined by Eq. (2.92), the resulting expression of the kinetic energy takes the form 1 ˙T 1 ˙T ˙ Ti = Q (2.96) i Mi Qi + ωQi Wi Qi . 2 2 The matrix Mi corresponds to the mass matrix of the shaft element, and the matrix Wi is related to the polar moment of inertia of the element with a rotational speed of ω. A detailed step-by-step description of how to determine the expressions for these matrices can be found in [5] and [119]. The contribution of the kinetic energy in the Lagrange equation appears in the first and second terms of Eq. (2.93). The first term of the Lagrange equation in Eq. (2.93) with the above form of the kinetic energy is given by   d ∂T ¨ i + 1 ωWI Q˙ i . = Mi Q (2.97) dt ∂ Q˙ i 2



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

The corresponding second term of the Lagrange equation is −

∂T 1 = − ωWiT Q˙ i . ∂Qi 2


Combining the two terms of the kinetic energy in the Lagrange equation, we obtain the equation     ∂T d ∂T ¨ i + 1 ω Wi − WiT Q˙ i , − = Mi Q dt ∂ Q˙ i ∂Qi 2 ¨ i + Gi Q ˙ i, = Mi Q


where the gyroscopic matrix Gi is defined above in terms of the matrix Wi and the rotor speed ω. The final expressions of the mass matrix Mi and the gyroscopic matrix Gi for a uniform shaft element can be found in [5] and [119]. These matrices are expressed in terms of the element’s length, cross sectional area, and material density. Therefore, as the expressions are identical for all elements in the mesh, it is relatively simple to automate the process of finding these matrices for all shaft sections, given that the rotor mesh has been selected according to the rules described at the beginning of this section.

2.5.5 Element Stiffness Matrix Based on the Bernoulli–Euler beam theory, the potential energy of a uniform shaft element comes from the internal strain energy due to the lateral bending. For the ith uniform beam element with the generalized displacements uxi (z, t) and uxi (z, t) defined as in Eq. (2.92), the resulting expression of the potential energy takes the quadratic form 1 Ui = QTi Ki Qi . (2.100) 2 The matrix Ki is the stiffness matrix. It describes the axial strain/stress due to the lateral bending of the beam element. A detailed derivation of the potential energy term Ui and the stiffness matrix can be found in [5] and [119]. Substituting the above expression of the potential energy to the second term of the Lagrange equation in Eq. (2.93), we obtain ∂Ui = Ki Qi . ∂Qi


The coefficients of the stiffness matrix Ki are found in [5, 119], and they are given in terms of the element’s length, cross sectional area moment of inertia about the lateral axes, and modulus of elasticity. Therefore, same as in the mass and gyroscopic matrices, the process of computing the stiffness matrix for all shaft elements can be easily automated, provided the information about the rotor mesh.

2.5 Rotor Finite Element Modeling


2.5.6 Element Damping Matrix The dissipation of the energy in the shaft due to the internal friction is generally small, and thus the dissipation function is normally neglected in the finite element formulation. For special cases where the dissipation function is not negligible, the expression for Ri takes the form 1 ˙T ˙ Ri = Q Ci Qi , 2 i


where the matrix Ci is the damping matrix of the shaft element. With the above form of the dissipation function, the third term of the Lagrange equation in Eq. (2.93) becomes ∂Ri = Ci Qi . (2.103) ∂ Q˙ i Finally, combining the terms in the Lagrange equation corresponding to the kinetic energy in Eq. (2.99), potential energy in Eq. (2.101) and dissipation function in Eq. (2.103), we obtain the vector differential equation for the shaft element as shown in Eq. (2.95)

2.5.7 Adding Lumped Mass, Stiffness and Damping Components Complex rotor designs can include impellers, motor core, and other mass disks that contribute to the dynamics of the rotor/support system. These components are treated in the two-dimensional finite element formulation as rigid disks located at the different shaft node points, and the corresponding mass and moment of inertia are added to the shaft model. As discussed at the beginning of this section, the centers of mass of the disks are assumed in the finite element formulation to be collocated with some nodal points in the rotor mesh. Under the assumption that the generalized displacement vector corresponding to the node at the location of the disk is given as ⎤ ⎡ uxd ⎢ uyd ⎥ ⎥ qd = ⎢ (2.104) ⎣ θyd ⎦ , θxd the vector differential equation of the disk takes the form [119] Md q¨d + Gd q˙d = 0,


where Md is the diagonal mass matrix of the disk, and Gd is the skew-symmetric gyroscopic matrix. The expressions for the mass and the gyroscopic matrices are as described in Sect. 2.2



Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Seals and bearings are also important components in rotor-dynamic systems, adding stiffness and damping to the rotor at particular node locations. Given that qb is the generalized displacement vector at the node point corresponding to the bearing/seal location, the vector differential equation for the stiffness and damping contribution is Cb q˙b + Kb qb = 0.


The matrix Cb is the damping matrix, and Kb is the stiffness matrix of the bearing or seal. These matrices are design parameters that are commonly provided by the manufacturer, and in many cases they are functions of the shaft speed.

2.5.8 Assembling the Global Mass, Gyroscopic, Stiffness, Damping Matrices, and Force Terms Finally, the system matrices for the shaft, disks and other components are assembled to form the corresponding global matrices. Given that the global generalized displacement vector is defined as Q = [q1 q2 q3 · · · qn+1 ]T ,


the vector differential equation for the complete rotor-dynamic system has the final form of ˙ + KQ = F. M Q¨ + GQ˙ + C Q


The system matrices of the equation of motion in Eq. (2.108) are the global mass matrix M, the global gyroscopic matrix G, the global damping matrix C and the global stiffness matrix K. The generalized external force vector for the global system is given by F , which includes all the external disturbance forces/torques perturbing the dynamics of the global system. All system matrices and vectors are defined in the same order as the nodal displacements in the vector Q. The global matrices in Eq. (2.108) are assembled by combining at each shaft node point the contribution of all the components in the finite element model. Here we describe the process for the assembly of the global mass matrix. The same steps can be followed for forming the remaining system matrices. The assembly of the global mass matrix from the individual mass matrices of the shaft elements is shown in Fig. 2.14, where Mi is the mass matrix for the ith shaft element. The overlapping regions between the blocks corresponding to adjacent elements in Fig. 2.14 are summed in the global matrix. Next, the mass matrices for the rotor disk and any other contributing components are added into the global system by summing the matrix entries to the appropriate blocks in M. For a component located at the ith node of the shaft, the mass matrix of the component is added to the square block of M between the column and row numbers 4i − 3 and 4i. The final global mass matrix is a 4(n + 1) × 4(n + 1) square symmetric matrix, which is consistent with the length of the displacement vector Q.

2.6 Conclusions


Fig. 2.14 Global mass matrix assembly

2.6 Conclusions A brief introduction to rotor-dynamics was presented in this chapter, with the intention of familiarizing the reader with the concepts that will be expanded in the latter chapters of this book. The discussion in rotor dynamics was initiated here by studying the equations of motion for the Jöppl/Jeffcott rotor. Based on this simplified rotor-dynamic system, different characteristics that are used for describing the dynamics of complex rotating machines were identified. Next, the gyroscopic moment and the cross-coupling stiffness were defined, and their effects on rotating shafts were discussed in some detail. These are generally known to be the two main sources of instability in AMB supported systems, as we will later observe during the design of the AMB levitation controller in Chap. 7. Finally, the API standard that is widely used for auditing the rotor response in compressors were reviewed. Although most of these standards were developed based on the response of traditional passive bearings, many manufacturers and end-users rely on the API specifications for auditing AMB systems. As previously mentioned, many of the concepts introduced here will be revisited during the characterization of the compressor test rig in Chap. 4 and the design of the AMB levitation controller in Chap 7. Rotor dynamics is a very rich field of study. It is not possible to present all the material with the same level of detail as found in specialized books on the topic. Some concepts will play a more important role than others in the development of the stabilizing AMB controllers for the rotor vibration and the compressor surge. In this chapter we focused on a selected number of topics that are relevant to the objectives of this book. For further reading on the theory of rotor dynamics, we recommend the literature that was referenced throughout this chapter.

Chapter 3

Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Active magnetic bearings (AMBs) are noncontact support bearings for rotating machinery. Using a pair of electromagnets at opposite sides of the rotor, it balances the attractive magnetic forces of the electromagnetic actuators in order to center the rotating element in the control axis. This allows the rotor to float in the bearing air gap and the machine to operate without frictional losses. Additionally, the contactless operation of the AMBs eliminates the need of lubrication of the bearing components, allowing them to operate cleanly and virtually maintenance free for long periods of time. A particular type of AMB application that is becoming more popular is in high speed turbocompressors. With the introduction of contactless bearings, compressors can operate at high speeds without parasitic frictional losses. This allows them to be directly coupled to high speed motors, eliminating the need of complicated gear drives and creating a cleaner and a more environmentally friendly working space. In this chapter, some fundamental concepts and terminologies necessary for understanding the operation and modeling of active magnetic bearings are introduced. A simplified model of the AMB is derived to study the current/force relationship between the electromagnetic actuators and the rotor target. A linearized version of this model generally serves as the basis for the design of rotor levitation controllers, and it is also presented in this chapter. Additionally, the common AMB losses such as flux leakage, eddy current, and hysteresis, which limit the maximum performance of the bearing, are also discussed here. Finally, we conclude the chapter with a review of the different levitation control methods that are found in the literature for AMB applications, including both classical and modern control methods.

3.1 Electromagnetic Field and Flux A brief introduction to electromagnetic field and flux is presented in this section to initiate the discussion on magnetic bearings. The ideas presented here will be used in the modeling of the AMB in the sections to follow. S.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_3, © Springer-Verlag London 2013



3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.1 Magnetic field generated by N straight wires with current i [35]

3.1.1 Field Generated by Current in Straight Wires Moving electric charges generate a magnetic field in magnetic materials. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetism. In magnetic bearings, the magnetic field is generated by the electric charges moving in the form of current through the wires of the AMB coils. The vector magnetic field H generated by the electric charge flow in N straight long wires with current i can be computed from Ampère’s circuital law [107],  H · d = N i. (3.1) 

A graphical representation of Ampère’s circuital law is shown in Fig. 3.1 with a circular Ampère loop of radius r. The equality in Eq. (3.1) states that the line integral of the magnetic field H along any closed Ampère path equals the total current flowing through the enclosed path. The right-hand side of the equality in Eq. (3.1) is known as the magnetomotive force MMF. Under the assumption that the wires carrying the electric charge in Fig. 3.1 has cylindrically symmetric current distribution, the magnitude of the magnetic field H is inversely proportional to the distance to the conducting wire r, |H| = H =

Ni , 2πr


and the direction is tangential to the flux loop as shown in Fig. 3.1. Using the above expression for the magnetic field, we can demonstrate that Ampère’s law is satisfied by solving the integral in Eq. (3.1). The magnetic flux density vector B is related to the magnetic field H as B = μH,


3.1 Electromagnetic Field and Flux


Fig. 3.2 Magnetic flux density lines around a solenoid with N wire turns [35]

where μ is the magnetic permeability of the medium. In the case of free space, the corresponding value is   μ0 = 4π × 10−7 H m−1 . (3.4) For the case of a straight wire in free space, as shown in Fig. 3.1, the magnitude of the magnetic flux density is |B| = B =

μ0 N i , 2πr


and the direction is the same as that of H.

3.1.2 Field Generated by Current in a Solenoid The same derivation of the magnetic field and flux density generated by the current in straight wires can be repeated for the magnetic field generated by the current in a wire with a series of N turns, as shown in Fig. 3.2. We observe in the figure that the magnetic field lines inside the wire loops are nearly straight, and the leakage between the wire turns is relatively small. The Ampère law equation in Eq. (3.1) also applies to this wire configuration. This equation can be easily solved for the magnetic field inside the solenoid as demonstrated in [35, 107]. The resulting expression for the magnitude of the magnetic field is H=

Ni , L


where L is the length of the solenoid. The corresponding flux density magnitude is B=

μNi . L


Once again, the magnetomotive force generated by the current flow in the wire configuration shown in Fig. 3.2 is MMF = N i.


Finally, the measure of the amount of magnetic field passing through a surface is given by the vector quantity magnetic flux φ, and the density of the magnetic flux


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

through the area perpendicular to the direction of the flux is denoted by the magnetic flux density. The relationship between these two values can be expressed as B=

φ , A


where A is the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the flux path.

3.2 Magnetic Permeability The magnetic permeability is a measure of the magnetic conductance of the material. The magnetic field H and the corresponding flux density B are related by the magnetic permeability μ as B = μH.


Thus, the permeability of a magnetic material can be computed as the ratio between the magnitudes of the flux density and the generating magnetic field, μ=

B . H


The B–H curve shows the curve that the magnitude of the flux density in the material follows during magnetization. The B–H curve for silicon iron is presented as an example in Fig. 3.3. From Eq. (3.11), it is evident that the magnetic permeability is related to the slope of the B–H curve. The relative permeability μr of a magnetic material is defined as μ μr = , (3.12) μ0 where μ0 is the permeability of free space as given in Eq. (3.4). The relative magnetic permeability of common magnetic materials is presented in Table 3.1, together with the corresponding flux density values at saturation.

3.3 Single Sided Magnetic Bearing Actuator Consider a two pole electromagnetic actuator as illustrated in Fig. 3.4, where i is the input current and φ is the generated flux. The back iron and the poles of the stator, as well as the target in the suspended rotor, are made of ferromagnetic material. We observe in the figure that the flux φ forms a closed magnetic circuit between the iron of the electromagnetic actuator and the rotor. The magnetic reluctance R of the material in this circuit is computed as R=

L , μA


3.3 Single Sided Magnetic Bearing Actuator


Fig. 3.3 B–H curve for silicon iron. The knee of the curve is near Bknee = 1.2 T, and saturation occurs at Bsat = 1.6 T Table 3.1 Magnetic properties of materials


Saturation Flux Density Bsat (T)

Relative Permeability μr




Cobalt–Iron Alloys:



Nickel–Iron Alloy



Low Carbon Steel



Hiperco Permendur Suppermendure

where L is the length along the flux line, A is the cross-sectional area, and μ is the magnetic permeability. Some common simplifying assumptions used in the derivation of the analytical models of electromagnetic actuators are that 1. flux fringing and leakage losses are negligible (see Sect. 3.10 for more information about the flux fringing and leakage), 2. the cross-sectional areas of the back iron and the poles are uniform, and


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.4 Electromagnetic actuator with current i and flux φ

Fig. 3.5 Equivalent electrical circuit of the magnetic circuit in an electromagnetic actuator. The reluctance values in the circuit correspond to the actuator iron path (RaFe ), rotor iron path (RrFe ) and air gap (Rg )

3. the air gaps, or the gaps of non-magnetic material separating the rotor and the actuator, are relatively small compared to the pole cross-sectional dimensions. If these conditions are satisfied, the magnetic circuit in Fig. 3.4 is equivalent to the analog electrical circuit in Fig. 3.5. The magnetic flux φ is equivalent to the current in the electrical circuit and is computed as φ=

MMF , Rt


where Rt is the total reluctance in the magnetic circuit. For the circuit model in Fig. 3.5, Rt is the sum of all the reluctance values in the loop, Rt = RaFe + RrFe + 2Rg ,


where RaFe is the magnetic reluctance of the actuator iron, RrFe is the magnetic reluctance of the rotor iron, and Rg is the reluctance of the air gap (free space). It is generally true that the magnetic reluctance in the iron path is negligible compared to the reluctance in the air gap. Therefore, it is assumed that the total

3.3 Single Sided Magnetic Bearing Actuator


Fig. 3.6 Simplified electromagnetic actuator and target, where Ag is the pole face area, g is the air gap and Φ is the flux

magnetic reluctance of the circuit equals the reluctance of the two air gaps, Rt =

2g , μ0 Ag


where g is the length of the air gap and Ag is the cross-sectional area of the magnetic actuator pole. A graphical example of these parameters for a simplified actuator is shown in Fig. 3.6. From Eq. (3.14) we can compute the flux of the magnetic circuit to be N iμ0 Ag φ= . (3.17) 2g The flux density of the circuit is obtained by referring to Eq. (3.9) as B=

N iμ0 . 2g


Here we note that the maximum flux density is limited by the saturation limit, set by the properties of the magnetic material. The expression in Eq. (3.18) is only valid when the flux density is below the saturation level, i.e., B ≤ Bsat .


Electromagnetic actuators are only capable of generating attracting forces. The force F generated by a single-sided magnetic actuator as shown in Fig. 3.4 is a function of the flux density, F= =

B 2 Ag μ0 μ0 N 2 i 2 Ag . 2g 2



3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.7 Electromagnetic actuators operating in a differential mode. The current ii and the air gap gi corresponds to the ith actuator

As mentioned earlier, the above equation applies to an ideal magnetic bearing without leakage or fringing in the flux path. The reduction in the actual force of the magnetic actuator due to the effects of fringing and leakage is sometimes taken into account by adding a simple correction factor ε in the force equation, F=

εμ0 N 2 i 2 Ag . 2g 2


From experimental observations, it was found that a reasonable value of ε for thrust bearings is ε ≈ 0.9, and for radial bearings is ε ≈ 0.8.

3.4 Double-Sided Magnetic Bearing Actuators Electromagnetic actuators in magnetic bearings can only generate attracting forces. Thus, in order to control the rotor and compensate for external forces in both the positive and the negative directions, magnetic bearings generally operate in the doublesided configuration as shown in Fig. 3.7. Under the assumption that the number of turns N and the pole face area Ag for both actuators are the same, the net force Ftot acting on the rotor is the difference of the forces generated by the two electromagnetic actuators, Ftot = F1 − F2 = εμ0 N Ag 2

i12 2g12

 . 2




The current and the air gap for actuator 1 in Fig. 3.7 are given by i1 and g1 , respectively. In the same way, i2 and g2 denote the current and air gap for actuator 2.

3.5 Linearized Force Equation


3.5 Linearized Force Equation The nonlinear relationship between the generated net force of the magnetic bearing actuators and the corresponding current and air gap values were derived in Eq. (3.22). In order to reduce the number of variables in the force equation and simplify the linearization process, we create a dependency between the currents to the electromagnetic actuators. By defining a constant bias current ib and a perturbation current ip , the currents to the magnetic bearing actuators are computed as i1 = ib + ip ,


i2 = ib − ip ,



where the perturbation current is restricted so that it does not exceed the bias current, |ip | ≤ ib .


The above requirement is added to ensure that the currents to the actuators are always positive. Additionally, a nominal air gap g0 is defined as the air gap between the rotor and the actuator when the rotor is positioned at the bearing center. Then the actual air gap values corresponding to the two actuators can be rewritten as g1 = g0 − x,


g2 = g0 + x,



where x is the rotor displacement from the bearing center as shown in Fig. 3.7. Consequently, the variables in the force equation in Eq. (3.22) are reduced to the perturbation current ip and the rotor displacement x. The resulting force equation is  Ftot = εμ0 N 2 Ag

 (ib + ip )2 (ib − ip )2 . − 2(g0 − x)2 2(g0 + x)2


The selection of the bias current depends on the bearing design and the required static/dynamic load capacity. If the bias current is too low, the linear range of the AMB will be limited due to the restriction in the perturbation current in Eq. (3.25). On the other hand, if the bias current is too high, the flux density in the actuator will easily get saturated due to the high total current to the bearing coils. A common rule of thumb is to choose the bias current to be approximately one-half of the current required to generate the flux density Bknee value, corresponding to the knee of the B–H curve for the magnetic material as seen in Fig. 3.3, i.e., ib =

g0 Bknee . μ0 N



3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Using the Taylor expansion, the force equation in Eq. (3.28) can be linearized a for small perturbation current ip around the bias current and the nominal air gap x = 0. By expanding the force equation in Eq. (3.28) in terms of the Taylor series around the point (ip , x) = (0, 0), and ignoring the second and higher order terms, we obtain the following expression for the force:   ∂Ftot  ∂Ftot  i + x Ftot ≈ p ∂ip (ip ,x)=(0,0) ∂x (ip ,x)=(0,0) = Ki ip + Kx x.


The gain Ki is known as the open loop current gain of the AMB actuator and Kx is known as the actuator open loop stiffness. The values of these gains can be computed as  ∂Ftot  Ki = ∂ip (ip ,x)=(0,0) =

εμ0 N 2 Ag ib g02



and  ∂Ftot  Kx = ∂x (ip ,x)=(0,0) =

εμ0 N 2 Ag ib2 g03



respectively. The linearization of the force equation will be useful in the derivation of a stabilizing controller for the AMB system.

3.6 Coil Inductance and Slew Rate The wiring of the actuator coil forms a resistor–inductor (RL) circuit, which is driven by the amplifier powering the magnetic bearing actuator, v c = Rc i + L c

di . dt


The voltage vc is the input from the bearing amplifier, and i is the current flowing through the RL circuit. Other parameters in the circuit are the coil electrical resistance Rc and the coil inductance Lc . The value of the coil resistance is relatively low, and it can generally be ignored as we will do in the remainder of this chapter.

3.7 AMB Load Capacity


The inductance of the actuator coil Lc is defined as the ratio of total flux linkage, Nφ, to the current i through the actuator, Lc =

Nφ . i


Combining the above equation with the equation for the flux in a simplified magnetic circuit in Eq. (3.14), we obtain the following expression for the coil inductance: Lc =

N2 . RaFe + RrFe + 2Rg


Assuming that the magnetic permeability of the iron is negligible, we can rewrite Eq. (3.35) for the coil inductance as Lc = =

N2 2Rg μ0 N 2 Ag . 2g


By combining Eqs. (3.33) and (3.36), we arrive at an expression for the rate of change of the current in the coil, 2gvc di = . dt μ0 N 2 Ag


We observe that the rate of change of the current is dependent on the input voltage from the amplifier. Since the maximum voltage vmax is limited by the amplifier hardware, we can approximate the maximum slew rate of the current in the magnetic bearing actuator as    di  2g0 vmax . (3.38) max  = dt μ0 N 2 Ag

3.7 AMB Load Capacity The force applied by the AMB actuators is a function of the input current to the actuator coils. When the rotor is centered in the bearing, i.e., x = 0, the maximum rate of change of the control force acting on the rotor is dependent solely on the maximum slew rate of the current, and is given as dF di dF = dt di dt 2gvc = Ki . μ0 N 2 Ag



3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Substituting Ki in the above equation, we get the expression for the maximum force slew rate for the magnetic bearing,    dF  2εib vmax = max . (3.40) dt  g0 This represents the maximum rate of change of the force generated by the AMB actuator. An approximated load capacity curve of a typical magnetic bearing is shown in Fig. 3.8. The static load capacity Fmax within the bearing linear range can be approximated assuming that the magnitude of the perturbation current equals the bias current, |Fmax | =

|4εμ0 N 2 ib2 Ag | 2g02



For higher frequencies, the slew rate limits the load capacity of the bearings. Under the assumption that we have a sinusoidal output force with magnitude M and frequency ω > 0, f = M sin(ωt),


the time derivative of the force is bounded by the maximum slew rate of the bearing,     df     = M cos(ωt)ω  dt     dF   . ≤ max (3.43) dt  Combining the above equation with the expression for the maximum slew rate in Eq. (3.40), we obtain the maximum magnitude of the force as a function of frequency,    dF  1   |M| ≤ max ω dt  =

2εib vmax . g0 ω


The load capacity calculations presented above give a quick analytical estimate from the simplified magnetic circuit model. A finite-element analysis is always recommended to obtain a more accurate numerical approximation of the available load capacity in the magnetic bearings.

3.8 Magnetic Bearing Design for Applications Depending on the desired static and dynamic load capacities of the magnetic bearings, the basic geometric and material requirements of the electromagnetic actuator

3.8 Magnetic Bearing Design for Applications


Fig. 3.8 A typical log–log plot of the load capacity for an AMB. The available load capacity of the AMB is given by the intersection of the static load capacity and the force slew rate

can be obtained from the simplified magnetic circuit model. The design of the AMB stator involves meeting the AMB requirements as efficiently as possible in terms of the total stator size, and other physical constraints defined for the final AMB system. The preliminary design of the actuator geometry is performed based on the linearized magnetic circuit model presented in Sect. 3.5. Reasonable estimates of the basic parameters, such as the pole face area, maximum coil current, number of coil turns, air gap, maximum flux density, and current density, can be determined using this method. Also, from the maximum flux density estimation, some desired characteristics for the stator and rotor materials can be determined, which will later weight in during the selection of the manufacturing material of the AMB system. The basic parameters of the desired magnetic actuators that were obtained from the magnetic circuit model are verified using finite-element analysis. In addition to providing the means to check the calculations in the linearized AMB equations, the finite-element analysis also considers nonlinear effects that are not captured in the circuit model. Particularly, excessive flux leakage and fringing (see Sect. 3.10), cross-talk between the quadrants of the AMB actuator, and localized areas of high flux density saturation, which are generally signs of poor actuator design, can be identified from the finite-element modeling. The configurations of the AMB stator that are commonly found in radial applications are shown in Fig. 3.9. The stator designs presented here are heteropolar, meaning that the pole configuration in


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.9 Common AMB stator configurations

the radial plane of the x and y control axes alternates between south and north. In a homopolar bearing, all poles in a x–y plane have the same polarity, and the flux flows axially through the target rotor to close the magnetic circuit of the AMB. The bearing stators in AMB systems are generally divided into four quadrants as seen in Fig. 3.9, where each quadrant is an independently powered electromagnet. Two opposite quadrants operate in a differential mode to control a single displacement axis, denoted in Fig. 3.9 as x and y. The number of poles in each quadrant depends on the configuration of the bearing. The poles are designed to maximize the pole face area and optimize the iron usage. The simplest configuration is the 8-pole or horseshoe type actuator shown in Fig. 3.9(a), where each quadrant has a south and a north pole generating a single flux loop in the magnetic cir-

3.9 Amplifiers and Displacement Sensors


cuit of the quadrant. This configuration is very similar to the example presented in Sect. 3.4. Other examples of AMB stators found in industrial applications are the 12-pole (E-core) configuration in Fig. 3.9(b), the 16-pole configuration shown in Fig. 3.9(c), and the 20-pole configuration in Fig. 3.9(d). In these cases, there are multiple flux paths within a quadrant, which distribute the generated magnetic field over a wider region to improve the overall load capacity of the bearing. The force equation derived in Sect. 3.4 is also applicable to the actuator configurations in Fig. 3.9.

3.9 Amplifiers and Displacement Sensors The current required to generate the magnetic field in the AMB actuator is provided by the transconductance amplifiers. Two types of amplifier are generally considered in AMB applications: linear and switching amplifiers. Linear amplifiers are limited to small or noise sensitive applications because of the high losses that are found in these devices. On the other hand, switching amplifiers are more common in industrial applications. The switching frequency of these amplifiers are generally selected to be above 20 kHz (1.26 × 105 rad/s). Lower switching frequencies lead to higher noise levels transmitted into the AMB control signals, and lower bandwidth of the current loop in the amplifiers. The degradation of the amplifier output affects the stability and performance of the entire AMB system. AMB systems are open loop unstable systems and require feedback control as shown in Fig. 1.5 for their stabilization. The measurements of the rotor displacements for feedback control are obtained from proximity sensors along the rotor length. The maximum displacement of the rotor from the bearing center is limited by the auxiliary bearing, and for most cases the limit is one-half of the magnetic actuator nominal air gap. Proximity sensors used in the AMB systems are selected to have a strong linear displacement/voltage correlation within the full rotor displacement range. Other factors considered in the selection of the displacement sensors are the sensitivity to operating temperature, magnetic fields, electrical noise, and environmental conditions during the operation of the magnetic bearings. Eddy proximity sensors have become cost effective and reliable for AMB applications in recent years and are widely used in many industrial applications. Other available options for displacement measurement sensors are optical sensors, variable reluctance sensors, inductive sensors and capacitive displacement sensors [101].

3.10 Losses in Magnetic Bearings Magnetic bearings are subject to losses that are not included in the simplified magnetic circuit model. These losses can result in a lower load capacity and additional nonlinear behavior of the magnetic actuator. Here we discuss some of the losses that affect the control of the magnetic bearings.


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.10 Flux lines for a single electromagnetic actuator of the thrust AMB [25] used in the compressor test rig described in Chap. 4. The flux lines shows leakage and fringing

3.10.1 Flux Leakage and Fringing Flux leakage occurs when the magnetic flux diverges from the designed path in the magnetic circuit and flows through an alternate loop. On the other hand, fringing occurs at the air gap between the actuator and the rotor, when the directions of the magnetic field and flux are not parallel to the centerline of the actuator pole. In any of these cases, leakage and fringing can result in a lower flux density in the region between the actuator pole face and the rotor, which would reduce the force generated by the magnetic bearing. An example of flux leakage and fringing for a single magnetic actuator can be seen in Fig. 3.10.

3.10.2 Eddy Current Losses Similarly to electric motors and generators, oscillating magnetic fields through the iron of the AMB actuator and rotor generate eddy current loops in the conductive material, tending to counteract the flux induced by the electromagnet coil current, and to incur undesirable heating. The direction of the eddy loop follows the righthand rule pointed in the direction of the oscillating field. In order to break the formation of large eddy current loops in the magnetic material and minimize the eddy current losses, the AMB bearing stator and the shaft are commonly constructed of thin laminated sheets, which are insulated and stacked perpendicularly to the plane of the eddy loop. This reduced the size of the loop and the corresponding eddy current losses. The flux in an actuator iron core and the generated eddy current loops are shown in Fig. 3.11 for the solid and the laminated core. In the laminated stator,


Auxiliary Bearings


Fig. 3.11 Eddy current loops generated in the iron core [101]

the eddy current loops are restricted to each laminated sheet due to the insulation between the lamination. Therefore, the eddy current loops are smaller for the laminated iron core, which corresponds to lower eddy current losses in the system.

3.10.3 Hysteresis Losses The flux density in the magnetic material of the AMB is a function of the magnetic field as given by the B–H magnetization curve. For a time varying magnetic field generated by an oscillating current in the actuator coil, the flux density follows an hysteresis loop as shown in Fig. 3.12, where the curve does not return to the origin. The amount of energy loss due to the hysteresis in the magnetic material is directly proportional to the area covered by the hysteresis loop [101]. The area of the hysteresis loop is dependent on the properties of the magnetic material, and the magnitude and frequency of the oscillating magnetic field. The eddy current and hysteresis losses expected in common magnetic materials are summarized in Table 3.2. The selection of the magnetic material for the AMB actuator and rotor is made by considering the trade-offs between the achievable load capacity from the properties in Table 3.1 and the total magnetic losses.

3.11 Auxiliary Bearings Auxiliary or touch-down bearings are the last line of protection for the internal components of the rotating machinery in the case of AMB failure. These passive bearings are designed to mechanically contain the rotor vibrations within a safe level to protect the internal components of the rotating machine in the event that the stability


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.12 Hysteresis loop in magnetic material

Table 3.2 Expected losses in common magnetic materials


Eddy Current Losses

Hysteresis Losses




Cobalt–Iron Alloys:



Hiperco Permendur Suppermendure Nickel–Iron Alloy



Low Carbon Steel



of the rotor is lost by the AMB system. Such an event can be caused by operating the magnetic bearings in load conditions that temporarily exceed the designed peak capacity, or the inability of the AMB actuators to generate the required magnetic forces to support the rotor due to power outage or component failure. In the case where the AMB fails to maintain levitation of the rotor, the auxiliary bearings provides temporary support of the rotor to allow the active bearing to regain control. If stability cannot be restored by the AMBs, the auxiliary bearings allow the rotor to coast down safely without incurring damages to the rotor and other internal components of the machine. Finally, the auxiliary bearings are also the resting support of the rotor when the magnetic bearings are powered off for general maintenance. It is common practice to set the clearance of the auxiliary bearings to be one-half of the AMB air gap. Differently from traditional mechanical bearings, auxiliary bearings are not designed for continuous operation. The auxiliary bearings are subjected to high transient loads during the contact with the rotor in cases of AMB failure, and the essential components of the rotating machine are protected at the expense of heavy wear on the auxiliary bearings. Therefore, these limited-life bearings generally have


PID Control of AMB


a specified maximum number of rotor contacts allowed before replacement, which is specified by the bearing manufacturer. Typical auxiliary bearings in AMB supported rotating machines are shown in Fig. 3.13. Two types of auxiliary bearing are commonly found in industrial applications. The simpler of these two is the soft bushing type, which is an especially constructed ring of soft lubricated material installed around the rotor. The soft material protects the rotor from damage. Examples of the material used in these bearings are the soft plastic shown in Fig. 3.13(a) and the oil-impregnated soft bronze shown in Fig. 3.13(b). A second type of bearing that has become more popular in industrial applications is the rolling-element bearing as shown in Fig. 3.13(c). In both cases, the damping coefficients from the auxiliary bearings are small, and additional damping is commonly added in the form of elastomeric (o-ring) dampers or elastic tolerance rings [101].

3.12 PID Control of AMB AMB systems are open loop unstable and require a stabilizing controller for their operation. For industrial applications, the majority of current AMB systems operate with Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers. The principle of the PID controller is quite simple. A displacement sensor measures the rotor displacement, and the position error e(t) is computed by comparing the desired and actual rotor position. From this error, three compensating force components are generated: • force proportional to the error signal (Kp e), similar to the effect of a mechanical spring, • force proportional to the first derivative of the error signal (Kd de/dt), similar to a mechanical damper, and  • force proportional to the integral of the error signal (Ki e dt) to reduce the steady state error. The total force applied on the rotor is the sum of the three force components. Therefore, the PID controller can be considered as a tunable spring-damper system, with an additional term to reduce the rotor position offset due to a DC (constant) disturbance. The expression for the transfer function of the PID controller is CPID (s) = Kp +

Ki Kd s + . τd s + 1 s


A small time constant τd is added in order to make the derivative term a proper transfer function. Apart for the three basic components of the PID controller, additional filters can be added to the controller structure to improve the stability and performance of the magnetic bearings. If the controller is implemented digitally, for example, a low pass filter is generally added to limit the bandwidth of the controller below the Nyquist frequency. Other examples are notch filters, which may be included to damp the high


Fig. 3.13 Auxiliary bearings

3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings


PID Control of AMB


frequency resonance modes of flexible rotors. However, as more filters are added to the basic structure of the controller, the tuning of the PID controller becomes more complex and the development of a unified tuning procedure for all systems is in most cases not possible. There are two versions of the PID controller that are commonly applied in the magnetic suspension of rotors: the decentralized and the tilt-and-translate. In the first, each control axis in each bearing is controlled independently from the measurement of a single rotor displacement sensor. Thus, the AMB control problem is decentralized into the control of individual sensor/actuator pairs. On the other hand, tilt-and-translate PID controllers combine the input and output of multiple bearings to decouple the rotor dynamics into the rigid tilting and translating modes. Each of these decoupled modes is then controlled independently. Regardless of which version of the PID controller is used, the simple structures of these controllers are easy to implement, which make them attractive for many industrial applications. Lateral support of a rotor generally requires two or more AMBs along the length of the shaft. For the remainder of this chapter we consider the case of a rotor supported in the radial direction by two AMBs. Additionally, we assume that the PID controllers presented in this section are decoupled in the x and y control axes, and we will focus only on one control axis for the radial AMB suspension.

3.12.1 Decentralized PID Control Decentralized PID control is the simpler of the two PID control methods. The block diagram of the decentralized PID control structure is shown in Fig. 3.14. As the name indicates, this method distributes the control of the AMB system to local PID controllers that regulate the rotor displacement in a single control axis at each bearing location. A controller in the decentralized PID structure only collects rotor displacement information in the direction of control for the assigned bearing, and it does not communicate with the remaining PID controllers. In the decentralized PID structure each controller operates independently from the action of the remaining controllers. As mentioned earlier, the benefit of this controller structure is that it is intuitive and simple to troubleshoot. On the other hand, the lateral dynamics of the rotor at the different bearing locations are highly coupled, i.e., force applied at one rotor end will affect the displacement at the opposite rotor end, and treating each sensor/actuator pair independently introduces a considerable limitation in the achievable system performance.

3.12.2 Tilt and Translate Control Tilt and translate PID controllers are designed to overcome the issue related to the coupled lateral dynamics of the rotor that is observed in the decentralized PID controllers. In the case of a rigid rotor, the characteristics of the lateral vibrations are


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.14 Decentralized PID control of the AMB support system, with bias current assumed to have been added at the amplifiers

dominated by the parallel, or “translate,” mode and the conical, or “tilting,” mode. These modes are decoupled, which means that a direct excitation of the translate mode does not affect the tilting mode, and vice versa. The idea behind the tilt and translate controller is to take advantage of the decoupling between the two rigid modes to stabilize them independently with separate PID controllers. The structure of the tilt and translate PID controller is shown in Fig. 3.15. The rotor displacement at both sensor locations are collected, and measurements of the rotor tilt and translation are obtained by algebraically manipulating the signals from the two displacement sensors. • The difference between the two sensor signals gives a measurement of the rotor tilt. • The summation of the two sensor signals gives a measurement of the rotor translation. The combination of the AMB output signals as described above is mathematically equivalent to a similarity transformation of the rotor lateral dynamics. In the ideal case, the transformed system will have decoupled output. Afterwards, the constructed tilt and translate measurements are fed to independent PID controllers for each rigid mode. The output of the controllers is then combined to reconstruct the control signal for each bearing actuator. • The output from the tilt controller is fed to the bearing actuators with opposite signs to excite the conical mode. • The output from the translate controller is fed to the bearing actuators with equal signs to excite the parallel mode. The complete decoupling of the two rigid modes is generally not obtained with this method because of the non-collocation of the measurement and actuation points


PID Control of AMB


Fig. 3.15 Tilt and translate PID control of the AMB support system, with the bias current assumed to have been added at the amplifiers

on the rotor and the asymmetrical rotor geometry about the midsection between the two bearings locations. This is particularly true for flexible rotors, where the decoupling is more complex for higher order flexible modes. However, good decoupling between the tilt and translate control channels is generally obtained in the low frequencies, and the interference between the two PID controllers can be drastically reduced. The decoupling between the two control channels aids in the design of the PID controllers for the stabilization of the AMB system.

3.12.3 Unbalance and Synchronous Vibration Compensation The dynamics of rotating machines are complex, and attempting to achieve both stability and performance for a wide operational speed range with simple PID controllers may not be fruitful. In order to compensate for the shortcomings of the PID controller, different unbalance and vibration compensation methods have been de-


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

veloped and implemented. A comprehensive presentation of the existing strategies for unbalance compensation can be found in [101]. One method that has seen much activity is the open loop feed-forward method, where a periodic signal is injected in the feedback loop of the AMB levitation controller to match the synchronous vibrations of the rotor [104]. This leads to a reduction in the rotor vibration when the change in the rotor speed is slow, and the overall degradation in the AMB transient dynamics caused by the added unbalance compensation algorithm is small. Different methods have been investigated and tested to adapt the frequency and amplitude of the feed-forward signal in the open loop vibration compensation controller depending on the operating speed of the rotating machine [75, 77, 94, 104]. The robustness of some of these adaptive open loop control algorithms was experimentally tested in [75]. Unbalance compensation methods are powerful tools to reduce the vibration levels of rotating machinery, but they can also mask serious problems when not used appropriately. The limitations of the vibration compensation controllers have even been recognized in the latest draft of the American Petroleum Institute (API) standard for machinery with AMBs, which requires all stability and performance tests for the commissioning of new equipments to be performed without any vibration compensation method. Therefore, as the end users require higher performance and robustness from new machines with AMBs, and due to the obvious limitation of simple PID controllers, the move from the traditional PID control to more advanced control methods seems inevitable.

3.12.4 Shortcomings of the PID Controller PID controllers are very powerful tools for stabilizing rigid rotors. Their simple structure makes their tuning intuitive and their implementation easy. On the other hand, the tuning and design of PID controllers for flexible rotors are not as straightforward. The basic proportional/derivative/integral components of the PID controller may not be adequate to stabilize the complex dynamics of flexible rotors, in the presence of the higher order resonance modes. Additional filters may be added to the PID controller to aid in the damping of problematic resonance modes, but tuning these filters to stabilize the AMB system may not be intuitive. Intuitiveness is the main benefit of the PID controller. Another limitation of the PID controllers is its inability to deal with the noncollocation of the AMB actuator and the displacement sensor along the rotor. Sensor/actuator non-collocation is generally not an issue for rigid rotors since the slope of the mode shapes at any point along the length of the rotor is small. Thus, the error between the measured displacement at the sensor location and the actual displacement at the bearing will also be small. On a flexible rotor, the bending of the rotor can increase the slope of some rotor mode shapes at certain sections. If any of the flexible modes with resonance frequencies within the controller bandwidth has a zero crossing, or nodal point, between the location of the actuator and the sensor used for control, then the sensor/actuator non-collocation introduces a 180


Modern Control of AMB Systems


degree phase shift between the actual and measured rotor vibration, and destabilizes the AMB system. Sensor/actuator non-collocation can potentially affect the stability of any control method, but the PID controller is particularly sensitive to the non-collocation because it heavily relies in the single feedback measurement from the displacement sensor to compute the output control signal.

3.13 Modern Control of AMB Systems In this section, we present a short review of the recent work in the literature on the implementation of linear multi-variable control methods for the stabilization of AMB systems. Three different optimal control laws are compared: LQG, μsynthesis, and H∞ control. The robustness and performance of these controllers are compared in order to identify the strength and weaknesses of each control scheme. Additionally, neural and adaptive controllers have been investigated in the literature for developing self-tuning mechanism for magnetic bearings, which will also be reviewed briefly in this section. The controllers presented in this section are multi-input multi-output (MIMO). Thus, the rotor levitation controller has a centralized structure that collects all the sensor measurements, and the current signals to the AMB actuators are computed by a single algorithm. This guarantees a greater degree of cooperation between the different magnetic bearings in the system. A brief introduction to control theory is presented later in Chap. 6.

3.13.1 LQR and LQG Control Usually coupled with a Kalman filter to estimate the states of the system from the output measurement, linear quadratic regulator (LQR)-based optimal controllers are popular due to their simple design procedure. Given a linear time invariant system in the state space form, x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw,

y = Cx + v,


where w is the process noise and v is the measurement noise, the optimal state feedback gain K is designed such that it minimizes a quadratic function J , ∞   T J= x Qx + uT Ru dt,

u = Kx,



where Q is the weight on the states and R is the weight on the input. This translates to minimizing the energy of the weighted state x and input signal u. A Kalman filter is designed to estimate the system state from the output observation y, x˙ˆ = (A − H C)xˆ + Bu + Hy,



3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

where H is the filter gain matrix. The implementation of the LQR controller with this estimated state leads to the linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) control law u = K x. ˆ


A review of the implementation of LQG control methods in AMB systems can be found in [57]. Selecting the best weighting functions during the LQR controller design process is not a trivial task, and is generally based on the designer’s experience. An iterative process is often used, where the state weighting matrix is held constant and the input weighting function is gradually increased. An LQR controller is synthesized at every iteration step, and the performance of the closed-loop system is analyzed. The desired LQR controller is chosen based on the observed closed-loop performance. Although the state feedback LQR controller guarantees a level of robustness for the closed-loop system in terms of gain and phase margins, the LQG controller can be very sensitive to unmodeled system dynamics. When the state feedback of the LQR controller is coupled with a Kalman filter to form the LQG controller, uncertainties in the plant model generates inaccurate observer estimation that is fed into the feedback loop. A possible solution for dealing with model uncertainties in LQG controlled systems was presented in [1], where a system identification algorithm was added in the control loop to automatically tune the LQG controller based on the observed model uncertainty and predefined weighting matrices. The system identification method finds the optimal plant model that minimizes a quadratic objective function of the error between the modeled and observed system output. Similar to PID controllers, the simplicity of the LQR controller makes it ideal to combine with advanced nonlinear or vibration compensation schemes. Compensation of AMB nonlinearities combined with LQG controllers can be found in [69] and [126]. By compensating for the nonlinear current–force relationship in the AMB, the need for the bias current employed in the differential driving mode linearization is eliminated. The effectiveness of these compensation methods has not been widely proven due to the reduced slew rate when operating at low bias current/voltage.

3.13.2 H∞ Control H∞ control is one of the most popular design methods for modern optimal control of AMB systems. When designed properly, it provides robustness to the general unstructured model uncertainty, observed as the difference between the frequency response of the measured actual plant and the nominal plant model used in the design of the controller. Provided with only an upper bound in the frequency response of the unmodeled dynamics in the system, the H∞ controller can be designed to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system while the unmodeled dynamics stays within the defined uncertainty bound. From the linear fractional transformation (LFT) of the plant model shown in Fig. 3.16, the Small Gain Theorem guarantees the robustness of the system if the gain of the uncertainty loop |M(j ω)(j ω)|


Modern Control of AMB Systems


Fig. 3.16 Linear fractional transformation of a closed-loop system with plant dynamics G(s), feedback controller K(s) and uncertainty (s)

Fig. 3.17 Augmented system for signal-based H∞ synthesis, where G(s) is the plant, K(s) is the controller, and Wi (s)’s are the weighting functions

is less than one. The objective of the H∞ controller is to minimize the H∞ norm of this loop gain. The robustness of H∞ controllers has been combined with a feedback linearization method of the AMB dynamics in [29] and [106] to compensate for the linearization error. The implementation of an H∞ controller in a homopolar AMB system is discussed in [53]. There are two commonly referenced design methods for H∞ controllers: signal based and loop shaping. A comparison between these two design methods for AMB applications can be found in [70]. The signal-based method defines frequency dependent weighting functions as shown in Fig. 3.17 on different input/output of the closed-loop system, and finds the stabilizing feedback controller that minimizes the H∞ norm between the weighted exogenous input/output of the augmented system. On the other hand, the loop-shaping method “shapes” the frequency response of the open loop plant according to the desired system closed-loop performance as shown in Fig. 3.18. A stabilizing controller with maximum stability margin is then found in terms of an H∞ norm. An example application of the signal-based method in an AMB system is found in [14]. An example of the loop-shaping method in an AMB system is discussed in [47]. Similarly to LQG controllers, the selection of the weighting functions for the design of an H∞ controller is an ad hoc procedure and is based on the designer’s experience. A good selection of the weighting function governing the robustness of the derived controller is particularly important due to the trade-off between robustness and performance: an overly conservative controller takes its toll on performance, and reducing the robustness of the derived controller can result in an unstable system. An automated method for selecting the weighting function of the


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

Fig. 3.18 Loop-shaping bounds for the open loop system. Low frequency bound is related to performance, and high frequency bound is from the robustness condition. A desirable open loop system stays within the bounds

system uncertainty was recently introduced in the literature using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), where a Confidence Interval Network (CIN) was used in [31] and a Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) was used in [51] to find the upper bound on the system uncertainty. With the AMB system levitated by means of a preliminary controller, experimental measurements are compared to the AMB model to find an upper bound on the model uncertainty within a confidence interval. This upper bound is then employed as the weight on the system uncertainty in the controller synthesis. A generic algorithm-based method of tuning the performance weights for the H∞ control design was presented in [108] for the loop-shaping design, and in [70] for the signal-based method. More information on these auto-tuning methods using genetic algorithms is given in Sect. 3.13.5.

3.13.3 μ-Synthesis The μ-synthesis design method shares many similarities with the H∞ design. As in the H∞ design, the robustness condition of the μ controller is based on the minimization of the gain of the uncertainty loop in the system LFT as shown in Fig. 3.16.


Modern Control of AMB Systems


The difference between the two methods lies in how much information on the uncertainty (s) is used during the controller synthesis, and consequently what definition of the “tolerable uncertainty” is used to measure the robustness. In the μ synthesis, the structure information of the uncertainty (s) is included during the controller design. The objective of the μ controller is to maximize the smallest uncertainty that causes instability of the closed-loop system, which translates to minimizing the Structured Singular Value μ [17], μ (M) =

1 . min{σ¯ () : det(I − M) = 0,  is structured}


Therefore, maximizing the smallest uncertainty that causes instability is equivalent to maximizing the robustness index of the closed-loop system to the uncertainty (s). An important difference from H∞ control is that the system uncertainty in the μ synthesis can be parametric. This is a powerful feature that allows the controller to deal with coefficient uncertainty at the component level separately, instead of grouping all the modeling errors in an abstract weighting function. Examples of parametric uncertainties for AMBs can be found in AMB gains (Ki and Kx ), rotor mode damping, sensors and amplifiers models, and rotor speed [70]. A list of uncertainties that are present in AMB systems, as well as a mathematical comparison of their actual effects on the closed-loop stability/performance, are presented in [83]. More details about the μ synthesis and LFT can be found in [36], and an application to a simple electromagnetic levitation system can be found in [48]. A detailed derivation of a μ controller for a thrust AMB, including the derivation of the uncertainty for each component of the AMB system, can be found in [44]. By conserving the structure of the uncertainty in the model, exact information on how the uncertainty enters the system and how they are interconnected within the plant can be used in the controller synthesis. This results in less conservative controllers with improved closed-loop performance. Therefore, a well designed μ controller is expected to outperform H∞ controllers on systems with parametric uncertainties. Li et. al presented in [84] the design and experimental testing on a μsynthesis controller for a high speed flywheel with a highly flexible rotor and substructure. Because of the uncertainty from the large gyroscopic forces, the control problem was divided into several rotating speed regions. The final implementation included a bumpless transfer method to switch controllers while crossing between the speed regions. A comprehensive comparison between the μ and the H∞ controllers for an AMB application can be found in [93]. Experimental results in the paper showed a better performance for the system with the μ controller, when the system was perturbed by adding unmodeled weights to the shaft.

3.13.4 Combined H∞ /μ-Synthesis Control Combining the H∞ and μ synthesis for robust control of AMB systems in an Energy Momentum Wheel (EMW) was presented in [81]. The wide operating speed


3 Fundamentals of Magnetic Bearings

range of these flywheels makes them highly susceptible to both generic and parametric uncertainties. Here, the H∞ part guarantees robust stability to unstructured uncertainty, such as unmodeled dynamics, and enforces robust performance of the closed-loop system. On the other hand, the μ-synthesis ensures the robustness to parametric uncertainty, such as mode frequency uncertainty and varying rotating speed, which are known to result in highly conservative controller designs if treated as unstructured uncertainties. This controller synthesis procedure is combined with the Gain Scheduled Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) design to accommodate for a large variation in the rotating speed. Experimental test results presented in the paper were limited to the static rotor case, although it was mentioned that the AMBs achieve acceptable level of performance up to 15,000 rpm, just above the second resonance mode.

3.13.5 Self-Tuning, Neural Network and Adaptive Controls Recent published work in self-tuning control can be divided into two categories. The first category is based on the identification of the system model uncertainty, combined with a model-based control design method to update the feedback controller accordingly. A linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) objective function was employed in [1] to minimize the observed modeling error in the plant, and an LQG controller was designed with the updated plant model. Alternatively, the Confidence Interval Network (CIN) is implemented in [31] to find an upper bound on the magnitude of the observed model uncertainty within a confidence interval, and a Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) was used in [51] for the same task. Once the uncertainty bound is defined, a robust H∞ controller is synthesized. The second category of self-tuning controllers is based on a combination of the genetic algorithm and H∞ synthesis. Given the structure of the system uncertainty and the desired characteristics of the closed-loop system, the genetic algorithm “evolves” the weighting functions of the H∞ synthesis until a satisfactory controller is obtained. The implementation of the genetic algorithm in the loop-shaping H∞ approach is presented in [108], and [70] presents the same algorithm for both loopshaping- and signal-based synthesis. Adaptive control strategy combines system identification techniques with selftuning of the stabilizing controller. An example application of the adaptive control method for a simplified SISO electromagnetic levitation system was presented in [50]. Given that the input u(k) and output y(k) of the system are related in the discrete-time by the following difference equation: y(k) + a1 y(k − 1) + · · · + an y(k − n) = b1 u(k − 1) + · · · + bm u(k − m), (3.51) a least square approximation of the optimal model parameters is computed “online,” minimizing the residual error between the observed and estimated output. Then, a pole placement method was used to obtain the stabilizing controller with the updated




model parameters. This same controller structure was implemented on an AMB system in [71], although the presented experimental results were limited to the static rotor case.

3.14 Conclusions An introduction to the fundamentals in the modeling and operation of active magnetic bearings were presented in this chapter. The basics on magnetic field and flux relevant to the modeling of AMB systems were introduced, and an analog circuit model was employed to study the current/force relationship between the electromagnetic actuator and the rotor target. The magnetic circuit model of the AMB actuators given here has been proven to be a good basis for the design of the rotor levitation controller. The linearized force equation for magnetic bearings will be used in Chap. 7 for the design of the levitation controller in the compressor test rig. The magnetic circuit model presented here is a simplified analytic approximation of the AMB actuator dynamics, and a finite-element analysis is always recommended in order to verify the analytic model. A brief review of the levitation control methods found in the literature was also presented in this chapter. PID control is the preferred option in current industrial applications because of its proven track record in many commercial applications. However, as the performance requirements for the AMBs increase with more advanced applications, and the AMB end users become more familiar with the benefits and limitations of advanced control methods, the advanced MIMO controllers are expected to become more common in AMB supported machines in the field. The latest research efforts in the control of AMB systems have been focusing on the robust control in the presence of unmodeled dynamics in rotating machines. Additionally, in order to reduce the downtime during the initial setup and maintenance procedures, there have been recent efforts reported in the literature for developing reliable self-tuning “smart” AMB controllers.

Chapter 4

Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

The main challenge of many control problems is to prove the effectiveness of the developed solution in the real life. It is not difficult to find examples of control solutions that excel in simulation but fail in achieving satisfactory results during their implementation and experimental testing. The same challenge is shared by the many surge controllers discussed in Chap. 1 that were proposed in the literature. For the study presented in this book, the objectives are to develop the theory needed for designing a surge control strategy that is easily implementable for a large group of compressors, and to provide the experimental test data to support the theoretical predictions on the effectiveness of the proposed surge controller. This chapter describes in detail the design of the compressor test rig, which will serve as the experimental testing platform in Chap. 8 for the proposed surge controller. An overview of the compression system is presented in the first section, and a more detailed description of the individual components is given as the chapter develops. The single stage centrifugal compressor, the high speed driving motor, and the instrumentation for measuring the flow condition in the system are all introduced. The results from the rotor-dynamic analysis of the compressor are summarized in this chapter, including the dynamics of the rotor suspension system. Important design parameters of the AMB system are identified for the compressor, and the Bode plots of the system transfer functions are measured. Finally, experimental characterization of the compressor steady state and transient flow dynamics are presented towards the end of the chapter, which will serve as the base case during the experimental testing of the surge controller in Chap. 8.

4.1 Compression System For the experimental study of compressor surge, an industrial-size centrifugal compressor test rig was designed, built, and commissioned by the Rotating Machinery and Controls Laboratory (ROMAC) at the University of Virginia. This project has received the support from many of the ROMAC industrial partners, which include S.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_4, © Springer-Verlag London 2013



4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.1 Picture of the motor, bearing housing, and compressor impeller

a long list of compressor vendors and end-users. Part of the centrifugal compressor and the different components of the experimental setup are shown in Figs. 4.1 and 4.2. The first figure shows the compressor without the front casing, exposing the single unshrouded impeller and the electric motor that drives the compressor spindle. In Fig. 4.2, we can see a section of the piping in the completed experimental setup, with the inlet and exhaust piping connected to the front casing of the compressor. Figure 4.3 illustrates the configuration of the complete test setup, including the locations of the main compression system components in the experimental test rig. The three main components of the compression system are the AMB supported centrifugal compressor, the modular ducting system at the compressor exhaust, and the throttle valve controlling the steady state flow rate throughout the test rig. The throttle valve in this compression system is a commercially available butterfly valve. The locations of the instrumentation along the ducting system were selected according to the ASME Performance Test Code requirements for reliable measurements in compressors and exhausters [7]. The compressor has an overhung centrifugal design with a single open impeller. The main components of the compressor, which was manufactured and donated by Kobe Steel, Ltd., are shown in Fig. 4.4. The first two pictures in the figure, starting from the top-left corner and continuing in the clockwise direction, show the unshrouded impeller and a front view of the compressor front casing. The third picture is a rear view of the same front casing, where we expose the shroud of the open impeller and the volute directing the pressurized air to the compressor exhaust. Finally, the last figure shows a front view of the compressor back plate, where we can see the vaneless diffuser installed in this compressor. The maximum operational speed

4.1 Compression System


Fig. 4.2 Picture of the compressor, the inlet piping and the modular exhaust piping

Fig. 4.3 Drawing of the compressor surge control test rig layout, consisting of a single stage unshrouded centrifugal compressor, a modular ducting system acting as a variable size plenum volume, and a throttle valve controlling the mass flow through the compression system

for the compressor is 23,000 rpm, with a rated power requirement of approximately 55 kW. At this design speed, the compressor is predicted to develop an exhaust pressure ratio of 1.7 at the rated inlet flow rate of 2,500 m3 /h.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.4 Clockwise from top left: unshrouded compressor impeller, front casing, inside view of shroud, and back plate with vaneless diffuser

The cross section diagram of the single stage centrifugal compressor in our experimental setup, together with the driving motor and the bearing housing, are shown in Fig. 4.5. As shown in the figure, two AMBs support the compressor in the radial direction at both ends of the bearing housing, and a single thrust AMB provides the necessary axial support. The axial clearance between the impeller tip and the static shroud is known as the impeller tip clearance, which can be regulated by the thrust AMB with small rotor displacements in the axial direction. The modular ducting system at the compressor exhaust forms a variable plenum or collector in the experimental setup, and the position of the throttle valve can be moved along the piping in order to change its volume. The three positions shown in Fig. 4.3 where the throttle valve can be moved to are located at 2.2 m, 7.1 m and 15.2 m along the modular piping measured from the compressor exhaust. According to the different compression system models and experimental observations reported in the literature, the amplitude of the surge limit cycle can be manipulated by changing the size of the plenum volume [40, 58, 91]. Therefore, having a variable plenum size gives us additional flexibility in controlling the behavior of the compression system. Table 4.1 summarizes the design and performance parameters of the centrifugal compressor. Figure 4.6 gives the measured characteristic curves of the compressor for a range of running speeds between 6,061 rpm and 17,473 rpm. The curve at each speed is linearly interpolated from the experimental measurements in the compressor stable operating flow region. As noted above, the intensity of the surge oscillation is closely related to the volume of the plenum section. Thus, in order to extend the

4.1 Compression System


Fig. 4.5 Unshrouded single stage centrifugal compressor with a vaneless diffuser, an electric motor and a rotor supported on active magnetic bearings

Table 4.1 Compressor design parameters




Maximum speed



Design mass flow rate



Design pressure ratio


Impeller tip diameter



Impeller tip blade height



Inducer hub diameter



Inducer diameter



Piping diameter



Inlet piping length



Exhaust piping length



Plenum volume #1



Plenum volume #2



Plenum volume #3



Ducting system



stable operating region for mapping the characteristic curve, the size of the plenum volume was minimized by locating the throttle valve to the position closest to the compressor exhaust.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.6 Experimentally determined compressor characteristic curve of exhaust pressure ratio versus mass flow rate, measured at different running speeds

4.2 High Speed Motor The compressor in the experimental setup is directly driven by a three-phase induction motor, and a comprehensive description of the hardware is found in [25]. The motor rotor and stator elements (EV 180-120.2) were manufactured by KaVo, and they have been rated for an output power of 125 kW at the maximum speed of 29,680 rpm (3,110 rad/s), under the assumption of negligible windage and bearing losses. The slip speed for the motor is specified by the manufacturer to be 31 rad/s, which translates to a maximum speed error of 1 % at the motor peak speed. In order to maximize the power density of the motor, Hiperco is used as the lamination material of the rotor and stator. The benefit of Hiperco compared to other commonly found magnetic materials is its high saturation flux density. Therefore, higher torque and power can be generated while maintaining the motor footprint small. Because of the high power density of the motor, water cooling is required for the continuous operation of the motor at the compressor design speed of 23,000 rpm. A detailed finite-element analysis of the thermal distribution in the motor stator was presented by Brown in [25]. Based on the calculations presented there, it was concluded that the minimum flow rate required for the cooling water to maintain the winding temperature below 95 degree Celsius is 2.51 × 10−4 m3 /s, when the motor is operating fully loaded at the maximum design speed. The Dimplex HCV-1500

4.3 Compressor Instrumentation


Fig. 4.7 High speed induction motor

PR air cooled chiller was installed as described in [85] to circulate the refrigerant fluid in the cooling system of the motor above the minimum required flow rate. The chiller is rated for a heat removal rate of 4.4 kW and provides the cooling water at a flow rate of 6.31 × 10−4 m3 /s and 241 kPa of water pressure. The water jacket between the motor casing and stator iron can be seen in Fig. 4.7. Additionally, thermistors and an RTD embedded in the stator winding provide additional protection against thermal overload. These sensors detect the temperature of the motor winding and provide the trigger signal for the motor drive to shut down in case of overheat.

4.3 Compressor Instrumentation A large number of sensors were installed in the experimental setup to measure the state of the compression system. These sensors provide a broad range of available measurement signals, ranging from the pressures, mass flow rates, and temperatures of the gas flow at the different stages of the compression system, to the compressor rotor displacements for the stabilization of the rotor and the control of surge by the AMBs. In this section we provide a brief description of the different sensors and flow actuators that can be found in the experimental setup.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.8 Pressure transducers installed on the compressor front casing, grouped in three lines of four sensors

Silicon-on-silicon miniature pressure transducers and thermocouples installed at several positions along the inlet and exhaust piping provide the static pressure and temperature information throughout the compression system. The high bandwidth of these sensors make them ideal for capturing the fast transient dynamics that are present during the initiation of surge. The measurement of the steady state mass flow rate through the compression system is obtained from an orifice flow meter. The mass flow rate is determined indirectly by measuring the pressure drop of the flow passing through an orifice, as described in [90]. The locations of the sensors and the throttle valve along the compressor piping can be found in Fig. 4.3. In addition to the sensor measurements along the piping, there are 12 highbandwidth pressure transducers carefully installed on the compressor front housing, grouped in three lines of four as shown in Fig. 4.8. The sensors in each line measure the pressures at the impeller eye, the impeller midsection, the impeller tip, and the diffuser entry. From these measurements, we can estimate the pressure distribution in the impeller and the diffuser regions inside the compressor casing, giving a greater insight into the dynamics within the compressor. For example, we can monitor the load on the different regions of the impeller to detect off-design impeller loads and predict possible impeller failure. Also, the pressure distribution inside the compressor casing can be monitored for signs of stall cells that could trigger the surge instability. The pressure map inside the casing when the compressor is operating at 16,290 rpm is shown in Fig. 4.9, where the pressure in the region between the measurement points were radially interpolated. For the control of the radial AMBs, differential type variable reluctance sensors measure the displacements of the compressor rotor near the locations of the radial bearings. For each control axis of the radial AMBs, the displacement of the shaft is measured by two sensor modules installed on opposite sides of the rotor. In the same way, two eddy proximity sensors measure the axial displacement of the rotor for the

4.3 Compressor Instrumentation


Fig. 4.9 Snapshots of the pressure rise distribution (kPa) in the impeller area of the centrifugal compressor viewed from the inlet at the operational speed of 16,290 rpm

feedback control of the thrust bearing. Both eddy sensors measure the displacement in the same direction, and they are separated by 180 degrees along the shaft circumference in order to compensate for the measurement error due to the tilting of the rotor. The locations of the displacement sensors in the compressor bearing housing are shown in Fig. 4.10. Critical sensor measurements for the rotor suspension and the surge control are collected directly by the control computer operating on a real-time RTLinux operating system, with a sampling frequency of 5 kHz. These include the compressor rotor position measurements from the proximity sensors and the plenum pressure rise measurements, which are required to be sampled at a consistent time interval in order to ensure the stability of the AMB system. The temperature, flow rate and other pressure measurements that are not critical for the control algorithms are collected through a data-acquisition system based on LabView, which also operates the motor drive and the throttle valve in the test rig. The sampling rate of the LabView system is limited to 1 kHz. For high speed testing, the control computer and the LabView system can be operated remotely from a safe control room. A schematic drawing showing the configuration of the control/data-acquisition system is presented in Fig. 4.11.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.10 Bearing and sensor locations in the compressor bearing housing

4.4 Rotor The rotor for the overhung compressor is built to operate as a rigid body within the compressor operational speed range. The rotor, shown in Fig. 4.12, has a total length of 0.517 m with a mass of 27 kg. This compact design puts the rotor first lateral resonance mode, or critical speed, at a frequency considerably above the compressor maximum operating speed. The rotor has the thrust AMB target disk at the midsection, and laminations for the radial AMBs at both ends of the rotor. The laminations on the rotor minimize the eddy current losses for the radial AMBs. To ensure the structural integrity of the spindle at high surface speeds, AISI 4340 steel alloy was selected as the building material for the rotor for its high yield strength and good magnetic properties. The rotor is coupled to the electric motor at the “motorend,” and the single centrifugal impeller is installed at the opposite “compressorend.” The lateral resonance modes of the free–free rotor is plotted in Fig. 4.13. The first free–free critical speed was found to be at 40,792 rpm, with a separation margin of 77 % above the compressor maximum continuous operating speed, and the second critical speed is placed at 93,865 rpm. The critical speed map in Fig. 4.14 shows the rotor critical speeds versus the stiffness of the supporting bearings, where Nc1 corresponds to the first free–free rigid body mode and Nc3 is the first free– free bending mode. The critical speeds of the rotor increases as the stiffness of the supporting bearing is increased, up to a stiffness value where the rotor is basically clamped at the bearing locations. After this point, an increase in the bearing stiff-

4.4 Rotor


Fig. 4.11 Schematic drawing of the data-collection/control system for the compressor test rig

Fig. 4.12 Compressor rotor without impeller

ness does not affect the critical speeds due to the absence of rotor displacement at the bearing locations. The Campbell diagram in Fig. 4.15 illustrates how the frequency of the free– free rotor modes drift with the rotational speed of the rotor. Because of the gyroscopic forces acting on the rotor, the resonance modes or critical speeds sepa-


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.13 Resonance mode shapes for the free–free rotor. Sensor locations are marked with “S,” and AMB actuators are marked with “A”

Fig. 4.14 Critical speed map showing first five critical speeds (NC1–NC5) and the maximum continuous operating speed (MCOS) of the compressor

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Fig. 4.15 Campbell diagram for the free–free rotor with the synchronous speed labeled as 1X, second harmonics labeled as 2X, and the first bending mode frequency labeled as NC3

rate into the forward and backward components as discussed in Chap. 2, which can be excited by different external disturbances acting on the rotor. From the critical speed map and the Campbell diagram discussed above, we can conclude that Nc3 will stay considerably above the compressor running speed. Therefore, the rotor synchronous speed will only cross Nc1 and Nc2, the original rigid body modes for the free–free case, when the compressor is operating within the design speed range. The rotor will be considered to behave as a rigid body during the rotor-dynamic analysis and AMB controller design in the following chapters.

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings Two radial AMBs and a single thrust AMB levitate and support the rotating components of the compressor allowing them to rotate freely without any mechanical contact. In this section we present a brief description of the main AMB components in the compressor test rig.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.16 Front and rear views of the radial AMB actuator with the displacement sensor ring

4.5.1 Radial AMB The two radial AMBs are distinguished as the motor side (MS) and the compressor side (CS), as shown in Fig. 4.10. They provide the radial support for the levitation of the rotor. The magnetic actuators for the radial AMBs used in this compressor are shown in Fig. 4.16. As seen in the figure, the radial displacement sensors for the feedback stabilization of these AMBs are installed on a ring together with the magnetic actuator. Also, the geometry and flux path for a radial AMB actuator is shown in Fig. 4.17. Each AMB actuator is composed of four electromagnetic coils powered independently and forming its own quadrant. The coils in the radial AMB actuators have an E-core design, with one larger primary and two smaller secondary poles in an S–N–S configuration. Thus, there are three poles per quadrant in each electromagnetic actuator and 12 poles in total. The widths of the poles are 27.94 mm for the primary and 13.97 mm for the secondary, and the depth is 50.8 mm. Each pole of the E-core has 51 turns of the 17 AWG wire carrying the electric current to the quadrant. This is equivalent to a total of 102 wire turns in the simplified magnetic circuit model introduced in Chap. 3 since the primary pole and one secondary pole forms a closed circuit. The two coils acting on opposite sides of the rotor work together to regulate one radial axis of the bearing. The opposite coils balance the electromagnetic forces acting on the spindle to find the equilibrium at the center of the bearing air gap. A more comprehensive discussion of the operation of the AMB systems was presented Chap. 3 In order to reduce the eddy current losses in the radial AMBs, the rotor and stator of the magnetic bearings are laminated. Silicon iron is selected as the lamination material for both the rotor and the stator for its low magnetic losses and relatively lower cost compared to other magnetic materials. The type of material used in the lamination of the rotor is the 0.12 mm gauge Arnon-5, while the stator laminations are manufactured from 0.47 mm gauge M-19 [25]. The designed maximum load capacity per quadrant of the radial AMB actuator with the selected lamination material

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Fig. 4.17 Geometry and flux path of the radial AMB actuator [25]

Fig. 4.18 Dynamic and static load capacities of the magnetic bearings

is 1,414 N, which corresponds to an operating flux density of 1.2 T. The designed static and dynamic load capacities of the magnetic bearings are shown in Fig. 4.18. The force–current relationship of the radial AMBs are linearized as described in Chap. 3. Because of the overhung design of the compressor, the compressor-


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.19 FEA result for the CS AMB with maximum control current to the top quadrant

side AMB is subjected to higher disturbances from the aerodynamic forces on the impeller. On the other hand, the disturbances at the motor-side bearings are considerably lower. The worst case disturbances were estimated for the compressor operating at a speed of 25,000 RPM to be 455 N at the compressor-side bearing and 231 N at the motor-side bearing [25]. Taking into account the expected loads at the two bearing locations, we determined a 3 A bias current to be sufficient for the motor-side bearing, while we selected a slightly higher 4 A for the compressor-side for higher load capacity. The open-loop stiffness Kx and open-loop current gain Ki of the radial AMBs corresponding to these bias currents, which characterize the linearized behavior of the magnetic bearings, were determined analytically and later corrected through the Finite-Element Analysis (FEA) of the AMB magnetic properties. A sample FEA result for the compressor-side AMB is shown in Fig. 4.19 for the bias current of 4 A and when the control current is the maximum for the top quadrant in the model. We observe in this case that the regions with the maximum flux density are at the pole legs. Additionally, the S–N–S configuration of the E-core contains the majority of the flux path within each quadrant, which minimizes the possible interference between the coils, which could affect the force linearization. This same FEA model can be employed to estimate the open-loop actuator gains of the AMB. In order to compute the open-loop current gain Ki , the current vs. force relationship is found for a control axis of the AMB while the rotor is centered in the actuator. With all the quadrants of the AMB powered by the bias current, the

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Fig. 4.20 Finite-element analysis result of the CS radial AMB force vs. current test

perturbation/control current of one control axis is varied in steps over the full range. At each step of the iteration, the force acting on the rotor in the direction of the considered control axis is recorded. Figure 4.20 shows the resulting force vs. current map for the CS AMB, and the current gain Ki is the slope of the curve around the zero perturbation current. The open-loop stiffness Kx of the AMB can be estimated in a similar way, with the quadrants powered by the bias current, and by moving the rotor in steps along a control axis over the full range. At each iteration, the force applied by the AMB in the same axis as the rotor displacement is measured. The corresponding force versus displacement map for the CS AMB is shown in Fig. 4.21, where the slope of the curve near the zero displacement is the open-loop gain Kx . Finally, the values of the AMB linearization gains Kx and Ki were measured experimentally from the compressor [100]. This test is performed after the compressor rotor is levitated with a temporary AMB rotor support controller. For the measurement of the current gain Ki , the test consisted of applying a known force on the impeller-end of the rotor and measuring the control currents to the radial AMBs. Then, the force applied by the bearings can be computed given the dimensions of the rotor, and the current versus force relationship can be determined for each bearing. The setup for this experiment is shown in Fig. 4.22, where we employed weights of known masses to provide the static force perturbation and a pulley system to orient the gravitational force of the weights in the direction of the control axis of the


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.21 Finite-element analysis result of the CS radial AMB force vs. displacement test

Fig. 4.22 Setup for measuring the open-loop current gain of the radial AMBs [100]

AMB. Load cells were also included in the test for an accurate measurement of the disturbance force. Table 4.2 shows the corrected value of Ki from the experimental testing.

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Table 4.2 AMB system design parameters Parameter


Motor side

Compressor side


Turns per quadrant N




Nominal air gap g0





Pole face area Ag





Max. load capacity Fmax





Flux density at max. load





Coil current at max. load





Max. continuous current





Max. slew rate


2.2 × 106

2.2 × 106

1.9 × 106

Design coil voltage





Bias current ib





Open loop gain Ki





Open loop stiffness Kx


1.27 × 106

2.26 × 106

4.23 × 106

Amplifier gain Ka





Amplifier bandwidth ωa





Sensor Gain Ks


3.9370 × 104

3.9370 × 104

2.7559 × 104


1.26 × 104

1.26 × 104

1.45 × 104

Sensor bandwidth ωs

The process of experimentally measuring the open-loop stiffness Kx is similar to that of the current gain. Initially, the control current is measured when the rotor is centered. Then, employing the command signal to the AMB rotor suspension controller, the position of the rotor is slightly changed to a static position along the control axis and the control current is recorded. Under the assumption that the Ki is known, the force applied by an radial AMB bearing is the same for both the static centered rotor and the static displaced rotor, and thus the linearized force equations for these two cases have only two unknowns. The open-loop stiffness can be determined by repeating the control current measurement at different static displacements of the rotor and computing the least square estimate of the two unknown parameters in the linearized force equations. Table 4.2 shows the corrected value of Kx from the experimental testing.

4.5.2 Thrust AMB The axial position of the compressor rotor and impeller is servo controlled by the thrust active magnetic bearing up to a maximum end-to-end displacement of 0.5 mm (20 mils). One of the thrust AMB actuators before and after the wiring of the coil is shown in Fig. 4.23. As in the radial AMBs, two coils acting on opposite sides of the thrust disk of the rotor regulate the axial displacement of the spindle. By varying the control current sent to the two electromagnets, a horizontal force is created that can


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.23 Thrust AMB actuator wiring

Fig. 4.24 Geometry and flux path of the thrust AMB actuator [25]

accurately control the axial position of the impeller, and consequently the impeller tip clearance. Figure 4.24 illustrates the geometry of the thrust AMB actuator and the flux path. We can see in this diagram that the height of the outer pole face is slightly smaller than the inner pole face in order to keep the face areas of these two poles the same. Table 4.2 summarizes the design parameters of the thrust AMB. The axial loads on the impeller during the operation of the compressor at the design condition is predicted to be 3,300 N. Therefore the target load capacity of 6,600 N is selected for the thrust AMB in order to deliver the additional force required to modulate the impeller during the control of compressor surge and to compensate for the added disturbances induced by the surge instability. The design load capacity of the thrust bearing was presented in Fig. 4.18. Differently from the radial bearings, lamination of the thrust AMB rotor and stator are not practical due to the directions of the flux flow and the induced eddy current loop. In order to disturb the

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Fig. 4.25 Finite-element analysis result of the thrust AMB force vs. current test

eddy current loops without affecting the magnetic flux loop, the thrust disk on the rotor and the stator need to be laminated circumferentially as very thin slices of a pie. This type of lamination is very difficult to manufacture, and the high centrifugal stresses on the rotor make it impossible implement. Because of the stresses from the high surface speed that the rotor is subjected to at the compressor operating speed, the solid thrust disk is manufactured of a highstrength AISI 4340 steel alloy. On the other hand, the stresses on the bearing stator is considerably lower, thus a low-carbon steel is selected as the building material for the stator. The saturation flux density of the materials for the rotor and the stator is estimated to be 1.3 T and 1.15 T, respectively. Some additional measures are taken to improve the dynamic load capacity of the thrust bearing. In order to reduce the eddy current losses on the stator, the thrust actuator is sectioned into eight segments. The sectioned stator of the thrust AMB is shown in Fig. 4.23. This breaks the large eddy current loop going around the stator iron into smaller local loops in each segment of the actuator. A detailed magnetic finite-element analysis for the thrust AMB is presented in [25]. Same as in the radial AMB, the open-loop current gain Ki and the open-loop stiffness Kx are computed analytically from the linearized force equation, and later corrected from the FEA models. The process of estimating the AMB gains for the thrust bearing is identical to that of the radial bearings, where we have two variables (perturbation current and displacement) and two unknown bearing force linearization gains. The resulting perturbation current versus force and displacement versus force curves from the FEA of the thrust AMB are shown in Figs. 4.25 and 4.26, re-


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.26 Finite-element analysis result of the thrust AMB force vs. displacement test

spectively. Finally, with the rotor levitated by all radial and axial AMBs, the Ki and Kx gains for the thrust bearing are measured through a similar process as described for the radial AMBs. Table 4.2 presents the final values of the AMB gains.

4.5.3 AMB Control A finite-element model of the rotor presented in Sect. 4.4 was integrated into the models for the different components of the AMB to obtain the system model. The system output is the sensor measurements of the rotor position, and the input is the control voltages to the amplifiers powering the AMB coils. The radial dynamics of the compressor rotor is considered to be close to a rigid body, with the first bending mode at 40,792 rpm. Thus, a linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) controller was found to be appropriate for the radial levitation of the rigid rotor with negligible modal disturbance. By iterating over the value of the weight on the system output, we selected the weighting matrices of the LQG objective function that produce the desired closed-loop system response, while maintaining acceptable phase and gain margins for robust stabilization. A more detailed description of the derivation of the levitation controller for the AMBs will be presented in Chap. 7. The measured zeroto-peak vibration level of the rotor with the LQG levitation controller is presented in Fig. 4.27 over the operating speed range of the compressor. The maximum allowed

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Fig. 4.27 Experimental vibration level of the rotor at the motor-side (MS) and compressor-side (CS) bearing locations

vibration level of 30 % of the minimum bearing clearance defined for Zone A in the ISO standard 14839-2 [66] is also plotted in the figure. For a detailed discussion of ISO and API standards for machines with AMBs, please refer to Chap. 7. The rotor orbits at each bearing location is shown in Fig. 4.28 for the compressor operating without surge at 16,290 rpm. The AMB is able to regulate the rotor orbit very closely to the measurement center. The rotor vibration levels at the compressor and the motor sides are within 4 % and 3 % of the minimum clearance, respectively. When the compressor is driven into surge, the rotor orbits increase due to the resulting aerodynamic disturbances acting on the rotor. The rotor orbits during compressor surge at 16,290 rpm are shown in Fig. 4.29. We observe that the diameters of the orbits are enlarged at both bearing locations, but the compressor side sees a larger increase. Even under surge, the rotor orbits at the compressor- and motorside bearings are still well regulated within 16 % and 6 % of the bearing minimum clearances, respectively. The frequency responses of the AMB rotor radial levitation dynamics measured from the experimental setup are shown in the Bode plots in Figs. 4.30, 4.31, and 4.32. The first figure shows the Bode plots for the open-loop plant, which consists of all the AMB components including the amplifiers and sensor dynamics, but excludes the feedback levitation controller. Here we see a clear resonance in both the magnitude and phase plots, which corresponds to the rotor first bending mode near 700 Hz (4,398.1 rad/s). The Bode plots in Fig. 4.31 show the frequency response


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.28 Measured rotor orbit of the compressor operating at 16,290 rpm without surge

Fig. 4.29 Measured rotor orbit of the compressor operating at 16,290 rpm and in deep surge

Fig. 4.30 Measured radial AMB plant Bode plots from the amplifier input signal (V) to the sensor output signal (V)

4.5 Active Magnetic Bearings


Fig. 4.31 Measured radial AMB complementary sensitivity Bode plots from the input noise at the controller input (V) to the sensor output signal (V)

Fig. 4.32 Measured radial AMB sensitivity Bode plots from the input noise at the sensor output (V) to the controller input (V)

of the complementary sensitivity function, which represents the dynamics of the closed-loop system from reference or sensor noise to the plant output. The magnitude plot in this figure gives us the bandwidth of the experimental closed-loop system to be close to 200 Hz (1,256.6 rad/s) for both the motor-side and compressorside AMBs. Finally, Fig. 4.32 presents the Bode plots of the sensitivity function, or the closed-loop dynamics from the reference signal or sensor noise to the controller input signal. According to the ISO specifications [67], the maximum gain of the sensitivity function is recommended to be less than 3 (9.54 dB) for new machinery


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.33 Measured thrust AMB sensitivity S(s) and complementary sensitivity T (s) Bode plots

with AMB (see Chap. 7 for more details). Experimental measurements show that the compressor-side AMB meets this criterion, although the magnitude of the sensitivity function in the motor-side bearing is slightly higher than the recommended maximum. However, since the current closed-loop radial AMB configuration has been shown to have good stability and performance characteristic through experimental testing over the full speed range of the compressor, the LQG levitation controller was employed for the final implementation of the levitation controller. For the servo control of the impeller axial position, an H∞ feedback controller was implemented for the thrust bearing using the axial rotor position measurements from the two eddy proximity sensors. Special attention was paid to the tracking performance of the rotor axial displacement, as well as the robustness of the closedloop system to nonlinearities, such as slew rate and eddy current effects. Differently from the radial AMBs, the target of the thrust bearing coils is generally not laminated, and eddy current losses can become significant in the axial direction. A more detailed description of the thrust AMB rotor support controller will be presented in Chap. 7. Experimentally measured Bode plots for the closed-loop rotor/thrust AMB system are given in Fig 4.33. The figure shows the complementary sensitivity function from the noise at the controller input to the plant output, and the sensitivity function from the noise at sensor output to the controller input signal. The rotor tracking performance of the thrust AMB is sometimes evaluated by looking at the zero-crossing frequency in the magnitude plot of the sensitivity function. This occurs in the com-

4.6 Auxiliary Bearings


Fig. 4.34 Measured rotor axial displacement relative to the minimum axial clearance at 16,290 rpm and compressor operating under surge condition

pressor test rig near 200 rad/s. The actual bandwidth of the closed-loop thrust AMB is the half-power point of the complementary sensitivity function, which is measured to be near 2,000 rad/s. An important task for the thrust bearing in this test rig is to compensate for the surge disturbances acting on the rotor. It is generally true that surge instability will induce a larger disturbance on the rotor in the axial direction than the radial directions due to the axisymmetrical nature of the surge oscillations. A well implemented thrust bearing must be able to compensate for these disturbances and maintain the rotor vibration within an acceptable level. Figure 4.34 shows the rotor axial vibration as a percentage of the minimum clearance for the compressor operating in surge at 16,290 rpm. The rotor axial vibration is well regulated by the thrust AMB at 10 % of the maximum allowed displacement.

4.6 Auxiliary Bearings Magnetic levitation of the rotor may be lost in undesired cases where the AMBs are overloaded beyond their load capacity or due to failure in the electronic components. In these cases, the auxiliary bearing is the first line of defense to protect the rotor and the casing from the damage caused by an accidental contact between these two.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.35 Auxiliary oil impregnated bronze bushings installed on the motor side

These bearings, which are also known as backup or touch-down bearings, are passive components that are specifically designed to support the rotor for short periods of time until magnetic levitation is recovered by the AMBs, or the rotor is allowed to coast down safely. Additionally, auxiliary bearings provide a resting surface for the rotor when the AMBs are powered off. More information on the auxiliary bearings can be found in Chap. 3. Auxiliary bearings are generally bushings made of soft material or specially designed ball bearings [101]. In our compressor, soft bronze bushings were selected. The bronze material is oil impregnated to provide lubrication during the contact with the rotor. Additionally, rubber o-rings in the outer perimeter of the bushing provide added damping. The auxiliary bearings and their installation on the motor side of the compressor are shown in Fig. 4.35. The compressor test rig has two auxiliary bearings, each located by the side of a radial AMB as shown in Fig. 4.10. The auxiliary bearing at the motor side provides radial support and protects the motor-side radial AMB. On the other hand, the auxiliary bearing at the compressor side supports the rotor in both the radial and axial directions, and protects the compressor-side AMB, as well as the thrust magnetic bearing. The clearance of the auxiliary bearing determines the maximum allowable displacement of the rotor, and the clearance of the bearing for the compressor test rig is ±0.254 mm from the bearing center.

4.7 Experimental Surge Characterization With the test rig fully assembled and operating at 16,290 rpm, compressor surge is induced by gradually closing the throttle valve and restricting the mass flow rate beyond the surge point in the compressor characteristic curve. As the throttle valve is closed, the pressure, temperature, and mass flow rate measurements are recorded

4.7 Experimental Surge Characterization


Fig. 4.36 Absolute pressures at the compressor inlet and exhaust as the compressor is gradually driven from stable operation to surge. PO stands for percentage opening of the throttle valve

to identify changes in the compressor behavior that could signal the initiation of stall or surge instability. Additionally, in order to minimize the intensity of the observed surge and prevent excessive load on the compressor during this initial study, the plenum volume in the compression system is reduced to its minimum size by moving the throttle valve at the location closest to the compressor, as shown in Fig. 4.3. The experimental measurement of the plenum and compressor inlet pressures as the throttle valve is closed gradually from 19 % throttle valve opening to 17 % is shown in Fig. 4.36. Here, the compressor is slowly driven into the surge instability region by restricting the mass flow rate through the compression system and increasing the pressure rise in the collector. During the initiation of surge, the frequency of the unstable limit cycle is approximately 21 Hz (131.9 rad/s) with a relatively small magnitude. This frequency is estimated in Chap. 5 to be near the acoustic resonance of the ducting system connected to the centrifugal compressor. Therefore, it is believed that the flow oscillation at this point is mainly contained within the ducting system, and there is no significant reversal of flow back to the compressor. As the system is driven deeper into surge, the frequency of the oscillations rapidly decreases to 7 Hz (43.98 rad/s), corresponding to the estimated Helmholtz frequency of the compression system. Also, the magnitude of the surge oscillation increases significantly as the mass flow rate is lowered, which is expected as the compressor is driven deeper into surge instability.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.37 Absolute pressures at the impeller eye and diffuser entry as the compressor is gradually driven from stable operation to surge. PO stands for percentage opening of the throttle valve

The pressures at the impeller eye and diffuser entry are plotted in Fig. 4.37 for the same test described above. It is observed that the trend during the initiation of surge is similar to the measurements in Fig. 4.36. No extra dynamics are found in the pressure measurements from inside the compressor casing that could indicate the presence of stall cells. The presence of flow reversal can be deduced by comparing the pressure at the compressor inlet and the impeller eye. During normal operation the pressure at the impeller eye is lowered to force the gas into the compressor. Higher pressure at the impeller eye would push the gas out towards the compressor inlet, it can be an indication of flow reversal. Figure 4.38 compares the measured pressures at these two points during the second stage of surge. We observe that the pressure at the impeller eye surpasses the inlet pressure for a short time period in the cycle. This is consistent with our observations during the surge testing, where we could visually confirm the reversal of flow in the inlet piping. Plots with zoomed-in views of the exhaust pressure signal during the two phases of surge discussed here are shown in Figs. 4.39 and 4.40. The first figure shows the pressure signal oscillating during the first stage of surge with a dominant component of 21 Hz (131.9 rad/s). We notice that the pressure signal has other significant frequency components shaping the measured surge oscillation. Some of these components come from the compressor Helmholtz frequency and higher order resonance modes of the piping acoustics. The pressure signal in the second figure corresponds

4.7 Experimental Surge Characterization


Fig. 4.38 Pressure measurements at the impeller eye and the compressor inlet during oscillation at the second stage of surge

Fig. 4.39 Zoomed-in view of the exhaust pressure signal in Fig. 4.36 during the initiation of surge


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.40 Zoomed-in view of the exhaust pressure signal in Fig. 4.36 during the oscillations in deeper surge

to the deeper surge with oscillation at a frequency around 7 Hz (43.98 rad/s). In this figure we can see that the pressure signal is cleaner and the shape of the oscillation is almost sinusoidal. Only a small residual 21 Hz (131.9 rad/s) component can be found in the measured signal for the deeper surge oscillation. The rapid change in the frequency and magnitude of the surge oscillations can be better seen by analyzing the frequency response of the exhaust pressure signal. Figure 4.41 shows the frequency components of the compressor pressure signal corresponding to measurements at different steady state mass flow rates. We can clearly see how the frequency of the surge limit cycle changes as the surge develops. As the mass flow is restricted, two resonances can be found to appear suddenly in the frequency response together with the initiation of surge: a small component around 7 Hz (43.98 rad/s) and a larger peak around 21 Hz (131.9 rad/s). When the flow is further restricted, the lower frequency component grows rapidly to become the dominant component in the frequency response. In the mean time, the magnitude of the second peak near the piping resonance frequency gradually decreases. The pressure distribution in the impeller region can also be measured in the experimental setup through the pressure transducers installed on the compressor front casing, as previously shown in Fig. 4.8. This is particularly important during compressor surge, where high loads on the impeller blades can lead to component failure and cause severe damage to the compressor. Additionally, with this configuration of

4.7 Experimental Surge Characterization


Fig. 4.41 Waterfall plot of the frequency components of the compressor pressure signal at different mass flow rates. The compressor enters surge at flows rates below 0.25 kg/s, with a dominating component at 21 Hz. As the mass flow rate is further reduced, a larger component at 7 Hz appears rapidly and dominates the frequency response

the pressure sensors we can detect single or multiple stall cells generated in the impeller and diffuser regions, which are sometimes linked in the literature with the inception of surge [97, 112]. The zoomed-in view of the pressures inside the compressor casing at the two different stages of surge found in Fig. 4.37 are shown in Figs. 4.42 and 4.43. We can clearly see in both figures that the measurements oscillate at the main surge frequency, and higher order harmonics disturb the measured pressure signals. Figure 4.44 shows snapshots of the pressure distribution map inside the casing at different time instances during a full compressor surge limit cycle. The figure shows how the pressure distribution changes during the filling (a → b → c → d) and the emptying (d → e → f) of the plenum volume, corresponding to the recovery and collapse periods of the surge cycle, respectively. The same cycle repeats itself at approximately every 130 ms, or 7.69 Hz. An important finding from the pressure measurements in Fig. 4.44 is that we were unable to detect a continuous presence of stall cells in the impeller or diffuser region having any substantial effect on the compressor dynamics. As previously mentioned, stall instability is more relevant to axial compressors, and we can demonstrate that it does not have a significant effect in our centrifugal compressor test rig. Therefore, we are able to study the control of surge instability in our experimental setup, and isolate our test cases from instability caused by stall.


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

Fig. 4.42 Zoomed-in view of the pressures at the impeller eye, impeller mid-section, impeller tip and diffuser entry in Fig. 4.37 during the initiation of surge

Fig. 4.43 Zoomed-in view of the pressures at the impeller eye, impeller mid-section, impeller tip and diffuser entry in Fig. 4.37 during the oscillations in deeper surge

4.7 Experimental Surge Characterization


Fig. 4.44 Snapshots of the pressure rise distribution in the impeller area of the centrifugal compressor during surge viewed from the inlet. The period of the surge oscillation is approximately 130 ms, and pressure is given in kPa


4 Design of AMB Supported Centrifugal Compressor

4.8 Conclusions A detailed description of an AMB levitated centrifugal compressor test rig was presented in this chapter. The single stage centrifugal compressor is equipped with AMBs that support the rotor during operation and control the axial clearance between the compressor impeller and the static shroud. Experimental data showing the stability and performance of the compression system flow and the magnetic rotor suspension were presented. This test rig plays an important role in the experimental validation of the mathematical model for the compression system and the surge control strategy that is proposed in this book. The experimental characterization of the compression system presented in this chapter will be referred to during the modeling of the compressor flow dynamics and the AMB levitation system. The simulated dynamic response of the mathematical model will be compared to the observations from the experimental test rig in order to validate and correct the derived system equations. Furthermore, the surge controller and the rotor levitation control presented in the chapters to follow will be designed based on the systems parameters described in this chapter.

Chapter 5

Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

The mathematical model describing the flow dynamics of the compression system is derived in this chapter. This model will be the basis on which the surge controller is designed. As mentioned in Chap. 1, there are many dynamic models that have been reported in the literature to capture the essence of the flow instabilities in the different possible configurations of a compression system. The majority of these models can be sorted into two categories: one-dimensional models for describing surge instabilities, and two-dimensional models that are intended to capture the dynamics of surge and stall. In this book, we focus our effort in controlling surge, thus a onedimensional model is selected. The resulting mathematical model is compared to experimental measurements in the compressor test rig for validation.

5.1 Greitzer Compression System Model A lumped-parameter model for a compression system, composed of the compressor, the plenum volume and the throttle valve, was derived by Greitzer in [58] for the study of flow instabilities in turbomachinery. This model adds the transient dynamics of the compression system over the steady-state characteristics given by the compressor characteristic curve. The analogy between the compression system and a self-excited Helmholtz resonator is employed in describing the flow oscillations of the surge instability. The model introduces non-dimensional expressions for the pressure rise Ψ and the mass flow rate Φ, Ψ= Φ=




m , ρo1 U Ac


1 2 2 ρo1 U

where the dimensional pressure rise and mass flow rate are given by p and m, respectively, the density ρo1 is given at the inlet condition (ambient), U is the impeller S.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_5, © Springer-Verlag London 2013




Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

tip speed, and Ac is the area of the compressor duct. Another important constant of the compression system is the Helmholtz frequency ωH , which is expressed as  Ac ωH = ao1 . (5.2) Vp Lc Parameter Lc is the length of the compressor duct, Vp is the volume of the plenum, and ao1 is the speed of sound at the inlet (ambient) condition. The original Greitzer compression system model is formulated in terms of the non-dimensional variables defined above: dΦc dt dΦth dt dΨp dt dΨc dt

= BωH (Ψc − Ψp ), BωH (Ψp − Ψth ), G ωH = (Φc − Φth ), B ωH = (Ψc,ss − Ψc ), τ˜ =

(5.3a) (5.3b) (5.3c) (5.3d)

where the non-dimensional states of the compression system are the compressor mass flow rate Φc , the throttle mass flow rate Φth , the plenum pressure rise Ψp , and the compressor pressure rise Ψc [58]. The above system of equations describes the flow of the fluid through the four main components of the compression system described by Greitzer. The expressions in Eqs. (5.3a) and (5.3b) are derived from the conservation of the momentum of the fluid in the compressor and the throttle ducts, respectively. Equation (5.3c) is formulated from the conservation of mass in the plenum volume. Equation (5.3d) describes the behavior of a dynamic compressor settling at the operating point in the compressor characteristic curve, where τ˜ is the associated time constant of the compressor. The Greitzer stability parameter B governs the intensity of the surge instability in the Greitzer model. This parameter and the constant G in Eq. (5.3b) are defined as U B= , (5.4) 2ωH Lc and G=

Lth Ac , Lc Ath


respectively. The length and the cross-sectional area of the throttle duct is included in the model by the constants Lth and Ath , respectively. If the throttle duct length is much smaller than the compressor duct, the value of the constant G can be considered to be near zero. Under the assumption that the time constants of the flow in the compressor and the throttle valve are negligible,

5.1 Greitzer Compression System Model


Fig. 5.1 Schematic drawing of a compression system described by the Greitzer model

the Greitzer compression system model can be simplified to a second order system with the non-dimensional compressor mass flow rate Φc and the non-dimensional plenum pressure rise Ψp as the system states, Φ˙ c = BωH (Ψc − Ψp ), ωH (Φc − Φth ). Ψ˙ p = B

(5.6a) (5.6b)

For subsonic flow conditions, the non-dimensional throttle mass flow rate Φth is computed as a function of the throttle percentage opening uth and Ψp [118], (5.7) Φth = cth uth Ψp . The throttle valve constant cth is determined experimentally, and it is specific to the valve geometry and the properties of the fluid. A schematic drawing of a compression system as represented by the Greitzer model is given in Fig. 5.1. The steady-state performance of the compressor is given by its characteristic curve. This curve maps the equilibrium pressure output of the compressor operating over a range of mass flow rates. The curve is generally divided into two regions by the surge point, which is the critical point in the curve where a further restriction in the flow would force the compressor into surge. The stable region of the curve is to the right of the surge point, and the equation of the curve is found through a polynomial fitting. It was concluded during the characterization of the compressor test rig described in Chap. 4 that a general third order polynomial fitting gives us the best match between the measured compressor steady-state operating points and the estimated characteristic curve in the stable region. The equilibrium pressure and mass flow measurements in the unstable region, or to the left of the surge point, are difficult to obtain and the characteristic curve is extrapolated from the stable region. A third order polynomial fitting was presented in [91] to determine the curve from the steady-state pressure and flow rate measurements,    3   1 Φ 3 Φ . (5.8) −1 − −1 Ψc (Φ) = Ψc0 + H 1 + 2 W 2 W Here, Ψc0 is the pressure at the zero flow, and H and W are computed from the pressure rise and the flow rate corresponding to the surge point. The parameters of Eq. (5.8) are determined from the experimental measurements in the stable flow



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.2 Fitted characteristic curve of the compressor at 16,290 rpm

region for the best fit, and the curve is extrapolated to the unstable region. The parameters H and W are selected based on the surge point predicted by the curve fitting in the stable region, and Ψc0 is selected to minimize the fitting error. Finally, Ψc0 is corrected based on the observations from the measured surge limit cycles as described in [89]. Details on the determination of the characteristic curve for compressors can be found in [56]. The resulting characteristic curve for our modeling purpose is given in Fig. 5.2. The characteristic of the throttle valve in Eq. (5.7) is given by the valve constant cth . This constant is determined experimentally by least-square fitting of the experimental data as described in [89]. Assuming nonzero steady-state pressure rise in the plenum, we divide the square root of Ψp from both sides of Eq. (5.7), Φth = cth uth . Ψp


The steady-state value of the left-hand side in the above equation can be obtained from the experimental data, and the throttle valve opening is a known parameter. Thus, after recording the steady-state pressure rise and the mass flow rate at several valve openings, we employ a least-square approximation to find the constant cth . The linear fitting of the valve constant is shown in Fig. 5.3, where cth was determined to be 1.72.

5.1 Greitzer Compression System Model


Fig. 5.3 Fitting of the throttle valve constant cth for compressor operating at 16,290 rpm

Fig. 5.4 Block diagram of Greitzer’s compression system model. The compression system consists of the compressor, the plenum volume, and the throttle valve

The model in Eqs. (5.6a), (5.6b) was derived under some assumptions on the geometry and the operating conditions of the compression system. These assumptions can be summarized in the following list. • The compression system operates at low inlet Mach numbers. • The pressure rises achieved by the compression system are low compared to the ambient pressure. • Flow in the duct section is taken to be one-dimensional and incompressible. • The compression process in the plenum section is isentropic and has uniform pressure distribution. • Fluid velocities in the plenum are considered to be negligible. • Plenum dimensions are much smaller than the wavelength of the acoustic waves related to surge. A block diagram of the Greitzer model is given in Fig. 5.4, which shows the interconnection between the different components of the compression system.



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

5.2 Variation of the Impeller Tip Clearance Selecting a proper actuator that perturbs the compression system with enough bandwidth and control authority is a difficult task, and it is the topic of research for much published work in compression systems (see [13, 21, 105, 109]). Here, we take advantage of the thrust AMB, which supports the rotor in the axial direction, to servo control the impeller axial position with high precision and thus change the axial clearance between the impeller and the static shroud. A mathematical expression describing the effects of changing the impeller axial tip clearance on the states of the compression system was derived in detail by Sanadgol in [100]. Here we summarize the derivation of the equations from [100] with corrections based on the experimental observations obtained from our compressor test rig. The variation of the axial impeller tip clearance of the compressor is the input perturbation for the compression system. The effect of the impeller tip clearance on the inception of the compressor surge instability was studied in [38]. The effect of varying the impeller tip clearance is commonly expressed in terms of the change in the compressor efficiency η/η [32]. Mathematical expressions intended to capture the effect of the tip clearance on the efficiency of compressors have been derived in [32, 54, 96]. The results presented in these papers demonstrate wide variations of the observed tip clearance effects by the different authors. Senoo [102] and Sanadgol [100] attributed this discrepancy to the difficulty of achieving accurate measurement and control of the impeller clearance in compressors that are not equipped with AMBs. Senoo and Ishida in [103] studied the relationship between the axial impeller tip clearance and the operating efficiency of single stage unshrouded centrifugal compressors. They introduced a simple mathematical expression that relates the average impeller tip clearance to the change in operating efficiency for this type of compressors. With the capability of the AMB to accurately control the impeller clearance, the mathematical expression introduced in [103] was here adjusted to match our observations from the experimental measurements. The modifications reflect the observed change of 1 % in the compressor efficiency η for a variation of 1.43 % in the ratio between the axial impeller clearance cl and the blade height at the impeller exit b2 : −

η 0.7cl ≈ . η b2


Solving Eq. (5.10) for the efficiency η, we express the solution as a function of the impeller clearance, impeller blade height and the efficiency at zero clearance η0 , η=

η0 1+

0.7cl b2



The compressor efficiency at zero clearance is difficult to obtain due to the physical limitations of the machine. Therefore, the expression in Eq. (5.11) is modified such that the efficiency is expressed in terms of the nominal efficiency ηn for the compressor operating at the nominal tip clearance cln , which is the design value of

5.2 Variation of the Impeller Tip Clearance


the compression system. The efficiency of the compressor at the nominal tip clearance can be obtained by replacing the clearance in Eq. (5.11), ηn =

η0 1+



0.7cln b2

By solving the above equation for the efficiency at zero clearance η0 , and replacing the resulting expression in Eq. (5.11), we obtain the following equation for the compressor efficiency: η=

ηn (1 + 1+

0.7cln b2 ) . 0.7cl b2


Define δcl = cln − cl to be the variation in the tip clearance from its nominal value, and the impeller clearance coefficient k0 to be k0 =

0.7 1+



0.7cln b2

Then the expression in Eq. (5.13) can be further simplified, and the efficiency can be expressed as a function of the variable δcl , η=

ηn 1 − k0 δbcl2



Under the assumptions of isentropic compression and the perfect gas properties, the total-to-static isentropic efficiency is expressed as


To1 Cp (( ppo1c )

γ −1 γ

− 1)




where the stagnation temperature To1 and the pressure po1 are given at the inlet (ambient) condition, and the compressor output pressure pc is given at the compressor exhaust. Other constants are the specific heat at constant pressure Cp , total specific enthalpy delivered to the fluid hoc,ideal , and the specific heat ratio γ . In the case with nominal impeller tip clearance, the total-to-static isentropic efficiency becomes p

ηn =

) To1 Cp (( pc,ss o1

γ −1 γ


− 1)



where pc,ss is the compressor output pressure when δcl = 0. The expressions of η in Eq. (5.16) and ηn in Eq. (5.17) are substituted into Eq. (5.15), and the latter equation is solved for the compressor exhaust pressure pc . The compressor exhaust pressure ratio is then found to be



Table 5.1 Tip clearance equation parameters

Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations



Design tip clearance




Impeller tip speed




Impeller blade height




Inlet pressure




Inlet gas density




Specific heat ratio of air



ψc =



pc po1 γ −1

 = 1+

γ −1 ψc,ss

γ γ −1



1 − k0 δbcl2

The variable ψc,ss is the steady-state compressor pressure ratio, which corresponds to the compressor pressure ratio at the nominal tip clearance δcl = 0. The value of ψc,ss is obtained from the compressor characteristic curve at a given compressor flow rate. From Eqs. (5.1a), (5.1b) we find the non-dimensional compressor pressure rise Ψc as a function of the non-dimensional steady-state compressor pressure rise Ψc,ss and the variation in the tip clearance δcl , Ψc =

po1 1 2 2 ρo1 U




ρo1 U 2 po1 Ψc,ss

+ 1)

γ −1 γ

1 − k0 δbcl2

− 1  γ −1 γ

 −1 .


The density ρo1 is given at the inlet condition, and the impeller tip velocity U is obtained from the compressor operating speed. The compressor pressure rise Ψc in Eqs. (5.6a), (5.6b) is substituted by the expression in Eq. (5.19) to include the effect of varying the impeller tip clearance on the dynamics of the compressor. The values of the parameters in Eq. (5.19) are summarized in Table 5.1.

5.2.1 Simulation and Experimental Results First of all, we validate the steady-state relationship from the variation in the impeller tip clearance to the compressor states. A comparison between the predicted and the observed compressor characteristic curve for various values of the impeller tip clearance is given in Fig. 5.5. Here, the measured points in the characteristic curves are plotted together with the curve predicted by Eq. (5.19). At the nominal clearance, the curve is just a polynomial fit of the measured data. When the clearance is increased by 6 mils (0.15 mm), the increased leakage flow between the impeller and the static shroud in the compressor reduces the pressure rise achieved by the

5.2 Variation of the Impeller Tip Clearance


Fig. 5.5 Experimentally determined compressor characteristic curves for various impeller tip clearance values. The predicted curves are given by the solid (–) line for the nominal clearance of δcl = 0 mil, the dashed (– –) line for the reduced clearance of δcl = −6 mil (−0.15 mm), and the dash-dotted (–·) line for the increased clearance of δcl = 6 mil (0.15 mm)

system. This effect is well predicted by Eq. (5.19), and we observe that the theoretical curve for the increased clearance is lowered as shown in Fig. 5.5 to match the measured system output. A similar observation can be made for the cases when the impeller clearance is reduced by 6 mils (0.15 mm) and the lower leakage flow in the compressor brings the measured and predicted characteristic curve higher in pressure. In both cases, the results in Fig. 5.5 show a good agreement between the predicted and measured changes in the characteristic curve. Next, we analyze the response of the plenum pressure rise to small dynamic input perturbations at the impeller tip clearance. By limiting the magnitude of the input perturbation in the impeller tip clearance, and assuming that the input–output dynamics of the compression system stays within the linear range for these small perturbations, we study the dynamic response of the compression system in the frequency domain by using Bode plots. Experimental Bode plots of the transfer function from the disturbance in the impeller clearance to the plenum pressure rise Ψp were obtained by using the thrust AMB to modulate the impeller axial position in a frequency sweep. The amplitude of the sine sweep was limited to 0.0254 mm (1 mils) and the frequency ranged from 0 Hz to 60 Hz. Then, the experimental Bode plots were obtained by examining the frequency response of the measured impeller position and the measured plenum pressure rise Ψp .



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.6 Experimental Bode plots of the transfer function from the disturbances in the impeller tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp at 25 %, 22 %, and 20 % throttle valve openings

The resulting Bode plots are shown in Fig. 5.6 with the compressor operating at 25 %, 22 % and 20 % throttle valve openings. In the magnitude plot we can see that there are two resonance modes in the compression system. The first mode is approximately at 8 Hz, which will later be shown to correspond to the Helmholtz frequency of the compression system. The second mode at 21 Hz (131.9 rad/s) is the mode associated with the acoustic effects of the exhaust piping in the experimental setup. The effects of the throttle valve percentage opening in the stability of the compression system can be clearly observed in the frequency domain. As the throttle valve is closed and the compressor operates with higher pressures, the magnitudes of the resonance modes in the compression system become larger and better defined. This is consistent with previous observations on compressor instabilities, which commonly link the initiation of surge with the reduction of the acoustic damping in the compressor flow as the machine operates under higher loads [110]. The Helmholtz frequency ωH and the Greitzer parameter B were tuned from their theoretical values in the mathematical model in Eqs. (5.6a), (5.6b) to match the simulated response with the experimental measurements. This tuning of the compressor parameters is a commonly found practice in experimental systems, since some parameters may differ from their physical values due to the lumped-parameter nature of the Greitzer model [114]. The theoretical Bode plots were obtained by inputting the similar sine sweep perturbation from the experimental Bode plots as an

5.2 Variation of the Impeller Tip Clearance


Fig. 5.7 Comparison between simulated frequency response of the Greitzer model vs. experimental Bode plots of the transfer function from the impeller tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp . Throttle valve at 22 % open

input perturbation in the impeller tip clearance. No linearization of the mathematical model was performed at this point in order to preserve any nonlinear dynamics that could affect the Bode plots. Figure 5.7 compares the experimentally obtained Bode plots from Fig. 5.6 with the simulated frequency response of the modified Greitzer model introduced in Eqs. (5.6a), (5.6b) and (5.19). The throttle valve percentage opening is set to 22 %. It can be seen in Fig. 5.7 that the mathematical model with a theoretical Helmholtz frequency of 8 Hz (50.26 rad/s) closely matches the response of the experimental setup up to the first resonance. For higher frequencies, the model fails to predict the existence of the second resonance in the experimental measurement, which has been observed to be related to the acoustic effects of the exhaust/plenum pipes [113]. This is expected since the Greitzer model ignores the pipeline dynamics in the plenum volume by making assumptions on the geometry of the compression system. There has been different published work on experimentally identifying the parameters in the Greitzer model [114]. In this case, experimentally determined values of 0.525 for B and 8 Hz (50.26 rad/s) for ωH were observed to give the best match in the shape of the theoretical and experimental Bode plots in Fig. 5.7. The Greitzer model parameters for the simulation are summarized in Table 5.2.

136 Table 5.2 Parameters for Greitzer model without pipeline


Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations




Plenum volume




Compressor duct length






Greitzer stability parameter


Helmholtz frequency (Hz)




5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics Assumptions on the plenum section underlying the Greitzer model state that the fluid velocity is negligible and the pressure distribution is uniform. These assumptions may not be true in many compression systems with even relatively short exhaust piping. As we saw before, the effect of the pipeline at the compressor exhaust and the plenum section may appear as additional resonances in the system behavior. In order to enhance the Greitzer model to include the dynamics corresponding to the plenum piping, a mathematical model describing the transmission line dynamics in the compressor pipeline is investigated. Fluid transients in transmission lines have been studied intensively, especially for applications in pneumatic and hydraulic systems. Goodson presented a survey of modeling techniques for fluid transmission lines in [52]. A computationally efficient model for the simulation of laminar flow in rigid pipelines was introduced by Krus et al. in [80]. The benefits of this model come from the fact that it captures all the essential dynamics of the line by only computing the state variables at the boundaries of the pipeline. This includes the finite wave propagation speed and the frequency-dependent distributed friction in the transmission line. A linear modal approximation of the dynamics in fluid transmission lines using a linear friction model, which is also studied in this section, was derived by Yang and Tobler in [120]. The linearized approximation of the transmission line dynamics will be helpful in the derivation of the surge controller in the later chapters.

5.3.1 Fluid Transmission Line Model Helvoirt et al. [113] adopted the fluid transmission line model introduced by Krus in [80] to describe the effect of the compressor piping in the surge dynamics of the compression system. The authors of [113] showed that by adding the pipeline dynamics into the Greitzer model, they could obtain a better match between the simulated and experimental surge oscillations in compression systems with long piping. The same piping model is considered here to compare our own simulation and experimental results to the results presented by Helvoirt in [113]. The matrix representation of a two-port transmission line model describes the dynamics in uniform fluid lines with laminar flow. This mathematical representation is particularly convenient for the modeling and analysis of cascade systems

5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics


[52]. The dynamics of a transmission line in the frequency domain for a particular configuration of the boundary condition in the two-port model is given by      −Qd (s) A(s) B(s) Qu (s) = , (5.20) C(s) A(s) Pu (s) Pd (s) where

  A(s) = cosh τ N (s) ,   1 sinh τ N (s) , B(s) = − √ Z N (s)   C(s) = −Z N (s) sinh τ N (s) .

The variables Pu (s) and Pd (s) are the upstream and the downstream pressures of the pipeline in the frequency domain, respectively. In the same way, Qu (s) and Qd (s) give the upstream and the downstream volumetric flow rates. The function N (s) is a frequency-dependent friction factor. The constant τ is the time required for an acoustic wave to pass through the pipeline, and Z is the inviscid characteristic impedance of the line. These last two constants are calculated as τ = L/a,

  Z = 4ρu a/ πD 2 ,

(5.21a) (5.21b)

where L is the length of the pipeline, ρu is the density of the gas, a is the speed of sound, and D is the inner diameter of the line. The pressure and flow rates at the upstream and the downstream of the pipeline are the boundary conditions of the pipeline model, and the dependency between the boundary conditions is described by the two-port model in Eq. (5.20). Employing the method of characteristics, Krus et al. [80] proposed to represent the relation between the different pipeline boundary conditions by introducing the characteristics Cu (s) and Cd (s). They defined the following interconnection between the different input/output in Eq. (5.20), expressing the pressure as a function of flow rate, where the flow rate itself is a function of the pressure: Pu (s) = Cu (s) + ZQu (s),


Pd (s) = Cd (s) + ZQd (s).


Solving Eq. (5.20) for Cu (s) and Cd (s), we derived the expressions for the characteristics to be √  √  √  Cu (s) = e−τ s N Pd (s) + Z N Qd (s) + Z N − 1 Qu (s), (5.23a) √  √  √  Cd (s) = e−τ s N Pu (s) + Z N Qu (s) + Z N − 1 Qd (s). (5.23b) With the assumption of uniformly distributed friction in the pipeline, the transfer functions H1 (s), H2 (s) and G(s) are derived in [80] by approximating the low/high



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.8 Block diagram of the pipeline model, modified from [80, 113]. The input is the pressure and the volumetric flow rate at the pipe boundaries and the output is the upstream and the downstream characteristics Cu (s) and Cd (s)

frequency asymptotes and the steady-state pressure drop of Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23b), such that   Cu (s) = e−τ s G(s) Pd (s) + H2 (s)Qd (s) + H1 (s)Qu (s), (5.24a)   −τ s Cd (s) = e G(s) Pu (s) + H2 (s)Qu (s) + H1 (s)Qd (s), (5.24b) where R , κτ s + 1 H2 (s) = Z, H1 (s) =

G(s) =

s/ω2 + 1 , (s/ω1 + 1)(s/ωf + 1)

(5.25) (5.26) (5.27)

and R is the total resistance in the line, given by the Hagen–Poiseuille law, R=

128νa L , πD 4


with νa being the absolute viscosity of air. The frequencies ω1 = 1/κτ and ω2 = ω1 e(R/2Z) are defined in [80] to match the low/high frequency asymptotes of the original functions in Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23b), where a suitable value of κ was determined experimentally to be 1.25. Finally, ωf gives the cut-off frequency for the frequency-dependent resistance. The input/output interconnection describing the pipeline dynamics is given in Fig. 5.8.

5.3.2 Piping Acoustics at Compressor Exhaust The idea of implementing the pipeline model derived by Krus [80] in the compression system between the compressor and the plenum was first proposed in [113]. The transmission line model was integrated into the Greitzer model as shown in Fig. 5.9 by selecting the appropriate boundary conditions for the pipeline. The plenum volume section in the Greitzer model is kept to add extra flexibility in tuning of the final model. The block diagram of the compression system model with the pipeline

5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics


Fig. 5.9 Block diagram of the compression system model with pipeline dynamics at the compressor exhaust

Fig. 5.10 Comparison between the experimentally measured and simulated Bode plots of the transfer function from the tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp for the model with piping acoustics at the compressor exhaust. Throttle valve is at 22 % opening

dynamics at the compressor exhaust is given in Fig. 5.9. The upstream boundary condition is given by the compressor output mass flow rate, which is a state in the original compression system equations. The boundary condition for the pipe downstream comes from the plenum pressure rise equation. The remaining boundary conditions are computed using the pipeline characteristics Cu (s) and Cd (s) as given in Eqs. (5.22a), (5.22b). The output signal of the integrated system is the pressure rise measured at the plenum volume. The Bode plots of the system in Fig. 5.9 are determined through simulation as described in Sect. 5.2.1. In order to match the frequency response of the mathematical model to the experimental Bode plots, the Greitzer parameter B, the Helmholtz frequency ωH and the pipeline length L were corrected from their theoretical values. Figure 5.10 compares the experimentally obtained Bode plots with the simulated

140 Table 5.3 Parameters for Greitzer model with pipeline at compressor exhaust


Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations





Plenum volume




Comp. duct length




Greitzer stab. parameter



Helmholtz freq.




Pipeline length




Pipeline inner diameter




frequency response of the model in Fig. 5.9, from the variation of the impeller axial tip clearance δcl to the non-dimensional plenum pressure rise Ψp . The Helmholtz frequency was observed to control the frequency of the first resonance mode, and the pipeline length L controlled the frequency of the second mode. The Greitzer parameter affected the minimum frequency separation of the two modes in the tuning process. The system parameters for the final model are summarized in Table 5.3. In Fig. 5.10, it is seen that the simulated response predicts the first and second resonances in the magnitude plot, but fails to match the phase plot. Additionally, by comparing the magnitude plots between the experimental and simulated responses, it is clear that the mathematical model is missing dynamics between the first and the second resonance modes. A rapid drop in the magnitude at frequencies near 14 Hz of the experimental data is absent in the plot of the simulated system. Moreover, the experimental phase plot shows a sudden increase of about 130° at the same frequency, which is also absent in the simulated response. From these observations, it is predicted that the missing dynamics in the mathematical model correspond to a system zero in the state equations of the compression system.

5.3.3 Piping Acoustics at Plenum Output The piping/plenum configuration shown in Fig. 5.9 positions the throttle device next to the plenum volume and integrates the transmission line model to represent the dynamics of the compressor duct. This representation of the compression system shown in Fig. 4.3 is slightly modified here to increase the agreement between the mathematical model and the experimental setup. The output of the compression system considered in this section is the plenum pressure, and a straight piping section separates the plenum and the throttling device in Fig. 4.3, as specified by the PTC-10 [7] code for accurate pressure and temperature sensors measurement in the plenum volume. Additionally, the original Greitzer model already integrates the incompressible flow dynamics in the compressor duct when computing the system Helmholtz frequency ωH and the stability parameter B. The addition of the piping model here would overcompensate for the effect of the duct. A more physically sound piping/plenum configuration for the system in Fig. 4.3 can be obtained by

5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics


Fig. 5.11 Block diagram of the compression system model with the pipeline dynamics at the plenum output Table 5.4 Parameters for Greitzer’s model w. pipeline at plenum exit





Plenum volume




Comp. duct length




Greitzer stab. parameter



Helmholtz freq.




Pipeline length




relocating the piping acoustics model between the plenum volume and the throttle valve, as a separate piping section from the compressor duct. In order to capture the dynamics of the system zero mentioned in the previous subsection on our simulated response, we enhance the Greitzer model to include the pipeline dynamics at the exit of the plenum volume, as shown in Fig. 5.11. It is noted that the transmission line models derived from Eq. (5.20) are capable of displaying the dynamics of system zeros for different configuration of the boundary conditions, as seen in [120]. The boundary conditions of the pipeline are modified to fit the Greitzer model in Eqs. (5.6a), (5.6b) between the plenum and the throttle valve equations. The upstream boundary condition is given by the plenum pressure rise equation, and the downstream condition is the throttle valve mass flow rate. The remaining boundary conditions are once again calculated from Eqs. (5.22a), (5.22b). The output measurement point is the pressure rise at the plenum volume. Similarly to the case with the piping at the compressor exhaust, the simulated Bode plots of the system shown in Fig. 5.11 were obtained, and values for the parameters B, ωH and L were corrected to match the simulated response to the measurements from our experimental setup. Figure 5.12 compares the Bode plots of the compression system in Fig. 5.11 to the experimental measurements. The same comparison is repeated in Fig. 5.13 for an increased throttle valve opening value. As in the previous case, ωH and L are observed to control the frequencies of the first and second modes, respectively. The Greitzer parameter B determines the frequency separation of the zero dynamics to the second mode in the magnitude plot. The final values of the model parameters are summarized in Table 5.4. By comparing the experimental Bode plots to the resulting simulated response in Figs. 5.12 and 5.13, we observe that both the magnitude and the phase plots from the simulated response follow closely the experimental data. The compression system model in Fig. 5.11 successfully predicts the existence of both resonance modes in the experimental setup, and the mathematical model can be tuned to match



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.12 Comparison between the experimentally measured and simulated Bode plots of the transfer function from the tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp for the compression system with piping acoustics at the plenum output. Throttle valve is at 22 % opening

the theoretical and the experimental frequencies of these modes. Additionally, the dynamics of the system zero that were observed in experimental measurement is also present in the theoretical Bode plots of this enhanced model. The influence of varying the throttle valve opening on the dynamic response of the simulated compression system can be seen in Fig. 5.14. The figure shows the Bode plots for the mathematical model with the throttling device at 22 %, 24 % and 26 % valve openings. We observe that, in the same way as in the case of the experimental Bode plots in Fig. 5.6, the magnitudes of the resonance modes become larger and sharper as the throttle valve is closed and the compressor operates at higher output pressure values. Moreover, we observe in the phase plot that the curves corresponding to different valve openings cross each other at a single point near the frequency for the first resonance, which was also observed in the experimental Bode plots in Fig. 5.6. Finally, we compare the simulated and measured pressure oscillations when compressor surge is induced in the compression system. A snapshot of the measured and the simulated non-dimensional plenum pressure rise Ψp for the compression system in surge condition is presented in Fig. 5.15. It is observed that the simulated oscillations follow the experimental measurement very closely, which demonstrates the accuracy of our augmented model. We clearly see that there are two dominant frequency components in the pressure oscillations in this figure. This can be better

5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics


Fig. 5.13 Comparison between the experimentally measured and simulated Bode plots of the transfer function from the tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp for the compression system with piping acoustics at the plenum output. Throttle valve is at 24 % opening

seen in Fig. 5.16, which shows the frequency response of the pressure signal for the experimental and the simulated surge oscillations. The largest component in the frequency response is near 7.6 Hz (47.8 rad/s), and it is associated with the first resonance of the system as noted in the Bode plots. A second component near 22.6 Hz (142 rad/s) can be linked to the second resonance mode of the compression system, and it comes for the acoustic effects of the included pipeline dynamics in the plenum volume section.

5.3.4 Modal Approximation of Pipeline Acoustics The objective of the pipeline model introduced by Krus et al. in [80] was to derive a numerically efficient model for simulating transmission line dynamics. As previously demonstrated, the model is also very effective in capturing all the essential characteristics of the flow dynamics in pipelines. On the other hand, the structure of the dynamic equations and the delay term in the transfer functions make this pipeline model inconvenient for applications in linear control design. In order to simplify the compression system equations for the design of future surge controllers, a modal approximation of the pipeline dynamics can be employed instead.



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.14 Bode plots of the simulated compression system with pipeline dynamics at the plenum output, from the impeller tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp at 22 %, 24 % and 26 % throttle valve openings

The modal approximation of the transmission line equations was introduced by Yang and Tobler in [120]. From the dynamic equations for a uniform transmission line with laminar flow as given in Eq. (5.20), the causal transfer functions relating the boundary conditions of the pipeline are expanded as an infinite sum of individual modal components, 

   ∞  Pd (s) Pd (s) = Qu (s) Qu (s) i i=1

⎡ (−1)i+1 (2/d)λi ∞  ⎢ s¯ 2 +8¯s +λ2i = ⎣ i=1

(2/Zd)¯s s¯ 2 +8¯s +λ2i

(2Z/d)(¯s +8) s¯ 2 +8¯s +λ2i (−1)i+1 (2/d)λi s¯ 2 +8¯s +λ2i

  ⎥ Pu (s) ⎦ Q (s) . d


The parameter λi is the undamped natural frequency of the ith mode, s¯ is the normalized Laplace operator, νk is the kinematic viscosity, and d is the dissipation number. These parameters are given by λi = π(i − 1/2)/d, s¯ = D 2 s/(4νk ),

(5.30) (5.31)

5.3 Compression System with Piping Dynamics


Fig. 5.15 Comparison between the measured and the simulated plenum pressure rise Ψp during compressor surge


  d = 4Lνk / aD 2 ,


respectively. A linear state space representation of the ith modal component of the pipeline dynamics is derived from Eq. (5.29) as       p˙ d pd p (5.33) = Ai + Bi G u , q˙u i qu i qd where

 Ai =

0 i+1 λ i

− (−1)Z


 Bi =

0 2 Zd

 (−1)i+1 Zλi , −8  − 2Z d . 0

Then, the state space equation for the nth order modal approximation of the transmission line dynamics is obtained in [120] as



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.16 Comparison between the frequency components of the measured and the simulated plenum pressure rise Ψp during compressor surge

x˙n = Axn + Bu, y = Cxn ,

(5.34a) (5.34b)

where T  u = pu q d ,  T y = pd q u , ⎤ ⎡ 0 A1 ⎥ ⎢ A2 ⎥ ⎢ A=⎢ ⎥, . . ⎦ ⎣ . 0 An  T B = B1 G B2 G · · · Bn G ,   C = I2 I2 · · · I2 , and I2 is the 2 × 2 identity matrix. The matrix G is introduced to eliminate the steady-state error in the output, and it is computed as

5.4 Conclusions Table 5.5 Parameters for Greitzer’s model with the modal approximation of the pipeline at the plenum exit

147 Parameter



Plenum volume




Comp. duct length




Greitzer stab. parameter



Helmholtz freq.




Pipeline length




Hn = −


n   −1  Aj Bj , j =1

G = H−1 n

 1 −8Zd . 0 1

A comparison between the experimental and the simulated Bode plots with a single-mode approximation of the pipeline acoustics is shown in Fig. 5.17. The values of the parameters B, ωH and L were adjusted to match the experimental measurements, and their final values are 0.4409, 13.54 Hz (85.1 rad/s), and 6.5 m, respectively. The parameters of the modal approximation are summarized in Table 5.5. It is observed that the modal approximation also matches the experimental Bode plots closely, up to the first mode of the piping acoustics. Thus, the modal approximation simplifies the mathematical equations for the compression system, at the cost of a slight reduction in the accuracy of the high frequency dynamics. The accuracy of the theoretical Bode plots for higher frequencies could be improved by including additional modes in the pipeline model.

5.4 Conclusions In this chapter, we presented an enhanced mathematical model for compression systems with pipeline dynamics in the plenum section. The model was expanded from the well-known Greitzer model of the compression system, and the dynamics of the pipeline acoustics were added in the system equations. Different configurations between the compressor and the pipeline were studied, and the results were compared to the measurements from our experimental setup. Using the AMBs to actuate on the impeller tip clearance with high bandwidth and precision, we employed linear system identification techniques in the frequency domain to determine the Bode plots of the experimental compressor setup. The experimental Bode plots were then compared with the response of the derived mathematical models in order to validate the theoretical predictions of the presented work. A particularly good match was observed for the model with the pipeline dynamics located at the output of the plenum section. Finally, the compressor states during surge condition were compared for the experimental setup and the theoretical model, and a good agreement between them gave us confidence on the presented results.



Derivation of the Surge Dynamic Equations

Fig. 5.17 Comparison between the experimentally measured and simulated Bode plots of the transfer function from the tip clearance δcl (m) to the plenum pressure rise Ψp for the compression system with the modal approximation of the piping acoustics at the plenum output. Throttle valve is at 22 % opening

The results presented in this chapter serve as experimental validation for the Greitzer model. By comparing the Bode plots for the compressor test rig with the simulated frequency response of the Greitzer model, we were able to clearly demonstrate the strengths and weakness of this mathematical model for the compression system. Additionally, the proposed model serves as a good platform to simulate compression systems with long exhaust piping, where the acoustics and shock effects in the pipeline is of concern. Results with different configurations of the pipeline model within the compression system demonstrate that it is important to consider the best compressor-piping configuration for each implementation. Finally, this model will serve as our basis for designing the active surge controller in Chap. 8. Experimentally validated models of the compressor with the exhaust piping, which are also applicable for designing surge controllers, have not been established for industrialsize compressors. With a validated input–output model of the compression system from the impeller tip clearance to the plenum pressure rise, we will be able to design and implement active surge controllers, making the AMB a promising actuator in the control of compressor surge.

Chapter 6

Introduction to Control Theory

A brief introduction to control theory is presented in this chapter. The basic concepts and results in classical and modern control theory introduced here in this chapter will help understand the design and implementation of the AMB rotor levitation and surge controllers in Chaps. 7 and 8. The material presented here is mainly based on the published work of Chen [28], Franklin et al. [46], Kailath [73], Ogata [95] and Zhou et al. [123], which has been widely used as textbooks for many control courses around the world. Here we attempt to summarize and present a small part of this work that we found to be relevant to the design and implementation of AMB control systems. In our presentation, we will assume that the reader is proficient in mathematical tools that are commonly used in engineering, such as Laplace transform and basics in linear algebra. We will assume that the dynamic systems considered throughout this chapter are linear time-invariant (LTI). That is, the plant parameters are constant and do not change with time. Any variation of the parameters that diverges the system equations from the nominal time-invariant model will be classified as plant uncertainty. Based on the method used to represent the system dynamics, classical control or modern control theories are used to analyze the system performance or to derive the control law that achieves the desired closed-loop performance.

6.1 Classical Control Classical control theory integrates the most basic principles in the analysis and control of LTI systems, especially those with single input and single output, SISO systems. Transfer functions are the preferred method for representing dynamic systems in classical control. For an LTI system, the transfer function is defined to be the ratio between the Laplace transform of the output and input signals of the system. It is the Laplace transform of the system response to a unit impulse input signal. The transfer function facilitates the analysis and design of control systems in the frequency domain, or the s domain. S.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_6, © Springer-Verlag London 2013




Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.1 Open loop system with uncertainties

Fig. 6.2 Example plant described by a single integrator

In this section we will introduce some of the tools developed in the frequency domain for analyzing and controlling dynamics systems. This section will be divided as follows. We will begin with a brief discussion of the power of feedback controllers in dealing with plants with external disturbance and uncertainties. One feedback controller that has been extensively implemented in industry is the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, which will be described in some detail in this section. We will also study the characteristics of the time response and frequency response of a general SISO system, and discuss the information that can be extracted from these responses on the performance and stability robustness of the closed-loop system.

6.1.1 Objectives of a Control System Consider the system block diagram shown in Fig. 6.1, where G(s) is the nominal transfer function of the system to be controlled and ΔG(s) represents the uncertainties, such as physical changes in the plant itself and modeling errors that occur during the derivation of G(s). The input signals to the system include the reference input r(t) and the external disturbance w(t). For a general rotor/AMB suspension system, the reference signal would be the desired rotor position and possible external disturbances could be the fluid forces, unbalance forces, gravitational forces and other external loads acting on the rotor. Finally, the controlled output of the system in Fig. 6.1 is denoted by y(t), which may represent the actual rotor position in AMB systems. The most basic objective of a control system as illustrated in Fig. 6.1 is to cause the output y(t) to converge to the reference signal r(t) as the time t approaches infinity. This has to be achieved in the presence of uncertainties, disturbances and unknown initial conditions affecting the dynamics of the plant. For example, we consider the block diagram shown in Fig. 6.2. Initially, we have an open-loop control system where the plant is a simple integrator and the reference signal r(t) is the unit step function. With the initial condition of y(0) = 0, the output of the plant is found to be y(t) = t. Therefore, contrary to the defined objective of control systems, the output increases with time and it diverges from the value of the reference input as time approaches infinity.

6.1 Classical Control


Fig. 6.3 A single integrator plant under feedback control

Next, consider once again the single integrator open-loop system as above, but this time a feedback loop is introduced to the system. The block diagram of the resulting closed-loop system is shown in Fig. 6.3. The transfer function from the reference input R(s) to the plant output Y (s) can be derived by back tracking the signal flow in the block diagram starting from the output as Y (s) =

 1 R(s) − Y (s) . s


From Eq. (6.1) we have 1 R(s). (6.2) s+1 The Laplace transform of the unit step reference r(t) = 1 is R(s) = 1/s. Thus, the Laplace transform of the output y(t), with the zero initial condition, is given by Y (s) =

Y (s) = =

1 , s(s + 1) 1 1 − , s s+1

from which, by taking the inverse Laplace transform, we have y(t) = 1 − e−t ,

t ≥ 0.

Clearly, the closed-loop system output approaches one as the time t approaches infinity. Therefore, the controlled output y(t) converges to the reference input r(t) over time. This achieves the basic objective of a control system as defined above.

6.1.2 Power of Feedback Control As illustrated in Sect. 6.1.1, feedback is an essential tool in control theory. Although acceptable results may be possible with open-loop control for some cases, feedback control generally gives better results in terms of performance and stability, especially in the presence uncertainties, disturbances and unknown initial conditions. In this subsection, we demonstrate the power of feedback control with the example of a cruise control system in an automobile, which was adopted from [46]. Consider the vehicle traveling on a hilly road as illustrated in Fig. 6.4. The objective of the cruise controller is to maintain the vehicle speed as close as possible



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.4 Vehicle traveling at a speed of 55 mph Fig. 6.5 Open loop cruise control system

to the reference speed of 55 mph. In this example, we will ignore the dynamic response of the vehicle and focus only on the steady behavior, which we assume to be • 1° change in the throttle angle u(t) results in a 10 mph change in speed and, • 1 % change in the road grade w(t) results in a 5 mph change in speed. From the given information, a simple open-loop cruise controller can be designed as illustrated in Fig. 6.5. The equation for the actual vehicle speed under the openloop control is found to be   r(t) − 0.5w(t) , yOL (t) = 10 10 = r(t) − 5w(t).


The output in Eq. (6.3) reveals that the actual vehicle speed under the open-loop control is highly susceptible to the change in the road grade w(t). Given the reference speed of 55 mph and a flat road surface, the vehicle attains the reference value. On the other hand, when the road grade increases by 1 %, the vehicle speed would drop to 50 mph, and a 2 % change in the road grade would drop the vehicle speed to 45 mph. These represent errors of about 9 % and 18 %, respectively, between the reference and the actual speeds under the open-loop cruise controller. We next show that control systems under open-loop control are also highly sensitive to model uncertainties. Consider the situation where the plant model in Fig. 6.5 is changed from the nominal value of G(s) = 10 to G(s) = 9. This corresponds to an additive model uncertainty of ΔG(s) = −1 as defined in Fig. 6.1. Then, with the reference speed of 55 mph, the speed of the vehicle under the open-loop cruise control and on the flat road surface can be calculated as 9 r(t) − 4.5w(t) 10 = 49.5 mph,

yOL (t) =

6.1 Classical Control


Fig. 6.6 Feedback cruise control system

which represents an error of 10 % in the controlled speed of the vehicle. We next consider the situation where a feedback loop is used in the cruise controller. The block diagram of the closed-loop system is shown in Fig. 6.6, where the vehicle speed yCL (t) is measured and fed back to the cruise controller. The constant gain of the proportional cruise controller is 100. The speed of the vehicle under this closed-loop controller can be calculated as   yCL (t) = 10 u(t) − 0.5w(t) , = 0.999r(t) − 0.005w(t).


Unlike in the case with the open-loop controller, we can demonstrate that the closed-loop system is robust to the external disturbance coming from the road grade change. With the reference speed of 55 mph, a 1 % change in the road grade results in a vehicle speed of 54.94 mph. This represents an error of 1 % in speed. Additionally, a 10 % change in the road grade results in a mere 2 % error in the vehicle speed. We also notice here that when the change in road grade is zero, there is a small error between the reference and the actual speed. Although this is not desirable, this error can be reduced to an arbitrarily level by simply increasing the value of the controller gain. It can even be eliminated by using a slightly more complex controller. The robustness of the feedback controller with respect to model uncertainties can also be determined. For the plant uncertainty of ΔG(s) = −1 as considered in the open-loop control case, the speed of the vehicle under the closed-loop controller is found to be 4.5 900 r(t) − w(t) 901 901 = 54.939 mph.

yOL (t) =

Therefore, the error in the controlled speed due to the uncertainty in the plant model is less that 1 % of the reference input. This is a significant improvement in the performance robustness to additive model uncertainty when compared with the open-loop cruise controller. The vehicle cruise control example we just discussed is an overly simplified control system. For a plant described by a general transfer function G(s), the design



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.7 Block diagram of a general feedback system

of the feedback control law C(s) is more involved. Consider the feedback loop illustrated in Fig. 6.7, where the reference input R(s), disturbance input W (s) and measurement noise V (s) are the Laplace transform of the corresponding signals in the time domain. The input/output equations for the closed-loop system in the frequency domain can be easily derived as Y (s) =

G(s) G(s)C(s) G(s)C(s) R(s) + W (s) − V (s), 1 + G(s)C(s) 1 + G(s)C(s) 1 + G(s)C(s)

 Gcl (s)R(s) + S(s)G(s)W (s) − T (s)V (s).


Two important transfer functions were defined in the above derivation. The first one is the sensitivity function, defined as S(s) =

1 . 1 + C(s)G(s)


As seen in Eq. (6.5), this function describes the sensitivity of the closed-loop system with respect to the external disturbances. It is known that the sensitivity function also contains important information about the performance and robustness of the closed-loop system. The second transfer function is the complementary sensitivity function, defined as T (s) =

C(s)G(s) . 1 + C(s)G(s)


It describes the transmission of the sensor noise to the system output. The sensitivity function and the complementary sensitivity function satisfy the following fundamental property: S(s) + T (s) ≡ 1.


This relationship between the sensitivity and the complementary sensitivity functions reveals a clear trade-off that constrains the design of the feedback controller C(s). For example, it is normally desirable to minimize the sensitivity of the closed-loop system to external disturbances. Referring back to Eq. (6.5), this can be achieved by decreasing the magnitude of the sensitivity function in Eq. (6.6), which in turn can be achieved by increasing the controller gain C(s). However, increasing the controller gain C(s) will increase the magnitude of the complementary

6.1 Classical Control


sensitivity function. A higher magnitude of the complementary sensitive function, according to Eq. (6.7), causes the closed-loop system output to be more sensitive to sensor noise.

6.1.3 Input–Output Stability A system is said to be bounded input bounded output (BIBO) stable if every bounded input results in a bounded output (regardless of what goes on inside the system) [46]. As BIBO stability disregards what happens inside the system, it is also referred to as input output stability, or external stability. For a linear time-invariant system, its BIBO stability can be checked by the locations of the roots of the denominator polynomial of its transfer function. These roots are known as the poles of the transfer function or the system. If all the poles of this system have negative real parts, then the system is BIBO stable. On the other hand, if one of the poles has a real part greater or equal to zero, then the system is BIBO unstable. BIBO stability disregards what goes on inside the system. A stability notion that captures the internal behavior of the system is asymptotic stability, or internal stability, which will be introduced in Sect. 6.2.3. It is intuitive that internal stability is a stronger notion than BIBO stability, in the sense that internal stability implies BIBO stability but not vice versa.

6.1.4 PID Control of a Rigid Rotor on AMBs Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control is a simple and effective control strategy that has gained popularity in industrial applications. The controller structure is simple enough so that in many cases it can be “tuned” to obtain the desired closedloop characteristics without an a priori knowledge of the plant dynamics. This feature of the PID control reduces the implementation time and the cost of the control system when the control performance specifications are relatively less stringent and the plant itself is simple. For this reason, PID controllers have become popular in applications with AMBs as mentioned in Chap. 3. Here we describe the basic characteristics of the PID controller through an example of stabilizing a single-axis AMB levitation system with a rigid rotor. Advanced topics in the tuning of PID controllers for AMB suspension systems are discussed in [8]. Consider a rigid rotor suspended by a single-axis AMB actuator as shown in Fig. 6.8. The values of the rotor mass M, structural damping Cf , AMB open-loop stiffness Kx , and AMB open-loop current gain Ki are also given in the figure. Employing the linearized AMB force equation in Eq. (3.30), we can write the following second order differential equation, which describes the dynamics of the suspension system: M y¨ + Cf y˙ = Kx y + Ki ip ,




Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.8 Single-axis rigid rotor

Fig. 6.9 Block diagram of the single-axis AMB suspension system

where ip is the perturbation current to the AMB actuator, and y is the displacement of the rotor from the bearing center. By taking the Laplace transform of both sides of Eq. (6.9), we obtain Ms 2 Y (s) + Cf sY (s) = Kx Y (s) + Ki Ip (s),


where Y (s) and Ip (s) are the Laplace transform of y(t) and ip (t), respectively. The transfer function of the plant, or the ratio of the system output over the current input, both in the frequency domain, can then be obtained as 1 Y (s) = 2 Ip (s) Ms + Cf s − Kx  G(s).


Other modeled components of the AMB system are the current amplifier and the rotor position sensor. The dynamics of these components are modeled as simple constant gains of Ka = 1 A/V for the amplifier and Ks = 1.5 × 104 V/m for the sensor. The block diagram of the AMB system with the feedback controller C(s) is shown in Fig. 6.9. The PID controller is normally composed of three terms: proportional, integral and derivative terms. Generally, a combination of these three terms are used in order

6.1 Classical Control


Fig. 6.10 Rotor levitation with a proportional controller, from its initial position at −1 × 10−3 m

to achieve the desired system stability and performance objectives. The proportional term is a constant gain that outputs a control signal proportional to the error signal. Similar to a mechanical spring, the proportional term increases the stiffness of the AMB suspension system for a tighter control of the rotor position over all frequencies. Under a proportional controller C(s) = KP , the closed-loop transfer function from the reference to the controlled output is given by Gcl (s) =

Ki Ka KP . Ms 2 + Cf s − Kx + Ki Ka KP


A simulated response of the rotor position with the proportional controller C(s) = 0.5 is shown in Fig. 6.10. The rotor displacement in the simulation is regulated to the zero location at the bearing center from the initial position at −1 mm. As previously mentioned, the proportional controller increases the stiffness of the rotor suspension system, but no damping is added in the rotor response. Therefore, the closed-loop system is similar to a mass-spring system and the rotor position in the simulated response follows a sinusoidal trajectory. A small decay over time, which can be seen in the amplitude of the oscillation in Fig. 6.10, is due to the small structural damping that was inherent in the rotor dynamics. Additional damping can be added to the closed-loop system by including a derivative term in the controller to form a Proportional-Differential (PD) controller. The derivative term is equivalent to a mechanical damper acting on the rotor, and



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.11 Rotor levitation with proportional controller, from its initial position at −1 × 10−3 m

the control signal generated by this term is proportional to the rate of change of the rotor position error. The level of damping added to the system is proportional to the magnitude of the derivative coefficient KD . A simulated response of the rotor position with the PD controller C(s) = KP + KD s = 0.5 + 0.4s


is shown in Fig. 6.11, where the rotor displacement y is once again regulated to the bearing center from the initial position −1 mm. Figure 6.11 clearly shows the effect of the added derivative term in the PD controller when compared to the response in Fig. 6.10. The closed-loop system with the PD controller is now similar to a mass-spring-damper system, and the simulated output response converges rapidly to the final value. In this example, the closed-loop system is overdamped, with no oscillation in the output response. We next examine the response of the closed-loop system under the PD controller to external disturbances. Shown in Fig. 6.12 is the simulated rotor response of the rotor to a step disturbance w(t) = 5 × 1(t − 2) N, where the unit step function 1(t) is defined as  0 if t < 0, 1(t) = (6.14) 1 if t ≥ 0.

6.1 Classical Control


Fig. 6.12 Rotor response to the disturbance w(t) = 5 N applied at t = 2 s, with rotor initially at origin and the reference r(t) = 0

As seen in the figure, the system remains stable and transient dynamics are rapidly damped. It is, however, observed that the rotor does not return to the origin, and the external disturbance adds a steady-state error of 1 mm in the rotor position. This is generally not desirable in AMB applications, where the principal objective is to maintain the rotor position as close to the bearing center as possible. A solution for reducing/eliminating the steady-state error in the rotor position is to include an integral term in the control law to form a full Proportional-Integral-Differential (PID) controller. The integral term in the PID controller acts as a slow regulator on the feedback error signal, and it gradually increases the compensation term of the controller to correct for any steady-state error. The rate at which the integrator term increases is proportional to the gain KI of the integral term. Also shown in Fig. 6.12 is a simulated response of the AMB system under the PID controller KI s 0.2 = 0.5 + 0.4s + s

C(s) = KP + KD s +


to the external disturbance w(t) = 5 × 1(t − 2) N. It is seen in the figure that the response of the AMB system under the PID controller is initially similar to the



Introduction to Control Theory

response of the system under the PD control law. But soon the integral term comes into effect to eliminate the steady-state error in the rotor position. For a well tuned integral term, the rotor is slowly brought back to the desired final value without affecting the stability and transient dynamics of the closed-loop system. Therefore, it is not uncommon for PID controllers to have the PD components tuned initially to achieve the desired transient characteristics, and later have the integral term added to the control law to improve the steady-state response.

6.1.5 Transient Response Many of the common performance objectives that are considered in the design of feedback controllers can be translated into equivalent closed-loop characteristics of the transient response and the steady-state response. The transient response illustrates the system behavior in responding to nonzero initial conditions and abrupt changes in the input signal, while the steady-state response considers the input/output relationship after the transient dynamics are settled. The transient response of a general linear system is commonly characterized in terms of the response properties of first and second order systems. This is because first and second order systems are simpler and better understood than higher order counterparts and the transient responses of higher order systems are usually dominated by a first and second order components. Thus, in most cases it is sufficient to characterize the transient behavior in terms of the parameters that describe these lower order systems. The commonly employed benchmark input for analyzing the transient response is the unit step input 1(t) defined in the previous subsection. First Order Systems The transfer function of a stable first order system with output y(t), input r(t) and time constant T is given by G(s) = =

Y (s) R(s) 1 , Ts +1

T > 0.


The Laplace transform of the input and output signals of the above system are denoted as R(s) and Y (s), respectively. As mentioned in Sect. 6.1.3, the root of the denominator in Eq. (6.16), T s + 1, gives the pole of the system, 1 s=− . T


Therefore, the first order system G(s) is stable with a negative real pole for any positive time constant T .

6.1 Classical Control


The explicit solution for the output signal, in the frequency domain, of the system in Eq. (6.16) in response to a unit step input can be obtained as Y (s) = G(s)R(s) 1 1 Ts +1 s 1 1 , = − s s + T1


where R(s) = 1/s is the Laplace transform of the unit step function. The time response of this output signal is then found by taking the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s) to be y(t) = 1 − e− T , t

for t ≥ 0.


As shown above, the unit step response of the first order system is negative exponential, and it approaches the final value of one as the time t goes to infinity. This agrees with our intuition since the solution to a first order linear differential equation representing the same dynamics as in Eq. (6.16) is always exponential. The step response of a general first order system is shown in Fig. 6.13. As already seen in the explicit solution in Eq. (6.18), we observe in the figure that the output of the general first order system to the step input converges to the steady-state value of 1. The convergence rate of the output to the final value depends on the time constant T . The figure demonstrates that the output starting from zero reaches 63.2 % of the steady-state value in one time constant. In two time constants, the output is above 86.5 % of the final value. The settling time in the step response is known to be the smallest time required for the output signal to reach and stay within 2 % of the final value, which is about four times the time constant for first order linear systems [95]. Second Order Systems Consider a stable second order system whose transfer function is given by G(s) =

ωn2 , s 2 + 2ζ ωn s + ωn2


where ωn > 0 is the undamped natural frequency and ζ > 0 is known as the damping ratio. The poles of this second order system are the roots of the denominator in the transfer function, that is, the solutions of s 2 + 2ζ ωn s + ωn2 = 0, which are s = −ζ ωn ± j ωd ,




Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.13 Step response of a first order system

Fig. 6.14 Pole locations for a second order system

where the damped natural frequency is defined as  ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 .


The poles of the second order system are complex pairs if ζ < 1 (underdamped), and are on the real axis if ζ ≥ 1 (overdamped). A special case is when ζ = 1 (critically damped). In this case, the system has repeated real poles. It is also noted that any second order system whose transfer function is in the form of Eq. (6.19) is stable for any positive values of ωn and ζ . The pole locations for such a second order system in the complex plane is shown in Fig. 6.14. The time response of the second order system to a unit step input can also be solved explicitly. As with the first order system, the response in the frequency domain can be obtained as the product of the system transfer function and the Laplace

6.1 Classical Control


transform of the unit step input signal, Y (s) = G(s)R(s) =

1 ωn2 2 2 s + 2ζ ωn s + ωn s


s + 2ζ ωn 1 − s s 2 + 2ζ ωn s + ωn2


1 ζ ωn s + ζ ωn − . − 2 2 s (s + ζ ωn ) + ωd (s + ζ ωn )2 + ωd2

Taking the inverse Laplace transform Y (s) results in   ζ ωn −ζ ωn t cos(ωd t) + sin(ωd t) . y(t) = 1 − e ωd



It is observed that the step response of the second order system contains an exponential and a sinusoidal component. The output of the system converges to the steady-state value as time approaches infinity, at a rate that is determined by the system undamped natural frequency and the damping ratio in the exponential term. On the other hand, the oscillatory behavior of the output signal comes from the sine and cosine terms, and the frequency of the oscillation is determined by the damped natural frequency of the system. The step responses of the second order system with ωn = 1 and various values of the damping ratio ζ are illustrated in Fig. 6.15. For a different value of ωn , the time scale of Fig. 6.15 will change, but the basic shape of the response for a given damping ratio ζ will remain the same. Shown in Fig. 6.16 is the step response of the second order system with specific values of ωn and ζ . The rise time tr is defined as the time needed for the output to cross a predefined level relative to the final value. Depending on the type of response, the rise time is measured to be the time required for the output to reach from 0 to 100 %, or 10 % to 90 % of the steady-state value. In the case of underdamped systems (ζ < 1) the 0 to 100 % rise time is more practical, while the 10 % to 90 % rise time is preferred for overdamped system (ζ > 1) [95]. An approximation of the 10 % to 90 % rise time for second order systems with ζ in the neighborhood of ζ = 0.5 can be obtained as tr ≈

1.8 . ωn


The peak time tp is the time when the step response reaches its peak value. The percentage difference between the output at the peak time and the final output value is called the percentage overshoot Mp . These two values can be determined analytically as π tp = , (6.25) ζ ωn



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.15 Step responses of a second order system with different values of the damping ratio ζ

Fig. 6.16 Step response of a second order system

6.1 Classical Control


and Mp = e

− πζ ω




respectively Finally, the settling time ts is defined as the time required for the output to reach and stay within ±1 %, ±2 % or ±5 % margin of its steady-state value. The actual margin used for the settling time varies between applications. For a given margin, the corresponding settling time can be determined analytically. For example, the ±1 % settling time is ts =

4.6 . ζ ωn


6.1.6 Steady-State Response Consider a system with transfer function G(s) and let all poles of G(s) have negative real parts (i.e., the system is stable). Then, it can be shown that, as t → ∞, • the output excited by a constant input u(t) = a for all t ≥ 0 approaches a|G(0)|, and • the output excited by a sinusoidal input u(t) = a sin(ωt) for all t ≥ 0 approaches |G(j ω)| sin(ωt + ∠G(j ω)). Therefore, with the information of the gain |G(j ω)| and phase ∠G(j ω) of the transfer function G(s), we can compute the steady-state response of the system to any periodic input. The set of plots illustrating the magnitude |G(j ω)| (in dB) and the phase ∠G(j ω) over a logarithmic range of frequencies are known as the Bode plots. Figure 6.17 illustrates the Bode plots of an example plant. Bode plots give a comprehensive description of the system they represent and they are very powerful tools in experimental studies. Bode plots can be easily measured in actual applications, and they can be employed to study the dynamic characteristics of a physical system. Moreover, the experimentally measured Bode plots can be useful in the identification and validation of mathematical models describing the dynamics of the physical plant, as was observed in Chap. 5 for the compressor system flow model. Therefore, Bode plots are widely used for AMBs and other applications involving characterization, modeling and control of dynamical systems. One important piece of information that can be obtained from the Bode plots of an open-loop system is the steady-state error between the output of the closedloop system and a step input reference signal. Consider the block diagram of a stable closed-loop system, shown in Fig. 6.18, where the Bode plots of the open-loop transfer function G(s) is given in Fig. 6.17. The transfer function from the reference input R(s) to the error signal E(s) is found as E(s) = R(s) − Y (s) = R(s) − G(s)E(s),




Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.17 Bode plots of an open-loop linear system G(s) Fig. 6.18 Closed-loop system with open-loop transfer function G(s)

from which we have E(s) =

1 R(s). 1 + G(s)


The steady-state value of the error signal can be found by a simple application of the Final Value Theorem. Theorem 6.1 (The Final Value Theorem [46]) Given a signal f (t) and the corresponding Laplace transform F (s), lim f (t) = lim sF (s),



if all poles of sF (s) have negative real parts. An application of this theorem to Eq. (6.29) is that the steady-state value of the error e(t) to a unit step reference input is given by ess =

1 . 1 + G(0)


6.2 Modern Control


Therefore, the larger the value of the open-loop transfer function at the zero frequency (the DC gain) is, the smaller the steady-state error ess will be in tracking a step input. The integral term in a PID controller employs this property to reduce the steady-state error by increasing the DC (zero-frequency) gain of the open-loop system to infinity. A measure of the closed-loop stability robustness can also be obtained from the Bode plots of the open-loop system in terms of the gain and phase margins. Consider once again the system with the closed-loop block diagram as shown in Fig. 6.18, and assume that the Bode plots of the open-loop transfer function G(s) are given in Fig. 6.17. The magnitude crossover frequency ωcm shown in the Bode plots is the frequency at which the magnitude crosses the 0 dB line in the magnitude plot, and the phase crossover frequency ωcp is the frequency at which the phase dips across −180° in the corresponding phase plot. Then, the gain margin (GM) is defined to be the uncertainty in the gain that the closed-loop system can tolerate before instability, and it is measured in the Bode plots as the difference between the 0 dB line and the gain at ωcp ,   (6.31) GM = −G(j ωcp ). In the same way, the phase margin (PM) is the level of phase uncertainty that the closed-loop system can tolerate, and it is measured in the Bode plots as the difference between the phase at ωcm and −180°, PM = ∠G(j ωcm ) + 180°.


Large stability margins are desired since they provide extra robustness to the closed-loop system against uncertainties in the plant and the controller implementation that could destabilize the system. It can be easily observed that for a closed-loop system to be stable, it is necessary that ωcm < ωcp . This is equivalent to say that both the phase and gain margins must be positive for the closed-loop system to be stable.

6.2 Modern Control Modern control theory introduces the state space representation of dynamic systems, and adds the needed tools in the time domain for the analysis and control of both SISO and MIMO (multiple input multiple output) systems. Although modern control methods are applicable to both SISO and MIMO systems, the main advantages of the modern control theory come from its applicability to MIMO systems. The state space representation of the system dynamics is also convenient for the development of optimization-based control design methods, such as those that employ linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Some examples of optimal control synthesis using LMI methods are the H∞ and the μ synthesis controllers, which will be discussed later in this section. The remainder of this section is organized as follows. First, the state representation for linear systems is introduced. The relationships between the transfer func-



Introduction to Control Theory

tions and the state space representation are established by deriving methods to transition between these two system representations. The explicit solution of the state space equation is also derived in this section, from which the criteria for the stability of state space systems are established. The definitions of system controllability and observability are then introduced, and the criteria for testing these properties are developed. Finally, three different controller optimization methods are presented, each minimizing a particular objective function of the closed-loop system.

6.2.1 State Space Representations The state space representation of a linear system employs a set of first order differential equations to describe the evolution of the state variables. The general matrix form of a state space equation is given by  x˙ = Ax + Bu, (6.33) y = Cx + Du, where x ∈ n is the vector of state variables, or simply states, y ∈ p is the vector of system output and u ∈ m is the vector of system input. The matrices A, B, C and D are the system parameters describing the internal dynamics of the system. These matrices can be obtained either through the physical laws governing the dynamics of the system or by realization from a previously found system transfer function. The second option is particularly helpful in actual applications, where system identification techniques available for transfer functions can be employed to obtain state space models. The first method to be discussed here for obtaining the state space matrices of an LTI system relies on the physical laws that govern the dynamics of the system. In other words, the state space description of a linear system is derived from the differential equations representing the system dynamics. Consider once again the single-axis AMB system shown in Fig. 6.8. Ignoring the structural damping existing in the rotor, the dynamics of the rotor suspension system is described by the second order ordinary differential equation, M y¨ = F.


The rotor is a solid mass, and the control input F is the force applied by the AMB actuator on the rotor. Define the system state vector x such that   x x= 1 x2   y = . (6.35) y˙ Then the second order differential equation in Eq. (6.34) can now be rewritten as a set of two first order differential equations in terms of the newly defined states,

6.2 Modern Control


⎧ ⎨ x˙1 = x2 , x˙ = 1 F, ⎩ 2 M y = x1 .


The force applied by the AMB actuator on the rotor was linearized in Eq. (3.30) to be a function of the displacement y and the perturbation current ip . By combining the equation for the actuator force and the dynamic equations for the rotor suspension in Eq. (6.36), we obtain the following system of equations: ⎧ ⎨ x˙1 = x2 , (6.37) x˙ = Kx x + Kx i , ⎩ 2 M 1 M p y = x1 . The control input for the above system is the actuator coil current ip , and the controlled output is once again the rotor displacement y. By restructuring the above system of equations into the matrix form, we obtain a dynamic model of the rotor supported by the AMB expressed in the standard linear state space form,     ⎧ 0 0 1 ⎪ ⎨ x˙ = x + Ki ip , Kx −M 0 (6.38) m ⎪   ⎩ y = 1 0 x. The state space description of a linear system can also be realized from a transfer function obtained either analytically or experimentally. The most intuitive procedure for deriving a state space model from the transfer function is based on a simulation diagram of the system. The simulation diagram illustrates the signal flow from the input to the output, employing only algebraic operators and single integrator blocks. With the output of each integrator block defined as a state variable, the system output and the first derivative of all states can be expressed as linear combinations of the defined state variables and the system input. This procedure is illustrated in greater detail in the following example. Consider the third order transfer function G(s) describing the dynamics of a plant to be controlled, b1 s 2 + b 2 s + b 3 G(s) = 3 . (6.39) s + a1 s 2 + a2 s + a3 The equation for the output of the system in response to an external control input U (s) can be found from the above transfer function. We will also rewrite the transfer function in terms of integrators 1/s, instead of differentiators s, Y (s) = G(s)U (s) =

b1 s 2 + b2 s + b3 U (s) s 3 + a1 s 2 + a2 s + a3


b1 /s + b2 /s 2 + b3 /s 3 U (s), 1 + a1 /s + a2 /s 2 + a3 /s 3



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.19 A simulation diagram

from which we have a2 b2 a3 b1 b3 a1 Y (s) − 2 Y (s) − 3 Y (s) + U (s) + 2 U (s) + 3 U (s). (6.40) s s s s s s t Recall that F (s)/s is the Laplace transform of 0 f (τ )dτ . The output Y (s) in the above equation is found from integrating the time history of the output and the input signals, and the simulation diagram for the system in Eq. (6.40) is shown in Fig. 6.19, where a state xi is defined as the output of each integrator block. Observing that input to the ith integrator in from left to right Fig. 6.19 equals the first derivative of a state variable xi , we can readily write the state equations as ⎧ x˙1 = −a1 x1 + x2 + b1 u, ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ x˙2 = −a2 x1 + x3 + b2 u, (6.41) x˙3 = −a3 x1 + b3 u, ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ y = x1 , Y (s) = −

or, in matrix form, ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨

−a1 x˙ = ⎣ −a2 −a3 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪  ⎩ y= 1 0

⎤ ⎡ ⎤ b1 1 0 0 1 ⎦ x + ⎣ b2 ⎦ ip , 0 0 b3  0 x.


The particular structure of the above state space realization is known as the observer canonical form [73]. The relevance of this and other canonical realizations of state space systems is discussed in detail in [73].

6.2.2 Solution to the State Space Equation Consider the state space system presented in Eq. (6.33). The objective here is to find an analytical solution to the evolution of the state vector or the output vector as a

6.2 Modern Control


function of time. The derivation starts with the state space equation, x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bu(t). Multiplying both sides of the above equation by an exponential function e−At , we obtain ˙ = e−At Ax(t) + e−At Bu(t), e−At x(t) from which we have e−At x(t) ˙ − e−At Ax(t) = e−At Bu(t).


We recall the following property of the matrix exponential eAt : d −At e = −e−At A. dt With this property in mind, we can rewrite Eq. (6.43) as  d  −At e x(t) = e−At Bu(t), dt from which we have  0


 d  −Aτ e x(τ ) (d)τ = dτ

that is, t e−Aτ x(τ )0 =



e−Aτ Bu(τ ) dτ,


e−Aτ Bu(τ ) dτ.


We can now readily solve for x(t) as 


x(t) = e x(0) + At

e−A(t−τ ) Bu(τ ) dτ.



Substituting this expression for x(t) into Eq. (6.33), we obtain the time response of the system output vector,  y(t) = CeAt x(0) +


CeA(t−τ ) Bu(τ ) dτ + Du(t).



It is clear from the above equation that the output response of a state space system is composed of two parts. The first part is the zero input response, which is the response due to the initial condition x(0). The second part is the zero state response, which is the response due to the external input u(t) to the system.



Introduction to Control Theory

A system output response that is of particular interest in control theory involves an impulse input function, that is, u(t) = δ(t), where  ∞ if t = 0, δ(t) = (6.46) 0 if t = 0, and zero initial condition x(0) = 0. This output response of the state space system is found from Eq. (6.45) to be  t CeA(t−τ ) Bδ(τ ) dτ + Dδ(t) y(t) = 0

= CeA(t−τ ) B|τ =0 + Dδ(t) = CeA(t) B + Dδ(t)  g(t).


The function g(t) defined above is known as the impulse response of the system, and it is the time domain equivalence of the transfer function. It can be easily found that for a linear system with zero initial conditions, the output response to any input u(t) is the convolution between the input signal and the system impulse response,  t y(t) = g(t − τ )u(τ ) dτ. (6.48) 0

By taking the Laplace transform of both sides of Eq. (6.48), we obtain Y (s) = G(s)U (s),


where G(s) is the Laplace transform of g(t). This indicates that the transfer function of an LTI system is the Laplace transform of its impulse response.

6.2.3 Stability of Systems with State Space Representation The condition for stability of a system represented by a state space model can be deduced by looking back at the stability conditions based on its transfer function. Consider a SISO system represented by the state space model in Eq. (6.33). By letting the initial condition x(0) = 0 and taking the Laplace transform of the state equation, we obtain  sX(s) = AX(s) + BU (s), Y (s) = CX(s). The above system of equations is solved for the output Y (s) in terms of the input, U (s), Y (s) = C(sI − A)−1 BU (s) + DU (s).


6.2 Modern Control


Finally, the transfer function matrix is defined to be the ratio between the output and the input in the frequency domain, Y (s) = C(sI − A)−1 B + D U (s) =C

adj(sI − A) B +D det(sI − A)



We notices from Eq. (6.51) that the poles of the transfer function G(s) corresponding to the state space system in Eq. (6.33) come from the eigenvalues of the state space matrix A. Recall that the transfer function G(s) is stable if and only if all its poles have negative real parts. Hence, it can be concluded that the transfer function G(s) is stable if all eigenvalues of A have negative real parts. On the other hand, G(s) being stable does not imply that all eigenvalues of A have negative real parts, because possible zero/pole cancelations in Eq. (6.51) could prevent eigenvalues corresponding to unstable poles from appearing in G(s). Consider the example of a simple state space system,     ⎧ ⎨ x˙ = 0 1 x + 0 u, 1 0 1 (6.52)   ⎩ y = 1 −1 x. The eigenvalues λ1,2 of the state matrix A are found to be λ1,2 = ±1. Thus, one of the eigenvalues of A has a positive real part, which would correspond to an unstable pole in the equivalent transfer function representation as derived in Eq. (6.51) prior to any zero/pole cancelation. However, the actual transfer function of the state space system in Eq. (6.52) is found to be  G(s) = 1


s −1 −1 s


s −1 (s + 1)(s − 1)


1 . s +1

−1   0 1

We notice that the transfer function G(s) is stable with a single pole on the negative real axis. The second eigenvalue of A with positive real part was canceled by a zero during the conversion and does not appear in the transfer function. Zeros of a system are the roots of the numerator polynomial of its transfer function. This pole zero cancelation represents a problem since the state space system clearly has an



Introduction to Control Theory

unstable eigenvalue affecting the internal states, but the transfer function shows that the unstable dynamics is not observed in the system output. Therefore, two different notions of stability have been defined when we consider both the transfer function and the state space representations of a linear system [28]. • External stability: If all poles of the transfer function representation of the system have negative real parts, then the system is BIBO stable, or externally stable. • Internal stability: If all eigenvalues of the matrix A from the state space representation of the system have negative real parts, then the system is said to be asymptotically stable, or internally stable. From the discussion above, it is clear that internal stability is a stronger stability notion than external stability in the sense that internal stability implies external stability but not vice versa. In the above discussion, we have limited ourselves to SISO systems for brevity. The notions of stability for MIMO systems are natural generalization of their SISO counterparts. The details can be found in [28].

6.2.4 Controllability The notion that some dynamics of a state space system cannot be excited by the input perturbation or detected from the output signal motivates the introduction of the concepts of controllability and observability. A state space system in the form of x˙ = Ax + Bu,

x ∈ n , u ∈ m ,


or simply the pair (A, B), is said to be controllable if for any initial state x(0) = x0 and any final state xf there exists an input u(t) that can cause the system to transfer from the initial state x0 to the final state xf in a finite time [28]. Otherwise, (A, B) is said to be uncontrollable. The concept of controllability is important in control theory since it provides information on what the control input can and cannot do in exciting the system dynamics. Based on the controllability of the system, actuators can be added or reconfigured to provide the appropriate set of control input to the system to achieve the control objectives. One way of testing the controllability of a linear state space system is to check the rank of the controllability matrix C, which is defined in the following theorem. Theorem 6.2 [28] For the state equation given in Eq. (6.53), the pair (A, B) is controllable if and only if the n × nm controllability matrix   C = B AB A2 B · · · An−1 B (6.54) has full row rank (rank n).

6.2 Modern Control


Fig. 6.20 A platform with simplified spring/damper support

In what follows, we adopt the following example from [28] to illustrate the concept of controllability of a state space system. Consider the static platform supported by two spring/damper bearing systems at each end as shown in Fig. 6.20. Assume that the mass of the platform is zero. The states xi ’s of the system are the displacements of the platform at the support locations and the control input u(t) is the force applied at the platform midspan. The damping coefficient di and spring constant ki are given in the figure for each bearing support. The state equations for the motion of the platform are given by 1 1 x˙1 = − x1 + u, 2 2 x˙2 = −x2 + u. The corresponding state space matrices and the controllability matrix for the above system of equations are     1 − 12 0 A= , B= 2 , 1 0 −1 and 

C= A

AB =

1 2

− 14




The rank of the above controllability matrix is 2, and thus the state space system is controllable. For the particular case where the initial condition is x0 = [10, −1]T and the desired final state is at the origin xf = [0, 0]T , the control input u(t) = −58.82e0.5t + 27.96et


will drive the system from x0 to xf in 2 seconds. The input signal and the simulated state trajectories are shown in Fig. 6.21. Now, consider again the same platform system as in Fig. 6.20, but with the damping coefficient of the first support d1 = 1, instead of d1 = 2 as previously considered. Then, the system state equation becomes     −1 0 1 x˙ = + u. (6.56) 0 −1 1



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.21 System state and control input

The corresponding controllability matrix is given by   1 −1 C= , 1 −1


which has a rank of 1. Thus the system is no longer controllable. Indeed, it is intuitive that for any initial condition x1 (0) = x2 (0) no control input u(t) can drive both states to the origin in a finite time, as both supports are completely symmetric. The controllability property is important in controller implementation because it indicates if the selected set of actuators is sufficient to control the internal dynamics of the plant. This is of especial concern if the system has unstable or poorly damped dynamics. On the other hand, by thoughtfully selecting the control input to the plant we can minimize the number of actuators required to achieve the system controllability. This way, the cost and complexity of the hardware required for the controller implementation can be reduced. For AMB applications, the controllability property can be achieved by selecting the appropriate bearing locations along the rotor.

6.2.5 Observability Just as the external input may not be able to control all the system states independently, the information of all the states may not be uniquely detected from the system

6.2 Modern Control


output signal. The possibility of extracting the information of all system states from the output signal is related to the concept of observability. The state equation  x˙ = Ax + Bu, x ∈ n , u ∈ m , (6.58) y = Cx, y ∈ p , or simply the pair (A, C), is said to be observable if for any t1 > 0, the knowledge of u and y over [t0 , t1 ] suffices to determine uniquely the initial state x(t0 ) [28]. Otherwise, the pair (A, C) is said to be unobservable. In other words, a system is observable if any segment of the time history of the input and output signal contains enough information to trace back the trajectory of the states. The observability property can tell us how much information about the system state is contained in the output signal. Based on the observability condition, sensors measuring the system output can be added or reconfigured to provide the adequate level of information that is needed to achieve the desired control objectives. As with the controllability, the observability of a system can be checked through the corresponding observability matrix defined in the following theorem. Theorem 6.3 [28] For the state equation given in Eq. (6.58), the pair (A, C) is observable if and only if the np × n observability matrix ⎤ ⎡ C ⎢ CA ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ (6.59) O = ⎢ CA ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎣ . ⎦ CAn−1 has full column rank (rank n). We notice that the rank of the observability matrix of the pair (A, C) is the same as the rank of the controllability matrix of a dual system (AT , C T ). In fact, an important property that is hinted in the similarities between the controllability and observability matrices is the duality property for linear state space systems. This property states that the pair (A, B) is controllable if and only if the pair (AT , B T ) is observable. By the same token, (A, C) is observable if and only if (AT , C T ) is controllable. The test for observability is illustrated in the following example. Consider the single-axis AMB system previously presented in Fig. 6.8. The state space representation of the system model was given in Eq. (6.36), and the corresponding state and output matrices are   0 1 , A= − KMx 0 and

  C= 1 0 .



Introduction to Control Theory

The observability matrix for the above matrix pair is found to be   C O= CA   1 0 = , 0 1


which has a rank of two. Therefore the single-axis AMB system is observable, and the output signal contains the appropriate information to uniquely determine the state of the system. The notion of observability is important in the design of state estimators for use in, for example, output feedback controllers. In cases where the state measurements of the system are not available as feedback information to the controller, the observability property indicates whether the values of these states can be estimated from the system input/output signals. This allows the control system to maximize the use of the information collected on the plant, while employing only the measurements of a small number of sensors. Thus, the cost and complexity of the controller implementation is greatly decreased by achieving the observability condition with a reduced number of sensors. For AMB applications, the observability property can be achieved by selecting the appropriate displacement sensor locations along the rotor.

6.2.6 Optimization-Based Control Designs A natural question that one would ask when designing a control system is if the obtained closed-loop performance and robustness are the best that a controller can achieve, or if there is room for additional improvement. One way to address this question is to automatize the controller synthesis problem based on a list of desired control objectives and system constraints. Employing concepts from modern control theory and Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI), automated algorithms have been developed for synthesizing optimal control laws that minimize specific objective or cost functions for the closed-loop system while meeting a given set of constraints. The cost function serves as a performance criterion describing the tradeoffs between the different control objectives, and the optimization problem attempts to find the best controller that balances performance, robustness and control effort of the closedloop system. The goal of every optimal controller synthesis method is usually related to the minimization of a certain objective function of the closed-loop system. Naturally, the resulting optimal control law depends on the objective function that is adopted. Three commonly adopted objective functions are based on the H2 norm, the H∞ norm and the structured singular value of the closed-loop transfer function. The designs based on these norms will be described in more detail in the remainder of this chapter.

6.2 Modern Control

179 Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) The first type of optimal control law to be presented here minimizes the energy of the system input and output. Compared to the other optimization methods that will be presented later in this section, the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), and its variant Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulator, have the advantage of achieving better transient response properties for the closed-loop system since the optimization problem is originally defined in the time domain. Consider the linear state space system,  x˙ = Ax + Bu, y = Cx, where the pair (A, B) is controllable. The objective of the LQR optimization problem is to find the time function u(t) that minimizes the quadratic cost function given as  ∞  T  J= x (t)Qx(t) + uT (t)Ru(t) dt, (6.61) 0

where Q is a positive semidefinite matrix and R is a positive definite matrix. We ∞ recall that the value of the integral 0 u2 dt represents the energy of a time signal u(t). Therefore, for the particular case of Q = C T C, the objective function of the LQR problem becomes  ∞  T  J= x (t)C T Cx(t) + uT (t)Ru(t) dt 0



 y(t)2 + uT (t)Ru(t) dt.



The resulting objective function is a sum of the energy of the output y(t) and the 1 weighted control input R 2 u(t). The condition of R > 0 emphasizes that the energy of the control effort must be finite [123]. An analytical solution to the optimization problem with the quadratic objective function in Eq. (6.61) can be found. The control input to the state space system that optimizes the quadratic cost function has been found to be [95] u(t) = −R −1 B T P x(t),


where P is the unique positive definite solution to the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE), AT P + P A − P BR −1 B T P = −Q.


The algorithm for solving the above Riccati equation and finding the optimal controller for the LQR problem is implemented in the Matlab Control Toolbox as the lqr function.



Introduction to Control Theory

The LQR problem with the objective function as given in Eq. (6.62) minimizes the energy of the output signal, but it does not specifically limit the energy of the states x(t). Therefore, the solution of the LQR problem for the general state space system can be shown to result in BIBO stability, but the states that are not observable from the system output y(t) cannot be controlled/stabilized. The condition for the LQR problem to guarantee the internal stability of the closed-loop system is given in the following theorem. Theorem 6.4 [123] Let Q = C T C. If (A, C) is observable, then the closed-loop system   x˙ = A − R −1 BB T P x (6.65) is asymptotically stable. Thus, if the system states can be observed by the objective function in the LQR problem, then an optimal control law can be synthesized so that it bounds the energy of the internal states. As shown in Eq. (6.63), the solution of the LQR problem generates a state feedback controller. In most applications, direct state measurements are not available, and state estimators or observers are employed to generate the feedback signal from the plant output measurements. When the optimal solution of the LQR problem is paired with an optimal Kalman filter to estimate the system state, the combined output feedback controller is known as a Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulator or H2 controller. A particular property of this controller is that it minimizes the H2 norm of the closed-loop system, which is defined as G22 

1 2π

∞ −∞

  Trace G∗ (j ω)G(j ω) dω.


More details on LQG regulators can be found in Chap. 7. A list of examples for H2 controllers implemented on AMB systems were summarized in Sect. 3.13.1 of Chap. 3. The H2 norm of G(s) can be seen graphically in the Bode plots as the area under the magnitude curve, as illustrated in Fig. 6.22. For example, if the transfer function G(s) describes the dynamics from the input disturbance to the system output, the H2 controller minimizes the area under the magnitude curve of the transfer function to improve the disturbance rejection capability of the system. A weakness of this method is that it does not prevent the magnitude curve from displaying high peaks over narrow frequency bands, while still maintaining a small area under the entire magnitude curve. In cases such as this, which are common in rotor resonance frequencies in AMB levitation systems, the closed-loop system would see a rapid decay in the performance in the presence of disturbances within the specified frequency bands.

6.2 Modern Control


Fig. 6.22 H2 and H∞ norms in the Bode plots H∞ Control The second type of optimal control synthesis method that is explored in this section is the H∞ control design. This variation of the optimal control problem minimizes a cost function based on the infinity norm of the closed-loop system. The infinity norm, or the supremum norm, for a real rational proper transfer function G(s) is defined as the supremum of the maximum magnitude value over all frequencies ω,   G∞  sup F (j ω).



In other words, the H∞ norm of a transfer function G(s) is the peak value of the magnitude |G(j ω)| over all frequencies ω. The graphical interpretation of the H∞ norm is illustrated in the magnitude plot in Fig. 6.22. The solution of the H∞ control problem minimizes the infinity norm of the closed-loop system transfer function G(s) between the input and output signals selected in the problem definition. If G(s) is the transfer function from the disturbance to the controlled output, then a smaller G(s)∞ indicates a stronger disturbance rejection capability for all input frequencies. Consider the interconnected system in Fig. 6.23, where the state space representation of a system G(s) is given as ⎧ ⎨ x˙ = Ax + B1 w + B2 u, y = C2 x + D21 w, (6.68) ⎩ z = C1 x + D12 u. Similar to the weighting matrices Q and R in the LQR problem, the H∞ control synthesis employs frequency dependent weighting functions that are integrated into the system model G(s). The weighted input w(t) and the weighted output z(t) are generally the output and input to the different weighting functions in the optimal control problem, and they are utilized to quantify the control objectives of the H∞ controller. The objective of the H∞ control design problem is to find the stabilizing controller K(s) such that the H∞ norm Tzw ∞ of the closed-loop transfer function from input w to output z is minimized.



Introduction to Control Theory

Fig. 6.23 Interconnected system in H∞ controller design

For an LTI system with the state space representation in the form of Eq. (6.68), the optimal H∞ control can be found analytically as   ⎧ ⎨ x˙ˆ = A + 1 B B T X + B K + Z L C xˆ − Z L y, 1 1 ∞ 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ 2 ∞ ∞ γ2 (6.69) ⎩ u = K∞ x, ˆ where K∞ = −B2T X∞ ,


−Y∞ C2T ,


L∞ =

−1  Z∞ = I − γ −2 Y∞ X∞ ,


and the positive definite matrices X∞ and Y∞ are, respectively, the unique solutions to the Riccati equations, AT X∞ + X∞ A +

1 X∞ B1 B1T X∞ − X∞ B2 B2T X∞ + C1T C1 = 0, γ2


1 Y∞ C1 C1T Y∞ − Y∞ C2 C2T Y∞ + B1T B1 = 0. γ2


and AT Y∞ + Y∞ A +

Under this feedback law, the norm of the closed-loop transfer function is bounded by Tzw (s)∞ < γ . An iterative method has been implemented in the Matlab Robust Control Toolbox as the hinfsyn function, where the above analytical solution is computed for gradually decreased values of γ . The outputs from this iterative algorithm are the smallest value of γ for which an analytical solution can be found, and the corresponding feedback control law K(s). A review of the available literature related to the application of H∞ controllers for AMB systems was presented in Sect. 3.13.2 in Chap. 3. μ Synthesis The μ synthesis controller is commonly viewed as an extension of the traditional H∞ control method. As in the H∞ control, the objective of the optimization problem is in part to minimize the infinity norm of the closed-loop transfer function between the input and output signal selected for measuring the control performance.

6.2 Modern Control


Fig. 6.24 Interconnected system in μ synthesis

One feature that the μ synthesis method adds to the optimization problem is that the model uncertainty in the plant equation is specifically defined in the optimization problem. With this, the solution of the μ synthesis is found such that it also maximizes the level of uncertainty that the closed-loop system can tolerate before becoming unstable. Although the H∞ controller can also be formulated such that some information of the plant uncertainty is included in the synthesis process for robust control, only an upper magnitude bound of the uncertainty is added to the derivation of the control law, which results in a conservative feedback controller. On the other hand, the uncertainties in the μ synthesis method are directly integrated in the plant model, and it employs the information of both the magnitude and the structure of these unmodeled dynamics. Thus, the resulting controller is less conservative, particularly for parametric uncertainties such as critical speed and gyroscopics in AMB rotor suspension systems, as will be described in more detail in Chap. 7. The robustness of the closed-loop system to a structured uncertainty in the μ synthesis problem is measured through the Structured Singular Value. Consider the interconnected system in Fig. 6.24, with the plant and controller model given by G(s) and K(s), respectively. The uncertainty in the plant model is represented by Δ(s), which can also be defined as a function of frequency. Without loss of generality, the uncertainty block and the plant model are scaled such that the maximum magnitude of Δ(s) is one. The structured singular value at a given frequency is defined as [17] μΔ (M) 

1 , min{σ (Δ) : det(I − MΔ) = 0, Δ ∈ Λ}


where Λ is the set of all structured uncertainties in the system, and M(s) is the closed-loop system composed of the plant and the controller equations as shown in Fig. 6.24. The function σ represents the maximum singular value of the given matrix. From the definition in Eq. (6.75), the maximum magnitude of the uncertainty Δ that makes (I − MΔ) singular is 1/μΔ (M). Because the system was scaled such that |Δ| ≤ 1, we conclude from Eq. 6.75 that the interconnected loop in Fig. 6.24 for a given s is nonsingular to any structured uncertainty Δ in Λ if 1/μΔ (M) > 1, or μΔ (M) < 1. Additionally, if the structured singular value of M(s) is less than



Introduction to Control Theory

one for all frequencies ω,   MΔ = sup μΔ M(j ω) < 1,



then the interconnected system is nonsingular/stable for any structured uncertainty Δ(s). In this case, we say that the interconnected system is robustly stable [17]. The objective of the μ synthesis problem is to find the stabilizing controller K(s) that minimizes MΔ of the interconnected system and the H∞ norm Tzw ∞ of the closed-loop transfer function from the input w to the output z. The synthesis of the μ controller is a non-convex optimization problem, and efficient numerically methods for obtaining a direct solution does not exist. The D-K iterative method gives an indirect approximation of a semi-optimal solution to the μ synthesis problem, by simultaneously solving two convex optimization problems. The D-K iterative method has been implemented in the Matlab Robust Control Toolbox as the dksyn function. A summary of the literature on μ synthesis controllers for AMB systems applications was given in Sect. 3.13.3.

6.3 Conclusions A brief overview of classical and modern control theories were presented in this chapter. Some ideas in control theory that we considered necessary for understanding the design and implementation of the active surge and the rotor levitation controllers were summarized here. As mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, the intention of this chapter was to introduce only the concepts in control theory that we found to be relevant to the material presented in this book. Because of the limitation in space, many important topics were not fully explored and some others were just mentioned in passing. For a more complete description of the ideas presented here, we recommend the reader to refer to the published work cited throughout this chapter. Many of the concepts treated in this chapter will be revisited during the designs of the rotor levitation controller in Chap. 7 and the active surge control law in Chap. 8. For example, many of the optimal control synthesis methods presented in this chapter will be employed in designing the different AMB controllers. Also, we will find out in the later chapters that robust stability plays an important role for the success of both the AMB rotor levitation controller and the active surge controller.

Chapter 7

Control Design for Rotor Suspension

This chapter presents the design of the AMB rotor levitation controllers for the compressor test rig described in Chap. 4. First of all, we discuss in detail the different standards that have been developed for machines with AMBs. These standards are frequently referred to by both the compressor manufacturers and the end-users during the design, manufacturing and commissioning of AMB-supported machines. The general API standards for axial and centrifugal compressors were presented earlier in Chap. 2. Here we review the available standards that specifically target AMB-supported compressors and other rotating machines. The requirements and recommendations for new machines that are defined in these standards will be followed during the design of the AMB levitation controllers throughout this chapter. Next, the derivation of the mathematical model describing the lateral and axial dynamics of the rotor/AMB system is presented. The finite-element approach discussed in Chap. 2 is combined with a modal reduction method in order to obtain an accurate reduced-order model of the rotor radial dynamics. The AMB actuator force equation and the dynamics of the electronic components in the control loop, such as the current amplifiers and the sensors, are also included in the final model. In the axial direction, the dynamic capabilities of the thrust AMB are susceptible to the eddy current losses and the back-EMF effect induced by the journal motion. Therefore, linearized approximations of these inefficiencies are also discussed. Finally, the rotor levitation controllers are designed and implemented for the radial and thrust AMBs. The controllers presented in this chapter are designed to satisfy the API and ISO standards for new compressors with AMB supports. In the lateral direction, an LQG controller is designed to minimize the rotor vibrations caused by the rotor unbalance forces. For the thrust AMB, an H∞ controller is synthesized to maximized the tracking performance of the impeller position. Accurate control of the rotor axial position is required for the success of the surge control strategy proposed in this book. In all cases, the controllers are implemented on the test rig, and experimental measurements are presented to validate the modeling and the characteristics of the theoretical closed-loop system. S.Y. Yoon et al., Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4240-9_7, © Springer-Verlag London 2013



7 Control Design for Rotor Suspension

7.1 Specifications for Machines with AMBs Swanson et al. presented in [111] a discussion on the published rotor-dynamic standards and design recommendations available for machines with AMB supports. Same as in traditional rolling element and fluid-film bearings, the purpose of an AMB support is to limit the rotor vibration caused by the presence of external destabilizing forces. Therefore, it is expected that the basic rotor-dynamic specifications for machines supported on both AMBs and passive bearings focus on essentially the same concerns, which include the stability margin and unbalance response of the rotor/bearing system. The rotor-dynamic specifications developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for compressors were discussed in detail in Chap. 2, and large segments of these standards are directly applicable for machines with AMBs. However, there are some requirements in the API standards which were developed specifically based on the experiences with rolling element and fluid-film bearings. These requirements are largely considered to be inadequate for AMB applications [111]. For example, the API rotor vibration limit for com√ pressors is given as the smallest of 12,000/N mil and 1 mil, where N is the rotor speed in rpm. This is generally a very small fraction of the clearance available in AMB systems, and a more efficient and robust magnetic support system could be designed by relaxing the vibration requirement in machines with magnetic bearings. The API 617 Annex 4F, Application Considerations for Active Magnetic Bearings, was the initial attempt by the API for accommodating the unique properties of the AMBs in the standards for expander-compressors. This addition to the API 617 standard was intended to acknowledge the advances made in the non-contact bearing technologies and to expand the existing requirements for API compliant machines. An important contribution of this informative section on active magnetic bearings is the increase in the maximum allowable rotor displacement relative to the auxiliary bearing center to 30 % of the minimum clearance. This provided a more realistic design requirement for AMB manufacturers in terms of maximum allowable rotor vibration level. New versions of the API 617 standard are expected to include additional requirements on the forced response and stability margin analyses specifically designed for the API compliant AMB-supported compressors. The International Organization of Standardization also published a set of standards for AMB-supported machines. The ISO 14839 standards were developed to complement the requirements on the unbalance response and stability margin analyses as given in the various ISO standards for rotating machines. Differently from the API standards, which are defined to be strict acceptance criteria employed to evaluate the different machines in the refinery service, the ISO standards were presented as design recommendations for acceptable machines [111]. The ISO 14839 standards for rotating machines with AMBs categorize the rotor-dynamic systems based on the observed vibration level and stability margin.

7.1 Specifications for Machines with AMBs


Fig. 7.1 Rotor orbit as measured by ISO

7.1.1 Vibration Level The standard for evaluating the vibration level of AMB systems is defined in ISO 14839-2 Mechanical Vibration—Vibration of Rotating Machinery Equipped with Active Magnetic Bearings—Part 2: Evaluation of Vibration [66]. This standard defines the maximum rotor vibration levels for AMB-supported machines, and it is developed to work in junction with the ISO 10814 [64] to regulate the forced response characteristics of acceptable machines. The second part of the ISO 14839 also describes the required equipment configuration and testing procedure for evaluating the forced response. Differently from traditional passive bearings, the rotor vibration level in the forced response of AMB systems is measured relative to the center of the component with the minimum clearance Cmin , as shown in Fig. 7.1. In most AMB systems, this corresponds to the center of the auxiliary bearing. The ISO standard 14839-2 defines the zones in the following manner based on the observed vibration level. Zone A: Machines with vibration level normally expected for newly commissioned equipments. The peak rotor displacement for a machine in this zone is below 30 % of the minimum clearance Cmin . Zone B: Machines with vibration level that is normally considered acceptable for unrestricted long-term operation. The peak rotor displacement for a machine in this zone is between 30 % and 40 % of the minimum clearance Cmin . Zone C: Machines with vibration level that is normally considered unacceptable for long-term operation. Limited time operation of the machine is generally allowed


7 Control Design for Rotor Suspension

until remedial actions are taken in the next suitable opportunity. The peak rotor displacement for a machine in this zone is between 40 % and 50 % of the minimum clearance Cmin . Zone D: Machines with vibration level that are considered to be sufficiently severe to damage the equipment. The peak rotor displacement for a machine in this zone is above 50 % of the minimum clearance Cmin . The rotor-dynamic requirements on the amplification factors and separation margins corresponding to the critical speeds of the AMB system are the same as in the case of traditional passive bearings. For more information on these requirements, please refer to Chap. 2.

7.1.2 Stability Margin The standard for evaluating the stability margin of AMB systems is defined in ISO 14839-3 Mechanical Vibration—Vibration of Rotating Machinery Equipped with Active Magnetic Bearings—Part 3: Evaluation of Stability Margin [67]. Differently from the other standards developed for AMB-supported machines, ISO 14839 introduces a new method to evaluate the stability margin of the AMB system. The approach described in ISO 14839-3 is related to the phase margin and gain margin concepts presented in Chap. 6. The peak magnitude value of the closed-loop AMB sensitivity function is inversely proportional to the gain margin of the system, as shown in [67]. Therefore, a smaller peak in the sensitivity function corresponds to a larger gain margin of the AMB system, and thus a larger stability margin. The perturbation and measurement points specified in the ISO 14839-3 standard for obtaining the sensitivity function S(s) is shown in Fig. 7.2 for a single AMB control axis. The input signal E(s) is the injection point of the excitation signal. The ISO 14839-3 standard defines four zones based on the peak magnitude of the sensitivity function. Zone A: Machines with sensitivity functions normally expected for newly commissioned equipments. The peak magnitude of the sensitivity function for a machine in this zone is below 3 (9.5 dB). Zone B: Machines with sensitivity functions that are normally considered acceptable for unrestricted long-term operation. The peak magnitude of the sensitivity function for a machine in this zone is between 3 (9.5 dB) and 4 (12 dB). Zone C: Machines with sensitivity functions that are normally considered unacceptable for long-term operation. Limited time operation of the machine is generally allowed until remedial actions are taken in the next suitable opportunity. The peak magnitude of the sensitivity function for a machine in this zone is between 4 (12 dB) and 5 (14 dB). Zone D: Machines with sensitivity functions that are considered to be sufficiently severe to damage the equipment. The peak magnitude of the sensitivity function for a machine in this zone is above 5 (14 dB).

7.1 Specifications for Machines with AMBs


Fig. 7.2 Measurement points for the sensitivity function

Table 7.1 Zone limit criteria as recommended by ISO 14839 [65–67]

Zone Limit

Max. Displacement

Peak Sensitivity